View Full Version : DM Help Player wants to play the "Hulk" in Pathfinder, How can i make this happen. Help

2015-04-15, 03:48 AM
Thank you in advance for your help.

I am starting a new game and one of my players wants to play the Incredible hulk as a character and I would like to accommodate.

The idea is that he will play a character that is born with a gift or curse that when he takes damage or is angered, he has to roll to keep from losing control. When he loses control he will increase in size, strength, constitution, and violence. At the same time he loses control and is no longer able to think strategically attacking the closest enemy, and is only able to fight unarmed. Now While he is out of control he will roll each turn to try and regain control. Also the bard in the party will be able to play a lullaby from the characters childhood, that will give a bonus to he rolls to regain control.

My first thought is barbarian as a class to build from.

Please help with any ideas on how to make this work.

Thank you for any help you may provide.

2015-04-15, 04:03 AM
Barbarian/Ragechemist would be the way to go for the true Hulky-feel, though you could sub out Ragechemist for the base Alchemist if you're leery of the downsides to Ragechemist.
Grab Beserker of the Society and Extra Rage as traits with a single level of Barb before pushing right through with the Alchemist.

Alchemist brings the science, Ragechemist/Rage brings the ungodly strength and rage grabbing +10 Str from your Mutagen and Rage at level 2 for that true "Hulk Smash" feel.

Eventually your player can grab the Master Chymist PrC which pretty much turns your alchemically altered character into a separate given personality when he pop's the Mutagen, it also has rules for increasing size and granting more strength etc when using your Mutagen as the PrC level increases.

2015-04-15, 04:15 AM
Barbarian/Ragechemist would be the way to go for the true Hulky-feel, though you could sub out Ragechemist for the base Alchemist if you're leery of the downsides to Ragechemist.
Grab Beserker of the Society and Extra Rage with a single level of Barb before pushing right through with the Alchemist.

Alchemist brings the science, Ragechemist/Rage brings the ungodly strength and rage grabbing +10 Str from your Mutagen and Rage at level 2 for that true "Hulk Smash" feel.

Eventually your player can grab the Master Chymist PrC which pretty much turns your alchemically altered character into a separate given personality when he pop's the Mutagen, it also has rules for increasing size and granting more strength etc when using your Mutagen.

Thank you Molosse,

This is seems more like bane from batman. What I am look for is that this is something that he is born with and has had to fight his entire life.

Thank you

2015-04-15, 04:21 AM
Thank you Molosse,

This is seems more like bane from batman. What I am look for is that this is something that he is born with and has had to fight his entire life.

Thank you

Well then mate I suppose a Wild Rager would be what you're looking for? When the Barbarian drops an enemy to 0 hit points he needs to make a Will-Check or become confused and attack the "Closest" individual and at level 2 he can gain an additional attack at the expense of AC and To-Hit rolls. Bardic support would give him the ability to make those checks better and would suit the idea your pushing for?


Beyond that mate just grab a normal Barbarian and fluff it up.

2015-04-15, 05:47 AM
I've tried to build the Hulk in Pathfinder before (it was gestalt, but the idea should still work). What you want is a Barbarisn/Alchemist/Master Chymist, refluffed to fit your player's idea.In normal play, you start as an Alchemist with a thirst for melee combat, and you gradually become addicted to a super-adrenaline potion you invented; eventually, your addiction is so powerful that you cease all attempts to continue your alchemical education, throwing yourself into the violence this potion allows you to partake in. Eventually, you'll have inbibed the potion so many times that your body has started producing it naturally...and triggering the transformation at inconvenient times. Whether you seek to cure this side-effect, or if you wish to explore other possible avenues of power, you once again begin to study your craft...in between violent episodes of course.

On a single track, you might be looking at a Human Alchemist 8/Barbarian 2/Master Chymist 10, with whatever archetypes suit your fancy. At the build's conclusion, you can grow to large size, have a bunch of natural weapons, and add 14 points to your Str score while raging in your mutagenic form. With proper optimization, this can get ridiculous, especially in gestalt: I built a Human Barbarian (Drunken Brute/Invulnerable Rager) 12/Master Chymist 8//Alchemist (Beastwalker/Vivisectionist) 20 a while back; their total Str while raging in their mutagenic form was 58. Hulk smash indeed.

