View Full Version : Most evil thing you have ever seen done to a PC, or had done to you

2015-04-10, 03:12 PM
I would have to say the most evil thing I have seen done to a PC was....

While fighting a spellcasting lich who was basically able to toy with us.

Flesh to stone on the party halfling rogue

Lich - "Disgusting little creatures. So short and foul"

Lich stone shapes the halfling, stretching it's arms and legs to more than double their normal length, so it is sized more like a human

Lich - "There, that's much better"

Lich casts stone to flesh and the poor misshapen halfling begins screaming in agony of all 4 limbs being broken and stretched horribly

2015-04-10, 03:23 PM
After a particular player was forced out of our group due to being utterly intolerable, their character was murdered horribly by a writhing mass of tentacles. Somewhere between Cthulhu and Hermaeus Mora. We all watched, unable to look away as their body was torn asunder, penetrated and mauled by a black tentacles spell out of control.

2015-04-10, 03:31 PM
One of my characters was the secret prince of a foreign country (unbeknownst to him). Campaign is being an evil-overlords merc-group to help him instigate World War I and conquer the world. He was the loyal sort, and through some misadventures, the Empress of his native country tried offing him, failed and informed him indirectly of his rightful privilege. Came back, instigated a ton of (successful) assissinations to remove people who could block his birthright. Challenged the Empress for his right to rule, won. Took his rule, then implanted his sister (whose been Dominated by Evil Overlord) in charge, making her a puppet ruler.

In about 2 in-game weeks (admittedly, nearly 5 sessions), I managed to completely re-constructed an entire ruling noble class to support me, offed the opposition, then abandoned my right so my Lord could rule it from afar. I think I did that LE on my sheet justice.

2015-04-10, 03:32 PM
After a particular player was forced out of our group due to being utterly intolerable, their character was murdered horribly by a writhing mass of tentacles. Somewhere between Cthulhu and Hermaeus Mora. We all watched, unable to look away as their body was torn asunder, penetrated and mauled by a black tentacles spell out of control.

Would that spell happen to be Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0020.html)?

In any case, the most evil thing done to PCs that I have ever seen wasn't immediately apparent. The party (epic level) was investigating a series of mountain villages that had gone missing a la Collectors from ME2. Well they stumbled across an army of orcs, hobgoblins, kobolds, etc. in the process of kidnapping one such village. So, the party swoops in, kills the entire horde, and are patting each other on the back when the DM (me) reveals that before combat began Will saves were rolled for all of them. They all failed, and as they were celebrating their victory, the illusion disguising the missing villagers as goblinoids faded away.

2015-04-10, 03:35 PM
They were in a temple dedicated to an ocean deity and in the final room an evil druid flooded the place and swam out; the halfling cleric and Swashbuckler died before even getting into combat. I feel like they should have been prepared for the chances of drowning, there were signs.

2015-04-10, 03:45 PM
Our uptight ranger missed a few sessions. He was kidnapped and tossed into a pit with a amorous Girallon for a couple weeks

Karl Aegis
2015-04-10, 07:11 PM
An elf cursed my niece to have a hungering for innards. They also paralyzed her father, slit his stomach and left him to die next to her. Needless to say, I tried my hardest to make sure she didn't grow up to be a ranger.

2015-04-10, 07:18 PM
One of my favorite moments when playing; in an evil campaign a friend who was filling in for another was playing a one-off druid. He quickly becomes an ex-druid by skinning a dominated bear alive. Later we're on a bride that collapses, most people recover but he falls into the river below, going towards a waterfall. My PC is flying above and he asks "Can't you save me?" to which I simply responded "I could" and continued on my way, letting him fall to his death.

2015-04-10, 07:33 PM
A character dies because of a DM's house rule that fundamentally changes the nature of the game where as if the house rule didn't exist the character would not have died at all, as I've foreseen and warned about.

3E game. Roll a d20 to set spell save DC. If roll a 1, spell fizzles. A particular spell needed to be cast at a particular time or else TPK next round. A 1 was rolled. No spell. TPK next round.

5E game. No healing during rests unless through magic. No HD spending. No full heal on long rests. Our group consists of two parties. The other DM uses this. My group's DM couldn't play so other DM ran for both groups. Last session other group had a major fight. Two characters were dropped. Another almost dropped. They could short rest but no healing. Our group arrives right after that battle. Not even a long rest was allowed to them to at least get back spells for when our party arrives which was arbitrary timing on DM's part. Army of bad guys arrive. Because the other group was forbidden to heal two players literally did absolutely nothing that session because they couldn't do anything, the spell-less and 1 hit point thanks to Goodberry wizard and bard. I know, cantrips, but they were running scared on 1 hit point. The rest were all in hiding because they were so low in hit points as well, except for the druid. Instead of our two parties combined against the bad guys it was just our group against the bad guys. Mind there was a tactical error on our part but still we were down two players the entire fight and another for half the fight as the paladin managed to heal himself up a bit with Lay On Hands, and then we actually started making progress. Almost a TPK except for the druid (funny how that happens vis a vis wildshape) and the two players who did absolutely nothing as their characters ran away to hide. Had we the full group we could have actually won the battle. No one has officially died but we might as well be if we were not saved by the clock to end the session so our regular DM can hopefully fix this mess next week for our group.

