View Full Version : What are you playing at the moment?

2015-04-10, 08:37 AM
Hi Folks,

Wondering what people are playing at present?

In one game I DM.
In my other I play a Drow "Arcane Archer"
Its a 2 warlock rest Sorc build that uses its bow as it's arcane focus for casting. i love this thematically as it feels like Green Arrow. An arrow in the quiver for every situation. I'm really enjoying this build, playing with those thematics

So, what are you playing?

2015-04-10, 08:46 AM
I played an arcane archer in 3e and loved it! Maybe we'll get a legit multiclass option for it one day?

Right now I am running a campaign where the PCs are in a thieves guild. The adventures take place mostly in the city, and focus on subterfuge and deception instead of outright combat or dungeon delving.

They get missions to further the guild based on current politics, such as ruining the wedding of the daughter of an alderman that's been a thorn in the guild's side, ensuring a trade embargo by sabotaging a foreign galley as it leaves port, or assassinating troublesome upstarts that rival the guild.

As they gain levels, they gain status in the guild, which mechanically unlocks new downtime activities. My players are really enjoying it, and its a refreshing take on the traditional D&D sessions we run.

2015-04-10, 08:48 AM
I'm playing a life cleric with a shillelagh quarterstaff. I massively regret not creating a light cleric instead, but hey, this charater is still kind of fun.

2015-04-10, 08:53 AM
Totem barbarian. the damage resistance is really damn fun as it allows me to worry a bit less about damage than the rest of my party. So it's good for holding the enemy off while they heal.

2015-04-10, 08:57 AM
Totem Barbarian going into Monk to be an unarmed, unkillable, wrestler, barbarian queen.

Mostly been smacking things with a morning star to start but the build should be fun. Bear Totem Barbarian 8 / Open Hand Monk 12. :D

2015-04-10, 09:05 AM
Nothing! I was playing in the adventurer's league and due to... irreconcilable differences in party management policies... my dwarven druid left the party and I need to think up of another PC that will mesh well with the current group dynamic for next week.

2015-04-10, 09:06 AM
Dex-based ex-Criminal Paladin (level 2, but planning on Vengeance next level). Several weeks into the game, my party is still surprised that I consistently succeed on Stealth and Thievery checks. Honestly, I feel a little OP, but I'm not sure how that happened.

2015-04-10, 09:27 AM
Totem Barbarian going into Monk to be an unarmed, unkillable, wrestler, barbarian queen.

Mostly been smacking things with a morning star to start but the build should be fun. Bear Totem Barbarian 8 / Open Hand Monk 12. :D

I thought about making a half-orc barbarian/monk focused on unarmed combat, but I wasn't fully sure. I hope yours goes well (And it looks like it will)!

2015-04-10, 09:51 AM
Level 5 Assassin Rogue "What you guys need a short rest again? I can go on all day!".

2015-04-10, 10:04 AM
Half-Orc sword&board Fighter.

...She has an interesting character, ok?

2015-04-10, 10:11 AM
I'm playing a Human Bard in HotDQ. Still level 1, was originaly going for Lore bard due to backstory, but since my group lack signifiant melee character (bard, trickery cleric, heavy armor fighter, stealthy thievy rogue, dragonblood sorcerer and ninjaesque acrobatic monk), I'm considering to go Valor bard. I'm still not sure yet.

2015-04-10, 10:23 AM
I've got two at the moment. A valor bard, going the sharpshooter archery route. And a blasty light cleric. Both have been quite enjoyable.

And I'll admit. I get a guilty pleasure out of surprising the "X class fits Y role" people. "Why are you doing good damage? You're a bard!" "What? Fireball? You're a cleric. You're supposed to be healing me!"

Seriously though. I'm paraphrasing the exact words, but people still think that way. :smalltongue:

2015-04-10, 10:25 AM
DMing Tyranny of Dragons. Wrapped up Hoard last week, tonight is shot because I'm taking a class,
the First Council of Waterdeep happens next Friday.

2015-04-10, 10:35 AM
I am currently DM'ing. The campaign started off as HotDQ up to the flying castle part, after which it became its own campaign with a completely different story. The players are currently exploring a sunken pirate ship inhabited by a halfling vampire and his undead crew in search of a powerful intelligent rapier.

2015-04-10, 10:47 AM
Currently playing a Human Open Palm Monk at 4th level that is the half brother of my previous character (a Half-Elf Warlock who died setting a dragonkin on fire and distracting him so the rest of the party could drop him). Story depending (we're basically in a situation where my monk might become a werewolf), I might end up switching over to a Paladin that I've been working on.

2015-04-10, 10:53 AM
Not currently anything, because the date for our session keeps on getting pushed back further and further due to various circumstances cropping up. But when we do, I've got a human rogue with the Sage background and Ritual Caster feat. We're starting at level 1, but I'm planning on going Arcane Trickster.

2015-04-10, 10:56 AM
I DM one game.

In another, I have a Copper Dragonborn Valor Bard. He goes with a kind of "warrior skald" concept.

He just picked up War Caster, but before that I was using a hunting horn as his instrument. It has the advantage of being 1-handed (so I didn't need to drop my shield), and the fun flavor of casting Sleep of Thunderwave by blowing into a horn. He also has bagpipes, but that's for downtime musical goodness. most of the time I run around in half-plate with a shield and a flail (I love flails). I have some Javelins for ranged attacks, but I prefer to get into melee.

2015-04-10, 10:56 AM
I'm DMing for a drow hunter ranger, a half-orc frenzy barbarian, a dragonborn vengeance paladin, a tiefling fiend/blade warlock, and another tiefling arcane trickster. I know a lot of those might sound kind of stereotypical, but they're all pretty good characters and roleplayers, especially since half of them are new to this. They're gonna hit level four in a couple sessions.

2015-04-10, 11:01 AM
Lord Captain Abacus Flynt III
Tiefling Fighter Battlemaster 4
I'm going for a swashbuckler who tells tall tales about his adventures. I use a Scimitar and a Flintlock while my crew sails island to island telling of my "great" deeds, carrying merchandise, unraveling mysteries and blowing up Pirates.

I plan to multiclass Rogue at some point but I'm not sure how many levels I should take

2015-04-10, 11:33 AM
Two characters:

My main is a L10 halfling lore bard named Bartleby in a custom campaign run by Bubzors. He originally set out to be the greatest thief ever but realized after getting thrown in jail he was a terrible thief and now wants to be the most known halfling in all of the realms. He is the head of an information and spy network through judicious use of the sending spell. His first action in almost any combat situation is "I go invisible" and he has a penchant for using minor illusion to broadcast in the sky the image of any escape he makes so everyone knows they just got beaten by the greatest halfling there ever was. I have made a lot of enemies in the process (Pirates allied with a dragon, I am number one on a demon's **** list for being an impslayer) but that is part of being an international celebrity.

