View Full Version : The Forbidden Land of Sundara: Insurgency IC III

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Plushie Arz
2015-06-22, 06:03 PM
"Stay out of Magnus' range." Commanded Lerethi, looking to the skies for the source of the enemy archmagus' voice. She started casting the first of her borrowed spells, a transmutation that coated her skin in a layer of stone "He relies on his spellpower like a crutch. I can cast a prismatic sphere over us."

Shenra heard a soft voice in her subconsciousness. "Accept this gift, Child of Ona." She felt a surge of power flowing through her and looked back at where Vyer once laid. The stormsinger was gone and a pale stream of light was in her place. It passed through her and she felt her spirits rising, her arcane knowledge restored and every single spell available to her at her fingertips.

DM: Shenra has her spell slots restored as if she had 8 hours of rest.

* * *

"So you challenge me in the archmage's stead? She cannot fight herself so she sends a transformed champion? Very well." Katria circled the temple, feeling the warm air under her wings as the currents carried her upwards for the first time. The sensation was completely different to that of the flight spell and she sensed it was her transformed body, not magic, that lifted her into the skies.

Five hundred feet in the air and four hundred feet away, she saw him. The red robed wizard was surrounded by eight blinking copies of himself and he shimmered with the glow of his wards. Despite the distance, his voice was as clear as if he were standing next to her. "Come at me, then."

2015-06-22, 08:45 PM
Magnus! The man's voice echoed around the temple complex and he felt the dark wolf beating against its cage. There was no time for anger though. Ross attempted to order Magnus to stop but as Aurix suspected, he did not answer to the Field Marshals, and for his part Ross was cut down. Turned to dust and then burned by acid until there was not enough vessel to hold the soul.
The acid burned away at him as well. The smell was acrid While Aurix was swift enough to shield himself from most of the harm, others were not so lucky. 46 of the 63 beings standing here were reduced to corpses. He took stock of the situation. The monolith was lightly damaged but the talismans on the floor were completely fine. The remaining soldiers all stood within 20-30 ft of Feeona and Aurix.

Feeona sidled up next to him and spoke softly,

“You have keen eyes but there's too many. I'll comfort who I can. If you see a light from me, consider it a signal the one beside me is fading quickly. We save more together. Fair?”

"Feeona I have a better idea. It will take me too long to get to everyone but you have studied the way of the Devoted Spirit. You could heal many from where we stand now. You need only consider those men allies so that they can benefit from your gift. Consider me your enemy and strike me so that you may heal the others. Like you said, we save more together."
Aurix channelled a charge of negative energy into his chain shirt, hoping that though it was now an intelligent creature, the negative energy would not harm it as it hadn't before. Once he had done that Aurix opened his arms to accept the attack from Feeona all the while turning his thoughts to Aegis.
Aegis, I'm sorry for discharging negative energy against you are you well?
I am Master, negative energy doesn't affect me and I still have the enchantment that protects you from it as well. The acid on the other hand has affected me some what but I have not been too damaged by the acid.
Good. I need you to put the talismans back onto the monolith. Use your mage hand. I do not know which order they are to go in but Ricin is in the right place. Once every talisman is back in place repair any damage on yourself and cast resistance on you and me.
I will do my best but there are 24 different combinations of positions
That's ok, just do them one at a time. You'll feel it when one is in the right place


Aurix - Initiative

Aurix - Move Action - open myself up to be hit willingly - treat Aurix as 'helpless' against Feeona's attacks for the moment.

-5 Dex Aurix's mod and +4 to attack for Feeona.

Aurix - Standard Action - Touch of the Shadow Sun (Negative)

Discharged against Aegis - no effect

Free Action - Talk and telepathy

Aegis - Standard Action - Cast Mage hand

Picks up the Kornari and places it in slot [roll1]

hewa cha'sid

The emerald gem known as the Kornari lifted up from the floor as if picked up by an invisible being and it floated to the monolith where Ricin was socketed before being placed down in a socket itself.

2015-06-22, 08:54 PM

The feeling of flying free with the birds and other avian creatures was a new exilerating feeling to her. The air under her wings and the locomotion of flight practically made her giddy with glee. The trip around Caan Yupat gave her time to get used to this body some and her maneuver capabilities. All this did not distract her from the peril at hand...Magnus.

Flying in his direction Katria feels a slight worry. She didn't like going to him. Who knows what wiles of magic he had ready as protections or offensively, the mutliple copies means he's definitely prepared. She rushes through the sky getting as close as possible, her wings beating hurredly.

full-round action - run to Magnus(180 ft * 4 = 720 ft)





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

Plushie Arz
2015-06-22, 09:13 PM
Katria hurtled towards Magnus but the archmage was prepared. A cage of shimmering force sprung up before she could even move within two hundred feet of the mage, entrapping her in its confines. "Pitiful." He sneered.

Magnus started shifting, his own body rippling, contorting and growing to match Katria's own size. "Let me show you how a true dragon fares!"

DM: Forcecage as a prepared action. Shapeshift into Dragon as standard action. Katria's turn.

2015-06-22, 10:34 PM

Good is not accomplished through acts of evil. Kindness will never reign by committing cruelty.

Feeona grimaced at this man that would provoke her into an assault. Her gaze roamed over the dead and the injured. Their whimpers wormed their way into her soul when a monster's battle cry from the main temple hadn't. She quickly turned her back on Aurix. Her merciful sword stayed sheathed. Her eyes roamed for a battle medic's emblem or the familiar robes of a priest, for they would have medical supplies. But sixty men had been here. The sickly blue of the moon turned red blood black, making even that simple horror harder to know the false from the true, Ni'kote doing his utmost to frustrate her. She raised her fist against the sky that had rained acid green and lurid blue, and it trembled under the pain of acid burns. I'm a devoted spirit to Mornay, devoted to her kindness and purity – and I just can't do this alone. Her fist ignited into a beacon golden against the night. Light poured from it: bright, gentle, beseeching.

“Soldiers of Mornay, please help me! Where was your medic? I can bring supplies to you!”

Use 1/day Sun devotion (this is hopefully a new day separate from the elemental one?) to light up everything in a 10 foot radius with true sunlight. If it's still the same day for purposes of rejuvenation, I have the nimbus of light feat, but that's more....everything shines. Not just the hand.

Spot & Listen check: Take 10. Both have a result of 10.

Looking for potions, or medical supplies. There were 60 and now less than 15. One of them has to have had potions or been a medic or something. Something to help with.

If I can't quickly find any kind of supplies (no one answers/don't hear them, etc), then I'll simply speak to the injured and do what little I can to put them at ease.

2015-06-22, 10:49 PM
Feeona had turned her back on him and her emotions and thoughts were clear on her face.
"Feeona, please remember that time is of the essence here. Magnus threatens everyone at Caan'Yaput. I could heal everyone here who still draws breath but even with my gift I cannot reach everyone in time. But you can. Even the smallest amount of healing will at the very least will buy time so that I will be able to reach everyone. I am making a sacrifice so that others can be healed but I cannot do it alone. I am asking you to compromise on your position and morales for one moment to save the dying. Is a small amount of martyrdom not worth what we will achieve from it?"

I know you're roleplaying your character's devotion to Mornay and kindness and stuff but hear me out OOC. There are 15 soldiers who are still standing/alive. We don't actually know if any of them are dying. Magnus is at Caan Yaput and threatens people both of our characters care about. For Aurix - his people, Elder Krastix, his mother. For Feeona at the very least Khalis. For Aurix to heal the 15 soldiers still visibly standing ( not taking into account any of the soldiers who have fallen over but may still be alive but requiring stabilisation) it will take him 30 rounds not to mention all the healing that he has to do on himself and on Feeona so that they're combat ready. It's inefficient. With your Devoted Spirit stance and strikes we could have everyone up much faster plus you do non lethal damage at no penalty with your sword which means I can heal myself up with no issues.

2015-06-23, 01:50 AM

Frowning at the cage she finds herself in Katria decides to try something that was gnawing at the back of her mind. She reaches forward with her mind concentrating on a specific effect. An effect antithetical to magic forms around her and she passes right through the prison of force. She also feels her protections melt away to leave her vulnerable to normal attacks. "I was hoping not to need that, however I guess you wanted it difficult mage." Her prison gone Katria proceeds to Magnus with all haste to finish this fight. Wasting time will mean more lizardfolk lives lost to treachery and villainy.

standard action - antimagic field spell like ability
free action - speak
move action - move 50 ft diagonally up towards Magnus





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

60 feet (12 squares) / fly 150 ft. (30 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
Blindsense[ex] - 60 ft.
Keen Senses[ex] - lowlightx4 see twice as far as human in normal light
Frightful Presence[ex] DC 25

Plushie Arz
2015-06-23, 07:49 AM
"An antimagic sphere?" Huffed the red dragon in outrage. "Where did you learn to do that?" Katria was closing in but Magnus was faster. Before she could reach him, he uttered a word of power. Katria saw his crimson form vanish right before her and even her enhanced senses could not detect his presence nor his scent. "Where did you obtain such power?" He demanded, his deep voice carried through the winds.

The members of the Digger Company were trained to administer their own wounds in the field and in her radiant glow, Feeona saw one of the dead soldiers had a grey pack on his belt. Part of the man had been reduced to a puddle of grey goo by the acid but as she fumbled through the latches on his belt, she saw the pack was empty save for broken shards and bloodied bandages hastily stuffed inside. "Consumed by the Earth Elementals." Reported one of the survivors, his breathing haggard with grief at the death of his commander. "Smashed him to bits."

2015-06-23, 08:52 AM
Shenra feels the rush of influence wash over her. She grips her quarterstaff with a renewed vigor, and chuckled softly to herself. She rolled her head on her neck, feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. She turns to Bracken. "Are you ready to defy Magnus?" She could feel the warmth emanate from her skin, her spells flowing through her blood again and then she faces Lerethi. "Mistress, I am feeling... Renewed. What can we do against Magnus now? How can we help Katria?"

2015-06-23, 08:56 AM

"Not just another champion now? You wanted a fight Magnus...this champion will give it to you. Quit hiding like a petulent child and face me like a man. You call yourself a dragon, yet you hide like a coward. Do you think true dragons would be afraid, pretender? Cowards like you die in the worst way, obscured by the darkness and forgotten by everyone. Show yourself and I might show you how to channel true magic, not the pale imitation you flaunt around." She flies around, not content to stay still. Trying to find him by any means within her power. Listening for him when he speaks and looking for anything out of place in the surrounding area.

free action - speak
move action - move 150 ft. in the direction Magnus was before, but in such away to still keep Caan yupat in her periphery vision
standard action - ready an action to move in his direction if he should appear

[roll0], [roll1]





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

60 feet (12 squares) / fly 150 ft. (30 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Antimagic Field
10 ft. radius emanation is impervious to spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abiltites
3 hours 20 minutes

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
Blindsense[ex] - 60 ft.
Keen Senses[ex] - lowlightx4 and see twice as far as a human in normal light
Frightful Presence[ex] DC 25 (180 ft

2015-06-23, 09:52 AM

The paladin's daughter peered at the empty pack in disbelief, and threw it in her frustration. She looked over at the one that knowingly mislead her. So if they don't listen, I'll repeat. But the crusader was tired of repeating herself to a false soul that would never listen, unless it meant committing lies and evil. Rising, her sword was detached reluctantly. All it would take was one letter from her family to discover the better path, but they were a hundred miles away. Sending a message was pointless. And if they insist, I'll find a better way. The merciful will have my sword. None other. No one else. Her eyes widened, and she immediately produce a brown bag she hide on herself. Besides gold coins and a ring with emeralds, she quickly found it. A gesture was made before her.


Only half as hard as the strongest metal of the world, the tiny silver raven hovered before Feeona with remarkable ease. The metallic object peered at her through eyes that gave the illusion of life. She gave it commands. Inside her, despite the cold night and the many dead, a familiar warmth filled her, ran up the bastard sword with an orange aura hopefully. Certain the healing energy would radiate into the world, she swung gently at the figurine, intent on merely tapping it.

A) If I can just assume an enemy, then I choose the silver raven. Think of the raven as a tiny automaton. Order it to fly, and (only if I have to), attack so I can see it as an enemy.

B) Attack exclusively with non-lethal attacks. It has hardness 10. In other words, I can hit the raven-automaton, but it won't ever hurt it. It's a non-sentient figurine besides?

Rallying Strike [roll0]

Side notes: If it's allowed, I'll of course command the raven stay still to be hit, or else just keep trying. So use non-lethal attack on the non-sentient object to deal no damage, but still trigger rallying strike. The description below says the raven takes commands, so attacking/staying still/etc shouldn't be an issue? Exalted Good answer to the riddle.


Silver Raven This silver figurine turns into a raven on command (but it retains its metallic consistency, which gives it *hardness 10*). Another command sends it off into the air, bearing a message just like a creature affected by an animal messenger spell. *[b]If not commanded to carry a message, the raven obeys the commands of its owner[b],* although it has no special powers or telepathic abilities. It can maintain its nonfigurine status for only 24 hours per week, but the duration need not be continuous.


Immunities Objects are immune to nonlethal damage and to critical hits.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-23, 06:33 PM
"We need to lure him within range of my spell. Two hundred and forty feet, to be exact." Interjected Bracken. Shenra noticed how helpful he was becoming after Magnus' threat against his person. "He's seen the antimagic field. He will not directly attack your friend now he's seen her speed and resistance to his spells."


"We need to project a bait away from the archer battery. He'll try luring your friend to the archers below. She may have the form of a dragon but without magic, she's as good as a pin cushion."

"Shenra, do you have any spells which may serve that purpose?"

* * *

Paying little heed to Aurix's words of wisdom, Feeona produced her silver figurine. The small silver raven remained in position as she struck at it, a golden glow emanating from her blade. While the weapon did nothing to the animated bird, she could sense waves of healing pouring from her person, channeling into the wounded soldiers and the tribal warrior below.

"Why don't you drop that antimagic sphere and we can contest our true might? Otherwise, you know where to find me."

Katria saw the red dragon, glowing bright in the night skies above the Order encampment two miles to the west of their current position. The creature hovered waiting for the transformed battledancer.

2015-06-23, 07:56 PM

Shaking her head at how gullible the fool must think her Katria descends to one of the temples. She points to the spot where she and El'gor'an fought Blaunghus and his troupe. "Meet me over there and we can both drop our protections to fight as we are. I do not willingly fly into a camp of murderous Order troops for their amusement mage."

2015-06-24, 02:32 AM
Feeona had taken out a small silver bird and it had transformed into a raven of an equal colour. She struck at it and waves of healing energy cascaded off her. Ignoring the fact that she seemed to be ignoring him, Aurix shrugged.

"That works too. If you initiate your martial spirit stance and continue striking the bird you'll be able to heal everyone up. I'll make a start on some of the others. If we can get this done quickly we can return to aid the others against Magnus."

Aurix moved towards some of the soldiers with a charge of positive energy in his hands. As he went he looked around, he could see the soldiers who were fine after dodging the majority of the acid storm and had received a little healing from Feeona, instead he looked at the fallen soldiers, looking for signs of life. He applied a charge of healing to the first person he came across who needed it. He spoke a little with each of the soldiers he healed.

EDIT: "You, soldier. I will heal some of your wounds. Can you speak? Who holds highest rank in your unit?"
Spot (1d20+24)[26] heal? [roll1] looking for anyone who's unconscious because of HP damage. If I can't find anyone I'll just heal the living
EDIT: Healing that person 3d8+4 28 HP

2015-06-24, 08:03 AM
Shenra turns to Lerethi. "I have a few spells that can disrupt the archer battery, but as far as distractions, I am fairly concentrated in the school of evocation. Now, were we to directly engage the archers to keep them focused on me instead of Katria, that I can do. I have several spells that can deal severe area damage and would scatter them at worst, and annihilate them at best." she then focuses on Bracken. "Do you mean us to lure Magnus here or are you planning to travel with me and engage near him?"

2015-06-24, 11:36 AM

I forgot to mention martial stance, but stances don't change when a character sleeps, that I can see. Check this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19347663&postcount=348) to see martial spirit was the very last stance I was in (that was okayed in the OOC a long while ago) to help heal El'gor'an. I never mentioned the +2 heal, so I'll just give it to myself unless someone needs it (but most should be okay, because it looks like everyone in 30 feet was healed 21 HP).

As the healing nova's waves breathed life into the remaining soldiers, Feeona saw those that were once still, stir. Alive. She grinned in triumph. The little raven glinted for a fist full of sunlight, the light winking knowingly at her. Aurix approached to mention a healing stance. He never realized she was already in it, or how minor its healing. Not a single kind word was shared for lives saved. The nova was worth doing at the cost of her morals a moment ago, but he wasn't impressed or happy without that cost. Her smile became bitter. The black monolith loomed uncaring over the acid eaten bodies all around them.

A stench of death rose, but Feeona observed only the people among it, concerned. These soldiers face all this pain when they awake. She stood motionless, unsure, overwhelmed. It was hard to know what to say. But the anguished mutterings throughout the field of dead sounded, and she went to the grieving man that told her about the medic. She knelt beside him calmly and spoke softly.

“Soldier, I'm sorry you have to face all of this. How are you doing?”

I'll speak with them individually as can be offered, and more of less make the same offer to different people of being open to listening. It's my own experience that when you're in a bad place, you need someone to listen.

If anyone is open to it, I'll offer to help pray over the dead with them. If they just want their space, then give it to them, of course. I'll make any diplomacy or charisma checks needed if it helps sooth them, but I'm not sure what else to offer.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 04:37 AM
"Very well, elf. I will humor you." Magnus beat his wings and flew over to the location of Katria's earlier battle with Balunghus. It was a mile away from the Temple proper. "Then dismiss your antimagic field and face me proper."

"No need. It looks like he's challenged Katria to a duel. If we can get closer, we may have an opportunity to disable his defences. We must distract him and render him unable to teleport."

Bracken smirked. "Your friend's antimagic field was clever but it won't save her."

The wave of healing energy and Aurix's own ministrations were able to save three more men. Eighteen diggers stood, around the half-melted bodies of their comrades and the charred remains of the Field Marshal. A man in his forties, grey and haggard stepped forward. "Sergeant Ethan Veleru, mam. Sir." He said, his voice heavy. "We must avenge the Field Marshal against the traitor."

2015-06-25, 05:24 AM

"No worries there mage...you do the same, no cages. I'll let you take the lead." She waits for Magnus to get 30 feet ahead of her then takes to the air herself staying no closer then 30 feet. Setting down 20 feet across from from Magnus where her and El faced Balunghus she sheds the antimagic sphere and prepares herself for whatever he has planned.






Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 06:09 AM
"Very well." Laughed Magnus. His crimson scaled body was coated in flames and his outline blurred with abjurations. "Then we shall fight."


The first spell was a ray of crackling black energy that arced towards Katria. It was deflected by Katria's inherent spell resistance and dissipated harmlessly off her scales.

Spell Resistance: [roll1]
Touch Attack: [roll2]
[roll3]*1.5 [2] Negative Levels (if hits)

2015-06-25, 06:30 AM

Round 1
Katrias eyes narrow as a ray of black crackling energy races towards her. She contemplates her options after the ray hits her scales and harmlessly melts away. She finally decides on her first action, opening her great maw Katria breathes a cone of electrically charged gas onto Magnus. She cautiously closes the distance in an eyeblink.

standard action - breath weapon
move action - approach Magnus


Breath Weapon
Electrically charged gas
40 foot cone





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 07:26 AM
Miss Chance 50%: [roll0]
5ft step back
Casting Defensively: [roll1]

The cloud of electrical gas rolled towards Magnus but the red dragon seemed to blink out of existence in an attempt to avoid the attack but the electricity crackled against his hide. He circled Katria, his yellow eyes narrowing in hatred and Katria instantly felt a powerful attack against her mental faculties.

Spell Resistance: [roll2]
Will Save (Katria gets +3 conditional save due to a combination of elf, and feats, but as Song Dragons get arcane spellcasting, they also take a -4 penalty): [roll3] (DC 22)

2015-06-25, 08:31 AM

Round 2
The mental attack worrying her Katria still presses her attack to find out what other protections he has active. She goes stright for the jugular, like a jungle cat moving in for the kill. Stepping forward she lets loose every thing in a flurry of claws, teeth, wings, and tail.

free action - 5 foot step to Magnus
full round action - full attack on Magnus

Special 2
DM 2




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll4]+enemies cha
[roll5]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll6]




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll11]+enemies cha
[roll12]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll13]




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll18]+enemies cha
[roll19]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll20]




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll25]+enemies cha
[roll26]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll27]




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll32]+enemies cha
[roll33]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll34]




Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll39]+enemies cha
[roll40]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll41]

tail slap



Touch of Golden Ice
Dex Damage - if evil
[roll46]+enemies cha
[roll47]+enemies cha
+1 to weapon damage against evil creatures*
1st Fort Save DC 14
2nd Fort Save DC 14
miss chance[roll48]





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

He has to make percentile rolls for his attacks and certain spells too...he might be on the ethereal plain when it goes off. I don't know what feats(items, etc.) he has, so I could be wrong about that. It is blink right? And I do believe I'm about to get "bit" by fireshield...maybe. Blink says that if you can see on the ethereal plain the miss chance goes down to 20%, true seeing says if you focus your sight you can do so however neglects to state if that takes an action or not so I leave that up to you.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 08:53 AM

DM: Improved Blink, actually. The thing is, it causes the character to flit to and fro the ethereal plane at extraordinary speeds, so true sight doesn't really help.

Fort Save: [roll0]
Fort Save: [roll1]

Spell Resistance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19452692&postcount=1118) - Both pass
Fire Shield: [roll2]
Fire Shield: [roll3]

Although Katria attacked with the force of a hurricane, Magnus blinked out of existence the second the silver dragon attacked and only a portion of her attacks managed to penetrate his defences. Golden ice fell from Katria's claws and wings but Magnus only shook them off and the battledancer felt pain as tendrils of magical fire cut past her scales and into her flesh. Magnus laughed and unleashed a plume of burning hot flames from his maw.

Fire: [roll4]
Reflex: [roll5] (DC 24 half)

2015-06-25, 09:12 AM

Feeona looked up at the sergeant with eyes uncomprehending, vengeance the farthest idea away from her mind before. She vaguely noted the sunlight had faded. From beside the grieving soldier, she stood up, and inadvertently took in the many fallen again before focusing on the man.

“Sergeant Veleru, yes. I'm Sister Feeona. You're right. He can't be allowed to murder again. His cruelty must be answered.” She looked the sergeant in the eye at that vow. “But our part in it means the Order must hear what happened. Both here and in Kiiska. Otherwise, that horrible man becomes the highest ranking arcanist in the field, when all he cares about is taking the Goddess Eye. Not any of the lives lost for it. The most sacred vengeance we can have is to deny the wizard what he yearns for most, and keep the artefact in the lizardfolk's hands. We need to break any support the army has for him. The Goddess Eye will be safe then, and every life in this campaign at that.” She considered Aurix briefly and then the sergeant.

“At the very least, I can fly to the nearest Order encampment, and raise awareness. The case would be stronger if the remaining Diggers made their way, but these are your men, Sergeant, and we're a far way from Farlaen. Whether you and yours will be granted leniency in leaving here is down to this Defender alone.”

It was said we might be two minutes into the future. With Fly I can get to any order encampment/army quicker than sergeant ethan, but I don't know if it's an option to speak to them, or if you'd like all of us to directly fight the magnus/wizard instead? I'm fine with either option, but obviously prefer snipping away his army support. I'm doubtful flashing a light code to their army will work, especially if it comes from a lizardfolk temple.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 09:16 AM
"No need." Replied the Sergeant, producing a brass amulet in the shape of a sun from around his neck. "We have a Sending device, attuned to the next highest ranking officer at the Order encampment. We may activate it to send a twenty five word message. What shall we say, Sister?"

2015-06-25, 09:28 AM

Round 3
Cringing at the pain she almost bites her tongue as scorch marks mar her beautiful scales. Feeling her breath replenished she lets it loose on his indistinct form. Her tail swishes and eyes narrow at the infuriating mage, but her senses stay sharp as she moves looks for a opening.

standard action - breath weapon on Magnus
miss chance[roll0] Whiffle!


Breath Weapon
Electrically charged gas
40 foot cone





Non Lethal Damage



Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

Get Sr to the fireshield, unless I'm not privy to something. It's in the 3rd or 4th paragraph.

2015-06-25, 10:10 AM
Shenra glares at Bracken. "Mistress, I know there is a spell that stops teleportation by anchoring them to this dimension but I do not know the spell. However, in my private studies I have done my best to understand overcoming abjurations. I can attempt to dispel, or I have a spell that will rend him for every abjuration he has active. Plus, we have this one," she glances back at Bracken. "Who claims he can disrupt Magnus' spells as well. So do we engage him?"

2015-06-25, 10:45 AM

He looked at Sergeant Ethan Veleru for a moment appraisingly for a moment as he spoke before reply

"We may not have seen eye to eye but Field Marshal Ross was an honourable man. We were in the middle of negotiations prior to Magnus' betrayal but it seems a moot point to continue them at this point in time. Unless you have the authority to action any agreements made here."

Aurix picked up his gauntlets and started strapping them on. He was mindful of how much time had passed and needed to check on Elder Krastix at Caan'Yaput. Turning back to look at the middle aged man he spoke again

"I guess you have a choice Sergeant. I will let you return to your comrades on the condition that take an oath to me to remove yourselves from this war. It might amount to insubordination or treason but considering that your company cut down forty of my people and I, who as your enemy had no obligation to heal you, extended our hospitality to you when you were in need... Well lets just say it would be a small cost considering what the alternative could have been. If you find this proposal unacceptable, or I sense that you are not being honest with your oath then I cannot in good conscience allow you to leave. Thus I would have you surrender your arms and come into the custody of my people quietly. Both options would have consequences for that you will have to consider. I will ask you for your response after you've sent your message."
Aurix turned his to face the monolith for the moment. Seeing all the 5 talismans in their rightful places, Aurix breathed a sigh.
Thank you Aegis, you've done an excellent job :smallsmile:
Thinking about the Monolith Aurix had a thought
"Oh! Also sergeant, I would like to know the exact details of how your company made it to this location."
Aurix continued to re-equip his gear in preparation to return to Caan'Yaput.
Sense Motive for deception: [roll0] Diplomacy I guess? [roll1]
Aurix is also still in Hunter's Sense stance (has scent).

2015-06-25, 12:22 PM

Feeona's forehead crinkled in thought. “This is an emergency message. Field Marshal Eream Ross murdered by Magnus. Forty seven Diggers deceased in attack. Magnus declared apostate, hostile, airborne. No visual. Mission to claim monolith aborted. Over.” The nun went silent and looked to see what the sergeant made of it.

Took me a good five attempts to rewrite that little bit, but I got what I wanted.

Why didn't I remember you were actually in the military? I could have just PMed you about this for details instead of me guessing and redoing. :smalleek:

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 07:29 PM
"The plan's changed. We'll need to meet them." Said Lerethi, eyeing the battle between the two dragons to the north of the temple. "You, mage, will need to come with us."

"B-but hold on just a second!" Protested Bracken, "This was not part of our deal! Ow! Unhand me!"

Lerethi's spell cut him off. A large green hand made of magical force seized him around the waist and carried him up into the air. The archmage followed.

"Magnus will fall today."

Sergeant Veleru nodded and relayed the message. He stood and turned to Aurix, matching the man's height. "It is done. We tunneled through the earth. The Field Marshal had a key that allowed us to move the very earth itself and destroy the elementals. We will abide your terms and take his remains home for burial. He deserves full honours for his bravery."

2015-06-25, 08:33 PM

Feeona gathered the items the deceased leader gave her from among the rotting graveyard, the monolith a massive black headstone in testament to where a great man and his fellows fell. She brought the items to the sergeant. “Field Marshal Ross was one of the best leaders the Order has ever had. But any kindness he earned in this life will be offered all the more in Mornay's arms.” She smiled, subdued. “This is everything I was given, but including Uhar's belt. We'll deal with the wizard. The lizardfolk have an archmage on their side. If anyone is going to know how to deal with this threat, it's her. Good luck getting your men to safety, Sergeant.”

She gave one of the last Diggers a salute.

Head to Lerethi and friends unless there's more to do.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-25, 08:40 PM
Feeona and Aurix arrived at Caan Yupat just as Shenra, Lerethi and Bracken were on the verge of leaving to fight for Magnus. They saw a mile to the north, two huge dragons, one red and one silver, were battling in the skies with plumes of lightning and fire spinning around them.

"Katria will be hard-pressed against Magnus' sorcery. We will need to disable his spellcasting." Said Lerethi. "Join us."

Aurix turned to Elder Krastix who nodded knowingly. "Go. End this threat to our people."

2015-06-25, 10:58 PM
At the Monolith
"For the safety of my people I will require that key but nothing more. You should take who you can, but there are far too many for your number to carry home. We'll keep the rest of your comrades bodies safe and they will be released with the other prisoners at the end of this mess." Aurix held out his hand to shake on their agreement.
"You should probably move out soon. Warriors of my people will come to refortify this position. It would be better if you were not here when they arrive. Some of them might be loved ones." Aurix nodded over to the orderly lines of Lizardfolk corpses.
Aurix watched the soldiers retreat before making his way back to Caan'Yaput as the need to protect the Monolith was currently more pressing. Aurix looked to the west. He hoped the others were holding out ok.
At the Temple
Aurix kneeled before Elder Krastix and gave him a brief on the situation at the Black Monolith.
"...the remaining soldiers have agreed to remove themselves from the war in return for safe passage from our temple. They are taking with them Field Marshal Ross' body and however more they can carry with them. The remainder I said we would keep safe until the end of this war, when they would be returned with the prisoners we have captured. The five talismans are back in position but I did not know if there were any other steps in activating the Monolith."

"Katria will be hard-pressed against Magnus' sorcery. We will need to disable his spellcasting." Said Lerethi. "Join us."

Aurix turned to Elder Krastix who nodded knowingly. "Go. End this threat to our people."

"As you command Elder,"
Aurix rose from his kneeling position on the floor and turned to address the Arch Mage of Kiiska.
"Madam Magdellar, I have at my disposal 2 uses of the touch of idiocy spell thanks to my gauntlets. I do not know what else I might be able to do so at the very least that might be useful... so long as I can manage to strike through his defences. We should talk strategy as we move out. Oh and Caster Bracken, thank you for coming to aid us."

Plushie Arz
2015-06-26, 05:22 AM

Magnus (Acted)
Shenra: [roll0]
Lerethi: [roll1]
Feeona: [roll2]
Aurix: [roll3]
Bracken: [roll4]

The roll of lightning charged gas poured from Katria's jaws but Magnus blinked away in time before it could impact him. Reaching out with his claws, Magnus lunged for Katria, a spell forming on his purple tongue. At once, Katria found she could not stop screaming, her draconic roar of terror echoing into the night.

Concentrate: [roll5]
Spell Resistance: [roll6]
Touch: [roll7]
Maddening Scream (Eberron, p113)
[roll8] Rounds of inaction except movement, no shield bonus to AC, -4 AC and can only make a reflex save on a natural 20.

2015-06-26, 07:53 AM
Before leaving the temple, Shenra casts her fortification spells onto herself. As the group flies to approach Magnus and Katria, Shenra turns to Aurix. "You need to get close right? This should help..." she whispers under her breath, and Aurix blinked out of sight. "I'm sure Magnus has a ward like True Seeing, but hopefully it will work for you." They suspend almost 500 feet above the temple, and 120 feet from the two dueling dragons. She spoke to Bracken, not turning her back on Magnus. "Bracken, what do you need from us to work your spell on Magnus? What can I do to aid you?" She grips her quarterstaff tightly, remembering how malicious Magnus' spellcasting had been the last time they met. She takes a deep breath, and whispers her prayer to Ona out loud.

"Ona, grant me and my allies the power to abolish the abomination. Magnus has taken countless lives, has disrupted the balance of life and death, and has now become an abhorrent twisting of nature and magic. Guide me and my own magicks as we deliver your justice upon him."

Ever cautious, but filled with a renewed vigor to end this mage, Shenra turns her eyes to him and considers her next spell.
Cast Greater Invisibility on Aurix.





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

Fire resistance +20

Spell Slots

0-4 / 1-6 / 2-6 / 3-5 / 4-4 / 5-3 / 6-2


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste

Cat's Grace

Bear's Endurance
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack

+4 Dex

+4 Con
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

1/13 minutes

1/13 minutes

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to saves against fire
+1 to saves
+3 CL on Fire spells

Plushie Arz
2015-06-26, 07:56 AM

"My former master will be protected by spells that target his person. A spell turning effect. Dispel that, and I can cast my spell in range."

2015-06-26, 08:36 AM

Round 4

Reaching out with his claws, Magnus lunged for Katria, a spell forming on his purple tongue. At once, Katria found she could not stop screaming, her draconic roar of terror echoing into the night.

Katria finds she has the inability to stop screaming like a madman. Any of her friends and close comrades know that although ferverently passionate...she has never been this unbalanced at any time before now. She traips around in different directions whithout a apparent care in the world.

I'll roll some directional dice Plushie and let you decide how far in any one direction she goes up to the limit of her movement(probably double move?) for all of it. [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]. Hopefully that'll do it. Until dealt with she repeats said actions till the duration is over, not wasting space to repost. Go on everyone.:smallsmile:




13(only on nat 20)

Non Lethal Damage



Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste

Maddening Scream
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack

inability to act except for movement and -4 to AC, screaming maniacally
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

5/5 rnds

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

2015-06-27, 02:17 AM
As they flew to the duel between the two unnatural dragons Aurix posed a question to each of the assembled members.
"Madame Magdellar, Feeona, Shenra, Caster Bracken... What is known about dragons in general, or the Red Dragon species in particular? I know a little from stories but nothing more. As we're going to fight one I think it best we be armed with knowledge before we engage it in battle."

Knowledge Arcana - Untrained [roll0]
Knowledge History - [roll1]

Trying to make the most of my Greater Heroism while I still have it but I would like my character to know what can be or can't be done before wasting turns on pointless things like trying to paralyse the creature - I as a player know dragons can't be paralysed but Aurix probably knows jack all about them aside from their history. Aurix will spend a full round action at some point to change his manoeuvres if some information comes up that is poignant.

When they arrive at the battle Aurix's ears are assaulted by draconic screaming. Over the din he cries out
"What's happening? What did Magnus do to Katria?"

Plushie Arz
2015-06-27, 07:42 AM
"They are creatures of primordial magic, with immense strength, and a breath weapon that embodies their element." Said Lerethi, on their way to fight Magnus. "Able to resist most magic and many have native spellcasting abilities. It is said that sorcerers derive their spellcasting from the bloodlines of dragons."

"It's an enchantment inducing madness. So long as your friend is under its effects, she cannot do a thing but scream and will lack the dexterity and reflexes to battle my former master's other spells."

"I have a spell prepared to break such an enchantment." Said Lerethi. "Aurix, distract Magnus and give me an opening."

2015-06-27, 10:49 AM
"...and the element of the Charir Darastrix would be fire no doubt... I'm going to need to rethink my manoeuvres"
Aegis, you remember my principle command right?

Look after myself then yourself unless ordered otherwise?

