View Full Version : 3rd Ed Hybrid elementals vs pure elementals

2015-04-16, 05:59 PM
I know there are elementals of earth, water, fire, etc, and I believe there are hybrid elementals, like fire + Earth = magma, fire + water + air = storm. I can't find them online though, and I need to determine how powerful / weak they are compared to each other (also stats would be nice). For instance, is a pure fire elemental generally as strong as a same size magma elemental? (god damn it! I keep trying to type manga elemental!)

2015-04-16, 06:05 PM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?174496-Mental-for-Elementals-D-amp-D-3-0-3-5) list looks useful

2015-04-16, 06:07 PM
Manual of the Planes, pg 180, called Paraelementals since those hybrids are the Paraelements and have corresponding Paraelemental planes.

They have the exact same HD/Size/CR progression as the pure Elementals in the SRD.

WotC has printed names, and detail about the plane for each combinations of 2 of the 6 primary elements(Positive and Negative included) excluding opposing pairs. (12 total, 8 quasielements and 4 paraelements)
Fans at http://www.mimir.net/ have filled in the remaining 8 holes in the elemental sphere with the semiquasielemental planes (http://www.mimir.net/mapinfinity/quasi.html)(every combination of 3 that exclude opposing pairs). But I did not find any stats for semiquasielementals or quasielementals.

2015-04-16, 06:17 PM
Manual of the Planes, pg 180, called Paraelementals since those hybrids are the Paraelements and have corresponding Paraelemental planes.

They have the exact same HD/Size/CR progression as the pure Elementals in the SRD.

WotC has printed names, and detail about the plane for each combinations of 2 of the 6 primary elements(Positive and Negative included) excluding opposing pairs. (12 total, 8 quasielements and 4 paraelements)

ty This is quite what I was looking for

2015-04-17, 03:11 AM
I believe there are some mixed elementals in MM III. Pretty sure cold elemental is in there and a few others. Don't have my books on me atm so can't check.