View Full Version : Crime Syndicates and their Hangouts

2015-04-11, 03:26 AM
Greetings! The group I'm doing for is currently in a very big city. Some of the PCs are locales in town, others have arrived a few weeks ago.

Party make up:

NG Elven conjurer 14 (retraining at the Academy and currently not participating in these quests)

CN Human Beguiler 12

CN Human Dervish 12

LG Human Chameleon 12

CN Pixie Bard 10

NG Merfolk Sorceress 13

CG Dwarven Cleric 13

The beguiler and dervish have got information about a new drug that has surreptitiously spread into the City. A very powerful drug that, even with the religious leaders tending to those who have taken them, so far have not been able to find a cure (Restoration spells act as placebos, the effect wears off the following day).

The dervish, because of a botched random encounter, was force fed the drug and has become dependent on it, asking for sanctuary at the church of Pelor, but they can only do so much with more and more cases knocking on their door- they can't help her anymore and she has decided to seek the beguiler's help- who is very well connected.

The beguiler has two possible places where they can investigate- one is a brand new Club that has opened in the Downtown area. Very expensive and exclusive, an old theatre. His contacts have pointed out that if distribution is to take place, it would be there, so both are in the Club's grand opening and, because the Dervish is somewhat of a celebrity in town, skipped the long line and got in to a private booth, where the beguiler plans to somehow, find out what's happening.

The problem- the Club has, like any self respecting establishment, forbidden weapons. They had to leave them in the lobby and can pick them up once they leave.

So far, the beguiler and dervish have met the Club's PR agent, a charming woman that calls herself MC Midnight. She is one of the Crime syndicate's top henchmen and, because she is a very charismatic sorceress, has been put in charge of the Club, catering to the patrons and, eventually, distributing the drug to those less inclined to ignore its dangers through the use of lesser minions that are already in the club disguised as patrons.

The chameleon is aware of this drug in the city (it's been broadcast through giant airships) and has chosen to investigate on his own, but not like the beguiler and dervish- he's planning to sneak in.

So far so good- a group has chosen to do face time, and another has decided to crash in uninvited.

How to handle the encounters? The Crime syndicate has two important members in the Club- well protected in the main office. Ideally, the three PCs would like to cut them down, if they can find out they are indeed involved in this, but how to go about it? The idea of slaughtering an entire Club is tempting, but that will get the PCs in trouble, since the Powers that Be have decreed that this issue will be handled by the authorities- no vigilantism whatsoever- something I do not expect the PCs to follow at all.

The second location is far easier- the beguiler has gotten intel that an old abandoned factory by the pier would be ideal for the drug's production. The factory shut down 100 years ago and was in the business of mass producing constructs. Things did not go well- the automatons went haywire and the factory shut down.

One of the mobsters is a half golem, nicknamed Love Candy- an insane android with the appearance of a teenager. She was built there and knows the factory like the back of her hand. She has thugs working there, of course, but the old constructs are there as well, ready to answer her beck and call.

The idea is for the party to catch up XP wise with the conjurer, so when he leaves his retraining, they can go all together to deal with far bigger threats in the City, but as far as encounters go, I'm short of ideas, especially in the Club, where the PCs would have to be a lot more discreet, unless they want to go guns blazing, which is fine, but not bereft of consequences if they are identified.

Thank you very much in advance.