Pretty much, I'd like to make that more specific. Continue to cast resistance on yourself and myself once every minute. I will try to keep my orders to the other 48 seconds between your castings

As the others continued to race towards the battlefield, Aurix stopped for a moment and adopted focussing stance. He readjusted the power he had invested in particular manoeuvres he knew and shifted them to others before following again.
Using Adaptive style as a full round action: Changing my manoeuvres readied.
Baffling Defence 2/2
Shadow Jaunt 2/2
Shadow Stride 2/2
Hand of Death 1/1
Moment of Perfect Mind 1/1
Insightful Strike 2/2
Casting timer: Aegis, by the time we reach the "present", will need to cast Resistance on itself in [roll0] rounds. Aegis casts resistance on Aurix the round after casting on itself.



"Aurix, distract Magnus and give me an opening."
"Very well. Aegis will cast message on everyone here. This way you will be able to keep in contact with me remotely. I'll go grab Magnus' attention some how... but I will not be able to physically get to him straight away. Please take care while I get closer and get his attention"
should I cast now master?
in a moment Aegis

Magnus is 70ft higher than the party and P9 is approximately 80 ft from Aurix. In a straight line that puts Aurix ~105 ft from Magnus in a straight line. There's no way I can reach that square in a single turn due to ascending at half speed so I will have to do so over 2 rounds. Disclaimer: I got bored so I actually worked out the maths. If anyone feels like having high school nostalgia over trigonometry, well here you go. Counting squares is much easier hahaha
if you can be bothered]
550 ft - 480 ft - 70 ft (the difference in elevation)
From the map:
let B17:P17 be a. a is 14 Squares (non inclusive of first) or 70 ft
let P17:P9 be b. b is 8 Squares (non inclusive of first) or 40 ft.
let c be the distance between B17 and P9 at elevation 480 ft.
a 2 + b 2 = c 2
c = square root (702+402)
c = square root 6500
c = 81.63 which rounds to 80 ft.
let d be the difference in elevation (70 ft)
let e be the distance between B17480 elevation and P9550 elevation
e 2 = c 2 + d 2
e = square root (c 2 + d 2)
e = square root (80 2 + 70 2)
e = square root 11300
e = 106.30 which rounds to 105 ft
Calculating angle to travel 45 ft (half speed ascent), let this be D
cos D = e 2 + c 2 - d 2 /2ec
cos D = 105 2 + 80 2 - 70 2 /2 * 105 * 80
cos D = 12525 / 16800 = .745
D = cos-1 .745535...
D = 41.79 degrees
The remaining angle is 180 - 90 - 41.79 = 48.21 degrees
Half of Aurix's 90 ft fly speed is 45, which also puts him at 60 ft from Magnus. Travelling 45 ft along the angle of ascent 41.79 degrees:
let c be distance to be travelled = 45, let sin C = 90 degrees
let a be the distance vertically travelled, let sin A be the angle of ascent = 41.79 degrees.
a /sin A = c / sin C
a /sin 41.79 = 45 / sin 90
a = 45 * sin 41.79 / sin 90
a = 45 * .666... / 1
a = 29.988 or 30 ft
let c be distance to be travelled = 45, let sin C = 90 degrees
let b be the distance vertically horizontally, let sin B be the remaining angle opposite b = 48.21 degrees.
b /sin B = c / sin C
b /sin 48.21 = 45 / sin 90
b = 45 * sin 48.21 / sin 90
a = 45 * .745... / 1
a = 33.55 or 35 ft
therefore Aurix can travel approximately 35 ft horizontally and then ascend 30 ft (using up close to 90 ft of movement to end up 45 ft from the party and 60 ft from Magnus).

Aurix shifted stances, fully expecting the charir darastrix to burn him in some manner, to receive the flame's blessing and make his form resistant to the fire and then flew as silently as he could in a straight line towards Magnus. Gravity slowed his ascent but Aurix managed to get to about 60 ft from Magnus.
Can you see that red creature?
I can Master.
That is Magnus, our enemy. I want you to include him on your message too. But try and do so quietly.
As you wish
"seltur ivah shafaer wer suaco" *translation: soft voice on the wind*
Now what master?
Whisper to him and try to get his attention

Through the magical link of message Aurix, Magnus, Letheri, Bracken, Shenra and Feeona all heard loud and clear, a tin like innocent voice calling out in sing-song.
"Magnus... Maaaagnuuuuuuuuuussssss..."


Aurix - Free Actions
- Talk
- Set Dodge

Dodge vs Magnus - +1 Dodge to AC

Aurix - Swift Action - Change Stance

Hunter's Sense to Flame's Blessing (Fire Resist 20)

Aurix - Move Action - Ascend to 45 ft from original position.

Should be 35 ft diagonally towards (somewhere like J11)
and then 30 ft up. New Elevation 510 ft. About 60 ft from Magnus and 45 ft

Hide - Activating Part 1 of Light within Darkness (Su)

Greater Invisibility grants +20 while moving and with no negative because technically moving half speed (due to ascending movement).
Greater Heroism +4
Base Check +17
Opposed Spot

Move Silently

No negative due to half speed movement for ascending flight
Greater Heroism +4
Base Check +17
Opposed Listen

Aegis - Cast Message

No Save, No Spell Resistance
Duration 120 Minutes
Range 220 ft
Targets Feeona, Letheri, Shenra, Bracken, Aurix and Magnus.
Question: Can a spell be cast quietly (but not silently)? I will roll a d20 incase the answer is yes.
Possible Opposed Roll: Listen?

Will Save Against Frightful Presence
Aurix [roll4]
Aegis [roll5]+1

Aegis' roll does not include a +1 resistance bonus from Resistance (owing to I don't know if I've interrupted his casting cycle yet - will correct soon)

Aurix Vuthaussir (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=76283)
Male NG Human Sword Sage 3, Warblade 2, Shadow Sun Ninja 5, Legacy Champion 2, Level 12, Init +8


26 (uncanny dodge)



Non Lethal Damage

+11 Temp HP

Energy Resist/Immunity


10 Cold (requires immediate action)
20 Fire

Duration Remaining

Flame's Blessing (Su)
Fire Resist based on Tumble ranks

Persisted Haste
+1 to attack, AC, reflex, +30 ft (up to base max) movement speeds, 1 extra iterative attack in FRA
4/24 hours

Persisted Freedom of Movement
Immune to paralysis and movement impediment, auto succeed resist grapple checks, able to attack normally under water in melee.
4/24 hours

Persisted Fly
Fly speed 60 ft Good Manoeuvrability
4/24 hours

Greater Heroism
+4 morale bonus to attack, saves, skills
2/16 minutes

+1 resistance bonus to saving throws
5/10 rounds

Conditional Modifiers:

2015-06-28, 11:58 AM
Feeona, round 1 for not-dragons

Feeona looked down – a straight plunge into oblivion. Upwards, a diamond dragon deliriously staggered about the stars, its screams broken only by the flap of large wings crushing the wind to its will. The red wizard that committed the madness calmly awaited them. She swallowed. A steadying breathe was tried, but the air was chilled and thin. The requested distraction didn't. Only a mosquito annoyance of a small tinny voice answer; a lip service. No one wanted to approach. The massive mawed monstrosity had claws with butcher knife nails, and wings the size of a galley's sails. A scaled carapace of thick rubies were wrapped in churning flames for those that dared to attack. It was a predator so powerful it willed itself out of extinction, and she eyed it with fear.

“We need Katria. I think I can reach her.” The hacking roars of insanity intensified. “Maybe.”

Her form rose up and towards the large diamond dragon.

Action: Double move to Katria. I'd prefer to end at her altitude, but I'm not really sure where she is on the map because she's moving around.

Plushie, if I'm lucky enough next round to get white raven tactics, would that make the counter go down quicker? For Katria's madness. Asking because it might work, but if it doesn't, it doesn't.


Plushie Arz
2015-06-29, 06:43 AM


Katria was moving too fast for any of the party members to reach and her spell-induced madness made her impervious to any offers of aid. Gauging the situation, Lerethi flew to the spinning dragon's side and uttered a single word of power. A sphere of translucent force, twenty feet in diameter formed around Katria with a single hole two feet wide on the archmage's side that allowed her to cast through.

Magnus blinked at the spot where the invisible Aurix stood and at Bracken, unable to determine which target to take on next. The ray caster froze in fear at the sight of his former master and he prepared a spell of shielding, surrounding himself in a bubble of abjurative magic. Picking out the more immediate target, a blast of chain lighting erupted from the red dragon's claws, arcing through the invisible man, the crusader and the archmage. The lightning blasted off Lerethi's spell ward but Aurix and Feeona weren't as fortunate to have the same protections.

Chain Lightning (DC 24) [roll0] Electricity damage at Lerethi, half for Aurix and Feeona as secondary targets
Lerethi: [roll1]
Feeona: [roll2]
Aurix: [roll3]

DM: Next round!

2015-06-29, 08:05 AM
Shenra gasped as the lightning arced off her allies. Flying forward, she prepared a spell that she had practiced just for this occasion. As the abjurations swirled intangibly around Magnus, Shenra pointed a finger entwined in a copper loop at him and gripped her quarterstaff tightly as she uttered the words she had whispered so many times in trial. She watched what appeared to be an almost imperceptible mist swirl around him and then an explosion of white and sparks erupted around the red dragon. Move to E15. Cast Reciprocal Gyre for 1d12 for every level of spell on Magnus, max 25d12. In addition, DC 21 Fort or dazed.





Non Lethal Damage


Energy Resist/Immunity

Fire resistance +20

Spell Slots

0-4 / 1-6 / 2-6 / 3-5 / 4-4 / 5-2 / 6-2


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste

Cat's Grace

Bear's Endurance
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack

+4 Dex

+4 Con
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

1/13 minutes

1/13 minutes

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to saves against fire
+1 to saves
+3 CL on Fire spells

Plushie Arz
2015-06-29, 08:19 AM
"You fool!" Screamed Bracken, as Shenra started casting the spell that would create a backlash with every single spell currently cast on his person. "Didn't you listen? He has a bloody spell turning effect active that would fry you!" Shenra felt her casting seize up. Her limbs froze as she cast her spell as Bracken exercised his control with his personal geas. The spell fizzled in her hands before she could even cast it and she looked to the caster, who had a triumphant grin. "Saved you. Now try again."

2015-06-29, 09:15 AM
Aurix Round 5

The tang of ozone hung in the air around Aurix as the charge of electricity coursed through him. Aurix managed to avoid the worst of it it seemed.
Aegis are you hurt?
No master. I am fine
That's good. Begin identifying Magnus' protections
"ickrak'ey arcaniss" *translation: Detect Magic*
Letheri wanted a distraction and he had not provided enough of one. He could not have having no control over the invisibility granted to him nor the swiftness to reach his quarry. But he could now...
Bringing forth the darkness again he swiftly moved forward before diving into a cloud of blackness, reappearing so that he was in Magnus' face. As he struck out at the dragon's muzzle with a touch of negative energy a blinding white light ripped from his body. He could have sworn Magnus had somehow seen Aurix, considering he got hit with that bolt of lightning, and as such he didn't expect the light to have any effect but he closed his eyes and drowned out his other senses, just to hedge his bets.


Free action: "talking"

Swift Action: 5 ft step to J10 (510 ft elevation) to be 30 ft on the diagonal and 40 ft below. By pythagoras rule (a2+b2=c2) Aurix is now within 50 ft of P9 (550 ft elevation)

Move Action: Shadow Stride J10 (510 ft) to P9 (550 ft)

Teleportation (Su)

Free Action: Darkness within Light (Su)

+4 on Attack and Damage rolls against blinded or effectively blinded targets

Standard Action: Touch of the Shadowsun (Negative)
(Su) Negative Energy
Touch of the Shadowsun is a supernatural ability. Thus no spell resistance or spell turning applies, unless you wish to rule otherwise.

Free Action as part of making an attack. Light within Darkness

Fort Save (DC 20) if Magnus failed to detect Aurix's hide check last round. I'm hedging my bets here either he has true seeing or he's detected the magical auras on him or something...

Aegis casts Detect Magic prior to teleport.

Area of Effect spell
Concentrating on Magnus
1st Round

Presence or absence of magical auras.

Aurix Vuthaussir (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=76283)
Male NG Human Sword Sage 3, Warblade 2, Shadow Sun Ninja 5, Legacy Champion 2, Level 12, Init +8


26 (uncanny dodge)



Non Lethal Damage


+11 Temp HP

Energy Resist/Immunity


10 Cold (requires immediate action)
20 Fire

Duration Remaining

Flame's Blessing (Su)
Fire Resist based on Tumble ranks

Persisted Haste
+1 to attack, AC, reflex, +30 ft (up to base max) movement speeds, 1 extra iterative attack in FRA
4/24 hours

Persisted Freedom of Movement
Immune to paralysis and movement impediment, auto succeed resist grapple checks, able to attack normally under water in melee.
4/24 hours

Persisted Fly
Fly speed 60 ft Good Manoeuvrability
4/24 hours

Greater Heroism
+4 morale bonus to attack, saves, skills
1:54/16 minutes
= 19/20 rounds

+1 Resistance bonus to saving throws
4/10 rounds

Conditional Modifiers:

2015-06-30, 06:18 AM
Feeona, round 2 for not-dragons

“Katria, without you, the wizard threatens the elves! Focus!”

Feeona mentally propelled the divine spark of Mornay into the dragon to help fight the magic. It was the same she had used to inspire another when she rallied days ago about the burning forest, against the Hellfire Elemental. But the diamond dragon still screamed and she no longer had time to ignore the fight. Ignoring her fear, she flew reluctantly eager towards the ruby dragon's left wing. Her sword struck out, healing nova on its tip.

Swift action, White Raven Tactics on Katria – if – it speeds up her counter. It gives her an extra round so it might give speed it up so she's only screaming for 4 rounds?

Move action, P7.

Standard action, attack.

First hit, [roll0]
Bastard Sword Damage, [roll1]
Rallying Strike [roll2]

If it hits, martial spirit to self.

Plushie Arz
2015-06-30, 06:21 AM
Attack of Opportunity: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Rolled wrong. Should've been [2d8+10] = 21
Attack of Opportunity: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (No Combat Reflexes. Sorry)
Fort Save: [roll4]

"Fire shield, stoneskin, spell turning, haste, energy immunity, levitate and greater resistance." Intoned Aegis. "A formidable defence master."

The dragon's magmalike eyes followed Aurix's form as he approached and he lashed out with his razor-lined jaws. A burst of light erupted from Aurix's body but the red dragon easily avoided the blinding light. A blast of negative energy rolled across the dragon's hide, opening up wounds but he was far from sustaining a serious injury and Aurix's hands were covered with a sudden burst of warmth.

Taking the opportunity to focus herself, Lerethi reached out into the opening of the bubble. Katria suddenly felt her madness subsiding and the orb of force dissipated as the archmage released her hold over the magic.

Feeona flew to the red dragon's side and slashed at it with her magic blade but a whip of fire lashed out in retaliation at the strike, just as her blow healed her own recent wounds. 21 Fire Damage

DM: Katria's turn from WRT

2015-06-30, 08:37 AM

Round 5
Shaking off the effects of the spell and taking some time to glide and observe the battlefield Katria notes positions and allies. she nods her head in thanks to Madam Magdellar. Flying around Magnus Katria reaches into her newly awakened abilities and activates one that should stop anymore mind tricks of his. Concentrating she forms a formidable wall around her mind shutting out anything that'll impune her judgment and free-will.

move action - glide for 180 ft. around Magnus but outside his reach
standard action - activate mind blank spell-like ability





Non Lethal Damage



Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste

Mind Blank
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack

see spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mindBlank.htm)
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

Plushie Arz
2015-06-30, 09:26 PM
With Katria freed from the thralls of the enchantment, Magnus turned his attention back to the iridescent dragon and reached out with his claw. A thin green beam shot from his fingers at the dragon...

The beam missed Katria who was flying too fast for the beam to reach her.

Casting defensively: [roll0]
SR: [roll1]
Touch attack: [roll2]
Fort Save DC 23: [roll3]
Damage (if successful): [roll4]
If not: [roll5]

2015-07-01, 04:19 AM

Round 6
Continuing to circle Magnus after his failed attempt to hit her with another ray like spell Katria then concentrates on protecting herself from his firery breath erecting a magical barrier around herself to block out the harmful affect of his breath.

move action - glide for 180 ft. around Magnus but outside his reach
standard action - activate protection from energy(fire) spell-like ability





Non Lethal Damage



Energy Resist/Immunity

/electricity, paralysis, poison, sleep spells and related effects

Spell Slots

90 feet (18 squares) / fly 180 ft. (36 squares, average)
1st - 5/8


Persistent Fly

Persitent Freedom of Movement

Persistent Haste

Mind Blank

Protection from Fire
60 ft Fly (Good)

Auto succeed on resist grapple and escape artist checks

+1 dodge AC, +1 dodge Reflex, +30ft(up to base speed) on all speeds, 1 extra attack/full round attack

see spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mindBlank.htm)

120/120 remaining
?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/24 hours

?/3 hours 20 minutes

Conditional Modifiers:
+2 to will saves of other enchantments
+1 to saves against spells or spell-like abilities
+4 to saves against paralysis
+4 to fort saves against poisons and drugs
+1 luck bonus on any one roll or check Once per day while performing an act of good
Greater Sustenance[ex] - doesn't need to breathe
Mind Shielding[ex] - immune to det thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment
True Seeing[su]: upto 15 ft.
brilliant energy weapons do not ignore the exalted bonus to AC(+8)

2015-07-01, 08:08 AM
Aurix Round 6

A charge of positive energy in his hand, he moved to the side, towards Feeona and EDIT: attempted to lay a hand on her shoulder to heal her, but the woman gave him a look that stopped him from doing so. Aurix simply discharged the energy against himself, letting the energy flow to the wounds he had sustained before throwing a barrage of strikes at Magnus' toothy maw. He had every intention of knocking his brain around inside it's rigid case and delivered his first blow with as much force as he could muster.


5 ft step

Now in P8 (550 ft)

Swift Action - Touch of the Shadow Sun (Positive) on Feeona
To hit in case it's needed.
Positive Energy (healing)
It's a swift action if Feeona accepts the healing, otherwise I have to make an attack roll against her touch AC and it becomes a standard action

If ^ is swift action Aurix Attacks

Use Knock Silly (Su) on First attack (touch of idiocy as supernatural ability)

Crit/Fumble [roll3]
Crit [roll5]
Magical Bludgeoning
If hits [roll6] damage to INT, WIS and CHA. No save and because (Su) no spell resistance
Crit [roll7]

FRA Haste
Crit/Fumble [roll9]
Crit [roll11]
Magical Bludgeoning

Crit/Fumble [roll13]
Crit [roll15]
Magical Bludgeoning

Aurix Vuthaussir (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=76283)
Male NG Human Sword Sage 3, Warblade 2, Shadow Sun Ninja 5, Legacy Champion 2, Level 12, Init +8


26 (uncanny dodge)



Non Lethal Damage


+11 Temp HP

Energy Resist/Immunity


10 Cold (requires immediate action)
20 Fire

Duration Remaining

Flame's Blessing (Su)
Fire Resist based on Tumble ranks

Persisted Haste
+1 to attack, AC, reflex, +30 ft (up to base max) movement speeds, 1 extra iterative attack in FRA
4/24 hours

Persisted Freedom of Movement
Immune to paralysis and movement impediment, auto succeed resist grapple checks, able to attack normally under water in melee.
4/24 hours

Persisted Fly
Fly speed 60 ft Good Manoeuvrability
4/24 hours

Greater Heroism
+4 morale bonus to attack, saves, skills
1:48/16 minutes
= 18/20 rounds

+1 resistance bonus to saving throws
3/10 rounds

Conditional Modifiers:

Plushie Arz
2015-07-01, 06:53 PM
Aurix struck Magnus, causing another gout of fire to erupt from the red dragon's arcane defences. [roll0] Fire Damage, minus 20 for fire resistance

With Katria freed from the effects of the enchantment, Lerethi turned to Magnus and made the motions of a dispelling spell. A cold wind blew towards the red dragon, tearing away the spell turning ward from the ruby-crusted scales. Seeing an opening, Bracken unleashed a beam of blue energy that quickly covered his former master like a mishapen web. Magnus roared in fury but the spell that was forming on his claws fizzled.

"He's now stuck! Unable to teleport and cast!" Exclaimed Bracken, keeping his distance. "Now finish the deed!"

2015-07-01, 08:50 PM
Feeona, round 3 for not-dragons 6 like the dragons!

Feeona moved out of reach of the seemingly healing touch, instead letting the hammer of her heart drive her to focus on the red wing before her. The harsh light that had broken automatons and destroyed a hellfire elemental dawned on her broadsword again. A blue web entangled the red dragon, and she awaited her moment. When the red wing came down to keep the predator airborne, her shining sword swung up.

edit - just so it's clear, Aurix can either heal me as a standard action and weaken me (as he knows, by taking away from my Steely Pool), while not attacking the dragon. Which won't help anyone and instead weakens someone trying to help beat the big angry monster). Or he can use a full round action on the red dragon (which he has) and not heal me. So my attack and damage should be fine the way it is.

Use Smite.

Standard action, attack. +4 attack Steely Pool, +4 attack Smite. Let's hope it hits.

First hit, [roll0]
Bastard Sword Damage, [roll1]
Divine Strike Damage, [roll2]

If it hits, martial spirit to self.

1 Covering Strike
2 White Raven Tactics (ally in 10 feet gains another turn, but moves below my initiative)
3 Flanking Maneuver (hit flanked foe, ally gains extra attack)
4 Divine Surge (+8d8 damage)
5 Vanguard Strike (+4 Allies attack)
6 Rallying Strike (hit foe, burst heal me + allies in 30 feet 3d6+12)


Plushie Arz
2015-07-01, 09:37 PM

A blinding light like that of the sun erupted from the hilt of Feeona's blade and she brought it down onto Magnus' scarlet scales. Hardened steel tore through the wizard's arcane defences and more fires leapt from the wards to cut at the crusader. [roll0] Fire Damage. However, it was plain to all that the attack had dealt grevious damage to the transformed leader of the Arcane Corps.

2015-07-02, 08:02 PM
Shenra grinned as the spell turning was forced from Magnus' list of abjurations. Turning her finger towards the dragon, she unleashes the spell she had intended a few minutes prior. "FEEL YOUR ABJURATIONS TURN AGAINST YOU!" She screeches at the dragon.Reciprocal Gyre. 1d12 per spell still on Magnus. DC21 Fort or dazed.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-02, 08:53 PM
Damage: [roll0] Damage. +7200XP to the party.

Magnus reared up to unleash a second gout of blistering flame onto the party but only a cascade of bloody vomit poured from his jaws and his body seized up. His yellow eyes bulged and his veins throbbed as Shenra overloaded his magical wards, turning them against him. Aurix and Feeona shielded their eyes as his fire shield consumed itself in a shower of sparks, followed by his other defences. His ruby scales shattered and his limbs twisted in unnatural angles.

His great draconic body started contracting, his muscles ripping as they strained against the limitations imposed by Bracken's blue web. "Damn you archmage... Your apprentices..." He hacked, as his deformed body started reverting to his human form and the magic from his disrupted wards tore flesh from inside out. He was falling, the red robes fluttering behind him in his fiery descent "I'll blight your spells...."

He was naught but a mass of charred bone and robes when the party descended to the forest where Magnus fell. Bracken retrieved a golden amulet and sapphire ring from his former master's remains and pocketed them. It seemed despite the treasures that Magnus carried on his person however, that some may have been lost or destroyed during his fatal plunge. "To the winner, the spoils." He said, flashing his smug smile at the group. "The rest, you may help yourself."

Burning Robes of the Archmage (see OOC for description)
Belt of Dexterity +4
Bracers of Accuracy
Dark Blue Ioun Stone
Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone
Pink Ioun Stone

2015-07-03, 01:03 AM

Gliding down to the ground as quickly as possible Katria pads onto the jungles surface before speaking. "I wish we had time to pick through...the spoils as you put it, however theres still Field Marshal Ross and the siege weapon camp to deal with. I'm surprised we haven't heard the sound of flying rocks already...certainly their awake after the Hounds loud message to us?"

Plushie Arz
2015-07-03, 01:08 AM
Bracken sighed and patted his pockets. "Nay, I concede. We've lost this day. If what you say is true and Field Marshal Ross is dead, then there is no option but to surrender. Colonel Duran has command and he will listen. That is, if he has any wits."

2015-07-03, 01:25 AM

The iridescent silver-blue scaled dragon blinks in surprise before continuing. "Ross? Dead? Well that complicates things plenty. The Harbingers wouldn't agree to the ceasefire without promise of two people in return, Field Marshal Ross and Justiciar Helarm. I guess I could give them the body of Ross or replace him with Uhars."

A shrewd look comes over her as her gaze narrows looking at Bracken. "Tell me Bracken, what happens when your army surrenders? The lizardfolk probably won't hold them, too many to watch while trying to continue their own lives. I'll tell you...you and your comrades will probably be set free to go back to what you were doing before. Being a problem to my own people. Why should we give back three thousand troops, casters, and siege weapons to an army that has misused them? Can you promise they won't be a problem to anyone else? And how can we trust someone who has turned against his own?"

"Either way the quicker we do this the sooner everyone can get some rest and relaxation."

2015-07-03, 08:47 AM
As the party descended Aurix turned to Feeona, Katria and Letheri and asked if they wanted any healing.

"I have serious wounds, healing would be very appreciated."

“I'll help heal you all as a group.”
"Very well, your assistance is appreciated Feeona. Katria do you mind if I sit on your back? I can focus on healing you that way."

"I have no problem with that, go ahead."She tries to angle herself so Aurix has a better time of landing on her back.Aurix discharged some negative energy against Aegis' chainlinks and moved to straddle Katria's draconic form. It was surreal being so close to the form of an extinct creature. As Aurix placed a touch of positive energy against her scales Aurix couldn't help but marvel at the feel. She might not have been a true dragon but this was as close as far as Aurix cared, this was just as good.
"From which of the darastrixi do you draw your new power from, do you know?" *translation - dragons*

"No." Theres a poignant pause as she contemplates it. "Even though I would stop at the chance to learn that secret...there are still more important matters to deal with."

Aurix continued to alternate negative and positive energy, restoring Katria's vitality and healing her wounds as she flew and they talked.
"Indeed there are. It is a rare gift either way. Fortune smiles on you it would seem"

As Katria's flight path brought them lower, Aurix continued to work silently, the only sounds surrounding him, the flap of large leathery wings and the high pitched ring of steel on steel as Feeona did her part.

Healing at maximal rates so 3d8+4 is 28 HP every 2 rounds. @Plushie, how many rounds does it take us to get to the forest floor? If Feeona asks for healing too, I'll need to split my time between the two of them, possibly Letheri too, he asked her as he did see her get targeted by a chain lightning and he's not aware of her abjuration.


On the forest floor Aurix saw Bracken pocket the amulet and ring, the remaining items scattered around held little interest to him. Aurix removed another one of his sashes and spread the fabric on the ground and began separating Magnus' remains from the "spoils" as Bracken had termed it, placing Magnus' remains on the fabric so that he could transport them back to the temple. The bones smouldered and were hot to the touch but Aurix's stance that granted him the Flame's Blessing protected him from harm. There were some odd coloured stones, a pair of bracers, a belt and a charred red robe among the objects recovered from Magnus' remains. Auris looked up and then around for a moment while talking to Aegis.
Aegis? I feel like there may have been more on Magnus' person that may have been dislodged in his fall. Would you mind looking around the immediate vicinity for items while I move his remains?
Sure thing Master
You may call me Aurix if you like Aegis
Very well Master Aurix
Aurix smirked before returning his attention to what was going on around him.Aurix considered taking an item to help strengthen his people but he wasn't sure what would be best. Thus his eyes turned to Kessel Bracken. Knowing him to be interested in himself and himself only Aurix wondered why he made a beeline to those particular items
"What have you picked up there Bracken?" Aurix asked appraisingly.
Going for a hunch atm. Will roll an opposed roll if he tries to bluff me
Aegis is going to search the immediate vicinity - vision range 60 ft, casting dancing lights for light I suppose.[roll1]
Aurix will briefly try to spot something in the immediate vicinity [roll2]
Katria made mention of Ross and the potential for assault from the catapults and recalled that Katria was already fighting Magnus when he returned to give his report.
"Katria, on this, Bracken speaks the truth. Magnus struck Ross with a green ray that blew apart his shoulder and an acid storm which finished the job and three quarters of his company. I do not know who these Harbingers are, nor were we the Lizardfolk party to any agreement you had made with them to secure Ross, so unfortunately there are no remains for you to claim. I allowed the remaining soldiers to leave with Ross' remains in exchange for that company removing themselves from the war. Despite our differences, Ross was an honourable man and it is my view that he did not deserve a death like the one he received at Magnus' hands."

Aurix turned to Letheri and addressed her formally
"Madam Magdellar, we have struck a strong victory here today but we should return to Elder Krastix. Much needs to be discussed with regards to how we will each proceed from here. I'm sure the Kiiskan resistance would appreciate, as Katria has alluded to, the removal of some three thousand troops and casters, from the occupying force of Kiiska, however as also alluded to by Katria, it is most likely that following the conclusion of this war most prisoners captured will be released from our custody as per the terms of their surrender. As this affects the interests of your organisation and home, as allies we should discuss further."

2015-07-03, 09:00 AM

In reply to Aurix before arriving on the ground
"I have serious wounds, healing would be very appreciated."

"Very well, do you mind if I sit on your back? I can focus on healing you that way."
"I have no problem with that, go ahead." She tries to angle herself so Aurix has a better time of landing on her back.

"Do you know what blood line you have now?"
"No." Theres a poignant pause as she contemplates it. "Even though I would stop at the chance to learn that secret...there are still more important matters to deal with."

"Indeed there are. It is a rare gift either way. Fortune smiles on you it would seem"
Aurix can feel the movement of a smirk in the air. "Maizoluta sent her spirit to make me an offer, awakening my full heritage for the safety of her people. I agreed with no hesitation...not because of the power being offered, instead because I wanted to help the Children of the Scale."


On the ground in reply to what Aurix has said
Shaking her head in agreement Katria replies. "Rosses betrayal would be a valuable lesson to us that we beware our own allies. Then I must claim Uhars to return with, since he didn't surrender he isn't privy to the same protection. Seeing as how it took me, El'gor'an, and Shenra to fell him it's our choice to make. I would also request the release of Brother Tyrad into our custody as well once this is done...you may do what you want with the Knights and the rest of them."

2015-07-03, 03:36 PM
Shenra smiled a toothed grin, watching the spell wrack Magnus' body and watched as he deformed, coated in the amalgamation of Bracken's spell web and her own viscous sparks. Shenra descends to where his crushed body seemed to disintegrate, not saying much to her allies in her descent. The power coursing through her was a new sensation. As she gripped her quarterstaff, the power pulsed among her fingertips, danging over the cool weapon. Upon landing, she noticed a red robe lying on the ground, the same that Magnus had been wearing, if she remembered correctly. Picking it up, she feels the fabric between her fingers. However, she feels something... not quite right about the robes. Looking up, Bracken has pocketed some of Magnus' jewelry and smiled the same eerie grin she had felt cross her own lips only minutes before. As Bracken and Katria discuss the army, a growl grows in Shenra's stomach. "Katria, you cannot seriously trust the Order to take back their troops from this doorstep, and not expect them to be kicking down a new door next week?" As Aurix speaks up as well, rage boils inside Shenra. "The Harbingers deserved Ross, and they'll receive his body and the unscathed Uhars. We cannot go back on our word. Katria brings a good point; if we do not keep our allies close, there is possibility for mutiny. It is foolish to discount the effect and impact the Harbingers have provided for us. We should keep in their good graces." Shenra neatly folds the robes, placing them into one of the pouches on her belt. She also notices the mystic stones that had seemed perpetually floating above Magnus, and picks one of them up to investigate it. It hums softly in her hand. "I would be happy to take any of the remaining property of Magnus back to the temple. My belt can hold much of it while we move our discussions there. We are tired. It is not the time to discuss these matters.

2015-07-03, 10:09 PM
Feeona, airborne with everyone

Feeona eyed Shenra with astonishment. The brunette had the power to down an archmage with a single spell, and the crusader wondered what the world had lost for a teacher, or even simply a mother. Hers was no small amount of potential. The sound of steel tickling steel sounded, and another nova of healing warmth flowed through those around her, easing their wounds. “I'll help heal you all as a group.” The process repeated after less than half a minute as they all flew downwards to investigative the battered red dragon, and until they were all well. The little raven was tucked back into her belt afterwards.

We're outside combat, so maximize 3d6+12 = everyone gets healed 30. Unless Plushie prefers I roll, then it's more than fair. Either way, all maneuvers come back every three rounds, so repeat every 18 seconds or so to heal up the whole group. We should be all healed by the time we land.

Feeona, on the ground

“Shenra is right. Discussing this when we're tired isn't the brightest plan. Given the strong disagreement around the prisoners already caught, the uncertainty of what exactly a three thousand strong army will do, and as the only person present that the Order consistently has trusted to speak with for peaceful solutions, I agree discussion about the prisoners should be delayed. At least until after we rest. It's clear we all have different ideas about what should become of them. I'm hoping we can all talk about this openly and preferably with the First Speaker present. At least then, it's clear where the lizardfolk actually stand. Backdoor deals are just too likely to serve the selfish; open discussion among allies serves the majority.”

If it's really necessary, take 10 on diplomacy. Result of 34.

Mostly agreeing with Shenra. Just convincing the NPCs to move discussion about the prisoners to another time and when we're ALL present. Preferably with said First Speaker of course.

I don't trust that Alias, who has been trying to work against my place in the story (not even 'tensions of disagreement', but more 'trying to take the place of') is also the one that's going to try backdoor deals. That's never going to end well (for me at least). So again, this is strongly a vote for discussion with everyone openly.

2015-07-04, 12:51 AM

Facing Feeona. "Let's go and collect the siege camp before we go back to rest." Turning to Shenra. "Shenra I know what the Harbingers want Ross for and his remains will be of no use to them. But Uhars as a replacement should mullify them for now while we try and capture Helarm at a later point in time, I would like Brother Tyrad just in case. Let the Hound's men have his remains. As for my trust of what the prisoners will or will not do...I feel that when we go back to the camp we'll find Sergeant Bowen not in control anymore, in fact I wouldn't be surprised to find the Frost Queen having taken over. I don't trust all of them. If the lizardfolk have the means and dedication to hold the prisoners till this Resistance movement is over I would call that the better agreement." Looking back to Feeona. "There is selfishness in everyone of us...we all want certain things for whatever reasons or excuses we have. However your right that it's a discussion best left for later." Katria motions onward with her hands. "Shall we?"

2015-07-04, 01:59 AM
Aurix looked around for a moment, between the adrenalin coursing through his veins from witnessing a man essentially turned to ash and then fighting a mage turned dragon he had forgotten that the others had not slept sufficiently. Aurix was fine because he had received Elder Krastix's blessing back on top of Caan Yaput but Feeona, who would have refused the blessing if it was offered, and Shenra, while having powerful spells at her disposal, both looked tired. Letheri too seemed weary. Katria on the other hand he was not sure about. While he was familiar with the Lizardfolk and how they looked when they were tired, the form of a dragon was something else entirely and he couldn't quite ascertain either which way.

The statements of the two human women present alluded to their own contexts, which were beyond Aurix's purview. Shenra's voice was edged with anger and he wondered exactly what she had lost, in all of this craziness, that made her burn as she did. What these Harbingers wanted and what for was beyond Aurix and was also none of his business, he expected there would be time to discuss it later. Feeona on the other hand was a bit clearer. Simply put, she did not trust him and her choice of words all sounded like subtle jabs at his integrity. None the less, she had essentially restated what he had proposed to Madame Letheri not seconds before, even if she was misstating Elder Krastix's title. Aurix decided to address Katria's response first.

