View Full Version : Pathfinder Path of War: Golden Lion Discipline clarification.

2015-04-09, 05:28 AM
So recently my GM has ruled that unless specifically stated in the maneuver that golden lion maneuvers do not benefit me.

Citing this.

The discipline of Golden Lion is a practice passed between war leaders, chieftains, generals, and militia leaders over the generations, meant to bring a group of warriors together into one cohesive unit. Golden Lion is a discipline that only greatly benefits a warrior who believes strongly in teamwork. The larger the group, the more who can benefit from the skilled leadership of a dedicated commander. Golden Lion benefits its practitioners indirectly, by aiding their allies instead. Because of this association with team work and working in groups with many differing people, the associated skill for this discipline is Diplomacy, and its associated weapon groups are heavy blades, hammers, and pole arms.

Is this how it's supposed to work? Or do I still count as my own ally and this is flavor text?