View Full Version : The Reformed Prism Council (empire of dawn only)

2015-04-09, 11:17 AM
This thread is for the Empire of Dawn members for the game Empire!

Even former members of the council should stay away, as this is private for only those who are currently within the Empire of Dawn.

Members include -

TheWombatOfDoom - South Lyradis, Kingdom of Serendel (Leige) - 5 regions
SamBurke - Guilderene Expanse (oldest vassal) - 4 regions
XIII - Tuvaak Nomads (nomad vassal) - 1 region
Philote - Caramel Kingdom (vassal) - 1 region
QuintonBeck - North Lyradis (NPC vassal) - 2 regions

Summary of the Prism Council Room -

A table of magnificent beauty is formed, round and ornately built to resemble the sun. Stained glass illuminates the chambers in, some from the original throne room that the room was converted from. The light coming off it arrays around in a splendid rainbow of colors, going through the rainbow twice as it encircles the table. The table represents the council that will sit there, at which 13 seats are placed (one centered at each color).

The Prism Council.

1 seat for the Lyradissians that hail from Lyradis, at red, for the shared blood, throne made from painted clays.
1 seat for the Caramel Kingdom, at violet, for the colors their dreams enduce, throne coated in fine Garb cloth.
1 seat for the Lyradissians that hail from Requiem, at blue on an ironwood throne.
1 seat for the Orcs of Tuvaak, at green, made of carved ivory and furs.
1 seat for the that of Guilder, at yellow, and on a seat of bronze.
1 seat for Domhan Abhille, at orange, cushioned by the fine goat furs from that region.
1 seat for the Merfolk of Borlmyn, on red, representing their throne of coral.
1 seat for Rannara, at violet, cushioned by polished leathers.
Blue sits empty, with the promise of those to come, and in rememberance for those who no longer will come.
1 seat for the Maosi, at green, and a junglewood seat.
1 seat for the Orcs of Grmanhil, at yellow, for the hives they keep, a throne of polished stone inset with glass.
1 seat for the ruler of Triumph, at orange, representing the glow of the Mother Tree, throne made from Discordian Rock.

There is one last seat, a seat on which glass reflects the light in prisms underneath the seat, giving all colors out. It is the seat for Emperor Ridion.

Seats set aside along the wall opposite of the Emperor's seat:

1 seat for Wenyavuk, at violet, to resemble the ice and snow they hail.
1 seat for Frontier, at violet, to represent the riches that they hold, throne made from crafted gold.
1 seat for Sahra'a, at orange, to represent the deserts they hail from.
1 seat for the Clanships at green, to depict the lush forests, throne made from shaping wood (and changes to the rulers design once sat in)
2 seats for Raaneka, for the Lord and the Lady, adjacent at violet and red, for heartwine. The Lord's seat is dusty and less worn.
1 seat for the Gnomes of Ayava, an ornate throne, at green, made of quartz and light crystals.

2015-04-09, 03:43 PM
Lord Lucas Serendel, cousin of the Emperor Ridion and Lord of North Lyradis entered the Prism Council with a quiet reservedness. He had sent a missive to his cousin the Emperor requesting this meeting of the Prism but an outside observer might have thought he was answering summons rather than orchestrating them by his cool exterior and measured pace. Trailing slightly behind him was Robert Serendel II, High Shaman of Domhan Abhaile and wielder of the Staff of Domhan. The cousins had been in discussion over the matter being brought here today for some years and were in a manner of agreement over the case. Nevertheless it would be Lucas who would be doing most of the speaking as liege lord of Domhan.

Taking a seat in the clay throne made for him Lucas steepled his hands awaiting the arrival of the other lords of the realm. He looked down at the memorandum the word at the top of it.


2015-04-10, 09:35 AM
Once everyone had gathered in the Prism Chambers and the Emperor had introduced the meeting and laid forth blessings in the name of Ramhsa Lucas stood to address his peers.

