View Full Version : Lords have Longships - IC

2015-04-19, 03:57 PM
Booms of thunder frequently break up the monotonous pitter-patter of rain in Warchief Olav Raudskegg’s private residence. Even with the storm, the entire city appears to have showed up for the celebration, and crowd the area beneath his third-floor balcony where you are to be introduced. The weather and the celebration do little to distract you from a terrible reality.

You were supposed to be six, but only four sit at the table. You have been here for over an hour, and the only faces you have seen come in are attendants to offer you water, milk, cheese and bread. They do not wish for you to be inebriated before the Presentation Ceremony, nor do they wish for you to spoil your appetite before the feast in Raudskegg Longhall.

Just hours ago, word came from a watchhouse on the coast, much farther to the south – Chieftain Brekr’s longship overturned half a mile offshore, which carried Brekr and his champion, Chieftain Knute and his champion, as well as a number of retainers intended to assist in this evening’s celebrations. The news cast a grim shadow on the evening, as Warchief Olav had been meeting with the remaining chieftains on how to resolve their situation. As it stood, the names of the champions have already been sent to the capitol city on Rikr, Broudigr, and law forbade any changes to it upon sending.

And so you sit in silence around the table, unsure how to break the tension in the room, until a face somewhat recognizable to you four enters the room. Torben Raudskegg, eldest child heir to Warchief Olav, walks in with hardly an expression on his face. This would seem odd, as he has a reputation for smiling at every woman and laughing with every man he passes. Even odder; though Torben wears formal attire, his maul is strapped in plain view across his back. The formal wear looks more out of place on him than the maul, however, as his towering figure and muscular frame suggests that he is more comfortable in leather and plate than a cotton shirt.

I apologize that you four have been left here for the past hour. My father, as Overlord, has certain duties he must see to so that Brekr and Knute’s heirs inherit their lands and titles according to tradition. I only left because I could not stand listening to the chieftains squabble with my father any longer. As it stands, my father will still begin the Presentation Ceremony, but shall leave shortly thereafter, and I will take over the duties of Master of Ceremonies. I will also captain the longship to Broudigr, and take my father’s place at the Vigrief. My father's ship is docked here at Raudhall, and we hope to leave after breaking our fast in the morning.

So since I shall be accompanying you for the next week or so, it seems that I should get to know you guys a little better. As you may know, my duties will be largely ceremonial during the Vigrief, but I still will be the liaison between the Grand Counsel and the various Green Island aristocrats who have the great fortune to accompany them, and yourselves. I am fairly certain that a page could do this work, but those Green Men find it important to keep up a charade of cultural similarity, and so I must play along.

You can tell that Torben is not comfortable in his father’s seat, and his tone denotes someone who wishes to talk on a familiar level instead of as a great lord to his subjects. He doesn’t even hide his sarcasm (as denoted by italics in the previous paragraph). Still, as he talks to you, he locks eye with each of you in turn, attempting to size each of you up.

The only member of this Lio that I am familiar with is Askr. Though we have yet to introduce ourselves to each other formally, I have seen you enter my father’s audience chamber for closed sessions on occasion. As such I’d like to take this time to get any introductions out of the way. So if you would all be so kind as to take a turn to talk about yourselves a little, so that we may get any unfamiliarity out of the way now. And feel free to ask me any question that you wish, I am much more receptive to an honest question than my father.

He is now turning the conversation over to you guys. Feel free to divulge whatever information about your characters as you wish – this is the first time that each of you have met eachother, so what you say at this time will be the only information you have on eachother going forward.

2015-04-19, 07:33 PM
At first, Baldr had refused repast, preferring to meet the Overlord on an empty stomach. But as the minutes passed, and the delay became more and more obvious, he began to tire of his feigned good manners. First he took water, then cheese, eating and drinking more to occupy his boredom than out of any need. He was reclining in his chair, his hair drawn up in a tight bun, clad in a sleeveless button-down tunic over leather breeches and boots, his right arm raised carelessly, clutching the goblet when the de facto prince and heir entered. He did not stand, instead letting loose a pungent burp, the smell of cheese diffusing throughout the stuffy room. "I am Baldr. No doubt you've heard of me," he says, arrogant as ever, setting the goblet down on the table and sitting upright, arms folded in front of him and resting on the wood surface. The intricate tattoo runs from his wrist, up his right arm and out of sight beneath his shirt, the top buttons of which are open. His body language says as much as he had--namely, that he is reserving judgment at best, and closed off at worst to what Torben has said. "I've got a question, for you. By what right do you claim captain? I know these seas as well as any man, and I made it here on merit, not because my daddy's in charge." His eyes narrow as he peers across the table at Torben.

2015-04-19, 11:58 PM
Torben laughs, Har! I didnt know they had been serving wine this early. Or maybe you are half-brass. Either way, I hope to get you in a room with the Grand Counsel, that kind of attitude would twist their hair in a knot.

Baldr is it? Torben shifts through a few pockets and retrieves a piece of folded up parchment. As he searches for the paper, you can see his red hair is kept in a tight braid, and is tucked into the back of his tunic. He has only one circlet adorning the braid, made of simple copper and strangely lacking in jewels, engravements or designs. Ah yes, you do not lie, you have spent years on the sea. I am not familiar with you personally, but I do not doubt any man of Norvostane who served in the navy. I myself pulled an oar for two years before I got a chance at the helm, though that is in part out of necessity - I do inherit the ship we are taking to the Vaettfang when my father dies. I then captained the F.S. Windrider for two more years before coming back here to... learn how to be an heir I guess. Pity I didn't have an older brother, then he'd get to sit on his ass and I'd be... that's beside the point. Point is, you get to be a captain when you get a ship. Olav would be in my place had we not just lost two chieftains to this storm, though if you'd like to ask him how he earned the right to be a captain, be my guest.

Speaking on captaining, there will be time after you men have gotten to know each other for you to elect a captain. I would venture a guess that a less abrasive tone would do better to win their votes.

2015-04-20, 08:37 AM
Baldr inwardly bristles at the subtle chastisement, but outwardly lets out a laughing bark reminiscent of the seals that live on the rocky coast of the north tip of Norvostane. "If I'm looking for a captain, I'm not looking for someone who shrinks from the truth. Captain's got to ask the tough questions, the questions no one else will ask. But that's me, that's what I believe. Maybe some others are more naive." He takes a drink from his goblet before setting it down, his arms unfolded but still in front of him, his body language indicating he is more relaxed, that Torben's brusqueness has somehow proven something to him, at least subconsciously. He reclines again, munching on a bit of cheese while he waits for others to introduce themselves. He may not be particularly keen when it comes to social interaction, but he has learned that is particular brand of truth-telling is best in small doses, not as an overpowering flood filling a conversation.

2015-04-20, 09:00 AM
Baldr you bellow worse than the storms outside. Wilhelm jests hoping to make light of the small barbarians incivilities. Wilhelm is wearing his mithral chain shirt which is sparkling in the torch light. He has wrapped around his shoulders the pelt of giant brown bear with the impressive head folded running down his back. His hand casually rests on the fine rapier at his belt as he drinks from the wine cup. My name is Wilhelm Olafson. I have been chosen as Chieftain Rastan's champion. It is very likely you have not heard of me personally but the name Olafson should be familiar to you all. Wilhelm's shoulders are slumped could that be because of the giant bear skin cloak or is it the weight of his family name that bears down on him.

Olafson family has had two previous Vigrief participants. Hrothgar of the wining 3rd Vigrief and Ingvarr who died tragically in the last Vigrief.

2015-04-20, 11:04 AM
Torben goes down his list, making note of the Third Olafson to be chosen for a Lio. Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting your brother. Terrible what happened to him, but justice was swift and sweet. We all hope you live up to your family's name.

Given that Wilhelm brought up his family's past experience performing in the Vigrief, now would be a good time to roll know(history) for some facts about the Vigrief. Technically you can get some extra info with an appropriate Know(nobility and royalty).

2015-04-20, 06:09 PM
As do I. As the son of a great chief I am sure you know how a family name can be an honor and a responsibility. I must confess the loss of two of our party before we set sail doesn't bode well for our quest for glory.

(Local)[roll0] I don't have history or nobility and royalty. But maybe local knowledge will get me something about the Vigrief or more about the 2 chieftains who went down with their ship and who their likely replacements would be.
(Nature)[roll1] For the current storm and the weather that caused the shipwrecks. Is it perfectly natural or sinister origins?
(Geography)[roll2] for anything about the lands settled after the 3rd Vigrief.

2015-04-20, 07:23 PM
Askr gives a brief smile at the banter. And I am Askr. As Ratatoskr and as agent for Warchief Olav, I have travelled extensively, although we are going into parts unknown to us all. I admit I'm looking forward to seeing what we find.

He is playing with a black-bladed knife, rolling it across the back of his fingers.

I.. don't know that I'd make a good captain, but I have some skill with maps, which might help us.

2015-04-21, 08:21 AM
"What, exactly, are we doing here?" Baldr says, looking around the table. He knows the Vigrief is a matter of honor, and the prize is great, but the specifics of the task are not in his understanding.

2015-04-21, 09:47 AM
The bluntness of Baldr's question takes Torben offguard - Specifically? We are waiting on the Warchief to walk through those doors behind me, which I just came in. Then, he will walk out those doors over there, onto the balcony, to address everyone who is patiently waiting in the rain. He will then depart, you will each get presented to the crowd as well, then we go feast in the Longhall.

In a more general sense, we are taking these few minutes to get a proper introduction, elsewise I fear I wouldnt have an opportunity for a private word until we have already departed

2015-04-21, 08:46 PM
"Sure, sure. Gladhanding, politicking, got it. But afterward, the Vigrief itself. What can you tell us about that, about the challenge that lies before us?"

