View Full Version : Storm of Chaos (Pathfinder)

2015-04-19, 06:35 AM
Erengrad was a bustling city. The late summer meant that traders from all across the Old World
and beyond were making their last trips before the winter ice set in. Men of Empire and Bretonnia
mingled with those from Tilea, who in turn met with Elves and Norscans. It was one of the few
places in the world where all races could trade and interact with a sembance of civility.

The bustling crowds of tradesman and laboureres are dotted with warriors of all stripes. Knights
from Bretonnia recite their glorious deeds. Crowds part from the path of dwarf slayers marked by
their orange crest-shaped hair. Woodsmen, elven swordmasters and sorcerers can all be seen along
the streets. It is to this scenery that you arrive.

By whatever means, you have learned that heroes gather in Erengrad to take the fight to the
archenemy of all civilizations. This effort transcends all old enmities, as the new opposition
seeks nothing less than the total end of order itself. Your instructions refer you to a tavern,

Inside, the tavern is hardly full, with most patrons clustered on one end of the smoky
common room. On the other end, space has been cleared around a single table. Next to it is a
poster with an illustration of a knight standing over a scrawny beastman, a hammer poised
to strike a final blow, with the words "Victory in the North" printed on it. A portly man
in a breastplate and uniform is seated next to a white-bearded dwarf on the table.
On it is a detailedmap of Kislev, Norsca and the Troll country. Placed on the map are various
game pieces, possibly representing warlords or sorcerers that move around the North.

2015-04-19, 09:14 AM
Aithien reluctantly stepped into the tavern, her eyes flickering to the corners of the room first, seeking out anyone that might be hiding within. Apparently satisfied that there were no immediate threats, she headed further in. She disliked having to travel in human lands. The common folk always seemed unsettled by her presence, even when she was properly disguised. She turned back toward her brother as he followed her in, "Cuir i gcuimhne dom arís cén fáth go bhfuil muid anseo?"

"Remind me again why we are here?"

2015-04-19, 09:48 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

With an ornate cane in one hand, a hood pulled over her features and a reptile in a little woolen coat perched atop her shoulder, Selinda moved through the eclectic streets of Erengrad unmolested as the doors of the tavern came to loom before her. Exhaling softly through her delicate nose, the wizard peered up and down in a less-than-impressed inspection of what ostensibly seemed to be a barn to catch humans when they passed out drunk on the floor.

Pursing her lips and narrowing her left eye skeptically, Selinda moved her head to peer at the animal atop her shoulder and spoke softly, <"How efficient of them to merge the drinking hole for both man and beast into one convenient location,"> she smirked sardonically as she spoke the draconic language the little reptile would understand. The beast drew its head down below its shoulders and parted its beak to hiss, its wings drawing out several inches in an unamused display. <"Oh shut up. You'd think a dwarf was handsome.">

Reaching out at first with her hand towards the handle on the door, Selinda thought better of it and instead used her cane to press against the wood and open the portal before her. No sooner had she done so than the scent of sweat and that repulsive ale hit the elfs sensitive nose, causing it to crumple slightly in distaste. Shuddering, uttering <"It never ends...">, Selinda stepped inside.

Drawing her tall, willowy figure in through the door, Selinda retained her cowl as her blue eyes and keen ears took in the sights and sounds of the tavern. Apparently showing little interest in whatever passed for "drink" in this place, she opted to seat herself at the only table available where her back was to a wall. Having made herself comfortable, the dark elf gave her shoulder a little upwards nudge and, in response to this gesture, Selephon picked his way down her arm to rest upon the table surface where he hugged his wings in together and peered up at the angular face of his master.

Reaching inside her cloak, the elf withdrew a small bit of smoked meat and held it out for the clothed reptile to snatch from between her digits. Smirking, Selinda reached out with her index finger and stroked the animals head.

2015-04-19, 01:31 PM

It was north the his first time walking in a human town since his sister and him depart from Athel Loren, but is was Edryll's first time entering an inn, or any building.

Keeping his hood on his head, he walk in while looking around, to see if there is something interresting in here. His eye stop on the lone table.

Then, his sister's question bring him out his concentration.

" Tá ceaptha a bheith daoine a bhailiú suas rud éigin i gcoinne an dorchadas le teacht a phleanáil. Fan gar."

"There is supposed to be peoples gathering up to plan something against the upcoming darkness. Stay close."

Edryll walk toward the human and the dwarf at the table. He clear his throat before talking in their language in a low voice.

" Greetings. We heard there was a gathering here for people who want to fight against the force of chaos. Are we at the right place?"

2015-04-19, 02:23 PM
The travels from Altdorf to Erengrad took Marcus almost two full weeks with stopping only for gathering supplies and rations for the other sections of his travels. Now finally passing the gate of the northern city, Marcus finally took the time to relax and slow down his paste. As he was progressing into the city, Marcus was bluntly askind the guards for the directions of the tavern he was supposed to go. Having found the place, he took a small detour to a nearby stable so he could have his horse rest. Giving the needed money to the stablehand, Marcus put his return coupon and put it into his haversack.

Making certain that he had all he needed, Marcus headed back to the inn. From his six feet six, Marcus was looking down on those he knew weren't worshipping Sigmar, which was, mostly everyone. Pushing the door with force, Marcus examined the people already inside as he came in. He went strait to the inn keeper and ordered something to drink and eat. The two weeks that he just passed eating dry food and drinking water took his tool on the man's stomach. He was dying to eat something hot and no one would stop his from doing so. While his food was being prepared, Marcus went to the table and talked to the only human at the table, almost ramming into the wood elf that was already there.

''Greetings sir, my name is Marcus Werner. At the request of the grand theogonist, I came all the way from Altdorf with great haste. Is this the place where you are gathering the strongest in the lands for the fight againt the force assembling in the north?''

Emphasing on the strongest, Marcus took the giant hammer on his back and, as the head of the weapon touched the ground, began crackling with energy.

I just need to know how much for the stabling (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/animals-animal-gear#TOC-Stabling), the food (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/hunting-camping-survival-gear#TOC-Meal) and drink (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/hunting-camping-survival-gear#TOC-Ale).

2015-04-19, 02:48 PM

As the human almost bump into him, Edryll step aside. He quickly put his and on his sister arm, as he know she can be provoke quite easily. It was better to stay cold blooded and to not open the hostility. Not yet.

2015-04-19, 06:05 PM
Aithien's hand was halfway to Claw's hilt when her brother halted it. The temerity of the human, to simply brush aside one of the Asrai without so much as an acknowledgement! She glared at Edryll, irritated that he would allow himself to be belittled in such a way. She scanned his eyes, reading his meaning for a tense few seconds. Clicking her tongue in irritation, she relaxed her arms, brushing Edryll's hand off of her.

They were here to seek allies, she reminded herself. Deserved though it was, garnering retribution on the human was unlikely to win her allies amongst those gathered here. It would be better to allow Edryll to serve as her people's voice for now, she was out of practice with social niceties. Stepping back from the table, and keeping a wary eye on Marcus, she found herself a quiet part of the tavern to observe the proceeding's from.

Altan Waywalker
2015-04-21, 01:14 AM

'The Lord of Weather has been kind to this land so far,' Tomas mused to himself as he entered Erengrad; with the summer season holding longer than normal, the people of this region would have ample time to produce extra crops and reap a full harvest. 'They will need all they can get, if the reports are accurate; this country may soon be beset by war and ruin,' the huntsman grimly considered, his mood turning dour before he shook the dark thoughts away. That was why he was here, along with so many others from both near and far: to make a stand against the forces of Chaos, drive them back to their miserable wastelands, and send their tainted souls down into the abyss.

Making his way through the city to his destination, Tomas' hand idly patted the pocket containing the impetus to his journey: the Huntsmarshal's dispatch, containing the information and reconnaissance collated alongside his own on the growing threat and the approval of his request to travel north and join the counter-fight. Knowing full well the chances he wouldn't return back home, Tomas nonetheless swore to see this mission to it's end, for the honor and defense of his comrades, his nation, and his faith. For his ideals and loyalties, anything less would be unworthy.

Finding the tavern mentioned in his dispatch, the huntsman passed through the threshold and stepped into the common room, moving quietly despite the large bearded axe and bow upon his back. Taking in the surroundings, Tomas noted the war table situated at one end, as well as the varied company currently sharing the area; the presence of several elves (as near as he could tell) in particular caught his attention, and served to remind him of the common cause that brought so many different souls together in unity. He then noticed a large armor-clad man rise from the bar end and stride over to the table, jostling the nearby pair of elves aside as he moved. Taking in the man's shaven head, ornate plate armor, and massive warhammer, Tomas easily identified the fellow. 'Typical Sigmarite, pushy and hotheaded,' the huntsman blandly quipped to himself, threading his way towards the table.

Stopping a few feet away from it, Tomas inclined his head in greetings to the elven pair and leaned against the adjacent wall, patiently waiting his chance to speak.

Just to make clear, Bold is him speaking and Italics is him thinking.
Tomas Albescu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=98705)
(I'll fill in the rest of this later)

2015-04-21, 06:09 AM
A dwarf, sitting by himself but within the crowd was chugging down a flagon of ale. Not at all looking he was out of place within the tavern. In fact, one could be forgiven for simply forgetting him as a mere customer for the place. Those with more perceptive abilities however, might be able to note how his eyes were carefully watching the door, and examining all those who entered through it. Especially those that went up to the human and dwarf with the poster.

Further study would reveal that he was armed and ready for a fight. Not all that surprising considering the state of the world, and the fact that the threat from the north was growing even more dangerous than before. The chain-mail he wore was almost a standard fare for any traveler. But the three pistols jammed into his belt more certainly were not. Especially not the main two, which had two-barrels instead of the traditional one. Not someone to take lightly then...