"Lords and Ladies of the Dawn, as you may be aware this convening of the Prism Council was requested by my hand and by my desire to see our great Empire prosper and recover from the ravages of the Sunset War. You are all aware of the losses suffered by our realm at the hands of the Concordat and on that accord our hands are tied by peace treaty and threatened by Concordat strength of arms. Yet, an equal blow to our Empire has gone unanswered and unchallenged despite the toll equaling the damage rendered in the East. I speak, of course, of the Union of Radurjic Republics."

"Yes my fellows, our purported 'friends and allies' who in our time of need did not send troops to aid our lands out of kindness or a desire to preserve what has been built between us over centuries but in exchange for the payment of our lands to their own coffers and the betrayal of Raaneka to the UJR and away from the Empire who so long was her protector and friend. This was not done with open heart and willingness but out of desperation by our Empire to preserve what we might be able to of our empire by buying the aid of our neighbors. Perhaps, perhaps this could be forgiven if there's was not the only nation that demanded of our Empire payment for our services but look out upon the field of history and our true allies in Hurosha, in Ashenia, even in distant Niskovia who volunteered their forces without demand for recompense and without stripping away Dawn lands in exchange for their aid."

"I have heard of the quiet deals made in shady rooms between our desperate and bedraggled Empress Myrida and the loathsome and greedy Chancellor Ethmorl and his Senate cronies and been disgusted by what I have heard and what has been evidenced. The Kingdom of Raaneka, founded in diarchy stripped of its royal line and ripped from the Empire of Dawn to serve as payment to the UJR that they might send troops they ought to have sent freely as our allies and as purported protectors of the Radurjic Faith! But not content even was the UJR to strip the Empire of the region of Raaneka but in entirety the whole of the Kingdom including so Qarimos, Ayava, and Grmanhil. The Salterri who sided with the Concordat were the only reason Grmanhil was returned to our Empire! Our enemy treating us far superior and with more respect than our 'friends.'"

Lucas paused, glaring around the room before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"It is for this issue I have asked the Emperor for this chance to speak that we might reunite our Empire stolen from us by the UJR in readiment for taking back what is ours from the Concordat. The UJR proclaim themselves our friends? I propose we as one Empire petition their egalitarian and kind leadership to return the lands of Raaneka to our Empire then that they might prove it. I suspect that greed which runs so deep in their veins will prompt them to refuse but I challenge them to reason why. If it is for their vaulting of democratic ideals I feel it important to remind them they have failed them twice over and many more often than the ideals of monarchy yet even then it would be my own desire to assure them elections might be maintained even if they were to surrender the regions they stole."

"Let us issue this request and let us watch as it is refused and the reason for its refusal obfuscated and hidden. Let us make this request and watch as our 'allies' shift in their seats not to answer us in truth and when they do refuse, when their greed overpowers their vaulted ideals let us not falter in pursuing what must then be our only option."

Lucas sat down, opening the Council to discussion of his proposition.

2015-04-12, 11:18 PM
Lelian enters the room, nodding once to each of the lost thrones, and then to the representatives.

"I have often been told that my accent is most unique, but it seems I have found a familiar tone;" she remarks to Lucas before the talks begin.

Afterwards, however, her tone has shifted.

"It is over long deliberation that I have come to realized that Raaneka has, in fact, done us wrong. Yet we would do poorly to assault allies, even half-allied as they are, with words hastily spoken. I see the ire you hold, and it is in its cause just. But if there is one thing that Guilder's history has shown, it is that we must consider the effects more than the intentions of our actions."

Shaking her head, with the light roll of her tall, sharply-pointed ears, she stepped towards Lucas. "What is the effect of the question? Just to make our allies uncomfortable?"

2015-04-13, 12:06 AM
((OOC: I just went with my throne color. In other words blame Wombat :smalltongue:))

"No. Rather to test their actual commitment of alliance. If they are truly our allies as they claim then they will not balk and will hand over the regions stolen from our Empire or at least entertain the prospect. If they are in fact wolves in sheep clothing they will refuse us, no doubt with some paltry excuse. Let us not assault them lest they force our hand. I suspect they will but welcome proof to my wrongness. Can it hurt to ask them? To call them on their duplicity will reveal their true intentions and with those in hand we can think and act more clearly."

