View Full Version : Crystals of Balance IC

2015-04-09, 09:38 PM
You are in the world (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13rcY2r1b68TKzl1rkixw6BbahQppv6WDQUV97kXw_OU/edit?usp=sharing) which has no name because it has no reason to be named as you know of no others... For now...

The way this map works is I've placed all of the places specifically named in your backgrounds into the world. They are the only things mentioned on the map. I have other things built in which are currently marked as TBA (To Be Announced). Then there are other locations that I've left up to see how things go. You may end up there or you may not and I may recreate them based on the needs of how you all take the story. They are marked TBD (To Be Determined) because they are not required for the story and they will be adjusted to fit our needs.

So where are you currently and what are you doing to begin the most amazing adventure of your life.

2015-04-10, 05:53 AM
Naeris (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133408) whistled softly and haltingly as she walked from her inn to the courtyard inside the town's eastern gate. That song the caravan guards had been singing was so catchy last night and now she could barely remember a word. How many lads and lasses had gone down from the mountain again? She thought she almost had it but then lost it again as she had to dodge around two burly labourers hefting a large crate.
She arrived in the courtyard and looked around at the gathered travellers-to-be. Most were merchant caravans about to carry on their way, having stopped to resupply after crossing through the pass. Going her way, but not what she was looking for. She looked around for a smaller group, people who might be a little more flexible about their route. As she did so, she fingered the silver star badge on her lapel. No one had recognised it so far, but there was always a possibility.

Naeris has previously cast an extended mage armour and his still under the effects of a prestidigitation.

Irish Musician
2015-04-10, 10:03 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex's right eye slowly opening in the morning, passed out in his room again. He smacked his mouth and looked around for his waterskin. He took a large gulp, finishing what was left, and got up to stretch. The dragonborn was so massive, his legs and arms never tended to fit onto the bed, but it never mattered...he could sleep in any position at any time. He went downstairs, threw a few gold on the bar, and drank an ale and ate some breakfast. Groggily he got through his meal, thanks the owner, and left the Inn heading to the caravans.

He greeted the man who was paying him, letting him know he was ready when they were, and took a seat on a fountain near where they were getting ready. He pulled out a larger, ornately carved, pipe in the shape of a dragon head, and lit it up. The air was crisp this morning, but the breakfast and the ale helped warm him, not to mention his armor help some as well. He looked at all the people around him running around, busy busy with their morning routine, and he smiled. Then he saw someone who kind of stuck out like a sore thumb, amidst all the caravanees. It was a half-elf woman, short(at least to Drex) dressed in travel clothes...but it wasn't the clothes that made her stand out. It was this silver badge and a ring she wore. Not the usual jewelry for one on the road. And he is pretty sure he saw her last night at the Inn, trying to sing along with him and the other guards as they drank and had a merry time.

Drex got up, pipe still in hand, and flung his shield over his should to secure it to his back. He then made his way over to the lady, coming up behind her as she turned away from him, though not quietly in the least. "Fine morning for travel, is it not? Which way are you going?" Drex smiles as he blows out a smoke ring that quickly gets taken off by the wind. "If you are needing some travel companions, I am sure that Nerit would let you travel with us. He's that man there," Drex point out a shorter, stout man, "and is the head of the caravan I am protecting. Wouldn't want a Noble Lady such as yourself to go unescorted." Drex gives her a wink.

2015-04-10, 10:23 AM
Ling Lei, Human Monk (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133979)

Lei breathes a sigh of contentment. Leaving home was hard, but the road ahead is sure to be more rewarding.
Winding her way through the trees she wonders how much is out there that she hasn't seen.
She walks slowly, contemplating the play of light through the canopy, and wondering how many animals are all around her but are stealthy enough to escape her notice.

Lei is heading south from 8, through the small dark green bit that I assume is a forest.

2015-04-10, 11:07 AM
Naeris looks from the dragonborn to his caravan and back as he speaks. The smoke doesn't bother her; with regular castings of prestidigitation she lives in her own private cloud of honey and lemon. The caravan isn't at all what she's looking for - one cart would be bad enough, but two? - but it wouldn't hurt to talk. She's in no rush and can always go on her own if there's nothing more suitable. She might even learn something interesting.
"I could perhaps do with some company. We appear to be going the same way," she observes, nodding at the gate, "but when are you leaving, and how far will you be going?"

2015-04-10, 11:27 AM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)

Namfudle watched the scenery slowly pass by as the small caravan he was journeying with bumped and jostled down the road, his short blue hair bouncing in tune to the cart. The stout gnome offered a quick prayer of thanks to the Watchful god that these kind people let him ride along with them. Surely this was a sign that Heimdall was pleased with his actions in Golden Hill and that he was on the right path. Unconsciously, Namfudle traced a finger along the large scar running across his face, a memento of his battle against the Church of Loki. That whole incident had been an eye opener. Namfudle had thought he could pursue the Gjallarhorn by himself no matter the danger. But through hardship, Heimdall showed him that he would need allies on not only his quest, but also to stop whatever plans the Church of Loki were devising. "Ah well, Hiemdall will provide s'long as I'm worthy."

Portent Rolls

Irish Musician
2015-04-10, 11:54 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex smiled, "Soon, and I have no idea. I always stay with caravans as long as I want to, if I happen to be going their way. They pay me, I keep the baddies at bay....it is a good system. Sometimes I leave earlier than expected, if more interesting opportunity arise. Something tell me traveling with a Noble might be just that." He pauses as Nerit waves at him, the signal they are ready to depart. "Ah, we are about to go. You are more than welcome to join us. And if they aren't, who is going to argue with me anyway! Tell me where you need to go and if I can, I will help you get there." Drex takes a long drag from his pipe as he starts to walk over to the caravan. He walks up on a unusually large mule, and rifles through the saddlebags. Seeming satisfied, he nods at Nerit and the caravan starts to depart, slowly. Drex turns to the half-elf, smiling, "You coming? Rupert here would be happy to let you ride him, if you want." Drex scratches the mule behind the ears and he seems to lean into it.

2015-04-10, 12:08 PM
Naeris considers the offer, but in the end shakes her head. "I don't think so. Perhaps I'll catch up to you." She says and waves goodbye before returning to looking among the caravans for less encumbered travellers.

Irish Musician
2015-04-10, 12:23 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex shrugs, "As you wish. I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around again. Name is Drex if you ever need some muscle." He then pulls out small Tin Whistle and starts to whistle a tune. Given his size, the whistle itself was fairly large too, so it gave the whistle a low, almost haunting, quality.

2015-04-10, 03:18 PM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133990)

Rhovarax sighed and downed yet another mug of ale. Despite it being relatively early in the morning the Dragonborn sat in a tavern, for the most part an empty tavern - few wanted to drink this early in the morning after all - trying to decide what his next move should be. He had traveled far from his former home with little thought put into a destination. He tapped lightly on the counter, indicating to the barkeep to pour him a fresh ale. Perhaps he could stay here another day or so... after all, he had yet to fight anyone in this tavern, and that was not acceptable. Beyond that...

If I go south I'll have to travel around the mountains, or over them... Perhaps I'll travel north. Yes, I think I'll go north. Tomorrow though, tonight... tonight there'll be a nice show here for the locals.

Rhovarax chuckled quietly to himself as the barkeep poured him another glass, he took a swig and picked up his pan flute, "Hope you don't mind, I'm gonna provide a little atmosphere" He quickly downed what was left of the fresh ale, stood up and climbed atop a table. The large Dragonborn nearly hit his head on the ceiling, decided it was best to take a seat on the table, and began to play an uplifting melody.

Rhovorax has been heading west from his former home at 24, I currently place him somewhere north of 19/17, between the two mountain ranges in a small town just inside the forests eastern border.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7BZur2I91k This is the song that Rhovorax will play for the tavern patrons

2015-04-11, 08:54 AM
As your conversation wraps up, Nerit lets out a yell. All aboard lizard boy.

As you approach the caravan, you notice Adrik, and older Dwarf who has been travelling with this caravan for years, laughing at you. He shakes his head and says Already searching for a new ride boy? We've not even set out yet. Be glad she said no. That would have only been trouble.

As you leave your most newly made acquaintance, you notice a group of about five human children standing next to a caravan that is being loaded. The children are all whispering to each other but one in particular, a small girl of about five maybe is staring at you. She takes a few steps towards you. Do you know my daddy?, she says and points towards the badge on your lapel.

As you travel through the woods, you notice a small house in the middle of a clearing. Outside of the house is a small creature, whose race you have never seen before and could not name. He is sipping from a cup and sitting on a stump in front of the house. He looks up as you approach and smiles. Welcome friend. Might I interest you in a cup of tea? Before allowing you to respond, he has gone inside the house and come back out with another hot cup of tea. He was gone only moments. It crosses your mind that he prepared or even poured it awfully fast.

A young elf woman, known as Ara, is the only other person currently sitting in the same cart as you. Do you ever wonder what it's like where you come from?, she says suddenly. Prior to that she had been looking down at her lap but now she stares at you with what appears to be curiosity mixed with sadness.

When you finish performing, you get a light round of applause from the low number of patrons in this small town pub early in the morning. A burly half-orc man approaches you and sits beside you. He turns to the bar keep and says I'll pick up his tab. Then he turns to you and smiles. The name is Chester. No idea why. Doubt it's my real name but everyone calls me Chester. You look like a man looking for some adventure. Well do I have an adventure for you.

2015-04-11, 09:11 AM
After looking around to make sure that she isn't likely to be in anyone's way, Naeris kneels down to talk to the girl eye to eye.
"I know quite a few people, but I don't know if your daddy is one of them. Can you tell me his name, or what he looks like?"

2015-04-11, 09:20 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133990)

Rhovarax steps down from the table and stands square in front of the half-orc, looking him straight in the eye for a moment trying to size him up. After a moment he smiles and places a hand on the half-orc's shoulder. "Well met Chester, you may call me Paxan. Adventure? I suppose some could say I'm after that... Though I'd be more inclined to tell you I'm simply out to travel and see the world. But please, go on, what is it you have?"

Insight check, to get a general feel for the half-or, if he's suspicious at all or not.

Paxan can't be too trusting, who knows who may still be after him.

2015-04-11, 09:20 AM
The girl stares at your badge a little and turns to point towards a handsome young man standing in a crowd of other men and women. He says something and the group laughs. As far as you can tell, he might be the leader of the caravan. There he is.

2015-04-11, 09:25 AM
As far as you can tell, he is being genuine and honest but something about him rubs you the wrong way. There is something suspicious about him.
Ah my friend! There is a mountain to the south of here. It stands alone in a vast plain which is surrounded by a large mountain range. There is only one way in. They say deep in the mountain lies a vast treasure but the only way to get in is to prove your worth. Never have I seen a man who looked more worthy! He smiles and grabs a drink from the bartender and downs it in one go.

2015-04-11, 09:27 AM
Lei bows in thanks at the creatures hospitality. when it returns she makes some gestures in an attempt to convey her lack of speech, but takes the tea thankfully despite the odd swiftness of it's production, some sort of magic she supposes.
Sitting opposite the tea magician, Lei takes in the aroma to see if it a type of tea she's familiar with.