2015-04-22, 02:08 PM
Well, the first round, being a free for all, is always some sort of maze-like challenge. Obstacles are magicked into the arena and are designed to keep players separate - and we may find a way to work that to our advantage. The final two rounds are more straightforward; two teams enter, one team leaves. There are still obstacles that you have to either work around or interact with, but they are far less debilitating than a maze.

Last year, for example, they put large oars on spindles and dispersed them through the arena. They would spin when champions were near enough to strike, attempting to push over whatever poor bastard got in the way. In fact, a wizard almost got his head knocked off because he was focusing too much on his spells and not enough on his surroundings.

Torben laughs a little at the memory, and pulls a wineskin out from his sleeve, offering it to everyone at the table. You know, now that I think on it... When a player is knocked out at any point of the tournament, they are not permitted to re-enter, which can make the final battle lopsided. It is designed that way to simulate death without a citizen of the Federation having to pay with his life. However, when a champion in any Lio goes missing or dies on the way to the Vigrief, they usually allow one member of the Lio to be brought back into the tournament after they are knocked out. Nobody has ever been permitted two returns, but it hasnt come up yet where a Lio was missing two champions. At the very least, we should still be permitted one person to be brought back, and one man from Norvostane is worth at least three from any other rock I've set foot on. I have a lot of confidence we will win a new colony in the name of the Warchief.

2015-04-24, 04:38 PM
So are we likely to end up on the same team... or opposing ones.

He gives the knife in his hand a twist, making it spin on it's point for a few seconds before toppling over.

And is there anything useful we can do to prepare?

2015-04-27, 12:27 PM
Well the most useful thing to do to prepare is to use this time to get a better understanding of how each of you would contribute to an organized fight amongst teams, but that... Torben is cut off as the door opens behind him. The man walking through the doors could only be the Overlord, Warchief Olav Raudskegg. You can clearly see how Torben inherited his massive frame - Olav is of height with his son, but with rounded shoulders and a fuller face that come with age. Still, you can see that there remains a lot of strength in his arms, and he still stands with the straight back of a soldier. Where Torben has long red hair and a bushy beard, his father is nearly bald, and his trimmed beard is white with flecks of red still present. He openly wears his armor, a shining breastplate with the tree Yggdrasil etched into the front, with emeralds forming a semi-circle along the top to look like leaves on the great tree. Olav wears two throwing hammers on his belt.

I apologize to keep all of you waiting, there are unfortunate matters of state that I had to arrange to attend. I trust that my son has informed you all of what is to occur over the next two days as you sail to the capitol? He does not wait for a response, but instead looks at Torben for reassurance that he had done his duty.

I's also like to apologize for the condition of the ship you are taking. Our family's ship has gone some time since it's last repairs, and the Grand Counsel has not approved space in their dry dock for repairs to our ships, claiming that all room is dedicated to repairing the Federal Navy for the past several months. Torben will be hounding those Green Men for repairs while he represents me at the Vigrief, but if you have as much grit as your deeds would imply, you should be sailing back on a new ship. I will miss going to the Vigrief with you, I always loved seeing the longships waiting in harbor as you sail in.

But now I am getting sidetracked. I must address our people, and be on my way. Olav walks to the balcony, and Torben follows close by. He holds the door mostly shut to keep the rain and wind out, and signals to each of you in turn when it is your turn to be presented to the crowd. The sound of the rain and wind outside keeps you from hearing the speech in it's entirety, but you can glean details from the crowd's reaction. When Baldr is summoned, you can hear the crowd laugh at the retelling of Baldr's triumph over Hodr, son of Chieftain Horvald. They also cheer for Wilhelm, as they hear about how Chieftain Rastan named him champion after he killed a great bear without weapons or assistance. Finally, they are stunned into awe when Askr is Presented, as not many people get to meat a Ratatoskr. They break their silence after that presentation, and cheer for him the same as the other two.

After the Presentation Ceremony, Olav walks back inside, shakes each of your hands again in congratulations, and then departs. Because you are taking Broudigr to Rikr, the Warchief is going on foot to the heirs of the deceased chieftains. Torben escorts you back out into the rain on the way to the Longhall, and you are all seated at the head table. There is a great boar being roasted on a spit in the middle of the longhall, and there are plenty of root vegetables at every table, as well as breads with wild berries baked into them. And of course, the mead and wine flows freely at every table. The common people filed into the room without much trouble, but the celebration soon turns raucous as the commoners become well fed and well drunk. Though the music is loud, you are able to have private conversation at the head table without much disturbance.

Take this time to figure out if you want to buy anything for the party or whatever in the morning before departure. You can also talk with Torben at this time.

Finally, feel free to make a sense motive check concerning the look that Olav shot at Torben in paragraph 2

2015-04-27, 01:44 PM
After taking a deep swig of the mead in front of him Wilhelm voices his concern.
I've just realized that I have no means healing for the trials ahead. Do either of you have a means to keep us in the fight after our bodies would normally give way? What I wouldn't give for us to be accompanied by a war priest of Thor. Torben will I have time before we say to purchase some healing potions? As for my skills I operate best from the shadows and at the flank. Those who turn their back on my rapier don't live to regret it. I am also quite capable with the short bow.

Is it confusing with both Askr and I using green text?

2015-04-27, 06:15 PM
Askr shrugs.

Bow, knife. He tears off a strip of tangy berry bread, and wraps it around some roast pork. I'm told I'm a good shot. I can track and hide, too, but I've never been that good at leaping out at people. I keep on wanting to get on their good side. Bad habit in bad country, but it makes me more valuable to the chief. [/color

He reaches for the wine.

[color=teal]I'm a little worried about these tests. I'll do my best, but if we're up against some howling beserk or a towering armoured axeman, we may be in trouble. Never mind how well those would do on the actual voyage. Have you noticed? We're all light, agile people. I'm the tallest one of us. Good on ship, but in what amounts to a cage fight? The other team are going to try and bash us around as soon as they see us.

He glances around to make sure noone is listening, and the leans in close.

I say we try and keep them at bay, use obstacles, whatever we can, to make them come to us, while we shoot. Then we take them one by one, gang up as much as we can. We get into one-on-one, and it's all down to sheer brawn. That's a fight we're less likely to win.

Another strip of berry bread is torn off.

I have a little rune magic, that can do healing. Also a wand, works well, damned slow though. We could with a proper bonesman, someone who can call of the favour of the Gods. But faiing that, we'll just have to muddle through with what we have. Take risk - its not like we really die, so we can afford to be brave, and less careful. Anyway. Won't be much time for healing, if we do it right.

2015-04-27, 06:26 PM
Torben drains the first horn of mead placed in front of him, and comments as the thrall pours him another. You have plenty of time in the morning to do any last minute shopping, we depart after I break my fast. Given how much I plan on drinking tonight, that might be closer to high noon than most might like. If you'd like, I will sponsor one thousand gold pieces to aid in your challenge ahead. When you arrive on deck, meet me in the galley and we can arrange who to send payment to.

2015-04-27, 06:27 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Baldr stands when the Chief enters and sits when he exits, and waves at the crowd as he his presented. Later, when they are seated at the high table, he busies himself drinking gratuitously and feasting as if tonight's meal might be his last. After all, if he returns without the glory he intends to cloak himself in, this might be the best meal he would ever have in his life. Rib after rib is devoured, blood and juice dripping down his beard, as he piles the bare bones in a tower on the plate in front of him. He cuts off a hunk of bread with a nearby knife, dips it in the pork juice, and takes a massive bite of it, washing it down by draining a full mug of ale. Then, he lets out an enormous belch, just as Askr is leaning in, every bit as barbarous as his upbringing would imply. "Let 'em come," he says, picking up another rib and tearing off a chunk with his teeth. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." He thinks back to his hunts among the wolves, but nods at the wisdom of Askr's plan. "Yeah, shoot 'em, sure. But I prefer to get in close." He wipes his hand on his shirt, then pats the pommel of his Ulfberht, or bastard sword. "Once they get a taste of ol' Gramr, here, they'll back off in a hurry." He waves over the wench for another mug of ale, drains it quickly, and then gets another, which he takes a large gulp of, but does not drain at once. He continues eating ribs, listening to the plans. He laughs at the idea of healing.

2015-04-28, 11:48 AM
Aye, and I hope your ulfberht makes every green man on Rikr piss his breaches. Chieftain Harvald comments as he approaches the head table, Chieftain Rastan in tow. Harvald is grinning broadly, due to his champion's bold comments in part, but also from the wine. And I too know that you lot will need the extra help going into the final round, so I figured I'd bring you these. Harvald starts rummaging through a small sack on his belt, with his arm disappearing to the elbow as he reaches inside.

As Chieftain Harvald is looking, Rastan asks of Wilhelm, his champion May I have a word in private? and motions to the corner of the room, away from the music and the feast.

2015-04-29, 11:40 AM
Askr I am in agreement with you I think a few arrows from a distance and then when our small barbarian here charges into the fray I will work my way into a flanking position to deliver the killing blow. It is good that you have some healing means as well. I forgot to mention that I am skilled at disarming all manners of traps if we were to encounter anything of that sort.
With the arrival of the chieftains Wilhelm takes a deep drink of his mead looking over his cup at Chieftain Rastan. He drains his drink and pours a new cup as he answers Rastan.
Chieftain Rastan as always I am at your call. Once his cup is full again he stands up and follows Rastan away from the table.

2015-04-29, 04:22 PM
Harvald finally finds what he is looking for in his bag - he pulls out an old pair of boots and two vials. When you beat my boy Hodr, I was unsure if I would present these to you, as they were meant for him. However, he lost fair and square, I'd be a **** chieftain if I held that against ya. These boots are likely to be a greater boon to you than him anyway. They'll make a man who is more fleet of foot than strong better at jumping. I have a feeling that you, Baldr, will get great use out of them. These potions contain the spell called Heroics - they'll make you a stronger fighter for half an hour.

