View Full Version : Optimization Gestalt Character - Beguiler / ?

2015-04-17, 10:58 PM
My group is starting a Gestalt campaign soon. (Mostly because one player wanted to play a troll, but even with savage progression it was atrocious, with Gestalt we made him a Troll uber charger. So far he likes how his character is coming out)
The groups primary caster is a Sorcerer, theres the Troll for our "tank", there may be a 4th person but he hasn't decided what to build if he will play his only thoughts were cleric something.

I am having trouble making my own character though.. ironically. I've decided to be the roguish skill jockey (the Corpse...) for us. So at first I looked at Human Paragon (Iaijutsu, tons of sneak attack etc, fairly normal for secondary melee) but my DM looked at my concept and warned me to put more magic into my build somehow. Due to the power level of the world we'll be in.

So I've looked at Beguiler specifically for being a magicish type of rogue. But i needed to put it with something, so I looked at Factotum and Mind Bender. All being int based.. I can't seem to figure out how I want to build. (Mostly from being somewhat unfamiliar with all of the above as im going outside my favored zone, melee mashers and the tome of battle.)
I'm here asking for some tips possibly on putting together a rough build path. We're starting at lvl 7 so I have some squeeze room for dips and so on.

2015-04-18, 12:07 AM
I'd recommend warblade, but take mainly counters, not strikes. You can't buff enough with the Beguiler to compare to the tank in terms of damage, so don't.

On the other hand, a rogue can do wonders. Be a whisper gnome with the dark creature template, and have fun with sneak attacks. Get craven, twf, shadow blade (from a two level dip in swordsage starting after 4th level), and eventually, staggering strike.

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-04-18, 12:17 AM
I would recogmend warmage from complete Arcane. This way you have the option to bluff, charm or blast.

2015-04-18, 12:36 AM
Are you playing that LA only affects one side of the gestalt? (I assume you are since you have a troll.) If so, grab a monstrous race or a template. A good one for Int-based casters is Pixie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/sprite.htm#pixie). Great ability score bonuses (-4 Str, +8 Dex, +6 Int, +4 Wis, +6 Cha), always-on greater invisibility, a fly speed, and some nice extra defenses. Very strong.

2015-04-18, 12:39 AM
Are you playing that LA only affects one side of the gestalt? (I assume you are since you have a troll.) If so, grab a monstrous race or a template. A good one for Int-based casters is Pixie (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/sprite.htm#pixie). Great ability score bonuses (-4 Str, +8 Dex, +6 Int, +4 Wis, +6 Cha), always-on greater invisibility, a fly speed, and some nice extra defenses. Very strong.

Actually we're not, with the Savage progression "Troll" turned into an 11 level class so we just leveling him racially on one side. And the classes we needed to build him on the other. He's like Troll 7 / Barb (Pounce) 1, Fighter X / Possibly warblade. We haven't finished building him.

2015-04-18, 12:40 AM
Savage Progressions incorporate LA, so if you're using them, it means you've got the LA on only one side. So you should be good to go with an LA race.

2015-04-18, 12:42 AM
Savage Progressions incorporate LA, so if you're using them, it means you've got the LA on only one side. So you should be good to go with an LA race.

Oh I knew about the blank levels on troll being its +5 LA. I think I just misunderstood. Sorry about that, and thanks for the suggestion!

2015-04-18, 12:57 AM
First, don't blend Factotum with a caster in a normal game of Gestalt. Yes it lets you nova things very effectively, but burning throw more resources just means you'll have to sit around with nothing to do for more fights.

Second, you aren't allowed to take a PrC on both sides of a Gestalt at the same time. So the first thing you need to do is decide if your Beguiler side is going to be taking PrCs or not. Either option is fine, as a just getting 9th level spells is a fine contribution to a build. If you do PrC out, I recommend Rainbow Servant or Shadowcraft Mage, with a level of Mindbender at some point.

Third, bear in mind the power of the Beguiler. You're basically as a good as a Sorcerer by default and you can pick up extra spells very easily. If you aren't doing anything with your feats, spend all of them on Arcane Disciple.

What class you want depends on what role you want to take and whether or not you're taking PrCs on the Beguiler side. Generally, Beguiler covers all of the things you need to be a reasonable skill-monkey, both on the mundane and magic sides of the equation. In terms of a chassis, you're looking at bad BAB, 6 skill points per level, good Will, and a d6 hit die.