Intelligence check to convey meaning
Perception to check tea

2015-04-11, 09:36 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133990)

Paxan grins, and gives a hardy laugh as takes a step closer to the orc and throws and arm around his shoulders,"You are too kind Chester. To praise me so when you hardly know me! Too kind indeed. Surely there is more to these rumors. A story of some kind? Great and terrible dangers? Monstrous creatures guarding the treasure? I'm familiar with my fair share of tall tales of high adventure and vast treasures, and never is the treasure easy to get to. So surely, there is more to what they say of this particular treasure? If I am to quest for it then I must know all there is before hand! So pleas," the large dragonborn pauses for a moment, squeezing the half-orcs shoulders tightly and staring intensely into his eyes, "Please tell me more."

Just a little friendly intimidation to get the half-orc talking a bit more.

2015-04-11, 09:37 AM
Naeris looks from the girl to the man and back again.
"No, I'm afraid I don't know your daddy. Perhaps I should, though. Would you mind introducing me?"

Irish Musician
2015-04-11, 10:32 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex starts walking next to his friend, Adrik, as the caravan starts to roll out. Adrik mentions they were lucky that the half-elf didn't come with them because she was just trouble. Drex continues to play on his whistle for a moment, then looks to Adrik and smile, "Since when has "*insert thing here* is only going to be trouble" ever really stopped me from perusing it?" The dragonborn lets out a loud laugh, Rupert turns an ear to his master but other seems unphased. The mule is used to Drex's very loud laughs, talking, and overall him being him. "Somethin' was different about that girl. She seemed to be looking for somethin', even if she didn't know what it was. But I have a feeling she did." Drex claps the dwarf on the shoulder, puts his whistle away, and pulls out another pipe. This one was carved to look like a waraxe, and he hands it over to Adrik, "Did this the other night. I know you lost yer other one, so here is a another pipe." Drex has grown to like the dwarf, he is just the right amount of abrasive and kind...not to mention can slag Drex with the best of them. Drex gives the dwarf a smile and pulls out his own Dragon pipe, and lights it up. Drex liked smoking his pipe as they caravan went along; it relaxed him, esp after a night of drinking and merriment like he had last night.

2015-04-11, 12:37 PM

Returning from a shallow, trance-like slumber, Rarg stands from his seat at the base of a great tree and stretches his limbs in preparation for his continued journey. He had already travelled far across many lands over the past year, and today he would once more head eastward.

In the last village he had come across, he had heard rumours of an old druid who was said to reside along the foot of the mountains to the east, and had resolved to seek out their counsel. Gathering his few possessions, he sets off at a brisk pace through the forest.

So I decided to seek a caster who can furnish me with wisdom and a goal to pursue rather than have a crazy jungle man ambush a caravan for no reason. I think that was a good decision.

In my head, I have Rarg somewhere around 17, though I don't mind if you drop him in any forested area with mountains to the east. Knowing druids, it'd probably be rather far from any major signs of civilisation, which probably means the far north of the mountain range at 22 or the forest in the 11-12 area.

2015-04-11, 08:14 PM
The little creature makes no indication that he understood your lack of speech and just sits down across from you and begins talking. I hope you haven't come to me looking for a new name friend. I seem to have lost that talent. Now there are other things I can help you with. For instance I know where you might find a mouse so that you can use it to convince that cat to let go of your tongue. Or perhaps you seek the meaning of life. He pauses and looks into a small pouch he has hanging around his waist. Oh dear. We seem to be out of meanings to put to life. People tend to use them so willy nilly. They are hard to keep in stock. I'd tell you to return later but there's a good chance we'll all be dead by the time we get another shipment. Unless you've found the others? No, I suppose you haven't. I hope you do soon. I would much like to go home. That is much preferable to dying. Can you do me that favor? Once you find the others and find the whale will you come back for me? I would really like to go home and visit some of my family. It's been ages since I've seen them. Can you do that for me? The creature looks at you with big wide eyes expectantly.
You do recognize it. It happens to smell like your character's favorite. One, I'm not that familiar with tea in real life and two I specifically want it to be your character's favorite. :smallbiggrin: So I won't put a name on it. You can if you wish.

Chester, excited that you seem interested, nods and downs another drink. The mountain I was telling you about! First, it will be a boring journey to make without company so I hope you'll bring me along. But the path to it should be safe for the most part; nowadays is any journey entirely safe? But they say a large beast guards the entrance to the mountain. The legend says that only the man worth the respect of the great mountain bear will get inside. They say you don't even have to fight him. He won't attack... Well as long as you don't attack first. But all we have to do is prove we are worthy and bam, untold riches. He downs another drink and gives you a big dumb grin.

The little girl looks again at your badge, a little uncertain, and then runs over to her father. She speaks to him quickly and in a hushed whisper while pointing at you. Finally her father comes over and offers a hand out for you to shake. Hello, my daughter says you would like to meet me. My name is Edward, of the great Baron. He spots your badge and his expression changes to one of great curiosity for just a moment before returning to the charming smirk he has had since you first spotted him. Is there anything I can help you with?

Adrik smiles ear to ear as he takes the pipe and lights it. Thank you boy. A mighty fine this one is. Hopefully I don't lose it. But this girl was different. Di' you see the badge she was wearing? Bad sign... Bad sign... Steer clear of her or you'll find yourself stranded in the middle of the ocean like me when I was a boy... Though the ladies love to hear the tale of how that shark I fought, so maybe it would be a good experience for you. Anything to get you a woman every now and then. Adrik seems a little off ever since you came back over to him. He doesn't normally ramble like that. He keeps his eyes on the pipe until the last sentence which has him seemingly back to normal.

After several hours of wandering through the forests in search of this druid, you discover an elderly halfling man pacing back and forth in a small clearing, rambling to himself. I can turn into a bear... Why can't I impress a bear? What am I missing? I'm a bear... He's a bear... I can't bear the thought of not figuring this out... The man bursts into a soft laughter. It appears he hasn't noticed you yet.
Close to 17 works perfectly. And you are headed east? That is even better. You might be the first person to... ah, can't let you know too much. Good choice.

2015-04-11, 08:35 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle stroked his blue beard in thought as he regarded the silent elven woman. "Hmmm...well, it's cold, snowy, and it's where m'family lives. Why do ya ask? Somethin' weighin' on ya mind? If'n there is, ya can talk to me about it. As a servant of Heimdall, I'm ready and willin' to help you in anyway I can." As he spoke, he skoshed over to Ara with a reassuring smile on his face.

Going to attempt a Persuasion check to learn what's bothering her.


2015-04-11, 08:39 PM
She shakes her head and looks down again. Not where you come from... She pauses, as if considering her words very carefully. Where your people come from... Gnomes... There aren't really any outside of your home town. They say you all aren't from this world. That you've crossed over and gotten stuck here. Do you think that's true? She looks up at you from the corner of her eye. She seems genuinely worried about something pertaining to this.

2015-04-11, 08:57 PM
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Edward. I'm Naeris. Your daughter thought I might already know you, based on this badge, and I wonder if you could tell me why that might be?"

2015-04-11, 09:00 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"Well, that does sound familiar, but Whitebridge is tha only home I know. If'ven the stories are true, it don't make this place..." Dramatically, Namfudle threw out his arms, gesturing to the world around him. "...any less of a home. Besides, s'long as I have Hiemdall watchin' over me, everything will be ok!"

2015-04-11, 09:13 PM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=753433078068692)

Rhovarax nearly bust a gut laughing at the half-orcs wild claims, "So let me get this straight kid. We just waltz down there, go up to this guardian and claim the treasure? Sure thing kiddo. But I'm betting there's more to it than that, you say we have to prove ourselves worthy? Something tells me thats more challenging than you'd think. Besides, what makes you think YOU are worthy?"

2015-04-11, 09:31 PM
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Naeris. She probably recognizes it because it bears a striking resemblance to a tapestry hanging up in the throne room of Baron. Might I ask where you got it?"

Ara smiles a little but it drops. I just don't like the idea of there being another world. They make it sound so terrible. If it is out there... There must be a good reason why they closed it off. She shrugs and looks out towards the landscape. I just hope that the worlds say separate... She looks at you suddenly. No offense.

Chester smiles and gets up. Who says I have to be? Whats more worthy than a dragon born. Once he sees you, we will be good to go. Even if I'm wrong, we won't lose anything except some time from travelling.

2015-04-11, 09:44 PM
"A tapestry? Interesting, I should like to see it. The badge was given to me by my father, who found it while adventuring in his youth; twenty years or so ago in some old ruin or other."

2015-04-12, 06:30 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=753433078068692)

"You keep saying "WE" kiddo. That's why you have to be worthy too. Sounds to me like you just want to tag along, have me do all the heavy lifting, and get a free ride to treasure land. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. If I go on this crazy adventure of yours, and if you tag along, you are going to have to share the load. And kiddo, if you are wrong we could lose a lot more than time. Heck, following the roads from town to town is dangerous enough."

2015-04-12, 07:10 AM

By way of announcing his presence, Rarg slows his stride and makes his way, with deliberately more noise, through the underbrush. Once the halfling notices him, he raises a hand in a display of greeting and nonaggression.

...is this the first other bear-shaping druid Rarg has come across, or are they actually scattered across the continent in some kind of strange secret society?

2015-04-12, 07:24 AM
The man nods and lets out a light laugh. Funny, it was my father who wove the tapestry after an adventure he had some years ago. But if you'd like to see it, you'll have to accompany us to Baron. You are welcome to tag along.

The half-orc loses his stupid grin for the first time since he arrived. I know where it is, and I know how to get there. You are right, the roads can be dangerous. But I know the safer paths and between here and there. Besides, you'd have to have the brains of a mouse to mess with the two of us. He pauses for another drink and the stupid grin returns. But of course you'll get your cut! Assuming one of us is worthy, there will be more than enough to share.

The halfling man looks up at you suddenly and begins to turn his ramblings to you. Good sir. You are familiar with bears yes? If you were a giant bear guardian, would my bear form not please you? Suddenly, he jumps into the air, changing forms and landing on all fours in the shape a beautiful and magnificent... wolf. He turns around a little, lets out a howl, and then changes back. Now tell me, am I not a magnificent bear, worthy of respect?

2015-04-12, 07:44 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=753433078068692)

"You know kid, you sure do a lot of talking. You say you can follow me and hold your own," the massive dragonborn pulls his arm off the half-orcs shoulder and takes a swing at him with his other arm, aiming to him him square in the jaw, "But how about you show me"

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2015-04-12, 07:55 AM
"I might just do that," Naeris says. "How far is the journey, and when are you leaving?"

2015-04-12, 08:05 AM

Rarg pauses, now a few steps away from the halfling, contemplating the halfling's form, or perhaps simply the words of a tongue he does not favour. After a few moments, Rarg simply says bluntly: "You are a magnificent wolf, worthy of respect."

2015-04-12, 08:40 AM
Even with all of the drinks, Chester does not seem surprised by your attack. He deflects it and responds with a flurry of blows.
Two attacks:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
1 Ki point for flurry of blows
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
If either of the flurry of blows land, make a Dex Save DC 11 check to see if you are knocked prone or not.

2015-04-12, 08:45 AM
As soon as you are ready. He pulls out a world map and points out Baron for you. And here is our destination. **Baron has now been added to the map: 4**

The man stares at you confused and then after a few moments, realized his mistake. Wolf... That explains a lot. Now that I think of it, I've never been able to change into a bear. I've never met anyone who can... Suddenly it seems like he realizes who you are for the first time. He nods to you kindly. Nice to meet you kind stranger.