2015-04-21, 11:54 AM
The dwarf and man look at Edryll in brief incomprehension, with the man turning to consult a small book with tiny text, his brow furrowing as he begins to franticaly flip pages. His dwarven companion rolls his eyes and glares at Edryll and Aithien as they approach. The human begins to answer Edrylls' question as Marcus nearly marches over him. Afetr Marcus has finished his statement, the portly man is visibly taken aback by Marcus' mention of the Grand theogonist. his eyes widen and his waxed mustache quivers with excitement at the thought of someone important being mentioned. As he recovers, the dwarf speaks: "Aye, this is the place. I am Varak Steelbreaker. My companion here is Boris Schuffman from Middenheim. We have been waiting in this poor excuse of an inn for weeks, gathering repo..." he is cut off by Boris, and huffs in a grumpy fashion. "As he was saying, Boris starts, "Welcome, heroes, to the North. Your presence here is most welcome." His gaze wanders around the tavern, taking quick note of other occupants. Apparently satisfied, he turns to the men and elves gathered in the vicinity of the table. "An unlikely grouping as this is, it speaks volumes of the magnitude of our cause here. All world stands united in the face of this threat we now face..." He is cut off by the dwarf before he gets to launch into his speech. "We've gathered information from scouts, Norse traders, Kislevite riders and more and tried to identify building threats before they can gather steam and roll through us in our unprepared state." he says. "Be there any others here who have arrived here for this noble errand? he asks more loudly, addressing all of the tavern now. What few patrons (besides you) there are simply shrug and turn to nurse their drinks.

5 silver for the meal, mashed vegetables with a cut of meat, probably pork, served with good, proper (human) ale. 3 silver for stabling your horse (cheaper due to horses being the principal mode of transport in Kislev.)

2015-04-21, 12:26 PM
With his 'unorthodox' mount, many people in the street gave Aleryon and Bal'Gurin a wide berth. Brettonian knights sized him up and cmall children looked in awe. Arriving at the tavern as ordered gave Aleryon no solace - Human lands always felt stifling and closed-in to him.

With Bal'Gurion waiting outside patiently, he steps inside, his white lion cloak drawing great attention from the locals and visitors alike. He takes off his high helm and looks like no elf many have seen. As a white Lion, he is Broader, more muscular, and well-tanned. His blond hair is tied up in a wild looking braid, and his teeth seem to look like his clan's namesake. Seeing a pair of wood elves, he walk over to introduce himself.

"Glacaim leis Tá mé san áit cheart ... Is é mo ainm Aleryon de Chrace , col ceathracha ."

I assume I'm in the right place... My name is Aleryon of Chrace, cousins.

2015-04-21, 06:23 PM

Hearing the language of his people, Edryll turn back and see the tall warrior stading behind them. He stare at him for a second, before noding.

"Leon Fáilte bán. Ní raibh mé ag smaoineamh go mbeadh aon Asur thaispeáint seo i bhfad ar Ulthuan. Ní mór na omens bheith uafásach. Tá mé Edryll, agus tá sé seo Aithien, mo dheirfiúr. Agus tá, tá tú ag an áit cheart."

"Welcome white lion. I didn't think any Asur would show this far of Ulthuan. The omens must be terrible. I'm Edryll, and this is Aithien, my sister. And yes, you are at the right place."

The Asrai had no joy in his voice. He didn't really like the Asur, but as allies he could find way worse. <At least it's a white lion. They are worthy warriors, and less uptight then most of the other Asurs.> ( <--- that's Edryll thinking)

2015-04-22, 11:01 AM
With another elf entering the inn, Marcus was working his best to be somewhat polite considering the future alliance with people of other races and beliefs. Looking at the human and, for a split second, the dwarf in the corner of his eyes, Marcus makes a large mouvement of his arm in the direction of the drunks at the end of the room and the people that did look somewhat equipped in the lot. Marcus then answers the dwarf's pledge.

''I don't think you will get much of that bunch, even those elves decided to come out of their tree houses. They, at least, have the courage to step up to the call of our respective leader.'' As he says that, you can see a point of respect, even if its hidden behind some badmouthing. Turning to the three elfes behind him and having a quick glance at their equipment, he adds with a blatant smirk on his face... ''We actually have to know if they can efficiently use whatever gear they have. Hell, Now we just need to know if they are part of the expedition or not. But if you'll excuse me, I have a hot meal to eat.''

He says that last sentence as the innkeeper signals him a free seat at with a hot plate and a buck of ale waiting for him. He then proceed to seat at the said table and eat his meal.

2015-04-22, 11:28 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

Silently, the dark elf watched the cavalcade of malcontents and vagabonds pour through and make their way to the dwarf and human in order to line up for the parceled promise of death and glory. Two simpering looking elves, a fatheaded human who bouldered his way to the front of the line, a scruffy barbaric looking human (though wasn't that most of them?), one of the stunted ugly folk no one in particular and an Ulthuan refugee atop an over-grown cat.


When the forces of Chaos roiled in the north and all of creation was threatened with oblivion's eternal torment, the good folk of the new world could rest easy knowing that they were protected by this mob. This circus. This zoo. This menagerie of uneducated arse-lords, of whom she would soon be counted as a member.

Why do you mock me Khaine? What have I ever done to deserve this... the sorceress pitied herself quietly.

Her keen ears eavesdropped upon the language of the elves whom, naturally, were insulted by the over-muscled, shaved ape of a human shoving them out of the way in his dash to be at the front of the queue were people signed up to die. He then, in a graceful display of courtly manners, declared that all others in attendance were losers and boasted about how fantastic he was before sitting himself down and stuffing his mouth with pork and beer.

<"What a gentleman."> Selinda stated to no-one-in-particular, her elven words all the more pleasing to the ear when spoken by her smooth, lyrical voice. Cynically, her eyes watched the human from across the tavern as he shoveled more meat into his gob. Even divided by a bar filled with drunken apes, the sorceresses keen ears could hear him eating.

Her toes curled.

2015-04-22, 05:36 PM

Before the man leave to eat, Edryll reply to him rather harshly.

"Don't underestimate us, human."

Then, he turn back his attention to duo at the table.

"It seem most people here prefer to stay inside and drink until they forget the atrocities that are coming. So what is your plan?"

2015-04-23, 04:52 AM
Aithien's scowl deepened as the human made his disparaging remark about her people. She had to remind herself yet again that repaying his words as they deserved would ultimately endanger her home. She would have to settle for Edryll's rebuke. Her attention was diverted from the scene when she heard another woman speaking in Elven. Her questing gaze soon settled on a fourth elf. She was sitting amongst yet more humans. Aithien frowned to herself as she considered the scene. Why would an Elf willing choose to assosciate with such irksome creatures as humans?

She shook her head, everything beyond the boughs of Athel Loren was truly alien.

2015-04-23, 07:08 AM
Helzang couldn’t really say he had much liking for this ‘Marcus’ figure, and hoped that he wouldn’t end up working with him. The big loudmouths tended to talk a lot, but when it came to an actual fight all they could do was swing a bit chunk of metal around wildly and hope they hit something. Okay, so when they did hit stuff, they hurt a lot, but a trusty firearm was a lot more accurate and reliably than one of those loudmouths.

The elves however, they looked a lot more interesting and polite. The dwarf didn’t understand their language at all, but the three elves that turned up didn’t seem half-bad. There weren’t stout reliable dwarves of course, but they had their own strengths and abilities. From how the lady went for her weapon when Marcus barged past, she was more than likely a good fighter. Almost a pity that the other one... her... brother? Stopped her. Would of been nice to see what his potential comrades might be capable of.

Altan Waywalker
2015-04-26, 10:14 PM

Tomas huffed to himself at the warrior priest's antics; here were warriors from all over the known world come together to fight a common foe, and even then folk like this Sigmarite still boasted and belittled others. The huntsman wondered whether great Sigmar would approve of such behavior. 'Lord Taal cares not by what you are, nor by your words, but by your deeds; it is by them that we gain honor in his eyes, and earn respect in the eyes of others.' He watched as the wood elf, the same the warrior priest nearly pushed aside earlier, delivered a retort to the now-sitting bald man.

Turning away from the confrontation he felt was soon to occur, Tomas stepped up to the recruiting table. As he did, he glanced over at the other dwarf farther in the tavern; the same dwarf that had been scrutinizing everyone entering the place, as the huntsman had noticed upon his own arrival. This particular dwarf was not some common customer; the trio of forged pistols in particular hinted against a laborer or trader and more towards a decidely martial occupation. 'An engineer would be my bet,' he considered. Coming to a stop before the pair of recruiters, Tomas nodded in greetings to Schuffman the Middenheimer, then addressed the dwarf Varak Steelbreaker: "Stenen være med dig, Long-skæg. Jeg er her for at låne min støtte til den kommende kamp. Har mange andre kommer til at slutte sig så godt?"

"The stone be with you, Long-beard. I am here to lend my aid to the coming fight. Have many others come to join as well?"

To reiterate, I'm using Danish for Dwarvish here.
Tomas Albescu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=98705)

2015-04-27, 03:11 PM
Boris pulled out his book again after Aleryon spoke before issuing a resigned sigh. He was no expert, but he had judged the two elves to not be "High" elves,
but their forest cousins. His reasoning was all but confirmed when the muscular specimen entered, his garb quite sharply contrasting the other two. They spoke the
same language though. He broke out of his thoughtful reverie as Marcus excused himself to enjoy his food. At least these ones show promise. Though Boris was Ulrican as was the fashion in Middenheim, he respected the devotion and strength of the Sigmarite Warrior Priests. The two elves were confident at least, their answer told Boris this much, and the last one had the air of a warrior about him. Varak nudged him and gestured discreetly at another she-elf in the tavern. It was not common for elves to enter human taverns, especially when they expressed as much distaste as this one. Looking at Varak shaking his head, he left the issue alone.
The second human spoke in Dwarvish, what Boris assumed was a greeting. Varak replied to his greeting politely, smiling under his beard at the fact that a human had mastered the dwarven tongue. Clearly there was a man worthy of respect for that alone. Boris began to outline the information at his disposal. He is immediately
interrupted by Varak, who starts speaking in Reikspiel, the common tongue, harshly accented but understandable. "As the manling said, we've been gathering romours from the north to try and identify targets for you. As you know, to the north of here lies Norsca, then Troll Country that gives way to the Chaos Wastes up North. It is in the Chaos Wastes that the deadliest enemies reside, preparing their forces for the invasion to come. Boris interrupts the dwarf, stating "Those, however, are not our concern. Even if they started southward now, they wouldn't reach Praag by Fall and would starve in the winter."
"Fool!" "These are no mere manlings. They live only to fight in the name of their gods. They need no food or rest! Combat itself sustains them. I fought them during the last great war. They are a threat unlike the orcs and grobi, beastmen and the northern raiders you're used to facing."
Boris, his face and tone carefully neutral after the dwarfs outburst, continues, Then it is good indeed that they're still cooped up North. Four hosts march southward as we speak. The southernmost is a marauder host led by a champion of the Blood god, calls himself Varlid the Bloody. Real original. He's bust carving a red path southwards through the northmen. He himself is a mighty combatant and has a group of followers united by his strength.