Second character is a L6 gnome divination wizard named Miros "Darkseer" Grimlock in the Forgotten Realms setting based around SilveryMoon. Was burned in a fire during an orc raid when younger and is horribly scarred on the right side of his body. Right eye is the typical misty white of a blind eye but it turns dark purple (almost black) when he uses his divination powers. Mostly provides utility and information for his party who is very aware that he is changing the fates for our benefit.

2015-04-10, 11:39 AM
Most of my games are on hiatus at the moment, the only one I now play consistently is as a homebrew one of these (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368550-Conversion-Part-1-of-mega-brew-project-The-Sanguine-Knight-(Class)).

2015-04-10, 11:41 AM
I justed started my first 5e game last week!

Wood elf outlander barbarian still at level 1, going to go down the totem/eagle path. DM gave us lvl 1 feats so took polearm mastery. She got kicked out of her forest by an invading goblin horde and is desperately trying to warn the outlying settlements what's coming.

I'm accompanied by a human life cleric I met in the first town, she plays her character like an overly friendly missionary who tries to spread the good word about her religion to every single person we encounter. .. She also likes way less serious rp, claiming to worship a god named Rump, and the casting of spells like divine flame involves dropping trou and spreading cheeks. (leaving my poor primitive wild elf mortified D; )

Gopher Wizard
2015-04-10, 11:44 AM
I'm currently involved in a game of D&D 3.5 with a small group of friends. I'm playing the cleric, and I'm a half-orc. Not of Gruumsh though. I worship Pelor. Because why not.

2015-04-10, 08:27 PM
Not currently playing. I'm a DM in a campaign that started over two years ago as a Pathfinder game but was morphed into a 5th Edition game during the playtest. It's a homebrew campaign based in the Forgotten Realms.

2015-04-10, 09:29 PM
Currently DMing the Lost Mines of Phandelver with 5 friends

2015-04-10, 09:34 PM
Hi Folks,

Wondering what people are playing at present?

In one game I DM.
In my other I play a Drow "Arcane Archer"
Its a 2 warlock rest Sorc build that uses its bow as it's arcane focus for casting. i love this thematically as it feels like Green Arrow. An arrow in the quiver for every situation. I'm really enjoying this build, playing with those thematics

So, what are you playing?

Current game is a recent war veteran (and known hero) with ptsd from engaging in an unnecessary last stand after a peace settlement had been reached, but before word had reached any of the participants. Everyone else in his unit died to defend an ultimately meaningless location and he carries the burden of knowing that he ordered them to remain and defend it at all costs. (Battlemaster, Soldier background)

I like a little pathos with my characters.

2015-04-10, 11:15 PM
My group has been doing 3e and Pathfinder for a very long time. We decided to switch over to 5e and give this system a try with our new campaign. Just finished up our fourth gaming session last weekend. So far I'm liking it pretty well, there is a solid game system base here. I do miss a lot of the fiddly bits that Pathfinder gave me to play around with both during character creation and during combat, though.

Playing a Dark Elf Sorcerer.

2015-04-10, 11:53 PM
I'm playing a 2nd-level LG Tiefling Paladin right now, as an effort to return to my roots as a roleplayer (Paladin is my go-to class in RPG videogames). I am agonizing over which Oath to have him take at 3rd.

2015-04-11, 12:13 AM
Single level of knowledge cleric followed by levels in GOO warlock. Keen Mind and Linguist feats, upgraded tome pact. Has an owl familiar with an inquisitive personality of her own.

He's a bookish human mage who is high in all three mental stats (rolled quite well). Alchemist, historian, arcanist, linguist, and all around tinkerer, he's a renaissance man through and through. But his principle passion is in studying the history and ultimate nature of the planes, with a particular interest in how they were originally formed. This study leads him to seek discourse with all manner of... interesting beings, including his current patron. In spite of this patronage, his mind has remained rock solid thus far, save for a few behavioral quirks I've been slipping in and intend to magnify as time goes on.

What really gets me is that for all the mechanical support I've devoted to the items that are mostly there for fluff and/or out of combat usage, he's still quite powerful on the field, often managing to be the one determining the flow of events in spite of being one out of 7 PCs.

2015-04-11, 03:37 AM
Currently playing a 5th level wood elf hunter ranger here on GiTP. Archery style and a self-styled monster hunter.

2015-04-11, 12:38 PM
Level 3 LE Half-Elf Wizard. Our party is currently set on starting a business. My Wizard aspires for it to become a huge megacorp and slowly come to control the surrounding region, while pushing hard for magical, scientific, and economic progress. Only 3 sessions in and all of it has been RP so far, so I don't have too great a feel for the class yet, but this is shaping up to be a fun campaign.

Killer Angel
2015-04-11, 12:42 PM
I just finished DMing.
Next campaign will be an undead apocalypse, but it's still vague. In the next couple of weeks, it will probably be boardgames (the new ones we'll buy tomorrow at the italian Con).

2015-04-11, 01:44 PM
Veldrin Shadowbane; a spell-less wood elf 5 hunter ranger/3 assassin rogue with a Dire Wolf named Slayn replacing my spells in a custom campaign set in Forgotten Realms, heavily themed in the Underdark.

Fun stuff so far!

2015-04-11, 04:43 PM
1) A dex fighter with urchin background. He prefers to sleep on rooftops rather than inns. He looks like Alfed E Neuman with two front teeth missing.

2) An Evoker Wizard with Elemental Adept Feat (fire) that likes to blast things. Name's Navin and looks like Steve Martin.

I'm kind of a comedy nerd as well as a DnD nerd.

2015-04-11, 05:29 PM
I'm running my Labyrinth. It is 500x500 squares, with 3 levels. Traps everywhere, lol. Players woke up with no memory of their previous lives. Playing it with hardcore rules. Variant rules: Gritty Realism, Encumbrance, Loyalty (which is common sense). Lots of custom races.

A few other house rules.