2015-04-12, 08:45 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=753433078068692)

Dex save: [roll0]

2015-04-12, 08:52 AM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly (https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=753433078068692)

"Well now! You are a feisty one!" Paxan takes another swing at the half-orc, attempting to get him in a headlock.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

If it hits, Paxan will grapple the half orc.

Athletics [roll2] opposed by either Str(Athletics) or Dex(Acrobatics)

2015-04-12, 08:59 AM
Naeris pats her Bag, a surprisingly heavy grey satchel. "I'm packed and ready. We're going south around the lake and then east through that pass? Or is there a way over the mountains?" She asks, looking at the map.

2015-04-12, 09:03 AM
Lei sips the tea delightedly while the creature talks. replaying the conversation in her head she almost spits in back into the cup

"Others? No, he can't mean that. And I know nothing of whales" She thinks

Ling ponders for a moment before digging into her pack
"I really should buy paper and ink" she muses "or maybe a slate and chalk"

Pulling a scrap of used parchment she checks it to make sure it's not an important note and flips it, before pulling a dart from a puch, dipping it in her tea, and writing in the liquid

"What others?"

2015-04-12, 10:03 AM

Rarg marshals his thoughts - a shorter pause this time. The words come more easily the second time around, though they still feel unnatural to him. "Why do you want to change into a bear?"

2015-04-12, 12:15 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"No offensive taken. Oh, I did I introduce myself yet. The name's Namfudle Nackle, but my friends call me Fareye." Namfudle quickly offers his hand to shake.
"If'ven I may ask, where ya'll headed?"

Irish Musician
2015-04-13, 12:25 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex raises his eyebrow as he puffs on his pipe and walks with the dwarf, "Well, what is that silver symbol? I figured it just meant she was a fancy lady, all noble and such. I didn't figure it was a bad omen of some sort. What does it mean? Why would I be stranded?" Drex's curiosity is peaked now, and wants to hear more about this weird symbol and the lady it was attached to.

2015-04-13, 03:49 PM
To avoid having to either multipost or make an exceedingly long post outlining what would happen given failure or success, I rolled outside the forum. He rolled an 18+6+24. Also maybe I was wrong about you should slaughter him. I figured I put minimal effort into making him but forgot how great monks are in this system.
Maybe I was wrong about you. He takes your hit but dodges your attempts to grab him, striking out at you in return.
Rinse and Repeat because he has no better plan. He's not very strategic but apparently effective.Two attacks:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
1 Ki point for flurry of blows
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
If either of the flurry of blows land, make a Dex Save DC 11 check to see if you are knocked prone or not.

The man laughs a little. My father is going to like you. Sadly, we are having to go all the way around the lake. Luckily I know some people who can help us along the way. It should only take a few days. He beckons for you to follow him towards the small caravan. This is Naeris. She's coming with us. If any of you have a problem with that, you can take it up with my father. At that last part the charming man's tone gets serious and you can tell he is definitely in charge. I have reason to believe he will want to meet her.
The men nod and pat you on the back as each of them grab their own bags, muttering comments to welcome you aboard. The women are primarily more kept to themselves, giving you looks of inspection. The children have a mixed reaction of watching you in fascination from one of the wagons and paying you absolutely no attention at all.

The small creature chuckles. The others who are going to fix things. You need to find them fast though. Looks like it is getting late. He begins to look through his bag, which cannot be big enough to hold anything of significant size.

The man looks utterly shocked by your question. To prove myself worthy to the guardian. Why else? I need to protect the gate.

she smiles. I'm Ara. Nice to meet you. I'm heading to inspect the great ice temple in the frozen steps. I'm not sure where the rest of them are going, just that it was the same direction.

Adrik's expression turns dark for a moment, until he takes a hit off his pipe and starts laughing. Boy, I've never told you about the time I was lost at sea? Oh now that's a tale! It happened a good twenty years ago I'd say... Do you hear that?

Irish Musician
2015-04-13, 03:55 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex laughs, "No you old goat! Tell it to me!" But at Adrik's warning, which at this point Derx had learned to heed, Drex snuffed out his pipe, put it away and pulled out his sword, and took his shield off his back. Getting into position Drex listed out to hear what the dwarf had heard.

Perception [roll0]

Ready an action, if anyone should try and attack us, intercept them on the way to the Caravan. If I can get an attack in on them, awesome.

Just in case - [roll1], [roll2]

2015-04-13, 06:47 PM
Naeris gives friendly replies to the more audible comments, and smiles and waves to the watching children as she waits for the caravan to start.

2015-04-14, 03:37 AM
Lei's brow creases with confusion
"Fix what?" she scrawls

2015-04-14, 04:54 AM

"Then you know what you must do now," Rarg says, nodding. "But I do not know this gate. Or this guardian." A pause as he is unsure how to phrase his next words. "I have come from far away. Tell me about them?"

2015-04-14, 10:45 AM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"Ah, so ya goin' to my homeland. Be careful when ya get there. They don't call it the Frozen Steps for nothin'. I'm headed out in search of the Gjallarhorn, an artifact of my faith. Have ya ever heard of it or maybe somethin' called the Horn of Valor or a dwarf by the name of Malgrim Shatterrock?"
Do I need to make any sort of check to know what the great ice temples are?

2015-04-14, 04:38 PM
Rhovarax "Paxan" Beerbelly

Rhovorax grits his teeth, and takes a small back, whispering a discordant melody that only the half-orc can hear

Paxan is casting Dissonant Whispers using a 2nd level spell slot on the half-orc.

He needs to make a DC 15 will save or take:
[roll0] damage, half on a successful save.
On a failed save he uses his reaction to run as far away from Paxan as he can.

2015-04-16, 08:59 PM
There is a chance people might misinterpret some things I'm about to post. For world information: Dragons exist only in legend. The very few Dragonborn around are the closest indication that dragons ever existed. The last legend of them says they were banished to another realm. In no normal situation, would you ever realistically expect to see a dragon. They exist in history but you wouldn't assume anything you saw was a dragon any more than you would in real life. All of you should know that.

You turn around and see some type of figure in the sky flying towards you. Something with great big wings are flapping is flying straight towards you. You don't hear whatever Adrik does but the sight is definitely shocking. You can't quite see what it is but it is clearly flying towards you. Adrik looks shocked, What is that boy doing up there?

Within minutes the caravan is moving. One young human lady walks up to you with a great big smile on her face. I can't remember the last time my brother looked at a woman like that.

The creature stops it's searching long enough to look up at you puzzled. The worlds of course. He turns back to his search and pulled out a scroll. He offers it to you. Take this. Be careful with it as it could defeat it's own purpose if you aren't careful but it's a lot better than this.

The man nods. This isn't the place. Come with me to my camp. He begins walking through the trees. If you follow him, he will lead you to the most beautiful lake you have ever seen. He will sit on the ground, though stumps are available, and begin stoking a small camp fire.

Ava shakes her head. No, I don't think I have. Who is that? A friend?
Normally, I'd say yes. But being from the Frozen Steps, the answer is no. The ice temple is one of the great wonders of the world. The thing is, there isn't a single wonder that anyone knows where or how to find. Most people assume they are myths and do not even bother to look. Those who do believe often go on treks to find them under the belief that they must be protected and that only those worthy and chosen will be able to find them.

I'm assuming you mean wisdom save? Save: [roll]1d20-1 (See that wisdom modifier? He's a monk. See where I said he was optimized so little that even as a bard you should slaughter him?)
Chester looks around the room frantically before spotting the nearest escape rout. He will then run over to the wall and climb out of the window.
He is a little startled by your words and actually responds by disengaging and backing up just a few steps and proceeding to watch you.

2015-04-16, 09:00 PM
I need to reroll that. It came out wrong. [roll0]

2015-04-16, 09:42 PM
"He has an eye for fine jewellery," Naeris says, tapping the badge on her coat. "I take it this is a family enterprise, then?"

2015-04-16, 11:51 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"He was a warrior in service to Heimdall and he was given the honor of wieldin' the Gjallarhorn, a sacred relic of my faith. But one day, he disappeared along with the horn. It's been 600 years since then and we haven't find him or the Gjallarhorn. But I aim to be the one to find 'em both." Namfudle says this with a proud grin on his face as he stares off into the distance.

2015-04-17, 12:05 PM

Rarg follows the halfling through the forest, maintaining a respectful distance and a polite silence, and, upon reaching the campsite, takes the halfling's lead and sits down on the ground .

As the halfling moves to stoke the fire, Rarg stops him and asks, "may I?"

With the halfling's permission, Rarg makes a brief gesture and a murmur, causing the campfire to roar to life, before looking towards his companion, waiting for him to speak first.

I'm assuming the halfling didn't leave the fire burning when he was gone, because that's how forest fires start, so I think the "instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire" effect of the Druidcraft cantrip is applicable here.

Speaking of druids, the Player's Handbook is pretty vague on exactly what the Druidic language is like. Is there any existing canon about it in this setting, or am I free to improvise?

Irish Musician
2015-04-17, 12:08 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex sees this giant, winged creature coming towards them and is on the confused side of things. "What is that thing up there? And what boy?" Drex starts to move himself in between the Caravan and this creature, so that if this thing is hostile, he gets first crack at it.

Keeping my readied action

2015-04-17, 06:44 PM
It was a beautiful morning in Durn -- or as beautiful as it got in the slums. The run-down district controlled by the Laughing Devils was just waking up, and it had a hell of a hangover.

Sunlight filtered through a dirty window on the second floor of a tavern simply called "The Pig", and splashed across a young lady snoring away in a second-hand four poster bed. She lay limbs askew, covers half on and half off, with her straw-blonde hair going every which way. A bird chirped outside the window, until a particularly loud bit of snoring scared it off.

This was Boss Tina, leader of the Laughing Devils. And her sleep was rudely interrupted by a pounding on her bedroom door. She awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright and taking a moment to absorb her surroundings. She took count of her fingers, toes, and possessions, and found them all to be in order. Finally, she grabbed the enchanted rod from her nightstand and stomped over to the door.

"Better be important," she grumbled, as she opened it.

2015-04-18, 07:45 AM
The woman chuckles. Not what I meant... But not really. It's just my brother and I and a number of other children of Baron Nobles. My name is Rosa by the way.

Any idea where he might be? Ava seems entirely fascinate.

Of course. He leans back against a stump and thinks for a moment. So you have never heard of the gate? I suppose not. It's more of a druid thing mostly. Druids and locals.
I am all for improvisation of languages that aren't common. Just be consistent somewhat and provide a translation and I'll improvise it to.

2015-04-18, 07:48 AM
As it gets closer, you see that there is a teenager in some kind of metal contraption who seems to be losing control of it. You realize that he is going to crash. He is falling directly towards you. It doesn't appear to be an attack. The closer he gets, the more you can make out fear in the boy's eyes.

2015-04-18, 07:53 AM
On the other side is a soldier in full armored uniform. Are you Tina?

2015-04-18, 09:00 AM

"I am," Rarg replies, after a brief moment of consideration, "not from this area. If I have heard of it, I have forgotten." He bows his head briefly in slight apology.

Alright then, though I don't actually intend to provide an actual language.