In the Troll -country, a beastman host gathers trolls, ogres and other monsters for itself, readying for a march South.
This threat

To the North, rumours speak of the first true Champion to emerge from the Northern Wastes. He names himself Arek Daemonclaw and has all but
stated his intent of taking Praag before the summers end. Lesser champions tend to flock to such individuals, so his force will likely swell
far beyond it's initial size. I don't know you, or how powerful you think you are, but this is a foe I'd say you'd best give a wide berth.

Three individuals and maybe a dozen Chaos warriors have been spotted further south, in Kislev itself. Their exact location and nature is unknown,
but they seem to have some talent evading the Kislevite patrols. A group of that size should've been taken out by now... Boris muses, finally stopping.

2015-04-28, 12:43 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

The elf sat there with an almost excited look across her face - her blue eyes bright, her smile barely tamed and her expression like that of a child listening to a thrilling bedtime story.

"And of these illustrious personalities, which one sits in your cross-hairs as the intended target for the group that you hope to recruit here and now?" Selinda spoke up with her smooth, musical, voice as her eyes sparkled beneath her cowl.

"Surely you have a objective in mind?"

Beside her, Suluphet lowered its neck and extended its wings several inches before hissing. Turning her eyes in her skull to peer down at the reptile, Selinda reached inside her cloak and produced another little piece of dried, smoked meat that she held out for the animal who quickly seized it from her grasp and scoffed it down.

2015-04-29, 06:26 AM
To hear a human speak his tongue was quite a surprise for Helzang, the dwarf having been expecting that his father’s tongue would be a language in which he rarely spoke during his missions with the group, being the only dwarf that seems to have shown up so far. A rather annoying unbalance honestly, four elves, three humans and only one good solid dependable dwarf... well, Helzang guessed he just had to be the backbone of the group then, and make sure to keep everyone from going crazy, or dying. “I concur, the information that you have one these groups and individuals likely reflects that you already have some best ideas as to who should go after. Through, the small patrol is the most likely target. We’re strong warriors aye, but we ain’t gods to face down hordes all by ourselves.”

2015-04-29, 07:07 AM

Seeing two more people showing interest in the problems at hand, Edryll look at them both for a few seconds. A dwarf and another elf, who both stayed silence until now. He answered, giving his opinion on their inquiry.

" Well, there is no need to deal with every member of these hordes. That so called champion, Arek Daemonclaw, can become a real problem if we let his amry grow larger. Killing him would stop the growing, and probably slow their advance at well. Same for that Varlid the Bloody. Same problem for the beastman. The longer we give them to gather, the more devastating they will be whem they march to war.

They are all valid, and important targets."

Edryll turn his head to look at Aithien, with an interrogating look in his eyes.

2015-04-29, 09:27 AM
Marcus, was keeping an ear out while he was eating. He didn't bother to stop eating after Selinda's reply, but, as Helzang was talking about strength, he put his bowl down and turned to the dwarf.

''Of course we are strong warriors, dwarf, and its with the deeds of our battles that we can show the gods that we are worthy. As Sigmar himself was invited by Ulric to ascend to godhood, we shall use this opportunity presented to us by slaying the mightiest of foes and prove our worth as the most powerful mortals. By walking the path of glory as Sigmar once did, we can show our enemy that we are walking the path to ascention.''

Turning to face Edryll, Marcus added

''You see, at least this one is going after the big fish. I might have misjuged you elf, I like the way you think. Cut the head and the rest falls.''

Grabbing his bowl, Marcus decided to finish his meal while looking at the group instead of the table.

2015-04-30, 01:51 PM

"I agree. We should ride north and remove these leaders before the can gather too many men to their side. Without a champion, the ruinous powers will once again fall to in-fighting and I can go home to my beloved forest in Chrace."

2015-04-30, 05:27 PM
Aithien had been content to listen quietly in the corner, letting her brother speak for her people. That was, after all, what he was good at. The talk of who to hunt first had gotten her thinking, at least. She catches the look in Edryll's eye, it seemed her opinion was wanted.

"Ba mhaith leat mo chomhairle? Ba chóir go mbeadh na fir ainmhithe a chur ar ár chéad sprioc. Beidh Athel Loren níos sábháilte chun é."

She sighs as she sees the disapproving stare her brother was giving her. So be it, play nice with the outsider's.

"Beastmen are vicious, but understandable." Aithien speaks more carefully now that she is no longer speaking Elven, her choice of words sounding deliberate, "If we are killing the leader, the pack will be breaking. The north humans are similar, but not as wild. There can be less certain outcome there. Some breaking will happen, yes. But no definite falling apart like with Beastmen."

I figure Aithien's general lack of interaction with the world outside of Athel Loren has probably left her with only a basic grasp of the common tongue, hence her more simplistic, and occassionally incorrect, use of language in Common.
"You want my advice? The Beastmen should be our first target. Athel Loren will be safer for it."

2015-05-01, 09:42 AM
Boris and Varak listened as the volunteers discussed their options. They shared a look and the dwarf nodded his head. These were good, competent people, as far as he was concerned. "You lot are sharp too", Varek says. "I like that in my allies, especially on a mission like this." "We were hoping to learn the capabilities of the members before assigning the target, fair lady" Boris politely says to Selinda. "Ideally, we'd like the group in Kislev dealt with first of all. They've manged to somehow avoid all local patrols, which is worrying." Varek takes over after Boris "It is the subtle threat of chaos that is the most dangerous, in my experience." He looks lost in memory for a while. "The champions usually don't bother hising themselves. Rather, they tend to announce their coming. That's why we'd like this looked into."
They now eye Marcus Aleryon and Edryll. "That might not be your area of expertise though. Your assessment of the way champions of Chaos work is correct. Kill the head and the rest will go after itself without second thought. Any disruption to them should force the host to spend winter in Norsca rather than invade Kislev, which is sufficient for us." The two indicate to the map on their table. After the explanation of your opposition, you can see that the pieces mark out the four threats, and Keep pieces mark out Praag, Erengrad and Kislev.
Arek Daemonclaw, Corresponding to black Emperor piece is at the Northern edge of the map. South of it, at the southernmost point of Norsca is the Knight, corresponding to Varlid. East of Sturen Ridge in Troll country is a piece for the beastlord, and the final piece is placed near Zoishenk.

"As you can see, the trio is nearest to us, but might prove harder to find. After that, it's a toss-up between the beastolrd and Valdir. The final choice is up to you though."

Map Image (http://whfb.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/1/13/Kislev_Map.jpg)

2015-05-02, 08:03 AM
Once the map was laid out Helzang got up and moved to examine it carefully, the comments of Marcus was meant with silent scorn from the dwarf. He had no time for any petty theatrics and fnatic warriors are likely to die and have the group slain than to actually do any good in the world. Once the pieces were correlated with their prizes in his mind, there was a clear path for the dwarf, and he placed his finger on the city they were within. Erengard.

“The path is clear to me, go up to Zoishenk and take care of the subtle threat.” The finger drifted up, following the roads through the Crags of Shargun up to the town he spoke, then tapped the nearby figurine. “Next, we head up into troll country in order to take out the beastlord.” Again, the finger moved, this time not sticking to the roads for long, and cutting across to tap the figure. “Then, we continue up in order to confront Varlid, and then we’re done.” This time, the Knight was knocked over instead of simply tapped.

2015-05-02, 09:14 AM

The elf look over the map as Helzang trace the path. For once, he agreed with a dwarf.

" This is the most efficient route, no doubt about that. Arek Daemonclaw will need to be dealt with too, but there is a long way to go until there."

He look up at Boris and Varak.

"Anything else we should know?"

2015-05-04, 09:25 PM
Not seeing anything happening from his point of view, Marcus finally gets up and takes a look at the map.

''As long as you say its efficient, elf, I don't mind you leading the way.'' Turning back to the two correspondant... ''Like he said, Anything else we need to know before we leave or any gear we should have before we take on this endavour or do we prepare to leave at sunrise tomorrow?''

As he says his last sentence, Marcus crosses his mighty arms while awaiting the answer.

2015-05-05, 11:38 AM
"There is but one more thing you need" Varak says and gestures to Boris, who unlocks a locker under the table and produces a rolled-up scroll. It is pristine and carriesan official looking seal in gold wax. "This scroll is your authorization, signed by the Emperor himself. It is intended to ensure the cooperation of the locals with this endeavour." Boris states, before handing it to Marcus.
"Your demeanour and favour of the Grand Theogonist prove you to be a man of character, worthy to bear this document and take the fight to the enemies of civilization."He pauses for a moment before adding, quietly enough that nearby tables can't hear him "Kislevites are not really civilized like we men of Empire. Barely literate the whole bunch. Don't expect miracles from this, but I'm certain they'll honour their alliance with us."