Intimidation is based off of Strength not Charisma.
Religion is based off of Wisdom not Intelligence.
Handle Animal: Can be used to tame creatures. Must be done in 1 week in succession. 7 successes in a row. The DC is 8 + CR + Int score. Example: Wyvern. DC would be a 19. CR 6 Int 5. 8+6+5= 19
Grappler Feat: Only opponent is pinned.
Grapple: No attacks with 2h weapon or casting spells with somatic components during a grapple, disadvantage on 1h weapons.
Great Weapon Master: You can wield weapons 1 size category larger than yourself. I.E. Medium creature can wield a large 1H weapon with 2H. Except versatile weapons.
Coupe De Grace: Only when at 0 hp and instant death.
Falling objects: 1d6 damage per 200 pounds per 10ft fallen. maximum is 20d6 at 200pounds falling 200ft or 4,000 pounds falling 10ft (or any combination). This is not counting the falling damage that someone may take by falling with the object landing on top of them

Upon reaching 0 HP DM rolls % dice for trauma character sustains,

01-05 = dismemberment
06-20 = open fracture
21-40 = closed fracture
41-70 = large contusion / laceration / puncture
71-90 = minor contusion / laceration / puncture
91-100 = perfectly fine (still unconscious and unstable) then roll a d6 for body part
1 = head - Disadvantage on everything
2 = torso - Disadvantage on everything physical
3 = right arm - Disadvantage on anything involving this limb.
4 = left arm - Disadvantage on anything involving this limb.
5 = right leg - Disadvantage on anything involving this limb. - half speed
6 = left leg - Disadvantage on anything involving this limb. - half speed
If head - roll 1d4
1 = eye - Disadvantage on all ranged attacks past 30ft
2 = jaw - 50% spell failure with verbal components + disadvantage on all checks involving speaking.
3 = ear - disadvantage on all checks involving hearing
4 = nose - disadvantage on all checks involving smell

Dismemberment = permanent (spells/abilities can fix)
Open fracture = 1d4+1 weeks (permanent scars, spells/abilities can fix)
Closed fracture = 1d4 weeks
Large contusion / laceration / puncture = 1d4+1 days
Minor contusion / laceration / puncture = 1 day
Any open wound you must make a DC 12 con save or -
Your hit point maximum is reduced by 1 every 24 hours the wound persists.
If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. The wound heals if you receive magical healing. Alternatively, someone can tend to the wound and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check once every 24 hours. After ten successes, the wound heals. You can use the Recuperating rule to gain advantage.

Fumble Chart
On a Critical fail (Attack Roll) you will roll a 1d100 to determine the outcome of your mishap.
1- You faint for 1 round.
2-12 You lose the rest of your turn.
13-23 You hit the nearest ally within your range and if no one is around you hit yourself. You have to hit your ally's AC.
24-34 You trip and fall prone
35-45 You hit yourself for normal damage
46-56 You throw your weapon (1d20 rounded to the nearest 5) feet in a random direction using a 1d8 starting the clockwise rotation with 1 being north.
57-67 You hit your weapon in the environment and takes a DC 15 Str check to remove it
68-78 Your movement is halved for 1d2 rounds
79-89 You strike your weapon in the worst way and if it is non-magical you make a DC 10 reflex or you shatter your weapon. If the weapon doesn’t break or is magical it
is thrown 1d10 rounded up in a random direction. 1D8 determines direction. See 46-56. If unarmed or Natural attacks revert to 90-99.
90-99 You have a disadvantage on attacks for the next 1d2 rounds.
100 Nothing

If you happen to be so unlucky to roll the 1 on your attack then you must roll a d20 along with the fumble chart if both rolls roll another one then your mishap was so terribly executed that the Gods themselves laugh as you kill yourself with your own attack.

Critical and Auto Kills:
If you roll a Natural Critical (20 on a d20) you roll a D100, if you are so lucky to roll a D100 the Gods have blessed your luck and the creature you are attacking automatically dies.

Ghost Nappa
2015-04-11, 10:46 PM
Shadow Monk: Just hit Level 4; DM approved custom feat: +1 DEX, +1 Ki, and higher damage die for punching.
I punch a lot of things.

Eldritch Knight: Level 3, near Level 4. Expecting combat soon. Excited to play with Cantrips and Swords.

2015-04-12, 01:50 AM
Halfling Rogue. Does not actually sneak or anything; he's a dinosaur rider from Eberron.

Its weird how good Rogue is for cavalry characters.

2015-04-12, 06:04 AM
Third-level Dragonborn Trickery Cleric. Loving my weird mix of options, and my character's back-story.

2015-04-12, 06:28 AM
Two characters right now:

A 3rd (very nearly 4th) level variant human vengeance paladin. Features GWM and a maul, plus recently he's got hold of a javelin of lightning, which is awesome. He's a former soldier turned to become a follower of Ilmater after surviving a siege and seeing the suffering in the starving city. He's currently pursuing an evil necromancer, though it's not going especially well right now as the party is sealed up in a cave, apparently about to be assaulted by waves of undead. Definitely going to die or level up in the next session!

I've also got a 6th level drow sorceror going through HotDQ. She's a silver dragon who annoyed Bahamut by slaughtering a Drow village, in revenge against other drow who stole her eggs. So Bahamut has put her in a drow's body and sent her off to learn humility or something. She appeared in a bolt of lightning next to the party but so far everyone seems cool with that. Already at 6th level it's noticeable how an arcane caster can end an encounter with a spell like fear or a twinned hold person. Counterspelling incoming fireballs is very satisfying too!

2015-04-12, 07:40 AM
Half-elf sorcerer with a homebrew sorcerous origin. Haven't had a chance to do anything with it yet, though, the campaign's just started.

2015-04-12, 08:41 AM
Playing - Bjord Stormfist, a dwarf Tempest cleric whorshipping Talos. Kind of generic but the Tempest domain is actually really fun to play with this character lore-wise since dwarves and storms genrerally live as far away from each other as possible. And the reactions from NPCs when they find out the Thunderwave came from me? Priceless.

DMing- The Rising Dark (Blog Link here -https://therisingdark.wordpress.com) a completely homebrew setting. Players are; Caldur the geriatric elf wizard, Archibald the alcoholic human fighter, Dralasaar the dragonborn turned halfling fighter/sorcerer and Adran the wood-elf barbarian/warlock. Hell of a mix, a real giggle at a table. There were some real cute bromances building before I tempted the party with power.

2015-04-12, 09:29 AM
I'm playing a 2nd-level LG Tiefling Paladin right now, as an effort to return to my roots as a roleplayer (Paladin is my go-to class in RPG videogames). I am agonizing over which Oath to have him take at 3rd.

I love Ancients personallly if going a tanky path.......or.....oath-breaker, if dm allows

The party I DM i sgreat
7th Level
Halfling Fighter/Ranger: Wolf companion, known for criticals, huge damage. hates anyone whom isn't her party
Human Light Cleric: Half death domain half light domain. he is becoming corrupted by a ring
Aasimar Cleric/Bard: indifferant. They arent evil, but can be cruel if needed.
Dwarf barbarian: Revived from a stone statue, he is trying to handle the loss of his entire peoples by drinking and whoring
Druid: 1 more human kill away from becoming a frenzy bear who cant control her bloodlust in bear form.....wouldnt hurt a flower in elf form

2015-04-12, 05:04 PM
I'm about to start a human rogue gambler for whom his adventuring is a dirty family secret...

My 3.5 game is a bipolar human hexblade who suffers from bad luck.

My current game is a generic fighter with an attitude

2015-04-12, 05:17 PM
I'm playing a Wood Elf Ranger/Rogue with a Heavy Crossbow and a Greatsword-using Half-Orc Paladin.