My personal headcanon is that druids created Druidic when they attempted to mimic the 'languages' animals use to communicate with other members of their own species. Instead of simply using discrete verbal noises, it also uses scents, body language, druidic magic and various other means to convey messages - which end up as less of a string of individual concepts tied to specific sounds and strung together in a grammatical order, and more of a single rough idea accompanied by a mix of emotions and memories that provide context to the message. In a manner of speaking, it sacrifices precision for depth of meaning. But basically, Druidic is the language of animals, as applied to Men.

I'm not sure how clear that was, but that's the general idea. Bears don't have names, they have concepts. I may have been influenced by the Wheel of Time when I read it long ago.

2015-04-18, 11:31 AM
Rhovorax "Paxan" Beerbelly

Rhovorax gives a small sigh of relief, thankful for a brief moment of respite. He utters a small phrase under his breath, holding a hand to some of his wounds.

Rhovorax is going to cast Cure Wounds on himself using a 2nd level slot.
Heals for: [roll0]

2015-04-18, 12:18 PM
Lei hesitantly takes the scroll, looking mightily confused before scratching a new note
"Are you sure I'm who you think I am?"

2015-04-18, 01:18 PM
Tina grumbles.

"Oh bloody hell who let this one in here Yeah, I'm Tina. This a social call? Better start gettin' that armor off if it is."

2015-04-18, 03:39 PM
Being out in the world for the first time in his life, Adrien Gaffax finds himself in the village of song. He sits at a tavern sampling the inebriating joys of a beverage he had never tried before: Ale.

Let the gods not allow me to steer off my path and purpose. he thinks to himself. but life outside Skywound tower offers wonders I would have never imagined.. he argues solely with himself, pondering on the consequences of indulging in such mundane pleasures.

In the end, the young cleric concludes that he, as a cleric of life, should live a little so to understand better what is it he so devotely trained to protect.

And thus, a new mug of ale is purchased. and a next one right after and so on until purse feels too light and head feels too heavy.

With a simple map of the region atop the table, Adrien traces the itinerary of his journey. Since this is his first visit to the main lands and most likely the last one too, he is bound to make it worth it. After the village of Song, Adiren means to travel all the way to the port city of Nerath, stopping by any and every landmark in the way.

Irish Musician
2015-04-18, 04:30 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
As Drex sees this young chap losing control of....whatever that thing is....he eyes widen a little. "Get the Caravan moving!! That thing is aiming right for us.....come on, come on.......MOVE!!!" Drex puts as much inflection and volume on that last bit as he can, making his point known and getting everyone to put a little step in their giddy-up. Drex keeps himself between this kid and the caravan just to make sure he can try and block his wards from as much damage as he can.

2015-04-18, 05:32 PM
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rosa. Tell me, what is Baron like? I take it the nobility must get on very well, if you're all journeying together like this."

2015-04-18, 06:21 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"No idea!" He says with a laugh as he pulls out a small map from his backpack. Little red X's have been drawn at specific points, like over the town of Golden Hill and Whitebridge. "Nobody in the church knows where'n he was headed or why. But even if I cover this map in X's, I won't quit till I find him and the Horn."

2015-04-18, 09:53 PM
The man nods. It only makes sense for you not to be familiar. Legend tells tale that there are five great secrets in this world. Each one guarded by magic or guardians which will protect the secrets from all but the one who is chosen to find and protect it's secret. Many locals believe one to be located near by and it is one of particular interest to druids as it is guarded by a giant bear. We call it the gate because it is a mountain, isolated and separated from all of the others with nothing notable except a giant gate that has never been opened. Guarding that gate is the giant bear. Legends says that you have to prove yourself worthy and the bear will let you through. The man pauses for a second as if recollecting something. Oh, and legend also states that the one chosen will be the savior of bear kind... or something like that... it might just be that he would be really good at stopping forest fires... The man shrugs and pulls out some nuts and berries from his bag. Would you like some?
I am totally following you and actually that makes the most sense out of any theories behind the languages I have ever heard. +3 brownie points to you.

After a few moments, Chester comes through the front door of the bar, looking slightly embarrassed. For some reason it seems as if he refuses to look towards the window.
Assuming you intend to continue the fight and Chester has not proven himself, you get one full turn before he arrives at the front door. So you would get one turn where he is out of the building and then one once he is standing inside the door.
Other characters have nicknames that they have specifically placed in their name, I find it odd that the only one I use is yours. I thought I would use Namfudle's. Also, with that, the NPC's will call Boss Tina "Tina," often but for some reason it doesn't seem right for me to. Sorry you got stuck with my odd random thoughts.

As you right the note, the scroll glows dimly but noticeably. If you choose to unroll it enough to see what it says then you will see that it says,

"Are you sure I'm who you think I am?
You are indeed the one. One of the eight chosen. The one with the visions.
After you read that, the messages will disappear and your thoughts will appear as you think them until you let go of the scroll.
Whether you unroll it or not the creature will say, Who you are is irrelevant. I know what you will do. Now please waste no more tea and use that.
Feel free to add this game to the "Games I'm a part of" spoiler in your signature.

The man smiles and says Not today my dear. Maybe another time. He winks with the last comment. Lord Golbez has requested a meeting with you. He has an offer for you that he feels you may be interested in.

The bartender laughs at you a little in your drunken stupor and says I hope you don't plan on setting out or making any big decisions in this state.

The caravan speeds up as quickly as they can (which all in all is not that fast) and the boy stops panicking. His face turns stern and he begins pulling a number of levers on whatever the contraption is. Suddenly he bursts into a smile and tilts up, but is too close to the ground to take off again. He lands on his feet, the machine still wrapped around him, just inches from you. He grins at you excitedly.

Rosa shrugs with a big smile. Baron is a good kingdom. My uncle is a good king and my father is a brilliant inventor. The kingdom is happy but we aren't really nobles. Our parents are. Most of us are at that phase where we need to find ourselves, prove ourselves, whatever. We need to find our place so my brother decided to take us on this trip. He is a good man. She winks at you during the last comment.

Ava looks down, almost appearing to blush a little. Any chance that he went in search of the Ice Temple?

2015-04-18, 10:07 PM
"And he has a good sister," Naeris says with a smile. "Baron sounds like a most pleasant place; I look forward to seeing it. Do you feel your journey has helped you find much of yourself so far?"

2015-04-18, 10:41 PM
Adrien Gaffax, cleric of life

Adrien has never had much practice with the common tongue, living alone with his father in Skywound tower, they only spoke to each other in draconic, the sacred language of the protectorate.

Inadvertently, the drunk greenhorn cleric switches back to his native draconic when addressing the barkeeper. You, madame are -hic- correct! I shall take your friendly -hic- advice, if you could provide lodging arrangements for one?

2015-04-18, 10:49 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle strokes his beard with one hand as he returns his map to his backpack. "Hmmm...it's possible. Could'a gone to prove himself worthy. Ya headed there yaself, right? Mind if I tag along?"

2015-04-19, 05:53 AM

What a thing not to be told, Rarg thinks to himself as he gives a nod of thanks and accepts the halfling's offer of food. "So you want to prove yourself worthy to this giant bear," Rarg says aloud. "Why?"

2015-04-19, 05:12 PM
Tina scratches her head.

"Lord who? Tell you what, lemme get freshened up and you can tell me about your boss over breakfast."

Irish Musician
2015-04-19, 05:18 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex pulls out his sword once again and looks down at the boy, "What in the nine hells is that thing? And what were you thinking, putting people in danger like that? And who are you, kid?" Drex's voice is stern and loud. Most everyone around him know this as his "fatherly voice", but if you meet him the first time and he acts pissed at you...it can be quite daunting.

Not really going for intimidating, just a little tongue lashing. But intimidate for the heck of it [roll0]

2015-04-19, 09:33 PM
The only thing really made clear is that maybe Edward should be next in line for the thrown. I'm not sure my cousin is cut out for it. As she speaks, Edward's daughter comes up and tugs on your clothes. My name is Anna by the way.

The bartender laughs. I have no idea what you are talking about. There is a free room upstairs if you want it. On the house. I won't let you be wandering around in that state. It's like you've never had a drink before.

Ava smiles. I would love that. I think it's almost time for us to get off actually.

The old druid looks a little shocked. Do you not realize? This is the honor that every druid works their whole life to be deserving of. To protect whatever is kept in that mountain, what ever could be the difference between the destruction of all of the world's nature and the extinction of bears. It's an honor greatly to be desired.

The soldier nods. Golbez. And very well. Let me step out so that you may get ready. He then leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

The boy's smile disappears and he looks rather irritated. I am the son of Tellah, the great king of Baron! Palom, the great engineer and this is my greatest invention. It will give men the power to fly! I just have to work out a few kinks.

2015-04-19, 10:04 PM
"Hello Anna," Naeris says, smiling down at the little girl. "Thank you for introducing me to your daddy. I've just been having a nice chat with your Aunt Rosa. How are you enjoying the trip?"

Irish Musician
2015-04-19, 10:36 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex looks unimpressed, even at the mention that this is the prince, and puts on is "father" voice, "Haha, 'a few kinks'?! I would say ya got a ways to go there. And if you are a prince, you should have more sense that to put people's lives in danger. Coming down like that could have seriously hurt, or killed, someone. Just use your brain, son. You see a huge warrior walkin' with a caravan, done up like I am, and decide to come at us with that contraption without so much as a word? Tearin' out of the sky like you are gonna hit us? Son, I almost took out my sword and charged ya as soon as ya landed! I thought you were a threat to us!!" Drex realizes me might be a bit harsh on the boy and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Next time you are comin' to land next to someone with that thing, just make sure it is working. All in all it is pretty interesting....just make sure it is working all the way before you test drive it around people." Drex ends with a big smile, put his shield on his back and puts his sword away. He takes out his pipe, loads it up, and gets it going. "Now, were you coming to see us specifically or was this a random chance meeting?"

2015-04-19, 11:35 PM

"You said there were five. Maybe there is a giant wolf somewhere who will find you worthy?" Rarg suggests, and, with a slight pang of nostalgia, adds: "But I don't think things like this can be rushed. If you are meant to be chosen, you will be chosen when you are meant to be."

2015-04-20, 01:33 AM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"Great! May Heimdall watch over us on our quest."

2015-04-20, 04:23 AM
Adrien Gaffax, cleric of life

Adrien retires to his room. At first, he is appalled by the lack of shrines to the dragon gods. Then he reminds himself he's in barbaric lands. He says a prayer Have mercy on them, oh mighty dragon lords, they know not what they do.

He sleeps and gets ready for another day of journeying.

In the morning, Adrien will try to get directions to the Golden Hills. He wishes to know why they're called that and hopes perhaps to acquire a diamond to hold as a magical component.

2015-04-20, 06:20 AM
Rhovorax "Paxan" Beerbelly

Rhovorax pulled out a chair and took a seat while he waited for the half-orc to return, he motioned for the bartender to pour him another beer. When he noticed the half-orc re-enter the tavern with a look of embarrassment he chuckled, "Come on lad, have a seat. Get yourself another drink."

2015-04-20, 09:04 AM
Lei will unroll and read the scroll, looking somewhat embarrased

Will do, I keep forgetting to update it

2015-04-20, 08:38 PM
Several minutes go by before Tina emerges from the room. She's got her armor on, her gear stowed on various belts and her unruly hair tied back as much as it will allow. She leads the soldier down to the ground floor of the Pig. A rousing, "Morning, Boss," from the various Devils fills the room as Tina leads the soldier to her regular table. The proprietor -- a stocky dwarven woman in late middle age -- comes over to the table.