Varak speaks to Helzang in Dwarvish "De er ikke kendt for krudt i Kislev du kender. Måske skulle du pakke nogle ekstra for din rejse. Kan være et stykke tid , før du kan opfylde."
"And to the rest of you! The winter of Kislev shouldn't be here for a month or two, but when it comes, you'll not want to be without shelter and rations. If you're not yet done with your mission, you can seek shelter in the fortified Kislev border manors or one of the cities. The document Boris provided should help with that."

Glory awaits you heroes! None will forget your courage in days and weeks to come! Truly you are the greatest champions of our time!
Boris proclaims after your business is concluded.

They're not known for gunpowder in Kislev you know. Maybe you should pack some extra for your journey. Might be a while before you can restock.

2015-05-06, 06:49 AM
The fact that Marcus of all people was given the super-important scroll made Helzang want to smack his hand against his face... giving the zealot something like this was just an idea screaming of stupidity... but with great willpower, the dwarf managed to resist the urge and kept his face straight. Instead, just nodded in response to Varak’s advice. “Tak, det er noget, jeg ikke havde tænkt over.” Best not to mention how he was short of funds... through when their courage was praised, he couldn’t help but snark. “Wait till we actually succeed before praising us would ya?”

Thank you, that is something I had not thought about.

2015-05-06, 03:48 PM

Edryll nod to both the human and the dwarf. Their praise mean very little to him, but he knew Boris was only trying to encourage them. He turn his eyes to his sister.

"Tá súil agam go mbeidh tú in ann chun treoir a thabhairt dúinn nuair a léiríonn a n-léarscáil."

"I trust that you will be able to guide us where their map indicate."

He looked at the group assembled around the table. Two Asrai, two other elves, two humans and a dwarf. I didnt see any possibility for this group to work well with each others, but he hope he was wrong.

"We got all the information we need, then let's get ready to leave."

Edryll was already ready, but he let the others some time to get ready.

2015-05-06, 04:07 PM
Aithien casts her eyes over the map, her gaze tracing out the route they were to take. After a few moments study, she nods almost imperceptibly. "Is féidir liom mar thoradh ar dúinn," She turned her attention away from the map, looking at her brother with the barest hint of a grin on her face, "In iúl dúinn súil go bhfuil siad an fhaisnéis a leanúint."

Considering the discussion to have reached its end, she walked away from the table, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed in front of her. Her calling as a Waywatcher meant she was always prepared to move on, but she was aware that others might need to prepare themselves.

"I can lead us, let us hope they have the wit to follow"

2015-05-07, 08:29 PM
Taking the important orders, Marcus put the scroll in one of his haversack's pouch.

''I will guard this with my life. And the Kislevites will understand or I will make them comprehend what the orders mean.''

Heading in a territory he didn't know well, Marcus wasn't one to overesteem his competences and travels wasn't his best attribute.

''Elfs, You look ready to go. i'm ready to follow you but I need to get my horse when we are ready to go. Give me the sign and i'll fetch him.''

Altan Waywalker
2015-05-08, 12:31 AM

Throughout the discussion, Tomas had remained relatively silent, speaking up only to offer the occasional insight or voice his agreement to the gunslinging dwarf's idea. In his eyes, the large warbands, while deadly, were also easy to track and thus anticipate; the small party of chaos, however, was capable of significant subterfuge it seemed and could cause great damage from an unexpected angle if left unchecked. With his mind settled, the huntsman glanced around at the other members of this impromptu expedition, finding bemusement in the vastly differing individuals that comprised it. 'Now to pray none of us come to blows before we complete our mission...'

Tomas simply watched as the recruiters gave Marcus the scroll of authority, understanding that out of all them the Sigmarite did likely have the best odds of being recognized. 'Favorably, though: that's up in the air.' Realistically, the huntsman himself would probably be the most accepted member out of the band to the Kislevites, given his faith and expertise. He didn't much care for the notion of being the face of the party however, preferring to stay silent and offer his thoughts or advice when necessary. 'Let the warpriest have his fill of attention; it would appear he will be most adept at handling it.'

Seeing as the others were beginning to prepare, Tomas pushed off of the wall he'd been leaning against and stepped over to the pistol-carrying dwarf, catching the words the latter exchanged with the greybeard Varak. When they had finished, he spoke up in introduction: "Hilsener, søn af Grungi; Jeg er Tomas, Imperial jæger. Fra hvad klan gør du hagl?"

"Greetings, son of Grungi; I am Tomas, Imperial huntsman. From what clan do you hail?"

Finally got this done.

In my backstory (which I still need to finish hashing out) Tomas aided a dwarven expedition for some time during his service, though from what hold I haven't decided yet. Might be there's the chance he's familiar with one of Helzang's kin?
Tomas Albescu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=98705)

2015-05-10, 08:32 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

If the dark elf was annoyed at not being handed a paper of authority, she didn't show it. In truth it bothered her little. So far the brutish ape-man had displayed the manners she expected from their kind, so she'd prefer if he were the one required to hold his arm out towards enemies brandishing nothing but a piece of paper, than someone else.

"And to the rest of you! The winter of Kislev shouldn't be here for a month or two, but when it comes, you'll not want to be without shelter and rations."

Selinda snickered internally. Ha! You think this is cold, stunted ape? This is a fine summer breeze compared to the frozen chill of Naggaroth!

Standing up from behind her table, Selinda lowered one of her shoulders so that Suluphet could spread his wings and take a short hop-fly upwards to land upon her and perch himself. If anything its little woolen coat warmed one of Selinda's ears as the pterosaur hugged inward upon itself.

From her side the elf seized her elegantly carved, blacken oak scepter which she tucked beneath one arm before starting her walk outside. As she turned her head over her shoulder to say several words, her silky raven-hair shimmered in the warm light of the tavern, "Run along human, retrieve your transport beast so that we can away!"

2015-05-13, 08:22 AM
As Helzang had seen the huntsman talking to his fellow dwarf in their mother’s tongue already, he was not overly surprised when he moved forwards for a more personal greeting as well. To which the dwarf turned to this Tomas with a smile, saying. “Hilsner Tomas, jeg Helzang. Jeg kommer fra lastrummet Karak Eight Peaks.” That would hopefully explain the level of his fighting skills... and the fact that Tomas spoke dwarvish meant that Helzang could get round a little problem that he didn’t want the rest of the party to know about. “Må jeg bede for dig at ledsage mig? Jeg er lav på personlige midler, og ønsker at øge min bestand af krudt for denne kampagne.”

Greetings Tomas, I am Helzang. I hail from the hold Karak Eight Peaks.

May I ask for you to accompany me? I am low on personal funds, and desire to increase my stock of gunpowder for this campaign.

2015-05-16, 02:25 PM
Those members of the group still seated get up and walk out the door. Marcus hurriedly finishes his meal and retrieves his mount from the stables. It is nervous, confronted as it is with a White Lion of Chrace. As the group leaves Boris mutters to Varak quietly, beliving himself out of earshot "I rather like this lot. Do you think they stand a chance?" Varak answers after a moment, in a grave tone: "They might have what it takes, aye, but you can't trust elves with stuff like this. Fickle lot they are." "Better than the earlier lots still then?" "Aye."

After a while of searching the marketplace near the harbor, Helzang finds a human merchant from Empire who arranges some blackpowder meant for the cannons on his ship to be sold to the dwarf. (He sells gunpowder and other related items at listed prices, being generally fair, and in the light of your mission.)

With your steeds and supplies readied, you leave Erengrad through it's Northern gate. No great crowds wish you luck on your mission, though your progression does gather some spectators, and by the time you reach the gate there is a sizable crowd massed some way away. Most seem glad that the big lion steed in particular is leaving their town. Outside the gates, the mostly flat Kislev oblast greets you. At the end of summer, it is a vast sea of brown-green grass that reaches slightly below knee. The road northward towards the city of Pradeshynya will lead you between swamplands known among locals as Blight, a dangerous area when not frozen over, and Grovod Wood. Roads in Kislev are generally regarded as safe and are regularly patrolled by local Lancer groups that hunt beastmen and other spawn of Chaos.

Now what is important is, how will you journey. Overall,I can think of three ways. Moving at the normal pace, keeping watch but not actively scannin for threats, moving with all due haste to try and reach the group before they relocate, or moving more slowly, gathering up intelligence, looking for tracks in the wilderness and generally looking for trouble.
These are just off the top of my head, other suggestions or combinations thereof are welcome as well.

According to the scale of the map, Pradeshynya is about a 100 miles north, give or take 25 miles for road snaking about.
Going at a regular pace, this is around 5 days of travel. going faster would cut this (some of you are on foot, correct?)
Forced marching for 12 hours will reduce this to 4 days before reaching the settlement.
There are no established settlements along the way, and no roadside taverns for safety (As those would simply be more tempting targets for raiders)
Most who travel the roads of kislev do so either in groups too small or large to be juicy targets for ambushes.

I'm pre-empting a knowledge check on beastmen as well to save posts for declaring it.

It is common knowledge that woods are often havens for beastman herd even in the more civilize portions of the world.
Beastmen are the most common and varied "Children of Chaos". They have the head and hooves of a forest beast, with the torso of a man. Generally strong, not smart.
Beastmen tend to ambush their prey. While individually stronger than humans, they are cowardly and tend to attack in superior numbers.
Locally, Beastmen are a menace to travellers, thoug they're often discouraged if their initial attack is repulsed.
Killing the local champion is usually the surefire way to start a rout, as they are invariably the strongest of their kin.

2015-05-18, 05:08 AM
Your journey has been swift. In five days time, you reach Pradeshynya where you resupply and move on. The roads were quiet, and while you weren't bothered at night, you're assured that your passage didn't go unnoticed. As you approach the town, you encounter local variant of peasantry, either small-time farmers or herdsmen tending to horses. Inside, the city is bleak and most people shun away from the obvious outsiders. You're able to catch sleep indoors for the night at least, but it's time to move on. During your brief stay, you've contacted the local Boyar (noble) who, though reluctant at first, was cooperative enough after Marcus showed him your authority. He's provided you with the latest patrol reports from the surrounding area. One patrol in particular failed to report back at all. It has only been a day past their expected return so far, so he's not too worried. Fittingly enough, the patrol was moving due north of the Predeshynya-Zoishenk road. Terrain is easily travelled, and moving beside the road wouldn't unduely slow you down, so you decide to move along the patrol route to see if the cause for the delay is the southbound group of Chaos warriors.

