View Full Version : Morrowind Karstaag - HELP!!!

2007-04-14, 09:33 AM
Eek!! Just started playing Morrowing a couple of days ago, and all of a sudden I'm being attacked by some kind of an Assassin... He runs faster than me, I have only one Scroll of Icarian Flight Left and relatively low health (can't rest cos he'll get me) people in the town's don't help out, I'm down to 5 gold, most of my one-handed weapons are broken (so no shield unless I use a dagger), I have no magic of any kind (I'm a combat based custom class Nord)... what the boop do I do!?! help! cheers...

2007-04-14, 10:24 AM
Hmm... my best guess is that you have the Tribunal expantion installed, correct? It triggers a series of assasination attempts on you - the assasin appeared and attacked right after you rested, yes? but from what I've found, the atackers are usually adjusted to your level. A melee character should have no trouble whatsoever killing the first assasin, even at level 1.

Well, if you can't beat him, a solution would be to start the game over (it's not like you're losing much) but disable the Tribunal expantion beforehand - you can do that from the level of the Autoplay options menu before starting the game.

2007-04-14, 10:40 AM
cheers... I managed to get away from him by sneaking around Seyda Neen for a while... haven't seen him since... yeah, I got the expansion... well its the Xbox version so it automatically has the expansion in it... and yeah, he showed up just after I rested...

I think I have a slight vulnerability to fire, and thats what he attacks me with... so thats probably why he kills me, I can still deal a fair amount of damage though... I don't want to start over again, as to me I feel I would be losing a fair bit... cheers anyway... I'll go back and beat on him later... I think he's still standing next to the Stilt Strider...

2007-04-14, 11:03 AM
The assassins only appear while you rest. Given that you usually rest when you're low on health/mana this can be a real pain. The first one shouldn't be too tough but honestly I just load up the autosave (make sure its set so that it saves when you go to rest) rather than deal with these things.

Talk to any guard about it and he'll point you to the rest of the quest. But until you sort out Tribunal (probably after you finish the main quest) you'll be plagued by these assassins.

2007-04-14, 11:13 AM
Honestly... I don't think I've come across the Main Quest yet... I've just been wandering around, killing things that attack (and sometimes don't) attack me... and spent a large portion of time stumbling around in Solstheim... I'm not very good with the whole 'go talk to people' thing...

2007-04-14, 11:28 AM
I never really had too much of a problem with them... granted, you should stock up on health potions beforehand (steal them from somewhere if you can't buy them, or steal money then buy, or steal stuff to sell then buy, or find random ingredients to sell then buy etc etc.) but once you do kill them, especially at low levels, the money you will make will pay off any expenses you spent on killing the blighter.

Plus, with the light armour skill, their armour is awesome at low level. Loasted me until I aquired my suit of glass.

Alternitavley (spelt wrong but I'm tired): Go speak to Apelles Matius in Ebonheart, and they should stop.

2007-04-14, 12:29 PM
Alternitavley (spelt wrong but I'm tired): Go speak to Apelles Matius in Ebonheart, and they should stop.

They won't. I don't think they do unless you actually teleport over to the capitol and start pursuing the missions there.

Which I really wouldn't recommend until you're level 20 or so, at least. Death by stabbing isn't pleasant.

Samurai General
2007-04-14, 12:36 PM
Go to Balmora.Find the tower nerest to the Pawnbroker. Take the Silver Claymore on the dresser.:smalltongue:

2007-04-14, 02:07 PM
If you are low leveled, there is really nothing you can do about them, because when you are that weak they are strong. If they come (hopefully you have autosave) just reload it (what Om also said).

In the event you actually kill them, their armor is light. Take it, and you could look cool and ninja-like! :biggrin:

2007-04-14, 04:50 PM
Heh. out in Morrowind there are at least 3 shopkeepers wearing that assasin armor by now. :smallamused: Sometimes I forget who they are and scare myself going into their shop.