2015-04-10, 09:34 PM
A PC was passing through a soul-sucking interplanar barrier while delving into the prison where the players are trying to stop the BBEG from releasing an elder evil at the climax of the campaign. The BBEG is waiting within this interplanar barrier, and can potentially kill and possess PCs within this region.

The PC fails the save, and after some behind-the-curtain rolls, I determine that the PC has been killed and his soul sucked out by the BBEG. The BBEG's next move would be to possess the corpse and infiltrate the party, so I don't tell the player anything, and he comes out of the barrier knowing he failed a save but not knowing what happened.

The group reaches the final chamber where the evil was held, and at that point, I inform the player that his character has been dead since he went into the barrier. The BBEG, who is wearing the dead PC like an extra skin, now reaches out of his mouth, tears his head open, and crawls out, discarding his body like a snake's shed skin. The players are staring at me, jaws hanging open in horror, and the player completely shocked, as I describe this. The BBEG then proceeds to mop the floor with the party, who come out of it alive only through luck and desperation.

That game was ten years ago, and they still talk about it.

2015-04-10, 09:41 PM
A PC was passing through a soul-sucking interplanar barrier while delving into the prison where the players are trying to stop the BBEG from releasing an elder evil at the climax of the campaign. The BBEG is waiting within this interplanar barrier, and can potentially kill and possess PCs within this region.

The PC fails the save, and after some behind-the-curtain rolls, I determine that the PC has been killed and his soul sucked out by the BBEG. The BBEG's next move would be to possess the corpse and infiltrate the party, so I don't tell the player anything, and he comes out of the barrier knowing he failed a save but not knowing what happened.

The group reaches the final chamber where the evil was held, and at that point, I inform the player that his character has been dead since he went into the barrier. The BBEG, who is wearing the dead PC like an extra skin, now reaches out of his mouth, tears his head open, and crawls out, discarding his body like a snake's shed skin. The players are staring at me, jaws hanging open in horror, and the player completely shocked, as I describe this. The BBEG then proceeds to mop the floor with the party, who come out of it alive only through luck and desperation.

That game was ten years ago, and they still talk about it.


2015-04-14, 07:40 AM
A group of player characters of mine Mindraped a captive drow, to get information, after which they convinced her to live on the surface, in charge of an inn.

A few years later, the character recurs, at this point having married a human and had a child.

When the spell gets undone. They find the husband's mutilated corpse, the infant is crying in another room, and she fled back to the underdark.

2015-04-14, 09:02 AM
Wow... Well, my two stories don't really compare to these, but, here we go...

After making a Wish to gain access to a few [Evil] arcane spells as a Wilder, said Wilder realizes he needs to make a Pact Infernal in order to become a Diabolist. So, cue some sort of Plane Shift in order to make said Pact. Only, he doesn't roll very well on his destination, and ends up with a Forge Fiend (or something). Who, by the way, does not appreciate being interrupted. After they finish fighting (the Wilder won, by the way), he spares the Fiend's life in exchange for a Pact, to become a Diabolist, then Shifts back to the Prime Material.

Few weeks later, after taking a couple levels in Diabolist, the player's Imp companion informs him that he needs to uphold the other end of the deal. Which consists something along the lines of "ritually sacrifice a party member to the Forge Fiend in Asmodeous's name". So, after desecrating the top of a watch tower, he calls my Kobold Lancer up to the top of the tower to "investigate something hinky". I fail my Sense Motive spectacularly, then my Will save, and suddenly poor little Qit-Qat thinks it would be a swell idea to rappel down the side of the tower. Without a climber's kit. Or a rope.

I guess it was my own fault, really, since I had violated rule #1 of flying mounted combat, which is "always have a Feather Fall effect".

For story #2:

So, my Half-Drow Beguiler/Rogue, while adventuring in the Underdark, bluffing the everloving bejeezus out of everyone she crossed paths with into believing she was a Priestess, and the Human and Kobold travelling with her were her slaves.

Well, at the very end of the adventure path, we were making our way out of the dungeon, to report back to the Dwarves that, unfortunately, their princess had been held captive and tortured for far too long, and the most information we could recover were a few cryptic phrases gouged into the walls by (presumably) her own fingernails, and accented in a particularly robust crimson color (which one can only assume was her own blood).