2015-04-12, 08:28 PM
Not playing anything right now but the charcter I'm most looki g foward to playing is a heavy armored bladelock (1st level in fighter) that uses polearm mastery with a glaive. I've always loved glaives so it makes me happy they are so good in 5e.

2015-04-12, 11:23 PM
Signing up for Adventurer's League next weekend with a Variant Human (Warcaster) Valor Bard (Dex focus), 8 14 14 10 12 16. Undecided on background; depends on how the DM is going to rule Thieves' Tools (A, locks require profociency, or B, tool proficiency isn't strictly needed, just don't get the proficiency bonus). If no lockpicking without tool proficiency, Criminal (Spy variant--Harpers), Urchin, or Outlander (replace Musical Instrument with Thieves' Tools); if proficiency isn't needed to attempt lockpicking, Charlatan and pick up the tool proficiency with downtime. I'd rather do a custom BG, but I'm not sure where AL comes down on that (it has some fairly specific rules on lifestyle expenses by background). Faction: Harpers.

Pretty much trying to build a jack-of-all-trades who can drop seamlessly into any party whatsoever (worst that happens, another VB and we Inspire each other or prep different spells that day); VB fits the bill very nicely for that. Good skillmonkey (not quite up there with Lore, but very good), reasonably decent in combat, good caster, good buffer, decent healer.

2015-04-12, 11:44 PM
I love Ancients personallly if going a tanky path.......or.....oath-breaker, if dm allows

It's really between Devotion and Vengeance. Perhaps I should elaborate a bit.

The campaign takes place in our DM's custom setting, in a country called Greater Valoria. Valoria has been ruled for the past hundred years by a tyrant king named Balthazar. Balthazar has, over the past hundred years, developed a monopoly over pretty much all forms of power; worship of deities (besides Balthazar himself) is outlawed, only his own Tower of the Magi is allowed to train arcanists (those with sorcerous blood are taken for training and brainwashing as soon as they're discovered), and he has a tendency to funnel skilled warriors into his own mercenary companies and to confiscate magical heirlooms.

Roderick (my Paladin) was born the only tiefling in a family of humans, but he wasn't the only one to manifest his devil's blood; his little sister started showing magical power. When two agents of the Tower of Magi came to take her, Roderick refused to let them have his sister and killed them to protect her. This proved to be a terrible idea; next time it was not agents of the Tower of Magi, but a Justicar (Balthazar's elite enforcers) with a large squad of soldiers. They killed Roderick's entire family in front of him (except his sister, who was sent to the Tower), burned their farm to the ground, and put him in chains to be publicly executed later.

The campaign started in the jail, and the characters getting swept up in a jailbreak was the first adventure. Roderick's family was killed in front of him days ago, and he is young and impulsive. I am torn on Oaths because Devotion is very much in his nature (and without going into depth about the why, Devotion fits the DM's plot a bit better; that "Fight the Greater Evil" tenet of Vengeance pretty much makes decisions that are meant to be difficult foregone conclusions for him), but I could also see him swearing Vengeance after what happened to his family, and I really like the roleplay that could come out of someone with the disposition of an archetypal Paladin being bound by a SACRED oath to his DEITY to occasionally do horrible things he doesn't want to do in the name of justice/retribution.

2015-04-13, 04:52 AM
An ancient brass dragon with spellcasting variant. Used to be a Lore Bard.

I kinda regret true polymorphing. While it sounded good on paper and the melee ability is great, the overall versatility of the character has taken a nosedive. I do miss cutting words.

2015-04-13, 12:36 PM
DM atm but once we hit lvl 6 another will take over DM role for a new adventure and I got a pre-built ninja type battlemaster/ assassin rogue 1 level rogue and 5 lvl battlemaster atm will go 6 fig and 14 rogue methinks. :) focused on physical skills with expertise on stealth and athletics and will prob take acrobatics and perception for other two exp. ^^

2015-04-13, 01:14 PM
Playing: Rogue (burglar) Level 20

Throne of Bloodstone.

Rest of Party: Cleric (life) - 20, Sorc (dragon) - 20, Warrior (BM)/Barbarian (frenzy) - 20.

No feats.

3 attuned item limit.


The game works perfectly when played this way.

2015-04-13, 01:49 PM
Playing: Rogue (burglar) Level 20

Throne of Bloodstone.

Rest of Party: Cleric (life) - 20, Sorc (dragon) - 20, Warrior (BM)/Barbarian (frenzy) - 20.

No feats.

3 attuned item limit.


The game works perfectly when played this way.

Isn't three attuned items the standard limit, though? Thought I saw that somewhere.

2015-04-13, 04:41 PM
Isn't three attuned items the standard limit, though? Thought I saw that somewhere.

You are correct sir.

2015-04-13, 04:57 PM
Playing a level 7 Dragon (Gold) Sorcerer. Hardcore blaster since level 2. Really enjoy it, though I can't help but be miffed at how much more effective the Frenzy Barbarian has been in combat since forever, though the gap is closing as we go up in levels.

Also DM'ing a level 4 party through a homebrew Innistrad adventure that I'm publishing free as I run them through it.

2015-04-14, 04:05 PM
Level 5 human GOO patron Dex-bladelock. Going more for flavor than optimization (although it's a difficult habit to kick). S 10 / D 14 / C 12 / I 10 / W 12 / CHA 18 with War Caster. Criminal background (basically, a member of Ye Olde Repo Organization): "reclaimed" (read: stole) an orb, and started hearing voices in my mind (not sure if they're coming from the orb or not). Rockin' a sword-and-orb setup in combat, casting Eldritch Blast from range and smackin' things with a rapier in close combat. Having the pact weapon means I'm never without a weapon (Captured and relieved of my weapon? Conjure a new one. Want to creep people out? Conjure my blade in such a way that it looks like I'm drawing it out from under my skin) and I can use weapons to lay low on the casting to avoid drawing too much focus from enemies.

Could've dumped Str/Int to get better Dex/Con, but again, I'm trying to focus more on flavor than optimization. Plus, this is my first character for whom I plan to stay a single class. All my old 3.5/PF characters that I ran had Prestige Classes in their intended character progression (although in fairness to myself, I had a fighter drawn up that was going to be pure fighter, but my character in that campaign never died, so I never wound up using said fighter).

2015-04-14, 04:11 PM
If I get accepted into my PbP games, two people:

Othar Tryggvassen-Gentleman Adventurer! A Good Half-Elf Knight Bard who's probably gonna go into Eldritch Knight later.

Amalia-a Good Entertainer Half-Elf Gold Dragon Sorceress, who's naive and innocent in a cruel, cruel world.

Both level 1.

2015-04-14, 05:11 PM
DM-ing a modified RHOD campaign for 5 friends, and playing a 5.0 Campaign with people found on reddit :smallsmile:. Playing as Glyndan Liadon, a wood elf Monk who seems to crit way more than is statistically sane and has with one exception failed every bloody single con save so far. And were fighting lots of Spiders. Yaaay poison.

2015-04-14, 09:11 PM
I'm playing in my first 5e game. Im a human Oath of Ancients Paladin wielding a long sword and shield. It's totally fun. We rolled stats so I ended with an 18 strength and 16 charisma. I think I made a mistake by taking two feats (shield master + heavy armor master) rather than taking the stat bump. However the protection fighting style has come in handy. It's fun to watch the Dm's crit turn into a miss.

2015-04-14, 10:10 PM
Forest Gnome
(Multiclass not gestalt)

2015-04-16, 12:52 PM
DMing one campaign at the moment. My players are in the lair of a Lich cult at the moment. They are getting a bit nervous as they don't always know which things are illusions and which are not. They are taking things slowly at the moment and dodging most of the traps (including some crafting checks for contraptions to alert the the floor in front being illusory - I like my players they are quite creative).

Each time they pass a perception check when they look at a mirror they catch a bit of a glimpse of other worlds and faces looking at them. I was shocked that they pretty quickly guessed form some really tiny hints that one of the NPCs they met outside is involved. I guess I can throw away all my other clues!

My other game is on hold at the moment as the DM has exams but I will be starting another one soon. In that game I am going to be styling myself as a defender of the beautiful places of the deep earth - a Dwarf Bladelock with a bit of Nature cleric using Shillelagh and with high mental stats but pretty low physical ones. Maybe if we get to high levels I will pick up some levels in Paladin (Ancients probably).

2015-04-16, 01:38 PM
Right now, I am playing a Paladin 5/Bard 1, with a homebrew Oath (Oath of Charity) that focuses on healing and party-buffing. He is a knight from a poor family who is in love with a princess. (He thinks she reciprocates, but is not sure.) Her uncle, the king, would never let a penniless, no-name knight marry his favorite niece, however, so he went out to seek fortune and glory.

2015-04-16, 01:43 PM
I'm playing...

A forest gnome druid of the moon (4rth level), with a background of being an outlander
A blue dragonborn bard of valor (3rd level), with a background of being a sailor

2015-04-17, 12:09 AM
Wood Elf/Pirate/Monk 2, heading towards Shadow Assassin.

Tiefling/Sage/Lore Bard 3, slowly becoming an Arcane Archer (yes, I know Valor's better for that, but that party needs a trapfinder and has plenty of beatsticks already anyway).

Dwarf/Outlander/Totem Barbarian 7, who was raised by bears long enough to believe he is one.

2015-04-17, 02:01 AM
Warforged Paladin/Bone Knight named Keep.
Before he had his memory adjusted and his power dampened he was part of the Karrnath commando squad used to turn Cyre into the Mournland.

2015-04-17, 07:28 AM
Bobilithandris (Bobby) - Half-drow Sage (Archaeologist) Rogue 1/Cleric 4 (knowledge) of Fharlanghn. Runs around in half-plate with a rapier and shield. Party skillmonkey, buffer (bless, mostly) and healbot. He's a temple raider, searching ruined temples for holy texts and relics, as well as fencing said goods. He's basically a (NG) evil Indiana Jones "A museum, are you nuts? This is worth at least 1000 gold, no museum could afford to pay me that much!" :smallwink:

2015-04-17, 07:33 AM
Same character at different points in his life, in two different PbP's;

In one, he's at 1st level; in the other, 5th (different ability scores, since one game was 4d6b3, and the other 27 point buy).

5th level Spell-less BM Ranger: Vincent 'Broke-Tooth" de Savienen de la Mancha (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82936)

Combination of House MD, Shrek, and Cyrano in personality.

And for the BM portion, a touch of Willard; his Companion is a Swarm of Rats, with a trained Alpha:

AC: 13
HP: 49
STR: 9
DEX: 11
CON: 9
INT: 2
WIS: 10
CHA: 3

Resistance: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing

Immune: Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned

Darkvision: 30, Passive Perception: 10

Keen Smell: Advantage on Perception (scent)

Bite: +5 Attack, 2d6+3, 1d6+3 when at <50% HP

Swarm: Can occupy another creature's space, move through Tiny openings. Cannot be targeted by spells or spell-like abilities (including magical healing) that target individual creatures.

Leaderless: If struck with Critical Hit, attempts to flee, attacking any creature or barrier that prevents escape.

Pack Recruitment: Can heal 3HP by recruiting a replacement Rat after a Short Rest, or 24HP by recruiting 8 Rats after a Long Rest (17 Rats total).

AC: 15 (Barding; Studded Leather)
HP: 3
STR: 2
DEX: 11
CON: 9
INT: 2
WIS: 10
CHA: 4

Darkvision: 30, Passive Perception: 10

Keen Smell: Advantage on Perception (scent)

Bite: +3 ATK, 4 DAM (Piercing)

Leader of the Pack: If Swarm is struck by Critical Hit, becomes incapacitated; Swarm will disperse and flee. Can be resuscitated after the encounter.

Immune: Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned; Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing while Swarm is at greater than 3HP. Cannot be individually targeted while part of the Swarm. If separated from the Swarm, Immunity to physical damage become standard Rat Resistance.

Tiny: Can occupy the space of another creature.

Idea is that while the Swarm is around, it takes the brunt of attacks that would otherwise harm Little Nicky. If an opponent is lucky enough the get a Crit, Nicodemus is knocked out and the swarm becomes uncontrollable. No Swarm, and Nicky is like any other individual Rat Animal Companion.

This makes the Swarm tough, but not unkillable (Crit or AoE), and Nicky even tougher, but he's no threat without the Swarm to lead.

2015-04-17, 11:01 AM
I started a campaign as a GoO warlock/tempest cleric. I had to leave the group for about a month, and she became the BBEG as a hand off to the DM.

I came back as a former lackey of her group, a Goliath bear totem barbarian. We just hit level 9, and I'm going to go 8 barb, 12 battlemaster.

2015-04-17, 11:17 AM
I'm playing a 6th-level sea elf tempest cleric of Sashelas in the weekly sea-faring game. Favorite bit is spirit guardians reskinned as drowned sailors instead of celestials.

2015-04-17, 11:31 AM
I'm playing a 6th-level sea elf tempest cleric of Sashelas in the weekly sea-faring game. Favorite bit is spirit guardians reskinned as drowned sailors instead of celestials.

Oh! I like this. Hmm. I may have to steal this idea as well for an NPC!

2015-04-17, 12:00 PM
Oh! I like this. Hmm. I may have to steal this idea as well for an NPC!

Enjoy! :smallbiggrin:


2015-04-17, 01:26 PM
I'm playing a 6th-level sea elf cleric of Sashelas in the weekly sea-faring game. Favorite bit is spirit guardians reskinned as drowned sailors instead of celestials.