"Katria, I take no issue with what you propose, but that said, I do not have the authority to dictate how the Prisoners will be handled."
Aurix moved over to where he had laid out Magnus' remains to cool a little, he bent down and lifted the corners to make a makeshift sack. The bones clacked around as he lifted, as if looking for a state of spatial equilibrium as gravity enacted its force on them again.
Turning back to face the group Aurix looked from Katria, to Letheri, to Feeona, back to Letheri and then to Feeona and Shenra, to emphasise points he wished to make to each without calling each individual out on it.
"I can only make recommendations to the Leader of my people, Emerald Speaker Elder Krastix, which is why I suggested to Madam Magdellar that we return to Caan Yaput post haste. From there if there are those among us who require further rest, they may seek it. We can reconvene upon the dawn and discuss what needs to be discussed then."
Aurix then smiled broadly. The realisation that they had managed to defeat a very powerful foe was sinking in and the thought that they had successfully managed to protect his people was warming his countenance.
"If there's nothing else to discuss at this point in time, We could do that, but I do not expect we will receive a friendly reception. Even if we do collect the siege camp, Elder Krastix will need to be informed, as he will have to organise the temple's resources to accommodate more prisoners. If it's alright by those here, I will take my leave to return to Caan Yaput now and inform Elder Krastix of our victory." With that said, Aurix began to float off.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-04, 05:04 AM
"Just odds and ends." Replied Bracken casually to Aurix's question about his trophies. "Nothing you need to worry about." Lerethi also looked at the items from Magnus' corpse but didn't seem to take any further interest after a glance.

"We will need to return to Caan Yupat and I will need to discuss further with Krastix before taking any action." Said the Archmage, nodding in agreement. She lifted into the air and gave the group a rare smile, although Shenra had the impression it was directed more at her. "Well done."

* * *

The black star splotched sky was giving way to shades of cerulean and violet in the east and the party reconvened at the peak of Caan Yupat. Four hours had passed since the battle with Magnus and the group rested easier knowing the most immediate threat to the Goddess' Eye was over. They were joined by the others from below the Pyramid and other fortresses. El'gor'an, Branna, Macrae and Calthera stared at Katria in wonder at her transformation and the halfling druidess rubbed her eyes in disbelief. "Wow! So you know when you said you didn't need to eat. That rule still applies right?" She chuckled.

"Nine hells," Swore Macrae under his breath. His look was similarly mirrored in the faces of the other Resistance members and lizardfolk. Lahar held his spear uneasily at the sight of the iridescent dragon and Khallis gripped Feeona's hands tightly. Mahb jumped onto a plinth, the fur on her tail and spine standing stiffly. Luthais, Ruslam and Sophiea had tired but reserved looks about them. They had been in the thickest of fighting the previous day and little surprised them anymore.

A short time later, Lerethi and Krastix emerged from within the temple together. The lizardfolk priest spoke. "The Archmage and I have spoken much. With their red wizard dead and commanders captured, they must leave our land. Their presence in Kiiska however is more difficult. I can only speak for the Emerald Goddess and not for the elves. I fear the defilers will not leave the city easily."

2015-07-04, 05:38 AM

The flight back to Caan Yupat was quiet and uneventful. The only sound being the beating of Katrias long wings to keep her afoat in the air. She thought of many things as they traveled.


Acting dramatically Katria puts her hand to her chest as if her feelings had been deeply hurt and returns Branna's jest with a mischievous look. "I'm hurt that you'd think me crass enough to eat a friend and comrade. My stomach has reacted when I erected the space of null magic to escape the cage though. It's more unsettled than hungry or thirsty." The reactions of some of the others though gets her attention and she gets serious again quick. She puts her clawed hands up defensively. "Calm down, my form has changed is all. I am still myself...just bigger. I am Katria, your friend and or ally."

She waits tensely for the leaders to come to a decision while some of her former allies eyed her suspiciously and fearfully. Once the decision was voiced she cleared her throat to try and subtly get Elder Krastix attention. "I wish not to speak out of turn, however if your going to release the Order prisoners could I ask for Field Marshal Uhars and Brother Tyrad to be put into my care? It would serve two purposes Elder, to get them out of your lands and keep them from callously harming others with their zealotry."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-04, 07:46 AM
"And what will you do with them, mighty dragon?" Asked Krastix, raising an arm in concern.

2015-07-04, 08:09 AM

"Field Marshal Koria Uhars will be passed onto the Harbingers who have the means and capacity to hold him away from any innocent people. Brother Tyrad will get the chance to practice what his people preach, I have some vows I have to keep and a cleric of Mornay could help in that regard. He will be offered his freedom if the situation is too much not to his liking, after agreeing to not be a problem for anyone again. Brother Tyrad may not be much of a problem, however the look in Uhars eyes while we fought was true conviction. Even if he didn't come back anytime soon, be assured he would be back if you let him go. He believes himself justified too much to listen to reason."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-04, 10:11 PM
El'gor'an patted Katria's side in protest. "My love, we've seen what the Harbingers do their captives and if we leave Uhars with them, we're simply condoning their actions, yes?" He paused. "Uhars must be held account for his crimes but torture is no way to do so. He must stand trial."

"I agree." Nodded Calthera. "Leaving him to the Harbingers' mercies would only serve the Order's propaganda. We have to be better than them if we are to win the hearts and minds of Kiiska's people."

Macrae scoffed. "A farce. I say kill him now. His life is hardly adequate recompense for all the others his Order have ruined."

2015-07-05, 01:27 AM

An unbelieving look comes over her face looking at El'gor'an. "Okay I'll dance with you. Say we have a trial. With who's authority can we hold one? The Resistance can't even free their own people from the Orders tyranny. Who's going to be jury? Can't be human, elf, dark elf, goblinoid, orc, or half-elf nor any other creature they've wronged...too prejudice toward any one way. The lizardfolk has shown no propensity to judge them, so their out. The fey? The Dwarves who arent even in this? Who? Now that aside what happens should he be found innocent? He'll be freed to attempt another atrocity. He'll go back to the Order and follow some other orders that puts him back in this situation again. Should I allow you to put him on trial and he get free to harm someone else...thats on me. I will not let that happen after all we did to stop him."

She looks at Calthera. "This man...a valued officer of your treasured deities Order has no yield in him. And my people have already made their decision to be slaves to the Order and their deity Mornay. I will honor that...should they get in my way to get back freedom for those willing to fight for it I'll cut them down. They have made their decision and so have I...unless you want me to hand him over to the Ebon Stars." She shudders at the remembrance of how they treated their prisoners. "I gave my word to the Harbingers that if they agreed to the cease-fire they'd get Ross and Helarm in return...Ross is dead, getting Uhars could placate them for the missed chance at Ross. I pay my debts and keep my word...unlike Feeonas precious Order. What happens to the allies we have when they find out we can't even keep our own promises we made to them? Lady Calthera?"

She looks down at her current form and frowns. "Now that I think about it though getting back into Kiiska like this without notice is going to be impossible..."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-05, 09:24 PM
"Giving up prisoners for torture makes us no better than Avaraxus's horde." Said Calthera resolutely. "It is not what Jonas would've done and I want no part of it."

"The Spirit would not condone this and to do so is to only play into the claws of the Dark Fanged." Agreed Krastix. "You agreed to treat the prisoners with dignity, great dragon. To give up a defiler, no matter how vile, to other evils is to continue the cycle of darkness."

El'gor'an mulled over Katria's words. "The Order say First Speaker Vhoris Narmendel is the rightful ruler of Kiiska yes? Who better than the First Speaker to judge the Field Marshal's actions? It just so happens I have a friend who may help sway the First Speaker to reason."

"Vhoris's honour is but a paper shield." Said Lerethi coolly. "He will bend before he breaks. Don't forget that it was Second Speaker Kolvars who betrayed Fharel."

"But the Kiiskan Guard are the only ones in Kiiska who have authority to hold trial for the Field Marshal's crimes." Protested Calthera.

2015-07-06, 09:33 AM
Shenra steps forward to back up Katria. "One life to save countless more. Uhars has his judgment coming, and regardless of what is right or wrong in the damned gray-scale we've come to know, it is justice that he be killed, and that our promises be kept to our allies. I apologize, Lady Calthera, but you must see that his crimes must be atoned for? Avaraxus' horde was merciless, mindless slaughter. This man has committed crimes against life and the balance therein. You would not spare the rod of the child caught stealing food, would you? And how does genocide compare to stealing bread?" She holds her tongue as Krastix speaks, but she blinks repeatedly as she attempts to think through what he has to say. "Forgive my tongue, Elder. But which of the evils here is more acceptable? Look at the track records here. The Harbingers have their reputation, and Uhars has his. If both of them lived up to them, Uhars would continue killing thousands in the name of his king, judge, jury and executioner. And the Harbingers would be merciless killers of the one man responsible for several hundred dead of their family and friends. Let's be honest here, do you truly think Kiiska would not stand behind our decision to deliver him to them? You think they would prefer to have Uhars kicking down their doors, ready to pillage and murder them in their sleep?" She is near fuming, but calms down as Lerethi holds up her hand and points out the treachery of the Second Speaker. "I stand beside Katria. Our word is all we have to our allies. Taking that is disarming us in a war where we are already outnumbered. There is too much bias surrounding Uhars while this war rages on around us. He does not deserve to be held captive until it ends, and he does not need a trial. He is guilty, and the guilty must be punished or else balance will never return."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-06, 07:15 PM
"He's committed crimes and they must be brought to account. That, I do not dispute. But we can't just hand him off to anyone to be killed and tortured without trial, especially not the Harbingers. That makes us just as bad as Avaraxus or the Darklings. It will not win us the trust of the people of Kiiska and sets a poor precedent. It'll teach them that anyone can settle their grievances openly"

"Yes, the Emerald Goddess teaches that one must be just with captives. She does not advocate the senseless slaughter of a helpless foe despite the suffering he has inflicted on her people." Krastix looked at Lahar sternly and the brown scaled warrior of the Bark'esh bristled. "There are other ways. Trial by combat is one. A Goddess' Mark is another."

"I also agree with Lady Calthera and the Elder." Said Sophiea. "On a battlefield, there are rules of engagement. This falls outside of it. I cannot advocate for the torture of that warmonger in good conscience."

2015-07-06, 09:24 PM
Aurix stood and listened to the discourse unfold beneath the lightening sky. There were thoughts that came to Aurix's mind about the goings on but this was largely a political matter for those from Kiiska. Aurix was not a stakeholder in the goings on of the elven city and Elder Krastix was the representative of his people for the Emerald Scale. Instead his thoughts turned to what the Order might be doing now. He looked towards where the Order was camped and was cognitively aware that they would begin making preparations to advance on this position again if their modus operandi was still the same as it was yesterday. That however seemed unlikely. Sergeant Veleru and the remaining Diggers surely must have made it back to the Order encampment by now. Thinking about Sergeant Veleru he remembered his first words and a thought occurred to him... did they know Magnus had been slain yet? He couldn't be sure as he left the clearing as soon as he could. He looked to the one person who might know. Feeona.
Aurix was unsure about whether or not to approach her as she had been quite cool towards him since being in the tunnels. Still, it was a detail that needed to be addressed in his mind so he put his doubts aside and made his way over. Aurix calmly and quietly walked around the assembled people discussing the fate of the prisoners, particularly Uhars, and sidled up next to Feeona.
Gently tapping on her shoulder to garner her attention, he leaned in and whispered.

"Did you get a chance to inform Sergeant Veleru of Magnus' demise with your silver raven?"

2015-07-06, 10:25 PM

"The people of Kiiska chose the Order and Mornay...they don't care about what's right. Just what their told to care about. Your precious Sisters of Dawn turn my people into zealots for their cause. And you give them to the Order by your inaction and inability to do what needs to be done. Your too worried about Uhars honor, yet you disregard any other persons honor. When you teach people that it's not okay to settle grievances openly it makes them find other subtle ways to do so. Is that what you want? People that learn they must hide themselves from you? I've lived like that and I won't any longer. You've made a liar of me and I don't like it." Looking at Lady Calthera. "Want no part of it? Lady Calthera your up to your neck in it. You told us to get the Harbingers agreement, you didn't say anything about any limits to what we had to do. They gave you youre cease-fire...what about us? Is there anything of Rosses we can give them to prove he's dead? Are we going to try and keep our promises? If we stab our own allies in the back like the Order with the High Elves who can trust us to ever keep any agreement?"

"You want to give him to the Guard? Go ahead. I will tell you what will happen should you do that. When the Order finds out...and they will, they'll come for their Field Marshal. I doubt the First Speaker will stand up to them, if he does Kolvars will give them Uhars to keep his conspiracy safe." She looks at Madam Magdellar. "Lord Fharel was killed because of a secret between him and Kolvars that Kolvars didn't want the Order finding out. I don't know what that secret is but it is still relevant from what I observed and heard." She looks at Elder Krastix and Aurix. "After crushing the Resistance he'll come back here and finish what was started. Either on his own initiative or being ordered by Helarm. I could tell you a story about what happened to my people, however I don't think Uhars will leave any of your people alive to play out like that again."

"Trial by combat is ineffective as a means of justice. All thats required is the means to survive combat, even unjust criminals could be found innocent by their abiliity to fight rather than their morales as a person. And forcing him to be docile by means of force or magic is no different than what the Order is already doing."

Turning to Sophiea. "This isn't war, it's rebellion, it's freedom. The best option was given by Macrae, just kill him. We all know he's a criminal, a trial is to get at the truth and we know what the truth is. That monster is willing ready and able to slaughter everyone you hold dear for his Mornay. He won't stop and I'm very sure he won't repent. And if you leave him alive the Order will come kill you to get him back."

2015-07-07, 08:48 AM
Shenra sighs and bows her head. "Where does the honor of one man overrun the honor or rights of the countless others he shares his breaths with?" She looks around, making eye contact with any who will look her in the eye. "Look, it's like Katria said. This is a rebellion. Treating tyranny like democracy is the easiest way to overlook the tyranny in the first place."

2015-07-07, 09:27 AM

Feeona became transfixed on Calthera despite holding hands with Khallis. The blonde smiled whenever the high elf spoke of avoiding all forms cruel. It was a lively debate on all ends. The dragon in the realm reared up with her objections, and she found herself nodding empathetically when Katria admitted to feeling betrayed.

“Allowing torture says we don't trust in our own decency to create a lasting difference. But neither is it right we infringe on Katria's integrity like this. With a bit of alteration to our own plans, it's possible for us all to be mostly happy. No torture on Uhars. The elves find their justice. The occupation becomes weaker.” She considered the room, unsure if anyone was attentive. “But I feel any worthwhile discussion should include the prophecy. Among it, the three suns that sunder apart. They can only be those trying to live up to Mornay's hopes. However dimly. But they're destined to split. So I say we adapt it to serve the many, and very gently tap the chisel. The easiest way is speaking with the Sisters of Dawn, and allowing them to help enable a trial by combat.

“Lady Calthera already pointed out the Guard have the authority. So any ruling they make can't be overturned by the Order. Shenra already mentioned how guilty Uhars is. So there's no harm in giving him a trial worthy a Field Marshal. It even answers Katria's concern about impartiality. The half-elves are the closest thing to it we have. Besides, by openly speaking with the Sisters of Dawn, it's better than the Kiiskan Guard being seen to have friends in the Resistance. A government with ties to its own detractor doesn't smile sincerely. Speaking with the Sisters of Dawn to help arrange the trial is a sensible bridge to move forward on.”

Feeona regarded Krastix. “Besides, the longer Order troops remain imprisoned here, the more they'll be seen as a point of contention. A reason for the Order to return. But by speaking with the Sisters of Dawn officially, that allows us all to sidestep more bloodshed. The mistake of a military solution will have no need to flare for the matter being taken care of diplomatically. Use Uhars' trial arrangements as a watermark. If it meets your standard, let it be a leap to something kinder. If not, it's another learning experience.”

She looked to the lizardfolk leader and Resistance both. “Find terms, magical and otherwise, that make releasing Uhars' into our custody acceptable. I'll even take a Mark to proof I'm honest. It's actually true the Chapel wouldn't release him before due time. Right now, not everything is meadows back in Kiiska. The Gold Dragon hasn't appeared for whim. One of the stronger disagreements was actually between the Chapel and Uhars.” She grimaced for recalling he wanted to turn them into shock troopers. “The Sisters of Dawn would have every intent to treat the Field Marshal well, but with a strong incentive to snugly set him aside until the appropriate time. Particularly if terms of placing him in our custody include a demand to a fair trial by combat. Overseen by the Kiiskan Guard, again, the Order have to accept the results. There will never be accusations of injustice. Any tensions born from holding him becomes exclusively the Chapel's burden instead of the lizardfolk's. A gentle tap of the chisel. ”

Feeona smiled. “If I could go a little further, I would even ask Katria to be the chosen champion to fight for Kiiska. As a former elf, ex-Resistance, respectful of Nai'Tura but blessed by the Avatar of Maizoluta, her status makes her perfect. She represents a great many that see what the Order has committed as cruel. So Field Marshal Uhars gets a trial worthy of him. He is a warrior at his soul. While Kiiska gains a champion that represents their best. The trial can't be corrupted by Kolvars because prosecuter and defendant are indepenent.”

The pious woman considered the room of people far more powerful and talented than herself. “Uhars stays safely secure while being well-treated. The elves still find justice in the form of a trial by combat, with Katria as Kiiska's champion. The occupation grows just a touch weaker for a light tap in the right place. It serves us all. Does this seem like a fair middle ground?”

Anther vote against torture. 100%

So do a trial by combat? Have the Sister of Dawn hold Uhars in a lead up to it, to ensure he gets treated well, but get the Kiiskan Guard to accept and judge the trial. A trial by combat fits Uhars personality perfectly. But also have Katria be the champion of Kiiska because she represents near everyone that's been wronged. The result has to be accepted by the Order because the Guard are overseeing it. Also, because Uhars and Katria are outside the Guard's hands, the process can't be corrupted by the second speaker.

A middle ground. Everyone happy?

2015-07-07, 11:27 AM

Through the whole conversation Katria had been keeping her voice steady and calm. Her next discourse was no less calm or steady for her unease. "You say not to infringe on my integrity then suggest we do just that? Nice start to the biggest reason why we should just have the trial by combat here and I break the rest of my promises. I trust not the Guard nor your Sisters to keep the Order from getting him back. Your Sisters less so seeing as how they are part of your church and the Order making them more beholden to following the Orders commands. The guard only have the authority given them by the Order which can more than likely be overidden by that very Order. To disprove you again the half-elves have suffered under the Old Council and have more reason to see Uhars making my people suffer. No this doesn't leave here...and neither does Koria Uhars. I would rather none of the troops leave here to be exact. Giving us more of a chance to cut down the Orders reamining troops, casters, and leaders."

"The last thing I'll do Feeona is give your Sisters anymore power than they already have with my people. It is my endeavor to push out your church not invite it in further. That would be your endeavors."

"Although I appreciate your vote of confidance I also think it unfair that I fight a human in my current form. I would think Elder Krastix and the lizardfolk would rather one of their own be the champion. I would rather it be Aurix, he has been for the most part impartial and fair. By the reaction of my own allies I doubt anyone else will welcome a dragon as the challanger of Koria Uhars."

I would be fine with trial by combat...but don't you think it unfair to pit a human against a dragon?.

2015-07-07, 11:47 AM

Feeona nodded at the dragon as she voiced her preference it be Aurix. “Sorry, I didn't know you couldn't change back. I agree that would be too much for even Uhars – an execution instead of a fair trial. Another form of cruelty.” She made a face.

“I admit I don't actually want a trial by combat; I would prefer a regular trial based on peaceful discussion. That alone says plainly where and what we stand for. But it would be fair for Aurix to fight if he wants to, should we go with a trial by combat. That seems to be where the middle ground is. Lady Lerethi mentioned a regular trial may well be corrupted by the Second Speaker. But a trial by combat can't be. So how about, this, then: We invite an official of the Kiiskan Guard here instead. Someone with the authority to oversee that kind of procedure. The process is honest and kind on all then. It fits Uhars well for his warrior spirit. The Kiiskans still find the justice they want. It even ensures the results are accepted by the Resistance, Lizardfolk and Order as official. A kinder option for all. Better?”

She paused. “Actually, we could also hold a regular trial here, if we can convince some of the Guard to come. We're too far outside the Order's reach for any interference then. Honest, safe and peaceful for all. How about that instead?”

2015-07-07, 12:17 PM

"I haven't tried, however when the transformation was done I pretty much knew what I could do from it and changing shape doesn't seem to be one of them. I conjectured that like Vyer my mortal shell would expire under the strain of channeling a portion of Maizolutas essence. It took her a day or more before it happened...so maybe today?" She grins weakly.

"Your assuming we all want peace with your Order and their "puppet" government. I don't...your Order is undeserving of peace or reasonableness."

"I don't like the trial of combat anymore than you. I just think it the best solution if killing him is not."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-07, 07:37 PM
"It's fine if you don't want peace with the Order. They've committed innumerable wrongs under the leadership of Sol Jeremiah and I will not start defending them now. But what about peace for Kiiska and an end to the brutality of the occupation where people can kill whoever and wherever they like? Is that something you want as well?" Calthera sighed, not rebutting the attacks Katria made on her person but her hurt was plain.

"To win Kiiska, we need to win the people. And we haven't done enough to make them trust us, much less support us. They're hungry and desperate and they're turning to the Sisters of Dawn and the Kiiskan Guard who can offer them food and security. They don't care who sits at the top of the city. They want food in their bellies and a roof over their heads. There's nobody else to turn to for that kind of help and we've been too busy acquiring a bloody reputation for murder. I can't say our choice of allies are helping. You want to push out the Order? Give the people an alternative to support and protect them in return."

"I'm loathe to invite more people to this holy place, especially the Kiiskan Guard. There's already too many eyes that have laid eyes on this Temple and I've heard of the rot within the Guard. I say we secure the Order's surrender here, return their prisoners and get out. Have the trial with those we have or negotiate with the Order for one of their own as a judge."

"Hmpf. It seems Magnus has blighted you with madness." Scoffed Macrae. "First we defend this place from them and now we invite them here? You would've never allowed this back in the day, Lerethi."

"Times change, people change." Replied the Archmage, with a small look of amusement around her eyes.

"Fine, how about Bracken? Or one of the prisoners? Surely they can stand as a representative of the Order."

2015-07-07, 08:05 PM
Aurix's attempt at getting Feeona's attention and asking her a question fell on deaf ears. Feeona and Katria engaged in a back and forth volley of discourse and Katria had even verbalised Aurix's name. It seemed that this kiiskan issue would be brought to his people and him. Aurix sighed... Information wise he was still lacking as half the things those assembled here were talking about were unknown to him. To be able to contribute to the discussion he needed those unknowns answered.
Aurix stuck up his hand,
"Might I interject for a moment? You are all speaking of things that up until now have had nothing to do with my people. Madame Magdellar may have informed Elder Krastix but at the moment I am in the dark about all of this and as such I have no idea what you're all going on about. It all seems very important to you so I would like to understand. Also as part of the decision making rests with my people, I find it imperative that we make informed decisions. Who are the Harbingers? Aside from being allies of the Serpent's Fang who wanted Field Marshal Ross and Justicar Helarm. What crimes has Field Marshal Uhars committed that warrant calls for his death? What is the current state of affairs in Kiiska? Why does Katria believe it's people have 'made their decision to be slaves' of the order? What is this vow that you need help with Katria? When you refer to 'my people' Katria are you referring to the citizens of Kiiska in their entirety or just the elves? What is the involvement of the Sisters of the Dawn? I have many many more questions but if someone would just give me a briefing on the situation I may find answers and be able to contribute to our discussion here."

Basically I know what's been going on, but Aurix doesn't. I even asked Plushie if he knew who the Harbingers were and he doesn't. So I'd like a briefing. It doesn't even have to be a full explanation of things that happened, it could be something like "Calthera gives Aurix a run down of the recent history of Kiiska". Some things like the question of whom katria refers to when she says "my people". Like I want to be able to contribute to the discussion and hopefully find a way forward for everyone but atm all I can do is discuss how things affect the lizard folk. The party is reasonably intelligent and very charismatic but severely lacking in wisdom. That would be my character's niche it would seem and I do suggestions to offer.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-07, 08:16 PM
It was Lerethi who spoke up to answer Aurix's questions.

"The Harbingers are a group of Jagon worshippers; mostly orcs, goblins and humans, who oppose the Order. They are impermanent allies of the Serpent's Fang. As for Uhars' crimes, they are against the elves and lizardfolk. He spearheaded the siege of Kiiska and commanded the razing of dozens of shrines and temples to Nai'Tuhra and your goddess in the past twelve months. He has waged aggressive warfare and turned a blind eye to atrocities committed by his own men on civilians. He also countersigned an order that sent prisoners of war and civilians alike to die on a forced march to the Gorani outskirts."

Khallis released Feeona's hand and gave Aurix a brief overview of Kiiska's history.

2015-07-07, 09:19 PM

“The Sisters of Dawn are keeping starvation at bay for the innocent; as Mornay wills. But invasion and coercion isn't her way. It never was. Spreading the divine light under them doesn't feel right. If it helps, one alternative is simple: Nai’Tuhra. The elves know her as their key divinity, and would be glad for her church to be an option for comfort and guidance. We can always investigate what's keeping them from making a more organized effort when we return. I'm glad to help assist exactly that. Everyone deserves not just the basics of life like food and shelter, but the guidance and teachings to uplift them to excellence.”

Feeona had turned from the group to look to the noble elf. “Lady Calthera, we definitely want Sir Aiden as a judge. Honourable and kind. He's aware of the Sol's preferences, loyal to his superiors, and faithful to Mornay. The Order ideal.”

2015-07-07, 11:45 PM

Letting them speak Katria watches listens and thinks on things.

Turning to Calthera. "Lady Calthera I agree with much you have said. And yes I wish to see peace in my own city. I have brought some of these concerns to you. I don't want wanton killing, however when you take people's right to seek justice you teach them that it's not okay to think or act in their own self-interest or for the interest of others. Not all conflicts get resolved with violence. What I want is to see a bloodletting of the Order that will decimate their numbers and allow people all over to make their own choices, learn to stick up for themselves and those they wish protected."

"I agree we need the peoples support and brought the same concerns you speak of to you. I told you that the desperation and despair of my people would be used against them and that we needed to help them and get them to support us. As for the murder...are we supposed to let the Guard and Order just slaughter us without defending ourselves? Please tell me how many people can anyone person help when their dead? I answer none."

"No need to go to Kiiska to get any representative, the only representative from here I might let speak for him that maybe won't just defend him because he's put the fear of obediance in them or because they support the Order from long exposure is Sergeant Bowen. I'm not sure of Bracken. As I said we know of his crimes, so why the show of a trial to come to the verdict we know is right? Why waste more time and effort on one man who just needs justice administered to him at the point of a sword?"

Giving Lerethi a surprised look. "I was unaware that Uhars was repsonsible for that...who was the other signee of that dreadful action? The only person in command I was told of happens to be Captain Nar. With this new information I would actually volunteer for the trial by combat. He is deserving of no mercy."

Turning to give Feeona a searching gaze. "They are also using that desperation and despair as a means to replace my peoples faith with their own Feeona. That is not an acceptable response to having taken my peoples livelihood away from them. I dont trust your church to help the people."

"I intend to leave the Resistance and go back to helping the people when we get back. To stay out of their sight it'll have to be those they haven't gotten to in the deep dangerous parts of Kiiska. Create a place where people can go to get away from the Order and the fighting. A place where no weapons, armor, or magic is allowed. A place to have fun and be yourself. Also a place where performers can practice their trade in peace. It's going to be slow and arduous, however hard work and perseverance hasn't been a problem before."

Facing Aurix. "Much has already been explained to you. I made vows one or more of your lifetimes ago to lay aside any monetary gain for the betterment of others. And this straying from the path will not do. Theres a pile of gold that needs to be used to relieve suffering and despair in anyway I can. If the people want the Sisters that's their choice, however not everyone makes it to the marketplace. I can start small and in the darkest places to shine a light into. Just have to be careful since I'm supposed to be with Captain Tuskan of the Kiiskan Guard...poor Kerrigan. Also for the most part when I say the people it usually means the inhabitants of the city before the Order came here or any friends, comrades I'd be willing to lay my life down for.. I try not to be too vague. It mainly means most denizens of the jungle. Gray Elves aren't the only ones that need help, although right now their probably the most needful."

2015-07-08, 06:21 AM

“Katria, if you don't trust my faith, that's fine. I would doubt in your place, too. However, Mornay isn't opposed to peaceful worship of other deities. Almost every concern you raised can be undone by us helping Nai’Tuhra rise. I would be happy to help that if it means turning despair into hope. No one has to trust the Order. Just know that the teachings of my goddess are clear in allowing the worship of others, that Farlaen itself welcomes Nai’Tuhra, and I myself would be glad to assist in seeing her church become a peaceful option again. The dream you've put forward is exactly what most of us strife for: a place for peaceful acceptance and excellence. A haven like Oldenton. Why not marry that idea to reviving the church of Nai’Tuhra? It gives choice while helping alleviate suffering of the innocent. It even shows that we all have the best intentions throughout.”

Feeona smiled hopefully. “Regardless, how does everyone feel about voting for their preferred kind of trial? I'm all for an ordinary trial. No one would call it biased with Sir Aiden as a judge. We can form a jury from the remaining Order knights, Lizardfolk, and ourselves. A mixture ensures honesty. I can't speak for who is most appropriate for a prosecutor, but I would be comfortable with Lady Calthera defending Uhars. If not her – I'll do it. I'm no deity to say he doesn't deserve a chance. I'm just about willing to do my part to ensure Uhars has a fair trial. As much as he's done wrong, a deceased soul has little chance at redemption.”

She shrugged inwardly. “Otherwise, if a trial by combat gets chosen, it doesn't have to be to death. Not if the victor is declared correct. My blade is enchanted for mercy, so that's an option. Again, I'm much more for an ordinary trial myself, and that's why I'm requesting a vote.” She looked over to Krastix and Lerethi. “Or at least, if a vote is inappropriate, a decision as to what befits this holy place.”

Plushie Arz
2015-07-08, 06:25 PM
A vote was close to a tie.

El'gor'an, Khallis, Calthera, Lerethi, Krastix and Luthais were in favour of an ordinary trial, with Krastix and Lerethi as prosecutors.

Sophiea, Ruslam, Lahar, Branna and Macrae were in favour of trial by combat although the scarred wizard expressed a wish to dispose of a trial altogether and kill the Field Marshal.

"You want him to fight?" Piped Branna. She stretched out her arms for emphasis. "I'll summon a bear this big to champion all the trees they burned, all the animals they murdered!"

2015-07-08, 11:14 PM

"Trial by combat." Smiling at Brannas enthisiasm. "Branna I think the bear might loose. It took three of us to stop Uhars with El getting very hurt. I narrowly missed getting hit by his hammer multiple times. The force of those near misses heavily disturbed the air and made it's presence known."

2015-07-09, 05:33 AM
As Aurix formulated his thoughts, the discussion continued ahead.

When it all came to a head Aurix was fairly certain of his position.

"I feel we have jumped one step ahead of what we should be focussing our attention on. The two of Order's commanding officers and the head of the Arcane corps have all been defeated and as Elder Krastix has stated the invaders must leave this land however we do not know what the Order intends to do at this juncture. With our talk of dispatching the Field Marshal Uhars or making him stand through trial by combat or a trial by law we have rushed ahead of dealing with the situation that is at hand. The prisoners can still be held while we neutralise with the current threat. The political situation of Kiiska can wait, as I understand it you are under a ceasefire agreement few more days yet. If those present are set on their desire to resolve the situation with Field Marshal Uhars now then I will abide by the decisions made by the Emerald Speaker, but in saying so I have my own opinions on the matter at hand, if I may be permitted to voice them Elder."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-09, 06:02 AM
"Of course, young warrior," Said Krastix obligingly. "Speak."

2015-07-09, 08:18 AM
Aurix nodded his head in thanks to Elder Krastix and addressed the assembled people.

"In the lizardfolk law, trial by combat is used as a means of settling disputes between two individuals. Those with grievances against each other are pitted in solo combat. Stripped of weapons, armour and equipment; it is the purest expression of the principles that the Bark'esh tribe, and many other Lizardfolk tribes, live by... 'Might is right'. This however translates poorly into disputes where the interests or grievances of many or groups are to be considered and often results in intertribal warfare. Warfare is the stage in which we have already reached and to take it back to a single duel would not solve any issues.
Take for instance this hypothetical scenario. Say whoever Uhars fights in trial by combat loses. There are so many different interests involved in this one duel, I cannot for a second believe that any of those wronged by Uhars would accept his victory. This brings me onto my next point. Upholding the result of that trial. If Uhars was to win, judged by a Lizardfolk law, would those of you from different cultures attend to and uphold the result, with all the thoughts and feelings you have on the matter? In all honesty? Now what if Uhars loses? I'm sure many of you would be thrilled with the result but the Order of the Morning Sun already considers my people barbaric savages. Do you think they would uphold the law of a 'primitive and savage' people? I find it hard to believe that they would. So even if we went through a trial by combat, one side would most likely disagree with the result of the contest and we would be back at square one, but with more reasons to fight than we had in the past. This end serves no one but the Dark Fanged and all deities who would revel in the chaos and destruction that war brings to the world.
A trial, though probably more acceptable to the Order's sensibilities faces the same problem of upholding the result. It has also been stated that bias would be an issue irrespective of who the Judge would be. Lahar and I are both of the Lizardfolk and Elder Krastix represents all of our people who have been attacked by the Order, bias exists. Madame Magdellar, Katria, Macrae, Khallis and Lady Calthera are all first and foremost an elves who have suffered at the hands of the Order in some way or another, bais exists. Branna who represents nature has seen it despoiled by the Order, bias exists. Sir Gillard and anyone affiliated with the Order of the Morning Sun have their roots in the workings of the militant nation and a duty to uphold, bias exists. Bracken acts purely out of self interest, even there bias exists. Even our resident Sister of the Dawn, with all the kindness that Mornay preaches, has bias whether she would admit to it or not. In all these scenarios, bias exists because we all had lives before this point, we are all mortal and thus we are all fallible. We cannot remove that bias and thus must acknowledge it and look past it. Very few would be able to.
Some of you have then said, and quite appropriately so, that the concept of these trials is a farce and that Uhars should just be executed... Indeed it would be the simplest way to conclude these matters, but there are wider issues to consider. From the standpoint of the Lizardfolk, we are not a military power. From the numbers of my people here we number one warrior to every 1000 civilians. Field Marshal Ross already demonstrated that our defence is flawed and unsustainable and if the Order of the Morning Sun was to turn its full attention onto us, my people would be crushed under the onslaught of their military might. Only in the last day we have lost just over a third of our warriors... I want my people to not only survive and live in peace and thrive.
From the Kiiskan standpoint, you have some military power but your power is fragmented and lacks true unity. It has also been raised that you have not inspired the hearts of the people to be sympathetic to or join your cause. Rebellion has been cited but owing to the sheer number of different factions and no backing from the citizens of Kiiska, I cannot see you all rising up and taking down the Order of the Morning Sun as befits what I can ascertain your goal is. Even if you were to succeed in driving the Order out you would then face the same issue that we face here and now. With the Order still on your doorstep and still able to come in and take what is yours. Why? Because it all boils down to respect. The Order of the Morning Sun currently holds no respect for race other than it's own. Now our resident Sister of the Dawn may protest and I understand your point. Mornay's words are not and were never meant to be this xenophobic. It is how the Order under Sol Jeremiah Bradford, has interpreted her words and twisted them to how they see fit. I have seen it with my own eyes Sister. From Oldentown to the last human outpost before the jungles begin. The extermination campaigns, their treatment of half elves and their presence here is testament enough.
Just as I want my people to live in peace and thrive, if you want Kiiska and want to live in peace then you need them to respect your people, your culture, your dignity and your autonomy. They currently do not have that respect and whatever reasons they had or used for marching on Kiiska, for marching on Ular'bundur, and the reason that they will come back, stems from that lack of respect. That is the current idol di tirir* of the Order of the Morning Sun.
As my points all have a basic hinge on the concept of respect, we gain nothing by debating what to do from here. As I stated before, the resistance still has it's ceasefire in effect, we should make moves to make sure the Order respects us."