The terrain is not that different from earlier, but moving off-road, you notice that the land is full of gentle low hills and depressions that are almost indistinguishable from the roadway. You realize that it's fairly easy to hide in terrain like this. On the second day of your journey along the trail, you come across a campsite in one depression. Some care has been taken to erase it from obvious sight, but you can deduce that five-to ten horsemen made camp there. You find remains of a fire beneath a patch of turned earth. Between your two trackers you can guess that this site was occupied a day or two ago. There is a small pile of rocks, with markings that you can't decipher scratched onto some of them. Between your two trackers, Aithien and Tomas, you determine that the site was used a day or two ago. You find a trail that leads due North away from the designated patrol route.

Rolling for assisted survival between Aithien and Tomas
1d20+17 EDIT: can't get this to work, rolling my own die: 6+17=23

They notice a second set of trails beneath and next to the first. Unlike the first,made entirely by horses, this one has other hooved prints mixed as well. Beastmen, if you're any judge, along with hoofprints of horses for that group as well. Following this trail, you reach an interesting site before nightfall. The ground is well trampled. Smell of spilled blood and decay hangs in the air. There are a score carcasses strewn about, beastmen, horses and men. Some of the bodies have been eaten of, and what remain suggest a violent struggle.

It's hard to say exactly what the outcome was, but it looks like each mounted warrior managed to account for two or three beasts before being taken out. A far more hefty trail goes due north, you judge 20 to 30 creatures all told, most of them hooved. Following the trail until nightfall, you fail to catch up to whoever was involved.

2015-05-19, 07:20 PM

When the two trackers announce they have lost the track, Edryll look around a bit.

" We should find a safe place to set up camp. Maybe tomorrow with the light of day we will find more tracks."

Looking for a good spot to set up the camp.
Perception: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2015-05-19, 07:44 PM
With tracking being a talent in which he lacked, Marcus took the elf's word for it.

''I agree with the elf. It's no use to run against a foe we can't track. We should set camp for the night.''

He follows the elf's directions and help for setting the camp when they choose an emplacement.

2015-05-23, 09:03 AM
This far north, at this time of year, nights don't get very dark. The sun sets for handful of hours, but the two moons will provide decent lighting for the night. Edryll determines that the best place to camp the night nearby is at the bottom of a nearby depression. It isn't the most defensible location, but it will conceal your campsite from any observers not cresting the low hills around it. By placing your own sentry atop such a hill, they will have view of all approaches to the camp for the night. Between the elves and the dwarf you have plenty of watcher candidates for the darker hours of the night. The night doesn't grow so cold as strictly require a fire and deciding that the smoke from it would give your concealed position away, you decide to camp without one for safety. You took the time to wipe your tracks to the campsite.

Selinda (sleeps 8 hours later)
Helzang (darkest time of the nigh)
Tomas (has a ring of sustenance, can sleep eiter before or after his shift)
Aithien (has had 8 hours of sleep, ready to prepare new spells)
Selected based on a quick glance aat aptitude and sleeping needs.

Rolling to see which of the watches (Marcus, Helzang, Tomas) the encounter passes by you.

Marcus[roll]1d20 Looks like I can't roll in sequence while writing up the post. Rolled my own d20, 19+0.
Enemy 16+11 perception, 2+5 survival.

The sun has just set, red light still carrying over the horizon, and the world grows darker. Humans have a hard time seeing across long distances in this light and Marcus' vision is thus hampered. He lies low at the Crest of the hill. His shift, like that before him, has been largely uneventful. Nearing the end of his shift, however, he spies a group of beastmen following the same trail as you. They pause around the area where you left the trail for your campsite. They're making noises at what passes for speech among their kind but you're too far to hear properly and likely wouldn't understand it even if properly heard. There are a dozen or more of the things, snd they appear to have two hound-like creatures that sniff at the ground with them. They prowl around the immediate area but seem to be unable to find your scent. The group tarries around for now, but seems to be making no headway towards finding you.

Note on the time and sleeping, it is almost time for the shift to change (approximately 15 minutes left) so Helzang might be awake already. In addition, Tomas has a ring of sustenance, so if he's also helping keep watch for the night he might be awake as well.

2015-05-26, 08:49 PM
Marcus didn't like leaving his post like this without anyone to take his place but being ambushed alone by a dozen of beastmen wasn't a fun idea. Talking his hammer back from the ground, Marcus swiftly got back down to the campsite. Looking around for anyone awake, he then proceeded to wake everyone that were suposed to be on guard duty after him (Helzang, Tomas and Aithien).

''We might get some compagny tonight. I just picked up a dozen beastmens and at least two hound like creature with them. It seemed like you did well to cover our tracks since they are stuck where you covered them but we never know if they could be unlucky enough to find them. I'm going back up there. I will signal you with my light orb if they manage to find anything. We better get everyone ready just in case.''

That being said, Marcus heads back up the hill, taking his ioun torch from his haversack. It's hidden in several layers of cloth to hide its light but he keeps it ready for any signs of trouble.

If the beastmen group are going in their direction, Marcus goes down the hill just enough so the beastmen wont see him and will open a flap of cloth to head the beam of light down to the camp.

2015-05-27, 05:12 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

Before Marcus departed the group and before he woke the others, a soft presence floated behind his shoulder and a gentle, elegant voice whispered excitedly:

"So, think we could take'em?"

It was Selinda, the other elf. Her ice blue eyes were narrowed with barely restrained euphoria and the half-mad grin she wore spoke of a mind that was drawn towards casual violence.

"Look at'em, all clustered there in a nice, big, furry heap..."

The wizard rose one elegant hand, tucked her bottom three fingers into her palm, kept her index finger extended forward and her thumb pointing upwards. Modern humans would recognise this as a "gun" symbol. Extrapolating upon its original purpose into something more fiery and carnage-centric, the elf slowly pulled it back while closing her thumb in a firing motion as she slowly and silently mouthed the word "Boom!"

She brought up her left hand and repeated the gesture, "Boom boom boom!" she whispered excitedly, "All of them to cinders! Ashes will fall! All of them must burn in the cleansing fire! I love the smell of burning fur in the morning!"

Giggling softly, barely above a murmur, the dark elf drew her hands together and rubbed them together in anticipation for the violence to come.

2015-05-27, 07:30 PM
Aithien woke with a start, hand already straying to her blade before she remembered where she was. Rising, she looked out into the darkness beyond the camp. She shook her head at Marcus' plan. "No. Your plan is not well." But the man had already gone.

Sighing inwardly at the impetuousness of humans, she picked up her bow and quiver. Moving over to her brother, she stirred him gently.

"Tá trioblóide. Fir Ainmhithe. Tá an duine imithe amach ar a chuid féin chun breathnú, sílim go mbeidh sé a bheith le feiceáil. Tá mé ag dul chun leanúint air chun a chinntiú nach bhfuil sé a fháil maraíodh. Má chloiseann tú mo feadóg, tá a fhios go bhfuil ann ag troid."

Without waiting for his response, she turned to follow after Marcus. Quiet as a ghost, she crested the hill a short distance from the human. She was mildly surprised to see the other Elf with him. Maybe he was not so foolish to go alone after all. Or maybe the Elf was just curious, it mattered little to her.

Eyes narrowing, she scoured the scene below her to try to determine the layout of the beastmen patrol.

"There is trouble. Beastmen. The human has gone off on his own to look, I think he will be seen. I'm going to follow him to make sure he doesn't get killed. If you hear my whistle, know that there is fighting."

Aithien will be Stealthing after Marcus and Selinda. She's not interested in letting either of them know she's there. Once on the hill, she's going to be trying to spot where the Beastmen are in the surroundings and, once that's done, will be trying to pick out a leader.

Stealth Roll - [roll0]

Perception - [roll1]

2015-05-28, 08:54 AM
The fact that Tomas didn’t seem to have much in terms of gold either made Helzang scowl... he was extremely specialized in firearms and using them effectively. He could always buy a bow or something in case ran out of bullets, but the dwarf knew that he wouldn’t really be as effective as if he had his bullets... and that seemed to be the crux of the issue. Helzang was used to working in the army, where he got a regular supply of ammo... going away from civilization and working out in the wild was something he wasn’t used to... admittedly... he spent several days stocking up before he left... so hopefully the cartridges he has already will be enough.

Helzang had gone to sleep with his backpack and bandolier close at hand, as well as full armour. But still, he wasn’t as quick as the others at getting up and following. As the dwarf had to slip both the bandolier and than his backpack on, then load his two double-barreled pistols so they were ready for use. After all, it souded likely that they were about to go into battle and draw blood, so Helzang wanted to be fully prepared before following after the others.

2015-05-28, 09:21 AM

Woke up by his sister, Edryll stand up and start to prepare himself.

"Fir Ainmhithe. Ollphéist salach. Ba chóir dúinn deireadh a iad."

Edryll slept in his light armor, so he only have to strap his weapons and his bag. Once finish, he kneel on the ground and make a quick prayer to the trickster god.

He then wait silently for his sister signal.

"Beastmen. Filthy monster . We should eradicate them."

2015-05-29, 01:19 PM
With Selinda's remarks before going to wake everyone, Marcus couldn't help but smile. They may not be followers of Sigmar, which is just a stupid way of living if you asked him, but at least some of them were looked motivated enough to kill anything in their way.

Back to the top of the hill, he calmly asked Selinda.

''Any movement down there. Are we going to see each other's prowesses tonight? It's been a while since i've cracked beastman's bones.''

