View Full Version : Help an Epic Wizard plan his in-game wedding!

2015-04-17, 01:38 PM
What would it be like, I must know!

2015-04-17, 01:44 PM
what diety/setting?

names and classes of other players or his personal best friends:smallamused:

2015-04-17, 01:48 PM
Well, an epic wizard would change the definition of marriage throughout the universe, so that it includes whatever it is that the wizard and their significant other have together. No need to send out invites - anyone asked what 'marriage' is instantly mentions the wizard & partner! The very definition of marriage, since time began! Even the gods use them as an example!

2015-04-17, 02:22 PM
1. Create a greater demiplane.
2. Use demigods or very powerful summond/bound monsters to send personal invites.
3. Within the demiplane, hold the wedding in a mages magnificent mansion. Then the reception in another mages magnificent mansion.


Karl Aegis
2015-04-17, 02:26 PM
Host it at the quasi-elemental plane of weddings.

2015-04-17, 02:29 PM
Whatever his wife-to-be wants...literally.

2015-04-17, 03:32 PM
1. Create a greater demiplane.
2. Use demigods or very powerful summond/bound monsters to send personal invites.
3. Within the demiplane, hold the wedding in a mages magnificent mansion. Then the reception in another mages magnificent mansion.


You're not thinking big enough. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/seeds/conjure.htm)

2015-04-17, 07:13 PM
You're not thinking big enough. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/seeds/conjure.htm)

Are you suggesting that the Wedding actually be an Epic level Ritual between the Wizard, the best men (Epic Wizards), the Bridesmaids (Epic Wizards as well) and their SO (Also an Epic Wizard)? Because if this is the case, I insist that you rent out the Titanback Chapel for your wedding: The only chapel that will marry you on the literal back of a walking Titan.

2015-04-17, 08:43 PM
I guess security is another question. If you have enemies that want to hit you where it hurts, be on guard, and don't make it super-flashy (unless both spouses, their friends, family, etc, are epic level adventurers and consider all their enemies crashing the wedding and a giant battle to be fun for a wedding).

I'd be worried if his spouse isn't as competent as he is that the spouse would be kidnapped or something, either for a ransom, to hurt the wizard, or to try to get the wizard to do something for the kidnappers if he wants to see his spouse again.

As, in D&D, you gain XP for beating things, anyone who has beat enough stuff to be epic level would probably have a fair number of enemies (unless he is very meticulous in eliminating them).

Potentially, due to security risks, it'd be a small and quick thing between his fellow adventurers at some remote location, shielded from Scying, probably with Greater Anticipate Teleportation or the like active (unless he has better protected base of operations), and everyone having Mind Blank, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, and contingencies to escape if needed, probably Foresight too.

Red Fel
2015-04-17, 09:15 PM
I see several things.

First off, have a deity perform the wedding. Not a cleric of a deity; the actual deity itself. (Hopefully you can agree on one.)

Second, witnesses. I suggest using powerful summoning spells to invite (voluntarily, we don't want any hostilities) representatives of every major plane. Inner and outer, every element and every alignment. (Use additional spells if you need to keep them behaving.) In this way, your union will be symbolically witnessed by all of existence.

Third, at the moment you take your vows, but before the kissing part, your contingent Time Stop goes off. (Set it up so she comes along for the ride.) In this way, the two of you have a moment completely alone to yourselves, despite the aforementioned "witnessed by all of existence" thing, for a few sweet words.

Fourth, BoED + BoEF. I don't have to tell you how a wedding night should work.

All of the rest is more or less the same way an ordinary person would do it, but with effectively infinite funding. Would you have a person shot out of a cannon at your wedding? You can. A cake large enough for someone to live inside? You can. Dancing that literally lasts for one week? You can, because you're an Epic Wizard, and you've got mad resources. Live it up. Similarly, the important parts - the romantic bits that are meaningful to the people involved - are what they are, irrespective of class levels and power and what-not. It's romance. That's universal, man.

2015-04-17, 09:59 PM
Similarly, the important parts - the romantic bits that are meaningful to the people involved - are what they are, irrespective of class levels and power and what-not. It's romance. That's universal, man.

Until you have enough permanently-summoned planetars at your beck and call, at least.:smallamused:

2015-04-17, 10:55 PM
First off, have a deity perform the wedding. Not a cleric of a deity; the actual deity itself. (Hopefully you can agree on one.)

Alternatively, have the wedding performed by one of your descendants - an epic wizard, just like you, who has traveled back in time for the occasion. And invite the rest of your descendants to the reception.

2015-04-17, 11:08 PM
Have Correlleon as Priest and Asmodeus as your best man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Demiplane was a good idea even a small one would be enough for the entire wedding.