If you want to be a full caster and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, I recommend Druid. It's hard to beat being a bear and Druid is probably the best base class to take to 20.

If you want to be a full caster and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, you've got options. I personally favor a theurge build that takes advantage of getting 2nd level arcane spells from Beguiler to only blow one level on an arcane casting class. Arcane Hierophant or Anima Mage are my personal picks, though you could do okay with basically anything. Remember that this concept has a shelf-life as Wizards only prints 10 levels of theurge classes. Remember to check armor compatibility.

If you want to be a secondary melee character and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, you still want to be a Druid. Wild shape Ranger (possibly Mystic Ranger) is a fine choice if you don't want to be a Druid. You could also try Duskblade for some extra magical oomph.

If you want to be a secondary melee character and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, your options are wide open. A Reshar or Idiot Crusader type build is a solid martial option and can give you a surprisingly nice toolbox. Wild shape Ranger into Warshaper and Master of Many Forms is another solid line.

If you want to go all in on skills and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, Rogue is a fine pick (do note that your chassis sucks in this option) for sneak attack and bonus feats. Honestly though, skill-monkey is a pretty shallow role. Binder doesn't really fit as a skill-monkey, but it gives you some nice utility.

If you want to go all in on skills and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, I don't really know where you want to go. Chameleon for mad utility seems like a solid option, but skill-monkey is basically done just by being a Beguiler.

2015-04-18, 01:24 AM
First, don't blend Factotum with a caster in a normal game of Gestalt. Yes it lets you nova things very effectively, but burning throw more resources just means you'll have to sit around with nothing to do for more fights.

Second, you aren't allowed to take a PrC on both sides of a Gestalt at the same time. So the first thing you need to do is decide if your Beguiler side is going to be taking PrCs or not. Either option is fine, as a just getting 9th level spells is a fine contribution to a build. If you do PrC out, I recommend Rainbow Servant or Shadowcraft Mage, with a level of Mindbender at some point.

Third, bear in mind the power of the Beguiler. You're basically as a good as a Sorcerer by default and you can pick up extra spells very easily. If you aren't doing anything with your feats, spend all of them on Arcane Disciple.

What class you want depends on what role you want to take and whether or not you're taking PrCs on the Beguiler side. Generally, Beguiler covers all of the things you need to be a reasonable skill-monkey, both on the mundane and magic sides of the equation. In terms of a chassis, you're looking at bad BAB, 6 skill points per level, good Will, and a d6 hit die.

If you want to be a full caster and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, I recommend Druid. It's hard to beat being a bear and Druid is probably the best base class to take to 20.

If you want to be a full caster and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, you've got options. I personally favor a theurge build that takes advantage of getting 2nd level arcane spells from Beguiler to only blow one level on an arcane casting class. Arcane Hierophant or Anima Mage are my personal picks, though you could do okay with basically anything. Remember that this concept has a shelf-life as Wizards only prints 10 levels of theurge classes. Remember to check armor compatibility.

If you want to be a secondary melee character and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, you still want to be a Druid. Wild shape Ranger (possibly Mystic Ranger) is a fine choice if you don't want to be a Druid. You could also try Duskblade for some extra magical oomph.

If you want to be a secondary melee character and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, your options are wide open. A Reshar or Idiot Crusader type build is a solid martial option and can give you a surprisingly nice toolbox. Wild shape Ranger into Warshaper and Master of Many Forms is another solid line.

If you want to go all in on skills and plan on taking some PrCs as a Beguiler, Rogue is a fine pick (do note that your chassis sucks in this option) for sneak attack and bonus feats. Honestly though, skill-monkey is a pretty shallow role. Binder doesn't really fit as a skill-monkey, but it gives you some nice utility.

If you want to go all in on skills and don't plan on taking PrCs as a Beguiler, I don't really know where you want to go. Chameleon for mad utility seems like a solid option, but skill-monkey is basically done just by being a Beguiler.