2015-05-30, 09:46 AM
Aithien takes a good look at the beastmen and finds that one in particular seems to have a bearing di´fferent from other. His head is crowned with majestic ram-horns and he stands half a head taller than the rest. He seems to carry a mace and a sword, contrary to the rest who carry an assortment of axes and swords. Typically for beastmen, none carry bows or similar ranged weapons. One of the beastmen carries a horn fashioned from curved horn of some unfamiliar Northern beast. Aithien knows that beastmen use such things to signal ambushes. These are likely not the only beastmen on the plains and the sound will carry far. While it is unlikely that other groups are in the immediate vicinity, others will know that prey is (or was) present and will likely investigate in due time.

The beastmen keep searching for a while longer. It seems that their hounds are unable to find your scent, but as they cover more ground, one of them spots Marcus at the crest of the hill. It unleashes a bellow to its comrades and gestures frantically towards Marcus's position. The creature then starts running toward him without waiting for its fellows. The largest beast leads the others charging towards you. The two hound-creatures outpace the larger group and are about to catch up to the nearest beast.

The nearest beastman is now around 40 feet away from Marcus, moving uphill at good speed. The rest are moving in a loose pack around 60-100 feet away.

Roll survival to follow tracks
[roll0] (wolf-thing)
Roll perception to notice Marcus
[roll1] (beastmen)
Roll perception to notice Aithien
[roll2] (beastmen)

A 20 on a skill isn't an automatic success right? Otherwise they'll also notice Aithien.
Also, does any of you know a good way of putting together a tactical grid? I tried to use a table but it did't work out too well. Or we can go without As well of course.

2015-05-31, 12:10 AM
Seeing the beastmen pointing in they general direction, Marcus can't hide his smirk. Moving in front of Selinda, he nods to the dark elf as he stand between her and the approaching ennemies.

''None shall pass while you show me what you are made of. As long as they keep coming, i'll stand my ground.''

Marcus talked to the elf with a moking tone, hoping she would prove as powerful as he hoped. He then begins chanting a prayer to Sigmar.

''Sigmar, grant my body the strongest of flesh so that my foes blade break on impact. I shall destroy them while they fail to harm me. As long as they come i'll show them how insignificant they are.''

As he was shouting his prayer, Selinda could see Marcus flesh quickly turn to iron. Facing the incomming horde, Marcus shout his invitation to their own carnage.

''Come, puny insects, let me show you the difference between us.''

Moving 10 feet in front on Selinda to intercept incomming horde.
Casting Ironskin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/ironskin): 540/540 rounds left
Intimidate check if necessary, they don't talk common but its more like an intimidating presence: [roll0]

2015-05-31, 04:22 AM
Aithien rolled her eyes at the Human's grand standing. Such behaviour was merely going to bring more of the creature's down upon them. Rising from her hiding spot so that she could draw her bow back more easily, she briefly sighted out the Beastman with the horn. While she wanted to eliminate the leader as quickly as possible, the horn had to be taken out of the fight before he could call reinforcements. With a dispassionate look on her face, Aithien loosed a volley of shots.

So, Aithien will be taking a full-attack action. Unfortunately, this means she can't attempt to snipe and hide again immediately :smalltongue:

She's able to fire four shots in a round, two from Many Shot, one from her normal attack chain and one from Rapid Shot. The first shot will be using both a whistling arrow (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/ammunition/ammunition-bow-arrows-whistling) and a thistle arrow (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/ammunition/ammunition-bow-arrow-thistle). The other two shots are both Thistle Arrows. Although the link I've provided doesn't specify how much bleed damage Thistle Arrows deal, some quick googling on my part suggests it's just 1 additional point of damage over 1D6 rounds.

Also, should Aithien manage to drop the guy holding the horn with fewer than her full attacks, she'll switch target to the leader. Also also, I've not included any range penalties as I'm not sure how far away these guys are. If a penalty applies, Aithien suffers a -1 per 110 ft. thanks to Far Shot. Finally, I don't know if Enhance Arrows (from Arcane Archer) stacks with or overlaps with her magic bow. If I get to add it to my damage in addition to the bow's own enhancement bonus, add +1 to the damage per arrow. If not (which is what I've assumed), just leave it as is.

Attack Rolls;

Many Shot to hit - [roll0]
Many Shot Damage - [roll1] + [roll2] rounds of Bleed

Many Shot Crit. Confirm (if needed) - [roll3]
Many Shot Crit. Damage (if needed) - [roll4]

Rapid Shot to hit - [roll5]
Rapid Shot Damage - [roll6] + [roll7] rounds of Bleed

Rapid Shot Crit. Confirm (if needed) - [roll8]
Rapid Shot Crit. Damage (if needed) - [roll9]

Normal Shot to hit - [roll10]
Normal Shot Damage - [roll11] + [roll12] rounds of Bleed

Normal Shot Crit. Confirm (if needed) - [roll13]
Normal Shot Crit. Damage (if needed) - [roll14]

2015-05-31, 10:35 AM

The first beastman slows down in its charge, its pace faltering at the unexpected confidence of its opponent. Still moving, it reassures that it is still followed by the rest of its pack before moving on. The horn-bearing beastman, hidden as he was inaside the pack, is staggered by a pair of arrows triking its chest. It brushes them aside indifferently before getting brought down by a third arrow to the neck. It falls down, bleeding. The leader is struck in the arm by Aithien's final arrow. It barely appears to notice, bellowing what might be encouragement to its herd.

Note: Selinda still has a turn before the beastmen can finish their charge.

1d20+2 Boss

2015-05-31, 02:29 PM
[/roll] 1d20+1[/roll]
[/roll]1d20+1[/roll] 18+1
[/roll]1d20+1[/roll] 5+1
[/roll]1d20+1[/roll] 18+1
1d20+1 11+1
1d20+1 12+1
1d20+2 Boss 4+2
1d20+1 14+1

Selinda's fireball catches all the beastmen caught within it in a storm of fire. None amidst the conflagration are left standing. Even the great beast leading them lies on the ground, fire scouring the last of his fur. Desperation and panic enter the eyes of those left standing. One accompanied by the hounds keeps charging at Marcus, as much to get away from the fire that consumed its fellows as to attack the human. The only other survivor lets out an utterly unferocious bleat before turning around to flee at full pelt. It doesn't look like it intends to stop any time soon.

The beastman and the two hounds converge on Marcus, one of them deliberately circling behind him. They attack, the beastman bellowing as he swings down his axe with both hands, his hounds launching forth jaws open. Up close, you can see that the hounds are easily the size of large wolves, mutated By the influence of Chaos, having horns and growths on their flanks and beyond animal ferocity in their behaviour. Their ferocity avails them little, as their attacks fail to pierce Marcuses armor and iron skin.

The first beastman charges at Marcus, as does one of the hounds. The other moves past him, ending adjacent and flanking with the other hound and subsequently attacks.
Beastman's attack: 16+11
Hound 1 (5+9)
Hound 2 (17+11)
The only other beastman still standing runs away full pelt, finishing about 240 feet from Aithien.

2015-05-31, 04:32 PM

As Edryll is running up the hill after earing his sister signal, he hear an explosion and see fire over the hill. He run even faster until he reach the top of the hill, only to see nearly of dozen of burned Beastmen corpses. The elf smile breifly, but turn his attention on Marcus, being surrounded by three beast.

Edryll move toward Macus, dancing instead of running, jumping and spinning on himself as he draw his weapon. Arriving next to Marcus, he strike the beastman.

Move action: Moving next to Marcus and drawing my weapon. Acrobatic to avoid AoO if necessary: [roll0]
Standard action: Attacking the beastman

Power attack


After striking, Edryll speak loudly to Aithien.

"Deirfiúr, ná lig an éalú shaobhadh eile!"

"Sister, don't let the other aberration escape!"

2015-05-31, 10:00 PM
When the fireball detonated with a conflagorous Boom! within the midst of the beastmen, its sonorous explosion was joined in chorus by a half-mad cackle, “Ah hah-hah-hah-hah!”

The Druchii laughed and laughed, highly entertained as her keen eyes picked out dismembered limbs coming down from orbit, wreathed in flames, “To cinders!!” she chortled.

With eyes bright and wide, the dark elf watched the two hounds and the remaining beastman assaulted the human with beastly vigor, going so far as to gnaw at his limbs. Fortunately his armor seemed to hold, but who knew for how long. Perking a slender, dark eyebrow, Selinda giggled through closed lips as her body hoisted gracefully off the ground upon invisible forces, her black-and-purple robes billowing voluminously about her slender figure and her raven hair streaming like a writhing flag from her helm.

“It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, sapphire eyes wide with delirious love for the scorched landscape beyond.

2015-06-01, 11:04 AM
Aithien nods almost imperceptibly at Edryll's urging, sighting down her bow at the fleeing beastman. With fluid grace, she loosed another quartet of arrows at the creature. With a small sense of satisfaction, she saw her arrows strike home and the beastman fall. Lowering her bow, she abruptly turned and stalked toward the still cackling Selinda.

"Cad in ainm Kurnuous' tá tú ag smaoineamh?!" She hissed, the venom in her words undeniable, "Feicfidh tú a tharraingt ar an tréad ar fad leis an taispeáint! Ar mhaith leat a mharú dúinn go léir?"

"What in Kurnuous' name are you thinking?!" She hissed, the venom in her words undeniable, "You'll draw the entire herd with that display! Do you want to kill us all?"

Apply range modifiers as appropriate to the below roll's, the map shows him at 110 ft. away by my count, but he may have run further in his turn :smalltongue:

Remember, far shot means it's only a -1 penalty per range increment for Aithien. These are all Thistle Arrows.