This reminds me of a character idea my girlfriend just came up with. She wants to play a necromancer, and she doesn't want to raise human corpses, but animal ones instead. I think what we'll do is have her play a druid whose conjure spells summon undead versions of the animals instead.

Sometimes her ideas require some work from me, but they're interesting ideas, so I do what I can to make them work.

2015-04-17, 02:20 PM
I am in 2 games right now,

In one I am a Bard1/Warlock 5 Tiefling disguesed as a Half-elf

In the other game I am a Hill dwarf Druid 3, but we have barely started that game.

2015-04-19, 06:57 PM
I am playing Markho, a level 3 variant Human Barbarian with the Criminal (Enforcer) background. Don't judge him too hard - he is Chaotic Good but a bit naive. He thought he was just helping his new, nice city friends. He got very mad when he realized that he had helped them become the biggest crime family around.

I am playing him in the Adventurers League campaign. He his trying to make amends for his crimes by righting wrongs, and these dragon cultist seem like they need some righting.

He is a ton of fun, I play him as sort of a good-hearted idiot (a nice break from my usual DM role). He thinks the party fighter is the one who keeps casting Sacred Flame due to some very bad deductive reasoning.

(Oh and this is my first post here. Long time, first time, etc)

2015-04-22, 01:57 PM
This reminds me of a character idea my girlfriend just came up with.
Sometimes her ideas require some work from me, but they're interesting ideas, so I do what I can to make them work.

Man, I know those feels. My wife always has these non-standard ideas that I need to figure out how to work into games.

Right now though, we are both players, and ended up going with:

A pair of dryad druids.
Brother and Sister, who are inseparable, but tend to be complete opposites.
I am a LN Land Druid, and she is a CN Moon Druid.
We spend a fair amount of time in-character bickering. Mostly over my piousness to Sylvanaas (and seeing signs and omens and such) and her impulsiveness and rushing into action.

We've just started on the Temple of Elemental Evil, but it's been really fun so far.

2015-04-25, 06:04 AM
DM of goofy monsters and NPCs who have an average session life of about 2 (when they die horrible, horrible deaths).

From yesterday, courtesy of a player:


2015-06-06, 07:26 PM
Forest Gnome
Wild magic sorcerer/5 Goo Warlock 4

lots of fun

2015-06-06, 08:20 PM
Rock (Krynnish tinker) gnome lore bard banned
Rock gnome (Krynnish tinker) arcane trickster banned
Tinker gnome evoker wizard banned
Tinker gnome abjurer wizard banned
Tinker gnome wild magic sorcerer banned
Tinker gnome anything banned
Half-elf valor bard 6 with Warcaster
Occasional DM

Variant human valor bard 4 w/ Warcaster (Adventurer's League)

2015-06-06, 08:39 PM
A polearm using Tempest cleric who hates pretty much everyone.

Cleared a whole room in 3 rounds with her thanks to polearm +Spirit guardians + confined space

2015-06-06, 08:45 PM
A level 9 Dragonborn Monk (everyone else has so much shiny magic things....I just get the potions....)
A level 12 green dragonborn acid draconic sorcerer
A Sorc6/pal3/fighter3/assassin3/ holy avenger human

2015-06-06, 09:44 PM
Rock (Krynnish tinker) gnome lore bard banned
Rock gnome (Krynnish tinker) arcane trickster banned
Tinker gnome evoker wizard banned
Tinker gnome abjurer wizard banned
Tinker gnome wild magic sorcerer banned
Tinker gnome anything banned
Half-elf valor bard 6 with Warcaster
Occasional DM

Variant human valor bard 4 w/ Warcaster (Adventurer's League)What have your characters been doing to get banned so much?

2015-06-06, 09:57 PM
I am playing in 2 campaigns right now.

One I am a Warlock of the Wild Fey. If you ever read the Dresden files my fey patron is the Erlking. Bladelock with sick 2h adamantine greatsword.

In the other I am a dryad druid of the land. Although I am trying to think of a way to make a new subclass that fits the plant style a little better.

I am also in the process of creating my first class! The machinst- subclasses: the gunner, the artficer and the grenadier (or crash fist). After that I have ideas for porting in the dragonfire adept from 3.5, creating a barbarian subclass that has a pet, and a plague druid.

2015-06-06, 10:04 PM
What have your characters been doing to get banned so much?

Being Tinker Gnomes. Which I am forbidden from playing. Largely due to a combination of insanity, MacGuyvering, and explosives.

I am also forbidden from having them exist in games I run. I'll quote myself from an earlier thread, "Things I May No Longer Do While Playing VII"

*Prohibited from converting any of the most gloriously, wonderfully insane and/or stupid monsters from old TSR editions to 5e
**That goes double for Spelljammer
***Tinker Gnomes only exist on Krynn
****I may not place Tinker Gnomes in Faerun and use the Spelljammer explanation that all their deranged and ill-considered inventions actually work once they're away from Reorx's influence as a way to send absurd clockwork-and-steam contraptions against the party
****May not stat up an "Escaped Gnomish Potato-Peeler" as a dungeon boss
*****May not stat up an "Escaped Gnomish Combination Beard-Trimmer and Weed-Whacker" as the serial killer the party has been tracking
******May not use Autognomes for anything
*******May not use any form of Giant Space Hamster
********Tyrannohamstersaurus Rexes as city-threatening kaiju are right out
*********Gnomes do not exist in my campaign
**********May not use ancient relics of the long-vanished Gnomish Empire or remnants of said Gnomish Empire's monster-breeding programs
***********Gnomes have never existed in my campaign in any way whatsoever

2015-06-07, 08:20 AM
I'm playing a DM in two games, and a play a lv. 13 open hand monk.
I love this character. 2 of the 3 other party members switched their characters multiple times but my monk is still in.
His stats are
STR 12
DEX 18
CON 16
INT 10
WIS 16
CHA 14
And because he is a variant human he's got the alert feat and he has also the resillent in constitution.
He is in many ways not optimal but I'm not a munchkin and that's why he's still in the party.

2015-06-07, 10:01 AM
@JAL_1138 your games sound a lot more fun than the games i've been playing, your players must be crazy.

I've been playing a noble rogue thief who will soon multiclass into warlock, my DM lets me use Fast Hands to throw salt in peoples faces which is insanely fun.

I also have a folk hero Beastmaster Ranger, who's been on hiatus since i got to level 3 and realized just how bad the beastmaster is, still waiting hoping Wizards will fix it so i can play him again.

2015-06-07, 10:09 AM
Rock (Krynnish tinker) gnome lore bard banned
Rock gnome (Krynnish tinker) arcane trickster banned
Tinker gnome evoker wizard banned
Tinker gnome abjurer wizard banned
Tinker gnome wild magic sorcerer banned
Tinker gnome anything banned
Half-elf valor bard 6 with Warcaster
Occasional DM

Variant human valor bard 4 w/ Warcaster (Adventurer's League)

You can for the fluf say you're a half-elf half Tinker gnome

2015-06-07, 10:21 AM
You can for the fluf say you're a half-elf half Tinker gnome

Also banned.

