View Full Version : How can I heal a poor warforged?

2015-04-16, 09:52 PM
I have a lvl 2 warforged character in a campaign that is very tanky, but can't seem to find any way to heal himself. I've taken some points in craft(sculpting) early on to get past the "no natural healing" thing, but the craft DC is just too damn high (DC 15 + amount healed).
I in particular have 7 gold and wasted my only healing salve trying to save a little girl that was on fire, but she returned the favor by exploding in my face, making me take 14 damage from the explosion + the fall from being ejected from a 2 story building.
Since our party has no healer, we have a tank with 8 hit points and no way to naturally heal, and after sleeping today, we plan on killing the boss.
How can I possibly get back to full life with my character? (I already did my craft check to fix myself and rolled a 14)

2015-04-16, 10:14 PM
Do you have an arcane caster? They can cast Repair X Damage which mimics the healing power of the cure X wounds spells for constructs

2015-04-16, 10:26 PM
So long as you don't have a negative Int score you should be able to hit the DC to repair yourself. If I'm remembering correctly you can take 10 on it.

So with 5 ranks, a masterwork tool and one person helping that gets you a 19. And I know I've seen some low level spells for just this sort of thing. With all that and a casting of Unseen Crafter you get a check of 29 for 14HP worth of healing. get a partial wand until you can afford an eternal wand.

Unseen Crafter can be found in Races of Eberron.

2015-04-16, 10:28 PM
So long as you don't have a negative Int score you should be able to hit the DC to repair yourself. If I'm remembering correctly you can take 10 on it.

So with 5 ranks, a masterwork tool and one person helping that gets you a 19. And I know I've seen some low level spells for just this sort of thing. With all that and a casting of Unseen Crafter you get a check of 29 for 14HP worth of healing. get a partial wand until you can afford an eternal wand.

Unseen Crafter can be found in Races of Eberron.

All of those are expensive and take time/levels. I want a quick fix for this single battle. After that I can buy a couple more healing salves.
Also, I have 4 ranks and +2 int. Not exactly take-10 worthy.

Do you have an arcane caster? They can cast Repair X Damage which mimics the healing power of the cure X wounds spells for constructs

Nope. I do however have crusader strike. Can I exploit it to get to full life?

2015-04-16, 10:31 PM
IIRC, you still get half hp from healing spells, and I think you get full effect from the vigor line. Ask the healer (if you have one) to drop a vigor on you in the morning. If that won't work then stay in the back row and throw javelins.

2015-04-16, 10:32 PM
Rest up and keep retrying that Craft check? It's not like you're that much worse off than a non-Warforged would be in this situation--they'd only regain 2 HP.

2015-04-16, 10:38 PM
IIRC, you still get half hp from healing spells, and I think you get full effect from the vigor line. Ask the healer (if you have one) to drop a vigor on you in the morning. If that won't work then stay in the back row and throw javelins.

I have stone power. No need for vigor. But still, 14 life isn't exactly boss-worthy for a tank.
Another problem is I'm the only one in the group with more than 15 life and a decent AC. So I have to necessarily be in the front lines.

2015-04-16, 10:41 PM
Not if the party is smart about fighting. tanglefoot bags, eggshell grenades and marbles are great ways to lock something down. Not that expensive either.

2015-04-16, 10:47 PM
I have stone power. No need for vigor.

Lesser vigor, the 1st level spell, gives you fast healing 1 for 10 rounds + 1 round/CL. Two castings will heal you to full HP in about two minutes. Visit the local temple and ask the Clerics there to cast it for you.

2015-04-16, 10:47 PM
I have stone power. No need for vigor. But still, 14 life isn't exactly boss-worthy for a tank.
Another problem is I'm the only one in the group with more than 15 life and a decent AC. So I have to necessarily be in the front lines.Vigor the healing spell, not Vigor the temporary-HP-granting psionic power. Specifically Lesser Vigor, 1st level spell for Cleric/Ranger/Druid, heals 10 + CL hp (max 15) at the rate of 1 / round.

Edit: Swordsaged.

2015-04-16, 10:51 PM
Oh that's tasty!
Gonna try it next session!

EDIT: Wait, doesn't the half heal get rounded down? If so, Lesser Vigor would heal me for 0 each round.

2015-04-17, 12:10 AM
Remember that the "repair" line of spells is the same level with the same damage healed (to objects and constructs) as the "cure" line of spells, but is on the wiz/sor list. So you can buy potions at the same price as everyone else, just yours are specially made to work for you.

2015-04-17, 12:40 AM
Lesser vigor, the 1st level spell, gives you fast healing 1 for 10 rounds + 1 round/CL. Two castings will heal you to full HP in about two minutes. Visit the local temple and ask the Clerics there to cast it for you.

+1 to asking the clerics. If you're really that broke swear to complete a task for them once you curb stomp the evil summabi*** you're about to curb stomp.

2015-04-17, 12:42 AM
Remember that the "repair" line of spells is the same level with the same damage healed (to objects and constructs) as the "cure" line of spells, but is on the wiz/sor list. So you can buy potions at the same price as everyone else, just yours are specially made to work for you.