2007-04-14, 08:51 PM
Just broke out my copy of The Morrowind Prophecies in order to save the day. Says here.......since you're on the xbox version and not the moddy crazy PC contraption, all you need to do is report the attack to a guard and they'll stop coming.

IIRC it worked for me then I kept myself ovvupied with the regular main quest. You dont even have to go to Mournhold untill you're ready after you stop the attacks.

EDIT: I used that armor in my "Bosmer Ninja" build. Just get some glass pauldrons and greaves, fill the rest with Dark Brotherhood gear, enchant the helmet with "Nightvision" (I mean come on, its already got the cool red-glowy effect anyway.) max out your acrobatics and marksman---and you have a very kickass ninja. Nothing beats the feeling of literaly leaping from rooftop to rooftop in all black...

2007-04-15, 07:33 AM
1. Stop playing Morrowind.
2. Go to local fine electronics retailer.
3. Buy Oblivion.
4. Play Oblivion.

Assassin problem solved!

2007-04-15, 07:40 AM
1. Stop playing Morrowind.
2. Go to local fine electronics retailer.
3. Buy Oblivion.
4. Play Oblivion.

Assassin problem solved!

That's not the right way to solve the problem. What if he doesn't want to play Oblivion? What if he doesn't have the money? And maybe he wants to travel around the chilly land of Solstheim, explore the vast city of Mournhold, or check out the vast geography of Vvardenfell...

2007-04-15, 07:55 AM
And maybe he wants to travel around the chilly land of Solstheim, explore the vast city of Mournhold, or check out the vast geography of Vvardenfell...

Tch, poor soul. Truly a loss.

2007-04-15, 08:08 AM
explore the vast city of Mournhold

I wouldn't call it vast exactly. Not after Vivek and its "we'll make you run for 10 minutes across these damned bridges on a simple delivery quest" layout :smallyuk:

2007-04-15, 08:15 AM
Tch, poor soul. Truly a loss.

Hmm...I guess I am a poor soul for thinking Mournhold was large...

My mistake.

2007-04-15, 08:25 AM
1. Stop playing Morrowind.
2. Go to local fine electronics retailer.
3. Buy a real RPG.
4. Play said real RPG.Fixed it for you :smallwink:

2007-04-15, 08:59 AM
Fixed it for you :smallwink:

Ah! Thanks Om. <3.

2007-04-15, 11:08 AM
Dib; do you still have your Touch? It's one of the Nordic racial abilities, deals a good bit of damage on touch as if it were a spell, usable once per time you rest.

Samurai General
2007-04-15, 08:37 PM
I like Morrowind. I play it all the time.


2007-04-16, 08:21 AM
Yeah I still have StormFist, but it doesn;t damage the Assassin enough... and now that all 5 (or so) of my weapons are broken and I have only 1 gold piece left and nowhere to go where I can pilfer more gold, and a really crappy Hand-to-hand level and the assassin is now after me again it doesn't really matter...

I think I'll just start again and go with TheOtherMC's advice and make a Ninja style character...

And I have Oblivion on PC, but not really want to play it as the creatures keep up with you in level... the whole point is you can leevl up so those buggers can't kill you easily, but when they're keeping up as well... it kinda takes the fun out of it...

cheers all :D

2007-04-16, 10:32 AM
Yeah I still have StormFist, but it doesn;t damage the Assassin enough... and now that all 5 (or so) of my weapons are broken and I have only 1 gold piece left and nowhere to go where I can pilfer more gold, and a really crappy Hand-to-hand level and the assassin is now after me again it doesn't really matter...

I think I'll just start again and go with TheOtherMC's advice and make a Ninja style character...

And I have Oblivion on PC, but not really want to play it as the creatures keep up with you in level... the whole point is you can leevl up so those buggers can't kill you easily, but when they're keeping up as well... it kinda takes the fun out of it...

cheers all :D

Nononononono! All is not yet lost!