After handing the gifts to Baldr and Askr, he continues - Now the princeling here hasnt told you anything concerning your challenges, correct? Torben shoots the chieftain a nasty look at the title, to which Harvald gives a burst of laughter. Of course he hasnt, this is the first time he'll step foot in the Vaettfang. Now, I've been going to them since I competed myself thirty years ago or so. I was a young man then, and had an older brother who was supposed to be chieftain, so I got to fight and was reckless, I nearly got knocked out by some pickpocket in the first round! Now all teams are different each year in some ways, but there are a few things that just stand out that are constant. All men of the Timber Isles share a warrior tradition, and tend to have an up-front approach to fighting, which is the right way to do things. Them lads from Austane are always fighting with shields and spears, and they all have been sparring together since they could hold their own spears, HAR. The burst of laughter that the chieftain lets out at his own joke sends some spittle down his beard and spills some wine from his goblet, but he has a thrall refill his cup and he goes on. He is visibly drunk, and he starts to slur his speech - They're some devilish warriors, though. They send teams that'd have practied together for years, so they learn to fight as a single unit, making the wall of shields and spears hard t'pass. If'n you fight 'em, hope you're in an open area so ya can turn their flank.

Of the Greenies, They are mostly archers, 'cept them lads from Rikr. They make for good archers, though... comes from living on islands made for pasture and field. No shame in a bow if you are good at one, but they always crumble away when you get up close. That's why they almost never win. But at least they are still some kind of soldier - the boys from Rikr tend to be glorified town guards, a couple cutthroats from their dungeons who they want out of their cells and off their island, and a wizard o' course.

While Harvald starts regaling the head table with stories of the Vigrief's he has seen, Chieftain Rastan gives short instructions to Wilhelm - Small change in plans - He looks over his shoulder to make sure the head table is preoccupied with Harvald's stories. I am not sure how long Harvald can keep talking, he doesnt know he is a diversion, and he talks faster than normal when drunk. You have heard by now that the Warchief is not accompanying you to the Vigrief. It seems to me that he has shared his... plans... with his son, and he has talked on end about how he thinks he can bring in new incomes to our island. I want you to find out what this plan is, and to keep me apprised of that boy Torben's movements. His father doesnt know it, but I think he is more politically aware than we have previously given him credit for.

He looks over his shoulder again, and Harvald is walking away from the headtable. Time is short now, so I'll make this last bit fast. You havent chosen a captain yet, have you? No? Good. Win your Lio to your side, a new colony for Norvostane, with you at the helm, would bring new income for your pockets and mine. Payments for new food sources, pelts, ore and timber would line both of our pockets for years to come. Take this potion, and if it comes down to just you in the tournament, drink it and run. It will make you invisible for three minutes, but that invisibility ends if you try attacking someone before the time is up. Hide and let the other teams batter eachother until there is only you and three teams left.

You take the potion of invisibility, and Chieftain Rastan accompanies you back to the table. The rest of the night is spent eating, drinking, dancing, singing, and the occasional spontaneous wrestling match (and of course, gambling on the outcome of those matches). The night ends in a blur for all of you, and you wake up in the morning to sunrays making their way through the curtains. The Warchief's home is not at a loss for comfort, as you are all in a featherbed large enough to fit a dozen full grown men. A strong man with a sword could have made four beds out of it. and they'd still too large for any of you in, a few short minutes. If you try and judge the time from where the sun is positioned, you note that Torben doesnt intend to set sail for two hours, so you have plenty of time to browse at the magic item shop, the potion shop, or the wands shop.

2015-04-29, 06:53 PM
Baldr raises his eyebrows at his chieftain's bluntness, but can not help feeling a newfound sense of respect for the man's honesty. "Thank you," he says simply, taking the boots, and the vials. That new respect does not translate immediately, as he is quite content to replace his worn leather boots for the magic ones while Harvald speaks, listening all the while. "For the boots and for the advice." He hands one of the vials to Askr but keeps the other for himself.

In the morning, Baldr washes his face and under his arms before getting dressed for the battle he expects to face. After a quick breakfast of sausage and bread, he heads for the potion shop.

2015-05-04, 12:40 PM
After waking in the giant bed Wilhelm takes his morning meal and leaves quickly to the potion shop. On his way out he sees Baldr and runs to catch up to the barbarian halfling.
On your way out to shop? I am heading towards the potion shop. I hope they have all that I need. Last night it seemed to me that your Chieftain Harvald has a good deal of respect for you. Is it returned?

2015-05-04, 07:29 PM
Baldr grunts. "Yeah, potions. I suppose. Harvald always favored his son, which is a mark against him, but he faced the truth and came out none the worse for it. He's a good enough warrior, otherwise he wouldn't be Chieftain, but is he better than me? Probably not." He pauses. "What kind of potions are you after?"

2015-05-05, 08:06 AM
I figure to pick up a few healing potions and maybe .... Wilhelm pauses as his eyes peer off over the head of Bladr. Apologies my mind slipped to the coming battle and my brother. What about you? What potions do you seek?

2015-05-05, 09:35 AM
Askr follows behind you in relative silence, instead pondering on the days to come. The storm seems to have passed, for now at least, but large puddles sit atop the cobbled street. As you head towards the magic shops, you notice that people you pass stare at you in awe, almost as if silently wishing you luck in your journeys.

After a short walk, you get to the stores you desire. On the left is a wooden building with big windows. the sun is shining off of the windows, and so you cannot see inside from the street, but the sign states that this is where you can buy items and equipment with magical enhancements. Connected to that building is a shop set up for the purposes of selling wands and other magical conduits. Finally, on the right, you see an all stone building with no windows, but a slightly foul smell seems to be emanating from there. Above it's plain door is a sign indicating that this is a potion shop and apothecary.

2015-05-07, 12:54 PM
Wafting the foul stench from his nostrils Wilhelm heads towards the door with potion sign above it.
I swear apothecaries smell like this so can find them when you need a Cure Blindness potion.
Not waiting for his small companion Wilhelm takes a deep breath and heads into the potion shop.
Greetings shop keep. No doubt you have heard of us two heroes about to represent Norvostane at the upcoming Vigrief. We have needs of your potions and herbs. I require some minor healing potions and my friend here requires ..... well Baldr you never did say what potions you seek

Wilhelm looks around for any signs that this apothecary might offer some harmful mixtures as well. Knowing the signs of stores that might sell types of potions behind closed doors. The types of local plants that typical are used as ingredients in the common poisons.

for some reason my rolls just came out as roll0 and roll1 2nd attempt

2015-05-07, 02:22 PM
A small, grubby man with visible stains up his arms looks up from what appears to be a small looking-glass stationed in a fixed position above a flower petal that looks similar to the wild foxglove in the area. Hello, hello, and welcome to my shop. I am Dab, part owner of this shop. I did see you at the Presentation Ceremony, and to help you bring glory to our isle, I will discount you ten percent on any of our items!

Dab begins to show you around, and you see that he has many potions ready for sale. Towards the front of the shop there are of course a great selection of potions intended for healing. As he leads you back to the counter, you notice several bins with cloth draped over them, and on the floor you notice a taggit leaf.

I dont know if Baldr is going to follow you, but if he is I will edit this post to include him.

Your character knows that some commoners will brew a tea out of foxglove petals to make them nauseous, so that they would throw up something particularly dangerous, though if it is too strong it will cause incontinence and, in particularly high doses results in death. Your character is also familiar with the poison Oil of Taggit, which can knock a man unconscious for hours at a time.

2015-05-07, 08:02 PM
Baldr follows into the potion shop, but remains silent while Wilhelm does his shopping. He grabs a pencil and parchment off the counter and scribbles down his list, keeping it secret for some reason. "I've got some potions I've got questions about," he says, taking out the two potions of Heroics given to him the night before. "Can you tell me what these do? I was told they were potions of Heroics." Perhaps he is suspicious, or perhaps he is simply curious.

2 Oil of Magic Weapon
2 Potion of Ram's Might

2015-05-08, 05:26 PM
A Taggit leaf? Askr stoops to pick up the tell-tale leaf between his fingers, twirling it slightly.

Do you get much call for this around here?

2015-05-08, 08:21 PM
Dab takes the potions, uncorks them and smells each of them carefully, wafting an invisible odor towards his nose. Well well, they certainly smell identical, they have the same color and viscosity. They appear to be the same. I could test one to determine the other, but that would destroy the sample. I normally charge for an Identify spell, but you wouldnt be asking me to verify what you have been told if you didnt have reason to mistrust it.... And it would be a poor showing were you voluntarily ingested poison in front of a full audience while representing our island... He sets the potions on his counter and casts a spell on one. After a Hrm... he casts a spell on the other potion. He turns back to you - These both are indeed Heroics. Whoever gave them to you was truthful.

He turns to Askr. Yes, I happen to deal with taggit quite often. In light doses, it can be used for treating pain or as an anesthetic. In higher doses it can render a person completely unconscious, so the game warden and his rangers use it to apprehend armed poachers. And the Overlord hisself prefers to have criminals sit trial, so guards have some on hand. I also do extensive research in my spare time - he gestures to many odd objects behind the counter, as if they reinforce his point.

2015-05-08, 08:45 PM
"Heroics, then. And what does it do? He said it'd make me a better fighter, but he didn't go into specifics. Will it make me stronger?"

2015-05-08, 09:28 PM
As I best understand it, the spell Heroics imbues something within the target of the spell, granting that person some greater combatic power, depending on the will of the target. Some of them become better at wrestling, some tripping, some better at bullrushing. The limits are really defined by you when you ingest the potion.

Heroics gives you a fighter bonus feat for ten min/level, or half an hour in this case. Martial Study is available, if you were wondering

2015-05-08, 09:47 PM
"Hmm. Fighters. Spend so much time foo-foo-ing around the battlefield, never get a good shot in. I'd rather trade them for something else, if you're interested in even bartering."