Healing salves work for both as they are nonmagical. They also cost the same and heal the same - 1.

UPDATE: Apparently, constructs benefit fully from fast healing

2015-04-17, 05:55 AM
Also... if you're the tank, and part of a group, they should really chip in to help you out. They're really slacking on that!

2015-04-17, 06:20 AM
Also... if you're the tank, and part of a group, they should really chip in to help you out. They're really slacking on that!

Id have to agree. You just can't let R2D2 get hurt like that!

It'd be in their best interest to keep you alive long enough to take levels in Warforged Juggernaut.

Anyhow, back to the OP; Didn't you say the party is going to sleep and then go kill the boss? If thats the case take the time to repair yourself the whole time, you don't sleep, take 10...idk if u can take 20 its been some time tbh and you should be fully repaired.

Things to consider:
Have your party all take part in an aid another action, each would grant you a bonus to the repair check (+2 per).
Is there a gnome in town? Ask them if they can let you borrow their toolkit, because what gnome doesn't have a toolkit laying around?
Just borrow a healing potion from an ally, even though thats only half healing its better than none

2015-04-17, 06:33 AM
Healing salves work for both as they are nonmagical. They also cost the same and heal the same - 1.

They are also an alchemical item that you can craft yourself. Craft DC is 25, but if you can hit that consistently, you can bring the price down to 16.67 GP.

Also consider Goodberry Wine (250 GP, Five Nations p. 82): 50 GP per dose, and each dose restores 8 HP, so almost the equivalent of a maximized potion of CLW. Transmutation magic, so it works 100% on warforged, and also works in the Mournlands.

UPDATE: Apparently, constructs benefit fully from fast healing

Yep, which is why the vigor spells work 100% on them.

Warforged also heal naturally, and you can accelerate this via Bitterleaf Oil (25 GP, Races of the Dragon, Craft: Alchemy DC 15) and/or Magic Bedroll (500 GP, MIC).

If you have a spare feat slot, then may be able to take the Draconic Aura feat (Dragon Magic) to pick up the Vigor Aura (PHBII p. 13). Shape Soulmeld: Lifebond Vestments (Magic of Incarnum) can be used as sort of a poor-man's "damage transfer": once per hour, you cure the warforged a few HP, taking the damage yourself, and then the healbot cures you for 100%. But the most effective way to heal a warforged is to take a level in Crusader or pick up Martial Study/Martial Stance to get the Martial Spirit stance. Unlike Crusader's Strike, Martial Spirit only requires a successful melee attack, so you can heal up the entire party by beating up a rock or tree.

2015-04-17, 08:40 AM
crusader strike gives you full healing whenever it goes off, not half. Only healing spells from the healing subschool are halved for warforged. Basically anything from the cure X line or heal. There may be a few others out there that I'm not aware of but those are the main ones. Crusader strike and its kin are manuevers that can heal, but are in no way healing spells or mimicing the healing subschool. Only the capstone manuever from that discipline does that, and it mimics the Heal spell. Lesser vigor, goodberries from druids and anything like that do grant their full healing potential to warforged.

In addition, let the fleshbags carry their own cure X potions, you should only really look for repair X potions.

2015-04-17, 04:21 PM
Warforged do not heal naturally.

I have a lvl 2 warforged character in a campaign that is very tanky, but can't seem to find any way to heal himself. I've taken some points in craft(sculpting) early on to get past the "no natural healing" thing, but the craft DC is just too damn high (DC 15 + amount healed).
Armorsmithing or blacksmithing would have been better, more versatile.
And at level 2, you should be able to hit a DC 15 on a take 10. 3 ranks + masterworks tools, everything past that is what you heal. That may not be a lot, but that's still better than the nothing you get from a failed check.
With 4 ranks + 2 Int + 2 tools. That's 3 HP. On a roll you have 45% of chance of doing less than this and 35% of chance of healing nothing.

crusader strike gives you full healing whenever it goes off, not half. Only healing spells from the healing subschool are halved for warforged. Basically anything from the cure X line or heal. There may be a few others out there that I'm not aware of but those are the main ones.

All Su that heal HP or ability damage have only half the effect on a Warforged. I'm not sure if is the Crusader's Strike is a Su, i don't think so.

The Vigor line of spell, however, are from the Healing subschool. So, it should be half for the Warforged.

2015-04-17, 05:12 PM
The Vigor line of spell, however, are from the Healing subschool. So, it should be half for the Warforged.

Nope, the spell doesn't actually heal, it grants fast healing, which isn't affected by the living construct traits.

Shining Wrath
2015-04-17, 05:15 PM
Goodberries, I believe, are 100% effective on Warforged, as they are not technically healing spells.

Seek out your neighborhood druid. Explain that you are a living creature, just like a squirrel, only constructed. Beg a boon.

2015-04-17, 10:30 PM
Nope. I do however have crusader strike. Can I exploit it to get to full life?

If you can spook some random animals into attacking you or if someone in the party has summoning spells, then yes.