*Draconic - literal translation: way of doing - intended translation: modus operandi

I've had to leave you out of this massive post because Aurix has no idea what Shenra's deal is (motivations and such wise). I hope we have the chance to RP that in the future.
Let me know if I need to make any rolls to influence the NPCs or if I've said something I shouldn't technically know or something aka if any rolls are needed at all... Or you could roll them for me since you have access to my character sheet :P

Plushie Arz
2015-07-12, 06:24 AM
DM: We're in a standstill. I'm going to fast forward this.


* * *

It took many more hours of heated debate and discussions between those assembled but eventually, a consensus was reached. With Sir Aiden and Feeona's pleas and Bracken's testimony of Katria's newfound draconic might, the remaining soldiers, priests and arcanists to the west of Ular'bundur were convinced to raise the white flags of surrender. As a final condition to allowing the assembled soldiers and captives to return to Mornan's Landing and Kiiska unscathed through the lizardfolk lands, the commanding officers reluctantly agreed to allow the captured Field Marshal Uhars to stand trial before the lizardfolk for his role in the attack.

The trial took place at nightfall atop the glowing peak of Caan Yupat. With the assembled representatives of the Order, lizardfolk and Resistance standing as jury. Uhars was brought from below, still cutting an intimidating figure in his bloodied doublet. He steadfastly refused Calthera and Feeona's offers of aid and denied the legitimacy of the trial itself, holding his head high as Lerethi recited each of the accusations laid against him. He embarked on long-winded and self-righteous speeches in response to every question asked of him and he refused to acknowledge his part in the lives lost, both in Kiiska and on the march to Ular'bundur.

The two moons rose in the sky as the jury deliberated on the verdict but Uhar's domineering personality damned him as much as his actions. The party watched as elf, lizardman and human came forward to deliver their judgment.

"Field Marshal Koria Uhars is guilty."

2015-07-12, 07:11 AM
Aurix had worried when the points he touched on about the perceived legitimacy of any verdict provided here were brought up by the accused himself. He looked at the assembled members of the Order contingent and looked to see if their feelings echoed in synchronicity with Uhars. They had agreed to the trial, would they abide by the verdict?

Three voices in unison, condemning the self righteous man before the assembled court, reverberated in the open air, delivered by representatives of 3 races. Sir Aiden Gillard for the Order of the Morning Sun, Madame Letheri Magdellar for the People of Kiiska and Emerald Speaker Krastix for the Lizardfolk of the Jungles.

"Field Marshal Koria Uhars is guilty."

Aurix's eyes swept the assembled people again, his gaze falling upon each, taking a snapshot of their emotions. Lastly his eyes reached Uhars himself.

Sense Motive [roll0] for a hunch (no bonuses from heroism have been added, please add if appropriate). Technically can't fail for hunches but I'm rolling a general one anyway. Otherwise you could just say I take 10 and get 30 on everyone (heroism not included)

2015-07-12, 10:04 AM

Through the whole stand-off with what was left of the Orders troops Katria starred unflappably ahead at them, quietly awaiting the point of decision where all their fates would be decided. The surrendering of the troops made her smile. Even though she'd rather see them destroyed at least no more fighting would have to happen right now.


During and after the Trial
Katria payed attention to the trial even if she thought it nothing more than a formality to what she knew. At the end there was an air about her both content but also discontent. Uhars attitude throughout the whole affair reminded her about her own. There was a difference in that she'd accept the consequences of her actions when that time came...and this man couldn't even do that. Katria also would rather keep innocent people out of her own affairs with the Order of the Morning Sun. She could be happy about the fact that at least some humans had the capacity to do whats right.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-12, 07:59 PM
While Sir Aiden delivered his verdict reluctantly and with doubt, Aurix could see the knight could not ignore his liege lord's unwillingness to recognise the legitimacy of the trial. The Field Marshal's personal attacks against the prosecutor, the forum and his refusal to acknowledge the lives of the innocents lost under his orders had helped the knight to form his decision.

Lerethi had prosecuted the case methodically and with a cold precision. Whereas Feeona's defence of the Field Marshal was heartfelt and passionate, Lerethi brought up the charges one by one, each pointed question cutting through the Field Marshal's bluster like a surgeon's blade. Her submissions peeled back Uhars' protestations of piety to reveal the hatred and intolerance that festered within the man. Her experience and temperament made Aurix wonder where she had honed those skills.

Krastix meanwhile, remained calm as he brought up the desecration and ruin that the Order reaped under Uhars' banner and the countless lives lost in the human's pursuit of the Goddess' Eye. Although he kept his clipped common cordial and inquisitive in his questioning of the Field Marshal, Aurix could sense the growing outrage simmering under the Emerald Speaker's stony exterior as the Field Marshal denied the sanctity of Maizoluta's holiest temple.

Uhars' maintained his manner as if in battle. When given the opportunity to speak, he refused to enter a plea, claiming that no court or jury had jurisdiction over a Field Marshal's action unless sanctioned by the High Justiciar or Sol himself. To Feeona's dismay, he insisted the trial was illegal and maintained his actions were in service of his Goddess.

* * *


Krastix nodded when Sir Aiden confirmed the verdict of guilt.

"For crimes against lizardfolk, elvenkind and humanity, for crimes of aggression and desecration, you are to pay with your life. May your Goddess judge your soul in the afterlife. Lahar, the spear."

The big brown lizardfolk, reached for his polearm and the two blue skinned temple guards brought Uhars to his knees. The Field Marshal looked defiantly at his executioners. "Mornay damn you. Damn you all to hell."

2015-07-12, 08:53 PM

Shaking her head Katria walks up within speaking distance of the Field Marshal. "Field Marshal Koria Uhars, your a fool. Even though I wanted to see you die in the worst way possible I'll admit if you had shown some repentance or empathy you might have avoided your fate for a little longer and stalled the executioners blade. I hope you know torment and pain where your going. You have caused enough of it among innocents that didn't deserve it." As a dark, hateful look enters her eyes she spits on him.

2015-07-12, 09:19 PM

Feeona regarded Uhars with pity as he was forced to his knees, a spear brought forward. Her smile bittersweet for the verdict guilty yet done by the unified will of many races working together as her goddess had always willed. It had become impossible for the lost soul to earn his repentance in this life, and she winched when Katria spat on him. She looked at the dragon of a hundred rainbow glistening scales with disappointed understanding, the transformed woman never anything other than honestly hurt by the war. The crusader still stood beside the crowd.

“Mornay doesn't damn, Uhars.” She told the lost soul quietly. “She purifies and forgives. May the angels help you do all the work needed to earn these gifts both.”

2015-07-13, 09:41 AM
Shenra bites her tongue as the others speak. It's all she can do not to curse him in Ona's name, but she withholds and keeps her curses in her own mind. Her eyes widen when Katria spits on Uhars, but a devilish grin crosses her lips. An image of a pyre bursts into her mind, but she once again contains herself. She turns to Uhars herself. "As Ona dictates, the scales have been tipped by you, Uhars. We are reversing your madness, we are countering your crimes against the cycle of life and death. You are but one, and are not worth the weight of the innocent you have slain. But you are the start, and even the greatest mountains can be brought down pebble by pebble. You will perish here, and I will enjoy watching you die."

Plushie Arz
2015-07-13, 07:50 PM
Uhars looked at Katria straight in the eye, her hatred matched by his steadfastness. The blue motes of energy raced from Katria's body and she knew she could not maintain her avatar-granted form for much longer. A void of warmth beckoned towards her and she found it difficult to resist its pull. "It appears I will not go alone."

* * *

2015-07-13, 09:01 PM

Her body gets cold as motes of light deserted the large body. She had felt the body get slugish over time and used her willpower to seem fine, now even that fails her. The price for being a vessel of something greater had come due. Drooping tiredly her voice grows weary. "I'm ready. Are you? Field Marshal?"

2015-07-14, 04:44 AM

Feeona saw the odd blue motes at the edge of her sight, and glanced curiously at the sagging dragon beside her. Her head swivelled away and immediately sprang back. Surprise and doubt clashed as her companion of what felt like years faded, the immortal dying. Rainbow scales cascaded into a waterfall of blue motes, returning to all the natural beauty of the world, as any elf at heart would wish. Katria's last words seemed to be towards her one true mortal enemy in this world. Much of what Uhars had done defined what Katria became, and Feeona felt tears inch into her eyes. She didn't know much about dragons, other than they were about to witness another legend leave the world.

I really didn't think it would happen this quickly. I thought we had at least a few in game days before.

2015-07-14, 09:07 AM
Shenra turned to Katria and she felt for the first time a replacement for her fury; grief. As the lights began to smolder from Katria's form, she knew all too well what was happening. She gripped her staff tightly as she walked to Katria's side and placed a hand on the dragon's side. It was cold to the touch. She could feel the tears coming, accompanied by emotions she had not truly experienced in years. "It has truly been a blessing to have fought and served beside you, Katria. I won't forget all that you have done, for me and for all of us."

2015-07-14, 09:16 AM

With increasing difficulty Katria lowers her head in Shenras direction and shakes it in agreement at her parting words. Dredging up the last of her will and fortitude Katria looks to El'gor'an and her voice seems to whisper out from a great distance as the time between words lengthens. "I'm sorry...my love....our time.....together is......over." *Elven As the spear is raised and brought down on Koria Uhars neck The lagging dragon form of Katria lays down it's head and closes her eyes in a final exhalation of breath. When Uhars head impacts with the floor Katrias dragon form starts glowing brightly then discoroporating into small pieces whose radiance burns out into whisps of smoke and finally just dead space is left where her body once rested.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-14, 09:44 AM
There was no pain as Katria's mortal body faded into the evening air in a mote of blue sparks. Though she had no eyes, Katria saw the beaming light that engulfed her form. Though she had no ears, she heard the sweet soft voices that called her name, familiar voices that brought back memories of a time that seemed all but forgotten in her quest for vengeance. Though she had no hands, she reached out, grasped the two pairs of outstretched hands and walked away...

Lahar performed his duty flawlessly and the temple guards removed Uhars' corpse, leaving a trail of blood behind them. The Order representatives shook their head but the deed was done and preparations needed to be made for the negotiated withdrawal from Ular'bundur. They left the Temples with their freed prisoners, under the watchful eyes of the lizardfolk.

Katria's form faded into the evening and El'gor'an stood with slumped shoulders, wiping away tears from his face. Krastix ambled to the bereaved elf, placing a claw on his shoulders in comfort. Khallis held Feeona's hand and Lerethi comforted Shenra. "She knew the price of the transformation. Her sacrifice won't be forgotten." Said the Archmage.

"We will reaffirm our friendship with the elves." Said Krastix. "The Lizardfolk will send a champion to aid you against the defilers. I choose Aurix, who has served his goddess and people tirelessly."

"I will not be returning to Kiiska with you." Said Macrae, "My father did much research here and I wish to continue his work for a few weeks, with leave of the Elder."

"I'm not coming too." Said Branna, petting a purring Mahb. "The Order left the jungles burned. It'll take months before it can recover back to its former state. I'm going to help as much as I can."

2015-07-16, 08:11 AM
With the death of Uhars and Katria's dissolution he intoned a small draconic prayer

"persvek martivir nomag wux ssifisv" in peace may you rest

The members of the Order had moved off the temple and the ones who had spent the most time with Katria were comforted. From his position comforting El'gor'an, Krastix decreed

"We will reaffirm our friendship with the elves." Said Krastix. "The Lizardfolk will send a champion to aid you against the defilers. I choose Aurix, who has served his goddess and people tirelessly."

Aurix looked at Elder Krastix with a startled look on his face. He quickly glanced at Madame Magdellar and the rest of the Kiiskan Resistance members present to gauge their reactions to this news. The wizard Macrae and the Druidess had opted to stay for their own reasons. The former Aurix focused on for a moment as the stated desire had the tell tale signs of powerlust that he had detected on Bracken and he had to be sure Macrae's intentions were not ones that would harm his people. The Druidess' stated intentions were more altruistic and everything that had come from her thus far had not been much deeper than face value. It seemed that there would be some what of an exchange... Aurix returned his gaze to Elder Krastix, a deep concern etched upon his face. He approached Elder Krastix and raised his concern.

*Draconic* "Elder, while I will obey your missive I cannot help but feel deep concern for my mother Ixatl. I can see that she is poorly and I wish to take care of her... I have been away from the tribe for so long and I fear... I fear she will soon make her journey into the unformed land. Now that the threat to our people has passed and while the ceasefire in Kiiska holds I have a selfish request. I wish to spend time with my mother before joining our allies in Kiiska, may I be permitted to do so?"

Plushie Arz
2015-07-16, 08:16 PM
He could see while Macrae had a desire for arcane power, his motives for remaining at the Temple were borne out of duty rather than the powerlust that motived Bracken. Aurix remembered Krasrix's references to Macalen, another elven mage who visited the Temple in the past, and wrote about the culture and history of the children of the scale. It seemed Macrae wanted to revisit his father's work.

"Yes," Replied Krastix, "Our warriors and priests will take care of Ixatl but you are needed in Kiiska. You may bid her farewell but do not tarry."

2015-07-17, 09:32 AM
As the Elder spoke it became clear to Aurix that he had little choice in the matter. A protest caught on his lips and his eyes showed distress but he swallowed it and bowed.
"Yes Elder"
Aurix tried to bury his concern and worry as he turned to face the elven contingent. Madam Magdellar was the ranking member so he addressed her.
"Madame Magdellar, when will we be leaving for Kiiska?"


Plushie Arz
2015-07-17, 09:36 AM
Lerethi didn't seem to particularly care for Aurix's injured feelings but Calthera seemed more understanding. The high elf gave Aurix a comforting smile, even as her mistress spoke.

"We leave for Kiiska by dawn. The Order will have no doubt informed command of Uhars' defeat and execution. I intend to return to the city then with our forces by portal."

2015-07-17, 09:50 AM
"Then I shall take my leave."


Aurix made his way to the chambers where the refugees of the tribes were housed. The Mot'ia tribe was likely to be housed together and in the same area as he knew before, but throughout the day and with the news of the Lizardfolk victory, the members of his tribe may have moved further afield, attending to duties assigned by Elder Akana. Shifting to his Hunter's Sense Stance, one of the first stances he had learnt as a young boy with the tribe, he turned his attention to looking for his mother, or failing that, people who knew her, like Elder Akana or some of the other females of the tribe.

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]
Hunter's Sense - Scent ability - Survival [roll3] (can only attempt tracking of DC 10 or lower)
Hey what do you know... 2 nat 20's

2015-07-17, 10:17 AM
Shenra simply stared at where Katria had been moments before. A new grip on reality set in on her, and she pulls herself to her full height, weight against her staff. That could have been her, she could have been the one who faded from existence. But Katria's purpose, her goal, had been successful. She had defeated Magnus, and dealt a massive blow to the Order. Could she say the same? Her renewed vigor to overthrow the Order showed itself in a different, stoic look across her face, similar to that typically worn by her mentor and mistress. "I am with you, Mistress. I will depart when we are ready, and I will continue to do your bidding in the war against the Order. Though we lost Katria, her efforts to restore the balance of life and death cannot be overlooked. I will continue with not only my own weight on my shoulders, but now hers as well." She bowed her head to Lerethi, and then pulled Magnus' robes from the belt she had placed them in. As she shed her old, somewhat worn robe, she donned the new hooded regalia and felt the magic wash over her as she pulled the hood up over her brown hair. She carefully folded her discarded robes before offering them to one of the Lizardfolk and bowing once more as they took them away. As she draped the hood over her head, she lowers her eyes and waits for Lerethi's next suggestion.

2015-07-17, 10:18 PM

“We never got to talk...”

Feeona told Khallis regretfully as the great dragon became no more than smoke and dust and finally, air. Then there was nothing left to say. Katria was gone, but Khallis was always there, and held her hand sweetly. The sorrow and tears were eclipsed slowly by a smile gracious. With a pained deliberation, the blonde let go. I'm always doing that. she thought bitterly. She glanced deliberately at the Order knights that had taken part in the judicial process. A look was spared for the one person that had loved Katria most, weeping but being comforted by the Elder.

“Lady Calthera, is there a good time to discuss something with you? Something private.”

Mostly minor stuff, in the sense it's not really story related. So it can always fall by the wayside.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-18, 09:23 PM
"There is much to be done when we return to Kiiska." Said Lerethi. "The deaths of the two Field Marshals opens up a vacuum in the upper echelons of the Order leadership. Magnus' destruction also leaves the alliance between the Arcane Corps and the Order uncertain." She smiled as Shenra put on the robes of the defeated arcanist.

"It seems I have taught you what I could. Your apprenticeship is at an end although I will be pleased to have you as a full fledged arcanist of the Serpent's Fang."

Calthera detached herself from Lerethi when approached by Feeona and the two women walked to a quieter section of the lower temple, close to where their quarters are.

"Of course!" She beamed. "I'm honoured you trust me. We can talk anytime."

In the refugee sanctuary below Caan Yupat, Aurix found Ixatl huddled in a thick blanket before a smokeless fire. The heat of the magical flames washed over those nearby and his adoptive mother smiled weakly. "The children came back and told me of your victory over the apes. You are a hero."

2015-07-18, 10:52 PM
Shenra bows more deeply than she would have for anyone else. She allows a small smile to cross her lips, as praise from her mistress was rather rare and the praise bestowed upon her now was incredible praise indeed. "I'm incredibly honored to join the arcanists of the Serpent's Fang. What do you think we should do about the Arcane Corps? Now that Magnus is out of the picture, they will be malleable."

2015-07-19, 12:37 AM
Aurix sat next to Ixatl, picked up one edge of her blanket and joined her beneath it. Aurix gave her a hug from the side and shared some of his warm blooded warmth with her.
"It is not my victory alone. My role was minimal at best mother. This was a victory for all of our people. I am just glad we managed to keep you all safe."
Aurix kept his gaze on the magical fire in front of him. He didn't trust himself to look into his mother's eyes with all of his thoughts and emotions roiling around in his mind. A dam was built up around a river of tears and seeing into the windows to his mother's soul would tell him too much and that dam might burst.
"Elder Krastix requires that I go to Kiiska to aid the elves against the northern apes... It is a great honor to be selected but even so I would like to stay here with you. I have been away from home for many years and..." Aurix's voice hitched in his chest as his thoughts turned to his mother's condition. The pressure of tears built in Aurix's eyes but he blinked them away silently.
"How are you mother?" Aurix rasped, still holding on to his sole parental figure, in a knowingly misguided and vain hope that some of his vitality would carry across his limbs and chest and flow into her.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-19, 08:53 AM
"Happy. Very happy. You shouldn't let the thought of me keep you here." Said Ixatl, closing her eyes and widening her lips in a smile that exposed her fangs. He noticed her body growing cooler, as lizardfolk did when they were reaching the end of their lives. "You've made me very happy Aurix. Ever since I found you in a basket crying by the riverside. You are not born to remain in one place for long. You should tell me again the stories of the lands you have seen far, far away. Is it true the mountains meet the sky?"

"I expect the Arcane Corps to fracture without Magnus' leadership. Individual mages and spell commanders will plot to advance their own factions. Any semblance of unity will vanish and the Order will be without their support. Do not forget though, that you are still a wanted fugitive. Do be careful about revealing your name." She waited until Calthera, Khallis and Feeona were out of earshot and the mistress and her former apprentice stood alone. "I ask you to turn you attentions to the Sisters of Dawn. Devout as they are, they pose the greatest threat to our city. Their Mother Superior holds them together with a will of iron and the Order must be denied their aid."

2015-07-19, 11:44 AM
Shenra lowers her head once more, the hood clouding her features. "What would you have me do mistress? I am no devout, and though I trust Ona with my soul and life, I am no cleric either. I do not necessarily have a way into the Sisters' ranks." She thinks for a moment to allow Lerethi a chance to respond. When her mistress does not, she continues. "Where are they located now? I will go where I am needed and if I am needed to keep an eye on the Sisters, I will do just that."

2015-07-19, 09:13 PM
"Happy. Very happy. You shouldn't let the thought of me keep you here." Said Ixatl, closing her eyes and widening her lips in a smile that exposed her fangs. He noticed her body growing cooler, as lizardfolk did when they were reaching the end of their lives. "You've made me very happy Aurix. Ever since I found you in a basket crying by the riverside. You are not born to remain in one place for long. You should tell me again the stories of the lands you have seen far, far away. Is it true the mountains meet the sky?"

The dam continued to groan under the pressure of the tears that had not been shed and Aurix's eyes began misting up and a sad smile breached the frown that had formed.

"And I will be forever thankful for you finding me and everything you have done for me..."

A single tear rolled down Aurix's cheek but he did not brush it away, instead he complied with his mother's request and told him of what he had seen in his travels.

"Yes, it's true... The dwarves make their homes in those great natural fortresses that stretch so high into the sky they pierce the clouds. It's called the Great Dividing Range for good reason. Not only does it divide the east and west of Sundara it also meets the clouds which divide the realm between land and sky. It's beautiful there. You could climb to the top of a mountain and see the sun rise over a sea of fluffy white clouds as if you were the only person in the land, and when the clouds clear you can see this jungle in all of it's lush green beauty to the south, with the night time fog evaporating into the sky creating small rainbows here and there; to the east you can see the Gorani Desert with it's ever shifting sand dunes that look like rippling scales in the light of the morning sun, and beyond that another jungle just as lush and beautiful as our own; to the north you can see the ruins of Kaeris and the massive sea to its north known as the Mouth of Life sparkling in the morning sun; and in the west the Daurjos plains where human settlements dot the landscape waking up as the shadow of the mountains hide from the sun..."

and so Aurix continued telling her stories of the places he had seen in his travels away from home all the while continuing to hold her as she was the most precious thing in his life. The single tear before did not become more, the dam held itself and Aurix found some kind of solace in the knowledge that Ixatl was happy. It was bittersweet.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-20, 09:13 AM
Aurix recounted his stories to his mother and she nodded quietly and patiently. When Aurix had finished, he noticed she had fallen into a deep sleep.

"The Sisters of Dawn occupy the Albinus Chapel near the Green Zone although Your task will not be infiltration nor surveilance. That is for Feeona, although her skills are unsuited for the task at hand. When we return to Kiiska, I will require your aid in researching an arcane spell. One that reacts with divine prayers to create a mighty conflagration that would purge our enemies. It is a gift to the Harbingers for their help during this ceasefire. You have my promise it will not be used on our allies."

2015-07-20, 03:31 PM

Feeona's eyebrows lifted when the high elf finished. “You spoke first for the most kindly way against the word of a dragon, you're the closest person in all the forest to the Archmage of Kiiska, and you advised Sol Janos himself throughout Farlaen's golden age. Yet you're honoured by me?” Her confusion grew into an amused smile.

“Lady, you're the only one outside the Mother Superior or Khallis that can even begin to know how I feel. Of course I trust you. There's a lot I'd like to say – most of it to Khallis. She's perfect; I'm not. The things I don't like about our relationship are because of me.” Her smile faded, and she glanced at the odd stone carvings that made up the wall with disinterest. She sighed. “Anyway, I need your help for something vital. Really special. It's nearly a year since I met Khallis at Oldenton.”

She went quiet, letting the truth impregnate that moment. Their first anniversary was approaching. “I've been thinking about this awhile. I want a gift no one can buy, but still fits the natural allure of Kiiska. So a flower – but one that conducts magic. Especially sunlight.”

Turning her right hand palm upwards, Feeona cupped her hand as an empty pot. Golden rays gathered into it and poured from it. “Only one of Mornay's faithful can bring the brightest radiance even by night, and only Nai'Tuhra's beloved can combine nature and divine magic with the utmost care. So I want to make an actual sunlight-flower for her. A true symbol of our love. I can provide the light, but I'm not exact on what flower works. And I'm not certainly not best friends with any of Nai'Tuhra's faithful to help me combine the two. So, can you think of anything?”

Use Sun devotion. :smallsmile:

Lore to think of what kind of flower might work or who to speak to combine them. Or anything to begin doing this, really. Obviously hoping this is possible but it might not be.

Lore [roll0]

Also, sorry for taking a long time, Plushie. I honestly fell asleep yesterday trying to make a post. This whole month looks like one that's going to be really tiring.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-20, 07:46 PM
"Well, you're now the Defender of the Faith. Honours are due where they are deserved."

Calthera smiled warmly and teetered at Feeona's mention of an anniversary gift, as if sharing the crusader's excitement. "That's really sweet. She's lucky to have someone like you in her life."

"I wasn't raised to be pious so I can't say what flowers Nai'Tuhra favours as her symbols with any authority. But I'm sure Khallis will adore any gift from you. How about a rose of crimson glass steel fashioned into a pendant? As long as you provide the light enchantment, I can grow one from the workshop and weave a charm into it. Maybe you can present it to her at a candlelit dinner under the stars?"

2015-07-21, 01:09 AM

Feeona looked stunned. “Calthera, that's perfect! I should have spoken to you sooner. How much do you think the pendant might come to? Are there any materials you want me to search for?”

That makes things so much easier than I thought. :smallcool:

Plushie Arz
2015-07-21, 01:37 AM
"Not really, I mean the glass steel can be grown fairly cheaply, about a hundred gold for a pound? It's the shaping that's tricky but I've got a spell that fabricates it for me fairly quickly. The enchantments will take a couple of hours if you just want a light spell. I was actually thinking of adding a charisma enchantment on top. Tell you what, how about I write this one off and you owe me a favour instead? Makes it easier for both of us."

2015-07-21, 08:33 AM
Shenra tried to mask her excitement at the prospect of learning new magicks. "I am willing. I will do what I can to aid you in the research."

2015-07-22, 03:24 AM

“Oh, that would be great. The pendant and all the magic and everything.” In her padded jacket and trousers, Feeona hugged the high elf happily before she backed away, grinning. “We still have a bit until the time comes. But really, whenever or whatever favour you think of, it's yours. Promise.”

Plushie Arz
2015-07-23, 06:10 AM
When Aurix woke at the morning, Ixatl was gone. An old blanket was where she was the previous evening.

"She passed in the night." Said an azure skinned temple guard, when Aurix pressed him for her whereabouts. "Many too old and sick have gone. We had to remove the bodies. She is with the Goddess now."

* * *

2015-07-23, 07:05 AM
Aurix had extricated himself from the embrace he held her in and laid her down on a bedroll so that his often fitful sleep would not disturb her. It all happened so fast. When he closed his eyes, Ixatl was across from him, sleeping peacefully and when he woke she was not. Aurix's fear when he woke to find Ixatl missing turned to despair when the Temple Guard had broken the news to him. The dam broke and tears streamed from his face.
"Why did no one wake me when she passed or when they moved her... WHY?!"
It was a voice choked with sadness that started the question but Aurix's emotions teetered on a fine edge as the hungry wolf inside him revelled in his turmoil and pushed his sadness into anger. The woman who had given him so much was gone... nothing was ok and he didn't know if it would ever be again.

Aurix was not a very tall man but in his grief stricken rage he grabbed the temple guard by whatever he could and lifted him up against a wall with a surprising amount of strength, pinning him there. He knew that his mother's time was approaching, he knew it wasn't that guard's fault but at this point he didn't care. He didn't care about how the guard was probably just following orders and doing his job and he didn't care about the intertribal tensions and the agreement to unite against a common foe, all he cared about was his mother and now she was gone.
"IXATL WAS MY MOTHER" Aurix's impassioned yelling echoed off the stone walls followed by the muffled sounds of Aurix shoving the surprised guard repeatedly against the wall "WHO RAISED AND CARED FOR ME WHEN I HAD NOTHING!" *thud* "AND I AT THE VERY LEAST" *thud* "WANTED TO SAY GOODBYE!" *thud* "SO WHO GAVE YOU" *thud* "THE RIGHT" *thud* "TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME?!" *crack*
Aurix shoved so hard that he was sure he heard something break. His kinder side instinctively let go at that point and as the guard dropped to the floor and then slid further to the ground. Aurix was slowly losing more and more of his control as he fell into his baser instincts. A part of him told him that he needed to calm down, but that piece of wisdom was drowned out by his emotional pain. To those who knew Aurix during his younger days, it almost looked like the past had echoed to the present. Aurix continued to beat his fists against the walls and screamed for what felt like an eternity, the dam of tears continuing to form rivers that streamed from his eyes.

Plushie Arz
2015-07-24, 08:00 AM
The temple guard seemed shocked by Aurix's sudden display of fury.

"The Elders say the dead must be removed quickly. Many sick from march. Disease spreads. We cannot risk losing more young to plague." He looked sadly as Aurix broke down into a heaving mess of tears. "We did not know..."

* * *

Dawn came faster than anyone could imagine and the assembled group of elves and humans prepared for their journey away from the holy temple of Ular'bundur. The shattered remnants of the Order army had already left in the evening for the trek back to Kiiska and it was time for the Resistance to likewise return to the city. A large portal shimmered at the edges of the Temple. Khallis held Feeona's hand, Lerethi looked approvingly over Calthera and Shenra and the remainder of the elves and humans moved in groups through the blue weblike barrier. A number of lizardfolk watched on in awe at the display of magic and both Elders Akana and Krastix stood near Aurix, to comfort him for his loss.

"She will be watching you from the skies beyond this world." Said Krastix, as Akana nodded. "One day, if you remain true to the Goddess' teachings, you too many join her."

2015-07-24, 09:11 PM
At the dawn Aurix stood with Elders Akana and Krastix standing with him to comfort him for his loss. Puffy eyed and emotionally raw from the loss of the most important person in Aurix's life, all Aurix could do was nod emptily.
Through the emptiness Aurix looked out among the crowd of arcane awed lizardfolk for anyone he recognised; members of his tribe, friends, rivals, the people he had formed bonds with over the twenty odd years he had called this place home. Aurix was leaving this home again and this time he had no family to return to. With so many warriors lost and apparently many of the infirm too, he wanted to see who was still here who he could look forward to seeing on his return, if he could return. Aurix sniffed and turned to the elder of his tribe.
"Elder Akana, what will become of me? Ixatl was my link to the tribe and now she's gone. I already feel disconnected from my people, if I leave... will I be able to return? What of the home that Ixatl built around us?"

Spot [roll0]
the only NPC that I know, as a PC, is Lahar, but I'm assuming that there are people that Aurix knows owing to the fact that he's lived with the Mot'ia tribe and been interacting with other tribes for at least 15 years.
if I can find Lahar in the masses I will be speaking to him before I go through the portal.

2015-07-25, 01:26 PM

“Armies. Dragons. The avatar of a god.” Feeona marvelled as she stared at the portal before glancing at Khallis. “We might not get enough time together, but the time we do is never boring. Still,” holding Khallis' left hand, Feeona raised her right up, over and around the little elf's head, giving an easy twirl and glance at the mismatched around them. “It'd be nice if it weren't always this. How do you feel about dancing?”

Plushie Arz
2015-07-26, 05:54 AM
Aurix saw several members of his tribe among the lizardfolk. There was Yolotli the Fish Skewer, Patli the cook and Anshon the Forager. There were many other faces that were missing though, mostly young men and Aurix could only guess at their absence. Near a pile of shattered boulders, he saw Lahar with his adamantine spear. The brown lizardman gave the human rival a slight nod.

"Ixatl did not raise you alone. You ate our food, listened to our stories and learned our ways. You are a member of our tribe and the Goddess will see the return of our strength. We will be honoured to have you return after your journey." Said Akana.

Khallis pressed closer to Feeona's body. The blonde crusader's heart fluttered at her lover's smile and the smatter of freckles across the bridge of the elf's nose. "I don't mind it. I used to watch Katria when she danced in the Undercity. I much prefer songs and stories though. You?"

2015-07-27, 08:42 AM
Shenra gripped her rod close to her. Turning back for only a moment, not out of hesitation but out of curiosity, she noticed Lerethi smiling towards her. The reassurance was all she needed as she climbed her way through the portal. She had teleported before, and walked through dimensions, but this one felt... odd. As she stepped through to the other side, she turned to see Calthera next to her. Calthera seemed to have handled the portal much better than her, and she had to blink several times to focus on the elf's features. She turns fully, and walks with Calthera. "So what will you be doing now, Lady Calthera?"

2015-07-28, 06:12 AM

Feeona's own smile rose, and her voice softened. “I just want us to spend time together. I've always liked hymns and carols. If you want, we could always meet in the Undercity, where the sermons are held. Listen to songs there. Then, I could tell you the story of the lost crusader.” She leaned closer to the elf's ear. “How she was saved by an angel, and would do anything to give thanks.”

Plushie Arz
2015-07-28, 07:12 AM
DM: +800 RPXP to all.

Khallis smiled, and Feeona lost herself in the warmth behind the elf's emerald eyes. "I'll join you, wherever, whenever. Will you spend tonight at Hightree?"

The temple grounds gave way to the familiar wooden surrounds of Hightree. Even though Shenra had been away for less than a week, she could perceive a difference in the way the magic flowed through the carved halls and mezzanines lit with permanent lights. El'gor'an was quick to take his leave and the other Resistance fighters passed through the doors and dispersed through the darkness of the city streets. Calthera smiled faintly. "I need to refill the spell component pouches and draft some notes about what we saw at the Temple. Once that's done, I intend to review surveilance crystals and find out what happened during our absence. We need to start making efforts to win over the people of this city and it's a task that cannot be delayed any further." She paused and closed her leather bound book as she refreshed her memory.

"One more thing. Before Katria and El'gor'an left for Mornan's Landing, she raised concerns about some magical abnormalities at Coronal's Hill, about three or four days to the South-West of the city. A zone of wild magic surrounds it and Katria was worried about some kind of unbound entity freed from its confines. We need someone to look at it further. Can you help?"

2015-07-28, 09:16 AM
Shenra immediately noticed a new feeling of magic ebbing through and around her. She stretched her fingers and neck as she walked with Calthera, who had a tome open as they continued through Hightree. "I'm happy to help with any surveillance or studious work you have that I can aid with," she says to the elf as they walk. When they stop, Calthera turns to her and closes her book, bringing up Katria's concerns to the Southwest. "Of course I'm available to investigate. Though, I've never been to Coronal's Hill before. Is there anything I should know about the area?"[roll0]

2015-07-29, 07:47 AM
Aurix bowed his head embarrassed as Elder Akana redressed him of his morbid thoughts of isolation and loneliness. He turned and bowed his head to the Elders.
"And I would be honoured to be with you. Until we meet again."

Aurix, catching Lahar's eye, strode purposefully towards him.
When he was within arms reach, he inclined his head slightly in a sign of mutual respect and then took off his backpack to retrieve some items. From the leather sack he pulled a belt and a wad of fabric.

