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2015-04-08, 04:57 PM
The Favored Soul
“The gods give me strength.”

A Favored Soul represents someone who has been personally invested with divine might. Unlike a Cleric, he is not associated with any particular god.

Hit Die: d8
BAB: Average (as Cleric)
Saves: Good Fort, Poor Ref, Good Will
Skills: As Cleric

Favored Soul Class Features
Level: Ability
1: Spells, Domains
2: Devotion Feat
3: Domain
4: Damage Reduction 5/magic
5: Domain
6: Devotion Feat
7: Domain
8: Fight
9: Domain
10: Devotion Feat
11: Domain
12: Damage Reduction 15/alignment
13: Domain
14: Devotion Feat
15: Domain
16: Spell Resistance
17: Domain
18: Devotion Feat
19: Domain
20: Divine Perfection

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Favored Soul is proficient with all simple weapons, one martial weapon, and all armor and shields.

Spells: The Favored Soul casts divine spells. He casts spells spontaneously, with a number of spells per day equal to a Sorcerer of his level. His primary ability score is Wisdom.

He begins the game with knowledge of all Cleric 0th level spells, and a number of 1st level Cleric spells equal to three plus his wisdom modifier. At each level, he may learn one additional Cleric spell of any level from which he can cast spells.

Domains: At first level, the Favored Soul gains access to two domains of his choosing, including both the ability to cast spells from those domains and those domain’s granted powers.

At each odd numbered level after first the Favored Soul gains access to another domain.

Devotion Feat: At each of the listed levels the Favored Soul gains a Devotion feat of his choice as a bonus feat.

Damage Reduction: At 4th level the Favored Soul gains DR 5/magic. At 12th level this improves to 15, and is overcome by damage with an alignment opposed to his own rather than by magic weapons.

Fight: At 8th level the Favored Soul gains a fly speed equal to twice his base land speed, with average maneuverability.

Spell Resistance: At 16th level the Favored Soul gains spell resistance equal to 5 + his class level.

Divine Perfection: At 20th level, the Favored Soul becomes a living representative of his god. His type changes to outsider and he ceases to age.

EDIT: Originally this class was associated with a specific god, although he could pick domains not associated with that god. He no longer is.

2015-04-08, 06:22 PM
Shouldn't he be limited to the domains of the patron deity?

2015-04-08, 07:08 PM
Shouldn't he be limited to the domains of the patron deity?

Well, there are definitely arguments from both flavor and mechanics perspectives. As far as flavor goes, you could make a reasonable argument against a Favored Soul of Pelor shouldn't get domains like Death or Evil. Mechanically, there are a bunch of domains that everyone wants. It's possible that everyone takes Travel, or Luck, or whichever domain grants Improved Initiative.

But I think that it's a necessary evil from a mechanics perspective. The issue is that deities don't have that many domains. That's fine when a Cleric is picking up two domains. But a Favored Soul has eleven domains to his name. That doesn't work for core gods that have between four and six domains. Let's talk about a Favored Soul of Kord. Kord's got four (core) domains: Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength. He gets Competition as well if you happen to be using the SpC. That means that Favored Souls of Kord look pretty similar at 3rd level, identical at seventh, and don't get new spells at ninth. That's a issue. There's also the issue that it can lock out a bunch on concepts that are pretty cool. For example, a Favored Soul summoner probably wants Summoning, whichever domain grants Augment Summoning, and some domains for summon spells. I don't think there's any god that grants all of those.

Now, I think there are also a bunch of domains that gods could get but currently don't. For example, there's not really any reason Kord couldn't grant War - he's the damn god of vikings, and vikings warred all the time. That's true for a lot of neutral domains like "Planning" or "Knowledge". It's true that Vecna doesn't grant the Spell domain, but there's no real reason he can't.

2015-04-09, 04:05 AM
Ultimately, I have to pose a question about this particular design choice. Why? You can argue it is a necessary evil that they have to dip into domains beyond what their deity provides, though it really clashes with the flavor of them being the favored of a particular deity, but why so many domains?

2015-04-09, 07:48 AM
Ultimately, I have to pose a question about this particular design choice. Why? You can argue it is a necessary evil that they have to dip into domains beyond what their deity provides, though it really clashes with the flavor of them being the favored of a particular deity, but why so many domains?

It's how they get spells. The idea is that you're picking up the Cleric spells a party needs to function (i.e. cure whatever wounds, restoration, raise dead and remove disease), and then get actual combat options from domains. You end up with 11 spells of each level, plus whichever ones you get from Cleric spells. That's less strategic options than a Cleric or Wizard, but more tactical options than basically anything. It's plausible that the Favored Soul should get less domains, maybe swapping the levels where he gets them and the levels where he gets devotion feats.

Another problem with requiring the Favored Soul to pick their god's domains is that it locks particular concepts into particular gods. So your summoner Favored Soul has to worship someone who grants the Dragon Bellow domain (I think that's the one that grants Augment Summoning) and hopefully the Summoning domain.