2015-04-13, 12:53 PM
Ridion was unsurprised to Lucas' sentiments on the exodus of the Kingdom of Raaneka from the Empire, and he was not the first to express such thoughts. Raaneka's fleeing from the Empire of Dawn was not only a surprise, but without some quick thinking from Marvella and some well timed alliances, could have caused the collapse of the empire. He scanned the faces of the Tuvaak and the Caramel Kingdom representatives. Though newly vassalized within the empire, the Tuvaak spent much to be here.

"Raaneka has long been on my mind, cousin, and I would not deny that their separation from our lands was not one of great strategy. Be that as it is, the UJR were not the first to betray our Empire. If we are calling in debts, Hurosha also is called to blame, who refused to honor their long alliance with us in the second half of the Sunset war, and made back deals with the Concordat to ensure their own safety even while our nations burned. The Salterri Imperium is called to blame for invading one of our nations - Grmanhil, even before it separated from our Empire, breaking alliance with us. There are many I would call to blame for the failure of the Sunset Wars, and the blaspheme that very title allows. The question is, do we jepordize further our holdings to call in these debts?"

"I will hear you, cousin. But I only ask this: Ultimately, if they refuse, and we turn on the UJR, we are creating unrest and strife in the central continent, while our enemies breathe at our necks. Further, neither you, nor I, are very well versed in the ways of diplomacy. We are men born from the wars we speak of now. From what I know, it is not well to barter without something to give...especially because we have already been cheated. The childs hands are clenched around their new plaything. Perhaps a new shiny is something that would distract them..."

"I will have it known that I would welcome the lands returned to us, to stablize the empire, and to reunite north with south. History has cheated us before. The very homelands of the Lyradissian's is within the grasp of the Empire of the Salterri, and they even consider the one land we have reclaimed to be 'rented by their whims'."

2015-04-13, 02:35 PM
"Of course cousin, we are both men forged in the fires of the Sunset and while that may blind us to the curtsies and glad-handing of a diplomatic conference it gives us both a sharper mind to look out and truly spot our enemies. You say we must offer something for lands stolen from us. I disagree. It is not policy to have the robbed pay his thief who stole from him in a court nor should it be our obligation to pay the UJR for what they have taken from our hands. As I have said though, even if it is wrong I am willing and desiring to work with their Republics for mutually beneficial relations regarding the territories if they agree to cede them back to our Empire but I fear they who call themselves our friends are far more insidious than our enemies in the south or east could ever be for they at least admit themselves to be opposed to our Empire."

"You are right though, many wronged our realm in the Sunset and it is my burning desire and passion to bring due all the debts so owed to us but our armies were smashed upon the swords and shields of the Concordat and we cannot hope to match the Salterri in strength of arms but we can speak with those who paint themselves as friends, those who have alienated so many, and if they refuse we can take it from them and grow stronger to face the enemies in the east and south. To sit idly by and let the Empire be leeched away in the hopes that those with no vestment in our survival like the Republics or Hurosha will ride to our aid is what led to our ruin when the East came upon Guilder. Do not forget the Union boats that sat in the docks of Grizzland and Aloren when we sought to halt Salterri reinforcement in the east. You and I both remember vividly the disappearance of Hurosha's banners when the war seemed turned against us. If we are to survive we must learn to strike back and take what is ours to stand against those who would in turn take it from ourselves."

"I do not speak without a plan either. I have spoken with King Gideon of Stolok, vassal of Glazfell and inductor of the Raaneki nobles and royals fled from the betrayal of their homes. He has pledged his support in our efforts to recover the lands should his son, now wed to my daughter, be placed as Twin Crowns under our domain. In Hurosha I have plied their thirst for land and desire to fight in wars in which they might win but never lose to join in an attack on the Republics. In these discussions it came revealed the Freeholds may themselves aid Hurosha in such an endeavor. These are unwelcome bed fellows no doubt but I would rather deal with an enemy who was honest than a friend who was lying to strengthen themselves at my detriment. "

"All this I hope not to need. I hope the Republics would truly exemplify their friendship to our realm and turn back over their stolen lands, but if they refuse know it is not a fight we will lose to recover them. The Republics have no friends save our Empire and we too have they wronged. If they are wise they will recognize this and appease us that our realms might continue to prosper as full and open friends. If they turn us away we will know them for what they truly are and their loss shall in its end be a boon to our Empire."