"Morning Tina, regular for you?"
"Yeah thanks Maggie, and whatever my new friend wants."
Maggie nods and trundles off back to the kitchen.

"So," says Tina, "tell me about Lord Golbez, and what the Laughing Devils can do for him."

2015-04-20, 09:01 PM
Anna nods quickly. Yes. That town was where Daddy met Mommy.
For the first time Rosa's face flashes with some kind of emotion other than happiness. Fear? Grief? Shock? It's hard to tell.

Palom calms down as you do. I lost control a bit. I'm sorry. I wasn't aiming to come towards you all. I hope I didn't cause any damage. Of course I'd pay for it.
Suddenly you notice a young lady running from the city toward you. She appears to be of the same age and a similar appearance to Palom. Palom! What were you thinking!? You said you had this under control!? She stops next to him and smacks him in the back of the head.

The man nods and plays with some leaves. You are wise young one. Perhaps you should try your hand at impressing the great bear.

After a few more hours of casual conversation (unless you seek to pursue more meaningful conversation) Ava tells you that your time has come to make your exit. As you exit the cart, you find yourself on the edge of the Frozen steps, with snow falling lightly around you. The caravan is gone but you feel as if you are being watched.

When you wake up and leave your room, you discover no one in the building to be found. If you leave the building, nobody is in sight.

The half-orc sits down next to you and downs another drink in silence. Once he finishes, his goofy smile is back and he asks So are you in?

The small creature nods. Be careful with that and don't be afraid to let yourself do what you know in your heart is right. Unless you try to stop him, he will enter his small house and the door will swing closed behind him.
Just thought I'd remind you since I didn't see it.

The soldier waves off the waitress without ordering and sits down at the table. Lord Golbez is captain of the Red Wings of Baron. He would like you to retrieve a number of things for him. He would himself but he is under close scrutiny by the king. Needless to say, this is a mission he would rather keep secret.

2015-04-20, 09:57 PM
Naeris looks curiously at Rosa, but turns a smiling face back to Anna. "I wish the place where my mummy and daddy met was that nice. Does your daddy go there a lot?"


2015-04-20, 10:43 PM
Tina starts wolfing down her breakfast when it arrives.

"Do these things have owners, or are they of the 'lost treasure' variety?"

2015-04-21, 12:43 AM
Adrien Gaffax

This is strange. But if they all left, I should do the same.

Adrien will cast Enhance Ability (Owl's Wisdom) on himself and try to find his way to the Golden Hills.
Survival Check: [roll0]
advantage due to owl's wisdom: [roll1]

2015-04-21, 05:32 AM

"I only say what was I was taught in the past," Rarg shrugs. "But what will you do, now that you know what you lack? Will you continue trying to prove yourself to the giant bear?"

2015-04-21, 08:27 AM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
As the pair make their way through the Frozen teps towards their goal, Namfudle keeps a close eye on their surroundings as he gets the feeling of being watched.

If I don't see anything with my Passive Perception of 16, I'll roll.
Perception: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2015-04-21, 09:00 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex nods at the boy's apology and goes back to puffing on his pipe. As the woman approaches, Drex watches her and sees what she is going to do. The second she gets up to the Prince, she starts yelling at him and smacks him. Drex lets out a chuckle, which given what he is sounds more like a weird, low growl, and smiles at the Prince, "Friend of yours, son?"

2015-04-21, 07:09 PM
Lei is reading the scroll if that wasn't clear

2015-04-21, 10:58 PM
This is the first I've been. He hasn't left home since Mommy died. Anna doesn't seem bothered by mentioning the fact that her mother is dead but Rosa's face flashes with something again for only a moment.
You don't notice anything that could give away her reaction other than the her returning to her normal cheerful self rather fast.

The soldier smiles. They are guarded but no one will miss them or their guards.

On your way through town to get to the road most likely to lead to Golden Hill, you finally notice the presence of people. They are all crowded around, talking frantically in the town square.

Perhaps I would be better served finding whoever the bear will accept. The druid is now staring at you confidently and intently.

You notice the rustling of leaves off to the side behind snow covered trees. You hear a deep and slow voice. Malgim?

His sister actually she says as he rolls his eyes. My name is Porom. I apologize deeply on behalf of the people of Baron for any trouble or delay my foolish twin may have caused. Is there anything we can do to make up for it? While she is talking, Palom crosses his arms and shakes his head, clearly annoyed by his dear sister.

I feel this may be where I wasn't clear enough. I'll add even more details (ones I hadn't planned before) so that I make sure I'm clear. The scroll is blank. Words appear on it as you think. Words in black match your thoughts exactly as they appear and vocalize in your head. Words in red are what seem to be responses to random thoughts of yours. The red words do not always appear but I will not be able to post what they are if I don't know whats generally going through Ling's head as the scroll is being held.

2015-04-21, 11:30 PM
"Hrm," Tina puts her fork down.

"I'm gonna need to know more about the targets, obviously. And your boss. I know a bit about Baron, not a lot about the Red Wings, and even less about him. And lemme make this clear. The Devils steal, but we only steal from people who can afford it. We kill, but only if we have to. So if Golbez is looking for bloodthirsty mercs to slaughter whoever's between him and this stuff just 'cause he wants it, he's barkin' up the wrong tree."

2015-04-21, 11:37 PM
"I'm sorry to hear that about your mother," Naeris says. "Do you mind talking about her? What was she like?"

2015-04-22, 04:24 AM

"You flatter me. But I will go and find this giant bear, if you will show me the way," Rarg says deferentially.

2015-04-22, 01:03 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
As soon as Namfudle hears the name Malgrim, he quickly stops Ava before quickly mutter a spell under his breath as he tapped his wand to his chest. A dull blue energy seeped from the arcane implement and enveloped him before slowly fading from view. After his spell was complete, Namfudle called out to the bushes. "No, but I know've him. The name's Namfudle or Fareye if you prefer. Why don't'cha come out of the bushes so we can talk?"

Casting Magic Armor, so Namfudle' AC is now 16. Would you like me to change my sheet to reflect that?

2015-04-22, 05:11 PM
Adrien Gaffax, life cleric

The young incautious cleric will rush to the group to see what's going on. He will try to speak to them, but he always forgets that draconic is not the common language around here.

So he speaks in the tongue of dragons: Noble townspeople! What goes on here and how may I be of assistance?

Only if reprimanded by frowning faces, Adrien will apologize and speak again in the common tongue, but with a heavy accent and rather poor grammar.

Irish Musician
2015-04-22, 08:05 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex smiles and takes another long puff from his pipe, "Well met Porom. I am Drex, and I think we are all fine. Though I am not in charge...I am just here for protection. Adrik, where are we going, anyway?"

2015-04-22, 09:05 PM
The soldier chuckles. You'll learn of Golbez in time, if you accept this offer. The Red Wings are the newest Air Force of Baron. It's not quite... off the ground yet but we will be taking to the skies shortly. More importantly, while your morals are apparently very noble, you will not be stealing exactly. The items in question are not at all under the possession of anyone, let alone someone who you would feel guilty about betraying. You are just a retrieval force.

Anna shrugged. She died when I was little. I don't know her. Daddy says she was pretty though and that I look like her. He says I have her spirit.
Rosa is now clearly uncomfortable, almost sickly looking. You notice she seems unable to keep her hands still.

Of course! Of course I will take you there! We will leave in the morning, it is getting somewhat late. How about we gather together a dinner and in the morning set out? The druid is up on his feet rather quickly.

The source of the voice does not reveal itself yet. You gnome? He told me look for gnome. One will come.

The crowd parts for you as you approach and in the center you see a creature with the head of a man and the body of a line. As he hears you speak draconic, he turns to you and in kind says You, with the mark on your hand. The creature stares at you and the entire crowd is silent, most of them staring at either you or the creature.

Adrik shrugs. Some town to the south, called Magnimar. Meeting up with some guy named Golbez.
Porom smiles eagerly. If you are headed to Magnimar, please allow my brother and I to accompany you. We are headed that direction, towards Baron, anyways. A few extra hands on your journey is the least we can do to apologize. Besides, despite his entrance, my brother and I have some skills which may prove useful.

2015-04-23, 02:54 AM
"That's a very sweet thing of him to say," Naeris says to Anna, then turns to Rosa. "Are you alright, Rosa? You appear unwell."

2015-04-23, 05:47 AM

"Of course," Rarg agrees readily. "Though you do not know me, you have shared with me your fire and your words, and I thank you for that." Rising, he asks, "I am known as Rarg. Who do I have the honour of hunting with tonight?"

2015-04-23, 09:23 AM
Adrien Gaffax, cleric of life

The gods will not allow trickery or deception. Says Adrien before chanting a prayer and casting a spell. Now you shall tell me, creature, what purpose brings you here and why should the gods not smite you where you stand?

Initiative roll, just in case: [roll0]
Adrien will cast Zone of truth (1 action). centered on where the creature is at. DC 14.

From the players handbook: You create a magical zone that guards against deception in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range. Until the spell ends, a creature that enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make a Charisma savng throw. On a failed save, a creature can't speak a deliberate lie while in the radius. You know whether each creature succeeds or fails on its saving throw.
An affected creature is aware of the spell and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such creature can be evasive in its answer as long as it remains within the boundaries of the truth.

Irish Musician
2015-04-23, 11:32 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex shrugs, "Do what you like. I ain't in charge of this caravan, but there isn't anything saying you can't walk with me and help out if you are so inclined." Drex gives the lady a smile, and a short bow, extending his arm the way the caravan is going, "After you, M'lady." He chuckles and gives her a wink.

2015-04-23, 06:25 PM
"Okay then."

Tina finishes the rest of her breakfast in silence.

"So how big of a team do you need? I'll need to know numbers before we leave so I can sort out local duties while we're gone."

2015-04-23, 06:51 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle inched forward a few feet as he spoke, his wand pointed at the ground but still ready for action. "Yep, I'ma gnome. And Malgrim said one'a my kind'd be through here? You've talked to him yourself?"

2015-04-23, 08:11 PM
Ah sorry, my mistake.

Lei boggles at the magic scroll

"uh oh"

"A princely gift. I just wish I knew how I was supposed to fix the world"

With a resigned sigh, Lei rolls up the scroll and stows it safely

"the one with the visions? That sounds handy right about now, then I might know where to start."

She thinks for a while, fiddling with her hair idly

"I suppose finding more people is a start. Back to Song or south, and hope to find a ferry to Jont? Heads one, tails the other"

Ling flips a coin, before setting out the the direction fate chooses for her

I'll roll the coin randomly, but if you feel the need to prod me in a more convenient direction, feel free to hijack the result
1. back north
2. south


2015-04-23, 10:42 PM
Rosa seems to realize she was letting it show. She smiles and wipes a bit of sweat off of her forehead. I'm fine. I guess it's just a little hot out here. You feel confident she isn't being honest.
We've reached a point where you have two options. You could pursue more conversation and gather more information about the world or the NPCs or you could decide you have finished all conversations you intend to have for now and I'll fast forward your trip to the next plot related event that will be driven by me. Unless there is something specific you intend to do, such as "when Edward stops to use the restroom, I sneak up behind him and kill him." I would be surprised if that was your action but those are the options I see most viable. Just let me know at what point you are ready for a fast forward.

