View Full Version : Player Help Improved Familiar

2015-04-18, 01:48 PM
I've seen the multitudes of lists online of possible familiars, however I cannot find any such printed list outside the one listed with the feat. I don't think that all the lists just so happen to be peoples opinions all falling in line so where can I find the reference? How can I tell my DM that "yes, an air elemental is available at level 5 with this feat, here i'll show you," or a beguiler at lvl 7, etc, etc...? Thanks in advance for clearing this up.

2015-04-18, 02:26 PM
Well, there are 3 "Improved Familiar" feats that I know of, one in the DMG (pg 200), one in Complete Scoundrel (pg 78) and another in Complete Warrior (pg 100). There's also Shadow Familiar, in Tome of Magic (pg 138), Celestial Familiar in Book of Exalted Deeds (pg 41), Dragon Familiar in Draconomicon (pg 104, 141) and I'm pretty sure there's a Fiendish Familiar somewhere, but I'm unsure where exactly. Races of the Wild has an ACF for Raptoran's to get a Wind Elemental Familiar, and I'm pretty sure there are others for similar situations.

Basically, the answer to your question is to look up where the purported familiar you want is supposed to be located, then show that book to your DM.

2015-04-18, 02:28 PM
I've seen the multitudes of lists online of possible familiars, however I cannot find any such printed list outside the one listed with the feat. I don't think that all the lists just so happen to be peoples opinions all falling in line so where can I find the reference? How can I tell my DM that "yes, an air elemental is available at level 5 with this feat, here i'll show you," or a beguiler at lvl 7, etc, etc...? Thanks in advance for clearing this up.

Well, the air elemental is right there in the feat table you mentioned, but generally each other familiar outside of core is in the creature description, and tells you when it becomes available via the improved familiar feat. For example the beguiler, in shining south, says in it's monster entry "A beguiler can be acquired as a familiar by a 7th-level arcane spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat." If you're looking for an officially published list, I'm not sure if there are any, though if you want a community built one, I'd be surprised if one doesn't exist, you just need to dig it up.

2015-04-18, 02:33 PM
Familiar Handbook (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/08/familiars-handbook.html), over on DictuumMortuum.

I've seen a post here on gitp with a table of familiars, but my google-fu is failing me at the moment.

2015-04-18, 03:20 PM
Here you go (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/feats&tablefilter=familiar), each one has a book and page number.

2015-04-19, 11:05 AM
Thank you very much. I appreciate the help.