2015-05-11, 02:09 PM
Dab comments further: I understand your position, and I'd be glad to exchange one of them for an item of equal value, which I currently price at about three hundred gold pieces. Unfortunately I cannot take both, as items of such high value can be difficult to sell, and I already have a couple potions of Heroism in stock.

If you have a list of potions you wish to purchase, I can gather them for you in a more expedited fashion, and we can take care of this transaction without much delay.

go ahead and figure out the final total of what you wish to buy here. I understand that Wilhelm wishes to do an additional transaction here of a more clandestine fashion, but Baldr and Askr can take care of needed scrolls without him. You will find that the owner of the wand and scroll shop will also like to take a list of the items you want, so that he can gather your purchases quickly so you can get to your ship.

I dont mean to rob you guys of RP opportunities by hurrying you along, but there will be lots of opportunities to roll some dice on the way to the Vigrief.

2015-05-11, 04:09 PM
So.. has someone bought a lot of Taggit recently? And is there an antidote?

2015-05-11, 04:25 PM
Nobody outside of my usual clients have bought taggit, but I have recently developed an antidote. Dab produces a small box from behind his counter, opening it to show several tiny capsules. Crack one of these open 'neeth the nose, and a couple of sniffs will wake the person right up. It is not specific to taggit, but will rouse anyone who has been made unconscious for any reason - though those who have been drugged into unconsciousness, or got far too drunk, will have some residual effect. For example, were I to knock you out with a dose of concentrated taggit, then awake you with my antidote, you would likely have some trouble focusing your senses, particularly your hearing and vision.

2015-05-12, 11:08 AM
Wilhelm peruses the store looking intently at several of the items for sale.
I require two potions of healing. I'll take the cheapest ones you have. When we win the Vigrief we will honor your store's part in our victory.

2015-05-13, 05:56 PM
"Alright, that's fair." Baldr says. He writes the rest of his desires on the scrap of paper.

I just realized I've been switching between red and blue. I'll try and stick with blue.

2x Oil of Magic Weapon
2x Potion of Ram's Might
1x Potion of Invisibility (in exchange for 1 Potion of Heroics)

2015-05-13, 10:10 PM
Dab takes the list from Baldr, looks it over, and nods as he reads it - Sure sure, that will all be in order. He gathers the potions up, as well as Wilhelm's healing potions, and puts them into a cloth bag with little pockets sewn on the inside, so that they will not clash against eachother in transit.

LW - given that we are changing the rules mildly for the Vigrief, do you still want the poisons? Also, a spot check of 8 will reveal that he included something extra in your purchase

2015-05-15, 05:23 PM
Baldr, Askr, and Wilhelm: You approach the docks with your bags filled with recently purchased potions, oils and scrolls. As you approach the Warchief's ship, you can see that the ship is certainly in need of repairs; There are years of wear to the hull of the ship, there are makeshift patches of blue and red fabrics sewn into the main sail, and a young lad sits atop the mast where a crows nest would usually be. Still, you can see a few new oars sticking out from the sides of the ship, and the ropes and netting appear to have been replaced relatively recently. As you approach the wooden planks intended to be used as a walkway to the ship, a young lad yells down to someone on the ship Ahoy, they're here!

Sig: It is good to see some of the old faces again - it has been quite some time since you had an adventure with your old crew. You had been elsewhere in Norvostane ten days ago when a message came for you from an unmarked messenger, informing you that Torben was gathering his old sailing friends for a trip through the colonies. However, the rains had slowed your pace, and you only just arrived this morning. Being the last man to make it to the ship, it fell upon you to bring the members of the Lio to the galley. Your orders are to signal to First Mate Oswald Bryne that it is time to set sail, and wait them with them while Torben finishes his meeting with the deckmaster.

And then you hear it... Ahoy, they're here! You turn about and peer over the port-side gunwale to see two humans and a halfling approaching the ship. The halfling bears a sword across his back almost as long as he is tall, and while one of the humans wears a rapier on his side, the other carries a bow. There is no doubt that these are the men you have waited for, and so you call out to them.

Rognvald and Alva: The wreckage you clung to all night, a large piece of wood from the hull of the longship, has been floating in whatever direction the current so decided to take you. The rain stopped before the sunrise, but you haven't seen land, nor sign of any other survivors since your ship wrecked. As the noon-time sun begins to burn your faces and arms, you see something on the horizon - a green mass about three miles away... a sign of land.

2015-05-15, 10:51 PM
Sigurd, the scallywag

"Ahoy the Lio, come to bear Norvostane's glory to all the isles! I've orders to take you first to the galley. And, then after we meet with Torben, I'll show you to your berths. Welcome aboard! Call me Sig -- it's short for Sigurd, like the Scald."

Another crewman shouts, "You mean scallywag!"

Sig blushes slightly in anger at the old nickname, but remembers his job as they ascend the ramp. "Oy! First Mate! That's the whole crew!", he turns to the loose lipped crewman standing too near the gangplank. "I'm taking the Lio to the captain, so I guess that leaves you to hoist the plank." The young man stops short of sticking his tongue out, but only through remarkable restraint.

"Watch your head." he says automatically as they duck into the narrow door leading to the galley.

2015-05-16, 04:37 AM
Alva weakly opened her eyes at the burning sun, watching the compatriot beside her. She poked him slightly, trying to wake him up. "Land" She whispered weakly "About three miles away. Wake up, please". THe village girl was not exactly renown for her strength, and she would need the man's help to reach the isle. Was he wounded, she had prepared a few healing spells.

2015-05-16, 02:18 PM

Cast adrift on a bit of wreckage with a slip of a girl was not how Rognvald had imagined things turning out. Nevertheless, it seemed as though this would not be the end for him. "I am not asleep, I was merely conserving my strength as you should." Rognvald growls at the girl, his voice low and gravelly, perhaps from thirst, "The current should be taking us closer, and if it isn't there is no way we can make landfall fighting against it at this distance. We would grow weary and drown."

2015-05-16, 02:44 PM
Askr walks lightly up and down the pier, examining the boat from all angles.

Ahoy there! Just having a look! I know I'll never get the chance once we sail.

2015-05-16, 03:41 PM
Alva shook her head, noticing the weakness in the Man's voice. Besides her, her backpack was floating, half submerged yet closed . She was no quite thankful it was made of seal skin, otherwise her items would have be ruined. Reaching of it, the healer placed it in the large plank, carefully balancing it in case it fell again. She pulled off her waterskin, only to find it Empty. No, this would not do, she was not sure if they would survive this, but she would not let the man die as long as she had a say in it.

She started praying to Balder, a bright white light manifesting above the waterskin, before it became crystal clear water. Directing the water, she urged it to go inside the container she had.

"Drink if you want, it not saltwater" She said to Rogvald, passing him the waterskin "My name is Alva, priestess of Balder. WHo might you be ?"

2015-05-17, 11:50 AM
Baldr walks up the plank to board the ship, impatient as his barbaric nature might imply. "Baldr," is all he says, by way of introduction. "Let's go, then."

2015-05-17, 05:54 PM
Askr looks the boat up and down, and then strides up the gangplank.

Sorry, just... I had a bad experience once with a boat that looked ok from one side, but...

He reaches the top. So, here we are! Do we meet everyone now, or should we get out of the way so that the boat can the tide?

2015-05-18, 09:14 AM
"The captain wants you in the galley. There will be time to talk there."

2015-05-18, 11:04 AM
Not saying much more than his name Wilhelm follows Sig to the galley. As he is walking through the ship Wilhelm keeps an eye out for the general condition of the boat and morale of the crew.


2015-05-18, 12:55 PM
On the Boat: First Mate Bryne signals back to Sig, and checks the flag top the mast for wind as he reaches for a warhorn. Heading to the steering wheel, he blows the horn to gather attention, and everyone on deck heads to an oar. A young man on land unties the dock line, and the ship begins to drift out to open water.

You get to the door to the galley, which is locked. You can hear what sounds like an angry exchange, until the voices are drowned out by a not-so-distant drumming. You feel the ship lurch forward as the oarsmen get to rowing to the tune of that drum. After what feels like several minutes of patient waiting, the door opens to you, and Torben lets you in. Another man in plain attire sits at a long table, and in the back of the room is an incredibly rotund man cutting turnips into quarters and tossing them into a large stewpot.

Thank you for meeting me here before you guys get settled in, and sorry for the wait. I had a few details to hammer out with the deckmaster, here. You will be staying in the captains estate room for the next two nights as we sail to the Vaettfang, but don't get your hopes up - the only luxury you will find in there is enough room to move your legs. I wanted to have a chance to talk with you first though because... Torben trails off as First Mate Bryne's warhorn sounds three blasts outside. Castaways... he says in almost a whisper.

Off the Boat: The wreckage that you cling to moves towards the land in the distance slowly, but a light breeze is blowing in the same direction, making you feel as if it is moving you more quickly. Over the next half-hour, you see a large white mass getting closer and closer, until eventually you can tell it is a ship travelling in your direction. You hear three blasts of a warhorn from the direction of the ship.

2015-05-19, 08:37 AM
Torben if three blasts means castaways, what do blasts of one and two signify?
Wilhelm asks curiously. Also thank you for the quarters as I am unfamiliar with the vessel can you direction me to its location.

2015-05-20, 10:29 AM
On the Boat: One long blast is for friendly ships, or for approaching shore after dark where you cannot see the docks. Two blasts is for an enemy sighted.

Torben allows himself to go silent as he stares off into the distance and thinks - about what, you cannot tell.

Sig here will take you to your quarters after we have finished, but before then we have a few details to discuss considering. I'd go up to see what castaways we have taken on, but I expect that Bryne would know what to do with them. Nonetheless... Torben gives Sig a look, indicating that he should wait on deck to bring the castaways to him.