Honestly, I can't remember the last time I used my name. If I remember right, it was originally Nerolius but most called me Nero.

The creature takes a few steps towards you, not taking it's eyes off of you. I will not lie, spell or not. I have come to find you for one. I will not hurt you if you control yourself. Show me your hand. The voice is deep and confident.

Porom curtsies and begins talking up a few other members of the caravan as it begins again. As far as you can tell, she is seeking something to help with. Palom begins walking and fiddling with his flying contraption, saying nothing unless spoken to.
We've reached a point where you have two options. You could pursue more conversation and gather more information about the world or the NPCs or you could decide you have finished all conversations you intend to have for now and I'll fast forward your trip to the next plot related event that will be driven by me. Unless there is something specific you intend to do, such as "when Edward stops to use the restroom, I sneak up behind him and kill him." I would be surprised if that was your action but those are the options I see most viable. Just let me know at what point you are ready for a fast forward.

As far as your little band of thieves, Golbez only wanted me to bring you. Perhaps you could bring some companions if you insist. Preferably, we'd rather you recruit these people. The soldier hands you a parchment and stands beginning to leave. When you are ready, go to the docks. A ship will be waiting for you. Tell the Captain that you were sent by Kain. He will lead you from there. Any more questions can be directed towards him.
On the parchment is a list of names along with some general details about who they are and where you will likely be able to find them. Behind the text is also an odd symbol that resembles a large crystal. (OOC: The names happen to be the names of your fellow players.)

He told me to bring gnome to temple.

As you head south, you eventually wander across a small town on the banks of the ocean. Possibly a good spot to find a ship but it might take you longer to get to Jont if you find a ship here. No highjacking required. The odds seem ever in my favor. This small town would be in the wooded area just below 8.

2015-04-23, 11:04 PM
"That's no good. Here," Naeris says, and uses the last of her prestidigitation to chill Rosa's clothes to a comfortable level. "How are you feeling, Anna? Not too hot?"

2015-04-24, 08:23 AM

"Nero, then." Rarg nods, before gesturing for Nero to lead the way, "I will follow your lead."

2015-04-24, 11:40 AM
Tina nods and rises from the table.

"No time like the present, then. MAGGIE! GOT A JOB, YOU'RE IN CHARGE 'TIL I GET BACK!"
"Aye aye Boss!"

Tina shoulders the bag she brought down with her and gestures to the soldier.
"Lead the way, Kain."

2015-04-24, 01:57 PM
Adrien Gaffax, cleric of life

"Hold it right there, monster. Not one step closer!"

Holding firmly his holy symbol, Adrien commands confident. Raised sheltered from the world, he is too naive to appreciate how dangerous this situation can be. Or even to realize some foes have power beyond those granted to him by the gods. He feels young, courageous and invincible as he addresses the creature.

"There will be no showing of hands, nor anything else for that matter, before you release the townspeople from whatever charm you have cast, lest I shall smash you with my mace and your dead body will feed the worms and rekindle the circle of life."

The young cleric of life gestures profusely mimicking the violent portrait he believes himself capable of.

"And after the people are free of your foul incantations, you shall answer me: Are you a servant of evil or do you align yourself with the gods of good?"

The draconic words spill violently from the cleric's mouth. He's never been so thrilled before. In the secluded life inside Skywound Tower, he daydreamed about fighting evil with his bare hands.

If possible, Adrien will use a bonus action to expend a level 3 slot and cast Spiritual Weapon.
A ethereal floating mace appears right next to the creature.
It floats there with a readied attack, in case the monster takes any aggressive action.

2015-04-24, 05:01 PM
Lei smiles as the town comes into view. There may be passage here or there may now, at the very least, it may be an opportunity to do good.
And to sleep indoors.

She heads into town with a spring in her step

2015-04-24, 07:29 PM
Rhovorax "Paxan" Beerbelly

Rhovorax gives a hearty laugh and grabs for his ale, "Sure kid, why not. It's not like I've got much else to do anyway."

2015-04-25, 07:16 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"Do ya mean the Frozen Temple? Is that were Malgrim?" Namfudle's hands tremble in excitement. Are Malgrim and the Gjallarhorn finally going to be returned to the church? Was this another blessing from Hiemdall, a sign that he was worthy? Taking a few steps towards the bushes, Namfudle suddenly turned to look at Ara with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry 'bout that, Ara." Waving his hand for the elven woman to follow, he called out to the mysterious voice as he walked towards it. "Do ya mind if I bring a friend along?"

2015-04-26, 09:06 PM
The sun begins to set as you reach the Sprite Woods. You have a meeting with Nerit, Adrik and the royal Baron twins about what to do and the group decides it would be better to stop and rest outside of the woods and enter them in the morning.
You set up a watch cycle which begins with you and Porom. It is primarily uneventful until Adrik and Palom come to relieve you. As you lay down to rest, you begin to drift off to sleep and begin to hear a number of voices. Look!... I can't you are in the way!... I want to see!... Guys, what's going on?

Anna smiles, I feel fine.

Once you stop for the night, you lay down to sleep under the night sky along side everyone else. In the middle of the night you wake up with a weird feeling you just can't shake. After a few minutes you look around and notice that Anna is nowhere to be seen.

After two days of travel, Nero tells you that you are about halfway to the mountain.

You stop for a short rest and suddenly hear a man screaming for help.

Kain leads you to a ship where he signals the captain who then begins preparing to set sail. In the meantime Kain takes you down below deck where you enter what appears to be a war room. At the opposite side of the tables stands a man in full regal armor (including a cape) with his helmet on the table next to him. On the large table is a giant world map with markers spread throughout it. Kain sits down at the table and the man extends his hand out for you to shake. Hello, thank you for coming. My name is Golbez. He then sits and gestures for you to do the same.

The beast growls and ignores your spell. He takes another step toward you and says, I have done nothing to these town people. They have just never seen one of my kind. They understand I mean no harm. Clearly you have never faced one of my kind either based on the way you are behaving. He straightens up some and looks upon you with what appears to be disappointment. I align myself with no gods or labels such as good or evil but in this instance I sway more towards good. Now do not make me change my mind on that. Show me your hand before I leave and you never find your way to the land of the dragons.

As you enter the small town, you hear a man yelling from the center of town. We need to stop this foul creature! Give it what it wants and it will leave!

Chester downs another drink and slaps you on the shoulder. Now there's the spirit! We leave tomorrow as I've had a bit too much to drink and theirs talk of alcohol drawing owl bear attacks. Prepare yourself for the adventure of a life time and meet me here at sunrise tomorrow. He then downs one last drink before stumbling out of the tavern.

Ava comes to stand next to you saying, I would so dearly like to come as well. The voice seems to be calmer now but even less sure. Told to bring gnome... not her... but she can come... watch her close though... Malgrim not at temple... Temple take him new place... I show you As the creature emerges, he Ava clearly is surprised by his size. A huge one eyed beast emerges from the trees and bushes and has a big smile on his face. Malgrim call me Watcher. Good at watching. Watch over temple long time. Finally gnome come.

2015-04-26, 11:56 PM
Tina shakes the man's hand and takes a seat.

"Tina, but you already knew that. So, I get the impression we're on some kind of treasure hunt."

2015-04-27, 12:15 AM
Naeris puts on her coat and boots and looks around for whoever has the current watch shift. "Have you seen Anna?" She asks quietly, not wanting to wake the others. "She was lying near me when I went to sleep, but I can't see her anywhere now."

Irish Musician
2015-04-27, 08:29 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex has good conversation with the twins as they walk, along with Adrik, and they end up camping outside the forest. They talk for a bit over dinner and people wander off to bed. Drex takes first watch, as he often does, and is relieved a little bit later. And, of course, just as soon as his head hits the pillow and he starts to drift off to sleep.....he heats a commotion. He is immediately on his feet, shield and sword in hand, and is making his way in front of the crowd to the focus of all of this curiosity. "What is it? What is going on?" Drex, fortunately, doesn't need to wait for anyone to get out of his way. One: because people move out of his way anyway, and two: he is about a foot taller than almost everyone in the caravan.

2015-04-27, 02:52 PM

"I will go and see what that is," Rarg says, rising to his feet with a sigh. Quickly, he makes his way towards the source of the scream.

2015-04-27, 03:41 PM
Adrien Gaffax,, cleric of life

Very well, creature. Now that I know you do not lie, I will allow you to see my hand if it is of such paramount importance to you.
The cleric extends his hand, hoping not to have made a mistake in judgement.

2015-04-27, 06:36 PM
A frown crosses Lei's face and she grips her walking staff tightly before hurrying her pace towards the voices.

2015-04-28, 09:59 AM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle gave out a soft whistle as the creature revealed itself. "Your a biggin' ain'tcha? Well, it's nice to meetcha Watcher. And she..." He motioned towards the elven woman. "...is Ara. Thanks for showin' us the way."

2015-04-28, 09:17 PM
Golbez takes a seat. Treasure implies monetary riches. We are after something much more valuable. We seek to find power.

You discover that there appears to be no one there who is on guard duty. As you look around, wondering what may have happened to them, Rosa comes running into view. She collapses to the ground crying. She's gone. I don't know where. He is back. He cast a spell on me and then she was gone.

You learn a little about the twins' personalities as you talk to them. Palom has an bit of a snobby attitude and a quick temper. He is clearly a spoiled little prince and is very obsessed with his flying contraption. Porom is by far the mature one. She is calm and respectful and will be a perfect Queen one day if she takes the thrown.
As you leap up, you realize that the voices didn't belong to caravan members. In fact, unless you get too loud, none of them are even awake outside of the current watch who haven't noticed the situation yet. On the other hand though, your head is surrounded by a number of sprites who are currently looking quite fascinated as they surround you. He's awake. One of them whispers.

As you head through the woods, you see a man stumbling through the trees. He has several bottles of what would appear to be ale in his arms. He sees you and yells, You have to protect me! Behind him you notice two creatures following him. They are large like bears but with the faces of owls.

The creature steps forward until his face is inches from your hand. He blows a breath onto your hand and a symbol glows on your hand for a moment, fading before you can make anything of it. I have a test for you. The creature says.

As you reach the center of town, a man stands on a box yelling about giving the creature what it wants. A crowd of angry villagers stand around him looking clearly fed up with something. Several of them yell, Easy for you to say! You lose nothing! What about our kids!

Watcher nods. Nice to meet. He begins walking through through the snowy woods and eventually up a path leading into the mountains. As he walks he talks. Live there, he points to a spot near the top of a mountain where it appears to be nothing but a layer of ice. Behind ice there. Malgrim inside. Not inside. Not come out. Somewhere else.

2015-04-28, 11:06 PM
Seeing the camp unguarded, Naeris casts a spell, the air rippling as it hardens around her. Crackling energy leaps to life in her palm when she hears someone running, but she waves it away when she sees that it's Rosa. "I'll help find her if I can, Rosa," Naeris says, approaching the woman and looking back the way she came, "but I don't know what you mean. Who cast on you, and what sort of spell?"

Naeris casts an extended Mage Armour. Has she rested long enough to have regained her spells and sorcery points?

2015-04-28, 11:50 PM
"What kind? And why hire me to find it?"

