View Full Version : Ghoul Glyph.

2015-04-12, 11:04 AM
So, Next 1-2 sessions IRL (Depending on how long it takes us to finish the dungeon Crawl were on now. We were suppose to finish it last night but the session got side tracked a bit, as ya do. ) Anyway, next 1-2 sessions, my party is gonna be getting into a final boss encounter for this mission line.

Were gonna be seeing at least 1 Cleric who's anywhere form 12th to 20th level. Were gonna see at least one Socerer who's anywhere in the same level range, has optimized gear via crafting, and might or might not be either a sand shaper and/or a Dry Lich. We will have at least one cleric who is gonna be at least 6-8th level but will be lower level then the first cleric mentioned. And we have one other Opponent at minimum, who's Finesse based but beyond that could be anything Finesse based. Level Range I can't even guess at cause every time the partys dealt with him up to now it's involved him talking or him cutting and running and leaving troops to handle us.

Speaking of they may have troops, half golems, Oni and/or other constructs handy to use to fight us. And they will have hostages.

Game system is 3.5 D&D.

Anyway, the DM has made this clear this is gonna be a HARD fight. So, I'm scraping for advantages. My sorcerer is in a rope trick the party is holding, resting and regaining his spells for the day and trying to recoup a few HP. And making use of his Lucid Dreaming skill in order to have time to take 20 on a Knowledge: The Planes Check to see what he knows about Glimmerskins (Monster Manual 2.). and if he knows enough to be able to bring out Glimmerskins to give the party a buff at the start of the fight.

Since he's gonna hopefully be able to scrape enough rest to get spells back, and I have 3 levels in Mage of the Arcane Order, I've been trying to think of something I can do with those MotAO levels that would hopefully give me an advantage.

Thus, Ghoul Glyph came to mind. I'm thinking I can put it on a big piece of parchment, and when the fight starts use prestidigitation to open it up for our enemy's to see, and thus, paralyze up to 4 of them and then tell the party "Quick! Strip Them of magic items and Holy Symbols!" Or something to that effect, thus crippling the clerics and the finesse guy by greatly reducing if not destroying there combat capacity. (I'm 99% sure there not DMM: Persist Clerics.).

Can anyone see a problem with this plan/Reason it won't work?

2015-04-12, 11:11 AM
Yes. Whilst you can scribe the glyph onto a portable object, the spell ends if the object moves more than 5ft the spell ends.

2015-04-12, 12:46 PM
Ok, is there a way around that?

2015-04-12, 04:25 PM
Ok, is there a way around that?

Quintessence (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/quintessence.htm)would keep it from dying until the Quintessence was taken off.

2015-04-12, 04:42 PM
Sadly, no Psionics in this game.

2015-04-13, 10:29 AM
Sadly, no Psionics in this game.

Hmmm... maybe get it in a different way?

2015-04-13, 10:45 AM
What other ways might there be to get it?