The Tuvaak Harbinger sat quiet, his face impassive, listening to the debate and conversation before him. He did not speak up, awaiting a direct call from the Emperor for his opinion to be voiced.

2015-04-14, 11:07 AM
"Last I checked, the nations of the Radurjic Union chose for themselves whom they hold loyalties. It is what cause Grmanhil to return to us in the first place - they wished no part in joining the democracy. Raaneka, Qarimos and Avaya have converted to this new system of government, and are taking part in that. If anyone stole these lands - they stole themselves. The UJR is not like us. They do not decide what a nation does. The nation decides in itself."

To the comments of the Empire being leached away, Ridion raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then creased his brow in anger.

"If you wish to help this Empire survive on its own, then we must first rebuild what we have lost. Something Myrida failed to restore, and something I wish to. The Empire will not be leached away, and if you think we can take on our enemies without friends, you are mistaken. Had we not had the alliances of our forefathers, including the UJR, might I add, we might have lost the entire eastern holdings of the Guilderene expance. The Concordat has only grown stronger since the war ended, and Tzalteclan has rebuilt and surpassed even our great empire, and is ever expanding. I do not adhere to the policies of any other nations, and I cannot defend the words the UJR has spoken in challenge to the nations it alienates, but tell me: What boats sat in harbor in Grizzland? From what I know, the UJR was highly criticized for deploying their troops in OUR defence rather than defending their OWN regions from attack. If there is a greater wrong, in my posistion, it was Hurosha who betrayed our trust and alliance, stretching back all the way to the Grand Coalition."

"Taking back what's ours in this regard sounds nearly the same as what the Concordat informed us they were doing when they invaded the Guilderene expanse - taking back what Guilder was allowed to borrow - despite treaties and agreements. Here, the Raanekan government did what they did. While the bare a certain amount of ire for their actions, the people there have spoken, and those who did not agree from what it seems fled, rather than face this decision. What stirs ill feeling in that is that these so called Raaneki nobles fled to not Selyra to beg the Empresses intervention. Not to Lyradis to find sanctuary. Not even to Guilder. Instead, they ran to the enemy. The very lands that Guilder was framed from. The very kingdom that we opposed in the most recent war. You speak of bedding enemies - you have spoken to King Gidion...was it his idea for the recovery of the lands of Raaneka or was it you? And now in Hurosha, another of these 'friends who were lying to strengthen themselves at our detriment' you have also spoken of this idea, even before bringing it to my council..."

"I am unconvinced. The Republics are not the power, it is the people with in them. But I would hear you all speak before I come to a decision on the matter. Lord Tuvaak, what have you in opinion on this matter? Lady Lelian? Lord Caramel?"

(also, doing a diplomacy check to attempt to bring down Lucas from hostile, to better negotiate with him)


2015-04-14, 03:52 PM
Lucas glowered across the table at his cousin.

"In one breath you agree with me, in the next you condemn me. Is it any wonder our realm falters? You stand there condemning my proposal for being too similar to the actions of the Concordat, well cousin look at the prosperity of the Concordat in the wake of the war and look at our Empire and tell me again of the virtues of allies who demand payment in lands and who recoil at the sight of a lost war. You exalt the Union as our allies when they stole their lands from us, spirits damn 'the choice of the people' rhetoric it was that breaker of tradition and traitor Sucheta that even opened polls for the lands betrayal and it was damn sure not the Empire that oversaw those elections held by the special interests of the Republics."