Originally I had an Iaijutsu / Sneak attack Rogue set up with some other dips but was told i'm not magical enough and that the only reason the uber charger works despite non magic is the ridiculous damage. *shrug* I don't see why my original concept wouldn't have worked but ok. Role in the world wise, I wanted this character to originally join a C-N guild of "Assassins" at some point. They're fighting back against a bunch of power hungry wizards and sorcerers etc (group of spellcasters strutting their stuff and trying to own the world)

Game play wise, I just wanted the skill section for the group covered which I see the Beguiler handles nicely. Combat wise I originally was going to be stabby shanky. Well that's kinda flown out the window unless I start back at square one and redo everything. Which frankly I have time for this character has already been remade 7 times before i came here looking for opinions to be thrown in to help the process along. As i've never played a Beguiler before i figured the advice of my betters would make the process better. I'd say.. im looking to be a secondary melee (I wanted to be that from the start) but it can't be just rogue / other stuff + lots of sneak attack dice for ?? DM reasons. If anything the Beguiler seems be mostly set for ranged combat. I'm perhaps looking at the wrong class for what I want to do.

2015-04-18, 05:20 AM
Beguiler is very good for manipulating people and can do battlefield control quite well. It also has several spells which can replace certain skills leaving you more skill points to spend elsewhere. A standard trick is to dip some full casting PrC before Beguiler 7 so that you can spend the Advanced learning on a level 4 spell, e.g. Shadow Conjuration. You can repeat this trick with two more PrC levels before Beguiler 14 to pick up Greater Shadow Conjuration.

One thing it doesn't do is combat - so if you want to fight then you need to cover this on the other side of the gestalt. Beguiler does have some feint based abilities which are normally ignored for this reason - gestalt might be able to leverage these, but it will cost you two feats to do this well. Rogue (or Spellthief) are obvious options, but you have overlap on the skills. A better option would be to take martial classes over on the other side. Sneak Fighter is interesting since that would give you BAB, HP and sneak dice — though your Reflex save would be poor. Mixing this with Swashbuckler would be good if only Daring outlaw didn't specify Rogue levels - maybe you can get your DM to be flexible here ? Swashbuckler 3 would be a good inclusion anyway since you are Int based.

2015-04-18, 06:26 AM
Beguiler is very good for manipulating people and can do battlefield control quite well. It also has several spells which can replace certain skills leaving you more skill points to spend elsewhere. A standard trick is to dip some full casting PrC before Beguiler 7 so that you can spend the Advanced learning on a level 4 spell, e.g. Shadow Conjuration. You can repeat this trick with two more PrC levels before Beguiler 14 to pick up Greater Shadow Conjuration.

One thing it doesn't do is combat - so if you want to fight then you need to cover this on the other side of the gestalt. Beguiler does have some feint based abilities which are normally ignored for this reason - gestalt might be able to leverage these, but it will cost you two feats to do this well. Rogue (or Spellthief) are obvious options, but you have overlap on the skills. A better option would be to take martial classes over on the other side. Sneak Fighter is interesting since that would give you BAB, HP and sneak dice — though your Reflex save would be poor. Mixing this with Swashbuckler would be good if only Daring outlaw didn't specify Rogue levels - maybe you can get your DM to be flexible here ? Swashbuckler 3 would be a good inclusion anyway since you are Int based.

The thing is... as a Beguiler, you already have enough things to do with your standard actions that adding the ability to make competent melee attacks seems redundant.

If you still want to set yourself up for melee combat as well as being able to cast, I would suggest warblade over swashbuckler. The swashbuckler gets a very small number of class features. Of note:
Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Grace (bonus to reflex saves)
Insightful strike (int to damage instead of str)
Dodge bonus (bonus to AC against a specific enemy)
Acrobatic Charge (can charge over difficult terrain/around allies)
Improved Flanking (bonus to hit from flanking becomes +4 instead of +2)
Lucky (1/day reroll on attack roll, skill check, saving throw or ability check)
Acrobatic Skill Mastery (can take 10 on jump and tumble checks)
Weakening Critical (2 str damage on crits)
Slippery Mind (as the rogue feature of the same name)
Wounding Critical (2 con damage on crits)

