View Full Version : Roleplaying How to RP Low Charisma Party Face?

2015-04-12, 12:55 PM
Recently I constructed a character that uses charisma as a dump stat and uses wisdom for her social skills. She is a LG or LN Inquisitor(ish) of Abadar who uses a light crossbow and actively tries to convert people that don't share her beliefs. I'm trying to come up with ways to RP this kind of character while staying true to her attributes. I'm hoping I can get a few suggestions.

Thanks in Advance.

Starting Attributes
Str:10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 7

Conversion Inquisition
You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the indifferent and adversarial to your side.

Charm of Wisdom (Ex):
You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.

Abigail Kinneas (Abadar’s Justicar)
Level 15 Human
1 Spellbreaker Inquisitor / 5 Bolt Ace Gunslinger / 9 Weapon Master Fighter

Attributes (20 Point Buy):
Str:10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 7
Racial Attributes: +2 Dex (17)
Level Attributes: +3 Dex (20)

Main Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft
Inquisition: Conversion

1 Level: Point-Blank Shot
1 Human: Precise Shot
3 Level: Deadly Aim
5 Level: Rapid Shot
5 Gunslinger: Rapid Reload
7 Level: Clustered Shots
7 Fighter: Weapon Focus
8 Fighter: Improved Initiative
9 Level: Improved Critical
10 Fighter: Weapon Specialization
11 Level: Point Blank Master
12 Fighter: Improved Precise Shot
13 Level: Critical Focus
14 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus
15 Level: Iron Will

Cantrips Known:
Create Water
Detect Magic
Detect Poison

1st Level Spells Known:
Horn of Pursuit
Keep Watch

Karl Aegis
2015-04-12, 01:01 PM
7 charisma is hardly any different than average. You might project your feelings onto others or think someone is thinking the same way you are, but you aren't really much different than everyone else.

2015-04-12, 01:03 PM
She is brusque and kinda in-your-face when she isnt being all sermon-y, perhaps?

The Vagabond
2015-04-12, 01:17 PM
I'd go with somewhat boring. You're not particularly engaging, however, defusing people is fairly easy for you. You know people. You know what they think. You can understand them- You're just incredibly boring.

Bluff- Your poker face is actually really good- You've noticed it for ages. Not that difficult to talk, and, generally, you just behave like you usually would.
Diplomacy- You get people, so it's easy to understand them and what they're thinking.
Intimidate- Point a gun at their face unwaveringly. You don't flinch, you don't move. You just point the gun. At their face. You, flatly, almost robotic, ask them for the information. You state plainly that you will shoot them. They concede.

2015-04-12, 01:20 PM
Be an obnoxious prat. When you're actively trying to be a good diplomat you can, but it's not default; you have to put that hat on. There's an obvious gap.

That's how a lot of salesmen end up, actually. They don't actively apply the lessons they learn to their lives. People who go through interpersonal training and think of it as part of the job, not just a way to make people interface better.

2015-04-12, 01:44 PM
Use your utter lack of ability to hold people's attention to fade into the background. Gather information by allowing the conversation to focus on the other person. Get them to talk about themselves, and try and work in your questions/suggestions from that angle. Be the person that everyone forgets they talked to, and so wont hold back to.

White Blade
2015-04-12, 01:47 PM
Look, the most straight forward answer is whenever you encounter someone, roll Sense Motive and Perception to size them up first and then try to act in a way that is suitable to their personality/disposition. Speak softly when doing so and don't do anything too distinct in your individual actions. Your character gets people and should act like it.
As to her disposition: Make her a wall-flower when she's not prodded to be by circumstance or brutally straight forward at all times. It can work when she MAKES it work, but it doesn't work when she's shooting the breeze with people without any goals. Boring was a good suggestion. Maybe make her generally unfriendly? Doesn't like being around people, doesn't like dealing with them. Give her scripts that she uses over and over again in any situation, like prompt cards, "(Reasonable Compliment) (Grateful note of specific prior good deed) (Link of prior good deed to present request) (Present request) (Thank in advance and note strength of connections)"

2015-04-12, 02:09 PM
She's Lex Luthor. She's Wormtongue. You wouldn't want to have a drink with her, but she knows exactly what to say and how to say it to make you do what she wants. She doesn't persuade people to follow her, she makes them think it was their own idea.

