View Full Version : DM Help to make a senario beliveable/possible

2015-04-10, 03:08 PM
a sorcerer has made a magical world where he lives with talking, intelligent forrest animals. And the world can only exist with the use of gold or something. I mean, he has used his pile of gold to make/upkeep the world. How can i make this happen? The point is there is no treasure left..

2015-04-10, 03:12 PM
Spend all of your gold as components for spells. Alternatively, transmute it into forest creatures, then animate them.

2015-04-10, 03:23 PM
Spend all of your gold as components for spells. Alternatively, transmute it into forest creatures, then animate them.

Thank you!!

2015-04-10, 03:31 PM
Did you want some specific spells to accomplish those goals? And, are those solutions acceptable, or are you looking for something else?

2015-04-10, 03:55 PM
The sorcerer could have made hisher magical world the RAW way... Creating a demiplane either through the use of the 'genesis' spell or Planeshifter levels, then using all his/her money to make the plane bigger (more castings of the 'genesis' spell) and to bring in rocks, dirt, trees, animals, maybe multiple scrolls of 'awaken' for the animals, all of which are gone now, so that he/she didn't have to use up their own XP...

Maybe there are a few portals in there, too, those are pretty expensive.

2015-04-10, 04:16 PM
Did you want some specific spells to accomplish those goals? And, are those solutions acceptable, or are you looking for something else?

I just want to get away with it actually!:smallbiggrin: I'm unexerienced and some of the players aren't. I need to impress my boyfriend so he can have fun playing to! acctually very annoying having him beside me as I do my research and not being able to ask him about stuff like this without spoiling the plot :P

2015-04-10, 04:17 PM
The sorcerer could have made hisher magical world the RAW way... Creating a demiplane either through the use of the 'genesis' spell or Planeshifter levels, then using all his/her money to make the plane bigger (more castings of the 'genesis' spell) and to bring in rocks, dirt, trees, animals, maybe multiple scrolls of 'awaken' for the animals, all of which are gone now, so that he/she didn't have to use up their own XP...

Maybe there are a few portals in there, too, those are pretty expensive.

hmm, portals are fun!

2015-04-10, 10:12 PM
I just want to get away with it actually!:smallbiggrin: I'm unexerienced and some of the players aren't. I need to impress my boyfriend so he can have fun playing to! acctually very annoying having him beside me as I do my research and not being able to ask him about stuff like this without spoiling the plot :P My apologies if I don't touch anything dealing with relationships with an 11' pole. Since you're the GM, if you want to, you can just say "this is so" and have it be. However, if you do that you'll need to probably have some idea in advance of how "this is how it is" interacts with things that the players can do, like make knowledge checks, cast divinations, attempt to duplicate/destroy/alter/etc it. Creating things by using the rules gets around most of these issues, however, so the approach you've taken to use in-game mechanics is a good one.

It looks like there's about 405 spells that have gp as a material component, or else have a costly material component. Some possibly useful ones:
Alarm, Greater/ Improved
Anarchic Water
Ancient Knowlege
Anticipate Teleportation/ Greater
Arcane Lock/ Improved
Arcane Seal
Astral Hospice
Astral Projection
Axiomatic Water
Bless Water
Citygate (a portal, effectively!)
Consecrate/ Battlefield
Curse Water
Desecrate/ Battlefield
Earth Lock
Fool's Gold
Forest Child
Genius Loci (this one is quite neat)
Hide the Path
Ice Castle
Ice Ship
Instant Refuge (very useful)
Leomund's Secret Chest
Magic Mouth
Mirror Sending
Mordenkainen's Capable Caravel
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
Nature's Rampart
Permanent Image
Precipitate Breach/ Complete (a portal of sorts. Works well with GM fiat for the destination!)
Programmed Amnesia
Programmed Image
Project Image
Reincarnate (If all of your forest creatures are reincarnated versions of [some set of people important to the PCs or plot], then this will quickly blow through your gp, at 1k a pop)
Scry Location
Seal Portal
Sign of Sealing/ Greater
Submerge Ship
Suspended Silence
Teleportation Circle (can be permanancied)
Temporal Stasis
Wall of Iron (careful, the PCs might try to take it and sell it)
Water to Poison

hmm, portals are fun!