In comparison...
Warblade gets bonus feats. Plural. Sure, the list isn't the greatest, but it includes Ironheart Aura (prereq for Stormguard Warrior) and Improved Initiative. Good enough for comparison to Weapon Finesse. I'll call this a tie coz Swashbuckler gets Finesse at level 1.
Warblde gets int to reflex. Grace maxes out at +3. Yeah... This goes to Warblade.
Warblade gets int to damage against flat-footed or flanked foes, while Swashbuckler gets int to damage instead of strength, as precision damage. The warblade gets it at level 7, vs the swashbuckler's level 3. But, the damage doesn't apply to constructs, undead, oozes, etc... You know... the enemies that the beguiler has the hardest time with. And for levels 3-6, the warblade is using maneuvers, which are gonna deal more damage anyway... So, this goes to warblade.
The dodge bonus to AC compares to Wall of Blades. Dodge bonus is always on, while Wall of Blades is going to come up less often... But Wall of Blades is insanely better against touch attacks. Against casters and other people using touch attacks, Wall of Blades wins, but against regular melee, Dodge bonus wins. So... I'll call this a tie.
Acrobatic charge is good... But it's at level 7. You might not get flight spells from your class list, but you should seriously be considering getting aerial soon. Oh, and unless you pounce, you're gonna be dealing less damage with charging than a warblade does by using a maneuver... So... Warblade wins again.
Improved Flanking... gives you +2 to hit. Warblade gets Lightning Recovery, which is a reroll after you find out you missed, with a +2 to hit. Might be less frequent, but overall, it's gonna matter more. Warblade wins again.
Lucky is good... But Warblade gets Iron Heart Focus and Dancing Mongoose, which are gonna fulfill the same role. Sure, the swashbuckler can reroll a skill/ability check, but I don't wanna use a once/day feature on that when it could instead be used to SAVE MY LIFE, which the saving throw option can do. The only advantage here is that the Swashbuckler can use this when flat-footed, but... the warblade can do it more often...
Acrobatic Skill Mastery allows you to take 10 on jump (except at level 13, I don't jump anymore unless I am using a maneuver. Instead, I fly). And you can take 10 on tumble. You should have 13 ranks in tumble by now, so... taking 10 doesn't matter as much. A 1 will be bearable, as long as you have a 12 dex or higher.
Weakening Critical deals 2 points of strength damage on a crit. Again, the creatures that are immune to crits are also the ones immune to Being a Beguiler. (Undead, Constructs, Oozes, Plants, etc...) This is irrelevant. Same applies to Wounding Critical.
Slippery Mind... gives us a crappy version of Iron Heart Focus, but usable at will, but at 17th level. By now, you can easily have immunity to the effects this gives protection against. In the meantime, Warblade just got something like Strike of Perfect Clarity. Warblade wins out.

I just can't see what the swashbuckler's got that the warblade doesn't do better, at least when tacked on to a beguiler. The dodge bonus to AC only does so much compared to the maneuvers and class features I haven't mentioned can do. There are several features that apply only to enemies suspectible to crits, but in those circumstances, you are able to Be a Beguiler and do so much more. Lucky is nice, but... it's just not enough.

2015-04-18, 06:55 AM
Well I said Swash 3 NOT Swash 20 — for Wpn Finesse and Int to Damage.

We don't know what his stats are but Warblade would make this MAD. I would expect Int primary, Dex second and Wis third with Str dumped.
Some Wis is required if you are doing the Arcane Disciple trick.
Swordsage would probably be a better option than Warblade, unarmed or otherwise, since that is Dex focussed.

I have played a Beguiler and whilst it's very good there are some situations where you can do nothing.

There are arguments for Cleric or Druid to give a wider choice of spells and a combat option though you are right about the action economy.

2015-04-18, 08:12 AM
I would advise you against taking the Beguiler, the class by it self is quite nice but it is a hybrid class and with the gestalt option in play you'll get far more out of a simple Rogue/Wizard build because it offers the best of both.

And as someone already said, taking 3 lvls of Swashbuckler is quite nice for the roguish side, and also for the caster side you get great prestige choices like Abjurant Champion, Unseens Seer, Arcane Trickster, Spellwarp Sniper and such....

2015-04-18, 08:24 AM
If you are having issues quantifying a Beguiler, ill make it simple:

Beguiler = Control. You control people, you control combat, you are basically a spontaneous (and somewhat weaker) version of a Batman Wizard. You also have the benefit of being an Int based caster with a decent amount of skills and trapfinding, but you don't really get any abilities in class to support that.

To be completely honest if you want to be the skill monkey/secondary damage character i would suggest going Scout//Ranger or something similar. You still have good skill base and trapfinding but you have damage built into the class.