Go to Balmora, go to East Guard tower, go to very top, find blind spot, grab sword of white woe. Sleep. Pwn Assassin. :smalltongue:

Unless, yaknow, you want to start a new character. Then go ahead.:smallbiggrin:

2007-04-16, 11:03 AM
And I have Oblivion on PC, but not really want to play it as the creatures keep up with you in level... the whole point is you can leevl up so those buggers can't kill you easily, but when they're keeping up as well... it kinda takes the fun out of it...

Mod mod mod mod mod.

Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul gets rid of the 'bandits with glass armour and enchanted weapons' thingamabob- as well as other niggles, AND adds a lot of other cool stuff, I.E. more cool weapons and armour.

But anyway, off topic. You shouldn't give up with the assassin thing. I was playing a Warrior, rested in the Mages Guild, rest. BAM! Assassin appears. Hack hack hack dead.

If you're playing a mage type character, try and get some paralysing spells and then blow him sky high with fireballs.

If you're playing a sneaky character, RUN. I simply couldn't handle them.

If it's all just too painful, simply uncheck 'Tribunal' in your Autorun, as mentioned above. Play. Enjoy.

2007-04-16, 11:24 AM
If it's all just too painful, simply uncheck 'Tribunal' in your Autorun, as mentioned above. Play. Enjoy.

Again, I think he said he was on the Xbox GOTY version. (The only one I've played) so there is no acutaly "Autorun" Tribunal is just built in. But again, being on the xbox means all he has to do is survive the attack and then report it to stop them all together.

2007-04-16, 11:27 AM
Well if it's the weapons that are a problem, any guard tower in Balmora has a weapon rack - just make sure none of the guards inside have line of sight on you.

2007-04-16, 11:31 AM
Well of course theres one key item in my build that the guard tower doesnt stock.........SHURIKEN! LOTS AND LOTS OF SHURIKEN!!!! MUAHAHA!

ok im done...

2007-04-16, 02:42 PM
Again, I think he said he was on the Xbox GOTY version. (The only one I've played) so there is no acutaly "Autorun" Tribunal is just built in. But again, being on the xbox means all he has to do is survive the attack and then report it to stop them all together.

My bad, I'm sorry. I have an aversion to reading the important things. :smallwink:

2007-04-16, 02:59 PM
Its cool...... :P

2007-04-16, 03:37 PM
I love morrowind, i have completed the main game, tribunal and blood moon, / end boast.

and you can do the main quest when ever you want and you can do tribunal fisrt ( i did ) and the main tribunal quest starts by talking to a guard after killing an assasin

feel free to PM me if you want specifics about where to go etc .. my mind is a little fuzzy i have not played in a while, but i can try :)

and yes the attacks will stop after you report it, but it being on Xbox (i was too) you have to kill him, which could be tricky, also if you amnage too the armour you get is really sweet for first lvl .. although its light armour .. and you are a Nord ...

and oblivion is awesome, but if you haven't got a 360 , you need an amazing computer ... so its kinda not worth it, and its short, and easy.

2007-04-16, 04:49 PM
Personally, I'd like Oblivion to work on my computer just because the sneaking/thieving is so much better than on Morrowind. I actually have the game, but my graphics card isn'ty good enough, and the replacement I bought won't fit on my motherboard despite Dell assuring me it would... stupid Dell idiots.

2007-04-17, 09:28 AM
you make an accute point, the sneaking and theivery are far better on oblivion than on morrowin, i am considering getting it for my 360, i played it on my Grandma's PC before i had my 360 (my Gran is a gamer too ... how sweet is that? )

2007-04-17, 08:50 PM
Personally, I'd like Oblivion to work on my computer just because the sneaking/thieving is so much better than on Morrowind. I actually have the game, but my graphics card isn'ty good enough, and the replacement I bought won't fit on my motherboard despite Dell assuring me it would... stupid Dell idiots.