Attack Rolls;

Many Shot to hit - [roll0]
Many Shot Damage - [roll1] + [roll2] Rounds of Bleed Damage

Many Shot Crit. Confirm (if appropriate) - [roll3]
Many Shot Crit. bonus Damage (if appropriate) - [roll4]

Rapid Shot to hit - [roll5]
Rapid Shot Damage - [roll6] + [roll7] Rounds of Bleed Damage

Rapid Shot Crit. Confirm (if appropriate) - [roll8]
Rapid Shot Crit. bonus Damage (if appropriate) - [roll9]

Normal Shot to hit - [roll10]
Normal Shot Damage - [roll11] + [roll12] Rounds of Bleed Damage

Normal Shot Crit. Confirm (if appropriate) - [roll13]
Normal Shot Crit. bonus Damage (if appropriate) - [roll14]

2015-06-01, 02:47 PM
By the time Helzang had managed to buckle on all his gear and run up the hill as fast as his two short legs could carry him, the battle was already over. The crackling elf proved herself to be entirely insane, and seemed to have just fireballed the lot of them. Even the sole survivor got cut down by one of the elves before he could even try and fire a shot towards him. Even if he was admittedly outside of his prefered range to try and hit someone. “Bloody mages.” The dwarf muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the devastating before them... “Now what? I doubt that was the entire group we’re after.”

2015-06-01, 06:06 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

The Dark Elf was still in an upbeat mood when Aithien arrived with her scorn.

Hovering roughly 10 feet off the ground, Selinda looked down at the ranger who sought to deflate her euphoria and slowly descended until footfall so that she was standing eye to eye with her contemporary.

"I hope so!" she said, her smooth and melodic voice underpinned by a sense of optimism at the idea.

"When you were a little girl, did you chase a snake into the long grass? I didn't - I burned the field down. When the snake and all of its friends tried to escape the inferno, there I was, waiting with mine..."

A smile crossed Selindas face, "we ate well that night."

The Druchii then gestured with both forearms to the fiery decimation that lay just before them, while Marcus contended with the remaining beastman and its beastly pets.

"And should the rest of the herd hear this, they will send investigators. Those agents will report back their findings - and when they do, we will follow them directly to the source. They are in enemy territory, they are already on guard, but we will be upon them with the element of the surprise before they have time to adapt to their operatives discovery."

2015-06-02, 05:06 AM
Adryll's blow brings down the beastman, his blade cutting deep into its shoulder, reaching his spine at mid-back before stopping. Lights go out in the beasts eyes. The hounds still continue to harry Marcus.

Marcus still has a turn before the hounds. Helzang might also take note that they're still around in case he feels like shooting at something.

2015-06-02, 06:12 AM
“You’re crazy.” Helzang said, shaking his head when the floating, fireballing elf announced that she was rather pleased with the damage she had done to the land... the fact he was trying with a pyromaniac was not something that he enjoyed in the slightest, and Helzang hoped the other elves could control her... and he would not admit that her idea was actually rather smart, if it worked. No point in encouraging her. “Excuse me one second.” He said as he spotted the hounds. They were close enough for him...as he leveled his guns.

Four sharp cracks followed as Helzang pulled the trigger of his pistols. Feeling the firearm jump slightly in recoil as the bullets streaked through the air towards the hounds. However, the dwarf didn’t even wait to see the result, before tossing one of his pistols into the air... it wasn’t very far, and did a very lazy circle... as Helzang pulled cartridges out from his bandolier, slamming them into the two gun-barrels without having to check the powder or anything. Once loaded, the second pistol was thrown up, and the first caught as it finished its single rotation. That was swiflty loaded two, and in mere seconds Helzang had another volley hurtling towards the hounds as he began to reload once more.

Full-Action Attack against the hounds. Edit: I forgot Point-Blank Shot... so +1 hit and damage.

First Volley:
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

[roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]
[roll12], [roll13], [roll14],
[roll15], [roll16], [roll17], [roll18]
[roll19], [roll20], [roll21], [roll22]

Second Volley:
[roll23], [roll24]
[roll25], [roll26]
[roll27], [roll28]
[roll29], [roll30]

[roll31], [roll32], [roll33], [roll34]
[roll35], [roll36], [roll37], [roll38]
[roll39], [roll40], [roll41], [roll42]
[roll43], [roll44], [roll45], [roll46]

2015-06-02, 08:24 AM
Graced with Sigmar's blessing, Marcus was ready to face any foes comming his way, yet, he wasn't ready for a fireball to explode in front of him. Slightly blinded as his eyes focused back after the initial flash, Marcus had enough time to defend the hounds and the beastmen attacks. He was about to focus his attention on the beastmen but Edryll appeared dancing beside him and sliced through the beast. He then turned to the first beast only to hear bullets whistle by, hitting the hounds.

If any of the 3 foes around him looks like it's still alive, Marcus will finish them off. If not, ignore the pointless attacks.
Ironskin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/ironskin): 539 rounds left
Power attack1 [roll0] for [roll1]+[roll2]electric damage
Power attack2 [roll3] for [roll4]+[roll5]electric damage

After all this, Marcus took a look at the carnage made by the fireball and then at the dark elf and the dwarf. Even if they managed to stop any beastmen from contacting their main force, the giant fireball and gunshots will alert any other foes in the area. Nodding at Edryll after his excellent strike, and still shining from his iron skin, Marcus went next to Aithien and Selinda.

''Well, what a display of might. although we have easily won, we have to get ready for a bigger wave. the fireball and the gunshots will alert everyone around. Selinda, with your flight can you have a look around for any signs of movement? Aithien, can you find us the best suited area for a big fight. You did a good job securing this camp. It took them long enough to find us out here. I will follow you opinion on the best possible actions for an ambush.''

2015-06-02, 01:20 PM
Aithien scowled at Selinda's answer to her accusation. "Druchii..." She spat on the ground, "Do chineál atá beagán níos fearr ná na beithigh ritheann tú leis. Is é seo aon cluiche! Aon seans luíochán a bhí againn, tá tú curtha amú le do ligint."

The loud Bang's of Helzang's pistol's halted Aithien mid-rant. Turning to face the dwarf, she looked at him with sheer disbelief. "Agus más rud é nach raibh a fhios acu i gcás ina bhfuil muid, ar ndóigh, ba chóir dúinn ár ndícheall chun cabhrú leo!" She threw her arms up in the air, turning away from the Dwarf in frustration, "Áit fosta le do púdar dubh uafásach Dhá uair-dhaoradh!"

Aithien ignored Marcus at first when he came over, but when he started talking to her, she muttered "Amháin ar a laghad de tú a fheiceáil ar chúis ..." Louder, she continued, "Yes. I can have a search for a more better ground to fight from. I would say we should look for a way to catch them off guard, but some of us are badly suited to that."

Without waiting for a reply to her last barbed comment, she moved off to hunt for a better area to fight from.

"Druchii..." She spat on the ground, "Your kind are little better than the beasts you run with. This is no game! Any chance of an ambush we had, you have squandered with your posturing."

"And if they didn't know where we are, of course we should do our best to help them!" She threw her arms up in the air, turning away from the Dwarf in frustration, "Twice-damned Dwarves with your accursed black powder!"

"At least one of you can see reason..."

Aithien will be heading off to look for an ambush site where it's easy for the group to lie in wait, ideally with a nice open space that the Beastmen will need to cross :smalltongue: She'll be stealthing just in case of beastmen waiting in the wings.

Perception(?) Roll - [roll0]

Stealth Roll - [roll1]

2015-06-02, 01:33 PM
Helzangs first fusillade cuts into the closest hound and brings it down, the creature not having time to let out a sound before its life ended. As Helzang reloads, he adjusts his aim. Carefully avoiding Marcus, he lets loose another volley, the cracks of his pistol loud in the night. This time the shots merely graze the creature, though its injured struggles are quickly brought to an end by Marcus, who smashes the creature flat against the ground with his large hammer. Electricity arcs across the fur of the prone creature as Marcus turns to his comrades.

The night seems eerily quiet after the sounds of combat die down. The group gather up to discuss what to do next.

Aithien can see at a glance that the plains are largely open. There are a few wooded outcrops visible in the distance, but none offered solid enough concealment for camping. One could probably hide there and seek to make an ambush, but the spots are far away from your current location, meaning that enemies coming to investigate the obvious battle might miss your presence there entirely. You would, however, be able to observe the charred patch of grass and any who would observe it from the closest crop of trees.

2015-06-02, 08:11 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

If Selinda was offended at Aithiens words, it didn't seem to cross her features. Perhaps the dark elf was masterful at hiding her feelings? Maybe she was used to being insulted by the uneducated masses? Or perchance her ego was above and beyond the jabs of the petty and spiteful? Whatever the reason, her smirked remained as she watched the high elf throw her tantrum with the amused patience one would show a couple arguing and spilling juicy gossip in public.

"Yes. I can have a search for a more better ground to fight from. I would say we should look for a way to catch them off guard, but some of us are badly suited to that."

"I'm not sure about that," Selinda remarked, a devilish edge appearing in her smile as she gestured to the incinerated corpses and piles of ash that used to be active beastmen, "they looked pretty surprised to me - hah-hah-hah!" she heartily chuckled.

Coming down from laughing at her own joke, the Dark Elf sighed happily "Ahh, mercy!" as she started to rise up from the ground and drift up into the air. With a click of of her fingers her beautiful image disappeared entirely, with only scant snickering hinting that she was even still there at all.

Casting Invisibility on herself.

Then using Overland Flight to fly a few hundred feet into the air where she takes 20 on a Perception check (and gets 38) to look for any semblances of more beastmen. Particularly at night with anything like campfires, moving shadows etc. Selinda has low light vision so she should be fine.

2015-06-03, 06:11 AM
“I don’t know what you’re blathering about elf, but it's not like my firearms can do anymore harm after that fireball, as that was bright and loud.” Helzang said, unbothered by the fact his firearms has caused quite the racket when he had used them to kill the hounds. A little annoyed that he had only been able to kill one of the two hounds... but really, the fireball had already done all the damage needed. Still, the dwarf wasn’t the dumbest around, and when the elf said - now in common - that some of them weren’t the best at ambush, he had an easy reply.