2015-04-29, 12:16 AM

With a frown, Rarg moves forward, ready to intercept the chase. To the man, he asks, "why are they chasing you?"

How much does Rarg know about owlbears? Do I need to make a knowledge check?

2015-04-29, 08:24 AM
Lei slips into the crowd, hoping more information will be forthcoming. She makes a note pf the man who's protesting as well as the one on the box, intending to follow the former when he leaves to ask some questions

Irish Musician
2015-04-29, 08:53 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex stops and looks around his head. He looks at the funny little things and is in a sort of amazement. "Umm.....hi? What, uh, what do y'all want?" Drex stares at the sprites and is very curious as to where they came from....and why they are staring at him.

2015-04-29, 02:21 PM

Tell me, monster, what test is it? Why should I even try it and why would I ever help you?

2015-04-29, 04:23 PM
Rhovorax "Paxan" Beerbelly

Rhovorax signed as the half-orc stumbled out, What am I getting myself into he shook his head and motioned for the barkeep, "One last round before I start preparing to head out, if you don't mind." He waited for his drink, downed it in one gulp and trudged back to his room to pack and get a good nights rest.

2015-04-30, 01:12 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"So Malgrim's inside, but not inside. Hmmmm...let me try somthin'. I'll need a few minutes, if'ven that's ok." Namfudle dropped to the ground with a soft thud as he crossed his legs and closed his eyes as he began to chant in an arcane tongue. 10 minutes passed before the gnome so much as twitched, hopping to his feet as the ritual drew to a close. "Aaannndd there we go. I should be able to sense any magic that this place may be leakin' out. Everybody ready?" Namfudle started to quickly make his way to the patch of ice that Watcher indicated, unless somebody stopped him.

Casting Detect Magic as a ritual, if there is time.

2015-05-04, 10:10 PM
Rosa is visably shaking and panting heavily. The... the... Oni... he's back... I failed again... She is crying hysterically on her knees at this point.
I'll say so. Be recharged.

Golbez smirks. The kind that could change the course of histories. And you are one of the only ones able to retrieve what we seek. You have certain... traits that everyone else lacks. Excluding the people on the list I hope you have been given. He shoots a look at Kain who nods almost imperceptibly.

The man is hiding behind you, looking around you towards the owl bears. They want my drink. You notice that the man has some slurred speech.
Feel free to try and Arcana and/or Nature check.

The debate goes on with little new information arising until the man protesting says There has to be another way. We can't give up our children. The man on the box begins to walk away but turns back long enough to say So you'd risk all of your children to save your one? Nobody says a word. The man walks away and after a few moments, the crowd begins to dissipate.

The creatures swirl around you, examining you from every angle they can. Where is it? Where is it? I've found it! It's on the hand! Let me see! Oh your right! Look at this! Only one of them acknowledges what you said. She turns to you and says We felt you coming. You are one of the ones chosens right? The one who will save the woods?

Because you seek to meet your dragon. Because you are destined to. Because if you don't these people will die.

If there is anything you'd like to do specifically, let me know now. If not feel free to skip to what you would do the next morning when you wake up.

The other two remain quiet during and after your meditative ritual. After you perform your ritual, you see a faint glow of a magical aura coming from within the mountain of ice. As you get closer, the aura gets brighter and brighter. You finally see a small gap in the ice. Through that gap, the aura is blinding. In terms of detecting the school of magic, you find it near impossible. The level of magic coming from it could be any of them... or none of them... or even all of them... You are not able to look at the aura hard enough to narrow it down. It is painful to look at. Luckily, the spell is beginning to fade, making it easier to see.

2015-05-04, 10:37 PM
Seeing that she is not likely to get anything more out of Rosa, Naeris walks a safe distance from the camp, centres herself and slams her hands together, creating a deafening crack. She pauses a few moments, waiting for the others to wake and their ears to stop ringing, before saying, "My apologies for the rude awakening, but Anna has gone missing. Rosa has informed me that she was taken by an oni, who has apparently troubled you before. Can anyone tell me about him?"

Naeris casts thunderclap after moving more than five feet from the nearest person. I'm not sure which ability relates to knowing about oni so I'll roll them all.
Arcana: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Nature: [roll2]

2015-05-04, 10:45 PM
The clamor that began with you waking them stops immediately at the mention of the Oni. All faces are suddenly pale and sick. All eyes turn to Edward who stands. The Oni killed my wife.
The checks amount to the Oni being some type of monstrous giant who haunts the night and can disguise himself to appear as whomever it wishes.
I really love the way you handle things. This is one fascinating character.

2015-05-04, 11:04 PM
Naeris nods. "I see. My condolences. I recall from my studies that oni are masters of disguise; Edward, could you please ask a question of Rosa, in the interest of confirming her identity? Some small but private matter, that would not have come up should the creature have interrogated her."

Power crackles to life on Naeris' hands again, and she watches 'Rosa' carefully.

Naeris readies an action to cast Eldritch Blast on 'Rosa' should she turn out to not be as she appears.
Blast 1: [roll0]
Blast 1: [roll1]

2015-05-05, 06:06 AM
Kirsche tries to gain the attention of the vocal protestor

Irish Musician
2015-05-05, 09:01 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex is utterly confused. He just stares at what the little pixie says to him, "I....uhh.....what? Chosen? Me? No, no, you are mistaken. I'm just a merc trying to make a living. I'm not a chosen anything." He wonders what the little sprites are talking about, gently shaking his hand and trying to hide it from them, though not doing a very good job.

2015-05-05, 02:45 PM
Tina sighs.

"So, vague and cryptic it is, then. If you don't wanna be up front about everything, fine. I've stared demons in the eye and made them blink first, I'm not gonna be wowed or cowed by a little mystery. What's the pay?"

2015-05-05, 04:11 PM
Adrien Gaffax, cleric of life

Tell me all about this test. And tell me what name you go by, if "monster" is less than you feel entitled to.

Adrien relaxes the grip on his weapon and dismisses his ethereal mace. The anger in his eyes cease to burn as he feels humiliated. How could this creature know so much about him and speak so freely of his destiny? And how much more could the monster know? Would it know Adrien's most intimate thoughts and dreams? The young cleric feels violated and diminished before the mysteries the creature in front of him speaks so unceremoniously about.

2015-05-05, 08:55 PM
Rosa has slowly started to calm her panic attack. Edward raises an eyebrow as he turns to her and asks What were her last words?
Rosa swallows and another tear drops. Forgive yourself.
Edward turned back to you. It is her.
You realize everyone is preparing their weapons and armor.

You get his attention and he turns to face you.

The sprite in front of you turns her head and says No. You are. You are crystal bound. Your hand tells it all. The others have given up on your hand and are now rambling and swirling around you. He is the one who will save the woods. He will save us all. The Oni will be nothing next to him. He doesn't seem like much. Are you kidding? He's a dragon! The Oni will never terrorize our woods again.

Golbez laughs. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Maybe once you've retrieved the first one. The pay, if you succeed, is the Throne of Barron.

You may call me Abunsur. Abunsur takes a step back and seems much more calm.As for the test, find the other bound ones. Then open the portal. He begins to turn to leave.

2015-05-05, 09:43 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle let out a quick yelp of pain as he quickly covered his eyes from the blinding magic aura. He'd never seen anything like this before, magic so powerful that it both fit and didn't fit in with any of the schools of magic. As his mystical senses began to dull, he made his way back to the others as he stroked his beard in thought. "Wow, I've never seen anythin' like that before. No wonder nobody could find Malgrim or the Gjallarhorn. Nearly blinded myself just lookin' at a crack in the ice. It probably ain't a walk'in the woods in there, but if'even your both willin' I'm ready to go inside."

2015-05-05, 10:22 PM
Naeris dismisses her spell. "That's good to know. My apologies for the suspicion, Rosa. Edward, do you have a plan to find the oni?"

2015-05-06, 12:22 PM
Lei bows politely, before unfurling the scroll so the man can see it
"Pardon me, but may I ask what that was about? I'd like to help if possible"

2015-05-06, 01:46 PM
Okay, THAT was actually surprising. It took Tina a few moments to respond. The things she could do with that kind of power and resources...

"That's... pretty good pay. Okay, I'm in. Where do we start?"

2015-05-06, 06:36 PM
Adrien Gaffax

Stunned by the diminutive and vague instructions, Adrien doesn't realize the monster is done talking. When it hits him that Abunsur is actually leaving, the cleric motions to open his mouth and say something but remains paralysed. Saying anything at all would be good, there's so many questions in his head at the same moment, but he can't even decide how to start, so Adrien ends up watching the monster walk away.

If there's still a crow of people around or near him, Adrien will tend to the people seeing if anybody is hurt, sick, or in need of any sort of help. He speaks to every one in draconic first and only when confronted by frowns or confused expressions, he remembers to speak in the common tongue.

If possible, Adrien would remain in the village of Song for the following few weeks, laying in his rented bed for as long has his purse allows and pondering the mystery of this weird encounter. How could he find the others? Where might them be? What is the portal and where is it?

Here's a few intelligence checks if any is in order:

Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
History: [roll2]

He will also walk around town every now and then and talk to people asking about Abunsur, if that creature had been here before, what had happened then, etc..

Investigation: [roll3]
Perception: [roll4]

Irish Musician
2015-05-07, 03:36 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex's right eyebrow, if he had one anyway, is raised and he looks quite confused. "Look, I don't know what you all are talking about, but I am just a mere mercenary trying to live in this crazy world. I am no...what was it? Dragon? Aren't those things mothers tell their children about so that they will eat their veggies? And what the hell is an Oni?" Drex is being a pretty good sport about all this, but he is tired and cranky from the day's journey and almost being crashed into and would really like some sleep. "Look if I can help you once I am done here, and you are paying, I will. Otherwise, I need me some sleep."

2015-05-07, 09:39 PM
The two both agree to go inside with you, though Watcher seems a little less sure. They leave it up to you to figure out how to proceed. Ladies first? Are you taking charge? Is the Watcher in charge of leading because he is the most familiar with the place?

Edward stops preparing for a moment. After a few moments he switches attitudes to what can only be described as a natural leader. Double the watch with an extra party patrolling the woods for any sign of Anna or the Oni. I don't think he will hurt her but lets not waste time. Everyone needs to make sure they get enough rest. Finding him means nothing if we are all too exhausted to take him on. Locke, can you lead a team and go ahead to Baron? See if my father has finished his project. If so, bring it back here. The man nods and Edward glances to you. Also, bring back the Tapestry. We still owe Naeris, unless she would feel better accompanying you?

The man looks at you confused for a moment but decides to read the scroll. He motions for you to follow him and leads you the edge of tan where you see a statue of a man standing heroically with his sword drawn, ready to attack. You don't seem like a talker so I'll start. About a month ago, we got a visit from a strange woman with snakes for hair. She came and wreaked havoc on the town. This here, he pats the statue, was our greatest hero. He decided to take on the witch and in less than a minute, this was his fate. Last night she comes back and demands one child from each family by the next time she returns or she will make us pay. The man on the box thinks we should give them to her.

Golbez and Kain both chuckle. We are going to stop by a small village nearby. We've already sent one agent there. They should be about to recruit another to our cause.