"Lahar. You are indeed powerful, and while it is not my place to question the ways of your tribe, I still believe that you have a long way to go to reach your goal of being the sacred claw. That said, you have done well these past few days and I recognise your strength. I want you to have these. The cloak will help you resist the effects of magic and other effects and this belt will grant you more grace and dexterity. I cannot be here to protect my tribe and our people, but I believe you have the power to do so. I hope these will help you in your efforts."

Aurix had the belt and the cloak in his two hands, outstretched towards Lahar.

"May Maizoluta's wisdom guide you on the path that you walk"

Aurix has given Lahar a belt of dexterity +4 and a cloak of resistance +1.
Now that Aurix is leaving the jungle and since El'gor'an isn't with us atm, I'm going to change my text colour to Teal again just because brown isn't all that easy to read (and I prefer teal)

Aurix had not travelled by portal before and the sensation was an odd one. As he stepped through he felt his body expand and stretch to infinity for an instant before his foot landed on the other side. As his other foot followed through the sensation quickly dissipated resulting in the feeling of his being snapping back together as if it were a piece of rubber. As Aurix gathered his bearings, he found himself in a completely foreign setting. It appeared that the portal had led to the interior of some building, presumably the headquarters of the resistance. As the feeling of infinity fled from Aurix's senses he looked around. El'gor'an quickly made his way out of the room while Calthera and Shenra were conversing. Aurix had not had the occasion to visit the elven city before and so he peered around inquisitively, making his way over to a window.
Aegis, what do you see? Magically that is?
"ickrak'ey arcaniss..." this entire area is awash with magic Master Aurix.
Aurix gazed out the window and made a contemplative "hmm"

Calthera started speaking about some of the duties she would attend to, which got Aurix thinking about what he should do. Aurix was here to aid the elves... he wondered if he should take initiative and do some of his own information gathering as he usually did or wait for instruction. At Calthera's mention of Coronal Hill Aurix turned to look at the pair. Coronal Hill was elven territory, as far as Aurix recalled, thus he had not had the occasion to visit the area. Still knowing that it was elven territory was something and he tried to remember anything else about the area. Maybe he could help...


Plushie Arz
2015-07-29, 08:17 AM
"Well, I passed around that area about a year ago with another group, before all the Order invaded. My magic didn't work. A tiefling rogue who travelled with us disappeared around that time too."

The Coronal were the philosopher kings who once ruled Kiiska and its domains. Tutored in magecraft, swordsmanship and prayers, they were to represent the chosen ideals of Nai'Tuhra's children. Elder Krastix had mentioned that it was Coronal Ienar who made peace with the Emerald Speaker to build Ular'bundur after the defeat of the Dark Avatar. However, the era of Coronals ended long ago in Kiiska and a Council ruled the city prior to its overthrow by the Order. The names of long forgotten sites and history were all that remained of the Coronals.

Shenra had never been to Coronal's Hill before but she knew the site had once been the location of a tremendous spell battle. She had been unable to find any more references or details of the spell battle in the history books but noted that areas of wild magic were formed from a powerful and rare intersection of abjuration, conjuration and transmutation spells. The markings around Coronal's Hill however, were especially strong and beyond the ken of mortal spellcraft. They seemed to be formed from the shattered remnants of a powerful abjuration spell that disrupted all forms of planar travel and what might have been a transmutation that slowed the ebb of time itself. She even doubted that an arcanist of Lerethi or even Magnus' caliber would have the will to muster such mighty magic.

2015-07-29, 08:51 AM
Shenra turned to Aurix. "The area is rife with disruptive magic. It would be foolish of me to think my arcane prowess to be enough in such a situation. Would you be willing to accompany me there? Wild magic is temperamental and unpredictable... I would feel safer with someone of your skill there to aid me." She offered a small smile, visible as she lowered her hood. "Lady Calthera, I'd like to await Mistress Lerethi's return to discuss a matter with her, but then I will be ready to leave."

When Lerethi returns from the temple, Shenra greets her warmly and with a bow. "Mistress," she offers. "We have been contracted to investigate the wild magic disturbances at Coronal's Hill. I have already offered my services to you in spell research, and would prefer to gather all my affairs in order before departing. Is there anything I can do for you in the coming days that could be of aid while Aurix prepares for our journey? I will need to replenish my spell components in this belt," as she adjusts it uncomfortably. "But I should be available to you for at least the next couple of days. I would also be interested to learn more if you have knowledge of the wild magic surrounding Coronal's Hill. You are a master of abjuration magic, the likes of which I have never encountered outside of your presence. But I know that the combination of magicks there are... it is not plausible to think that a single mage could have created the existing seal." She lowered her eyes as she walked with her mistress. It was difficult to speak in such a manner, genuinely curious of the effects of magic on the world around them, while being forced to confront her mentor's lack of potency in comparison. She hoped she had not offended her mistress, and so she did not speak until Lerethi did.

2015-07-29, 07:40 PM
Aurix started for a second, he had not expected to be addressed directly by any of the pair.
"Umm sure, I mean... Yes I can accompany you to Coronal Hill. I do not know much about it as it is elven territory aside from the fact that it shares a name with the title of the former rulers of Kiiska. Wild Magic you say... does that have any effect on enchantments already in existence? Much of what I do is supernatural but I do have magical items on me, the most important one being Aegis. Aegis, do you know anything about wild magic?"
Aegis - Knowledge Arcana [roll0]

2015-07-30, 07:24 AM
It's almost implied I get to pick where I end up, but I'm not sure. Unless that's not a choice, I'll assume we're all at Hightree?


Feeona nodded happily at Khallis, keen to return with her to Hightree. It was just as much to spend more time with each other, she knew, but the chapel still awaited. How many days have I been away? Three? Nearly half a week taken from her chapel duties. Passion really was the enemy of duty. She strolled easily, arm in arm, with the elf through the portal. The leafy scent of nature rewarded her, but her thoughts slowly turned towards the Mother Superior, and how she must have felt. Ross was gone. Shenra, Calthera and Aurix spoke together of the position of Kiiska. Feeona approached.

“Lady, any effort to support the Kiiskans is one I care to be apart of. ” She offered. “But it's important I return soon, for a lot of reasons. Is there anything I can do to help? This is your home, so you would know best.”

Plushie Arz
2015-07-30, 08:39 AM
DM: Yes, Hightree

Shenra wandered off to her own devices shortly after discussing wild magic with Calthera and Aurix but the high elf gave Feeona and Khallis an encouraging nod as the couple approached.

"Actually yes, I was hoping to talk to you about the establishment of an aid network for civilians to contact us. As you know, we're constrained by our location and need to maintain the secrecy of our membership. We don't have the divine resources of the Sisters of the Dawn, or the Order in conjuring food and shelter. However, we've made a tidy profit in the crafting and sale of magic items and I think it's only fair to use the funds to help those who cannot help themselves. What do you think is the best way we can go around achieving this?"

"Negative, master." Said Aegis. "I would hazard a guess that magic would be disrupted or act abnormally. I have not experienced such phenomena before."

Shenra found Lerethi closing the portal that linked the temple with Hightree. With a wave of her hand, the shimmering blue gate closed and dissipated into a stream of sparks that floated into nothingness. With a graceful nod of acknowledgement, Lerethi gestured Shenra to follow her into her office. The room was much like how Shenra remembered, although in the days since her departure, it seemed that someone had cleaned it and refilled the clay pot of tea that sat on the desk. The archmage poured two cups and handed one to Shenra. She reached for a scroll rack and unfurled a square piece of vellum, weighing down the corners with the silvery instruments carefully stored on a mahogany shelf.

"No, a single mage did not create the seal around Coronal's Hill." She said gravely. "It is ancient and powerful magic and Calthera is not ready for such knowledge. However, you have demonstrated the necessary aptitude in the battle with Magnus."

"The zone is formed from a failed high magic ritual called N’Quor’Khaor, the Banishing. It was an epic spell formulated in an age when magic was more potent, capable of bringing the gods to their feet. It was a spell of utter banishment, and it would imprison its subject in a realm beyond the reaches of magical and divine intervention. I do not know who cast it or what entity it was designed to imprison. In any instance, it failed and all that remains is the magical interference."

"In the interim, I have laid the groundwork for the spell that I call the Arcane Rapture. It is an arcane spell that responds to the casting of divine magic, disrupting and consuming the caster much like your Reciporical Gyre against Magnus. I would be pleased if you may look at it and offer your opinions."

Inked on the vellum in Lerethi's crisp handwriting were the first components of the Arcane Rapture. Shenra could see the abjurer's logic woven into the eighth level spell, the way the individual components supplemented each other to create an effect that was greater than the sum of its parts. In many ways, the logic was flawless, much like the Archmage's grasp of abjuration but in some other aspects, Shenra knew the fundamental principles were misconceived. While the Reciporical Gyre was indeed an abjuration, the disruption of a divine spell would require the underlying passion and chaos that was inherent in spells of the evocation school. The clockwork precision of abjuration would be insufficient to shatter a spell formed from the conception of a deity's will. Shenra realised her Mistress' workings needed to be expanded, to accommodate the forces of rage and destruction.

2015-07-30, 11:13 AM
Aurix started for a second, he had not expected to be addressed directly by any of the pair.
"Umm sure, I mean... Yes I can accompany you to Coronal Hill. I do not know much about it as it is elven territory aside from the fact that it shares a name with the title of the former rulers of Kiiska. Wild Magic you say... does that have any effect on enchantments already in existence? Much of what I do is supernatural but I do have magical items on me, the most important one being Aegis. Aegis, do you know anything about wild magic?"
Shenra smiled a little more. "Wild magic, from what I know, just affects the way arcane spellcasting works and affects the world around us. This would potentially affect my spellcasting drastically, and could leave me defenseless or powerless against whatever bides its time there. It would be incredibly beneficial to me to have someone capable of working without magic, in case such occurrences do overtake me."

As Lerethi closed the portal, a calm washed over Shenra. She had not known much of a home since her leaving the realm of Grey Elves, but Hightree had become somewhat of a home to her as she studied under Lerethi. As they walked into the office where she had studied so much, the calm welcomed relief. "N’Quor’Khaor," she muttered under her breath. She had never heard of such a spell, such a magick. With the power to bring the Gods to the plane and subdue them... What could this spell have been created for? Such potency... and yet it failed? "Calthera mentioned that whatever was supposed to have been imprisoned there may have returned. With such a power nearby, is Hightree in any danger? The disruptive magic will surely affect my power, and I will admit that I am nervous about the capabilities I will have within the seal, let alone against such a foe. However, if you believe me ready to explore the ruins, then I will do so." Shenra exhaled slowly, feeling Lerethi's eyes watch her and then leave her as she gathered a roll of vellum and laid it out. As Lerethi invited her thoughts on the spell, Shenra tentatively approached the desk and peered down at the inscription on the scroll. The abjuration of the spell was strong, but it lacked disruptive power known to the evocations that she had studied so heavily. Beyond that, the spell seemed not to take into account the nature of balance between order and chaos, focusing too heavily on the order that abjuration provided in logic. Stepping back, she looked back up at Lerethi. "Your knowledge of abjuration continues to astound me, Mistress. However, I have some suggestions. First of which being that with divine magic, order can only go so far in achieving the destruction of such spells. Chaos and fury can drive magic past it's breaking point, as seen in the school of evocation where rage, anger, and unadulterated passion are capable of pushing ordinary spells past their limits. I believe a touch of evocative magic in this would be beneficial in overcoming divinity, focusing. Would it be possible for me to copy this scroll and take it with me, for further consideration and study?"

2015-07-30, 09:40 PM
"There are many unknowns but I am here to aid the elves and as it is requested of me I shall go with you to investigate this Coronal Hill. I would like to take some time to purchase some equipment and provisions, and if time allows to learn a little of Kiiska from the people, while the peace still holds. Shenra, how much time will I have before we must depart?"
As Shenra left Aurix was going to engage Calthera in conversation regarding Coronal Hill and some about Kiiska, however at that time Feeona and Khallis approached and Calthera initiated a conversation with Feeona. Aurix stood to the side and listened patiently so that he and Calthera could continue their discussion later.

It's early in the day right? Also I'm posting in this manner because a) I don't have time to do large posts and b) this allows me to stay active in a sense c) I don't like posting conversations that are split up unless I have to. Once Feeona and Calthera have concluded their discussion I'll initiate a conversation with Calthera. The basic gist of what's to come is that Aurix is new in town and would like an orientation of sorts (to hightree at the very least), he'll ask about where he can purchase some more gear and possibly anyone who can augment his current magical raiment.

2015-07-31, 09:03 PM

Feeona leaned forward as Calthera revealed building an aid network, attentive. “That's great. This sounds like what Khallis would know, though. I'd look at the type that are being rejected, get an idea of where they're comfortable, and start placing friends there. Put our ears near those that want to heard.” Palm open, she gestured with her free hand to their trio. “We only have to look at ourselves to get an idea of who worries about the Order. The young that are upset about the invasion, the faithful that saw their belief’s attacked, and lovers of all kinds. Just some of who needs support. So universities and clubs are good for the young. Locals around destroyed shrines and defunct churches. Cabarets, and maybe more private venues, for those that have certain likes. Those seem like good places to start reaching out. Identify the type that feels rejected, first. From there, the best locations to establish contact becomes sun bright, and we can start sending people to those areas. Pinpointing who really needs help and exactly how falls into place naturally after that.”

Feeona looked curiously to Khallis momentarily, her being a recruiter when they met. The elf likely knew more about the different types of people opposed to the Order. “From there, Lady, you know better than I do what kind of resources we have. Although, if we're hoping to communicate, I'd at least suggest contacting painters or other artists directly. Anyone that can create pieces that capture the feeling of the Kiiskans. We need to communicate clearly cruelty isn't acceptable, and that we're trying to offer as peaceful a solution as we can. Art can help express and inspire that. It's just one more form of non-violent resistance, and I feel we should be doing more of that.” She smiled wryly. “Shocking as that is hear.”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-01, 08:53 AM
DM: Early morning, yes.

"Oh, we're not in any real hurry to investigate Coronal's Hill yet. Whatever's there would've already escaped by now. There's still alot to be done to have our affairs in order. Say four days? Does that work for everyone?"

Calthera smiled and nodded at Feeona's suggestions. "You're right. Resistance ought be nurtured, not thrust on a frightened and downtrodden people. Khallis, maybe you can show Aurix around this city to acquaint him with his new surrounds? I'm sorry we haven't been able to afford a more formal tour but it's the best we can do in the time we have."

The high elf turned to Feeona. "What about you? Will you be returning to the Sisters of Dawn?"

"Of course. I would not expect any less if you are to refine this spell." Said Lerethi, rolling up the vellum and handing it to Shenra. "I hope you may be able to progress this further than I to defeat the Order."

2015-08-01, 08:49 PM
"Think nothing of it Lady Calthera, I do not require formalities as such. Just the basics."
Aurix turned to Khalis and smiled.
"It looks like I am in your care for the moment. Thank you for looking after me"

"Four days... that would only give me enough time to get one of my tattoos half done, two if there are two practitioners. But I could augment some of my other equipment at the same time. Do any of you know where I might be able to buy some more magic items and get my belt and this ring further enhanced? Also might you know of a magical tattoo artist or two? I wanted to augment these magical tattoos too. The practice is quite rare and I was originally hoping to get it done while I was still with the Lizardfolk but that's how it goes sometimes."

While he spoke he gestured to his Monk's Belt and Fanged ring.

Using rules from MIC (pg 233) I want to improve the +1 deflection bonus on my Fanged Ring to +2 (6000 GP - 2000 GP Base price = 4000 GP and 4 eight hour days) and add a +2 STR bonus to my Monk's Belt (4000 GP = 4 Eight hour days). The Tattoos will each take 8 days to enhance (12000 - 4000 = 8000 = 8 days). I will also be using some of my resources to improve Aegis (see Improving an Item Familiar, Unearthed Arcana pg 173) Also while I am wearing magical armour I still have a torso and body slot open right? Because if so I would like to purchase a torso or body magic item. I still have a +2 Con bonus on my Gauntlets but I will be using a class ability to change that to something else (See Legacy Champion in Weapons of Legacy pg 19) after I pick up a replacement +2 Con item

Plushie Arz
2015-08-01, 09:04 PM
Khallis perked up.

"Sure, you should try Tasar and Aurelia. They did some of mine. See?" She peeled back the leather vambrace on her left arm and neither Feeona nor Aurix saw any signs of ink on her freckled sun-kissed skin. "Aurelia is also a weaponsmith so she can help with some of your magical items."

2015-08-01, 09:30 PM
I know that she's probably got an invisible tattoo which is awesome, but Aurix being who he is... Sense Motive [roll0] because he's looking at freckled skin - is she pulling his leg or something
Aurix looked at her arm, blinked and then looked back at Khalis while mentally calling out to Aegis.
Aegis... what am I looking at?
:smallconfused: Her arm master?
:smallannoyed: No I meant I can't see a tattoo but the context of our conversation indicates that she has one
did you want me to check master?
*Sigh* no... that would be too obvious. Unless you're still maintaining the ability to detect magic from before.
All the while Aurix blankly stared at Khalis for a second or two
if less than a minute has passed, Aegis is still concentrating on his detect magic. Spellcraft [roll1] if not then he does nothi

Plushie Arz
2015-08-01, 11:08 PM
Khallis' smile faded when she noticed Aurix staring intently at her arm and realisation dawned on her. "Oh, you don't have low light vision. I thought... your eyes... Oh, nevermind." She sheepishly rolled up her vambraces. "I think we should start off to the markets then, if you want you items enchanted. Fee, would you like to come with us?"

2015-08-02, 02:31 AM
Aurix's eyes widened as realisation dawned for the second time in only a few seconds. Now she's embarrassed, great start. Aurix quickly reassured Khalis,

"Oh, right. No it's ok. Hahaha it would be amazing if all this..." Aurix circled his right hand around his eyes "came with added benefits like superhuman vision but alas it is merely cosmetic."

Aurix gave Khalis what he thought was a reassuring smile.

"I think we should start off to the markets then, if you want you items enchanted. Fee, would you like to come with us?"

"The markets sound excellent"

Aurix looked at Feeona as Khalis asked if she would join them. He kept the smile plastered on his face though. Feeona and Aurix had butted heads over a number of things at the temple and he was hoping that they could work past their differences. He was well aware that they didn't need to like one another to work together, but it certainly did make things easier.

Aurix had a thought before he left and reached for his money. The pouch pulled from his backpack was heavy and laden with coins,

"Ah, ok it is here. I had to make sure that I took it with me. The Lizardfolk don't really carry currency like your people or the humans, so most of the currency that was liberated off the invading soldiers that wasn't given to the resistance went to me, for my exchange to Kiiska. The number of coins I have is a bit excessive, and it's very heavy, so I'm ready to get rid of as many of these as possible"

Aurix laughed uncomfortably and pulled a face that was somewhere between a grimace and a grin before putting the pouch back in his backpack. Really he was rather uncomfortable with having this much currency on him. Even when he was travelling he would only have just enough to survive on. As Aurix pulled his hand out of his backpack he noticed he still had the crystal that El'gor'an gave him and made note that he needed to return it to him.

"Ok, I'm ready to go when you are"

Bag of Holding IV - 10,000 GP (Buy)
+2 Str enchantment on Monk's Belt - 4,000 GP (Enchant - 4 days)
+2 Deflection on Fanged Ring - 4,000 GP (Enchant - 4 days)
+4 Wis on Forehead Tattoo - 8,000 GP (Enchant - 8 days [will spend 4 of the days now and 4 later i suppose])
Boots of Striding and Springing - 5,500 GP - (Buy)
Tunic of Steady Spellcasting - 2,500 GP (+2 Con Bonus = 6,500 GP "Vital tunic of Steady Spellcasting?") (Commission? I would prefer to buy the Tunic straight up and have it further enchanted thus being 4 days instead of 6-7)

So far, we're sitting at 38,000 GP which leaves me with just under 3000 GP left to spend

2015-08-03, 07:39 AM

“Four days is great with me. By then, it should be clear what the church decides.” Feeona smiled, nervously. The noble elf asked what her plans were after. “The Sisters of Dawn, yes. They're the nearest to Mornay's light in Kiiska, and there's a lot that needs to be looked into. I have to return.” But then Khallis asked if she wanted to go shopping, or leave the two of them alone. Her eyes glazed over and she bit her lip. Finally, she nodded.

“It'd be nice to see more of Kiiska with you. Sure.”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-03, 09:28 AM
The three unlikely companions headed to the Undercity marketplace, weaving through the platforms as Khallis pointed out the sights and sounds of the city. The short redhead elf seemed perfectly at home on the suspended rope bridges and narrow Undercity streets, her boots skipping over uneven cobblestones and timber as if it were second nature. Nobody seemed to recognise Feeona, the half-elven soldiers patrolling the market square presuming her to be just another Sister of Dawn. By mid morning, Aurix's purse was much lighter and his weary legs gave out on a plush divan in a light filled teahouse carved in the hollows of a redwood adjoining the marketplace.

MALCOLM, HIAM, Day 17 of the Ceasefire
For three days, Malcolm did not receive any news from the Serpent's Fang. Victorine was sceptical of the threat posed by the Rat King but promised aid and the attacks on the Guardsmen seemed to have stopped temporarily. The Colonel released additional funds to allow Malcolm and Hiam to better equip themselves against the enemy. More frustrating was the magical barrier that seemed to prevent Hiam from returning to the prison by way of teleport. It seemed the rats had bolstered their defences after the recent incursion.

They had spent the morning making a visit to the weaponsmiths in the Undercity market district. Although the area was shady, it was well patrolled by members of the Black Needles regiment, under Commander Leto and the money Victorine had provided was put to good use upgrading their equipment in preparation for further confrontations. They had stopped at a teahouse called Ileleste, a homely establishment that served the best brews and lemoncakes in the area, for a quick snack before returning to the Silent Stings headquarters.

As they peered down from the mezzaine, they spotted three patrons sitting downstairs who stood out. A Sister of Dawn, a redhead elf and a young man with a shining mithril shirt and bleached white hair sat around a table, chatting amicably and drinking tea. The man in particular, did not look as if he belonged to Order and he had never seen a nun act so openly in public before.

2015-08-03, 11:05 PM

When Hiam was unable to teleport back into the wererats' prison, he sighed deeply. "We are too late. They have blocked the way. Their magic is impressive."

Next on his agenda was trying to dispel the affliction on the shadow-less boy Ryon. He tried the dispel magic spell and repeated it if at first it had no effect.

(ooc: Basically, with so many days to work with, he takes 20 on the dispel check. If the effect on Ryon can be dispelled and has a caster level of 19 or less, he dispels it.)

If this does not work he still doesn't give up; instead he takes the boy to see if a priest can remove the effect with a remove curse or other spell.

Hiam and Malcolm also checked out the Moldervine Lane area, looking for a lead as to the wererats' hideout.

When the Guard offered him funds to better equip for the fight, Hiam was conflicted. Am I now in the pay of the enemy? Where did this money come from ... looted from the city no doubt. But if I don't take it, would that make it any better? If I do, would they think me obligated to remain in their service?

As he tells Malcolm "I'm here to help fight rats, not snakes, mind you. I am not a member of the Guard. I consider you a friend and an ally ... You personally, Malcolm."

Besides for learning to use the new equipment, he trains physically with a bow in his guise as the half-elf Fred Hunter, and spends much time concentrating on magic, developing his ability to cast a few new spells that may help in the fight against the rats and the shadow-monsters.


A leather armor clad half-elven man sits at a small table with a half-elven Guard Captain. As he peers down at the strangers below he observes to the Captain "It's not often that you see humans and elves at the same table these days. But there, as we see, it is still possible. A hopeful sign I think."

2015-08-04, 02:33 AM
Aurix was beat... even with the bag of holding, with it's weightless extradimensional holding space, it was still rather heavy and the trekking around Kiiska, shopping, of all things had worn him out.
"I have never... done so much shopping in my life" Aurix laughed, "Thank you for being my guide Khalis. Kiiska is a beautiful city."
Aurix had been keeping his Hunter's Sense active through the tour of Kiiska so that he might learn more about the city than just its sights and its sounds. Even now as he was drinking his tea he had it active. It was an entirely different experience drinking hot tea with an enhanced sense of smell. Aurix took a deep breath in and then sipped his tea, exhaling slowly as the warm liquid filled his mouth. The vapours carried with the expiration and tingled Aurix's olfactory senses. Placing the cup of tea down he swallowed and exhaled the rest of the breath, returning to a normal breathing pattern and letting the warmth ease his fatigue. He returned his attention to his companions.
"I would love to ask you hundred of questions about Kiiska and its inhabitants but I guess I should start with you, my new colleagues. We have worked together for the better part of the week back at Ular'bundur but we have not gotten the opportunity to get to know one another. So what can you tell me about yourselves? I will likewise address any questions that you have of me." Aurix smiled.

2015-08-04, 09:42 AM
Shenra smiled at Lerethi. "Thank you Mistress. For everything. I will study the spell and attempt to improve it for the betterment of our people." She bows deeply to Lerethi before departing, the vellum safely tucked into her belt. As she returns to the group, she learns of the plans to visit the marketplace and decides to accompany them. As they walk, she studies the people they pass. So many who live their life as if nothing is happening. Oblivious. They say ignorance is bliss, and this would certainly reinforce the notion. She smiles as they move from shop to shop before Aurix finally collapses into one of the divans in the teahouse they end at. She sits down nearby and lowers her hood as he asks about their lives. "I spent the better part of my life with the grey elves. Magic always intrigued me, and they were able to teach me the basics of harnessing the power that runs through my blood and soul. When the war began, I was one of the first to hide. I fled with the elves who had supported me, the closest thing I had really had to parents, and we hid. When they were killed... it ignited something within me. I'd never felt such hatred. Everything they had taught me about control over magic came crashing down as passion and rage fueled my spells. This is why I study evocation now. I have traveled far with a variety of acquaintances, with Katria being the closest thing I have had to a real friend through all of this. But grieving can wait until the war is won."
She pauses, taking a deep breath. She hasn't shared much of her story outside of the occasional glances into her past in conversation... but then again, no one had asked before. "Ona is my guiding patron, and the source of my confidence and passion. She is the scale that judges the balance of life and death, harmony in chaos. She has spoken to me, and I am tasked at undoing the destructive force of the Order. Justice does not come at the hands of martyrs, but at the hands of judges." Shenra looks to Feeona. "But I am not so drunk with bloodlust that I am without compromise. This is why I will not drown out the voices of those who travel with me. I try to be respectful while pursuing my calling. The Order will burn... but that doesn't mean that everyone in it must share the colony's fate." Another pause as she surveys the reactions. "And what of you, Aurix? I understand your call to aid us at the suggestion of your leader, but how did you come to arrive here?"

2015-08-04, 05:33 PM
Malcolm and Hiam
The inaccessibility of the Rat's hideout does not surprise him, though it is frustrating all the same. He penned a letter of thanks to the Colonel, promising to use the offered funds towards the benefit of the Guard.

He doubled down on his training with his men. He pushed his Honor Guard to the brink of their abilities--they didn't go to sleep without the dull ache of exertion suffusing their bodies. He had finally mastered the Bow, at least as far as he could himself. Now, he just needs to put those skills to use.

Each day he checked in on Ryon to make sure he was doing well.

You are not a soldier under my command, and I understand that. I accept whatever help you give with gladness, but I will not demand more from you than what you are willing to give.

In the marketplace, he spends time buying arrows to replace the ones he had fired. He also buys more specialty arrows--ones that split in midair when fired. Though he lacks the funds to enchant his bow with such, a few dozen of such enchanted arrows will certainly not go amiss. He also picks up an item he had commissioned when Victorine dispensed the money: a belt that can be used to both heal and provide greater alacrity during battle.

A half-elven man sits with a straight back on a plush divan. His shining chain shirt gleams beneath a sturdy tunic stitched with the symbols for the Order and the Guard. Malcolm's keen eyes scan the trio with a raised eyebrow. To be fair, the Sisters of Dawn have been preaching in the Undercity since the beginning of the ceasefire. Yet, he finds it a little unusual to see one in such odd company--an elf with no identifiers, and a young man obviously accustomed to battle also with nothing to identify his affiliations.

Indeed, it is heartening to see humans and elves speaking without brandishing weapons, he says as he sips his tea. A small step. Now, there is only a day left before the ceasefire ends, and the Fang has not replied to us at all. We may need to prepare to uncover this Rat's nest without informing the Fang of their presence.

2015-08-04, 10:11 PM

Hiam replies to Malcolm "Perhaps this evening I should seek on my own to send a message to the Fang. Not that I have any special way of contacting them, but there are certain establishments where Fang sympathizers tend to go. I may be able to send a message that way, and before the ceasefire expires at that.

Yet must it end? Why can it not be extended? Peace seems preferable to me. What do you think will happen next?

People need to talk to the other kinds of people, just as those at that table below are doing. Perhaps we should speak with them, to find out a bit about the thinking of the people of the city, especially those who still want peace."

Plushie Arz
2015-08-05, 08:23 AM
Ryon seemed to take the loss of his sorcery quite well. Unfortunately, none of Nai'Tuhra's clergy were sufficiently powerful enough to restore him and the boy coped by assisting Malcolm with the administration of the Silent Stings. The Captain noticed the boy had quite a talent for numbers, his calculations of the unit's expenditure correcting some of the errors that the Captain had missed in his initial calculations.

There was a third woman sitting at the table with the elf and humans. This one was also human, with dark hair and a grey cloak over her scarlet robes. She looked like some sort of arcanist and even at a distance, Hiam could see the markings of elven tattoos on her exposed arms. She was definitely not with the Kiiskan Guard or Order.

Khallis sipped at her tea and took bites from a frosted lemon tart, listening as Shenra recounted her story and nodding.

Shenra seemed to want to gauge Aurix's intentions and the warrior took note of the surrounding patrons. Most seemed to be young people although with elves, it was difficult to tell their true age. Among the fellow patrons and servers however, he caught sight of two half elven men sitting on a mezzanine level above, looking down at the group. One of them had silver hair and wore the brown and green uniform of the Kiiskan Guard, a longbow and quiver of freshly forged arrows resting close to his chair. The other seemed to be the Guard's friend and wore nondescript plain clothes, although his outline seemed somewhat fuzzy. Aurix recognised that effect before, from Bracken's own illusion during the parley under Caan Yupat.

2015-08-05, 08:49 AM
Shenra's mention of ending the Order set Aurix on edge for a moment as he quickly glanced around the tea shop. She speaks so openly about her task in public places...

Ah thank you Crywolf. I was looking for an ingame reason to do this to maybe help bring Mal and Haim into the party without having to metagame.

Spot and sense motive rolls in the tea shop. Looking to see if anyone Order affiliated is looking at them/eavesdropping on their conversation (the sense motive).

Spot (1d20+21)[33]
Sense Motive (1d20+20)[24]

Shenra seemed to want to gauge Aurix's intentions and the warrior took note of the surrounding patrons. Most seemed to be young people although with elves, it was difficult to tell their true age. Among the fellow patrons and servers however, he caught sight of two half elven men sitting on a mezzanine level above, looking down at the group. One of them had silver hair and wore the brown and green uniform of the Kiiskan Guard, a longbow and quiver of freshly forged arrows resting close to his chair. The other seemed to be the Guard's friend and wore nondescript plain clothes, although his outline seemed somewhat fuzzy. Aurix recognised that effect before, from Bracken's own illusion during the parley under Caan Yupat.

Aurix decided to act natural and address the question posed to him while sneaking furtive glances at the pair every so often.
"You mean how did I make it to the ripe old age of twenty one?" Aurix guffawed

"Honestly I wonder that myself sometimes but here I am. As you know I grew up with the lizardfolk. I don't know who my parents are or where I came from but Elder Akana posits that it must have been a human settlement not too far from the southern jungles. My mo..."

Aurix stopped for a moment. She had passed away only this morning and it hadn't even been a day yet. Aurix took a deep breath

"Mother found me floating down the river, in a basket. It's an absolute miracle that I survived and she used to say that Maizoluta saw me and protected me as I entered her lands."

Aurix smiled a wistful smile as he thought of his mother and the extended family that raised him, he missed her so. His emotions were quite evident on his face. He was never good at hiding them.

"I lived with them and they trained me in my martial art and I did everything I could to repay their kindness. It wasn't always easy mind you. It was in the jungles that I sustained this mystery injury that crippled my legs so... Still I did my best and worked through adversity to protect my adoptive people. Then some years ago I was sent to train in the Gorani Desert under the tutelage of a man I only know as the Shadowspeaker. It is there that I learnt the way of harnessing the darkness that lies within all living beings as a weapon for good. I won't go into too much detail now but after two years I was deemed to have mastered the art and I was sent off to make use of my training. Since then I have roamed the land of Sundara, doing what I could for the unfortunate and downtrodden that I came across. My travels took me from the Gorani, to the dwarven fortresses in the Great Dividing Chain and north as far as Oldentown. I got back to Ular'bundur a couple weeks ago and the rest is history. As for being here, well I will do my duty as was asked of me by my Elders but I also have my directive from the Shadowspeaker, to do good and so too unto others especially those who are hard done by. I believe that would be my motivation here in Kiiska. Wandering around the city thus far I believe there is much suffering still happening."

Aurix took a deep breath and then smiled, still deeply aware that they were being watched.

"And that's me in a nutshell so to speak. What about you Khalis, Feeona?"

2015-08-05, 09:43 AM
"Only twenty one, yet the travel and experience of one much older. I would love to learn more of your studies with this Shadowspeaker. My magic focuses on the destructive force inside me... perhaps there may be a connection there." She smiles towards him softly, adjusting in her seat. This young man, only a couple years younger than herself, had seen as much as her, without needing a war to spark his wanderlust. His training had taken him around the lands, and for a moment she felt shame that her own studies had not taken her anywhere but Hightree. She remembered the vellum in her possession, and promised herself that her study of magic would not be halted after she left Hightree. She would learn from the world around her, as he had. "There will be much to learn at Coronal's Hill. Feeona, Khallis..." she pauses. "Thank you for the role you have played in my own adventure thus far. I would love to know your stories."
Spot to see the half-elves: [roll0]

2015-08-05, 09:12 PM

I'll probably never use it, but I'd like to buy a bag of holding type 1. It seems like something useful to have once in a while? Maybe I'll think of something better to buy.

Feeona crept across the rope bridges and stumbled over uneven cobblestones as they travelled around Kiiska in her armour. Finally, she bought a bag to hold her belongings, offered the same for Khallis, and then the others. All of her armour went into the bag after. She walked around in her typical war apparel of a beige gambeson and trousers since, the Sisters of Dawn tabard thrown over it. Her weapon and shield remained on her. She sat down beside her elf, at ease. “Excuse me, do you have any teas that help with headaches? Tea leafs just to take?” she asked a waiter.

A steaming cup of cinnamon tea already waiting patiently on the table before Feeona. So sparingly she sipped the dark brown liquid it may as well have held the spring waters of Caan Yupat. For the twelve time, she took the cinnamon stick in it and stirred her hot drink slowly, steam rising up diligently like prayers to the sun goddess. She eyed the pastry Khallis ate with longing, but had made certain not to order her own. The nun felt it a little too indulgent compared to chapel food. Shenra mentioned her own upbringing alongside the grey elves, and what the war had done.