“Then don’t ambush them. At least, not with all of us. Have me and a few others less suited for stealth and ambush find a suitable defensive location, and wait for them to come to us. Then, after we’re engaged. Those that have been hiding in an ambush can strike from behind.” That idea honestly seemed to be a better idea than a straight up ambush in all honestly... stopped them from easily turning around and engaging them all if they were hit from two sides.

2015-06-03, 02:47 PM

Edryll was please the patrol was dealt with quickly, but not so much by the ruckus it caused. He stayed quiet while his sister voiced her discontent. Of course she was right. Not knowing anything about the herd of beastmen that are lurking around, the explosion and gun shots could have attrack hundreds, if not more of these aberations. This Druchii -because she was certainly not a Asur after the psychotic display she just pulled off- need to be watch closely. She could be their downfall. But it was not the moment.

" This is no time to stand here and talk. We must move quickly. What the dwarf is proposing is a good idea. I don't see Macus here hiding well in a bush and moving silently, with his heavy armor and shooting his love for his god as he does. We should play to our strength. You(looking at Marcus and Helzang) distract them, we(looking at Aithien) take them by surprise."

Then, he follow his sister while she look for a good ambush site.

2015-06-04, 11:57 AM
After taking to air and making a few rounds, Selinda can see no cause for immediate concern. From her higher vantage, she can see other beastman groups miles off, their sizes not much larger than the group you fought. They appear to be converging, but not towards your location. They seem to move to the North, where she can barely see the depressions and hills become more sharply defined, more akin to ravines than depressions. As she surveys the plains, it seems increasingly obvious that though your actions called attentions to your presence, no group is coming to investigate.

This is highly suspicious, as even the greatest of beastman chiefs have trouble keeping their herd in line. Something will come to investigate your presence, you are certain, but for now it appears safe.

2015-06-04, 05:49 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

"Well, you'll be waiting for quite a while, I think," Selinda's voice seemed to emanate from thin air.

"They're all converging in the north," the dark elf continued, her image finally winking into existence alongside her compatriots as she willed the cessation of her invisibility spell.

Immediately, the wizard retrieved some parchment from her handy haversack as well as a pen and some ink. With these in hands she started drawing a quick mock-up of the surrounding terrain that she saw, the positions of several beastman bands and the central point in the north that they all seemed to be moving towards.

"None are showing this event even the slightest heed."

2015-06-07, 09:30 AM

Edryll stop to listen to Selinda's report.

"This is...weird. Beastmen are cowards, but they usualy at least try to see what they are up against. They are planning something...probably something bad."

2015-06-07, 11:41 AM
Marcus didn't even budge at Helzang and Edryll remarks. He knew that he wasn't to type to hide and creep around the woods. He was more of a headon smash the ennemies face in type. Marcus agreed with the elf's idea. Having the less stealthy persons be bait for an ambush was probably the best way to flank any herd of beastmans.

As he was talking with the elves for elaborating their strategy, Marcus slightly jumped when he herd Selinda's voice appear out of thin air. With her report of the ennemies movement, Marcus also found this weird.

''Merging north, it looks like all the beast of evil are gathering for an assault. Its suprising how they can keep ranks with an objective. Do you want to keep investigating of do we follow north and blame the missing patrols onto migrating beastmen groups.''

2015-06-07, 12:54 PM

"We can't let a full herd of beastmen running loose like that. Missing patrols are probably just the start."

2015-06-09, 08:09 AM
That was... concerning. For the beastmen to actually ignore the sounds of the fight completely? For not even one or two to come back and investigate what the hell was going on? Helzang was rather rattled at this... knowing just how strong willed even a single independent beastman was... what was able to keep them all in line? The dwarf had no desire to meet such a creature... ever. Still, it seemed his allies needed to be reminded of their mission.

“We will follow. Eventually. North is where we shall go, to face against the beastlord within the Troll Country, and then to face off against Varlid the Bloody. However, our first target is a subtle threat. Three individuals, with about a dozen chaos warriors if I remember correctly... they are the ones evading the patrols, and they are the ones we must eliminate first.” Stop the subtle threat from doing devastating harm... and then move north to take on the bigger and more obvious threats... made sense to Helzang at least.

2015-06-10, 12:27 PM
It has been nearly an hour since the encounter with the beastmen. Selinda continues to observe, having completed the quick map of the Northern terrain. The twin moons loom over the sky, Morrslieb casting an eerie green glow over the landscape. She can barely percieve the furthest area, but after looking at it for a while, it seems that a faster group has departed from the North heading towards you. What beastmen are still visible continue their journey. Judging from their speed and direction, they're likely mounted and should reach your location before dawn. The group is smaller than any of the beastman herds, barely a speck in the distance, though as they approach they resolve to six riders.

It appears that they're here to investigate the missing patrol.

You have around 4 hours to prepare between noticing their approach and their arrival. They're riding very hard, and it will likely take you twice that to reach their point of origin.

2015-06-21, 08:11 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

The Dark Elf rubbed her hands together as she spotted the mounted beastman heading straight in their direction.

"Yes...yes!" she chimed quietly to herself with hushed excitement. More beastmen for her to burn!

Her black-and-purple robes flowing beautifully in the breeze, Selinda climbed to greater altitudes until she'd be little more than a speck within the clouds. For those looking upwards they'd barely see her - if they even knew what to look for. However for the ignorant and the dully perceptive, the elf was all but hidden.

But the ground was not hidden from her.

A particularly keen-sensed elf, Selinda waited patiently for the beastmen to arrive. Her sharp ears could hear a bow being drawn from a hundred feet away, thus a herd of thick-bodied oafs riding atop beastly mounts would prove little trouble for the wizard.


Waiting high up in the clouds, about 200 feet away. This should incur a -20 on the beastmens perception check to even see her.

Meanwhile, Selinda will Take 10, getting a result of 18 to notice the group of heavy-set Beastmen that she's been watching the whole time.

2015-06-23, 01:30 PM
Selinda observes the riders approach. As they resolve to clarity, three of them ride heavy, black horses with glowing eyes. The others she recognizes as Centigors, another breed of beastmen. The centigors hang back as the three riders approach the charred bodies of beastmen. The smallest of them (though still large for a human), wearing purple-tinted dark steel plate, gestures at the bodies and another rider dismounts. The last one scans the surroundings and nods, apparently satisfied. The dismounted brute walks through the charred grass and kneels next to the leader. He rummages through it's belongings and retrieves an amulent that emits a faint green glow at his touch. He messes with it for a moment before it releases a brief burst of flame.

"Killed by fire it seems." he says. The smallest turns his helmeted head around and gestures to the charred corpses. "Oh."
The group doesn't seem to wish to linger there. The centigors make a circuit around the site before joining the two mounted Chaos Warriors and departing back the way they came. The brute drops the amulet, mounts up and leaves to catch up with the others. They head back to the creviced rocky area that they came from.

Feel free to interrupt, attack or follow as you see fit. Who knows, they might all come there one by one to see what happened

2015-06-24, 03:16 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

The dark elf peered from between whisps of clouds with a predatory glint in her eye and a smirk on her lips.

Holding her hands up in the direction of the beastmen, she looked down one arm, closed one eye, and then used her index finger and thumb to "squish" the small images of the chaos beings. "Heh heh heh heh..." she giggled, highly amused, as she closed her fist and pointed one finger in the groups direction.

It'd be so easy...just utter a few words and boom!, deep fried beastmen for dinner.

...but no. She couldn't. She had to make sure that what she saw from up high was indeed the centrepiece of the Beastman Herd, and not just an advanced warparty. She'd follow this group back into the womb of their operations, and then she would cut the black, twisted fetus out before it could grow and fester.

It's so tempting to blow them up, but no, I need them.

Following them, retaining the same distance, taking 10 for Perception.

2015-06-26, 01:43 PM
The Chaos war-party makes quick way back to their lair. Around halfway there, the three centigors start falling behinf the unrelenting pace set by the Chaos Warriors. As Selinda follows them she keeps falling slightly behind as her flight is not fast enough to keep up with running speed of the Chaos Mounts. She can clearly see them enter into the rocky crevices that she saw previously. As she reaches them, she sees that they form a network of shallow canyons. At ground level above the crevices some beastmen lie in wait, concealed from observers not hovering in the air. Walking there would have been dangerous. Some appear to look up in the sky but none spot her.

As she passes deeper the scale of the system becomes apparent. The crevices could house many hundreds of soldiers in the segments she has passed, and it's likely that there are more passages that can't be viewed from above. They seem to be largely unoccupied. About twenty minutes pass as she flies over the area, noticing that the crevices are growing deeper and darker. Eventually they seem to vanish underground.

Rolling for knowledge Geography [roll0]

She realizes that the web of crevices seems deliberate rather than natural. Such an intricate system couldn't possibly be born of natural causes. As she passes over the natural landscape, she realizes that she is at the centre of a pattern. It is disrupted by natural processes, but it seems likely that this place has once been a Place for great rituals. The nature of it suggests some form of Geomancy, but the exposure to Chaos has twisted it beyond obvious recognition. At what could only be the precise center of the sigil, there is a hole in the ground that drops into darkness. It seems that whatever is going on here is happening underground.

It's possible for Selinda to go through the hole or fly into the crevices in search of entry.

2015-06-28, 09:35 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/1134608_large202_zpsbegkhszn.jpg Selinda

The elf sailed over the beast-made town that was carved into the face of the rock with an eye of curiosity...she'd never known the mutated minions of chaos to be capable of such permanent organisation. To her knowledge the beastmen were nomadic and herd-like, always on the move from one area to the other with little in the way of established settlements. Camps, surely - but this? A town carved into the rock? With magic no less...

The image of the dark elf winked out from sight as she uttered several words of power that activated an invisibility spell. Silent upon the winds, the elf sailed down into the bleak chasm where her keen eyes used what little light was available to reveal all...

Casting Invisibility on herself, then going down the rabbit hole...