After Sig leaves to gather the survivors, Torben continues - I asked for you to be brought here because I was unable to discuss a few details of our total journey back on land. Never know who will be around to listen in, and here I can guarantee the loyalty of every ear that might overhear. Loyalty to me, personally. You see, I have other plans that will take some time to materialize, but for which I need some basic intelligence. I may be able to gather some on my own, but the Grand Counsel will never let me out of their sight for more than a moment. I guess what I am asking is, do you guys have the guts to turn this adventure into something far more important to the well-being of our people?

Off the Boat: The large mass approaching you is definitely a ship, and they have dispatched a 6-person rowboat to retrieve you. They are about twenty feet away when they shout to get your attention - Ahoy! Hold fast, we are here to rescue you!

2015-05-20, 08:45 PM
"Yes," Baldr says simply. Bravery has never been an issue for him.

2015-05-20, 09:36 PM
Sig returns to the deck, disappointed to have to leave the Lio, but castaways were always interesting. He peers over the rail, shading his eyes with his hand to get a look at them.

2015-05-21, 02:04 AM
"THank the gods you are here!" Alva explains, trying to push the ravaged plank towards the boat "From where are you compatriots ? Have you found anyone else from our wreck ?"

2015-05-21, 09:53 AM
Torben whatever services I can do to bring honor and glory to Norvostane I will do. Wouldn't mind getting a little acknowledgment in return though.
Wilhelm tries to get a read on Torben and awaits to hear what this additional task may be.

2015-05-22, 09:37 PM
Rognvald accepts the water from the young priestess and returns the skin after drinking. "Rognvald. Wizard of Rikr. Apprentice to the circle of Conjuration." Rognvald says, his voice unchanged despite sating his thirst. Rognvald remains taciturn and withdrawn from the young woman as they bob helplessly on the waves.

As time drags on and the shore still seems impossibly far away, Rognvald becomes morose and somehow even less talkative. However, as the white sail appears an impatient energy grows around him. When the rowboat comes into range, Rognvald calls out, "Draw up along side us, clear a couple of spaces for us, and I shall see to getting us into the boat. After all, I wouldn't want to force our rescuers to drag us out of the sea like the catch of the day." to the girl next to him he says, "You will feel a slight tugging sensation in a moment, do not fight it. I am merely moving you to the boat."

Assuming the men on the rowboat heeded Rognvald's instructions, he disappears from his place in the water hanging onto debris and appears next to the men in the boat, before the fact that he is there sets in however, he is gone and replaced by the girl, only to appear beside her again a moment later.

Diplomacy on getting them to draw close to us and clear a space or two, Taking 10 for 21.
I will then use Abrubt Jaunt when they are close enough (the range is 10ft.) to teleport myself into the boat, then cast Benign Transposition to switch myself and Alva so she is in the boat, and then another Abrupt jaunt to get myself in the boat.

2015-05-22, 10:03 PM
Sig watches from the rail of the ship as the two castaways pop in and out of the boat, and whistles, "I'll be damned twice and left for dead. I think one of them's a genuine wizard!"

2015-05-23, 03:05 AM
Askr's eyes narrow, as he scans the horizon for any other survivors.

A wizard? Hm..

spot check [roll1d20+1[/roll]

He looks down. Captain, can we scout around this area, looking for any other survivors? They may have drifted apart. I'm keen to find out what happened here.

He waits for the jolly boat to return.

2015-05-23, 09:45 PM
On the boat: Of course, Wilhelm. What kind of acknowledgement do you desire? At the sound of Sig's shouting from on deck, Torben's head picks up from the papers in front of him. He stands up and walks to the door, opening it and shouting back A wizard? Bring him down here!

He turns back to the party. Sounds like your numbers are growing. Which is good, because I wanted to talk to you about how you are presently short handed for the tournament ahead. If this wizard Sig shouted about is a member of your Lio we thought to be dead, you are still four of six, presenting a serious disadvantage. I want to add someone to your Lio. In fact, I have someone in mind.

The man who brought you in here is Sig, who served as cabin boy for my last year and a half on my old ship. He is the only one on the ship that is worth a damn at lying, and he's changed a lot... It's been what, two, three years since we were disbanded? Last I saw him he couldnt even grow the beard... He is an eager fellow, but is quick with his sword and isn't one to back down. He will assume the identity of one of our dead fighters, I have already informed him that he will be joining you, and I hope that the wizard we are missing comes with him.

Turning to Askr, Torben replies. The shipwreck happened miles away from here, and they have been floating all night. Honestly, we are fortunate to have come across from these two. I'll keep someone on watch the whole way to the Vaettfang, but without a heading and several more ships, there is no way to scan everywhere else a survivor might be.

Off the boat, but almost on the boat: There are four men in the rowboat that came out to you - two orcs and two humans. The humans get up to offer you their hands to help you into the boat, but are left standing as the two survivors teleport onto the ship. They all set to row, when one of them speaks up to answer Alva's question. You are the only ones who we know of. A rope ladder is lowered to you when you approach the ship, and at the top of it is a blond haired human with a short beard, who is peering over the side of the longship, looking eagerly at the survivors of the wreck.

So I put Sig at the rope ladder to help you guys on the ship.

Also, Dex, please update your backstory. I want to post everyone's sheets into an OoC post for convenient reference.

2015-05-23, 10:24 PM
Ahoy! Captain wants to see the castaways. Let them climb first. The youth dangles the upper half of his body over the rail to get just a bit closer. "Have you the strength to make the climb on your own?"

Background updated per our conversation. Does that work?

2015-05-24, 08:07 PM
"Yes, fine." Baldr says. "But those hardly sound like secret plans that will yield glory and wealth."

2015-05-25, 01:20 PM
Once properly seated in the boat, Rognvald wastes no time speaking an arcane word and making a slight gesture to dry himself off and remove any salty residue from his person. He repeats the gesture for Alva so they may both face their rescuers dry and comfortable rather than as half-drowned rats.

I think drying myself and Alva off count as a minor magical effect covered by Prestidigitation. It is like cleaning but treating the salt water as dirt to be cleaned.

When they approach the side of the boat, Rognvald turns to Alva and says in his deep gravelly voice which conflicts with his small petite frame, "Forgive me milady, but I have no magic remaining to aid you in the climb up to the ship. Luckily it seems you shall have some aid from that gentleman awaiting our arrival." He nods at the blond man waiting on board before continuing, "I don't trust the strength of my limbs after such a time at sea, so I will go on ahead. Excuse me."

With that, Rognvald makes a sound in his throat which sounds somewhat like a crow's caw, before he merely floats up and over the side of the ship, and lands near the man standing by the ladder, "You said the captain was awaiting us? Please assist Miss Alva out of the boat and onto the ship and we shall gladly show our appreciation to your captain for his timely rescue."

Casting Swift Fly to get in the boat. It is like Fly, but is a swift action to cast, and only lasts a round. Good for avoiding climb checks.

2015-05-26, 08:36 AM
"Welcome aboard the Windrider, mage. Captain Torben is indeed interested in meeting you." Sig and another crewman haul on the rope pulling the other castaway to the deck. I'm sure he's interested in meeting you both. My name's Sig, and I'd love to hear your tale later after you both get settled. I'll show you to the captain, then find you a berth." Sig leads the way below deck and to the galley.

2015-05-26, 01:10 PM
Torben I am with Baldr glory and wealth are great forms of acknowledgement. Why not inform us now of what you really require from us? Wilhelm is regaining his sea legs it has been awhile since he's been on boat but its coming back to him now.

2015-05-26, 04:44 PM
Askr nods.

Very impressive. How long have you both been out there? Since the boat went down, I mean.

He motions below decks.

We should talk to the captain. All of us.

2015-05-28, 11:15 PM
Alva gets a boost from one of the oarsmen in the rescue boat, and Sig extends a hand to help her on deck. Sig guides the survivors to the galley and knocks on the door. You hear a voice shouting ENTER from the inside.

Sig and Askr enter the galley with the survivors. The cook, Uffe, hands both of them a bowl of stew to warm their bodies before Torben goes on with what he had been saying. What are your names? Torben asks - and is surprised to find out that they are both on the list of the contestants of Norvostane's Lio. Well, that is certainly a surprise. We are in luck, with Sig in the group, you will be a full Lio. I am sorry, Rognvald and Alva, that you cannot retire to a bed at this time, as you will want to hear what I am saying first hand.

You see, the original agreement between the Isles that make up the Federation was made on the assumption that our tribes would all mutually benefit. Since then, the populations of the four Timber Islands has grown tremeandously, yet the burden of supporting the islands falls squarely on us and our colonies, while we pay half our production in taxes to Rikr. We of the Timber Islands are not permitted past the ports and outskirts of the cities of the Green Islands, but I have heard from a man who had seen what goes on inside the city walls, and the splendor that their rulers and aristocrats live in is an extravagance that shames the agreement our ancestors made three hundred years ago. Some of them sit in chairs encrusted with enough gold and gems to pay for the food needed to support our entire island for a year! All this was bought through the sacrifices of Timber soldiers to win and protect trade routes from which we do not even benefit.

Your mission is thus: Win this Vigrief. When you win, you will be awarded a private meeting in Grand Chancellor Weiss's remote office the following day, where he conducts his affairs over the two-day event. Upon entering that chamber, find evidence that they are not honoring the agreement, and find a way to get it to me. You will only be in the office long enough to be congratulated and receive your heading to establish a new colony, so you will not have much time. Uffe here will be loading up on provisions for our ship in the market outside the main port, and you can hand him whatever proof you find to give to me. Do you have any questions?

2015-05-29, 05:05 PM
Wilhelm listens to Torben describe what their really mission will be during the Vigrief. After Torben is done speaking it is quiet for a short time before Wilhelm says. So Torben how long has this been the plan? Simply prove ourselves to be the greatest fighting team in all the islands, then uncover hidden secrets exposeing a decades long conspiracy, and secretly bring proof of said secrets to you. Who else knows of this wondrous plan?

