View Full Version : Help with running Rise of The Runelords- NEW DM

2015-04-08, 08:39 PM
Thank you in advance for you time and help.

I am rather inexperienced with DMing and will be making my first real attempt soon. I have made myself familiar with all the material for the Adventure Path "Rise of The Runelords as well as the core books. It is not so much the mechanics or the rules that I am needing help with but more of the execution.


In every game I have played they have started with pretty much the same boring "you are gathered in a pub and are approached by _____." that is why I have chosen this Adventure Path because for my group it will be something new.

Now I understand the importance of Sandpoint in the campaign, with that being said would it be a good idea to require the players to all be from Sandpoint. Maybe they have never left the Sandpoint area. Maybe their family moved away as a child and they have returned to see a family friend. Maybe they left for training and have returned. Maybe they are all childhood friend or even rivals in some cases. Etc.

To me that seems like a good idea to help to tie to players to Sandpoint and its troubles, giving them a reason other than this is what heroes do. This will also allow for quite a few side stories to be personal for each player.

Aside from this question please feel free to give any other advice pertaining Rise of The Runelords or DMing in general.

I am trying to make a really good impression for my first time running a game and any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for you time and help.