2015-04-15, 06:43 AM
Ragechemist 7 into Master Chymist. You as the DM should introduce enemy types that can trigger his transformation and a BBEG that willingly abuses this knowledge about his identity to kill the party with the "Hulk".

2015-04-15, 06:52 AM
Thank you Molosse,

This is seems more like bane from batman. What I am look for is that this is something that he is born with and has had to fight his entire life.

Thank you

But the hulk wasn't exactly born hulk-ing.

Maybe a template?

2015-04-15, 07:06 AM
I actually homebrewed the Mutant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?397272-Base-Class-The-Mutant-(I-Wanna-be-an-Eidolon!)) class. Some of the main things you would want for the Hulk...
Growth Mutant (HULK SMASH)
Deceptive Build (Allows you to be Bruce Banner)
Focus on Slams, grapples, and Strength
Pick up a few Skilled evolutions to represent Banner's knowledge base.

2015-04-15, 07:21 AM
Master chymist is exactly what you're looking for. Either start the party at a higher level, bring the character in at a higher level, or houserule it into level 1 somehow. Level 1 is all on you though. I can't see how the Incredible Hulk wouldn't be unbalancing in a level 1 party

2015-04-15, 07:40 AM
Master chymist is exactly what you're looking for. Either start the party at a higher level, bring the character in at a higher level, or houserule it into level 1 somehow. Level 1 is all on you though. I can't see how the Incredible Hulk wouldn't be unbalancing in a level 1 party

Not having the "Hulk" to play as from first level is fine. I think the player and the other player would want to experience the character growth (literal growth :smallamused:) from slightly mental scientist to hulking monstrosity too. D&D is a system for character growth and most players are far too focussed on working builds for level x here. Alchemist into Master Chymist works on all levels.

What you would want is maybe custom make him a custom "Advanced Mutagen" Discovery that increases his size as if under Enlarge Person during the Mutagenic form. If he has to expend a 1st level extract slot for it that's fine too.

2015-04-15, 07:45 AM
EDIT: Never mind, missed the Pathfinder part.

2015-04-15, 09:11 AM
As others have pointed out, being the Hulk (with the possibility of being Banner occasionally) at level one is RAW not possible. I don't even think it is advisable, given what a powerhouse Hulk is.

I get the impression that simply going all Barbarian Rage isn't enough.

If what the Player wants is to become the Hulk in combat, then you need to take steps to ensure that he doesn't overshadow the rest of the team in combat. I suggest allowing/forcing him to increase one size level, possibly increase STR, and leave it like that. I'd go so far as to make the size increase uncontrollable, so if they are in a small space it becomes a huge problem.

It doesn't seem like a difficult thing to houserule, but it would be best to know what the player wants. My thoughts;

As a normal smart PC
Turns into Hulk if he is ever damaged in combat or if under stress (stress is a d20 and the DC changes by 1 each round)

Turning into Hulk
Automatic increase in size (forced full round action, cannot be prevented, cannot do anything else).

Being Hulk (Stupid powerhouse)
Increase in STR (in addition to size) if it seems to be needed to bring him up to Fighter level combat damage
Loses a bunch of mental stats
Loses all weapon proficiency
Possible additional -4 Attack for attempting to use any weapons.
Loses Dex to DC (changes as level increases)
Cannot do combat maneuvers that take real thought (tripping, moving into tactical positions)
Cannot move into flank. If moving to flank makes sense (one enemy left and he needs to move to get to him anyway), 50% chance that he doesn't benefit or grant flank bonus until other PC's turn.
Basically, he loses anything that would be considered intelligent.

EDIT:I think there needs to be a significant downside to Hulking-out. My memory of Bruce is that he didn't want to ever be the Hulk. I like the previously mentioned idea that he could start attacking allies (again, this goes away as level increases). Maybe ending his rage causes him to run away for many rounds. I like the challenge of finding the correct strengths offset by good weaknesses to make this viable at low levels.

2015-04-15, 10:33 AM
Is lycanthrope that much different in Pathfinder??

2015-04-15, 10:36 AM
It's really all just a matter of "skinning" a character. You could make the hulk out of a wild shape Druid if you really wanted. Use the same stats and make it look different.

2015-04-15, 01:07 PM
Just a thought after reading the OP and not much else, and coming from a 3.5 perspective, but what about some sort of lycanthropic template? Some sort of large gorilla would work (in theory). I know that afflicted lycanthropes have to succeed on will saves to avoid changing if they take damage. Just something that popped into my head.