Also banned are forest gnomes played like tinker gnomes, non-Krynnish rock gnomes played like tinker gnomes, halflings played like tinker gnomes, and a halfling bard based entirely on country music legend Little Jimmy Dickens (http://youtu.be/BYTXyUdvYaM).

2015-06-07, 11:37 AM
I had been playing a high elf evoker wizard with a splash of fighter, but since that campaign ended suddenly and hilariously (liquid nova, boom juice, destroyed whole planet), I'm getting a chance at a heavy, arguably broken, multiclass gish build. As in final goal is fighter11/sorc9. Set in a world where magic is uncommon and mostly taboo, my character "accidentally" stabbed a glowing, magic orb inside a ruin at the bequest of the party wizard (divination). Needless to say, that provided me my story hook into multiclassing. And since magic is taboo and I assume there's not arcane focuses or magic shops, I'm choosing mostly verbal and somantic spells with a couple simple material spells that I really want. He's turning into a medieval jedi, though I'm not specifically aiming for that.

Fun stuff, but I already have three more characters in the stable that I can't wait to play. :smalltongue:

2015-06-07, 06:26 PM
LN, Polearm, paladin of vengeance, follower of Hoar
she thinks she is LG and is a champion of justice, but is very literally an eye for an eye kind of girl.
Her low INT (7) isn't doing her any favors, but plenty of flavor.

2015-06-07, 06:39 PM
Currently an AL knowledge cleric of Waukeen, trying to be the 'prophet of modern economics'

Home game I have a Warlock-based multiclassing monstrosity rolling up on 6th level

Also have a level 20 Evil Ranger for an upcoming 'weekend long one shot' evil campaign

2015-06-07, 07:19 PM
Right now, a Tiefling Warlock, Fey patron, Pact of the Tome. I always really liked 3.5's Warlock class but never got a chance to play one, since I mostly played that edition in play-by-post on a board that only allowed SRD content, and I liked the idea of a Tiefling Warlock for flavor reasons, despite the fact that that would be a terrible idea mechanically in 3.5 since Tieflings had a -2 to charisma. So when I saw that Warlock became a PHB class and Tiefling a PHB race in 5e, and that Tieflings have a charisma bonus now? I just had to make this my first 5e character.

Granted though, 5e Warlock is pretty removed from what I liked most about 3.5 Warlock. What I liked there was that the trade-off for their low spells known count was unlimited uses of them. 5e is almost the opposite, with a fine number of spells known, but few spell slots unless you take a lot of short rests. Still a fun class this way, though. And 5e cantrips do fill that void to some degree, and are one of my favorite new things in 5e in general.

Currently playing through the starter campaign (Mines of Phandelver, or something close to that) with a group that's basically entirely new to the game: a couple of the others have some experience with other tabletop RPGs, but I'm the only one who played any version of D&D before this. So we're starting simple and slow, but it's still fun. I do kinda regret not planning out my character better though: when I went to make the character with the DM I hadn't made up my mind which Pact to take, so I distributed my stats in such a way as to leave Pact of the Blade a viable option, but ultimately decided that Pact of the Tome fit the way I wound up writing the character and envisioning his personality best. So now I have a 14 strength I'm not really doing anything with. I figure I should be fine though, since I of course made sure my charisma was my highest stat (now 18 after hitting level 4), and of course with a group of newbies it's not like anyone else has a highly-optimized character anyway; it's just a pity seeing my second-highest stat be something I'm not getting much use out of.

2015-06-07, 07:34 PM
Right now I've got a human explorer (Homebrew class over in the homebrew forums) who is just amazing. The int mod to damage is strong without being ridiculous and she's a capable combatant. And with her knowledge skills and the like I'm really enjoying being the skill user for the group. Shivra.

I've also got a Psionic Warrior (DM's Homebrew) in a Dark Sun Campaign who is, essentially, Conan/Red Sonya/Scorpion King/Kull/Etc and fighting to avenge her murdered tribe. She's going to rock faces, I know it. Nakri.

And then I've got my current most important character, a half elven wild sorceress named Venyra Salitzar. Princess of the Immortal Principality of Hult, Third in line to inherit the crown. Her parents are both humans and her half-elven nature (and chaotic magic) both came from a Chaos Storm that was passing over the palace during her birth. At a young age her father moved back to his estate in the country and abandoned his kids because he thought the Crown Princess of Hult (Venyra's Mother) had cheated on him with some Elf. Eventually she took to adventuring and had her fortune read. Now she and her friends and cousin, Prince Conrad of Brundisium (fourth in line to become Emperor) are exploring a new continent to the west that is actually a planes-hopping landmass controlled by an ancient Mountain King (Giant) who serves the God of Conquest. When he very nearly died, thousands of years ago, he entered suspended animation. And it's up to us to collect the gems that socket into his crown and keep them from being reassembled to waken him! Each gem ties to one of the planes of existence, the elemental planes, negative and positive, law and chaos, and the Astral plane represents time. As the continent roved through the planes it sometimes picked up pieces of other realities and dragged them along. So we've seen the land of Law, Synchronia, populated by Modrons and ruled by the Clockmaster. As well as the Merfolk of the Father of All Waters, the Anphirae. We've fought off ghostly pirates, killed Half-Ogre Apes, blown up a pirate cove, defeated giant ghosts, and explored ancient ruins. We also went through a trial in which the Master of Clocks was trying to frame us for being the cause of an attack from the Red Dragon nation of Ongoth...

It's been an awesome campaign!

2015-06-07, 07:46 PM
Mostly Barnabas, a nobleman who read way too many adventure books when he was younger and so decided to become a Dashing Hero (TM). Paladin with Ritual Caster, sort of a cross between Elan/Tarquin and The Todd from Scrubs. Default response to everything is to try to seduce it- has worked so far on a genderless wraith/ghost/elder spirit thing (yay natural 20s), an ore merchant (yay better loot prices), a wizard (yay copying her rituals), and about 50% of the people we rescue (yay alternative quest rewards). Does not work on sahaugin, hags, demon monsters of oblivion, or constructs. Actually super effective out of combat with his rituals, and a total beast in combat with his being a paladin.

Also have a crotchety dwarf conjurer in Flashy's steampunk game, but that one's on hiatus. Banished from the dwarves for practicing "elf-magic" and inventing a curse that makes the target's beard fall off. Accidentally banished himself to the Elemental Chaos once. Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, married to the Drow wizard who invented warforged. Possibly the only PC I've seen played who is significantly less important than their NPC spouse. Travels everywhere with his faithful friend, a tremendously dumb and very big half-orc druid who is convinced she's a dwarf.