Well there's your mistake... buying or listening to, anyone remotely related to Dell... :smalltongue:

But in response to the original question here... dude, this really shouldnt be that hard. First of all: "I have no weapons" or "cant find gold" just doesnt fly in Morrowind (or Oblivion for that matter). There's junk laying ALL over the place, pick it up.. sell it.. rinse, repeat. and thats without even being creative. You dont lack gold, you lack time and/or patience. Go on a robbing spree... you'll feel better.
Once you have some scratch, go to the nearest friendly armorer and get your gear fixed... go swipe yourself a good sword too... NE guard tower in Balmora (as already stated) holds the ever so sweet Sword of White Woe (it can last ya til endgame, trust me... if your having trouble sneaking by the guard, just yoink it and run to the thieves guild to pay off your bounty, cheap but effective). Now with fresh gear and good sword, go whomp that annoying wannabe assassin. (and dont forget to strip him! sell or wear the proceeds)

and for the record... I did the mournhold quests at level 12 and didnt have too hard of a time... avoid gaynor(?) though til later.. thats one tough bosmer.

2007-04-17, 09:55 PM
and for the record... I did the mournhold quests at level 12 and didnt have too hard of a time... avoid gaynor(?) though til later.. thats one tough bosmer.

He better be consider how much freakin' money I gave him...

2007-04-18, 08:09 PM
He better be consider how much freakin' money I gave him...

I know right? since when should you have to pay someone to get your butt whomped... took me forever to get the proper gear to take him on. full set of ebony armor was worth it though!

2007-04-18, 08:31 PM
Getting one of those swords enchanted with Paralysis makes the game way too easy. Stab them, switch to a two-hander, and whack away. I can take on things I have no business fighting yet.

2007-04-18, 09:00 PM
i whipped his butt, mainly cause he attacks when you rest in wilderness, and i don't do that very much. so i'm ready for his butt when he shows up. my suggestion is just to know that he's there and prepare.

2007-04-18, 09:55 PM
i whipped his butt, mainly cause he attacks when you rest in wilderness, and i don't do that very much. so i'm ready for his butt when he shows up. my suggestion is just to know that he's there and prepare.

He attacks indoors too... all the darn time it seems... til you travel to mournhold... the mournhold quest aint that bad though.. its a lot of fetching and investigating mostly....

I never had a problem with em though, i liked em around.. their gear fetched a pretty price...

oh, and the parlaysis weapon effect was indeed too uber... i noticed they tweaked it in oblivion for that reason... (I only do that if i really want to get into an area of morrowind early in the game, otherwise i go legit)

2007-04-28, 10:25 AM
Yay! :biggrin: cheers for all the help guys, I managed to kill him with my new character... Star Curse is definately my favourite thing to use now...

but... there's one more problem... I'm in the Ancestral Tomb at the Fields of Kummu and I'm over-encumbered... and not in the normal way... I just killed some bonewalkers (one of em was a greater one) and my strength and endurance have gone down to 0 for no reason... I'm not diseased or anything... I just have no strength or endurance... any advice?

2007-04-28, 11:07 AM
I think that's a spell/ability of theirs. Unless you have some restoration spells/scrolls/potion... um... try resting? I dunno. I've never been down to 0 on strength.

2007-04-28, 11:11 AM
but... there's one more problem... I'm in the Ancestral Tomb at the Fields of Kummu and I'm over-encumbered... and not in the normal way... I just killed some bonewalkers (one of em was a greater one) and my strength and endurance have gone down to 0 for no reason... I'm not diseased or anything... I just have no strength or endurance... any advice?
They have a naughty spell that deals Strength/Endurance damage. You'll need some potions/spell of restore [stat]. Pretty sure some of the altars can heal ya up too, don't remember which option that would be though.

2007-04-28, 11:15 AM
Cheers guys... I can't rest because I keep getting told that 'There are enemies nearby' and I can't leave due to being 'Over-encumbered'... pfft... looks like I'm gonna have to go back to the save point from before I went in... oh well... cheers again :smile:

2007-04-28, 11:17 AM
Cheers guys... I can't rest because I keep getting told that 'There are enemies nearby' and I can't leave due to being 'Over-encumbered'... pfft... looks like I'm gonna have to go back to the save point from before I went in... oh well... cheers again :smile:
Are you still encumbered if you strip down to nothing?