2015-04-09, 11:49 AM
It's how they get spells. The idea is that you're picking up the Cleric spells a party needs to function (i.e. cure whatever wounds, restoration, raise dead and remove disease), and then get actual combat options from domains. You end up with 11 spells of each level, plus whichever ones you get from Cleric spells. That's less strategic options than a Cleric or Wizard, but more tactical options than basically anything. It's plausible that the Favored Soul should get less domains, maybe swapping the levels where he gets them and the levels where he gets devotion feats.

Another problem with requiring the Favored Soul to pick their god's domains is that it locks particular concepts into particular gods. So your summoner Favored Soul has to worship someone who grants the Dragon Bellow domain (I think that's the one that grants Augment Summoning) and hopefully the Summoning domain.

Well, unless I'm mistaken, just adjusting Spells Known would easily ensure they get all the spells they need to function. I mean, just the number of spells known available to the favored soul out of Complete Divine is enough, so long as they aren't making dreadful choices. Also, do clerics not have summon monster on their spell list? I know they can be short on combat options in their spells, hence why clerics, and even more so favored souls, are more capable in mundane forms of combat in comparison to other spellcasters, but burying them in domains that take them out of theme to solve this really seems unnecessary.

Just a point regarding theme. Maybe toss out that they are blessed by a singular deity and perhaps make it so they possess a divine spark granting them their abilities, or that they are blessed by a pantheon which would broaden the list. Then perhaps access to domains outside of a single deity's focus would make a bit more sense. One could also, following either notion, make it so the list from which they can choose their spells known is strictly of their domains, and the cleric orisons. As they advance in level, not only do they gain more spells known but they gain a wider selection from which to choose their spells. Just a thought.

2015-04-09, 12:01 PM
Seems quite overpowered:

5 bonus feats,
access to 10 domains and the domain abilities,
and as many spells per day as the highest base class.
plus assorted features, and no downsides.

2015-04-09, 01:09 PM
Well, unless I'm mistaken, just adjusting Spells Known would easily ensure they get all the spells they need to function. I mean, just the number of spells known available to the favored soul out of Complete Divine is enough, so long as they aren't making dreadful choices.

Yes and no. They can certainly get enough picks to be level appropriate off of the Cleric list, but part of the mandate of Cleric-dom is bringing divine healing to the table and that eats up a bunch of slots. You want at least one cure spell, at least one resurrection and all of the "cure finicky status conditions" effects. That's eating up a lot of slots, especially because those often need to be your first picks at whatever level they come online.

Also, do clerics not have summon monster on their spell list? I know they can be short on combat options in their spells, hence why clerics, and even more so favored souls, are more capable in mundane forms of combat in comparison to other spellcasters, but burying them in domains that take them out of theme to solve this really seems unnecessary.

Honestly, I could probably shift some stuff around. Getting less domains is probably fine as it keeps them tighter to a theme. The issue is that there are very few roles where any published god gives you all the domains you want, so they probably need to be able to pick from off list. But they could have a more limited set of choices. Picking new domains at 4/8/12/16/20 or something is probably fine.

Maybe toss out that they are blessed by a singular deity and perhaps make it so they possess a divine spark granting them their abilities, or that they are blessed by a pantheon which would broaden the list. Then perhaps access to domains outside of a single deity's focus would make a bit more sense. One could also, following either notion, make it so the list from which they can choose their spells known is strictly of their domains, and the cleric orisons. As they advance in level, not only do they gain more spells known but they gain a wider selection from which to choose their spells. Just a thought.

They probably should be favored "of the gods" rather than "of that god", just because it fits with a less formal inclination. Being Favored Souls of Kord or whoever is just a holdover from the original class. I strongly disagree about not getting any picks off the Cleric list though. Part of the class is filling the "divine caster" niche, and as mentioned above that requires access to healing spells (even if only for downtime).

I've edited the original post with the "gods in general" idea though. It fixes a lot of flavor concerns and doesn't hurt anything.

Seems quite overpowered

Possibly. If you pick all the good domains, including some turning for DMM it's pretty powerful. I'd have to look at domain spell lists to see what you can get in terms of dumpster diving. Sorcerer casting could stay or go, but remember that he is half a level behind an actual Cleric. It's also possible the minor defenses are too good, but the only one that really worries me is DR 5/magic at 4th level.

I disagree about the bonus feats and flight though. The devotion feats are a mixed bag, and he's only getting one use a day out of them. Flight at 8th level is not even a big deal. You could very reasonably expect to get flight at that point by any number of means, including simply buying an item which grants it.

2015-04-09, 02:20 PM
So what is the mission of a Favored Soul that requires all this spellpower?

In order for a character to have a certain alignment, it would seem he would have to limit his choice of domains. Perhaps you could map that out in advance -- to say "OK if you are a Chaotic Good Favored Soul, you get these domains; if you're Chaotic Neutral, you get these domains; if you're Chaotic Evil, you get these domains." I don't see the ambiguity being compatible with a Lawful alignment, imho. If you do see it as working with a Lawful alignment, what's the limiting law on the system?

2015-04-10, 10:54 AM
Tying domains to alignment is a good idea.

2015-04-16, 03:13 PM
How about this simple clause: A favored soul may not have any domains that oppose his own alignment. So, no chaotic favored souls with the lawful domain.