2015-04-15, 01:52 PM
Another route would be Synthesist Summoner, and either ignore your spells or refluff them as alchemical effects.

2015-04-15, 05:19 PM
I've built a hulk character for pathfinder that I am itching to play myself. Even if you get to level 20, the character still doesn't have the right feel to it (some of the abilities are hard to mimic).

However, if you allow the character to get mythic levels... Come on. The best super heroes have to have Mythic Levels...

Progression: Alchemist 1-2 / Barbarian 1-2 / Bloodrager 1-16
Recommended starting as half-orc but a human can pull it off too.

Final STR Stat: 80
20 Base
+ 5 Levels
+ 5 Manual
+10 Mythic
+ 6 Belt
+14 Abyssal Bloodrage
+ 6 Abyssal Bloodline
+ 4 Amplified Rage
+ 4 Size (Monstrous Physique II)
+ 6 Mutagen
80 Str

Alchemist 2 / Barbarian 2 / Bloodrager 16
-Rage Chemist
-Savage barbarian
-Wild Rager
-Beast Totem
-Crossblooded (Abyssal / Destined)
-Spell Eater

Infuse Mutagen (make extra mutagens!)

Acclerated Drinker (yes!)
Unstable Mutagen (yes!)

Fueled By Vengeance
Come and Get me
Fearless Rage
Guarded Life
Internal Fortitude

Superstition (trade away 8th level bloodline power)
Raging Leaper (trade away 8th level bloodline power)

Bloodline Feats:
Improved Initiative
Intimidating Prowess
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (unarmed)

Bloodline powers:
Destined Strike (+8)
Fated Bloodrager (+4)
Abyssal Bloodrage (+4)

Character Feats:
Arcane Strike
Amplified Rage
Blooded Arcane Strike
Dazzling Display (unarmed) **smash the floor?!?***
Eldritch Heritage (abyssal)
Extra Rage power x4
Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Abyss)
Improved Unarmed Strike
SKill Focus (knowledge planes)

Mystic Feats:
Bonus Non-Mythic Feat
Arcane Strike (mythic)
Dual Path (Guardian)
Extra Path ability
Power Attack (mythic)

Paths: Champion / Guardian
Fleet Charge
Absorb Blow

Path Abilities:
Uncanny Grapple (throw, crush or beat people with people)
Indomitable (immune to staggered)
Blowback (backhand people 100ft away)
Borrow Elements (absorb energy and 'scream' it back at people)
Groundshaker (HULK SMASH!!!)
Seven League Leap (Jump 45+ miles at a time)
Shatter Spells (HULK SMASH MAGIC!)
Fasthealing x3 (fasthealing 15)
To the Death (staggered *but immune* below 0hp)

You'll end up with roughly 4 attacks per round (6 with speed/haste and wild fighting active) at +62 to hit, with roughly 1d6+61 to damage per hit with an unarmed strike. More if you activate consumable abilities. You can also get upwards of 50 AC, even being in a rage that is dropping it by -8 or more, with the right items.

I choose spelleater archetype mostly to give the character fasthealing at lower levels and the ability to consume spellslots to heal. The hulk doesn't really cast spells and i thought the consuming of his daily spells to heal himself would be a good trade off.

2015-04-15, 05:22 PM
Bloodrager, Abyssal bloodline. Mix and match archetypes and/or other classes as desired, IMO.

2015-04-15, 05:49 PM
Thank you all for your time and help.

After discussing the idea farther with the player he is wanting to play this character as more of a support non-violent person when he is in control. He does not want the character to where armor do to the transformation destroying it do to the size increase. The idea is something akin to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I character does not want to lose control, he is disgusted by the beast within.

My thoughts are to have two different character sheets, one being his human character and the other being the hulk. Possibly basing the hulk off of a monster from the beastiary.

We have agreed that the transformation from both forms will take a full round. That he will increase in size by one increasing strength as well. His Int. will decrease, he will be unable to use any weapons aside from fists and head butting maybe picking up random boulders or small fallen trees etc.

The beast will have a very low will and reflex saves but high fort save.

When rolling to prevent transformation or to reverse the transformation the rolls will gain the human character will save.

Also there will be a lullaby from his childhood that if sang during the transformation will give a bonus to his will save to prevent it, this same lullaby will give his a smaller bonus to will saves when trying to change back.