“Some mean and greedy souls have hidden themselves among the Order ranks. They need to be answered.” Feeona agreed with Shenra. “We both have a calling, but the path is a bit different. Violence leads to little kind or good or pure. Forbearance, forgiveness and faith in Mornay will. Those that truly believe in making a happier world are still there in the church. They just need to be reminded of who they really are. The Order can be the single greatest well-spring of kindness and purity Sundara has ever known. I can't give up on that, Shenra. Just like you can't ignore Ona.” She sighed. “But we have a ton to redeem ourselves over. Maybe that's why you're the first person to ever mention to me that kind of miracle.” She looked at the Archmage's apprentice intently then.

“What did it feel like? Being before an actual god.”

The crusader steeled herself unconsciously when Aurix started talking. Frowned when he revealed he had been sent down a river, alone. But she blinked in disbelief when he claimed all souls were flawed, and had to accept it. The manipulation and lying atop Maizoluta's most sacred temple, the attempts at misleading her away from peacekeeping, the hopes at poisoning her faith around the dying Diggers; all the passive aggressiveness came to mind. No wonder he hates me. It all came from one lie. A falsehood forced on a child. He was untrustworthy to her morals, but not unlikeable. A victim of coercion, not a villain of choice. She sighed. Then he and Shenra asked about herself and Khallis.

Feeona looked at the redhead, smiled. “Well, I was in a ho-hum way waiting tables, trying to trickle together enough silver to get a ship back home. I went in to get an order. Then, she was just there, looking at a menu. As natural as a rose in a garden. I didn't really know what to say. 'What would you like today,' isn't the most romantic opening. So before I even spoke to her, I was embarrassed. But she only ever smiled. Ordered. I was actually so afraid I might drop it that I asked them to make two – just to make sure she wouldn't have to wait.” She tittered. “Which, now that I think about it, made you wait longer. But then we started talking after, and everything fell into place. So I guess my story is kind of ours. We met in Oldenton, and I haven't been happier since.”

2015-08-06, 12:53 AM
Malcolm, Hiam

I won't stop you if you wish to inform them yourself. I think that I would stand out a bit at such a place, though, even outside of my uniform.

As for the ceasefire, it is beyond my capacity to alter. With the procedures I would need to go through, any attempt of mine to extend it with the leverage and information I have now will be a waste of time. After all, a ceasefire goes both ways, and unless I have missed a major milestone in the relationship between the Guard, Order, and Rebellion, neither side is greatly inclined to give even an inch.

Of course, peace is what I desire--but we must make that peace happen with the tools at our disposal, and cannot rely overmuch on the benevolence of those who believe they are fighting for their freedom. I believe, once the ceasefire ends, we will return to where we were before; only with two and a half weeks to plan on both sides. Unless, of course, something is done to alter the priorities of either side.

During this talk he looks down occasionally at the quartet below. This human mage with elven tattoos is yet another oddity that fits perfectly well with the group as a whole. Taking a sip of his tea and looking down again, he notices the white-haired boy glance away quickly. Just looking around? Or keeping an eye on them? He cannot tell.

Sorry for assuming Mal sees Aurix looking. If this spot check doesn't let him see it, then feel free to say that this paragraph is wrong and I'll get rid of it.

Spot: [roll0]

If the whole world were as you and those down there, then life would be much simpler, he says with a sigh, thinking back to his oldest brother and his son--whom he had only ever seen once. Finishing his tea, he places a few silvers down and gets to his feet. Speaking with them sounds like a fine idea. I don't have any pressing meetings for some time, yet, and like you said they may have a unique perspective we can learn from.

Waiting for Hiam to finish, he makes his way down the stairs to approach the group. Walking evenly so as not to seem hostile, he clears his throat lightly to catch their attention during a lull in the conversation. Pardon our intrusion, but my friend and I were wondering if we might be able to join you for a little bit. He keeps his voice even and amiable, though it is hard to ease his body from the militant posture it prefers to adopt. He gives the Sister of Dawn a respectful nod and a small smile.

2015-08-06, 03:22 AM
Aurix registered Feeona's look of disbelief when he said that all beings had darkness in them.
Of course, she would not believe what I am saying, Mornay would have her believe otherwise. Whether or not she chooses to believe or not is her choice though. Shenra snapped him out of his inner musings by addressing him again. A soft smile, a slight adjustment in the way she sat and Aurix went wide eyed for a moment, revealing even more of the black whites of his eyes.
"yeah we can talk about stuff some time" The words spilled out like the juice of a fruit being squashed.
Suddenly self conscious Aurix focussed on Feeona, who was speaking. Partway through he took a moment to glance up at the pair who were watching them and noticed that they were gone. Aurix's eyes subtly darted around the remainder of the tea house. Aurix had taken his eyes off the pair upstairs for a moment and the next thing he knew they were approaching from his blind spot.
Ok, ok, don't panic. They want something I just don't know what...

"Pardon our intrusion, but my friend and I were wondering if we might be able to join you for a little bit."
Aurix turned in his seat and his eyes laid upon a regimented half elven man, wearing chain shirt and a bow and bearing some kind of insignia on his raiment, and the fuzzy looking half elf. Aurix looked closer at him as he recognised a similar effect and now had an excuse to stare for a bit.
Spot vs Haim's secret disguise roll? [roll0]
Will save vs Disguise self [roll1] EDIT: Should be +16 due to Aegis not casting actively atm and no temple buffs = 18
"Uhh..." The onomatopoeia dragged for several seconds as Aurix's thought processes raced
They seem friendly enough now, but what's with this other half elf... They do look like locals though, and I did want to speak to more locals... but why were they watching us before? Was it because there are 3 humans here and an elf? I suppose my clothing doesn't quite fit in here... I guess it should be fine, there are more of us then there are of them... unless they have comrades waiting as well. Ahh this is getting me nowhere!
Master, why not just let them join you and make up your mind later
Oh, right, sorry Aegis I guess I started talking to you as well
It's fine :smallsmile:
With Aegis' help Aurix rebalanced his mind and choked out a "I don't mind, how about the rest of you?" Aurix stated, differing the question to group consensus.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-06, 07:49 AM
Shenra noticed the half elves looking at them and the uniformed bowman rose from his seat and approached.

Khallis giggled when Feeona told the story of how they met and she held the crusader's hand under the table. "Oh, my stories are nowhere as interesting as yours, Shenra. I mean I grew up in the streets and got taken in early. Learnt a few handy tricks, a little bit of swordplay and some odd magic. I'm told I'm good around people and well, I did meet someone very special so I can count my lucky stars right?" She quickly released the crusader's hand when Malcolm made his way to the table.

The first thing the group noticed about the uniformed half elf was his speech. He did not have the clipped accent that most native Kiiskans had when they conversed in the common tongue. Rather, his tone sounded as if he had been speaking it his whole life among the company of human nobles and officers. His posture was straight and open, and he looked as he had nothing to hide.

Something was different about this Sister of Dawn. First was her age. Most of the nuns Malcolm had seen were between their late twenties and forties but this one seemed a teenager. Her youth however, did not hide her experience and he could recognise the expert way that she handled her sheathed sword and shield like any veteran. Her black woollen tabard, emblazoned with the white sun of the Sisters of Dawn hung from her torso and he wondered whether she might be the famed Sister Feeona Danel that Victorine mentioned.

The uniformed captain spoke with the courtesy of a nobleman and Feeona noticed the silver signet ring he wore on his right hand, with the symbol of a rose around the scepter. It was the ring of House O'Mallory of Mallon Hall, a small but venerable family headed by Lord Desmond Mallory, a pious man and a faithful servant to the Order. She had heard rumours of Lord Desmond's bastard son and company of half elven misfits that he led to battle. Was it Marc? Or Michael? Or Morris? She couldn't quite remember the name from the top of her head but she seemed to recall the stories told between the guards that a company of two hundred had recently transferred from the Order to the Kiiskan Guard to bolster the numbers during the Amnesty.

Aurix could sense nothing unusual about the plain clothed half elf who accompanied the uniformed bowman.

2015-08-06, 04:36 PM
“Some mean and greedy souls have hidden themselves among the Order ranks. They need to be answered.” Feeona agreed with Shenra. “We both have a calling, but the path is a bit different. Violence leads to little kind or good or pure. Forbearance, forgiveness and faith in Mornay will. Those that truly believe in making a happier world are still there in the church. They just need to be reminded of who they really are. The Order can be the single greatest well-spring of kindness and purity Sundara has ever known. I can't give up on that, Shenra. Just like you can't ignore Ona.” She sighed. “But we have a ton to redeem ourselves over. Maybe that's why you're the first person to ever mention to me that kind of miracle.” She looked at the Archmage's apprentice intently then.

“What did it feel like? Being before an actual god.”
Shenra grimaced subtly. "It is true, we cannot turn our backs on that which we are called to do. Justice is not always pure or kind or good. But it is righteous, and it is necessary for the restoration of balance." She forces a smile. "to be honest, meeting Ona scarred me. Not in a negative way, associated with pain, but associated with the feeling of nostalgia that accompanies things you will never shake from your memory. Her presence is incredible, and I could simply FEEL the way the world shifted around her, under her guidance. And ever since then, her minor works in the world around me continue to astonish me and wash over me with a comfort I could never put into words. I do hope that if you desire that connection to Mornay that someday you are able to experience it." Her forced smile fades to a genuine smile as Feeona regales her meeting Khallis.

As the half elves approached, Shenra whispered the word to access her belt's hidden pocket and felt for her spell components just in case. Her other hand gripped at her rod nervously.

"Please... Sit."

2015-08-06, 05:11 PM

Feeona returned the smile of the well-spoken man gleaming in a chain shirt. “I would count it for a blessing. House O'Mallory are ever of the goddess.” She gestured easily to a nearby sit. “Please, what brings you to us, Captain?”

2015-08-07, 12:04 AM
Mal notes the boy's slightly choked speech, and can vaguely sense some unease from the cloaked woman, but he does not change his expression from its small smile at the Sister. My thanks, he says formally, pulling out a chair and sitting down. And well met, Sister...Danel, I believe? My name is Malcolm O'Mallory, Captain of the Silent Stings company in the Kiiskan Guard. A pleasure, he introduces himself to those of the group who don't know him, giving them all a nod of the head.

My friend and I were talking of the current state of Kiiska. We have been busy with several pressing concerns in the past week, but with the impending cessation of the ceasefire our thoughts have turned to the people of Kiiska. We were wondering whether you might know of the thoughts of the city in general--the citizens' thoughts on the results of the ceasefire, what they expect to happen in the future, what you expect to happen in the future. That sort of thing. The Guard is meant to serve the citizens of Kiiska, and knowing its people is the first step toward serving them.

2015-08-07, 09:03 AM
Hiam observes the unusual group of people as he and Malcolm approach and greet them. He's cast mage armor as usual, and though he expects no trouble here, he maintains a certain situational awareness.

The human woman with elven tattoos ... I wonder if she might be like me, an elf in disguise. But what's this, Malcolm knows one of them!

"Hello" the 'half-elf' says. "I don't have any fancy titles like Captain or Brother of an order; I'm known as Fred Hunter. Pleased to meet you.

It is as my friend said. I want to add that I am hoping that a peaceful solution to the current troubles can be reached, and that your group seemed to ... have a certain eclectic perspective that may be helpful."

2015-08-07, 10:07 AM
At the table sat a young male who, for all intents and purposes appeared to be human. His stature could be described as stocky with his well muscled build filling out his black monk's sashes and well made dwarven chain shirt. Tanned ropey arms, covered with haphazard scars down their length, sat somewhat tensed upon the table, nursing his cup of tea. Bilaterally, his forearms were adorned with tattoos dripping with tribal aesthetic, snaking their way from his cubital fossae and disappearing beneath the cuffs of a pair of well loved, if not high quality, leather gauntlets (the markings of his forearm tattoos reading as two parts of a draconic poem,
'that which makes water flow like hills,
can also be summoned by the rain.' 'Fire can dance and earth can change.
With but action of the wind.'
Sitting bolt upright on the soft divan Aurix's most notable feature was a messy shock of ear length white hair that almost covered his eyes. There above his left eye peeked another tattoo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19094274&postcount=19) and beneath those his second most notable feature. Two golden amber irises offset by sclera as black as ink. His face was reasonably handsome for a human but more than a few people found the appearance of or the stigma attached to his eyes and hair unappealing. As such Aurix was sporting a somewhat guarded look, one which he wore when meeting new people.

Aurix looked between Feeona and the half-elf identifying himself as Captain Malcolm Mallory. Apparently Feeona's reputation preceded her and Malcolm's upbringing was of noble human stature. He doesn't speak like the vendors I've met thus far, more like a human but he certainly doesn't speak like the common folk in Oldentown. He, or rather his family is known to Feeona and he bears a signet ring... I guess he's some kind of nobleman?.

The captain made his inquiry into what those assembled knew of how the citizens of Kiiska thought of the ceasefire he supposed recent events.

... knowing its people is the first step toward serving them.
Aurix found himself nodding to that statement. Aurix didn't sense any deceit or malintent from Malcolm so he relaxed just a little, after all a city guard wanting to learn how to serve it's citizens better was perfectly rational, even honorable.

As he had given his name and title as was common in human customs Aurix returned the gesture.
"I am Aurix Vuthaussir, a defender of the Mot'ia tribe. This is my first time visiting Kiiska. I was not aware of its general situation, let alone the ceasefire until a few days ago and thus I don't believe I would have anything to offer aside from wondering something similar. Still, pleased to make your acquaintance." Aurix turned his attention to the other half elf "and to you too... Fred"
Aurix kept his face deadpan, he could sense "Fred" wasn't only Fred. He wasn't sure what else was going on he resolved to keep his eye on the man.
Yes master?
I want you to keep your eyes on that half elf who's identified himself as "Fred Hunter".
What should I do?
At the moment nothing, just watch and listen.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-07, 10:42 AM
Upon closer inspection, Malcolm could see the eyes of the white haired man were black with gold irises, an unnatural colour not generally native to humanity.

Hiam knew that some arcanists and priests experimented mixing the bloodlines of humanoids and conjured spirits, creating individuals with remarkable powers and freakish appearances. Usually, the products of such experiments were sterile but occasionally, some escape and produce progeny, hiding their bloodlines with the trappings of their humanoid appearance. Such beings were called tieflings and the obvious traits have been known to skip generations before reappearing in others. While this young man seemed more human than the tieflings that Hiam had heard about, his eyes betrayed a lineage not of this world.

Aurix's black eyes and golden irises gave him an unsettling appearance that was made more freakish by the tribal tattoo down his face. Malcolm was reminded of the scriptures of the Evening Sun, and the descriptions of Sol Márton Kisma's prodigal son. 'Gold and black his gaze, like the brightest sun in the blackest night. He is one with both light and shadow.' It seemed like pure coincidence that this young man reminded Malcolm of Father Rylon's scriptures. The Blacklight heir was a figure of legend. This man was clearly a mortal being of flesh and blood, and couldn't have been older than twenty one.

2015-08-08, 01:39 AM
Malcolm's eyes travel the tattoos and markings of Aurix's body curiously before looking more closely at his eyes. The captain's eyes widen at the sight of the boy's abnormally colored sclera and irises. Could he possibly connected to the Evening Sun? No, best not to assume anything, especially with the boy's age. How could he be the heir with so few years under his belt?

Realizing that Aurix would have undoubtedly seen his reaction, he gives the boy a rueful smile. Forgive me, Sir Vuthaussir, he says sincerely. You must get stares from those eyes; I did not mean to add to that count. A defender of the Mot'ia tribe, is it? We are honored to have you here. If you do not mind my asking, what brings you here, away from your tribe?

2015-08-08, 10:43 AM
Shenra sits quietly, watching Malcom and Hiam exchange pleasantries. She looks from each of the strangers, watching their mannerisms. When Aurix spoke up, she decided not to address the two until their exchange concludes. She relaxes her grip on her rod, feeling the heat start to fade from under her fingertips. She is interested to see Aurix' reaction to the questions.. Their time together had indicated a level of paranoia that did not lend itself to personal stories, and she awaited his response.

2015-08-08, 03:20 PM

“Close. Sister Feeona,” She grinned. “Danel's my last name. Though, I can't imagine my name has made it to high society, even for your good House. I hope I didn't upset someone in the Guard.”

The two half elves introduced, sat. Feeona recalled what another noble had said, that the Guard were corrupt, but the captain and his companion were friendly. One even came from a trustworthy and pious family. She guessed then Calthera had made a small mistake, or else these two were clear exceptions to a small problem. They had only wanted peace. A sip of the cinnamon tea was taken, the cup returned.

“Anyway, Captain O'Mallory, Mister Hunter, welcome. Peace is absolutely crucial to the happiness of the majority. I've been leaning to words over weapons as Mornay wills, so I'm happy to help. But I admit I haven't spoken to the Kiiskans much. I'd be glad to help gather information with you, if you like, although it's likely better if I confirm a few other things with the Order and chapel first. Would it help at all?” She looked at the untitled half-elf. “It can't hurt your efforts to be a little more eclectic.”

Feeona went quiet to let Aurix answer the question, if he cared to.

2015-08-09, 05:37 AM
The contrast between Aurix a few minutes ago and Aurix in the moment was like night and day. Before he was relaxed and quite affable but with the introduction of these two new people it seemed like all of Aurix's guards were up.

Aurix had his eyes locked on "Fred" but with a slight glance back to Malcolm he spotted a reaction similar to one's he'd seen his entire life outside lizardfolk lands. Widened eyes. Most often wide eyes indicated a certain amount of surprise or shock but Malcolm mental gears also seemed to be turning. There didn't appear to be any tell tale signs of fear or disgust but rather a sense of disbelief. Malcolm dropped an apologetic smile

Forgive me, Sir Vuthaussir, he says sincerely. You must get stares from those eyes; I did not mean to add to that count. A defender of the Mot'ia tribe, is it? We are honored to have you here. If you do not mind my asking, what brings you here, away from your tribe?

Aurix fixed his gaze on Malcolm again,
"From my experience, those who bear the title Sir are lords and knights from the human lands. You appear to be aware that I am not from said regions and as such there is no need to afford me such a... how would they say it? Such a... courtesy. Aurix will suffice. Though I do appreciate your attempts at politeness, you appear to be quite a genial and honourable man. As for staring, I can see that you meant no harm so think nothing of it. As you surmised I am quite used to it" Aurix returned a polite smile to show there was no hard feelings.
Aurix relaxed the tight grip he had maintained on his teacup since the newcomers had arrived and then lifted it to take a sip, closing his eyes to begin the process and once again enjoying his tea to the fullest as he had before. The cup was almost at his lips when he opened his eyes again and answered the second question the Captain had posed before taking a sip from his cup of tea, his eyes open this time, watching his reaction.
"The simplest answer for why I am away from my tribe would be 'my duty'."

2015-08-09, 07:32 PM
Hiam stares for a moment at Aurix before recovering. "Forgive me, as well, Aurix. Believe me, I'm not one to make a big deal of anyone's racial heritage, whether it be elf, human, or otherwise. A person's character is far more important. That said, I've never before seen one like you.

I must admit, I am unfamiliar with the Mot'ia tribe. Is an appearance such as yours common among them? Also, I am curious as to your duty, if you don't mind explaining it.

Sister Feeona, well met. Your help will surely be appreciated."

2015-08-10, 09:16 AM
Aurix returned his attention to Fred, lowering his cup of tea whilst saying, "The Mot'ia are a tribe of lizardfolk..." before raising an eyebrow, which then turned into a more vague look as he explained on.
"there are no other humans with the tribe and there would be not many if any humans with the lizardfolk in general, although I do recall gossip of a human arcanist working with one of the southern tribes. As for my racial heritage, as I was just explaining to my friends here, short of sharing similar morphology to that of humans, I in actual fact have no idea where I come from."

Aurix let the vagueness fade from his eyes before drawing his attention back to the more serious question he was asked. He delivered his exposition in a manner that was light and conversational but the look on his face told others he was serious.
"As for my duty... Well as a matter of fact I do mind. Such a matter is something that is between myself and my Elders. After all we have only just met and I would not be so forward to ask the good Captain here to divulge the operational information of his company, or any further of you without furthering our association more." Aurix gestured at Malcolm as appropriate but kept his attention on Fred. There was a subtle emphasis on "you" when he addressed Fred.

Turning to Malcolm Aurix added "I will be staying in town for the next few days at the very least. During that time I assure you that I will not be disturbing the peace, if that is what concerns you, and should either of you so wish it, I'm sure there will be ample opportunities to further our association more in the coming days."
It was a general offer but it was important none the less. A light smile graced Aurix's face again and he took another sip of tea, looking between the two and raising his eyebrows with the offer.

2015-08-10, 05:40 PM
Malcolm shakes his head at Feeona's concern, a confident smile on his face. No need to worry, Sister. You have only upset those whose opinions you should rightfully afford no weight. Your reputation, to me at least, is impeccable. I would be interested to hear of your exploits as a Sister of Dawn, if you would care to share. And thank you, for your offer--the more aid we have, the greater our influence will be. What are you looking to confirm? I will do my best to answer them for you, if I can.

His keen eyes catch Aurix's changed guard. He does not bring attention to it, nor does he dwell on it. In a different city, among a race he may not be entirely familiar with, it is unsurprising. As a defender of your tribe, I imagine you are akin to a knight among your own people. Despite your age, I can tell you are a skilled warrior, and such skill does not come easily. Does your tribe have titles for one such as you?

He nods in approval at the boy's reason for being in Kiiska. He completely understands the declination to expand on his duty: his loyalty to his elders is respectable, although to be fair it is a poor guardian that would reveal his secrets to strangers. More evidence that you are well-respected among your people. I would prefer to give you the respect you deserve, Mr Vauthissar; if I may call you Mister.

While you are in the city, I would be happy to answer any questions regarding the workings of the city that I know of. The import of Aurix's offer is not lost on him, and he settles into his seat with a nod and smile. An outsider's perspective is always useful when inspecting a situation. I will appreciate any insights you contribute during our association together.

2015-08-11, 06:12 PM
Hiam says "Indeed I understand, Aurix; I suppose we all have some things we'd rather keep close to the vest. In general I prefer not to stand on ceremony, but if you prefer to be addressed more formally I'll honor that request."

He turns to the others who have not yet introduced themselves. "Each of you no doubt has interesting thoughts on the city. Are you from Kiiska, then?"

Plushie Arz
2015-08-11, 08:35 PM
"Yeah, I grew up here." Said the short redhead elf. She had a shortsword tucked in a leather scabbard on her belt and both Malcolm and Hiam noticed the edges of the hilt and guard were lined with mithril. It seemed an expensive weapon for one so young. She smiled at the two men and pushed a stray strand of crimson hair behind her left ear. "Name's Khallis."

2015-08-12, 02:41 AM
Aurix grimaced a little when Malcolm, in an attempt to show respect, had ironically mangled his last name. He recalled a lesson he had learnt in Oldentown (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18760652&postcount=1076)(see flashback) about a person's inherent attachment to their name and couldn't help but agree with Teresa. His mind wandered to Britany for a moment before coming back.
Aurix shook his head and gave a polite smile
"I have no titles to speak of, but there are many ways to show respect. If it would make you feel comfortable, Mister Vuthaussir is fine but otherwise Aurix (pronounced:ow-ricks)will suffice."

2015-08-12, 08:23 PM
Shenra shifts in her seat as Khallis introduces herself. "I am Shenra." She doesn't say much else, ignoring the formality of the introductions. She feels uncomfortable with the brash approach of the strangers, but the rest of the group seems to have taken a liking to the newcomers and so she decides not to start anything.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-12, 08:36 PM
He recognised the name of Shenra from the reports prepared by the Order. A renegade pyromancer who grew up with the elves in the Darujos, suspected rebel. Captured in the first month of the occupation and escaped from Redmaiden Hall and evaded capture by Sir Quentin Taber, a young knight in the service of the High Justiciar. Highly dangerous with a growing command of evocations. The woman before him seemed to match the descriptions contained in the report.

2015-08-13, 09:01 AM
Hiam replies to the young ladies "Pleased to meet you. Aurix is fortunate to have such companions to help him explore our fair city. Though perhaps 'fair' is the wrong word still. I have spent many years here, though I'm not quite a native. What do young people do for fun these days, anyway?"

Hmm, it sounds like I'm getting old! I still have a year 'till 500. Better get back in the swing of things!

2015-08-14, 01:16 AM
When Aurix reiterates his last name, Malcolm feels a surge of sheepishness wash over him. His hand goes up to run through his hair once more. My apologies once more. Perhaps in the interest of making sure I correctly address you, Mister Vuthaussir, I will simply go with Aurix. He repeats the name in his mind several times to solidify it in his memory.

He turns to the young elf. He notes her conspicuous weapon with just a glance, but does not bring attention to it. A pleasure, Miss Khallis, he says with a respectful nod. Would you be able to give some insight into the thoughts of the common citizen? As I said before, the Guard should understand the citizenry that we are meant to serve.

When Shenra gives her name, it takes a few moments of thought for a look of realization to cross his face. His face returns to normal after just a second, though. His hands do not move at all, and he remains relaxed on his chair. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Shenra, he says, though the sentiment doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-14, 09:51 AM
Khallis leaned back in her chair and smiled wryly at Hiam's remark. "Well, I can't say life under the occupation's going too well. Men murdered, women raped, children butchered in the streets. It's been quite awful hasn't it? Plus the Undercity revolted and elves were evicted from their homes. Some forcibly marched to the Gorani. I hear shopkeepers are harassed and girls trade favours for the protection of the Guard. I'd have to say Captain, there's a terrible lack of justice around here isn't it?"

2015-08-14, 10:38 AM
Shenra stifles a snicker at Khallis' mention of lacking judgment. "A bit of an understatement. The Order are ravenous locusts here. All consuming and anyone with an ounce of wisdom would take note that they don't actually provide any benefits to the people." She sighs and regains her composure. "Gentlemen," she addresses Malcolm and Hiam. "It is time I retire. Khallis, Feeona, if you will be joining us at the Hill, it would be wise for you to do the same." With that, she stands slowly, bows slightly, and heads back to Hightree.

2015-08-14, 12:40 PM
"It would seem your organisation has it's work cut out for it Captain, though Khallis' stated information disturbs me a great deal. As a Captain of the Kiiskan Guard is there any truth to these claims that members of the Kiiskan Guard are in essence taking advantage of vulnerable and innocent people?"
Aurix grumbled at the last sentence. He recalled his time in Oldentown working to undermine the operations of an underground slave/prostitution racket. It was through Britany that he learnt of it and thus he had spent much time working against it. It seemed that here too there were those who were exploiting the innocent for profit. Maybe there was more he could do to help after all... it would require investigation.

Aurix inwardly groaned somewhat when Shenra mentioned Coronal Hill informally.
What is it master?
So much for not talking about my duty... They're going to ask about it for sure Aurix thought.
Who and about what? Aegis replied
Malcolm and 'Fred'. The Hill that Shenra just cited. Coronal's Hill. Currently that relates to my duty here in Kiiska, although it is not a direct statement of my duty.
Ah I see. Is this a problem?
Potentially, but also potentially not. Either way I'm terrible at lying so there's no point in trying to hide it now...
It hadn't escaped Aurix's notice, the way Malcolm reacted to Shenra when she introduced herself.
It would also seem that Shenra is known, at least to this Malcolm. It's not the same as his knowledge of Feeona though... There is no joy in this recognition.

"Ok Shenra, thanks for coming out with us. We still have the rest of today and 3 more before our expedition. I have one more bit of shopping to do, gotta sell this here ring and find another one that possesses an enchantment of sustenance, that and I'd like to go and find out what's craicing from the locals. If you're returning now I guess I will see you later then."
Aurix thumbed the ring on his left hand, it was a simple golden band that bore hallmarks of being human in design and construction. The right hand that was fiddling with the left exhibited signs of an irregular tan line around his index finger. The difference in colour was marked as Aurix's unaltered skin pigment, or lack thereof, was visible in contrast with the medium tan he had from a lifetime in the sun. It was as if something, most likely a ring, had been there for a very long time and only recently removed. appeared that a ring had been removed from that finger that had not been removed for quite some time.

2015-08-14, 01:36 PM
Hiam is taken aback for a moment but another thought strikes him.

"Well that took a turn! I'll let the Captain field the justice question. Shenra, Khallis ... Before you go please let me ask you one other thing. I have an urgent message and perhaps you could help me find a place to send it from."

2015-08-14, 04:26 PM
Malcolm takes Khallis' sharp words and Shenra's thinly disguised amusement with grace. At Aurix's question, he looks from the boy to Khallis as he answers them, To my deepest shame, there are members in the Guard who take advantage of their status and power, he says, and his voice conveys poorly restrained anger and frustration. To the group, they can tell that the revelation of girls "trading favors" is a new one for him. Half-elves who have taken this opportunity to take perceived revenge on the downtrodden for the pain inflicted upon them by the Old Council. And although a revolt such as the Undercity's was unlawful, a forced march to the Gorani was viciously excessive. You call it injustice, and I agree: their actions are the height of injustice for the citizens of Kiiska.

What I can say, is that none in the Silent Stings is engaging in such deplorable behavior. And I fully intend to remove the corruption from the Guard, though due to my recent arrival my headway has been minimal.

His gaze moves to Shenra. He looks as though he will start to speak, then stops himself. Sister, he says instead, turning to Feeona. May I escort you to the chapel when you leave? I have a few things I'd like to speak with you about.

2015-08-14, 07:05 PM
Really sorry, long story short, I've been between incredibly tired and very busy and something bad.


Feeona's eyebrows raised when the nobleman spoke about her, before settling on an amused smile. “I have an impeccable reputation? Well – I guess all that leaves is for my actions to catch up.” She winked. “Really, I haven't done nearly enough to pretend my past is worth focusing on. All that remains is to make a better future. But most of my concerns aren't things you can help much with, Captain. It's mostly just to confirm everyone is well. Check if I can make a deal before the candle burns too low. See if my own position in the Sisters of Dawn will stay the same. Those kinds of things. They've allowed me a lot of freedom as a Defender of the Faith.” She shrugged. “The Chapel might decide they've been too generous.”

Feeona took the tea cup and drummed the fingers of the side of the tea cup, agitated. Introductions and apologies were traded. Shenra was remarkably tight-lipped from her talkative self not a minute ago, and the blonde looked at her curiously. She couldn't imagine anything the half-elves had said to offend the mage. Then the Captain of the Kiiskan Guard addressed Khallis, and she spoke of murder, and rape, and slaughter. The Farlaen woman put her hand over her mouth until she was done. Then she winched when Shenra said the Order were locusts that provided no benefit to anyone. The only thing that hurt, the crusader realized, was how much suffering supported that kind of thinking. Those were not comments made out of idle musing. She frowned.

“Rest well, Shenra. See you at the Hill.”

Feeona looked incredulously between Khallis and the Captain. Even Aurix spoke about being disturbed by the rumor. Fred deferred to the nobleman, and she was at ease to hear he wouldn't leave any corruption alone. She nodded earnestly when the commanding half elf mentioned wanting to escort her to the Chapel and speak of matters.

“Of course. If there's something like that happening, the Sisters of Dawn will always assist. I know I will. We can always prioritise that when we gather information later – unless you would make more headway alone. You would know more than I would about this, Captain. Whichever is best for the Kiiskans.”

Feeona looked at the barely steaming cinnamon tea in her hand, not even half drunk, and already she didn't want the rest. Shenra leaving and the topic turning so gruesome so quickly all but left her with no appetite for savouries or small-talk; even with Khallis around. The cup was returned to the table and she sighed.

“It's past time I returned to the Chapel. Although I'm sure they already know where I've been. Khallis, I'll see you soon?” The Sister of Dawn asked the redhead with a hopeful smile, touched her forearm briefly in departing. Then she stood. “Defender, luck in assisting Maizoluta's faith. Stay safe, you two.”

2015-08-14, 10:29 PM
Aurix nodded at Feeona "Maizoluta is with me, though this is the realm of the elves. I will be working to assist those in need regardless. May your sisters see the wisdom in your actions. Safe journeys and best of luck to you."
Unless Feeona decided to or was able to join the expedition to Coronal Hill he figured it would be quite some time until he saw her again. Shenra had left and it looked like the table was going to go its separate ways. Aurix signalled to a waitress while he dug some coins out of his bag.

"Bill please" Aurix smilled.

When the bill came, Aurix placed a gold piece on the tray and handed it back to the waitress.

"keep the change. A tip for your lovely service."

To the remaining at the table Aurix spoke,

"It looks like we will be going our separate way soon. I have a little shopping to do, as I said before, but then I will be at a loose end wandering around the city. What will everyone else be doing?"

Plushie Arz
2015-08-14, 11:11 PM
"Of course, Sister. Stay safe." Khallis' tone had a casual air but Hiam noticed the elf girl's gaze lingering at the Sister of Dawn with something more than just a passing interest. The girl turned to the sorcerer.

"Sure, what do you need?"

* * *

The Albinus Chapel was located just outside the Green Zone, in the upper reaches of the city. A former temple to Nai'Tuhra, it was abandoned during the battle for Kiiska and the occupiers had turned it into the headquarters for the Sisters of Dawn. In the past months, masons and mages had been at work, reinforcing the white alabaster walls with defensive spells and reworking the elven architecture to suit the sensibilities of its new inhabitants. A white wall ten feet tall ringed the compound and Malcolm noticed the patrols outside, with their shining armor and white tabards had the sigil of Victorine's White Mercy company on their shoulders. The four chapel guards themselves wore half plate mail wrought of burnished silver with long glaives and swords at the ready.

Feeona recognised the four on duty today. Ralph the Stout, a boisterous man in his thirties with a brown bowl cut was in command. His underlings - Osbert the Dim, Samson the Lionsbane and Blue Jean were all capable warriors sworn to defend the temple with their lives. "You are missed, Sister Feeona." Ralph called out, as the trio approached. "And oho, you have guests?"

2015-08-15, 08:38 AM

Feeona slung her bag containing her armour and items over her shoulder, left arm clasping her right then. She looked up at the commanding guardsman. Three days, she had been gone. Three days, without attending any prayers or meditations, and without giving the girls any lessons or leaving a substitute, and without sending any word of where she was or why. It had been an emergency. Failure would have meant tainted souls and genocide. But she hadn't done her chapel duties half as well as she could, and that was plain. She giggled, a nervous timbre about it.

“Well, as you can imagine, my stroll took a little longer than expected. And I didn't have anyone so brave as yourself nearby, Ralph. So Captain O'Mallory and his friend here decided to escort me back.” She smiled sheepishly. “Hopefully my outing didn't cause too much of a fuss. I – I don't suppose a trusted guardsman might warn a Sister of any difficulties she could have ahead of her?”

I don't mind talking 'on the way' here if you want. Or just letting the scene continue and talking through it.

Whichever you two find more easy/fun.

2015-08-15, 10:03 AM
Hiam, Khallis; Malcolm, Feeona

OOC: Still at the tea house ...

Hiam looks around as if to make sure no one else is paying the group much attention, then approaches Khallis and whispers to her "I have an urgent message for the leaders of the Fang. It occurred to me that you just might know of a place where I might be able to initiate contact with the group. Can you help with that?"

OOC: Roses, I hope stuff improves soon.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-15, 11:19 AM
Khallis was all smiles but her bright green eyes were cautious. She looked at Hiam for more than a few seconds to satisfy herself of his trustworthiness and nodded. "Meet me in the Oldwoods when you're done. Come alone without your friend." Contrary to its name, the Oldwoods was a grove of white aspens nestled between the Lower and Middle Reaches. It was planted less than a century ago after a fire destroyed an older thicket of junipers and the fast growing aspens quickly replaced the destroyed copse. Unlike the sprawling streets of the Undercity or Lower Reaches, the elves left the area untended and the array of undergrowth between the rows of trees allowed for a great degree of privacy.