Yes spellcasting, especially full casting progression classes, are hands down more powerful than any other class (except artificer but then that class is kinda broken good anyways), but you don't seem to want or care for it so it would only drag your character down.

2015-04-18, 12:03 PM
So... magic. One nice thing about beguiler is that it is spontaneous and knows the full list. It also fits itself well to the rogue-y like feeling focusing on enchantment and illusion. Unfortunately at least for me divination is also very important for the rogue-y feeling. I'm not a fan of damage spells as a rogue, other than those that are based on clever cunning and sneak attacking and stuff. I also happen to be a fan of nedlessly complicating stuff with dips. So what I would normally do on that situation is:

Beguiler 1 // Human Paragon 1
Human Paragon 2 // Spellthief 1
Human Paragon 3 // Warblade 1
Beguiler 2 // Warblade 2
Beguiler 3 // Warblade 3

In those 5 levels you've got 4 bab, tunned your skill list as you might want through human paron, added some more magical rogue through spellthief (master spellthief will come in handy latter) and given yourself an oomph of power through warblade (which could potentially be replaced with swashbuckler)

What I would do next would be:

Beguiler 4 // Prestige Bard 1
Unseen Seer 1 // Warblade 4

Prestige bard is magnificent it adds bard spells to your spell list, which are boons to skill monkeys, add a lot of divination and useful spells, and bost your caster level in illusion, enchantment and divination (while hitting necromancy and evocation). It also sinergizes with warblade, song of the white raven stacks warblade and bard levels for inspire courage giving you strong buffing capability. Unseen Seer is to me the archetypical rogue casting prc it is sneaky and divination based (I love divination).

Mr Adventurer
2015-04-18, 12:12 PM
Factotum would be simply outstanding in terms of making you the skillmonkey, I'd go with that. It synergizes with Int a LOT. Better HD and BAB and an additional good save progression too. Even slaps on a little extra arcane power to plug the Beguiler gaps.

I'm playing a gestalt Factotum//Warblade right now and he totally rocks on toast.

2015-04-18, 12:30 PM
Factotum would be simply outstanding in terms of making you the skillmonkey, I'd go with that. It synergizes with Int a LOT. Better HD and BAB and an additional good save progression too. Even slaps on a little extra arcane power to plug the Beguiler gaps.

I don't think that this is true. The skill-monkey role is basically about having trap finding, at least 6 skill points per level, and a list that includes Search, Disable Device, Spot, etc. The Beguiler does that already, so Factotum isn't adding a whole lot.

The other issue is that the big draw of Factotum is extra standard actions, and that means burning your daily resources faster if you're a caster. That's powerful, but it's probably an unneeded level of power for most games.

I think the things you're trying to get Factotum to do are probably better fulfilled by a Mystic Ranger, as that offers more casting (for 5th level or lower spells), and a much better chassis. Plus wild shape if you want it.

It basically boils down to diminishing returns. The Beguiler is already the best skill-monkey in the game, so adding the third best skill monkey's abilities is just not all that great.

I'm playing a gestalt Factotum//Warblade right now and he totally rocks on toast.

I think this is a lot more where you want to be as a Gestalt Factotum. Maneuvers aren't limited per day, so you can go a lot longer than a caster can. Warblade is also much more distinct from Factotum than Beguiler is, so you benefit more from Gestalt.

2015-04-18, 12:38 PM
If eldritch theurge is allowed, I say go warlock 3/elritch theurge on one side while tossing in warblade/bard on the other as you see fit.

2015-04-18, 12:47 PM
If eldritch theurge is allowed, I say go warlock 3/elritch theurge on one side

You actually want to be Warlock 3/Wizard (or whatever) 1/Eldritch Theurge 10 for two reasons. First because you don't have 2nd level spells until level 4. Second because you definitely want to advance something with the arcane caster side of things for ET.

2015-04-18, 12:53 PM
Another good choice would be Incarnate or Totemist. Great skill buffs, lots of at-will and always-on utility, and you get access to Share Soulmeld + Obtain Familiar for some excellent action economy abuse.

You actually want to be Warlock 3/Wizard (or whatever) 1/Eldritch Theurge 10 for two reasons. First because you don't have 2nd level spells until level 4. Second because you definitely want to advance something with the arcane caster side of things for ET.