There's a few ways to get portals, such as Gate (PHB), Ring Gates (DMG), Discolour Pool (SC), and Reality Maelstrom (SC). Here's some portal-related spells:

Fistandantilus's Portal, DCS 108: creates a portal, wiz 8
Analyze Portal SC 10: tells how to use it, and where it leads, wiz 3
Portal Alarm SC 160: sounds a mental/audible alarm when something uses a portal, wiz 2
Portal Reformat Und 60: adds or removes keys to a portal, portal domain 8
Portal-to-Portal Redirect Und 60: changes destination, portal domain 6
Scramble Portal SC 181: randomizes destination, wiz 4
Gate Seal FRCS: seals a gate; can be dispelled, wiz 6

2015-04-11, 02:00 AM
Is there any reason in particular why you don't want the sorcerer (presumably an enemy?) to have any treasure left? Or is this sorcerer a friendly NPC and you don't want him to have treasure as a means of making sure that the players have no reason to arbitrarily kill him for loot?

Also, just a bit of personal experience, but I've always found that what impresses players the most isn't grand descriptions of marvelous things, but instead rather than nuances of the world, things that make it seem real, rather than a 2 dimensional cut-out. If you want to impress your players, then focus more on making a detailed world with interesting NPCs. That's just my personal experience though.

2015-04-11, 09:31 AM
My apologies if I don't touch anything dealing with relationships with an 11' pole. Since you're the GM, if you want to, you can just say "this is so" and have it be. However, if you do that you'll need to probably have some idea in advance of how "this is how it is" interacts with things that the players can do, like make knowledge checks, cast divinations, attempt to duplicate/destroy/alter/etc it. Creating things by using the rules gets around most of these issues, however, so the approach you've taken to use in-game mechanics is a good one.
Gate Seal FRCS: seals a gate; can be dispelled, wiz 6

Is there any reason in particular why you don't want the sorcerer (presumably an enemy?) to have any treasure left? Or is this sorcerer a friendly NPC and you don't want him to have treasure as a means of making sure that the players have no reason to arbitrarily kill him for loot?

Also, just a bit of personal experience, but I've always found that what impresses players the most isn't grand descriptions of marvelous things, but instead rather than nuances of the world, things that make it seem real, rather than a 2 dimensional cut-out. If you want to impress your players, then focus more on making a detailed world with interesting NPCs. That's just my personal experience though.

The sorcerer is a friendly NPC, and of course there is a price! They're adventurers, aren't they! ;) But I don't want it to be the obvious pile of gold. I'm all for the details and charactistics, that's where I do my best. I just need to make sure what I want is possible. Unlike some of the players in the group, I haven't read the ten thousand books front to back :P Thanx for the list of spells, that comes in handy :)

2015-04-11, 02:46 PM
You wanna impress a guy? With your D&D skills? With a happy go lucky sorcerer and his/her animal friends?

Well Cinderella, If you want to impress him, scare the crap out of him. Make your NPC something both powerful and morally horrible. Make him have to seek your NPC for help, and make him hate himself for doing it.

2015-04-12, 04:08 AM
You wanna impress a guy? With your D&D skills? With a happy go lucky sorcerer and his/her animal friends?

Well Cinderella, If you want to impress him, scare the crap out of him. Make your NPC something both powerful and morally horrible. Make him have to seek your NPC for help, and make him hate himself for doing it.

Hahaha, I get that it's not the guy thing to do! But it's part of the story, the attraction of a treasure, the twist that its gone. And it not the only NPC in the adventure ;) One of the PC is an evil who needs to do good deeds, so lets see what he chooses :smallamused: besides, bf loves evil, so thats not challanging at all..

2015-04-12, 10:41 AM
Well, the rules for creating portals are in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book, page 61. You need to know certain teleportation spells, have the 'create portal' feat, and spend a ton of money to make a portal...

If your BF is at all magical, maybe one of the sorcerer's critters could end up being a cool familiar/animal companion/wild cohort of some kind...

2015-04-13, 12:38 PM
Hahaha, I get that it's not the guy thing to do! But it's part of the story, the attraction of a treasure, the twist that its gone. And it not the only NPC in the adventure ;) One of the PC is an evil who needs to do good deeds, so lets see what he chooses :smallamused: besides, bf loves evil, so thats not challanging at all..

Make a very friendly nymph?