* * *

When Malcolm and Hiam followed Feeona to the Chapel, Khallis caught up with Shenra and Aurix.

"Well, I was told to show you the city. Our tour's not finished yet. Why don't we take a look through the Undercity?"

Ralph relaxed his stance. "The Kiiskan Guard are friends of the Order and Captain O'Mallory's reputation is beyond reproach. A Colonel of the White Mercy asked for you and the Mother Superior requests your audience. What for, I do not know."

2015-08-15, 01:07 PM
Shenra stretched her limbs and rolled her neck comfortably under the hood of her robe. "Thank you. I would love to see the Undercity, but something about those two nauseated me. I already regret giving my name. I'll have to see about picking up another identity to use when others are around, I suppose..." She trails off, leaning on her rod. "Let us go. You never know who may be watching in the shadows here."

2015-08-15, 02:09 PM
As Shenra leaves the group, Malcolm considers bringing up her past complications in front of the group. Part of him wants to get it out in the open, if only so that he can work out exactly what each of the group knows of her. Aurix and Khallis seem nice enough, but could they be part of the Resistance? Does Sister Feeona know, and if she does why is she associating with a suspected rebel? But even if she is associated with the rebellion, the ceasefire is still in effect until tomorrow's end, and forcing a confrontation would only cause unnecessary strife.

Instead, he puts on a smile and says to Feeona, I will value your help in my endeavors, Sister. It will be nice to get another perspective from one within the Order. Fred has unique insights, but he cannot fully grasp our responsibilities.

Malcolm, Feeona, Hiam, on the way to the Chapel

After they leave the other group, Malcolm seems to relax slightly. He enjoys the silence for a minute as they walk down the street. I do not believe Shenra took to me well, he says with a rueful chuckle. Although I suppose I cannot blame her.

At any rate. Sister, how have you spent the ceasefire? Myself, I have spent the time solidifying the Stings' position in the Guard, as well as my own relations among my new comrades. In order to make any kind of effect on the path of the Guard, I must be in a position to enact that change. As much as I am tempted to simply confront those who are taking advantage of the system, I would be overwhelmed before I can be of any use. And so, I fear I must play their game, at least for a time. Until I can no longer stomach my own inaction, I suppose.

Shaking his head, he tries to get himself off of that self-irritating spiral. As well, Fred and I have uncovered a dangerous criminal ring making its lair in the Undercity that threatens both the Guard and the citizenry. They've been harassing the Guard with swarms of rats, and kidnapping citizens--focusing on those with sorcerous talents. We would be appreciative beyond measure for any help you can give in opposing them. After you have finished your own business, naturally.

Malcolm, Feeona, Hiam, In front of the Chapel
Spotting the insignia of Victorine's White Mercy, Malcolm feels a smile come to him. He gives them a respectful nod as they pass each other. A sign that Victorine is in the area, perhaps? That thought is reinforced when the guard mentions a White Mercy colonel having asked for Feeona. When Ralph mentions his reputation, Malcolm simply gives the guard a small bend of the torso in acknowledgement. Is the colonel in the vicinity, Guardsman? he asks.

Turning to Feeona, he has a friendly smile on his face. Noticing her sheepishness and nervousness, he offers, I cannot speak to the Mother Superior, but if the Colonel is who I think it is, then her inquiring after you is not a cause for your concern. There is one more thing I would like to discuss with you, if you would be amendable to meeting after your meetings.

2015-08-15, 11:44 PM
"Seeing the Undercity would probably be a good idea. It is the epicenter of the events occurring in this city from the sounds of things, what with displaced elves and those who do not fit in with the new regime, under guard by the half elves they oppressed, who rose to power by betraying their oppressors. The political situation at the very least is complex enough without factoring in the suffering of sentient beings. I would like to gain an understanding of the situation and hearing it is not the same as seeing it for myself"

"Thank you. I would love to see the Undercity, but something about those two nauseated me. I already regret giving my name. I'll have to see about picking up another identity to use when others are around, I suppose..." She trails off, leaning on her rod. "Let us go. You never know who may be watching in the shadows here."

Aurix did a quick sweep of the area using his olfactory, aural and visual senses, continuing to be on the look out as they moved.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Scent to detect presence (not location) within 30 ft, 60 ft target is up wind and 15 ft if down wind

As they walked Aurix took a hushed tone, both to prevent them being over heard and in an attempt to avoid drowning out the sound of his surrounds with his voice.
"I can appreciate what you mean Shenra. I too was on edge. I should tell you now, that Captain Malcolm recognized you in some manner. He obviously did not bring it up but for whatever reason you are known to him, and not in the same way Feeona is known. Can you guess why?"
Aurix let himself fall into step with Khallis and Shenra, letting the former take point as she was leading them while Aurix brought up the rear.
"I have never bothered with an alias as such. My distinct appearance foils such attempts and I must confess I am a rather poor liar and actor. That said, the idea might not be without merit for you. You would in effect be like that Fred... I am more than certain that Malcolm knows him as "Fred" but I am also certain that "Fred" is not all he is known as. Perhaps he has reason to hide his identity in a similar manner to how you wish to hide yours in the future. Whatever it is, it is his own business but the fact that he had to hide his identity in the company of a Captain of the Kiiskan Guard is odd... Speaking of which, what did Mister Hunter want from you Khallis? He said he had a message to send, who was he seeking?"
Aurix was reminded himself that he needed to send a message as well, to the Shadowspeaker in the Gorani Desert. Mundane methods would take too long he surmised. Perhaps he needed to get in contact with Elder Krastix again... or perhaps there was someone in this city who could help. He resolved to bring it up with Khallis after she answered his first question.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-16, 07:40 AM
"Aye Captain, the Colonel is within. Shall we announce your arrival?" Asked Ralph. He scratched his head and looked at Hiam. "And who may you be Sir?"

"Oh, he wanted to talk. Said something about wanting to talk to the Serpent's Fang's leadership and an urgent message. I told him to wait at the Oldwood when he's done." She cast a sideway grin. "Can't be too careful now can we, if he's using a false name. What kind of name is Fred Hunter anyway?" She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry.

The smell of the Undercity was one Aurix would not forget in a hurry. Whereas the platforms and rope bridges of the Kiiskan treetops smelled of fresh growth and the moisture from the overnight rain, the Undercity reeked of decay. The sour stench of waste from behind the ramshackle terraces and the smell of unwashed bodies in the crowd almost threatened to overwhelm his hunter's senses. It was morning and the press of the crowds surrounded the group. He heard the raised voices of merchants and customers engaged in insistent bartering and the clinking of coins being liberated from pockets by nimble fingers. The few guards Aurix saw stood on the platforms, away from the soiled crowds and he noticed a group of them drinking from a clay pitcher and passing it between themselves. If they were on duty, they were paying scant attention to their jobs but if they were on break, it seemed incongruous for them to be still in uniform.

"Looks like the Black Needles are on duty today." Said Khallis, as she noticed Aurix and Shenra's gaze drifting upwards towards the guards. "One of the twelve Guard companies. A bunch of thugs and cowards. Their commander is not much better."

2015-08-16, 08:12 AM
Feeona and friends, on the way to the Chapel

Feeona nodded knowingly as the nobleman explained he had to balance his own good intentions with not overstepping boundaries. “That's really wise. Mornay knows I don't agree with everything the Order does. But I never really thought about positioning myself to change things. I've spoken to a sergeant here; confronted a captain there. But it's helping put out fires when you're readying to catch the arsonist. Smart.”

The cobblestone road they had met moved around a grassy bend with a broken statue away from the path. A curious glance told it's headless but nude alabaster form had once been the nature goddess. Nai'Tuhra saw little of their passage now, and Feeona wondered if that hadn't been done by the Order's will. The goddess of nature put into darkness by the Morning Sun. Her thoughts turned unwilling to the blacklight heresy, but she forced herself to focus on her new affiliates.

“For the ceasefire, the first half was peaceful. I studied and sought inwardly. But mostly I was teaching the girls. Posing the paladin paradox to help them grapple with their faith. Dolled out different meditations like mindfulness to Melody and lovingkindness to Esme. Just trying to help round them. Give tools to pursue decency – if not the path of kindness and purity. But I let their lessons down the past three days.” She sighed. “The Order made a decision that didn't break the ceasefire's letter, but I'll take it to the angels that they offended its spirit.”

The crusader shook her head. “The Church of Mornay should above all others be interested in the welfare of the soul. Instead they attempted to steal an artefact that would have committed genocide by removing it. If that's not born directly from the one nemesis of our faith, I can't tell you what is. A close friend of mine told me about the plot. But I wasn't about to let the purest damn themselves while causing suffering, so I used my title to take a night time stroll. Our wanderings took us to the lizardfolk and we helped stop the atrocity.”

When the half elf captain spoke about the kidnappings, Feeona grimaced. “I'll eat my habit if plague-bearers like vermin aren't another of the Black Night's vessels. Nothing good there. But it's better to discuss details when we're actually focused on it. For now, it'd be nice to know a little more about your shy friend. Is Mister Hunter a member of the Kiiskan Guard? Some kind of freelancer?”

Walking on the Captain's right, Feeona poked her head a little forward and looked towards the quiet half elf on the Captain's left, unsure if he would speak for himself. The familiar white walls protecting the chapel peaked up humbly in the distance. She made out forms around the gate and silently prayed it wasn't Derrick.

Feeona and friends, at the Chapel

Feeona's shoulders relaxed a tension she hadn't known was there. She thanked Ralph before turning to the talkative half elf. “Oh. Well, if it's not a bad thing, I hope it doesn't take too much time. I can't exactly rush a Colonel, but I still need to speak with my friend. Someone said she might not be okay, so better I check. She might even have the key to extending the ceasefire, actually. At least, with one small group. Of course, I need to speak with the Mother Superior before any of this.” She shook her head. “Meetings after meetings. But I'm glad to discuss anything important with you, Captain. One ray of sunshine to the other.”

2015-08-16, 09:49 AM
Malcolm, Feeona, Hiam, on the way to the Chapel

'Fred' tells Feeona "You have done well in stopping another atrocity. Thank you. You give me hope for the future.

You might say that I'm a freelancer, but I'm currently working with the Captain and to protect the Guard, mainly from the criminals of which he spoke. They are a dangerous group of wererats and powerful necromancers who kidnap sorcerers and somehow steal their shadows and turn the shadows into monsters. The Guard has provided a generous sum to help me upgrade my equipment to prepare to face that threat. In return, I will see the matter through at the least."

At the Chapel

Hiam takes in what has been done to Nai'Tuhra's temple. His initial reaction is outrage, but he reminds himself of the good that Feeona has done in the name of her new god. Oh Nai'Tuhra, what has become of you? I once asked you to help protect the city. You did not, but perhaps you saw some good in the newcomers, before I did. I ask now for a just peace. I don't know if you are paying attention, but if you want something in return, just let me know. All right, I guess I suck at praying and had better stop now.

"Aye Captain, the Colonel is within. Shall we announce your arrival?" Asked Ralph. He scratched his head and looked at Hiam. "And who may you be Sir?"

Hiam replies "Hello, sir. I am Fred Hunter, an associate of Captain O'Mallory's and an ally of the Guard. I believe the Captain will vouch for me, if needed."

2015-08-16, 08:25 PM
Aurix, Khallis & Shenra
"You know I'm not really sure. I guess it sounds human enough." Aurix stated absent mindedly.
Other things were forcing themselves to the fore of Aurix's attention. Primarily the smell that was beginning to assault Aurix's senses the closer they got. It was overwhelming. Not as bad as the smell of jungle baked rotting flesh but it was up there on the scale. Aurix had to resist the urge to cover his nose, end the martial stance that enhanced it and gag. Aurix maintained the stance and forced his nose to get accustomed to the smell, otherwise he would not be able to smell his enemies or quarry should the need arise in the future. Still it was intensely unpleasant.

Aurix turned asked Khallis with tears forming in his eyes, "Will you need another pair of eyes when you do meet him at this 'Oldwood'?"


People, most dishevelled, unkempt, desperate were everywhere. Petty crime appeared to be rampant with the more resourceful waifs, street urchins and scoundrels weaving their way through the mosh, skiving coins from the market goers and passers by. They stole indiscriminately but he gathered that those who looked more well off would probably have at least caught the eyes of the sticky fingered flock.
Aurix's eyes separated themselves from the chaos on the forest floor, upwards towards the platforms overlooking the area. There were some guards on duty but his eyes were drawn to a small group of them passing a drink between them. Strategically having the Guards on higher ground gave them better vantage points for assessing the situation below and identifying any developing situations but the presence of the drinking group was hardly inspiring any confidence in Aurix that they could respond to any situations. Indeed looking back down at the masses it seemed that so long as the people did not ascend to the platforms, they didn't care what went on.

"What are the Black Needles known for? In addition to being thugs and cowards?"

Plushie Arz
2015-08-16, 08:35 PM
"Allies of the Guard are our friends." Nodded Ralph, gesturing his men to allow the trio to pass. The doors were unbarred and with a groan, they swung aside to allow access to the manicured grounds within.

Hiam had been in the Albinus Chapel before, when it was still known as Nai'tuh Foen-gal, or the Radiant Shrine to the Goddess. Although the Goddess' primary temple was located in the Middle Reaches, accessible to all of the city's inhabitants, the Radiant Shrine was reserved for the use of the highborn who would not tolerate the unwashed rabble of the Undercity and Lower Reaches.

He did not think much of the shows of piety but remembered the well kept grounds, decorated with statues of the nature goddess in various stages of undress. Many of the statues were now gone or altered, with arms removed or torsos chipped to obscure the displays of bare flesh. Other more modest effigies had their ears blunted to better resemble human forms. Even the architecture of the chapel, with slender columns and open vistas had been altered to accommodate the cloisters and stained glass windows favoured by the Sisters of Dawn.

By the fountains where bare-skinned acolytes once bathed, he saw white clad nuns standing and praying in quiet contemplation in the morning sunlight. The halls, once filled with laughter now bore a solemn silence as the spots of filtered light shone through the stained glass windows that depicted a white and gold angel forcing a black and blue demon into a flaming red pit with a radiant spear.

Feeona led the duo to the door of the inner chapel which opened just as the trio approached. Colonel Victorine Monterone stepped out with the Mother Superior and Sister Eleanor following not too far behind. The sight of the Mother Superior was familiar, a woman in her eighties with a bent frame and aquiline nose but both Malcolm and Hiam recognised her inner reserves shone as bright as a warrior in their prime. There was no disputing the authority the Mother Superior commanded in this Chapel.

Their eyes however, were drawn to the woman in her late twenties who stood sentinel behind the Abbess. She was slender and her delicate features could have inspired a dozen paintings. Golden hair poked from her black headdress and they noticed the bulge of her belly against her white robes. Her lips were pinched and her bright blue eyes swept over the new arrivals like a torch.

Feeona's attention on the other hand, was caught by the woman in the officer's garb. The Colonel was not a tall woman and unlike Khallis or Serena, there was a regal air about her. She looked in her thirties, with a strong chin and her golden hair was tied in a bun. A sheathed greatsword was slung over her back and Feeona noticed the sigil of House Monterone, a yellow dragon pierced by a claymore, emblazoned on her pauldron.

"I thank you again for your time, Mother Superior. Mornay be good and may she watch over you." She said, with a bow. Her gaze briefly met Feeona's and the Defender felt her heart skip. The colonel wouldn't be older than her mother but she was fit and strong in both mind and body. She didn't have the unyielding stubbornness of Field Marshal Uhars or the evangelism of Sister Eleanor. Instead, she had the graceful temperament of a natural born leader.

The Monterones were an old family hailing from the barony of Eastcliff, three days to the north-west of Farlaen. They were descended from Sir Gabriel Monterone, the Slayer of Aurimanthor the Brazen, a gold wyrm that reputed plagued the lands around the Bay of Life in an era before the Unification of Churches. The current patriarch, Lord Victor XVII was fifty six years old and a soft-spoken critic of the Order's increasing militarisation. He also had a seat in the Farlaenean House of Representatives, the lower house where petitions were voted on and put forward before the powerful Farlaenean senate.

Lord Victor's oldest daughter, Victorine Monterone is the youngest woman to achieve the rank of Colonel at the age of thirty five. She was a former captain of the third White Mercy company, the Blazing Furies, and was promoted after the death of Colonel Eric Brownlow at the hands of Midnight Syndicate cultists in the lower reaches.

"And may your prayers be answered, Colonel Monterone. The Goddess looks after her faithful."

The Mother Superior looked to Feeona, Malcolm and Hiam with a chuckle.

"And to speak of the Saint, Sister Eleanor. So our prodigal daughter returns. And she brings guests."

2015-08-17, 12:12 AM

Feeona grinned guiltily when the abbess addressed her. “Mother Superior, hi. Yes. Um. This is Captain O'Mallory. And that's Fred.” Her mind went white under Sister Eleanor's gaze, and she couldn't remember why she brought guests to the chapel to ask for assistance when she first should have returned alone to ask for forgiveness. She coughed.

“Um, I'm sorry for going without leaving any back up lessons for the girls, or saying where I was. It was an emergency, but I didn't make the right decisions for my absence. The chapel deserves better.” She brought her newly bought bag in front of her and braced herself. “May I know my penance now?”

2015-08-17, 01:05 AM
Malcolm nods his agreement to her sentiment of the Order. That is one more issue on which we agree, Sister, he says. Feeona can only imagine the bigotry and prejudice that a half-elf would have endured as a member of the Order, even the son of a nobleman. That lofty position, at times, had only made it worse at some points.

He listens intently when she reveals her reason for "taking a stroll" for three days. Her explanation shows him yet more clearly how far the Order is straying from the true teachings of Mornay--beyond simply wishing dominance over other races, they are willing to commit genocide if it means attaining some ephemeral artifact? Seeking to consolidate their power, he can understand; yet there are lines to cross and lines to obey, and wiping out a race is certainly the latter. Something needs to give in the Order, and he feels it will happen soon. So then, you helped to defend Aurix's tribe, he says, more confirmatory than questioning. It would explain why the boy came from his tribe with her. But he had said it was his "duty", and he had not seemed to lie. If so, then for what reason would his elders send him here to aid Feeona in thanks?

You have truly done Mornay's work, then, he continues with a nod of approval. Our Goddess smiles on those who are of strong enough will to do what is right regardless. Yet I fear what repercussions the Order may levy against you, after having acted against them. Mornay willing, she will guide our brothers and sisters to the realization that your actions were necessary.

He lets Hiam answer before picking up, I asked him for aid in exterminating the Rat King--my men are busy training and going on their patrols, and two working together are safer and stronger than one working alone. I am glad for his support, for as long as he wishes to give it. And the vermin king himself is a wererat; who knows whether he was born that way, or if he sought it out in his delusional devotion to Ni'Kote.

In the Chapel
He nods at Hiam's declaration, giving his silent approval of his companion. He nods through Feeona's last sentence, though "ray of sunshine" may be an overstatement of his congeniality. Talking this much with a smile on his face is beginning to wear on his cheeks. All the better to bring light to the darkness in the world, he returns.

He walks through the chapel grounds with a straight back. He can see where the Order has obviously altered the grounds of Mornay's mother, and the sight makes him want to shake his head. More evidence of the Order's desire to impose their will on all others.

When Victorine and the Mother Superior approach, Malcolm gives a deep bow at the waist. It is an honor to meet you, Mother Superior, he says before straightening. His gaze moves over to the younger woman behind her, whom he instantly recognizes as Eleanor--the one of the prophecy. Manners drilled into him from birth dictate that he bows to her as well, although not nearly as deep as to the Mother Superior. And you as well, Sister Dawnbringer. I have heard exceptional things of the Sisters of the Dawn; most exceptional. I am Captain Malcolm O'Malley, of the Silent Stings and the Order. I met Sister Feeona in the city, and asked to escort her here.

Looking to Victorine, he gives her a genuine smile and a quick salute. Colonel, a pleasure, he says simply. My thanks again for your generosity. How fares the White Mercy?

God this took forever to write. And I feel like I've been neglecting Malcolm's spiritual side, what with him actually being a priest of the Order (though only 1 level of Cleric), so I'm starting to make that a bit more apparent.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-17, 08:05 AM
"Really? You'd look out for me? That's so sweet! Sure Aurix! I'll be happy to have you as backup!"

"Oh, they undergo standard guard training. Hand to hand combat, polearms, shortsword and shortbow. I hear some of them are pretty good shots and most of them used to be hired enforcers for the Undercity crime bosses before being drafted. Shame they haven't moved too far from their roots. Kat also told me Commander Leto used to be a butcher with a thing for young girls." Khallis grimaced in distaste and shook her head.

They passed stalls and carpets where peddlers hawked their wares. Aurix saw live snakes in baskets and skittering insects that resembled mantises the size of his head n straw cages. Other peddlers had mismatched collections of rings and elaborate necklaces laid out on carpet before them. Aurix thought it strange that such exquisite items would find their way into the squalor of the Undercity but he then remembered the bracelets, gems and trinkets that were grudgingly emptied from pockets just days before in the depths of Caan Yupat. The guards overhead paid little heed to the group and Khallis led the group into a smaller alley wedged between two twenty foot tall terraces. "Say Shenra," She ventured, skipping over a flowing puddle of brown slime. "Didn't you have a hat of disguise at one point?"

Sister Eleanor raised her eyebrows and tutted in disapproval at the sight of Feeona's new purchase. She seemed to mumble something under her breath that only Hiam's keen hearing picked up on.

"Shops like a spendthrift and brings men to the chapel like a common harlot..." *grumbles*

The Mother Superior nodded and traced the eight pointed sun in blessing. "Mornay be with you, Captain. We are thankful of your concern for Sister Feeona's safety. I am sorry we cannot offer you a more extended welcome but I must discuss recent events with the Defender and Sister Ascendant. You are, of course, welcome to our hospitality."

* * *

When the three nuns headed into the chapel and the doors closed behind them, Victorine nodded at the two men.

"Don't think of it, Captain. The release of funds was the least I could to to assist our allies in the defeat of the enemy. I am seeking to expand the presence of the White Mercy company around this chapel, to better protect the Sisters of Dawn after the expiry of the ceasefire. While the cessation of hostilities between the Order and the rebels is beneficial, I am not optimistic as to its continued success. The Sister Ascendant has been most vocal in her opposition to the enlarged presence of my soldiers." She sighed and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "And how fares the search for our rodent friends? Any leads thus far?"

The door closed behind the three nuns and Feeona did not see any trace of amusement on the Mother Superior's lined face. Sister Eleanor followed silently. "Sit.", Commanded the Abbess, indicating the front row of pews. Her weathered hands clutched the sun pendant around her neck and she muttered a hasty prayer. "Sister Eleanor told me of extraordinary events when she returned from the Green Zone. A red dragon, a blue goddess and a giant of flames rampaging in a foreign temple. At first I was inclined to dismiss those stories as tall tales told by war weary soldiers. Then she told me of something even more remarkable. A Sister of Dawn who stood against her own countrymen alongside elves and lizardmen. What do you say, Sister Feeona? Are there any truth to these stories or am I simply growing senile?"

2015-08-17, 09:44 AM
"Alright them I suppose the Oldwood will be our next destination."

"I see, and I don't suppose the crime disappeared when the half elves raised their lot in life did it?" Aurix frowned. Crime bosses more often than not meant vulnerable and disadvantaged people were being taken advantage of in some way or another. At the mention of Katria's name Aurix went silent for a moment. He looked at his gauntlet and then picked the crystal that El'gor'an had given him at Ular'bundur out of it's cuff. Holding it in his open hand Aurix closed his fingers around it and looked at Khallis.
"How do you suppose El'gor'an is holding up? I meant to return this demolition crystal to him, he leant it to me back at Ular'bundur but he rushed off so quickly when we returned so I never got the chance to, or to check how he was doing. He and Katria were close weren't they."

As they continued through the market, taking in the sights, Aurix spotted a carpet arrayed with various trinkets and bric a brac that might be what he was looking for this morning. Aurix turned his attention to Aegis. While it was likely that the source of these items was probably less than savoury, he did have a demand and these peddlers had a supply.
Aegis, see that carpet over there? I want to know if any of the items there are magical. Do you mind having a look for me? I'm looking for a ring that bears sustaining magic in particular but just let me know if you can identify anything else in particular
Shouldn't be an issue Master, I'll begin right away
Great, you cast now and concentrate while I get us closer
"ickrak'ey arcaniss"

I'll let you make the rolls for spellcraft, Plushie. Aegis has a +12 modifier

"Hold up just a moment Khallis, Shenra. I just spotted an opportunity to sell the ring I have extra, mind if I make a slight detour?"

Aurix moved up the carpet, nodding briefly at the peddler in a silent acknowledgement of his presence, and began peering at the goods. He stood in the one place to give Aegis a good opportunity to look at everything.

2015-08-17, 09:00 PM
Malcolm and Hiam

None that are concrete, he says with a look of frustration. They were resourceful enough to secure the prison with a dimensional lock to prevent our return. It has been far slower going since then. And regarding informing the Fang, I imagine Fred here has an idea of who to ask now. He had not eavesdropped on Hiam's conversation with Khallis, but it did not take a genius to connect what he could possibly have asked her.

The reminder of the teashop encounter brings another thought to his mind. Looking at Hiam, he considers bringing Victorine to the side for this exchange. He decides that since they are working together, the man deserves to at least know this much, and so he says in a softer voice, Sister Feeona was in the company of several people: a young elf woman, a young human male raised by a lizard folk tribe, and a human woman with tattoos. The last woman I believe to be a fugitive of the Order, one Shenra--by the reports, a dangerous pyromancer and suspected rebel. Due to the ceasefire and out of respect for the Sister, I did not confront her. She mentioned a place called "the Hill", where she would be meeting the group later. "The Hill" had sounded important--could he remember anything related to such a place?

Knowledge (Local) check for "The Hill": [roll0]

At any rate, I plan to ask the Sister whether she knows of Shenra's past. I cannot imagine she does not know of Shenra's loyalties, considering they have apparently fought together. It is possible their group could be our way to contact the Fang regarding the Rat King. "And our way to find the Serpent's Fang in the first place", he leaves implied but unsaid.

2015-08-17, 11:08 PM
Hiam, Malcolm
That Eleanor woman seems rather unpleasant. I don't envy Feeona her meeting.

Hiam tells Colonel Monterone "I thank you as well for the aid against the rats. As the Captain said, I plan to warn the Fang. I fear that the shadow-thief plans to somehow steal the power of the Archmage, not merely kill her. These rats are evil and power-hungry, and have already been attacking the Guard. I have no doubt that they plan to take over the city for themselves if they can. So it is in the best interest of the Guard that their plans be foiled."

When Malcolm reveals his suspicions regarding Shenra, Hiam is taken aback. "That young girl? It's hard to believe one so young would be dangerous! Though humans grow up quickly, it's true. I am curious as to what she is accused of, if indeed it's her. Not to be blunt, but ... perhaps she was a victim of some kind of abuse of power, and having escaped, was called a 'rebel'."

2015-08-18, 06:23 AM

Feeona sat on the hard pew and frowned. Somehow, she had just expected the Mother Superior to see the ceasefire march as wrong. To feel it was blasphemy to Mornay's kindness. The crusader had acted it to protect the ceasefire for the good of the many when it turned into keeping the Order from damnation. But more important than defending herself was warning about the prophecy. The Mother Superior could change everything by being aware of it.

“No, you're right, Reverend Mother. But its worse than that. The red dragon was the Arcane Corps ex-leader. The flame giant was some kind of hellfire elemental; a demon. It had to be. It hated all life. Burned everything.” She shuddered but then clenched her fists. “The blue goddess was Maizoluta, I think. Her Avatar gave a prophecy. About the Order splitting into three and Moloch rising in the desert. She described it more like a huge, angry skeleton. Cruel. There's a lot more to it than that. About Kiiska and an angel. I could tell you it all. When you look around, none of it has happened yet. That means we time to stop it.”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-18, 09:46 AM
"Fharel and the Blood Hunters kept the crime down, but there's always been criminals. Now they've got lackeys in the Guard to help them perpetrate it, or at least alert them. With the Order so focused on crushing the resistance, they've played right in the criminals' hands by promoting so many to the Kiiskan Guard." Her shoulder slumped a little when Aurix mentioned the grieving El'gor'an.

"Yeah, it's really sad. He and Kat only recently got together. I hope he's going to okay."

Most of the trinkets laid out in front of Aurix emanated no magical auras. They were pretty to look at but otherwise lacked function. However, Aegis was able to detect a moderate aura radiating from one onyx ring inlaid with dozens of tiny rubies that glistened around the band. It was exactly what he needed and the dealer, an old elven man with crooked teeth and stringy grey hair leaned close to him. "Hey kid, I'll give you a deal."

Shenra's reference to the hills could have referred to any number of places and Malcolm lacked the specific knowledge of Kiiska's surrounds to ascertain its location. Even moreso, it was possible Shenra may have used a codeword for a rebel hideout or safehouse in the Captain's presence. Victorine nodded.

"Shenra is known for her pyromancy and torched a dozen of Colonel Lenmark's Nighthawks. She is a worshipper of Ona and follows a perverse vision of balance that she tries to fulfil with fire. I suspect she has been improving her talents. Still, it may be useful to keep her in your sights if she leads you to the Serpent's Fang." The Colonel crossed her arms. "Unlike many of my colleagues, I do not believe that we cannot cooperate with the rebels. This shadow mage is an unknown factor that may threaten our presence in this city. If it requires assistance from unlikely allies, then so be it."

The Mother Superior listened to Feeona's confession and the crusader was reminded of the time she was admitted into the Chapel, when the Abbess' grey eyes looked into her soul. The old nun muttered a quick prayer and Sister Eleanor followed suit.

"I'm sorry, Mother Superior." Said Eleanor stiffly, lowering her visage. "I was unable to sway the High Justiciar to the folly of his march. Magnus, Uhars and Wessing prevailed in their counsel."

"Magnus was a fiend in mortal form and the Field Marshal Uhars an oaf. May Eream find peace in the next life." Rounded the Abbess sharply, although her tone softened when she mentioned her fallen friend. "To use Mornay's banners in such a manner is to spite the Goddess herself. However, I expected better of you, Sister Feeona. To take up arms against the very Order you swore to is a slight that cannot be easily forgiven. Martom Kismet did so against Sol Simeon and his rash actions brought much grief to Mornay's faithful. Lies and division are the tools of our enemy and they are many."

"Mornay is the goddess of love and peace. She sees a world that is in pain and suffering and and directs us to actions of sacrifice, for the greater good. Humanity may decide its own destiny but the path Mornay favours is clear. The only way to achieve this is through unity. Unity of faith, unity of purpose. A schism in the Order would only endanger humanity and all we have built. Do you know of the Dawnbringer prophecy, Sister Feeona?"

When Feeona shook her head in the negative, the Mother Superior continued.

"When Sol Jeremiah ascended the church, I was visited by a vision of my own. It was a moment of rapture that shook my very limbs but it was as true as day. The Blackest Night will come. A maiden as radiant as the sun, with a heart of fire untouched by man. She will give herself to the Church and birth a new dawn. I know the prophecy will be fulfilled in my lifetime and I have no doubt the Sister Ascendant fulfils that role. She has sacrificed her vows for the betterment of humanity. If your prophecy is also true, then her child must surely defeat whatever demons that rise to challenge Mornay."

2015-08-19, 12:13 AM
Malcolm and Hiam
Malcolm manages to refrain from raising his brow at Hiam's protestation against her potential danger. If one based their thoughts of Hiam solely on his image, they would never expect a fireball to the face. Still, out loud he says, I am sure she has her reasons and rationalizations for joining the rebellion, if indeed she is aligned with the rebels. Call me cynical, but that she she may or may not have experienced the overzealous and biased judgment of the less reputable members of the Guard or Order does not exclude the option that she harbored rebellious thoughts prior to their meeting. She could easily have been a rebel supporter before torching a dozen Guardsmen. All I know is what my intel tells me, until I hear her side of the story.

At any rate, I agree, Colonel, he says, turning back to Victorine. I assume Sister Feeona will be amenable to speaking to Shenra on my behalf, if indeed she is part of the rebellion. We must use all assets at our disposal to eliminate our enemies, even if those assets include another enemy.

When Hiam turns his gaze from Malcolm, the Captain turns his gaze to Victorine. He surreptitiously tilts his head to the side twice, looking from Hiam to Victorine to insinuate a desire to speak with her alone.

2015-08-19, 04:54 AM
"Well you can't exactly say those types are ever one to squander an opportunity. For the future of this city and the well being of all its people, it would probably be better that the corruption be weeded out. Also I'm sorry for bringing up a painful subject. I hope he finds his centre soon. If nothing else, he is skilled and a valuable asset to your cause. He was also quite a nice person, what little I got to know of him before, well everything."
Aurix replied with a sincere frown. He plopped the gem into his bag to keep it safe.


Just establishing ground work. Aurix will go for a hunch to make sure this guy isn't a) trying to fleece him or b) selling him maligned goods
Sense Motive: +20 (cannot fail DC for a hunch, feel free to roll opposed Sense Motives and bluffs if necessary)

Aurix thought it odd to find this figurative diamond in the rough, and while not any prettier or more lustrous than the other accessories, it still seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. Aurix glanced at the elderly man ok, you've caught my attention
"My ears are open, what kind of deal are you proposing?"

2015-08-19, 06:59 AM
Hiam nods. "You are right, Captain. I was surprised, is all. But, yes, if she's a religious fanatic ... that sometimes makes people do terrible things when they otherwise would not." Such as the Order did. Best watch my tongue.

"In any case, I don't expect I'll be in any danger trying to pass along the information."

2015-08-19, 09:07 AM
Shenra smiles as they walk through the market. The eccentric nature of those in Hightree had always amused, if not fascinated her. Oldwood's rampant overgrowth made for one of her favorite places to feel close to Ona, where she could be alone and blocked off from the rest of the world for a time. Her smile fades as the Black Needles are mentioned. She had heard of Leo and his "affiliation" with the younger women of Kiiska. It disgusted her and churned her stomach just to think of him now. "I would be honored to also accompany you, Khallis. The Black Needles are no one to scoff at, and I would feel better about being present with you and Aurix when you meet sir Hunter." At the mention of her old hat of disguise, which Shenra had typically worn as a ribbon, she sifted through her enchanted belt to see if she still had it. Pulling the small hat out of the pocket, she handed it to Khallis. "Here," she says as they stop for a moment to allow Aurix the opportunity to exchange his goods. "Fharel and his Hunters are not the most... beneficial group to have around, but they do serve their purpose. An El, the poor soul, to lose Katria after such a strong bond was established..." Her voice trails off as she looks over at Aurix and his dealings with the older merchant. [roll0]
[roll1] to see if I can notice the dealing goin' down

2015-08-19, 07:04 PM

“I don't think even the Field Marshals knew how bad it was.” The Defender told them, certain. “The Goddess Eye was a trap. It's not just the once a millennium weapon Uhars wanted; it's the lizardfolk's life-force. Steal it and they die. I only found out because I spoke to the lizardfolk in Mornay's good name. If the Order had succeeded, it would have been theft and cruelty on a scale only the gods can weigh. Everything says the worse kind of deity wanted that.” She hazarded a shaky smile. “At least that much was stopped.”

