View Full Version : Optimization 3.5 High Priest of Tiamat

2015-04-10, 01:47 PM
My characters are finally ready to take on my main Boss, problem is he is a priest of Tiamat. I have a general idea that he should be a 15th level priest as the characters are level 11 and he will have two bluespawn godslayers as back up. Any suggestions for spells and armor for this guy? I want it to be a tough fight but a reasonable one for the end of this arc of the campaign.
To explain the characters here they are
Warforged juggernaut (note he is on/off game wise he has out of game stuff to do so he may not show) http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=82511
We have the party leader the first borne of bahamut

the party rogue
A dragon Borne
A Kobold swordsage
Also the token Evil character

I can't find the leaders character sheet but hes got draconic abilities

Note the high priest is a undead creature who is a complete bastard, he is not the firstborne of Tiamat he killed him for helping the party long story

hope this helps i will not be back online until 4 am

2015-04-10, 01:53 PM
To make sure the priest is sufficiently high, use the drug rules from BoVD.

2015-04-10, 02:04 PM
A Cleric 4 levels higher with two Bluespawn Godslayers (they're the noticeably under-CRed ones iirc?) is probably going to be too much for a T3-4ish group at party level 12ish even as a big boss fight. Consider scaling him back a bit.

What sort of undead is he, or have you not decided yet?

2015-04-10, 02:36 PM
A Cleric 4 levels higher with two Bluespawn Godslayers (they're the noticeably under-CRed ones iirc?) is probably going to be too much for a T3-4ish group at party level 12ish even as a big boss fight. Consider scaling him back a bit.

What sort of undead is he, or have you not decided yet?

Especially when you add in the godslayers' extra damage against dragon type things. By forum cheese RAW, that could include the kobold. One of my most fond memories of running RHOD included the addition of a godslayer to the final encounter of the Battle of Brindol. For extra savagery, he was wearing the body of a fallen comrade impaled on his horn like a trophy.

2015-04-10, 03:27 PM
Your dragonborn needs to learn how to spell. The swordsage and token evil character are the best optimized, but it looked like only the evil character had a "native" flight speed; everyone else just had breath weapons, shortbows, or else nothing to deal with flying creatures. Ergo, make the foe flying. Challenge accomplished.

2015-04-10, 06:16 PM
Especially when you add in the godslayers' extra damage against dragon type things. By forum cheese RAW, that could include the kobold. One of my most fond memories of running RHOD included the addition of a godslayer to the final encounter of the Battle of Brindol. For extra savagery, he was wearing the body of a fallen comrade impaled on his horn like a trophy.I think that's RAI as well as RAW, since the kobold is Dragonwrought. That's a pretty simple, expected consequence of giving the kobold the dragon type. The various dragonblooded creatures might be subject to the extra damage as well, though I'd have to reread the rules for exactly which dragon-affecting effects apply against the subtype.

2015-04-10, 06:52 PM
Question: Are those two, the swordsage and the rogue, supposed to be seven, because the kobold has nothing indicating he is 11.
Given the lack of op-fu I am seeing, your encounter should crush them easily. They have low damage output, virtually no CC, some have low AC, and I am not seeing those sexy miss chances. They will explode on contact with any encounter that is designed to be "Challenging"

2015-04-11, 01:02 AM
I think that's RAI as well as RAW, since the kobold is Dragonwrought. That's a pretty simple, expected consequence of giving the kobold the dragon type. The various dragonblooded creatures might be subject to the extra damage as well, though I'd have to reread the rules for exactly which dragon-affecting effects apply against the subtype.

Bluespawn Godslayers deal +2d6 to Dragons, dragonblooded creatures, and/or outsiders. (+4d6 to dragonblooded outsiders due to falling under two separate abilities). All of them other than the Warforged will take the extra damage due to being dragonblooded, or in the tiefling's case, an outsider.

2015-04-11, 03:55 AM
A Cleric 4 levels higher with two Bluespawn Godslayers (they're the noticeably under-CRed ones iirc?) is probably going to be too much for a T3-4ish group at party level 12ish even as a big boss fight. Consider scaling him back a bit.

What sort of undead is he, or have you not decided yet?

not decided yet

2015-04-11, 04:01 AM
Ok how about this
1 godslayer and the priest is a level 12 cleric however here is the kicker.

So players have just gone through a dungeon and enter an extravagantly decorated room with a high round marble ceiling to mark the egomaniac whom resides inside.

They've heard the screams and cries of tormented souls through the entire dungeon, but are sure it's tricks by the Necromancer.
We'll call him "Dorian", you'll get the reference later. The screams are louder when they enter, just as the main baddie Dorian turns around and laughs maniacally,
"You're far, far too late. I bathe in immortality now!"

So the players throw their high level spell slots, ridiculous critical hits and everything at Dorian... he shrugs, regenerating like wolverine.
Now, don't give it to them right away. Let them use some resources. Let them get afraid. If they need a pause, the Necromancer can take his turn to laugh, or merely 'teleport' or 'shadowstep', to taunt them with cockiness.
(Write down all the different attacks the players tried to use, it will come in handy)

At this juncture they should think (or gather from investigation/arcana checks) that he has some sort of Phylactery and be trashing the altar, desk, putting out the torches, etc.

After awhile, you can throw them the final tip:
"When your sword/spell impacts the Necromancers skin, you hear a scream coincide from through the Dungeon Vent in the middle of the room."
They should catch the hint that they need to spelunk using a vent with bars across in the room.
So, mid combat the Necromancer should try furiously to stop them... maybe dropping his cone of cold on the one who is using a rope to help his buddy down there, maybe cause one or both to fall.

Once down in the dungeon, you see "x" amount, (maybe 6 depending on level), slaves of different races, genders and ages penned to the walls with shackles.
Use detailed imagery to show all the fire/acid/slashing damage has presented itself across the bodies of these slaves...
He has been mitigating his damage to them!

So now the player(s) down there have to make a decision while a battle still rages above.
Do they simply kill all the slaves to prevent Dorian's regeneration? MORAL DILEMMA.
Maybe the Wizard can use his "Dispel magic" to save one life... But who will that be?! The Elf
Child? The elder dwarf? The beautiful bar maiden?

By the way feel free to use this template on a evil boss/necromancer evil priest for an encounter

2015-04-11, 10:32 AM
I set the Dispel to Area and save most of them? Or kill/incapacitate him without damage? You talk like there are no other options.

2015-04-11, 12:44 PM
I set the Dispel to Area and save most of them? Or kill/incapacitate him without damage? You talk like there are no other options.

Yes but the problem is they have to find them if they don't figure it out half of them will be dead

2015-04-12, 11:39 AM
Any ideas for spell loadout?

2015-04-13, 12:34 PM
To make sure the priest is sufficiently high, use the drug rules from BoVD.

Or has UMD ranks to cast Fly from a scroll.

2015-04-13, 08:27 PM
Any ideas for spell loadout?

I think they may have given up a bit. However, this handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=420.0) may help.