View Full Version : Hooch's Underlayer [Modern]

2007-04-15, 05:44 PM
As soon as you step through the door, the thick aroma of smoke fills your nostrils. You'd have to fight away the clouds like they were random encounters just so you could see anything well enough. As you continue on, however, the glow of a lava lamp pierces through the fog and spills just enough light over the rest of the room to give you some semblance of vision. A disco ball hangs precariously from the ceiling, but isn't turned on. You can't help but notice the squishing noises the purple shag carpet makes with each step. There's a Jimi Hendrix poster on the wall, and a stolen streelight nailed next to it that continually flashes red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green.

There's a small hallway connected to this large entrance that leads into many other rooms, most of which are closed and locked. Every once in awhile, a scantily-clad woman will walk in and out of the hallway and disappear into a room. This is also the time you notice the large abundance of beautiful, busty women populating this strange abode.

So who is the owner of this house of thinly-veiled filth? None other than "Snoochy" Hooch, the Town's number one Pimp and the government's numer one Informant. He sits on a leoperd-skin couch, his arms around two beautiful women while watching the action serenely.

Notable NPCs:

Krystal: A general greeter and always willing to give you information on Hooch and the Underlayer.
Donlon: A large, intimidating man who has a penchant for throwing people out on their asses if they get on his nerve.
Richard: A diminutive man who came here to have fun but is now too nervous to do anything. Although he doesn't even work here, he'll go do whatever you ask purely out of fear. Think of him as the waiter.

Go crazy.

2007-04-15, 06:21 PM
"Richard, find me somebody important," Annarchy asked.
"You got any, uh, you know, any, um, uh, specifics, ma'am?" he asked, jumpy and twitchy with fear around even the skinny teenage girl.
"The Fake ID somebody here got me doesn't work."
"They found out, um, they saw, uh, they knew it was fake?" Richard stammers.
"Not exactly," Annarchy blushes. "They, um, kinda thought I was a boy."
Richard's face freezes in existential conflict between his overpowering fear and immense urge to laugh. The compromise is a twitchy, uneasy smile too hesistant to look mocking.
"What exactly do you want?" he manages after he composes himself from the ordeal.
"Another one that says I'm a boy. It's part of the guarantee that it works, and that one doesn't. Can't hurt to have both."
"You're not embarassed about it?" Richard asks, seeming to almost get up the nerve to make fun of the feeble-looking girl.
"I'm not ashamed to be mistaken for a man, since I am much more of one than some I know, Richard,"she says with a faux-sweet smile. Seeing Richard's self-respect visibly drop but not vanish entirely, she crushes his last spark of courage by adding, "Mentally and physically."
Once again overtaken by fear and unkind remarks about his anatomy, he scampers off to find whoever's in charge of fakes.

2007-04-15, 06:26 PM
Hooch puts a hand on Richard's shoulder as he passes.

"Hey hey, my brother, now pray tell, what is the hurry?" He asks, flicking the butt of what one can only hope is a cigarette away.

"I..uh....I need a..uh..a fake ID." He stammers.

"Fake ID?" Hooch asks, dubious, "Baby, you must be at least 45 or 50. What'dya need a fake ID for?"

"I-It's not for me, Hooch-Er, I mean, sir...It's for this nice girl...And I'm 36." He adds under his breath. Hooch's eyes light up.

"A foxy mama, you say? I see, baby. Well, go on about yo' business." Hooch claps him on the shoulder and Richard is off again.

2007-04-15, 06:28 PM
{Donlon only has one nerve, eh? LOL}
Two men walk into the building.
"Now this is my kind of place," says one.
"Considering that you chose Las Vegas out of everywhere in America after the Superflu, I'm honestly not surprised," the other sneers, but he means it good-naturedly.
"Shut up, Mordred."
"I will if you will, sai Flagg."
They laugh and sit down.

2007-04-15, 07:07 PM
"How can I help you fine gentlemen?" Krystal asks somewhat seductively, walking over to the two men's table.

2007-04-15, 08:03 PM
Richard brings a copy of Annarchy's fake, with only her Sex changed. "Thanks," she says, "You're a good man, Charlie Brown." Annarchy gives the nervous waiter a five-dollar bill tip and leaves. "Tell Hooch I'm proud of you," she adds jokingly over her shoulder.

2007-04-15, 09:06 PM
Flagg rolls his eyes. "Got alcohol?"
"You know how you get when you drink . . ." Mordred warns.
"Yes I do!" And he starts laughing hysterically.
Mordred rolls his eyes. "I don't suppose you serve steak at this bloody place?"

2007-04-16, 02:39 AM
"I'll see what I can do, cutie." Krystal winks and walks off.

2007-04-16, 03:38 AM
"If she keeps acting like a lovesick pup, I'll just eat her."
"I doubt she'd think you 'cute' if she saw your true form, Mordred."
"She'd run like all the hounds o' Hell were after her."
They laugh.

2007-04-16, 03:45 AM
((Krystal's a woman...))

Krystal returns a moment later with a bottle in her hand. "Here's some liquor for you." She smiles and sets it down, "I still have to find that steak, honey, but don't worry, I will." She winks and is off again.

2007-04-16, 12:41 PM
{Changed it.}
Mordred rolls his eyes. Flagg, as usual, laughs like the madman he is.