2015-05-29, 11:22 PM

"That is why you will take me along. Raif Lamontesen, at your service," Sig says with a bow. "I've studied the Treaty of the Federation of Vindrkald since I was a boy, as my father did before me. My greatfather was a counselor for the chiefs of Norvostane when it was signed. I know every clause of that document better than you know your own name. Should there be even a hint of the cheating we know those Green Islanders are guilty of, I will sniff it in an instant."

2015-05-30, 08:41 AM
"Alright," Baldr says. "And, of course, as a reward for sticking our necks out, we'll get a significant share of whatever restitution is eventually made--or of the war spoils, should it come to that."

2015-05-30, 01:20 PM
You are a sharp one, Wilhelm. You are not the first people I told this to. Of course I told my father about my suspicions, and he was preparing to act on it at this Vigrief as well, though in a different manner than I intend to now. Chieftain Brekr also was informed, and I found that he harbored the same suspicions as I did. I expect he told Chieftain Knute as well, as the two of them were to accompany my father on this journey, but the storm changed everything. I cannot dig around myself, every official on that thrice damned island will be watching me with great suspicion... I may have left the Federal Navy on poor terms, and didnt have the best reputation of good behavior to begin with.

This plan was formulated by me and my father when we heard of the collapse of Brekr's longship, and the Warchief was convincing the other Chieftains that I should head this expedition last night while we awaited to begin the Presentation Ceremony. Our island's remaining cheiftains each wished to captain this ship and be your agent to the Grand Counsel and the other elites, and my father had some trouble convincing them while not letting them know our intentions. Seems to me that the fewer people that know of this plan, for now, the better. Something about that storm is still so... unsettling.

Uffe goes to whisper something in Torben's ear, before turning back to the stewpots. Torben grunts in acceptance before continuing, Sig here, Torben gestures in his direction, is more than just well versed in the various treaties between our islands, he also is the only one on this ship unknown to Grand Chancellor Weiss worth a damn at lying. He will need to assume the identity of the member of this Lio that did not make it from the wreckage. Torben shifts through the papers he has in front of him, until he finds again the list of champions with their descriptions. He manages a short chuckle before continuing - I sincerely hope you enjoy being called Garth for the next few days, it's not much worse than Sig is I bet, HAR. His last laugh almost bursts out of him. Sig is also the only decent archer on this ship, and these papers claim that Garth liked to shoot first and ask questions later. Looks a bit like Garth is supposed to as well.

Torben finally addresses Baldr's concerns. Oh you'll certainly be rewarded, but this isnt a matter of restitution. If our original treaty has been broken, there is only one solution I have in mind. Revolution. He leaves that last word hanging, allowing the weight of it to sink in. Torben stares each of you in the eye to gauge your reactions to the word. He smiles once more before continuing. If there is evidence to be found, and you do uncover it, I'll have the pleasure of gathering the strength of the Timber Islands - as you establish your colony, I'll have to sail around the isles and gather colonists that the different chieftains cannot afford to feed, which makes for perfect pretext. And from there, we fight. The energy with which Torben explains his plan to you gives you all a sense of confidence, daring and bravery, and your hearts turn to steel with resolve. You can all tell that he has been wanting this fight for a long time.

The feeling of confidence, daring and bravery correlates to a +4 morale bonus to compulsion effects when you are in his presence

2015-05-30, 02:42 PM

Hmmm... Rognvald thinks to himself, I didn't think Valr would be interested in getting me involved in politics... I suppose I will tag along and see where this takes me.

Bowing respectfully at Torben, Rognvald replies, "Since you were so kind as to rescue me from the sea I see no reason not to aid you in your endeavor. Though... I would advise you to gain the support of the Mage's College before any revolution commences. They could be powerful allies to your cause." And it would keep them from crushing your little rebellion before you even reach the island. "However, first we must worry about winning the Vigrief."

2015-05-30, 06:34 PM

"Garth, you say? I'll try it on. A name is no different than a helmet. If you wear it right, it doesn't feel like anything at all. But, after the battle is over, it is nice to take it off." Sig relaxes his face a bit, and shrugs his shoulders. His posture changes slightly, but he looks less officious and more relaxed. "Pleased to meet you all, I'm Garth Erikson. My bow for the service of the Lio. I've hunted every sort of prey in the Timber Isles, so I thought it was time see what hunting Rikr has."

2015-05-30, 06:54 PM
"Winning the Vigrief will be the easy part," Baldr says, confidence bordering on arrogance. "How long until we get there?"

2015-05-30, 08:25 PM
Torben rests his chin on a fist, pondering for a moment. I had not thought on that... he says to Rognvald. I am not sure how often the College get's involved in political struggle, but we have no cause to war with them. Many mages from the Timber Islands have studied there, I'd assume they would have the same conflict that the Navy would have. Thank you for that thought, you have given me much to consider. Torben nods to Rognvald in approval.

And I love the spirit, Baldr, but this Vigrief will be no easy task. I have a few spies of my own that have heard that one of Rikr's Viskarl's base-born boys is leading their Lio, a lackwit with an underbite named Arthur, but make no mistake; He fights dirty, and with a length of chain to whip around. I've seen him in the yard, he knows how to swing it... Still, I'm sure you'd give him a hard enough time, Baldr.

And to get to your question, we should be arriving tomorrow just after noon if the wind keeps up, and it is still spring so it should hold. We are keeping two teams of the minimum rowers I need to move this crate on alert if they die down. I dont want to show up after dark and have Weiss's brother waiting at the docks. He's the master of ceremonies, and last I met him he was a real pain in the ass. The Vigrief is scheduled to start tomorrow four bells after high noon.

Some skill checks are in order. There is an additional knowledge (local) or (nobility) bit on Arthur, but you need to hit a 20 for it.

Knowledge (local) or (history) of 5 will revealThe organization of government on the Green Islands is similar to that on the Timber Islands - Instead of Warchief, the leaders of the island are Karl, and their chieftains are called Viskarls. The three karls make up the Grand Counsel of the Federation, but when acting on Federal duty, they are called Consuls, led by the Grand Chancellor.

General Knowledge: The Grand Chancellor is Yggon Weiss of Rikr. The Consuls are Kettel Ardur of Ohof and Helen Ulfret of Kapp.

I also referred the Federation as both the Federation of Islands and as Vindrkald. The Federation of Islands is the name of the allied islands, similar to the United States. Vindrkald is the name of the continent

Also, I set the time for the Vigrief later in the afternoon so you could have time to visit a last-second magic shop or something. If you have it all together, it is a convenient fast-forward point after landing.

2015-05-31, 06:01 PM
Askr drums his fingers on the table.

Torben, this isn't an invitation to do a little job. He says mildly. This is an invitation to start a civil war.

The idea, if I understand correctly, is to use the opportunity in the competition, assuming we actually win the competition or do well enough to get the opportunity, to nose around the ArchChancellor's room of documents, is office the term? And see if we can find evidence of violating the Treaty.

You realise, of course, that if you simply pop up with a peice of paper in your hand, no one is going to believe that it isn't a cunning forgey. How many people know what the ArchChancellor's handwriting looks like? They'll want evidence, their own investigations, all of which take time. So in the first instance what you'll be showing them, to stir them into action, is not just a paper. What you're proposing to use to convince them is the reputations of the people in this room. The victors of the competition, the representatives of the Chieftens, hand-picked men. They found evidence of this darsterdly act.

He lets out a long exhalation.

I very much hope you're wrong about this. It will make life very complicated if you're not.

So.. assuming you're correct, we don't confront the ArchChancellor with the evidence, we don't tell anyone, we simply give said papers to you, and you cruise around recruiting a large enough force to descend upon the Green Islands in a surpirse attack and crush them for a perfidy that most of them won't know about, and won't have played any part in.

In short, the idea is to find out if a few Green Islands nobles have broken the treaty, and if so, to use that as a reason to break the treaty youtself, good and hard, for every other man woman or child in the Green Islands. Who make up a fair chunk of the Navy, who study in the College of Magic, pray in the temples, serve in the trade guilds, and in the few instituions that have sprung up between us, or who are working to advise various Chieftens. Such as mine. Good, loyal, people who will take this, however well documented, as betrayal of everything they have worked for.

His wintery orbs fix on Torben's eyes, and says quietly.

Captain, I mislike your plan.

He hold up a hand.

There is nothing wrong with finding out the truth. But we need to tell people. We need to tell, well, everyone. The Green Islands are not going to to fall on the Timber Isles' superior ships, warriors and arms and attempt to destroy them with fine wine and fancy clothes. Any more than goats, however fat and numerous, will conspire to trample a goatherd. They will fight back if cornered though, such as by having an army massed against them without knowing why.

I am not suggesting that we shout it from every rooftop. If nothing else, you must be allowed to depart with the evidence, a fast ship and a following wind, before word gets back to the ArchChancellor. But others must know, must be told. We can't have two versions of the truth, one for each side.

I know of a few people, on either side, who can be informed discreetly. Most will believe us, as famous heroes. And if not, there are some who will believe me. Maybe not publically, but enough to ask the right questions in the right places.

Sooner or later, of course, everyone will know. If nothing else, if anyone asks me I am obliged to tell them.

Is that acceptible to you Captain? And what are we going to do if it is not?

2015-06-02, 02:23 PM
Torben listens to Askr's concerns patiently, and carefully measures his response.

Allow me to allay your concerns, though I understand that you might not like my answers.

I do in fact realize that there is a lot of risk involved here, but I am not the first to desire a break from the Green Islands. Our people are prideful not because they are of the federation, but because they were born to the Timber Islands. And we need not convince the entire population, nor any Green men. I would need to convince the chieftains whom our people follow, many of whom already have their own suspicions. And I can personally attest to the fact that many of them already complain of the Grand Counsel keeping 30% is too much, and would have no qualms believing that Grand Chancellor Weiss has been taking more than his due. I expect that any evidence they see will be pounced upon, and used for their own enrichment. And it is not just my word they would be going on, but that of my father, who is one of the most loved elders on all the Timber Islands. He shares my concerns, and his reputation for wisdom and brutal honesty will lend our evidence as much credence as it would if it were a Ratataskr presenting it to the chieftains.