Eldritch Theurge would advance Warlock and Beguiler. You would then put a third class on the other side. This trick works with any theurge class, and it's why theurges are typically banned in gestalt--they turn it into tristalt.

2015-04-18, 04:02 PM
What level are you beginning play at, and what level do you reasonably expect to reach before this campaign is retired?

Incarnate (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1041916) from Magic of Incarnum is superb for skill-check characters and it offers tons of versatility. If you go this route, you can't really go wrong with Incarnate 20// Beguiler 5/ Mindbender 1/ Beguiler 14. In combat you can cast Color Spray or Glitterdust and use Haste on the party. Outside of combat you'll be a one-man party. This is extremely playable at all levels, including 1st, and is probably the ideal choice if you're beginning play as 1st level characters.

If you want more of a rogueish character, I would use some kind of Psion//Rogue build instead. Specifically, a Spellthief//Psion into Psychic Assassin (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723d). Get Mind Cripple so you'll deal 2 Int damage per sneak attack. A single level of Spellthief enables you to use wands of any spells on the Spellthief class list, namely Wraithstrike. Obligatory Psion Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10238.0), and here's an example of this type of build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358732-I-need-a-lot-of-easily-playable-builds#4).

If you want a sneak attacker, I'd recommend a Marrulurk from Sandstorm (3 HD of Monstrous Humanoid and +1 LA, get ssneak attack, death attack, poison use, and amazing ability scores) with Half-Fiend (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20031010a) 1 but this variant (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) based on a Babau (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm#babau) so you get all of its listed skills added to your class skills for your racial HD. A Half-Fiend (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfFiend.htm) "has skill points equal to (8 + Int modifier) × (HD + 3)" for your racial HD, even if you gained those racial HD before you gained the Outsider type from Half-Fiend (RAW). You never have to take additional levels of Half-Fiend (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a) because you don't have to take it in uninterrupted succession so you can delay the other levels of it indefinitely. That basically gets you three levels of racial hit dice that give Rogue skill points, Fighter BAB, d8 hp, good Reflex and Will saves, 2d6 sneak attack, death attack, poison use, point-blank shot and rapid shot as bonus feats, proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and shields. You also have a +2 total LA which gives you small size with a 20 ft. land speed, +3 natural armor, nauseating breath, Darkvision, Marruspawn traits which are amazing, two claws attacks, Str +2, Dex +8, Con +4, Wis +6, Cha +4, and Darkness 3/day, Poison 3/day, and eventually Unhallow 1/day as spell-like abilities. Plus you get to be a muscular little jackal-headed man.

If you're starting at a decent (7th+) level, I would go with the following build for a sneak attacker:
Marrulurk Half-Fiend 1, Psion/Spellthief/Psychic Assassin/Assassin
1. Psion 1// Marrulurk HD 1, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Finesse, Psicrystal Affinity
2. Psion 2// Marrulurk HD 2
3. Psion 3// Marrulurk HD 3, Two-Weapon Fighting
4. Psion 4// Marrulurk LA 1
5. Psion 5// Spellthief 1, Extend Power
6. Psion 6// Psychic Assassin 1, Ability Focus: Death Attack
7. Half-Fiend 1// Psychic Assassin 2
8. Psion 7// Psychic Assassin 3
9. Spellthief 2// Psychic Assassin 4, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10. Psion 8// Psychic Assassin 5, Mind Cripple
11. Psion 9// Assassin 1
12. Psion 10// Assassin 2, Persistent Power, any feat (Practiced Spellcaster)
13. Psion 11// Assassin 3
14. Psion 12// Assassin 4
15. Psion 13// Assassin 5, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
16. Psion 14// Assassin 6
17. Psion 15// Assassin 7, any psionic feat
18. Psion 16// Assassin 8, any feat
19. Psion 17// Assassin 9
20. Psion 18// Assassin 10

The Marrulurk's death attack DC is 10 + 1/2 racial HD + Cha bonus. Psychic Assassin and Assassin both get death attack, and their DCs are both 10 + class level + Int modifier. Since these are all named Death Attack, your total DC should be 10 + 1/2 racial HD + Psychic Assassin level + Assassin level + Cha bonus + Int bonus, and Ability Focus gives you an additional +2 DC.