2015-04-15, 05:54 PM
Any reason not to import Goliath, Mountain Rage, and War Hulk from 3.5?
Turning into a Hulk via this would:
Increase Size, Grant lots of Strength (+6 to +26), and makes Melee Attacks hit multiple squares.

2015-04-16, 01:38 AM
Thank you all for your advice.

After think it over I have decided to use a gorilla as the base stats for the Hulk.

Size: Large

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12; (+2 Dex, +3 natural, –1 size)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2


Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +3 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.


Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +14, Perception +8

How does this look? Do you think that this will be to unbalanced at level one?

What are your thoughts?

Any ideas on progression of the HULK.

Thank you for your help.

2015-04-16, 03:03 AM
Again, is lycanthrope THAT much different in Pathfinder? I know in 3.x being hit forces a check for transforming, the hybrid form USUALLY gives you a stat bonus, and while transformed you are everything but the actual ability Rage(ing). Honestly, I feel the easiest way to make "the Hulk" in this case would be to get bitten by a weretiger or werebear, fail the saves and probably house rule that it isn't golden age Hulk that transformed during full moons.... come to think of it, the Hulk DID originally transform during full moons, then later changed to anger.... hmmm...

2015-04-16, 04:01 AM
Again, is lycanthrope THAT much different in Pathfinder? I know in 3.x being hit forces a check for transforming, the hybrid form USUALLY gives you a stat bonus, and while transformed you are everything but the actual ability Rage(ing). Honestly, I feel the easiest way to make "the Hulk" in this case would be to get bitten by a weretiger or werebear, fail the saves and probably house rule that it isn't golden age Hulk that transformed during full moons.... come to think of it, the Hulk DID originally transform during full moons, then later changed to anger.... hmmm...

Thank you HolyDraconus,

To tell you the truth I am not that familiar with Lycanthropy in D&D, but from what I have read in pathfinder it does not have the feel that I am looking for.

The idea behind this character is that his mother was tainted by a demon of rage during pregnancy, and that this character was born this way. This beast within (The Hulk), did not surface until he was 10 years of age or so when it started out as just a voice in his head and a shorting of his temper. Eventually during an particularly disturbing event the boy lost control and that is when the beast took over and transformed the boys body.

I see this as the character and the beast being to separate beings within the same mind. (Split Personality Disorder)

So I have decided that there will be two characters to be play one the human and one the Hulk both leveling side by side.

2015-04-16, 07:02 AM
I see this as the character and the beast being to separate beings within the same mind. (Split Personality Disorder)

So I have decided that there will be two characters to be play one the human and one the Hulk both leveling side by side.

I actually used a similar system for a character whose anger was an entirely separate entity. When he hits 0, his class switches to Barbarian and he gains HP from raging. When he runs out of rounds of Rage/makes a Will Save (DC 15, gets a +1 to the save every round that he fails), he reverts back. I'm planning on giving him access to it by choice, allowing him to retain his mind, but the other character makes Will saves to gain control.

2015-04-16, 07:48 AM
I have been massively over thinking this...


Enlarge person and rage are cast on character.

Gain Acrobatics +6, Climb +14
Gain Improved Unarmed Strike
Gain Great Fortitude
Gain Climb speed equal to movement speed
Gain Beast Totem, Lesser at level 2
Gain Beast Totem at level 6
Gain Beast Totem, Greater at level 10

Loses ability to use any weapon other than fist.
Loses all class related abilities.
Loses ability to choose target, attacking the target deemed to be the biggest threat first and working down the line from there.

The transformation takes one full round either way. During which time the character is unable to preform any actions.

Character is fatigued after transforming back to human form for 1d? rounds.

Transformation can be halted with a successful Will Save DC?
Transformation can be reversed with a successful Will Save DC?
If sang during the transformation the lullaby will give a plus ? to Will Save for the purpose of preventing the change.
If sang after transformed the lullaby will give a plus ? to Will Save for the purpose of reversing the transformation.

I know this is not exactly the Hulk but the character was tainted by a demon while in the womb and not be gamma radiation.

So What do you all think.

Thank you for your help

2015-04-16, 07:53 AM
Lesser Beast Totem doesn't really fit (claws)

I would say just give a Natural Armor Bonus at 6, Pounce at 10, and instead of LBT and IUS, just give him two Slam Attacks that get size increases as he levels (so they start at 1d6, and maybe end up doing like 2d10 or something). And maybe let them get 1.5 Str mod at level 11 or something.