2007-04-28, 11:19 AM
There is a shrine at the Fields of Kummu. That might be able to restore your stats. Dump your gear and run for the shrine before coming back.

Aotrs Commander
2007-04-28, 11:58 AM
And I have Oblivion on PC, but not really want to play it as the creatures keep up with you in level... the whole point is you can leevl up so those buggers can't kill you easily, but when they're keeping up as well... it kinda takes the fun out of it...

cheers all :D

After every fight with random goblins became a battle to the death, I gave up and lowered the difficulty slider. Best option is to set it lower and push it up until you get a level you're comfortable with. It is actually a relatively common problem noted with Oblivion.

I suggest you work on maximising your Strength and carrying at least one potion to restore ability drains. The other thing I have done is whack a recall mark down next to a bed somewhere (I used the Balmora fighter' guild) and get a teleport amulet (I forget where I got mine). Then if you really get up the creek, you can just teleport back to rest in relative safety. Or alturnatively, use one of the temple recall jobs.

(Though I did get attacked by assassins even there. Mind you, as I gutted them quite quickly (paralysing sword for the win! Seriously, pretty much the most helpful weapon in the game...I think I carry two with me now, and swap them out!) all they did was provide me with a steady supply of free cash in their armour! (I have Unarmoured as my defense. it works, plus I can carry more crap around with me!))

2007-04-29, 10:00 AM
They have a naughty spell that deals Strength/Endurance damage. You'll need some potions/spell of restore [stat]. Pretty sure some of the altars can heal ya up too, don't remember which option that would be though.

All Imperial Cult shrines have an altar that can restore lost attributes, and I'm pretty sure all Tribunal temples have at least one such altar, too.

2007-04-29, 10:15 AM
Cheers guys... yeah, I tried stripping down to nothing (even dropped my wightless gold) and I still couldn't move... I'll just have to avoid the tombs until I can get some restoartion potions or a teleport to a shrine... cheers :smile:

2007-04-30, 10:32 AM
The restore spells are cheap and easy in Morrowind.

For ultimate easy buy one and visit the spellmaker. Make a spell that restores three or five points in every attribute at the same time. It's still a really cheap spell, easily accessable to the novice.

Apparently the Telvanni influence in Morrowind means that magic there is much more advanced than in Cyrodill. The Imperial Archmage can't even master a simple levitation spell or enchant a ring with invisibility. Actually I do recognize that it's a game design choice that was made to simplify dungeon and challenge creation, but it's a style of simplification that I don't agree with. It's made the dungeons easier because they're almost perfectly linear. Prettier, but simpler.

And theft in Oblivion just isn't worth the time involved. A successful thief will not meet the thieves guild and thus cannot sell stolen items. Plus since almost everything in the game is leveled the stuff you can steal is either worthless or behind hard/very hard locks. Best way to make early money is to join the mage and fighter guilds and sell them thier own equipment. Which is odd because joining the guild apparently makes everything in all the guild halls suddenly belong to you.

Morrowind just seemed more real to me than Oblivion does. People never sleeping was less immersion breaking for me than random bandits wearing glass armor or not being able to craft a spell that did both strength and speed damage.

2007-04-30, 02:35 PM
Morrowind haters, get thee hence. The question wasn't "can I find a better game than Morrowind?" but something specific to the game. Me, I still enjoy Morrowind. It was perhaps one of the best of its time. Oblivion isn't quite as good, but it's grown on me. I've enjoyed the series.

A few solutions to the encumberance problem:
Strength determines how much you carry. Train up on the larger weapons such as Long Sword, Axe, and Blunt. Those will raise your Strength. If you're broke, grab a club and beat up the mudcrabs on the beach. They're easy pickins.

Potions can help out in the short term. Sadly, my potion notes are home, and I'm posting this at work while my boss is out of the office (tee hee). A potion of Feather (relieves encumberance) is easy to make and relatively effective at low levels. Fortify Strength works as well, though requires some tough-to-aquire ingrediants for someone just starting (it'll be cake to get them later).

