View Full Version : Pathfinder Campaign advice

2015-04-10, 01:46 AM
I've been running a Pathfinder game for a while now and I have a rather complex plot situation coming up and I'd like some advice on how best to set it up so that the players are most likely to encounter all the pieces of this puzzle.


The Hooger clan was always a particularly unpleasant and dangerous clan of ogres, but when their patriarch, Pappy Hooger, fell to ghoul fever they became much worse. Pappy reasoned that the Hoogers could be the most powerful clan of ogres ever if they commanded the powers of the undeath. So his Eldest daughter took control of the clan and the eldest of her kin became ghouls. Eventually such a powerful and ambitious clan gained the noticed of an ogre mage named Krolin-Kal. Bruhiga knew that Krolin-Kal would produce powerful offspring for the clan and offered to share the clans leadership with him. This was a mistake however, as Kroiln-Kal did not approve of Pappy and Bruhiga's plan to turn most of the clan into ghouls, and he magically bound Pappy to a chair and sealed the ogre ghouls in the cellar of the Hooger House. Even though Bruhiga was powerful witch in her own right, she could not overcome Krolin-Kal and his magic.

Until one day while out, Krolin-Kal found himself surprised by a sudden attack from another powerful creature. Hrath-gor, a half dragon ogre and wielder of Mythical powers. Caught by surprise he had little chance and was quickly dispatched. Overjoyed, Bruhiga offered Hrath-gor riches and power beyond imagining if he would help her free Pappy and her ghoulish sons and carry on as her new mate. To this Hrath-gor has agreed.

To this end Bruhiga has enlisted her fellow witches from her coven. The Hag sisters, Aunty Grinn and Aunty Muriel, as well as Muriel’s Changeling daughter, Marybeth, and the Coven's leader, the powerful annis hag, Granny Thorne. All of which approve and are excited about the destructuin the Hooger's plan will cause.

In addition, the Hoogers have allies in the nearby human town. Mayor Brandt of the nearby town of Stoneplow hides evidence of the Hooger's raids, making people believe that simple raiders are responsible for attacks on caravans and suppressing talk of horrors in the woods, in exchange for pick of the loot. Mayor Brandt is a powerful fighter and is unaware of the Hooger's plans. He thinks he has little to fear from them as he is a match for an individual ogre.

Also unbeknownst to the mayor, a contingent of soldiers were headed north to deal with what they think are a small but bold band of bandits, but were delayed by the destruction Hrath-gor caused in the heroes home town. Now the heroes are headed to Stoneplow to aid the citizens there until the soldiers arrive. They have also tracked Hrath-gor in this direction and seek to destroy the monster once and for all.

Several of the players are ones I've never really DM'd for and one is entirely new to tabletop roleplaying in general. So I have trouble predicting what they might do and where they might go and in what order. (My old group I had this down pretty good)

So far I'm going to have them arrive in town where they will likely notice that everyone isn't exactly friendly. they will probaly head to the inn where they will encounter the Mayor (he owns the only inn in town and it is staffed and frequently patroned by many of his cronies) They will also encounter Mary Beth in town as she sells her Aunty's meat pies to travelers there.

Later they will be approacehed by a quiet woman who askes them to find her missing child. She also tells them that many people are missing but most townfolk won't talk about it. If pressed, she says the Mayor forbids talk about the disappearances to keep from scaring traders. (If the Mayor is asked about this he scowls and says he is looking into these things but doesn't want the town in an uproar, "It's easy to get lost in the woods here the guard will find them so there is no need to worry".

When the Heroes leave town they encounter a grizzly scene of a destroyed caravan and Mary Beth weeping over the carnage. When they approach she begs them to help her get to her Aunty's house in the woods. She then leads them to Aunty Muriel's house. Eventually Mary Beth will leave and the party will be attacked by Muriel who is a green hag. I'm not Really sure where to go from there.

Any advice on that or advice on what I have so far?

Also I'm sure people can guess what Aunty Muriel's meat pies are made from and Granny Thorne will be the one who has the quiet woman's child. I expect hunting down and destroying Granny Thorn to be the end of this particular chapter. I'm very much going for a Texas Chainsaw massacre feel with this particular adventure although I'm not sure if any of the Hooger's will be a Leatherface analogue.

2015-04-10, 10:03 AM
The three clue rule (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/1118/roleplaying-games/three-clue-rule)

This is definitely worth a read for any campaign, especially one where the players need to solve a mystery.

2015-04-10, 10:25 AM
Honestly you seem like you have a decent chunk of a session here, on top of this you have everyone's motives and plans all ready to go, just let the PCs in with their +5 Plotbane Monkeywrenches and react accordingly.

2015-04-10, 02:59 PM
The three clue rule (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/1118/roleplaying-games/three-clue-rule)

This is definitely worth a read for any campaign, especially one where the players need to solve a mystery.

Thanks that is a really helpful read there.

Honestly you seem like you have a decent chunk of a session here, on top of this you have everyone's motives and plans all ready to go, just let the PCs in with their +5 Plotbane Monkeywrenches and react accordingly.
Kind of my plan. Just using you guys as a sounding board since my wife is playing in the game so I can't sound off of her. Mostly I'm trying to simplify ideas so it doesn't get to bogged down.