As it stands, he'll be making unarmed strikes for 1d3+Str mod. That's tiny. Hulk is big hits

2015-04-16, 07:59 AM
Lesser Beast Totem doesn't really fit (claws)

I would say just give a Natural Armor Bonus at 6, Pounce at 10, and instead of LBT and IUS, just give him two Slam Attacks that get size increases as he levels (so they start at 1d6, and maybe end up doing like 2d10 or something). And maybe let them get 1.5 Str mod at level 11 or something.

As it stands, he'll be making unarmed strikes for 1d3+Str mod. That's tiny. Hulk is big hits

Thank you for your response.

Actually do to enlarge person he will go from med. 1d6 to large 1d8

2015-04-16, 08:01 AM
Thank you for your response.

Actually do to enlarge person he will go from med. 1d6 to large 1d8

?Also With the idea that he was tainted by a demon, I thought that the claw would work.

2017-02-19, 01:14 PM
I have to tell you homebrewed rules and character classes piss me off something awful
I absolutely hate them… Most of the time people come up with homebrewed ideas because their whiny crybaby's and they think they're smarter than people that develop games for a living and the vast majority of time they simply want to have their cake and eat it too… You want to make the Incredible Hulk ? The bottom line forget everything else but this how do you make the strongest possible character? Then you make whatever combination gives you the strongest possible character and that's it… If you want to play the character like Bruce Banner that does not want to Hulk out. You don't need any sort of game mechanics or rules thrown in by the referee that he made up and pulled out of his ass… Just role-play… I'll do the math for you I'll give you the strongest possible character and all you have to do is roll play it it's based on the blood Rager you want to role-play Bruce Banner? Fine don't allow yourself to rage until you get pushed into a situation where you absolutely have to fight and then you let it out… There that's your role play you don't need any kind of special dice rolling or made up rules
You start with the abyssal blood Rager… You take it 2 level dip into rage chemist for the additional +6 str
You put all your ability modifiers over 20 levels in the strength for +5
As a blood Rager you're taking the abyssal bloodline which gives your +6 str. Your also going to take either VMC sorcerer Orc or EH Orc which gives you another +12 strength… +6 str +6 modifier for size .... you get +6 strength for the two level dip in rage chemist… Because of the two level dip the best rage you can get is greater rage for another +6. Which is four points more then if you went straight blood Rager… At level 20 with this build you will have a strength of 55 with out magic items… You get yourself a +6 belt and you're up to a strength of 61 congratulations you're now the Incredible Hulk
This assumes that you start out with the strength of 18 with a point buy system and put your +2 modifier for being human into strength
Hulk is my favorite Marvel character so I came up with along time ago
Now you have a character that goes by all the rules is completely legal and fits exactly with the concept of Bruce banner and the Incredible Hulk you just have to role-play not raging… Because raging gives you the extra strength raging makes you bigger ( giant form Orc bloodline). And when it's all over your weak and tired and go back to being normal human

2017-02-19, 01:29 PM
I'm not sure how the Vigilante (Brute) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/vigilante/archetypes/vigilante-archetypes-paizo-inc/brute/) hasn't been mentioned.

2017-02-19, 01:31 PM
Threads that have ended (this one is almost a year dead) are usually not meant to be replied to. Doing so is called Thread Necromancy.

2017-02-19, 01:34 PM
Vigilante Brute has excellent flavor but it's only at best +3 hit and damage. Hardly worth considering if you want to be the Hulk

2017-02-19, 01:47 PM
Oh, I didn't even realize someone had cast Create Undead on this thread. My bad. In any case, yeah, the Brute isn't good, but as far as thematics, the Hulk, the Thing, and similar heroes are exactly its basis.

2017-02-19, 02:47 PM
Roflmao.Good one. I feel the same way

2017-02-19, 02:51 PM
I enjoy role-play… I'm about to start a new character for campaign I just died in and we could not raise dead. I'm going to make the Incredible Hulk according to my suggestions but I will add in a extra Two level dip in Vigilante Brute just for the flavor. With my build you get maximum strength potential at 11 levels of blood Rager and two levels of rage chemist… So the other seven levels can be anything you want them to be just for flavor