2015-06-08, 08:27 AM
Cleric: Tempest Domain
Background: Sailor
Deity: Thor
Weapon: Warhammer (Gee, who saw that coming?)
DM allowed the import of Thunderclap cantrip due to his domain. Handy, when the monsters try to zerg rush you.
Back up weapon is javelin (3) carried on a quiver on my back.

We only get to play once a week, or once every two week.
Without Roll20 we could not play at all: our group is all over the country. (And mostly all have kids, wives, and the usual scheduling fun with RL).

It is fun, when we can all get it together.

2015-06-09, 07:16 AM
***********Gnomes have never existed in my campaign in any way whatsoever

Doesn't this obviate the need for any of those other ones except perhaps as a matter of historical record?

and a halfling bard based entirely on country music legend Little Jimmy Dickens.

That's a shame, that sounds like a fun little game.

Background: Sailor

Why not Background: Noble? (Or Knight)

Still playing a soldier.

2015-06-09, 07:59 AM
So our group hit level 10, and finished the first chapter of our campaign. After defeating the warlock intent on pulling the Far realm into the material plane, we are at a crossroads for the next idea.

We have decided to split the group. We have a B team, so some of us are taking our main characters on a classic dungeon quest while the others stay in the capital to do some political intruige stuff.

Whomever doesn't have a main in the group is playing an alternate character, so the group itself is staying together. It's a welcome change of pace.

So my main is an 8/2 Totem Barb/Fighter Goliath. My alt for politics is A half elf diviner wizard.

2015-06-09, 09:21 AM
Why not Background: Noble? (Or Knight)
Four Reasons:
1. Vikings, long ships, seafaring, adventure. (Thor deity / Viking)
2. I spent a couple of decades in the Navy, so I groove on the nautical thing.
3. Pirates, which is a matter of general goodness and wonderfulness even more more wonderful than ninjas (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PiratesVersusNinjas).
4.It was part of the multi-page back story I wrote for this character, approved by the DM ... kid grew up in a port town and used to hang around the docks ... )

Dumb luck, sort of.
The E.E. stuff came out on line which made it official that some nautical themed content has arrived.

My ability to operate a sea-going vessel, or get our party passage on a ship, fits into that new stuff should our DM fold it in.

It already let us commandeer a ship (upon which we were shanghaied when first level, the fight to get ourselves out of confinement being sort of epic in our party's story since we almost roped the goat on that one) and then sail it to and eventually sell it at a distant port.

While we are currently land bound, I have the chance to be the first line of defense against the serious issues with "DnD adventures in water become TPK's" with my sailing ability and the Water Walk spell.

Now if only I can find Miss Fortune (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZh_hN-62YA)and enlist her in a pirate hunting mission ...

2015-06-09, 09:25 AM
Doesn't this obviate the need for any of those other ones except perhaps as a matter of historical record?

Note the progression involved.

That's a shame, that sounds like a fun little game.
The character looked like him, dressed in fringed shirts, and introduced himself with that song. His backstory consisted of the full version of that song (there's a verse missing in the live performance that recounts how he was a self-taught singer from a farm) and the song "Out Behind The Barn," and for Vicious Mockery and Cutting Words he used the chorus of "May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose." Not that any of that made it into the game.

The DM who shot that one down hated "country music," I think mostly because he didn't seem to know how different classic country is from the radio "bad pop music with twangy guitars and a really fake accent, entirely centered around trucks, blue jeans, beer, 'murica, dirt roads, train tracks, and girls" crap of the past couple decades.

It's a little like someone refusing to listen to the Beatles because said person hates nu-metal or alt-rock and lumps all of "rock" together.

The bard (not mine) who wore Slash's tophat made it in.

Edit: I didn't stick with that group (not the same one that bans gnomes).

2015-06-09, 04:12 PM
The bard (not mine) who wore Slash's tophat made it in.

Wow. That's just....eww.

2015-06-09, 07:16 PM
Wow. That's just....eww.

Hence why I packed up and left that particular group after session 1 (my back-up character was accepted and I played through the session, before politely saying I didn't feel our preferred gaming styles meshed well and that I meant no offense but wouldn't be returning). Guy might have been a fantastic DM aside from that, for all I know; the first session didn't go badly in any other way whatsoever, had a good hook, and didn't seem railroady. And Pelor knows I've shot down characters and banned classes/species that aggravated me before. But letting in the Slash clone and banning mine aggravated me enough to leave.

2015-06-09, 09:24 PM
I'm not playing D&D, but I'm playing 5e.

Many years ago, I ran a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game (oWoD, 2nd edition I believe). We had lots of fun but then life got in the way and we all moved on, got careers, started families, took out mortgages, the whole nine meters.

Most of us recently realized we had room in our schedules for infrequent gaming again. We never really finished my W:tA campaign. Meaning, we never got to the actual "apocalypse" part and really just ended up playing Werewolf Superheroes. Now, we all like good tactical fighting games and the Storyteller system really isn't optimized for that. I love the W:tA setting but I always felt like I was fighting the rules.

When I decided to revive the game, I wanted to make it a d20 system to take advantage of its combat-happy rules. I used 3e as a basis and created a homebrew port of W:tA. I also boosted the old PCs levels to 16. We played one session and the realities of high-level 3e combat came slamming down like a sack of wet boulders. An encounter between the six PCs and about eight NPCs took FIVE HOURS to resolve. Granted, part of that was because the players were learning the combat system, but still...

I tried researching how to speed up high-level 3e combat. Most of the basic tips were things I was already doing, but a recurring theme was about how 5e really fixed things in that regard. I took a look at 5e character creation and liked a lot of what I saw. During an extended break between sessions, and with the players' permission, I revamped the 3e setting into a 5e setting. Things were a lot faster and more fun the next time we played, and I got a few compliments for the session, so it seems like that was the right choice.

This W:tA campaign isn't open-ended and will have a conclusion in about six or eight more sessions. After that, if my players haven't strangled me, I plan to run a "true" D&D 5e campaign.

2015-06-10, 03:16 PM
A knight dual-wielding lances... from the back of a camel. It makes sense in context, it really does.

2015-06-11, 09:27 AM
A knight dual-wielding lances... from the back of a camel. It makes sense in context, it really does.
Some Stone Giantess is still looking for her knitting needles. Might be a rough day when she finds out that you have them. :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-11, 03:51 PM
DMing a 5e Homebrew System. It's fun. When school starts back up, I'll be playing an Eladrin Eldritch Knight who's sacrificed everything for a chance to change the world.

2015-06-11, 04:42 PM
In the 5e game I'm in, I'm playing a Dragonborn Warlock of the Star Pact (Great Old Ones) who sold his soul for the power of knowledge and the knowledge of power.

2015-06-11, 06:29 PM
A knight dual-wielding lances... from the back of a camel. It makes sense in context, it really does.

Did you by chance purchase this camel from Crazy Hassan? (http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Hassan)
(NSFW, language)