2015-04-12, 08:02 PM
Thanks again for all the wonderful input. I'll do my best to include some of these ideas to help bring the character to life.

2015-04-13, 09:51 AM
She is brusque and kinda in-your-face when she isnt being all sermon-y, perhaps?

Now I'm thinking of game of thrones. Thanks. Possibly sarcastic, even I can't tell anymore.

2015-04-13, 11:24 AM
She's Lex Luthor. She's Wormtongue. You wouldn't want to have a drink with her, but she knows exactly what to say and how to say it to make you do what she wants. She doesn't persuade people to follow her, she makes them think it was their own idea.
This. I've actually always wanted to play a character like this, but I'm too fond of Charisma as a stat...

2015-04-13, 11:42 AM
Yeah, I'd go with the Wormtongue feel as well. Diplomacy is (among other things) a measure of how good of a deal you can get. Imagine some creepy used-car salesman. Awful, oily, not somebody you want to associate with ... but is able to negotiate the pants off of anybody that comes in the door.

2015-04-13, 12:12 PM
Cha 7 could mean being shy or socially awkward. You could RP it as being shy in most conversations and interactions but when it comes to preaching and converting you know how to do it thanks to practice.

Red Fel
2015-04-13, 12:34 PM
I'm not sure I agree with the Wormtongue or Luthor analyses. These are characters with tremendous force of personality. The fact that they're loathsome doesn't mean low Charisma; if anything, it means their Charisma is high enough for them to be noticed. Still, it's one perspective.

Instead, I'd suggest that you think of it in terms of Charisma being your overall force of personality, and skills like Bluff or Diplomacy being your specific skills of your force of personality. Low Charisma doesn't mean you're unlikeable, it means that you're bland or forgettable.

In other words, instead of going with the "unlikeable" or "brusque" angle, you can say that the character hasn't got much personality. That is, they're somewhat timid and lifeless, with a bit less force or ability to manipulate than others. However, in certain, unexpected ways, they demonstrate a remarkable skill.

To give an illustration, let's visualize a character who is timid and quiet. Pleasant (high Diplomacy), but not a generally forceful person. Tends to go along with what everyone else does, generally doesn't raise argument or protest, and is often overlooked when she does. And yet, she has this one skill. When she gets angry, truly angry, she has this glare, you see. This soul-crushing, bone-chilling, dear-gods-please-don't-let-her-get-me glare. That's represented by Intimidate.

Low Charisma, low force of personality generally. High Diplomacy, so she's likeable, if forgettable. High Intimidate, so she's utterly terrifying out of nowhere, when she has to be. But otherwise, she practically fades into the background.

2015-04-13, 04:01 PM
I agree with red fel here. I would add that a high wisdom low charisma face would ask lots of revealing questions. Like it's not the force of the questioners' personality that elicits the results, it is how the questions are strung together that seem to reveal a truth. It isn't force of personality: it's wisdom replacing force of personality. The "opponent" decides what they will do, your character just lays out the groundwork to think the correct way.

Party needs to get past a guard.
Your dude walks up, says hi. Asks something like how do you enjoy being a guard? guard answers. Why do you feel that way? guard answers. Is there anyway that the party walking past him would have negative repercussions in anyway? What kind of guys is he trying to keep out? What characteristics is he looking for when he is guarding? Isn't a pointless job to keep the citizens away from the resources from which they work? Can't our society trust anyone with anything? After the bluff roll (we're not important let; us pass by) everything is fine.

Party needs you to intimidate.
What the heck do you think your doing? What makes it ok? What would the magistrate think? Do you even know who here might be related to the magistrate?!

Party needs you to diplomacy: