View Full Version : Pathfinder Heading to campaign's final boss. Might I ask for a few ideas?

2015-04-11, 12:30 PM
Hi, thanks for dropping in!

As topic states, our game is heading to our final battle. The odds are NOT on are side, as our big bad is a demi-god with mythic tiers and amazing defenses. We've had a few skirmishes in the past, but we've yet to damage him as his saves, AC, and DR have been too high. Us wiping out is a very real possibility, so I was hoping to ask for some suggestions on how to beat the (so far) unbeatable.

Party is level 8, and we have a fighter (HIGH AC sword and shield type, has DR), a Ranger (sword and shield, has an animal companion who has the best melee attack in the party), a sorcerer (uses only fire attacks, burning hand, fireball, etc, but does manage to do obscene damage), and myself as Cleric (I tend to play buff/support with blessings of ferver/magic vestment/etc, and some emergency healing).

Of note, we have very few magic items, and little chance of buying anything anything new before the fight (the city is literally in ruins). We all have one magic item, and that's it. The ranger's +1 chain shirt is a big deal as no one else has magic armor, and we have no magic weapons. As another example, we have one wand of cure light wounds, and it only has 4 charges left. In short, items are rare.

I'm reading over every spell I can cast, looking for new ideas to tip the scales. If anyone has any suggestions for dealing with an evil demi-god (or even his vampire minions) I'd love a fresh perspective. Thanks for your time!

2015-04-11, 01:22 PM
You could always "appeal to the story" and ask the DM if you can try a Spellcraft check to see if X is possible, X being some divine ritual you come up with for a boost. The Sorcerer might be able to try something like that too. If you could devise something involving holy magic and arcane magic and work together it might be better. ("Raging Furnace of the Holy Sun" might be a fun name for a ritual like that.)

As a Cleric, have you statted for turning undead? You might be able to make quick work of the vampire minions if you've gone that route, but I've heard that's not always as easy in Pathfinder.

Alternatively... can you use advanced Aid Other tactics to try and make the Fighter/Animal Companion's hits connect more often? If AC is too high, that might help. Won't get past DR, of course, but hard to say what would.

Alternatively... you could let the DM wipe the party as a lesson in not over-powering bosses, but that's no fun for anyone.

2015-04-11, 01:28 PM
Let me get this straight - you're up against a mythic tier demigod with vampire minions... with one magic item each for the entire group? What?

Yeah, there's either a plot/ritual way to win here or none at all.

2015-04-11, 02:30 PM
Yea, as said, the numbers do NOT look good for our party.

My best bet right now is the spell 'terrible remorse' which is so strong I've yet to use it in game. Still, it is a good plot spell as the now evil demi god used to be on our side. Apparently, absolute power DOES corrupt absolutely, at least in this game. Considering he has gone from making hand made gifts for strangers to eating people for fun and profit, I'm hoping a "remember who you are!" speech while casting terrible remorse will bail us out of this. If it doesn't work.... well, having a back up plan never hurts, hence this thread :)

2015-04-11, 02:32 PM
Yea, as said, the numbers do NOT look good for our party.

My best bet right now is the spell 'terrible remorse' which is so strong I've yet to use it in game. Still, it is a good plot spell as the now evil demi god used to be on our side. Apparently, absolute power DOES corrupt absolutely, at least in this game. Considering he has gone from making hand made gifts for strangers to eating people for fun and profit, I'm hoping a "remember who you are!" speech while casting terrible remorse will bail us out of this. If it doesn't work.... well, having a back up plan never hurts, hence this thread :)

That's not a bad plan, actually. Coupled with a decent Diplomacy check and probably a few appeals to other deities that's definitely the kind of story-solution that'd work without being overpowered.

2015-04-11, 03:13 PM
Let me get this straight - you're up against a mythic tier demigod with vampire minions... with one magic item each for the entire group? What?

Yeah, there's either a plot/ritual way to win here or none at all.

This. Either your DM plot armored BBEG so they won't die before the final fight, and deus ex machina is gonna give you levels, items, weaken them etc or your going to be killed. Either your DM is going to rain plot from the heavens, they are totally incompetent in balancing encounters, or they are actively trying to murder the party for fun.

If the 1st is true, don't worry and just go in like any other fight. If the second is true and it is an honest mistake, die as fast as possible to let this be an example. If the 3rd is true, don't play with them again unless you enjoy this kind of thing.

That's not a bad plan, actually. Coupled with a decent Diplomacy check and probably a few appeals to other deities that's definitely the kind of story-solution that'd work without being overpowered.

I second talking your way out of it over guns blazing approach. You are not even armed with knives for this level of gunfight, so fighting is going to result in a quick TPK. Prepare any spell you can find to boost diplomacy, charm, whatever you can do to avoid going thermonuclear.