Two days after the appearance of Abunsur you find an old man who may provide clues. He is in the town library. When you ask him about the creature he says, The Sphinx? I have no idea anything about him. But the symbol on your hand... I might know something about that. He begins searching the shelves for a book of some sort.

The sprites laugh and literally begin to dance around your head. Sleep little dragon. You'll save the day. Get your rest tonight and then make the Oni pay.

2015-05-07, 10:17 PM
"I will stay and help if I can. I would volunteer to join the patrol but my woodcraft is not good; if you will be sneaking about then I would not wish to give you away," Naeris says.

2015-05-08, 01:09 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"Watcher, do ya mind leading us through here? Ya know the place better'n we do. But don't worry, we're right beside ya if anythin' happens."

2015-05-08, 04:14 PM
Adrien Gaffax

Thank you for helping me, sir.. Is there any way I could repay you for your time and trouble?

2015-05-08, 08:44 PM
"That's awful" replies Lei using the scroll "does anyone know how she did it? or when she's coming back?"

2015-05-10, 09:23 PM
Edward nods and says There is no need to sneak. The Oni will not hide. Not from me. He then begins to organize the groups. He splits everyone up and then says Naeris, are you fine with sticking with me and Rosa?

The Cyclops seems to be a tad bit nervous. Once inside, he gasps and yells Horseys. He runs forward. As you follow, you see Watcher running towards a small group of creatures that look like a cross between a horse and an eagle.

The man laughs. I've not done anything yet m'boy. Let's see if I can find it first. Here, I think this is it. He shows you a picture in a book of a sketch of an odd symbol and you realize that it is the same symbol you saw on your hand.

No. We only know where she said to send the children.

Irish Musician
2015-05-10, 10:45 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex gave the pixies a very, very odd look and started to lay back down, "Yeah...ummm, whatever. Look I'm going to get some shut-eye. And then we can figure this whole weird situation out in the morning." Drex lays down and closes his eyes, thinking to himself, I must be dreaming....this is too weird....

2015-05-10, 10:51 PM
Naeris nods. "By all means, lead the way."

2015-05-12, 09:54 AM
Lei struggles inwardly, doubts and reasoning flickerign across the scroll in red before she comes to a conclusion and her face hardens

"Tell me where please"

2015-05-12, 02:36 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Hey, hold up Watcher! Running after the cyclops, Namfudle tried to get the giant's attention before he got to the creatures.

If I can, here is a Nature check to see if Namfudle knows anything about the "horseys"
Nature: [roll0]

2015-05-16, 08:45 AM
Golbez excuses himself and Kain begins to brief you. Here is what you need to know. Your target is Ling Lei. She is a human monk of the Ben Shui. As far as we can tell she seeks to do good. Currently we have been tracking her path toward a small village where we have sent one our agents to help motivate her. She will be more than willing to accompany you. Just let her know you are headed to the shrine of Harmony. I will be at the docks of the town if you anything. Try not to need anything.
After Kain finishes giving you a little bit of background on your first recruit, Golbez returns and announces that they have arrived at their destination.

As you drift off to sleep, you do manage to realize you are dreaming. Your sight is foggy but sound is clear. You are in a dark hallway with a bright light down at the end. You here voices behind you. One of them yells, Run Drex! Get the crystal! We will hold them off the best we can. You are the only one who can help us!

Once everyone is ready to do their scounting and those who need it are trying to get some more sleep, you split up. Edward turns to Rosa, Can you show us where the Oni came to you? As Rosa leads the way, you notice she has completely changed attitudes. She is now confident and serious and intent on her purpose. She walks ahead of you and Edward without talking or looking back. Edward turns to you and says low enough so Rosa can't hear. This must be hard for her. She was with my wife when the Oni came the first time. She never forgave herself for not being able to save her. Now with Anna... Anna will be fine. Oni's don't hurt children... He must be after something else... But I'm worried about Rosa...

The man nods. The Shrine of Harmony is what they call it. Somewhere deep in the Senka mountains.

Watcher stops and turns toward you looking very confused. Yes?
You know the creatures to be called a Hippogriff. They likely pose little threat to your group, if Ava can hold her own at all. You would not want to anger the heard however. They are not overly aligned towards law or chaos or good or evil. As long as you are not perceived as hostile, it should be somewhat safe to approach them if done slowly. Anything specific you were looking for?

2015-05-16, 02:26 PM
"...a monster left a mountain range, crossed a sea, and walked halfway across a continent to demand deliver your children to the place it just left?" Lei scrolls
"to a semi-mythical shrine no less"
"aww man, I just came from there"

2015-05-16, 06:42 PM
Naeris nods. "What do you think he's after? What was he after last time?"

2015-05-17, 05:18 AM
Tina nods and double-checks her gear.

"So am I supposed to just run into her on the road? And should I be clear about who I'm working for or subtle?"

2015-05-18, 01:47 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)

"We gotta be careful if'ven we approach 'em. If we all up and ran at 'em, it could scare 'em." Namfudle demonstrates as he slowly starts moving towards the Hippogriffs, one hand raised in a non-threatening manner.

No, general info is fine. Just wanted to make sure of what they were.
And just in case you need it,
Animal Handling not to get mauled to death: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2015-05-19, 08:39 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex nods his head back to the people behind him, Gotta help them, gotta save them, he thinks. He raises his shield up and runs down the tunnel, sword at the ready to swing at anything that gets in his way. Ready to mow down anything stupid enough to try and stop him.

2015-05-19, 09:54 PM
The man looks a little skeptical of you and everything that appears. I don't know what the creature has done other than turn our greatest hero to stone and demand us to send away our children.

Edward stares off into the distance. We aren't sure. We think maybe he is seeking some type of vengeance on my family. He has terrorized my sister, killed my wife, and now taken my daughter.

Golbez and Kain exchange a thoughtful look before Golbez decides. Subtle. Most importantly, do not let her know an agent has already visited the village.

For the most part the hippogriffs ignore you. Some as your group get close nuzzle up when pet and others act as if you aren't even touching them. Once sure that the danger is gone, you realize a dull burning on the back of your hand.

As you race toward the light, you feel a burning on the back of your hand that feels increasingly stronger until you suddenly wake in pain. But the moment you are awake the pain is gone but you do hear the rustling of leaves.

2015-05-20, 01:55 AM
Naeris nods. "I see." She looks around at their surroundings.

2015-05-20, 04:15 AM
Lei looks apologetic
"Apologies, I did not mean to speak in frustration. I will set out tomorrow to see if something may be done about this monster. Could you perhaps direct me to an inn?"

2015-05-20, 11:48 AM
Tina nods.

"I can do subtle. So I find this gal and travel with her to the Shrine of Harmony. Then what? And why are we heading there? The more information I have the more convincing my story will be."

Irish Musician
2015-05-20, 01:11 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex's eyes open up immediately and he rubs his hand. "This night is turning out to bereally weird." The bushes rustle and he looks in that direction. He lets out a large sigh, Now what?, he thinks to himself. He stands up and readies himself, "If there is something hostile in the bushes, come on out and get it over with. I'm too tired for this sneaking around bull****!"

2015-05-21, 04:58 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
"See, if ya nice to 'em, their nice tOW!" As the dull burning sensation spread across his hand, Namfudle tried shake the feeling off his hand before bringing it back to find the source.

2015-05-22, 09:07 PM
There is no sign of the Oni himself as you walk until you reach the spot where Rosa begins to shake and says, here. You are in a clearing with a large stone in the center. On the stone you notice read. As you get a little closer you realize that the red is some type of liquid that has been used to draw a symbol. You immediately notice the following things. 1) Rosa falls to her knees as she nears the stone and stares directly at it, beginning to tear up. 2) Edward gasps. 3) The symbol on the stone matches the one carved on your badge. 4) The red liquid is blood.

The man gives you good instructions toward and end and tells you to make sure you check under the bed before you go to sleep. Sometimes the inn keeper's wolf finds its way into rooms to nap under beds, he explains. If you don't stop him, he thanks you and begins to walk away.

Kain nods. Our agent has given more than adequate reason for her to go to the Shrine. You must take her because only she can find and obtain the object we seek. As far as she knows, you are accompanying her because you too want to save the town from the monster that wants the children and turns people to stone. After you find the object, bring it back to us. Once you have secured it, how you handle Ling is your decision. It matters little to us what happens to her at that point.

Rather than seeing a creature emerge from the bushes, you see nothing. You actually realize that the sound is coming from above. When you look up you notice the twins... hanging from a tree by a rope tied around their ankles. They are unconscious and bound.

The burning doesn't stop but there is now a symbol glowing on the back of your hand. As you move your hand, the direction the symbol points moves. ((A good comparison if that didn't make sense is a compass.)) The burn is very light but the symbol on your hand does emit a light of its own. Your two companions stand silent and staring at you.

2015-05-23, 12:09 AM
Naeris frowns, tapping her badge as she looks uneasily at the symbol. "You mentioned before that oni do not harm children. Should we assume then that the blood is the oni's, or a third persons?"

2015-05-23, 02:53 AM
"Monster turning kids to stone is bad," says Tina.

"Honestly, the best plan would be to help her deal with that. Minimizes her motivation to come after us if I have to ditch her and steal the macguffin."

Irish Musician
2015-05-23, 08:27 AM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Seeing the tied up kids, Drex immediately sounds the alarm, "GET UP!! GET UP!!! ALL OF YOU!!!! Something is here to attack us!" Drex continues to yell out to the encampment and starts his search to find out what tied up the twins, tell others to help get them down safely.

2015-05-24, 08:58 AM
Edward's countenance has turned most grim. I am not sure. This is the first time that he has seemed so lost. But after a few seconds, his face lightens just a little. But at least now I know where my daughter is.

Kain nods. That is why we set it up the way we did. Also, take this. He hands you a ring with strange symbols carved into it. It seems to be another languages you have never seen. Give it to her. Tell her legend has it that it will help her find the shrine. You must be sure of two things. Do not put it on yourself until we instruct you to do so and make sure you get it back before you ditch her. Don't worry. It won't hurt her.

People get to there feet in ranges including everything from half asleep stumbling to immediate alertness and readiness for action. You hear a voice above you. It's no use. He's gone. It was the Oni. At first you don't know who is speaking because neither of the twins in conscious. Then you notice that tied up with them are a number of tiny creatures... the sprites from earlier in the night.

2015-05-24, 10:20 AM
Lei bows in thanks, rolls up the scroll and heads to the inn

2015-05-24, 11:16 PM
Naeris looks from the symbol to Edward and back, looking more closely. "It's a message? The positioning of the symbol on the stone, perhaps?"

Irish Musician
2015-05-25, 02:41 PM
Predexadjin Drex (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=134067), Dragonborn Fighter
Drex's brow furrows and he starts the task of getting down the twins and helps the pixies down. He directs the caravan to burn some extra fires and keep an even watch for the rest of the night throughout the camp, until they are able to leave in the morning. He does his best to get as much sleep as he is able, while still keeping himself alert to what is going on. He designates Adrik to be in charge while he does sleep.

2015-05-26, 08:23 PM
Namfudle "Fareye" Nackle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=133222)
Namfudle studied the glowing symbol on his hand with no small amount of curiosity, making note of its compass like movements. "Well, it seems to be pointin' us towards somethin'. Maybe towards Malgrim and the Gjallarhorn." The gnome wizard signaled his friends to follow as he slowly moved in the direction that the 'compass' was pointing.