Feeona flinched and deflated when the Mother Superior deemed her alike the Black Sol, as confused and corrupted a soul as any. He had taken Ni'kote's corrosive faith, the self-same sordid kind that captured devotion through terror, and encouraged greed and lies for self-service, and told the greatest lie possible. He convinced others his cruel faith completed Mornay's own of kindness, generosity and service for the greater good. She nodded weakly after being lectured.

“I'm sorry. I was anxious the Order's attack would hurt the ceasefire. That's when I left. If we can't renew it, civilians starve and fear, the resistance grows more restless and angry, and it only ends in more violence. Everyone suffers. I didn't know how else to uphold the goddess' hopes to help the many.”

Feeona closed her legs, unsure about the Order staying together, but it wasn't better split apart. She had flip-flopped about just that. The Mother Superior was wiser and more pious than her by decades, so it was best to do as she said. But too much might made the invasion possible while splintering meant the rebirth of the greatest cult of cruel manipulators Sundara had ever suffered. She rubbed her eyes before being told about the Dawnbringer prophecy.

“Sister,” She breathed, and looked up at the fiery nun with newborn wonderment. “I had no idea. May I known when you're due? I was hoping to speak with someone and then assist the Guard, but is there anything else I should do? I can always get some herbs from the Undercity to help the birth, or speak to the Guard about ideas for better safety around the Chapel. Is there anything that would make you happy?”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-19, 11:16 PM
Aurix didn't have the impression the ring of sustenance was cursed or was in any way defective. However, he sensed it was a recent addition to the peddler's inventory and that the elf was trying to create a new business opportunity. Shenra noticed the peddler speaking conspiratorially to Aurix.

"You've got a good eye, kid. Just added this ring to my wares last week. Normally my...ah... suppliers... bring good stuff to sell. I hear there's a good spot where there's more of this magic. Some dead wizard's workshop in the Lower Reaches. It's surrounded by traps but I'm sure someone like you won't have any problems getting in. How about it? You can have this ring as a finder's fee if you bring back what's in the trove."

Victorine smiled. "Please excuse us, Mr. Hunter but the Captain and I must discuss some confidential matters related to the Guard. Would you allow us some time alone?"

* * *

Once Hiam is out of sight and hearing, the Colonel turned to the Captain. "You seem troubled. What is it, Malcolm"

"Your concern is noted but unnecessary, Sister Feeona. There are still a few months before I am due." Said Eleanor. "Until then, I am still fit and more than capable of performing my duties to the Sisterhood and Mornay. You ought be more concerned about your own position. The High Justiciar would want a proper account of your role in the defeat of the expedition. For your sake, I will ensure this matter never proceeds to trial."

"You are right. Sister Feeona did what she thought necessary to prevent defilement and slaughter. Who would've know what Magnus would have done had he been successful in securing the artifact? The man mocks Mornay's teachings with his sorcery. The ceasefire will end within a day and I will ask the High Justiciar to extend it. It is imperative we continue to provide for the civilians of this city."

2015-08-20, 02:33 AM
"I can't claim all the credit" Aurix replied, cryptically one might say, to the Merchant's statement about his 'good eye'. He was referring to Aegis' assistance but only he, Aegis, Shenra and Khallis would know about that.
"What happened to your normal suppliers?"

Plushie Arz
2015-08-20, 03:53 AM
"Oh, they come and go." Said the man cryptically. "Some still drop by looking to see if there's any odd trinkets I'd buy but this cache, I feel it in my bones. It'll take someone beyond the abilities of my regulars to break open."

2015-08-20, 05:08 AM
"Oh, they come and go." Said the man cryptically. "Some still drop by looking to see if there's any odd trinkets I'd buy but this cache, I feel it in my bones. It'll take someone beyond the abilities of my regulars to break open."

"While I'm flattered you think so highly of a stranger such as myself, you're asking a stranger to break into the workshop of an allegedly deceased wizard, a workshop which is trapped with any number of traps that would definitely put a person trying to enter said workshop at risk of maiming or death, and you have offered me a single magical ring in return as a 'finder's fee'. I can see you're a shrewd businessman, your deal holds absolutely no risk to yourself, instead shifting that to whoever you contract to undertake this task for you..."
Aurix levelled his gaze with the man, dark pools fixed, unblinkingly on the other man's eyes while crossing his arms.

Using my omen to find this man's most commonly used name. The will save DC 20 to negate. Post will continue after results

Plushie Arz
2015-08-20, 05:09 AM
The man's name was Rardon.

2015-08-20, 10:16 AM
The omen of his gauntlets was the ability to discern a creature's most commonly used name by looking into it's eyes. It was the ability that had tipped Aurix off to the fact that the well loved gauntlets were more than just tools of a pugilist. Within Aurix's mind's eye the name 'Rardon' resonated. Rardon, elderly male elf, crooked teeth, stringy grey hair, selling jewelry in the Undercity and looking to expand his business. While Aurix wasn't interested in the slightest at helping Rardon make more money, he couldn't say that he wasn't entirely intrigued by the request. Aurix wasn't impressed with the proposed 'finder's fee' that Rardon had proposed and there were several unknowns that he would need to have answered such as who the wizard was who's workshop now allegedly lay derelict and why Rardon thought he was particularly suited for the task when he didn't know Aurix from a bar of soap. Aurix also wondered what Rardon's story was. He had wanted to get to know the locals, this was an ample opportunity to do so.

"... I gather, from your physical appearance, that you have lived quite a long time. Being an elf that would be far longer than I or any of my kind have, or ever will. As such you would know a fair amount about this city and it's goings on yes? So before I say if I will help you or not, I would like to know who you are, and what your story is. I am new to the city of Kiiska and I am interested to hear from the people, what their stories are and how they feel about recent... events. It's fairly obvious that there's a good deal of suffering, inequality and injustice going on but one cannot truly grasp the craic if they don't speak with the people. To put my request another way, I don't work for outright strangers for no good reason so we could start by either not being strangers and you giving me a better reason than just wanting to expand your business."

Aurix had uncrossed his arms part way through his request to gesture to the situation around him. It wasn't the usual situation for getting someone to tell them about their life. Usually it happened in taverns, where liquor was present to help loosen the tongue. Rardon wanted his help, for some reason, so he hoped that would be motivation enough.

"So what do you say? Would you like to strike up a working relationship, or shall I just try and purchase this ring like a normal customer?"

Diplomacy (please roll high) [roll0]
EDIT: crit! awww yis :smallcool: even if he's indifferent and this is a rushed diplomacy check I still get him to friendly (or indifferent if he's unfriendly) #winning

2015-08-20, 10:29 PM

Feeona's eyes widened when the Ascendant finished, the thought of being trialled having never occurred to her. Not when she had acted only for others. “The High Justiciar is angry with me,” she realized, and clutched her new purchase before her. “But there's no title worth harming the Sisterhood's sanctity over. Mornay's best virtues are upheld by the Chapel. Let alone if I threatened the peace among our own faith. I wanted to uphold the goddess' will – and there's no excuse to falter further.” Her legs kept crossed as she swallowed down her anxiety.

“Mother Superior, would it be better if I step down?”

Feeona looked between the chapel's leader and the woman of prophecy. “Coveting my position at the price of peace shows I shouldn't teach about generosity, and I'm not defending the faith if I help it splinter apart. None of that helps keep the starving fed or the innocent safe. But I can make it clear to the High Justiciar I acted alone. The Sisters of Dawn would remain immaculate, the peace among us maintained, and there wouldn't be any doubt about extending the ceasefire at the Reverend Mother's request.”

Something to consider....kind of have to weigh everything up. I'm content to talk about these kinds of things, but if they agree I'd like to speak with either the colonel or serena (if even possible, she might not be anywhere near the chapel) after. Or at least start speaking with Thokk and Kinem again. :smallsmile: I'm not sure where this is all meant to go.

2015-08-20, 11:15 PM
He stretches his neck slightly, using the chance to make sure they are alone. Not as such, no, he says. I just wished to conference with you on our approach of Sister Feeona. I did my best to ally myself with her--in hindsight, perhaps I seemed a bit overeager. Then again, she does not know me as anything other than what she has seen, and so to her I must seem simply quite friendly. Might I ask what you will speak with her about? Is it to do with our mutual interest? He keeps his voice conversational and calm, but the meaning in his words should be obvious to Victorine.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-21, 09:24 PM
"Yes, it is in our interests to cultivate Sister Feeona as an ally and protect her from enemies both within and without. While I do not consider her ready yet for the truth, her standing within the Sisterhood and her associations with the rebels makes her a valuable target in the days to come."

"No." Said the Mother Superior sharply. "I named you Defender of the Faith because of your determination to protect the innocent in the face of adversity. To simply stand down is to renounce my judgment and declare yourself unworthy of such duties. The Sisterhood has need of you, Feeona and you will stand your post. The High Justiciar may seek answers but it will still be many days until his army returns. Let him seek it then and see the truth of it. Until then, Defender of the Faith, resume your duties."

The Colonel, Malcolm and Hiam were in the cloisters waiting when Feeona left the chapel.

"It is an honour, Sister Feeona," Said the Colonel, giving Feeona a bow. "I am Colonel Victorine Monterone, of the White Mercy Company. I believe you are acquainted with my friend, Captain Malcolm O'Mallory and his associate, Mr Fred Hunter."

Plushie Arz
2015-08-21, 10:27 PM
"You're sharp for a human, kid." Whistled Rardon. "Me? There's plenty of danger here in the Undercity. Thieves, madmen and guard. You know what they all need? Gear. I trade and survive. I survived Fharel's Blood Hunters. I'm gonna survive this bunch of hardheads. Help me build my wares and I'll make it worth your while."

2015-08-21, 11:43 PM
I do have other questions for Rardon, but I guess I'll move things along a bit.
Aurix thought for a moment. It seemed to this man that business was business. He couldn't help recalling some what Feeona and Calthera were discussing earlier at Hightree. There was the potential to increase support for the resistance and their cause here. He had to be tactful about it. Something struck him as odd though... why did a full elf have to survive the Bloodhunters? If Aurix was to ask the question about his happiness the implication, through his talk of survival

"It is not only those you mentioned that need gear, and supplying gear to at least two of the three groups you've mentioned so far probably only serves to propagate the situation here. Still your proposal isn't without it's merits but here is not the place to be discussing the finer details, so how about this. First, I will investigate this workshop today and assess whether or not it actually is within my capabilities to enter then we will rendezvous at sundown at a location that you are comfortable with to discuss further, if it is beyond my capabilities I will say so then and we shall go no further, but if I can do it we will present terms for what is "worth my while". Second, I would still like to trade this ring of jumping with you for the onyx and ruby ring, I understand their value to be equitable and thus you would not be down on stock to turn a profit. Third, if we are to work together we should exchange names. My name is Aurix."

Aurix took the ring of jumping off his finger and held it in his palm, which he then outstretched for Rardon to look at. The band was white gold and it lacked any adornments save for some script engraved on the interior. The script was illegible to Aurix however.

2015-08-22, 02:32 PM

Feeona's furrowed eyebrows sought a pensive air as she left the chapel. The sharp rebuttal but steady approval left her somewhere between humbled and happy, and slowly she felt a pleased smile coming on. She must have been on the right path if both the Reverend Mother and Sister-Ascendant were willing to see her continue. On sighting the newly promoted leader of the White Mercy, she bite her lip.

“Of course. They escorted me safely to the Chapel, as gentlemen do.” Her smile warmed at that. “But the blessing is mine, Colonel. House Monterone is ever a voice of peace, and we need that more than ever. How can I help you?”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-24, 05:42 AM
DM: Was a little sick over the weekend and posting was delayed. Better now.

"The name's Rardon." Said the man, shaking Aurix's hand and lifting the offered ring from the human's palm. He held it closely as if to appraise it and then replaced it with the onyx ring of sustenance that Aurix had been eyeing earlier. "I look forward to business."

"What was that about?" Asked Khallis, when Aurix returned to the group.

The Colonel gave Feeona a faint smile.

"The High Justiciar assigned my Company to maintain vigil over this precinct, Sister Feeona, and I will see it as my utmost duty to safeguard this Chapel and the Sisterhood. The Amnesty draws to a close, and I'm told by the Captain that he has regaled you with disturbing accounts of rat men who have designs to take over this city. With the return of hostilities imminent, I request that you co-operate with the Captain and Mr Hunter to end the threat posed by those monsters. Of course, if the Resistance could also have a role in your victory, it would be a powerful symbol of cooperation and solidarity in these troubled times, would it not?"

2015-08-24, 09:09 AM
Aurix smiled and gave Khallis a wink, waiting until they were well away from Rardon before he spoke.

The guards overhead paid little heed to the group and Khallis led the group into a smaller alley wedged between two twenty foot tall terraces.

The small alleyway was much quieter than the bustle of the main strip but Aurix looked around to see if anyone was listening in but he was careful to hush his voice anyway, walls in cities tended to have ears,

Spot: [roll0] Listen:[roll1] Scent: auto detect within 30 ft. 15ft if the target is downwind of me, 60 ft if the target is upwind of me.

"Well aside from trading my ring of jumping for this nifty ring of sustenance, that man had a proposal for me. No not that kind Khallis, business."

Aurix looked at the ring but did not put it on, he would get it checked over by someone at Hightree before hand.

"His name is Rardon, ring any bells to you? From what I could discern his position in the former regime was not good, something about surviving Fharel and his Blood Hunters. The Blood Hunters were part of the contingent who came to aid my people weren't they? You said they kept crime down and from what I gather they're a militaristic faction that is solely comprised of elves, so he possibly has criminal dealings, but I can only speculate because I do not know the what the Blood Hunters actually do. A lot more than just keeping down crime if their name is any indication."

Aurix frowned. He couldn't say he liked what he had heard of the previous regime in Kiiska, but the current arrangements did not appear to be all that different from what he knew of what was before. The major change was that the elves, who were formerly in power, were now at the bottom, but that bottom also had half elves and multitudes of other races and walks of life. A true melting pot of poverty and disadvantage if he ever saw one.

"Anyway, he's looking to make a buck and he heard tell of a cache of magic items in a derelict workshop owned by an allegedly deceased wizard. It's in a place known as the Lower Reaches? Personally making an individual more money is not to my interests but I couldn't help thinking of the conversation Lady Tenorsee was having with Sister Feeona."


Feeona leaned forward as Calthera revealed building an aid network, attentive. “That's great. This sounds like what Khallis would know, though. I'd look at the type that are being rejected, get an idea of where they're comfortable, and start placing friends there. Put our ears near those that want to heard.” Palm open, she gestured with her free hand to their trio. “We only have to look at ourselves to get an idea of who worries about the Order. The young that are upset about the invasion, the faithful that saw their belief’s attacked, and lovers of all kinds. Just some of who needs support. So universities and clubs are good for the young. Locals around destroyed shrines and defunct churches. Cabarets, and maybe more private venues, for those that have certain likes. Those seem like good places to start reaching out. Identify the type that feels rejected, first. From there, the best locations to establish contact becomes sun bright, and we can start sending people to those areas. Pinpointing who really needs help and exactly how falls into place naturally after that.”

Feeona looked curiously to Khallis momentarily, her being a recruiter when they met. The elf likely knew more about the different types of people opposed to the Order. “From there, Lady, you know better than I do what kind of resources we have. Although, if we're hoping to communicate, I'd at least suggest contacting painters or other artists directly. Anyone that can create pieces that capture the feeling of the Kiiskans. We need to communicate clearly cruelty isn't acceptable, and that we're trying to offer as peaceful a solution as we can. Art can help express and inspire that. It's just one more form of non-violent resistance, and I feel we should be doing more of that.” She smiled wryly. “Shocking as that is hear.”

"To me he seems like the type that has been rejected by the old regime and the current one. I don't know if he's truly the type of person that you guys want as an ally but at this stage we need to build a network right? A merchant functions as part of society too so I thought at least I should check this opportunity out. I've agreed to investigate the workshop and assess whether or not I can successfully get into it, he mentioned something about a plethora of traps. After I ascertain whether or not it's within my abilities to help I will then meet with him, firstly to inform him of my decision but also to suss out what his deal is and if he would be willing to ally with you... us. Don't worry I didn't make any overt mentions of the resistance plus there may be the possibility of getting his help supplying the resistance either as opposed to or in addition to supplying 'thieves, madmen and the guard'."

Aurix finished with his best impersonation of Rardon
which he managed to do quite well if Aurix did say so himself.

"what do you two think?"

2015-08-24, 03:54 PM
Shenra listened intently as Aurix regaled his experience with the man, Rardon. "Fharel and his Blood Hunters are much more than militaristic," she said softly as they continued through the small alley. "They're abused children taught to hunt at a young enough age to forget all else. And by hunt... I mean hunt. With no thought for their prey, they hunt us all. However, even with their aid, at the battle of the Steel Pits, Fharel was overcome. Much of them simply hide now. But if that merchant claims to have "survived" them, there may me a more malevolent story to be told." She brushes her hair back as a slight wind blows through the alley and dislodges some of her hair from the braid pulled back behind her left shoulder. She pulled the hood back up over her head as she looked over her shoulder one more time. At the mention of magical items, Shenra instinctively grips her new rod more tightly. "'Deceased' Wizard, he says. My guess is that no one has seen him. Which just makes it more dangerous. However... The mention of potentially powerful objects locked away that could aid us further intrigues me. Perhaps this would be a smart first step before venturing out to the Coronal's Hill? After all, even Mistress Lerethi seems threatened by the magic there. We could use some more potent help, more than likely." She reaches out to Aurix, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your instincts are very good. A merchant at this point in our adventure can be invaluable; most people would not think to hold their tongue around such. And again, this cache may be exactly what we need to continue our mission. I think that we should most certainly investigate the workshop. I may be of some aid in dismantling magic traps, also. However," She pauses and lowers her voice once more. "We should meet this "Fred" first. Who knows what skills he can provide to us if he truly wishes to ally with the Serpent's Fang?"

2015-08-25, 04:26 AM

Feeona's eyes slowly widened. “So not just agreeing to sit idle in our corners, but instead working together towards righting actual wrongs. We remove a genuine threat to the innocent and have solid ground to rekindle the ceasefire! From there, we could easily start discussing other issues openly. It would be a foundation for true eternal peace.” She said, excited. “It's perfect. I'll do all I can, Colonel. Allow me a quick moment to get my armour in place, and then we can head off.”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-25, 07:34 AM
The redhead elf shrugged. "There's lots of Undercity peddlers and I'm sure they've all got a story. The Blood Hunters weren't just hunters but also enforcers of the Old Council's edicts. They dragged away dissidents in the dead of night and handed them over to the Nightsong Guild for torture. Not nice people. You're right, Shenra. Maybe we should try meet Mr Hunter first. They should be finished with whatever it is they're doing."

The Colonel nodded. "Then I wish you and the others the best of luck for your task ahead. I will be pleased to hear of this city being rid of another evil. Please have my regards, Sister Feeona, Captain." She turned and walked off into the corridor, her footsteps fading as she turned a corner into the complex.

2015-08-25, 08:32 AM

Hiam smiles. "Thank you, Colonel. Very wise of you, I think."

When the Colonel leaves he says "Feeona, I hope you're right that it can lead to a revival of the cease-fire.

A priestess' skills will no doubt be helpful in this fight. The rats have gone to ground for the moment, though. We have nowhere to charge off to just yet. You can help us keep an eye out for leads.

Since you'll be working with us on this there are a few things you should know. I am Hiam Cliff, an elven sorcerer. I'm using this disguise - and living among the Guard as the half-elf Fred Hunter - because the shadow-thief has targeted me. He's a powerful necromancer, and has blocked teleportation back into the prison where we rescued a couple of victims. There was a contingent anti-magic field in that prison, which only the Captain's skill at arms allowed us to escape.

I am far from his main target, though. He's assembling a small army of highly magic-resistant shadow-monsters to attack the Archmage. We've heard he wants to kill her, but I fear he plans to somehow steal her power, as he seems to do with sorcerers by making shadow-monsters and leaving the victims without shadows and unable to cast spells. We know the rats have been attacking the Guard as well, so I doubt his motives are political, except insofar as they advance the power of himself and his Rat-King ally. Oh, and there's another were-rat spellcaster with power over the shadows that's involved.

I plan to warn the Fang of this plot. It appears that your elven friend will help me contact them. I'll be off to meet her soon.

Is there any other message either of you would like me to convey to them?"

2015-08-26, 05:48 AM
Aurix let the new information about Madame Magdellar's apprehension regarding the magic at Coronals Hill sink in.
Aegis, this Coronal Hill that we shall be going to might be dangerous for you. If at any time you feel threatened by it you let me know. I will put you away in a safe space
Ok! Though I'd much rather stay out and help you
There is wild magic apparently, I don't know what it will do and I do not like to think what it might do to you if you attempt to cast. I'll let you make the decision for yourself when we get there though

Having finished communicating with Aegis he turned his attention to the outer world again.

"I was raised to be a hunter too, but from the sounds of it the quarry of my tribe was very different to theirs. Their formative years were probably as different to mine as air and dirt, their practices seem a little disturbing. That said, I think I would like to speak with one of these Bloodhunters in person. Their reputation is one thing, but who they are, how they hold themselves and behave is entirely different. What is also important are their reasons for joining the resistance. To what goal are they working. On that note... Does the resistance have a clear and specific goal in mind?" Aurix was letting his thoughts wash over him as he spoke.

"Regarding the workshop, I was thinking I might try to bypass the traps altogether with my ability to shadow jaunt but disabling the magical traps is also a good idea. If the Wizard has truly passed away, it might be a useful area to annex. Oh, sorry I let my thoughts carry me away, yes it probably is past time we moved on to the Oldwood. Lead the way if you please Khallis... Oh by the way, who are the Nightsong Guild?"

2015-08-26, 02:34 PM
ooc: After speaking with Malcolm and Feeona, Hiam will make his way to the Oldwoods.

For now, he maintains the guise of Fred Hunter. When he arrives near the Oldwoods (or if he sees something that looks like potential trouble along the way) he'll take the precaution of casting shield on himself (26 min).

Plushie Arz
2015-08-27, 06:46 AM
"A guild of spies and bards. The Old Council's eyes and ears in the city. I heard their guildmaster was some kind of vampire or something. I dunno. Nobody's seen them since the city fell."

* * *

Hiam slipped through the boughs and trunks that formed the Oldwood. He saw the young redheaded elf standing with her back leaned against the gnarled trunk of a sycamore. By her side, he spotted the white haired human fighter and Shenra waiting. "Well, Mr Hunter, I'm sure we're all acquainted from before." Said the girl cheerfully. "What is it that you've got to tell me?"

Hiam felt uneasy. Even though he saw the three standing in plain sight, he couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, he had been followed. The canopy left plenty of shadows on the forest floor and the hairs at the back of the mage's neck stood straight.

2015-08-27, 08:17 AM
"That disease isn't common in Kiiska is it?" Aurix had heard of vampirism before. A curse that changed a person so that they needed the lifeblood of other creatures to survive. It corrupted all that they were and turned them into shadowless creatures of the night bent upon destruction. Powerful and dangerous. The Shadowspeaker had spoken of them briefly, labelling those with the curse as the quintessential enemy of the Shadow Sun Ninjas but had said no more on the matter.


As Fred Hunter arrived at the Oldwood, Aurix watched him closely. They had arrived only shortly before, with Aurix about to suggest he and Shenra hide, but Fred arrived and had spotted them so it seemed there was no further point.
Khallis was here to converse, while Aurix was present to make sure nothing untoward happened, thus Aurix took a moment to consider his preparations, should something untoward happen.

Reactive Spot (no action) [roll0] - this roll is just in case I am afforded the opportunity to spot something.
Reactive Listen (no action) [roll1] - for moving into a new area to hear anything out of the ordinary
Question: What is the height of the canopy in this area?
Full round action to change Manoeuvres
Sword Sage:

Number Prepared

Baffling Defense (Counter)

Cloak of Deception (Boost)

Shadow Jaunt (Other)

Comet Throw (Strike)

Burning Blade (Boost)

Shadow Stride (Other)

War Blade


Moment of Perfect Mind

Insightful Strike

2015-08-27, 09:05 AM
Shenra stands slightly staggered behind the other two, one hand on her rod and the other resting at her side. Due to the natural shadows and lackluster light of the canopy, her hood managed to hide her face, and she was grateful for it. She trusted Khallis' judgment, but she didn't know enough about this man to trust him. She muttered a basic spell under her breath, her lips hidden, hoping he didn't hear her. She stepped a breath away from Khallis and Aurix, and prepared another spell just in case.
Cast quickened Detect Magic, prepare an action to cast Greater Teleport with Khallis and Aurix to Hightree should anything happen.

2015-08-27, 09:22 AM

Oh hell no. Hiam looks around, trying to spot anyone who may be following. One of these days I ought to get magic to find out who's sneaking around. I'll have to consider options on that.

ooc: spot [roll0]

When he sees Shenra, he tenses up for a moment. The killer mage!

"Hello there. This isn't some kind of trap, is it? Just because I was with a Guard Captain doesn't mean I'm an enemy. On the contrary, Captain O'Malley and others such as Colonel Monterone have quite progressive views and represent the only real hope for a just peace. I am sure that your friend Feeona will confirm that. Of course, some elements of the Guard are nothing but thugs and criminals.

My message is for the Fang. Or does telling you amount to the same thing? I have learned of a plot against the Archmage by a group of dangerous and power-hungry criminals who attack anyone they can prey on. It's important that she receive the details.

But now I think I was followed here, and I doubt it was by any ally of yours. One of the criminals of whom I spoke, more likely. Perhaps your senses are more keen than mine. Can you notice someone who might be sneaking up? Perhaps we should go elsewhere to continue the conversation."

roses and star
2015-08-27, 10:23 PM
Feeona's face slowly dimmed gravely the more the elf revealed himself as a victim being stalked by a shadowy collection of kidnappers. She touched his arm reassuringly.

“They won't get you. Everything about THEM is disease, darkness and malice. Everything is of Mornay's nemesis. Everything she grants me the skill to keep at bay.” She traced a symbol of the sun for protection. “Mentioning it to us might well be Her Radiance speaking through your wisdom. Tell the Order about this and their troops will be easy to notice. But no one will care much about one Sister of Dawn, or a newly assigned Captain, or a half elf. Really smart choice.”

Her eyebrows lifted when he continued. “You know about Khallis' connections?” she asked, quietly. “She's the one I need to speak with. Convince her, and we have a small foot in the door. Peace will be that much closer. Luckily, I'm more persuader than priestess. My goddess allows me self-defence skills as a secondary, and healing for all. But I'll need armour, and I know the captain mentioned he wanted to ask me something. Would you prefer to wait, or to make time ahead of us?”

It seemed obvious the sorcerer wanted to leave, but it never hurt to ask. “We should at least agree on where to meet if we split. Can you mention where you're heading? Or somewhere nearby we can meet you? She trusts me, but it depends what you're comfortable with. I know some things are private. ”

Feeona found a corner out of sight and fished the pieces of metal out of the bag. Soon she reappeared, covered from toe to top in full plate, her helm open at the visor. She smiled comfortably.

“Captain, you mentioned you wanted to ask me something. Walk and talk? We need to catch up with your friend. Or, at least find the rendezvous point.”

This is really not my month. Will tell all when it's not 4:30 in the morning. :smallannoyed:

2015-08-28, 01:18 PM
Malcolm looks politely away while Feeona speaks quietly to Hiam to give them a modicum of privacy. When Hiam begins to leave, he says, Best of luck convincing them. She's right, though--we should set up a rendezvous point, especially in case of a situation where you are kidnapped or otherwise incapacitated. At least then we can be alerted if you don't arrive on time.

When the Sister arrives, he nods and gestures to begin walking. Hiam is capable enough, but I agree that we should meet up with him again as soon as possible. The damned rats could be anywhere at night, so used to skulking in the shadows.

He looks around them to make sure no one is in easy earshot, then continues, As for my question, I wish to ask about Shenra. I've read some reports on a young, renegade pyromancer who escaped Redmaiden Hall in the first month of the rebellion. Shenra seemed to fit the physical description, and to be honest, it would perfectly explain the disdain she displayed towards the Order and Guard. Do you know if she is allied with the Rebellion? She may be another point of contact with which to contact the Fang, if Hiam's meeting does not bear fruit. He keeps his voice soft enough that only Feeona can hear, and turns his head to face her occasionally during the talk.

2015-08-28, 02:29 PM

Before Hiam left the chapel he told Feeona "Thanks for your concern, but your foreign god holds no comfort for me. Don't worry, I can take care of myself.

I'm to meet Khallis at the Oldwoods: a grove of white aspens between the Lower and Middle Reaches. She said to come alone, and doing so may put her more at ease. I don't know if she'll be alone or not. I don't think it's at all likely that any rats will find me on the way or recognize me if they did, but setting a meeting point for afterwards is a good idea."

He pondered a good place to meet up with Feeona and Malcolm ...

Plushie Arz
2015-08-29, 08:27 AM
"Trap? Oh, no hardly but I'm hardly a powerful warrior and you can't fault me for being too careful around this city can you?" She listened and the smile faded from her lips when Hiam told her of his suspected pursuer. "I... I don't see anything..." She ventured cautiously. Aurix however, already saw the flickering man-sized shadows that lurked just out reach in the treelines. Their outlines looked distorted and glowing red eyes stared at the assembled group. One raised its arm and drew its claws, elongated talons that seemed to be comprised of the same shadowstuff as its body. "Can't hide fleshlings..."


Hiam: [roll0]
Aurix: [roll1]
Shenra: [roll2]
Khallis: [roll3]
Shadows: [roll4]

2015-08-29, 09:55 AM

Damn it. I guess I'll have to blow my cover. Or perhaps it's already blown; how else could they find me? I guess I'll have to fight them, and just hope they come after me instead of these kids.

"Shadow monsters. Very magic-resistant. If you're not powerful then run while I hold them off!"

Hiam activates his belt of battle in order to cast his spells faster.

Casting arcane fusion with the boost from the belt, he uses that spell to conjure a field of black tentacles among the monsters while also shooting a small orb of acid at the monster he can't catch in its area.

He then casts arcane fusion again, surrounding himself with mirror images and shooting a second small orb of acid at the monster (or a remaining monster if he was lucky enough to down the first).

Use belt of battle as a swift action to gain a standard action.

Center black tentacles at N15 to catch 4 of the monsters in its area. No spell resistance allowed.
Grapple checks [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3].
If successful, grapple checks to deal damage: [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
If successful, damage [roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]

First lesser orb of acid vs the remaining one at G14: ranged touch attack [roll12], acid damage [roll13]. No spell resistance allowed.

Second lesser orb of acid vs the remaining one at G14: ranged touch attack [roll14], acid damage [roll15]. No spell resistance allowed.

Mirror image: [roll16] images.

2015-08-29, 09:23 PM
As the Shadowy creatures arrived Fred told them that these were shadow monsters, were resistant to magic and that all to run if they were weak before grabbing his belt for a second and then casting spells a speed that Aurix had never seen before. Aurix had no idea what "shadow monsters" meant but the best way to learn was through experience.
"This city really is dangerous huh..." Aurix mused as he sprung into action. Aurix gathered his ki and wreathed himself in a corona of bright, flaming light as well as activating the Giant Bearing ability on his gauntlets. The ground around Aurix crunched as his weight increased 8 fold. Aurix then initiated the Shadow Stride manoeuvre, stepping into a cloud of shadows and stepping into the light again behind the shadow that Fred had already hit with orbs of vitriol, ready to strike if it moved to attack those in the clearing.

Sorry for posting out of initiative order but I wanted to get this out of the way. If Haim has managed to drop the shadow creature then Aurix will move to I15, nothing else in the round change


Aegis - Std Act cast Resistance on Aurix

+1 resistance bonus on saves

Aurix - Swift Action - Void of the Shadowsun part 1

+2 deflection to AC one round or until hit (disappears after being hit)

Aurix - Standard Action - Activate Giant Bearing (Su)

Weight x8, +2 Size bonus to Str, -2 size Dex penalty, -1 on attack rolls, +4 to grapple checks, carrying capacity x2 (able to grapple huge creatures). Size remains Medium (no reach, no size penalty on attack, AC or hide checks)
10 minute duration

Aurix - Move action - Shadow Stride to H15

I'm not actually making a readied action, just stating that I'm there to make an AoO if it moves out of my reach.

Aurix Vuthaussir (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=76283)
Male NG Human Sword Sage 3, Warblade 2, Shadow Sun Ninja 5, Legacy Champion 2, Level 13, Init +8


25 (uncanny dodge)
23 (no dex)
17 (if immobile)



Non Lethal Damage

+12 Temp HP

Energy Resist/Immunity


10 Cold (requires immediate action)

Duration Remaining

Hunter's Sense

Void of the Shadow Sun (Su)
+2 Deflection bonus to AC, wreathed in halo of bright, flaming light
1/1 round or until hit.

Giant Bearing (Su)
Weight x8, +2 Size bonus to Str, -2 size Dex penalty, -1 on attack rolls, +4 to grapple checks, carrying capacity x2 (able to grapple huge creatures). Size remains Medium (no reach, no size penalty on attack, AC or hide checks)

10 mins
in rounds: 100/100

+1 resistance bonus to saving throws
10/10 rounds

Conditional Modifiers:

2015-08-29, 10:04 PM

“She is. But if you do end up seeking the Resistance through her, it's important to see her anger only comes from pain. A lot of her loved ones were lost for the invasion. Most of her life destroyed. Nothing like that heals overnight, Captain. But her devotion to Ona will sooth the anger with calm and bring her mind to a balanced view. So no matter what she say, try to appreciate there has to be calm and kindness there, and all we have to do is show our own good traits to help it come forward that much faster. From there, peace is inevitable.”

Plushie Arz
2015-08-30, 01:19 AM


[roll0] Miss Chance (<50 hits)
[roll1] Miss Chance

Six copies of Hiam came into existence and a mass of black tentacles erupted from the ground to engulf the shadow monsters in their tendrils. The creatures were made of shadow and they seemed to be unaffected by the grappling tentacles. Hiam fired two orbs of acid in rapid succession at the lone creature outside the area of the black tentacle spell. The first glob of acid seemed to pass right through the shadowy form while the second latched onto the creature's body, hissing as it dissolved the first layer of its inky, insubstantial flesh.

Feeona and Malcolm kept a respectable distance behind Hiam and waited as he disappeared into the Oldwood. They decided to wait for the man until he was finished with his business and Malcolm suggested an abandoned storefront not too far from the grove. Ten minutes passed and not much eventuated. A small breeze blew through the opened windows and Feeona heard Khallis' voice in the wind. "We're in the Oldwood. Being attacked by shadow creatures. Help!"

2015-08-30, 05:32 PM
Shenra grabbed Khallis and pulled her backwards quickly. "I can take you back to Hightree, Khallis. Please stay on me, just in case this gets out of hand. If they are truly resistant to magic, then there may not be anything I can do." Turning back towards the monsters, she desperately attempts to recall anything Lerethi may have told her about the realm of shadows, and the monsters that come from there.Spellcraft:[roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge Planes: [roll2]Quickened Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance.

Plushie Arz
2015-08-30, 06:10 PM
"Ten against five? I can think of better odds. Hold the teleport until things get nasty. I'll call for help."

The creatures looked extraplanar in origin. Shenra remembered that certain spirits from pocket planes could be called and bound to the prime material plane and she recalled Vyer and Katria's transformations at Ular'bundur. While these shadow creatures did not share the Avatar's power, Shenra noticed they had a high degree of magical resistance and they were incorporeal in nature. A magical attack based on force might very well entrap them but she was also reminded that many extraplanar creatures had the magical ability to teleport at will, to escape such prisons.