So, we're making our way out of this Drow prison complex, and my Beguiler, trap-finder extraordinaire, rolls a 1 on her trap-finding. Acid Splash to the face, combo'd with some sort of Programmed Amnesia. I am now blind, and have no idea where I am or who I'm with, except these people are enemies of the Dark Elf race, and should be exterminated at all cost. The Kobold Battle Sorcadin, Human Knockdown-Lockdown Monk, and Water Orc Pouncebarian objected to my attempt at combat, tackled me and put me in manacles, and left me with the Dwarves to be healed.

Apparently I am still a raving lunatic, swearing damnation on every sunlight enjoying elf-friend that comes within earshot.

2015-04-14, 10:04 AM
"We need a trapfinder, roll a rogue."*

*purely hypothetical, for humorous purposes only. Not to be taken internally.

2015-04-14, 10:25 AM
I don't have anything on these levels of evil, but I do have a story. It wasn't so much evil done directly to PCs, but evil done that severely depressed the PCs.

So the BBEGs (brothers, much stronger than the party at this point) meet up with the party at a small town on the way to their destination, having just burned it down for fun. They tell the party that they're going to be assaulting a larger settlement down the road in 5 days, and they should get there and prepare as much as they can; the brothers want to see what the PCs are capable of. So the PCs grab the few very much in-shock survivors of the burned town, and run off to the city to start preparing. They do what they can to get the city ready, and 3 days later, the assault comes from the north, and they and all of the able-bodied people of the city go north to meet it. Little did the PCs know, the BBEGs had assassins infiltrate the city in the days leading to the assault, and now that there are no able-bodied people left in the city, the assassins go around and kill every adult in the city (including the ones who were just saved in the burned town), and take all the children captive. In addition, the assault was really made of simulacra, so they didn't even make any progress against the BBEGs. One of the PCs mentor and idol was killed too.

Finally, as they left the city, they found the crazier brother with all the recently captured children in chains, who he proceeds to burn to death in front of the PCs eyes, telling them that all of the recent deaths are their fault for failing to prepare properly, and for believing the clearly evil people when they tell you their plans.

2015-04-14, 10:38 AM
A PC was passing through a soul-sucking interplanar barrier while delving into the prison where the players are trying to stop the BBEG from releasing an elder evil at the climax of the campaign. The BBEG is waiting within this interplanar barrier, and can potentially kill and possess PCs within this region.

The PC fails the save, and after some behind-the-curtain rolls, I determine that the PC has been killed and his soul sucked out by the BBEG. The BBEG's next move would be to possess the corpse and infiltrate the party, so I don't tell the player anything, and he comes out of the barrier knowing he failed a save but not knowing what happened.

The group reaches the final chamber where the evil was held, and at that point, I inform the player that his character has been dead since he went into the barrier. The BBEG, who is wearing the dead PC like an extra skin, now reaches out of his mouth, tears his head open, and crawls out, discarding his body like a snake's shed skin. The players are staring at me, jaws hanging open in horror, and the player completely shocked, as I describe this. The BBEG then proceeds to mop the floor with the party, who come out of it alive only through luck and desperation.

That game was ten years ago, and they still talk about it.

I had something similar happen to a PC in my first game ever. There was a taint elemental that managed to knock out one of the players before it died. I had it, upon death, absorb into the player, and each time a certain, taint related, elder evils-esque even occured, it clawed it's way up his throat and out of his mouth, each time knocking the player unconscious, and absorbing back into him, only to repeat the process. It was a low magic e6 campaign, so removing it was harder than expected. The players had travelled into tainted lands, and so were all tainted, and had to go through a magical surgery to rid themselves of taint, but the player in question didn't want to go through it for other reasons. Namely beause he was actually a dead spirit being transformed into a demon that was merely possessing his old body, and the surgery would quickly reveal that. So he got his demon lover, who happened to be possessing an innocent young girl, to mind rape the whole village (that was family to one of the players) while the others were under the knife, and make everyone think that he had gone through surgery (also to implant a trigger word allowing her to turn them into thralls at her whim). So the other players come out at 1 con a few days later, barely able to walk and lo and behold, the global taint event happens again, and the taint elemental claws it's way out of the player, but this time, with the aid of some potent magical artifacts (read: a regular staff, but in e6) one of the players manages to cleave it, scorching the earth forever where it was destroyed. But not before the taint elemental horribly dismembered and ate two of his brothers.

End result: Player's think that their surgery was a failure, blame themselves for this happening, one of the players loses two brothers, and meanwhile the whole village is now thralled to a demon lord, who eventually becomes the ghost/demon player's demonic consort. Later the players would go back in time, only to return a few years later in the future due to a "time travel tax" imposed by the god of time, at which point taint had seeped into the land, and the entire family of one of the players is lost to the taint, with one exception. The demon that mindraped the entire village came and saved the player's fiance, only to turn her into a succubus minion.

2015-04-14, 11:37 AM
And I thought blindfolding the PCs, leaving them to starve, then coming back in a few days to repent... by force feeding the still blindfolded PC their own family... was an evil move.