Furthermore, the chieftains must learn of the evidence before anything is presented to Weiss. Were you to confront him about it before you are safely away from Rikr, you would be dead before you left his chamber. And while you do not like my plan, you can appreciate my goal. I do not desire to slaughter innocent men, women and children of the Green Isles. Without knowledge of the treason, a man cannot be found guilty, and killing him anyway is just a different form of murder. However, it is my duty as future Warchief of Norvostane to protect my people, and to act in their best interests. If evidence is to be found that the Grand Counsel has betrayed us, then I have no choice but to seek restitution, whether that be breaking the bond between the Isles, renegotiating the deal, or rising up in revolution. Just because I believe it will be revolution does not make it so, every chieftain will be heard by the Warchiefs before he decides how we will act. The specifics of any plan, however, would not be hammered out until we bring the various Warchiefs and Chieftains together, and your concerns will of course be echoed then.

Once more, Torben stops to think, pondering on the risks that a Ratataskr will present. I know you cannot lie, and I am not asking you to break that vow. If it comes to being directly questioned on my motives... well... I am willing to take that risk. In fact, I do not believe that risk is very great, because Grand Counselor Weiss would not expect me to talk of revolution to a man who cannot lie. For now, though, this is a fact-finding mission, and I trust you know how to be discrete in action so as to not raise suspicion.

The last person my father told of our suspicions drowned in the sudden storm two nights ago, but I am not opposed to letting others know, especially if you believe that they will help garner support outside of Norvostane. The rest of you are dismissed to whatever you wish to do while Askr and I discuss this new list of trustworthy people, but I'd appreciate it if you discussed among yourselves who you wish to captain your Lio. That matter must be settled before we arrive at the Vaettfang.

2015-06-02, 02:44 PM
"Aye cap'n," Sig salutes Torben. "I believe I promised you lot berths. Allow me to lead you to your quarters." Sig rolls with the tide as he walks to the Captain's quarters. He pauses to retrieve two coils of netting from a hatch, and then leads them in. There are three hammocks strung up, and Sig quickly works to add two more to their ranks. He shows the Lio empty latching cabinets that will hold their gear even in a squall. "The captain is giving you his quarters as he said. He's taken the First mate's bunk - the last door we passed. First mate and I'll be below with the crew."

He pauses at the door, about to leave them to unpack and rest, but turns and offers, "Look, I know it ain't right the way I got added to the Lio. I just want to thank you for not making a big deal about it in front of the Captain. I promise I'll do everything I can to help us score a win for Norvostane."

2015-06-03, 05:14 PM
Baldr listens to both sides of the argument Askr and Torben are having, reserving judgement. If war comes, it comes. Plenty of blood and glory to be had, and plenty of treasure as well. Death is death, whether it comes of old age or starvation or at the end of a spear or sword. Better to die fighting than to die infirm.

When they reach the quarters, Baldr nods at Sig. "I'm sure you have your merit. I humbly suggest myself as Captain. As I've said before, I know these waters as well as anyone, better than most. And I know fighting, which you can bet we'll see. More than just combat, but tactics, too. Any man thinks he can best me in a fight is welcome to try."

2015-06-03, 06:35 PM

As Torben starts to speak about an unfair distribution of wealth for the amount of work the Timber Islands put forth, Rognvald can't help but feel that he didn't really have a bone in this fight... other than how it could improve the views of the populace towards magic. I could never really understand the desire for material wealth... There is a near endless supply and plenty to go around with proper management of resources... However, Magic... magic is far more precious a resource than gold.

Still, when Torben hints at the storm being... unnatural, and when Rognvald remembered his helpful hint from Valr... he can't help but think much subtler machinations are in play with this revolution.

Some checks to see if the storm was natural and who could have produced it if it wasn't.
Arcana [roll0]
Nature [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2]
Local (for those who could make a storm like that) [roll3]
Religion (same as above) [roll4]

When they leave the captains presence and talk turns to who should lead the Lio, Rognvald says, "I would not be suitable for such a role, nor would it be the wisest course of action. Not many trust spellcasters, for rather superstitious reasons I might add. Though I would wholeheartedly support anyone as captain who appreciates what I can offer as an adviser."

2015-06-05, 09:54 AM
Wilhelm waits to speak listening to the others voice their opinions about who should be captain of the Lio first. No surprise that Baldr nominates himself as Captain or the Magician opts out. Either one would be disastrous as captain but Wilhelm couldn't see the Barbarian not nominating himself for the position as he probably assumed there was more glory and honor in the post. Wilhelm clears his throat before beginning.
Baldr I have no doubt that your martial prowess exceeds anyone in this company. I also know that your courage knows no bounds. I would gladly follow your lead into any melee. But the Captain of the Lio entails other functions. They are called on to represent the Lio at many social functions where they are expected to glad hand the nobles and entertain the masses. Whoever all Captain is needs to be well versed in the social customs of the area not just combat. Some one who is used to reading political intrigues as well as a strategic deployment. I am less confident of your skills in these arenas. I nominate Sig or should I say Garth. My second choice of course would be myself.

2015-06-06, 08:42 AM
Baldr frowns. "What's more important--knowing your table manners or being able to sail a ship? I'd rather have a captain who knew what he was doing out on the water and not in the great hall than the reverse. As for Si--Garth, he wasn't even supposed to be in this Lio." Baldr waves a hand dismissively. "And you? Your family may have won a few of these, but what are your qualifications?"

2015-06-06, 10:31 AM
"I hear what you're saying. And, don't think for a second that I'd presume to Captain over Norvostane's chosen champions. Hells, every single one of you would make an excellent Captain, and if I'd my druthers, the Timber Isles would have enough ships for all of you to helm, this Lio be damned. But, that ain't the world we're living in. Baldr, you are an excellent warrior, and I don't doubt you know your way around a chart. Wilhelm, your family is well known for its prowess, and I can see you live up to the example laid down by your kin. Rognvald and Alva have magical prowess, keen intellect, and wisdom that we will need to see us through. They've already proven by clinging to that plank for a day and a night that they have the tenacity it takes to see us through to the end of this. Askr is adept at politics. Why do you think we are all in here, while Torben continues to seek his advice. A Captain needs all of that and more. More than steering a ship, a Captain is about steering a crew, and none of us have that experience, yet." Sig's pitch rises slightly as he says each of your names, and then falls as he describes your exploits. The melodic rhythm pervades his speech, without rushing it.

"And, I am the boyo who peeked at the Captain's notes while he was in his rum last night," Sig winks. "You don't want me to Captain this Lio. I don't want to Captain it either. But, before you claim that I know more about silk napkins than canvas sails, remember that I spent nearly two years learning from one of the greatest Captains in the Timber Isles. Also, recall that this isn't the usual Lio. This affair is a solstice package of deception and lies with a bow made of bluff. Unless you want to go in short a hand, you are all party to accepting me as Garth Erikson. You need someone handling the officials that knows when the truth is going to get us all hanged." He holds up a hand to stall your objections as he finishes. "There ain't no way I'm the Captain, but you sure as all the hells want the Chancellor to think the Captain is someone like me. Once we've won, we can decide who is really the Captain. By that point, if our mission is successful, Rikr and the Chancellor will have very little say in what happens aboard our new ship."

2015-06-07, 11:20 AM
Askr nods. Garth has a point. We don't want people to think we're a political group, we want them to think we're bravos seeking adventure on the high seas. Which may be accurate, but that doesn't necessarily help people believe it, particularly if we get caught doing something we shouldn't. There is a iimit to how far we..

He gives a sweep of his hand to indicate the whole group.

.. can afford to get caught up in poltics.

As for who should captain the ship, there are a number of duties. An ideal captain is someone who can navigate, a purely technical matter. An ideal captain should be able to command the crew and have their respect. And an ideal captain should be able to direct the crew in the fighting.

He sighs.

This is not an ordinary voyage. The captain will not be in charge of the mission, nor do I expect them to order the rest of us about. But the crew should have some idea of where their orders are coming from, particulalry if we get into a fight. I'd suggest we decide who could be captain, and then choose the person who is the worst shot, and so can be spared in those vital few moments when our ship draws near to another.

Or, if you really want to shock people, we can adopt a Green Island technique a ... friend showed me once. He looks a little embarassed at the reference. And divide the job up. Captain deals with directing the crew and ship in combat. Navigator deals with piloting a course and working out where the frack we've fetched up. Also sails directs the sailing of the ship on the watch the captian is asleep. Quartermaster deals with the stores, supplies, and tracks the money. Another guy fixes the boat when it breaks - which generally requires directing everyone else.

He settles back, twirling his knife around his fingers

I could be captain. So could a lot of other people. It's difficult to get any real feel for who the best person is to do what, seeing as how we've only just met,

2015-06-07, 12:05 PM
Baldr thinks. "You know, as much as it pains me to admit it when the idea's not my own, that actually sounds like a solid strategy. Each of us could do the job of captain--or at least, each of us think we could. Splitting it up isn't a bad way to go. As I said, my strengths are navigation and combat, so I'll take those jobs, unless one of you cares to prove you're better. Titles don't much matter. Call me Navigator, call me Baldr, whatever. I'll cede the rest to whoever wants it."

2015-06-07, 02:36 PM
The village girl was a bit silent at the politicking with the captain. She found the very idea they would go to war terrifying. Surely, there must be a nonlethal way of handling this conflict. Things are not always as they seem, as her stay at the fae taught her. Probably this wealth of the green Isles is restricted to the high echelons of their society, the nobles and merchants mostly. THe common folk would be maybe slightly better off than thsoe of her village. And of course, a war would take it's toll on them. Such is the nature of disasters to strike those that do not deserve it. Hopefully, a non agressive solution could be achieved.