"The boats that sat in Grizzland are the ones I speak of still sitting on those spirit forsaken harbors for no new ones have been built since the war yet there is no record of their sailing to defend either themselves or our Empire in the bold move through Erlstorm Kina to halt Imperial reinforcement in the East! As for Hurosha, may they be damned as well and that is my whole everburning point Ridion! Our blasted allies left us stranded when we needed them and yet you're still going to stand there and tell me the strength of alliance is more important than our own strength!?"

"And how dare you imply I was manipulated by Gideon. I seek the restoration of this Empire that you would see fall into disrepair and disunion and I will pursue that goal in any way I can. Now that I've come to discuss it with you you've denied the words spoken by your lips moments before and seek to condemn me as a traitor when all I seek is the enrichment of the Empire. I have said my peace and I will say no more on the matter, if you wish to wait and sit idly by until the next Sunset comes bearing down on our heads and we call out to allies who demand yet more of our Empire and then refuse to show that decision is on your head Ridion."

Lucas looked out over the table at the other lords present.

((OOC: This isn't D&D, Diplomacy checks don't work like that, words said = words heard and NPCs respond like people :smalltongue:))

The Tuvaak Hargbinger seemed to think for a moment before opening his mouth.

"My lords, your Majesty, in the Tuvaak we hold true to the axiom of justice as a simple system most aptly expressed as 'an eye for an eye.' Many injustices were done to this Empire in the Sunset war, and many repercussions are thus owed. We of the Tuvaak do not however believe in the sins of the father passing to the son. The villainy done in the Sunset war rests on those who committed it, not on those who came from it. I propose we compile a list of those responsible for these injustices and mark them down to be sought out and challenged to pay for their crimes."

2015-04-17, 01:53 PM
"Lucas," Ridion shouted, before quieting to a voice of authority. "That is quite enough. Your Emperor certainly values your opinions and you have a right to speak your misgivings, but you forget your place, and it would be best if you remember it now. I imply nothing, I am only...disappointed...that you did not take the measure to involve me in these communications with that of Gideon and Hurosha. This should not be the first I am hearing of it, and in the future I expect such actions will contain my involvement unless I say otherwise, are we clear?"

Ridion awaits Lucas' acknowledgement before continuing.
"While you speak on many truths and as well as opinions, your voice also contains the fire of emotion. While this emotion can and will bring strength, it can also be a weakness that clouds your judgement. Thus is the curse of your emperor - examining all options and choosing the best for the Empire, and not letting emotions show through. I will not further entertain this arguement. You have made your point, and know that I have taken it into consideration. Be at peace knowing that I have the Empire of Dawn's safety and continuation on my mind, but there is an order in which we must do things, and one that I cannot ignore."

Ridion turned and listened to the Orc representative, and thanked him for his comments.

"And you, Lady Lelian?"

2015-04-19, 08:38 PM
Queen Mirian Freeform joins the conference and respectfully takes her place as her appointed throne. She wears a dress of Garb designed to match the natural terrain of her home kingdom. A rocky yet smooth design wraps around her and a series of seven spires extend from her shoulders and create a crescent around the back of her head. Each spire is of hexagonal design to match the Hex Spires of her home. Her face is painted to match a Dragon Fire Opal to match both her dress's earthy design and her empire's colorful character.

"If I may have a moment to speak, then I will say my part for my Empire's involvement in these discussion. The Caramel Kingdom is a peaceful empire and we do not have the same histories as the others of this council hold with the rest of the world. We are also not blind to the fact that we could be considered the weakest member of the Empire of Dawn and that much of our growing success can be attributed to the generous gifts this council has bestowed upon us. That being said, we are now of two minds regarding this current situation. The Caramel Kindom wishes to stand beside the Empire of Dawn in all its endeavors but we do fully have the means to do so. We also desire peace, so stirring up hostilities is not in our best interests. If these lands have been gone from our council for so many years and if they do not prove vital to our council's continued existence, then I would propose that we do not seek to reclaim them through aggressive means. May I even propose that we frame this as a generous gift to the UJR so that they are further endeared to us and willing to add to our strength rather than contest it."