View Full Version : What Kind of Digimon Would You Make?

2015-04-18, 10:25 PM
For those unfamiliar with the premise of Digimon, there's another world full of little critters made out of the data from the Internet. There are several different TV shows, each with a slightly different take on the world's details and usually a different cast of young folk to deal with it when crap hits the fan.

Let's say that you, as a super computer genius, live in a world almost exactly like ours. Let's also say that you and your small group of close friends (around 5 people total) have figured out how to make a world like this, but cannot use a single one of the original Digimon designs. What kinds of creature would you base the denizens of your new world around? Mythologies, real life, other TV shows about monster pets?

Here are a few places to look at for both the original ideas and what you might want to include (Note - There will probably be some conflicts involving naming depending on which site you use. The experts can sort it out, I'm sure :smallwink:):

This is what's happened in the world my playtest of a Digimon RPG I found would be set in, and I'm looking for ideas so I can build a few sample characters. The founding character's Partner Digimon is based on the Lamia and/or Marilith - part snake, part human, all woman.

2015-04-18, 11:52 PM
What kinds of creature would you base the denizens of your new world around?

Pokémon. That is the only correct answer.:smalltongue:

2015-04-19, 12:14 AM
Pokémon. That is the only correct answer.:smalltongue:

Did that in a Freeform Megacrossover game.

In all seriousness, I'd probably design a custom Dramon line-the fresh and in training forms would be baby dragons, the rookie would be a young wyvern(Demi-Wyvernmon?) The Champion form would be full Wyvern(Wyvernmon). From here the line splits into three, Vaccine attribute Shenlongmon who resembles an eastern Dragon and who becomes mega level Holy Dragon type Shindramon, Data Attribute Drakedramon who would be an western style dragon and become Mega Level Dragon SupremeDrakedramon, or Virus Atribute, Undead type Dracolimon, who would resemble Wyvernmon but bigger with discolored scales, rotten flesh and exposed bones and become mega level Undead type Fortdramon which is basically a giant flying fortress armed with Digizoid weaponry in various colors carried on the back of a Daikaiju sized skelletal dragon.

Magatsu Izanagi
2015-04-19, 03:39 AM
If my name didn't make it obvious, Megami Tensei would be my personal starting point for a project like this. The Megami Tensei franchise in turn pulls its influences from classic myth, religion, folklore, and even popular culture. Having an actual Izanagi-no-Okami or Orpheus Telos of my own would be all the motivation I'd need.

If we can also program the geography of the world these creatures reside in, the possibilities are truly endless.

2015-04-20, 01:02 AM
Hmm... From what I've seen of Digimon (I was a big fan when I was young but I have a less than perfect memory of the show nowadays.) they've often gone with Eastern Symbology for their worlds. Zodiac animals, Elemental forces (in their Asian forms) etc.

I suppose then the most thematic thing would be to expand this to more Western traditions. The Evangelical animals spring to mind (Lion, Eagle, Ox and Man. Though with man you'd have to get a little more creative) For something more extensive there's always the Western Zodiac constellations or the Major Arcana in Tarot. Of course these also have the downside of featuring a lot of rather human looking figures (especially the tarot) The astrological planets might also work (though I seem to recall at least a few digimon named after planets.)

Hmm... most of the astrological planets were associated with the Hellenic pantheon and typically had similar animals associated with them.

Using that sort of guide to determine their appearance you have:

Mercury: Most likely a serpent of some sorts, likely winged. Likely with a focus on speed and healing.

Venus: Venus likes swans and doves so that's a possibility. However, another symbol of hers are bees. A bee-like digimon might be fun, particularly with higher digi-evolutions taking on a more feminine appearance.

Mars: Wolf. Especially when you go by the Roman interpretation, Wolves and Mars are synonymous. Throw in some sharpened metal and you're good to go.

Jupiter: A suitably regal looking Eagle digimon, likely with a lot of thunder and lightning.

Saturn: A weird one. Saturn generally doesn't get a lot of good press in Astrology (it is named after the titan Cronus after all, the one who ate his kids) Dragons seem popular though, though likely anything forboding would work. As the name Cronus (where we get the Crono- prefix from) implies, it's often associated with time.

Earth: Earth generally doesn't have a distinct animal symbol in Greco-Roman mythology. (Suppose since all the animals already are associated with her.) The Egyptians (who often shared their pantheon with the Hellenistic one) did represent the Earth with the Scarab though, so that's a possiblity.

Moon: Also a tricky one. The moon is sometimes associated with Artemis, and other times with Hecate (Or Thoth, but he's already considered the Egyptian version of Mercury so that gets pretty confusing). For what it's worth, Artemis is the huntress so she likes canines like Mars as well as Stags. Hecate is the Witch goddess though and likes lots of the traditionally evil animals in folklore, like bats and goats. She's also a fan of the number three (She's often represented as having three forms, maiden, mother and crone. Thoth as his head implies, likes the Ibis and is a god of wisdom.

Sun: Helios or Apollo is generally associated with the Sun. Helios likes Lions, while Apollo is a little less clear. He does have his sacred bulls so that's a possibility, but otherwise he's associated with wolves, ravens and lizards.

Trying to go further out is difficult since the Romans never knew of any planets beyond Saturn. But going by their namesakes:

Uranus: Ouranos was the literal sky so there's likely to be stepping on toes with Jupiter here. Still something appropriately Avian would do, less stormy than Jupiter though.

Neptune: Poseidon was the god of the Sea, so an Aquatic digimon would do. A hippocampus (literal sea-horse) would do well since he was also the god of horses.

Pluto: Hades gets a really bad rap as being a death god. Really he just rules over the dead (another god handles the actual dying) And compared to most Underworld gods he's actually pretty alright (sure he kidnapped a goddess but he's got nothing on the assery that most of the Pantheon does.) He's also associated with the deep earth and precious metals and stones. As far as animals go there's always Cerberus, and he also apparently has a thing for goats.