View Full Version : Pathfinder I've Become a Monster! (Player Advice)

2015-04-15, 12:21 AM
Through a convoluted series of roleplaying actions, PC death, and letting the dice tell the story, I somehow ended up in control of an Ogre Mage (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/oni/oni-ogre-mage). The average party level is 6th without me, and I've been allowed to swap out a feat and a skill every time a specific character in the party gains a level, and I will be allowed to advance the character when the party catches up. Turning the whole party invisible and making up disposable identities on the fly, and flying around all I want, and being ludicrously strong, have all been helpful in causing trouble around Thornkeep. We'll be unequivocally in charge in a few weeks, but that's beside the point: I've got grander ambitions. As an oni, my primary motivation is that I want more (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/oni), always more. I was around the last time there was an empire in town, and now that I've freed myself from my duties, I think I want one of those for myself.

So how do I advance in power from here? My DM fully expects me to take Leadership as my next feat, and I'm making a crafter wizard for my cohort, but I don't know what other feats to swap in, nor what order to swap out. I'm totally at a loss as to what class to advance in. Antipaladin seems like a natural choice to leverage my charisma., and my DM is usually willing to waive things like the chaotic requirement when it suits the story better, but there must be a better choice out there. Synthesist would override my hitgh str/dex/con. Is there anything that would leverage my racial hit dice?

What I Have So Far:
Sourcebooks: PF Only. Core Rulebook, APG, Ultimate Magic are definitely accepted.
Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Equipment are likely OK.
ARG and ACG, and really anything else have never been mentioned at the table and he likely wouldn't entertain weird suggestions from sourcebooks he doesn't know.

Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Will swap Leadership in soon, maybe for Combat Reflexes? We've been running into a LOT of will save-or-suck fights in this campaign, so I'm not ready to drop Iron Will.

I have a great DM who's pretty permissive on the whole. He sees our ingenuity and crazy, scrappy plans as his reward for running the game. I have the skills, stats and attitude suited for command, but they're set on the chassis of a front-line fighter, and though my regeneration and natural armor mean that I'm not too worried about archers and traps, I find risking myself this way to be distasteful. This makes easy choices like Barbarian kind of unappealing, but I may just be overthinking things. Any suggestions are welcome.

2015-04-15, 07:06 AM
Well, as an Ogre Mage, your charisma score is excellent, so focus on that with leadership. Therein, you want to later take levels in a class that benefits from high charisma (some form of sorcerer, perhaps?) and with a crafter wizard, maybe you could make items for the party. Also, for the followers focus mainly on people with ranks in Profession, and start a guild. Make money to craft things with.