Feather spells cost money, use a lot of magicka and don't last long enough in Morrowind (something changed in Oblivion). However, if you have Muck, you can go to the Fields of Kummu shrine and get a free, day-long Feather spell cast on you.

As for the Assassins:
Once you've been attacked, talk to a guard. He'll send you to Ebonheart. The guard there will send you to a mage who can teleport you to Mournhold. Talk to a few there about the assassins, and the attempts will cease. I'd recommend against that, though. The assassins' armor is quite valuable sold on the open market.

2007-05-01, 08:00 PM
really i don't remember him attacking me indoors, well i played melee master so i just whomped the assassin when he showed up. until i got strength restoration spells and eventually a constant restore strength (along with every other attribute) put on me i carried potions, once or twice i got hit with a strength draining disease and got stuck. I just trained until i got 100 strength. which was good for me cause i carried like 200+ pounds of weapons and armor at the end.

2007-05-02, 12:55 PM
Cheers guys... its not my strength and maximum encumberance so much as my inability to avoid the spell all together... then there's nothing I can do... I have some restore stat potions now... so I'll try and get a spell made like mentioned above... cheers again...

I'm a bugger!!

Because I have another question... I've just killed Erich in Thirsk... but have no idea how to get Mirisa to follow me... any ideas? cheers :smile:

2007-05-02, 01:01 PM
nevermind... I foudn out... lol... I hate it when its so obvious... :biggrin:

2007-05-02, 01:05 PM
i never have to worry about restore potions again. i have a constant 1 point regen on all of my stats. though if my stat is over 100 which most of my stats are i have to unequip the item or it doesn't regen above 100

2007-05-02, 01:53 PM
Does anyone remember where the living bank guy is? The one who will be carrying gold you sell to him, so you can have him store it up then kill him to get it back (without losing money cuz u got paid for the gold)?

2007-05-02, 03:27 PM
Does anyone remember where the living bank guy is? The one who will be carrying gold you sell to him, so you can have him store it up then kill him to get it back (without losing money cuz u got paid for the gold)?

Do you mean Creeper or Mudcrab? Both carry 3000 and 5000 gold respectively.

To my knowledge theres no character in morrowind who has "unlimited" gold.. much to everyones annoyance.. particulary later on when you have nice, expensive loot to sell.

Honestly it got to the point where if I had an expensive item worth, say 10000gold. I'd just sell it to a vendor, then console cheat the remaining gold. I didnt fell it was cheating as it was a poor design decision by bethesda.

2007-05-02, 05:29 PM
Do you mean Creeper or Mudcrab? Both carry 3000 and 5000 gold respectively.

Wasn't it 5k and 10k? Anyway, I kinda like the fact that merchants don't have infinite money, and you can't always find a person that can pay you full for those rare and expensive stuff you have. It's realistic, and even if you would sell your 10k worth stuff for 1k to them, you wouldn't be in a real monetary problem.

It's really a good game. And it's playability increases even more if you find and download some of the good mods.

2007-05-02, 05:41 PM
Oblivion is a fun game, however, it scales with level. So if you're like me and went to the last part of the main quest at L40-something, the monsters you have to fight are so freakin' crazy that *tries not to spoil anything* the guys that're helping you and are quest-required get totally wrecked. And even though you're unto a tiny god, they aren't. They're dead.

Morrowind had the opposite problem. If you remembered where the nonrandom loot was, it was like a shopping list. "oops, gotta swing by that one sunken dweomer place for my Dragonbone Breastplate. I also need to get some eggs"

Both games, however, were a blast.

2007-05-02, 05:45 PM
In one of the towns there's a little demon guy who's money complete refreshes every 48 hours I think.

2007-05-02, 06:10 PM
In Caldera, in the Orc's House, the Creeper has 5k gold. It refreshes every 24 hours. He buys and sells at cost, regardless of your Mercantile skill.

Thus, you can sell expensive items (fully-repaired) and get much money if you don't mind taking a lot of 24-hour naps. You sell a 5k item. Wait 24 hours. Then you sell a 10k item. He's short 5k gold, but you can buy back the 5k item. Wait another 24 hours. Sell him the 5k again. You're now 10k richer.

The Mubcrab is east of Vivec, and suran, south of the middle of nowhere. If you're going around that area looking for him, I'd suggest against attacking any mudcrab what doesn't attack you first. He always has 10k gold, so you can do a stepped-up version of what I've listed above. I wouldn't sleep close to him. Sometimes a nasty critter will spawn on you while you sleep. I've had a Daedroth spawn while I sleep. He'd blast the area with a poison spell, and killed the mudcrab.

I knew a fellow who managed, with use of Command spells, Fortify Strength and Fortify Speed spells, to guide the Mudcrab all the way to his Hlaalu Stronghold. Then he proceeded to sell the Mudcrab a lot of items so he wouldn't walk away. I'd not recommend this, if you want to spare your sanity.

2007-05-02, 06:46 PM
Wasn't it 5k and 10k? Anyway, I kinda like the fact that merchants don't have infinite money, and you can't always find a person that can pay you full for those rare and expensive stuff you have. It's realistic, and even if you would sell your 10k worth stuff for 1k to them, you wouldn't be in a real monetary problem.

It's really a good game. And it's playability increases even more if you find and download some of the good mods.

Oh yeah, my mistake.. 5k an 10k.. your right... my brain doesnt always work.

I dont mind the fact neccessarily that not every merchant has unlimited gold, it does definitely add some realism. But every merchant having like 300, or 500gold gets a bit old. You mean no one is successful in vvardenfall? Thats too much disbelief for me to suspend.

Morrowind though is prolly my favorite game of all time... i still play it, sometimes with mods.. sometimes without.

2007-05-02, 06:49 PM
I knew a fellow who managed, with use of Command spells, Fortify Strength and Fortify Speed spells, to guide the Mudcrab all the way to his Hlaalu Stronghold. Then he proceeded to sell the Mudcrab a lot of items so he wouldn't walk away. I'd not recommend this, if you want to spare your sanity.

Wow.. so did mudcrab actually stick around? permanently? thats way cool...

and all the waiting and sleeping just to sell some items is way too much work for me... honest use of the console works just as well (provided your not on a xbox).. then its back to adventuring! of course its only really a problem later in the game.

2007-05-02, 06:51 PM
Mods made Morrowind even better. Me, I was a sucker for eye-candy mods. Anything that improved the look, or gave me interesting armor. Also, I love mods that make armor for female figures. So many armor pieces both in Morrowind and Oblivion use practically the same body model. I never understood why Bethesda seems to think "one-size-fits-all" is what we want.

I'm talkin' chainmail bikinis. Yowza!

2007-05-02, 06:56 PM
Always, always carry somthing that restores strength. As far a "shopping lists" are concerned, there is a Mage's guild (in...someplace that starts with 'B,' but I haven't played in a while). Wherever it is, you can make your way to a secluded tower area that has a lot of decent alchemy stuff in it. Loot it and make cheap strength restoration potions to your heart's content. IIRC, in Morrowind, you don't need a high alchemy skill to be able to access all the ingredients' special abilities--you only need it to "see" them without patience. If you just mix everything you have, it's easy enough to make what you want.

Vis-a-vis Oblivion, and the difficulty level: the main thing about Oblivion that I found kind of iffy is that you don't ever need ranks in security--if you know what to listen for, it's quite easy to pick a very hard lock with 5 ranks in the skill, without breaking the first lockpick. I mean, it's really awesome that skills are no longer fully dependent on random variation, but your ranks should at least make some difference...

2007-05-03, 03:36 AM
Oh yeah, my mistake.. 5k an 10k.. your right... my brain doesnt always work.

I dont mind the fact neccessarily that not every merchant has unlimited gold, it does definitely add some realism. But every merchant having like 300, or 500gold gets a bit old. You mean no one is successful in vvardenfall? Thats too much disbelief for me to suspend.

Morrowind though is prolly my favorite game of all time... i still play it, sometimes with mods.. sometimes without.

Actually, there are some successful merchants that have over 1k, if you look hard enough. For example, Nalcarya the Alchemist in Balmora had 3k IIRC. She's probably an authority in the alchemy business :).

2007-05-03, 04:24 AM
Actually Morrowind is a better RPG than Oblivion is and is by far the best role-playing game around. Only its sequel and the KotoR games come close. In my experience, almost everyone who played MW prior to OB agrees that MW was the better game.

2007-05-03, 08:41 AM
Though I prefer Morrowind to Oblivion, I do have to admit that I find Oblivion's subplots to be superior to Morrowind's.

2007-05-03, 09:38 PM
Actually, there are some successful merchants that have over 1k, if you look hard enough. For example, Nalcarya the Alchemist in Balmora had 3k IIRC. She's probably an authority in the alchemy business :).

Yeah, but she only buys potions and ingredients, no?

I'm not bad-mouthing the whole system... but I did like that they added the ability to make merchants richer with your mercantile skill in Oblivion..investments and all that.

Oblivion made a few improvements... combat (particulary ranged), stealth, some of the skill games, the journal... the story was good too...
But for all its size.. it didnt have the "depth" of morrowind.. nothing felt unique or special really. Maybe it was the fast travel... maybe it was the items, chests and enemies leveling with you... but everything felt a lil flat to me. They tried too hard to bring more RPG rookies into the fold.. which I guess I understand as a business strategy, but dont really appreciate as a gamer.

2007-05-08, 11:46 AM
Hey, tis me again... I'm outside Castle Karstaag at the moment and want to see what's inside... the reason I'm here is because I got attacked near the Skaal village and had to jump in the sea to escape... after a long swim the guys chasing me drowned and I swam back to shore, only to find myself right next to Castle Karstaag... so now Im interested... any tips?

2007-05-08, 05:06 PM
You can only get in over the course of the main quest. Sorry man.

2007-05-08, 06:20 PM
Hey, tis me again... I'm outside Castle Karstaag at the moment and want to see what's inside... the reason I'm here is because I got attacked near the Skaal village and had to jump in the sea to escape... after a long swim the guys chasing me drowned and I swam back to shore, only to find myself right next to Castle Karstaag... so now Im interested... any tips?

One can always try to levitate.. I never tried that though, so let me know how it works!

2007-05-08, 09:01 PM
use fly to get to the tower room on the castles roof. there's a daedric pauldron in the back of the room guarded by a sinlge riekling.

2007-05-09, 04:10 AM
Eek!! Just started playing Morrowing a couple of days ago, and all of a sudden I'm being attacked by some kind of an Assassin... He runs faster than me, I have only one Scroll of Icarian Flight Left and relatively low health (can't rest cos he'll get me) people in the town's don't help out, I'm down to 5 gold, most of my one-handed weapons are broken (so no shield unless I use a dagger), I have no magic of any kind (I'm a combat based custom class Nord)... what the boop do I do!?! help! cheers...

Start over a new game. Make sure you create a "light armor" using char. After the old fool stops his questions, run to the cabinet, take the "limewire plate", and quickly drop it on the ground, before the guard catches you :)

Go out, buy many potions. When the assassins attacks you, do all you can to dispatch him.. and there... you have the best light armor in the game :D

2007-05-09, 04:15 AM
yeah... I managed to get up there with an Icarian Flight... when I beat the Riekling and got the Pauldron, I didn't have enough encumberance to carry it... thats why Im glad I took Acrobatics as a Major Skill... Just jumped around for a while and leveled up, gaining more strength and have now walked away with 24 grand of pauldron...

2007-05-10, 10:33 AM
they're great to wear, but they are heavy, having 100 strength, speed, athletics, and the redoran robe that drops 50 pounds helps.