As they begin conversing about the position of the captain, she speaks up. "I posess neither the skills of Navigation nor of fighting. My name is Alva Faetouched. I am trained in the ways of healing, and i am modestly saying that i can keep the crew alive and healthy. I alos have my way with words, though i can't consider myself in a position of leadership , but i could probably resolve many situations peacefully"

2015-06-09, 05:47 PM
Wilhelm listens to the Ratatoskir describe the division of labor approach seeing the wisdom of the approach. He however voices his concerns Askr, you say you COULD be the Captain of us all. I don't disagree but how would you handle this position with relation to your position as Ratatoskir. I can see times when not being able to tell a falsehood could put us all in grave danger. As for my own qualifications for a more divided responsibility I am very good at orientation this would translate as well to the see as the land. I know how to forage for food both on land and the sea so I keep us well provisioned. I may not have the brute combat prowess of our teammate Baldr but I am deadly from the shadows and decent enough at sword play. I would make a good pilot of our boat when we win the Vigrief. As for Captain if you can tell me how you would handle situation when you are interrogated you may gain my vote Askr.

2015-06-09, 10:02 PM

"Any man whose forced to tell the truth learns how to lie, right enough. The Ratoskr suits me just fine." Sig thinks for a second, "My specialty is being able to do a bit of anything. More of a generality than a specialty."

2015-06-10, 05:19 PM
Askr shrugs. I'm not constrained to answer questions about private matters. Nor to venture an opinion beyond the bare facts. Nor need I answer those who don't answer me. And I don't see, as long as I'm with you, whether it makes any difference whether I'm captain or not.

He settles back in his chair, his dark knife flitting between his fingers in an idle blur.

Why would the captain have any special knoweldge about our mission above anyone else? He or she is, after all, only in charge of running the ship.

2015-06-11, 08:33 AM
Growing frustrated in not actually hearing an answer to his question Wilhelm mutters slowly at first The difference would be those instance where the nobles of the Green Isles may want to speak to only the captains of the Lios. Then his voice gains confidence and clarity as he continues I could see times and events where a captain might be called on to represent his entire Lio. In those types of situations you would be the only guard between those who would discover our secrets and the truth you are sworn to tell. In those situations I would know how we keep our secrets safe. Do you have a plan for concealment? If the Lio selects you as captain Askr I will submit to your authority, but I would like to know we are dooming our secrecy by doing so.

2015-06-13, 08:27 PM
Aside from the wind dying down in the morning, the rest of your voyage is relatively uneventful. Torben takes to steering the longship, and Sig plays a timpani the size of a barrel to mark the pace for the rowing teams. You begin to see the coliseum known as the Vaettfang in the distance - Torben signals to the First Mate, who then shouts DOUBLE THE PACE, LAND IN THREE HOURS.

Sig doubles the pace of his drumming, and the ship lurches forward. As you approach the Vaettfang, you can hear, and later see, the crowds surrounding the arena. The large columns rival the tallest trees, and you suspect that every person on the island could find a seat within. The Vaettfang is built upon a large rocky island located just 300 yards to the west of mainland of Rikr, and you can guess the channel between the islands is filled with small rowboats ferrying people across.

Approaching the Vaettfang, Torben turns the ship to the south, but you are near enough to see that what would be the arena is built almost to what would be the "shore" of the island, maybe leaving enough room for six horse-carts to drive between the water and the Vaettfang. Torben calls out to drop anchor about one hundred feet from the southern end of the island, and the crew lowers three six-person rowboats, and two crewmembers lower themselves into each boat before you six descend the rope ladder. If you so desire to row, there is a second set of oars in each rowboat. Torben and Ollie (who you remember as the boy who sits atop the mast in place of a crows nest) sit in a boat together with room for two others, and four of the other crewmembers load into one of the other boats.

Upon reaching the rocky shore of the Vaettfang, a tall and gaunt man stands out from the crowd of dock workers. He wears a thin green coat with a white trim, white gloves, and a golden star on his chest marking him Master of Ceremonies. His gaze never leaves your party at the end of the dock. He walks up to your group as Torben has his back turned to help Ollie from the boat, and simply says You were almost late. The opening entertainment begins in an hour, and I'll need to run to get there for your tardiness.

Torben turns to look towards the speaker, and remarks I cannot control the winds and weather, we got here as fast we could. And we both know you will take a cart. Torben looks to your party and gestures to the Master of Ceremonies - May I introduce to you Albert Weiss, brother to the Grand Chancellor and Master of Ceremonies...

Albert Weiss cuts him off Yes yes, they can guess who I am. I have less time than you to get where I need to be, who is the captain of this Lio?

knowledge architecture or knowledge history of 10 reveals: the Vaettfang is only four stories tall, it appears taller than it is because it is built very wide and there are no trees nearby to compare it to.

2015-06-13, 08:58 PM

Asking Torben for a private space to prepare his magics, Rognvald draws the summoning circle after preparing his more commonplace spells for the day ahead. "Valr come forth. I call to you from across the veil between worlds to appear before me. Grant me your power and your guidance."

Binding Check: [roll0] vs. DC 15

2015-06-13, 09:21 PM
Rognvald: Torben replies If your room is insufficient, there is plenty of space in the cargo hold, the door is belowdecks and all the way to the back. There is a window there if you need the light. He retrieves a small ring of keys from his pocket, which contains an iron key, a brass key, and a polished bronze key. He removes the brass key and hands it to you.

You find the door, which is flanked by two barrels, one of which is missing it's top and is two-thirds full of large, red apples. After closing and locking the door, you find yourself in a particularly spacious room sparsely populated by stacked, closed barrels adorned with symbols drawn in orange chalk. There are also two messenger bags large enough to be saddlebags laying in the corner.

You prepare the summoning circle, and bring forth Valr... he appears as little more than a shadow in the middle of the circle before forming into an old man with yellow, wolfish eyes. He speaks with a wolfish growl, but the sound seems to emanate from within your mind - Yes, we are but hours away from the first step of our goal. What have you learned since I was last summoned? You can feel Valr's spirit try to overwhelm you, but your force of will keeps him from influencing your actions.

2015-06-13, 10:10 PM

Making sure the door is locked behind him so he won't be disturbed, Rognvald starts his ritual, and grins as this day he wins free of the spirit's influence, he feared his voice would raise too many questions if it was not restored to normal tones. "Your guidance seems to have landed me in a grand conspiracy." Rognvald begins, "The Timber Islands seek proof of the Green Islands excesses so as to fan the flames of independence. I have no doubt their suspicions are correct, but I wonder what forces are already arrayed against them. The very ship I was on was assaulted by a conjured Storm, but how it was summoned is beyond my magics. It was only due to your timely warning that the seas did not claim me." Rognvald says as he inclines his head in thanks, but there is also a hint that he seeks more such warnings of future events.

2015-06-13, 10:45 PM

The would-be scald rouses the men while he drums with a hastily retooled ode to victory and missed opportunities for love.

One day, while on the ocean blue
the glittering sun-beams pour,
With vessel light, and scanty crew,
We gladly left the shore.
Then swift we flew before the wind,
And gained the distant isle;
The omen fair I hoped to find,
Of beatueous Freya's smile;
Though I sing and shoot -- win the crown,
Has all I love forsworn me,
My weathered face sustains her frown,
The Rikr maidens scorn me.

In manly sports, and manly toils,
In all, I proudly shine,
And kinder nymphs, with rosy smiles,
For me the garlands twine.
At dice, At cards, at games of chance;
To Hoist a mug of mead;
To tune the pipe, the mazy dance,
With graceful step, to lead;
To ply the oar, to rove the deep,
And o'er the frozen wave,
With sharpened steel, like winds I sweep;
To meet and fight the brave;
But ah, though great in art and arms,
From love's blest hope they warn me,
Not all my well-won glory charms,
The Rikr madens scorn me.

O! would those charming maids recall
The wonders of that day,
When near the Vaettfang wall,
I joined the bloody fray;
When conquest, on her eagle-wing;
Flew hovering o'er my shield,
And Rikr's bastard champion
Lay breathless on the field;
Yet, yet, to blight my youth with cares
Has all I love forsworn me,
The garland of the war she tears,
The Rikr maidens scorn me.

Source: This is reworked from an old poem called Harold's Complaint: A Scandinavian Ode.
Perform check to rouse the crew, and his new companions (not spending a Bardic Music, just for fluff). [roll0]

He is happy to have something to do as he keeps time for the oarsmen. For all his bravado yesterday, Sig's nerves have his stomach in a twist. This will be the biggest performance he's ever given, and if it goes well, very few will know the truth. Garth Erikson will get the glory for this. Though I can't deny having a front row seat to a Lio is a scald's dream...


As they dock, he drops his batons and dons his armor. He takes his place with the others and disembarks the ship. As they are rudely greeted, he thinks to himself, Just relax, and remember if they call Garth, they mean you, boyo!

2015-06-14, 01:53 PM
Upon arrival, Baldr is quick to disembark, and is at first put off by the newly introduced Weiss, with his fancy title. But the man's curt and brusque demeanor endears him to the equally impatient barbarian, and when asked who the captain is, Baldr reluctantly points to Askr, but says nothing.

2015-06-15, 03:31 PM
Askr walks down the gangplank, removing his gloves.

I have the honour of being captain. He looks around. We're all here. Where do we need to go? Is there anything we need to know?

2015-06-15, 08:43 PM
Rognvald, earlier in the day: My spirit could feel something was different about that storm, but it had only felt it briefly. It felt... old. I have a feeling that we will experience something of it's kind again. However that comes.

Do not be distracted from your task. It may be that whatever conspiracies the mortals of the Green Islands have put together are somehow related to destiny of the healer, but your focus should not be directed at unraveling some mystery.

His appearance shifts back into a mist that exits the summoning circle, surrounding your body. At your next breath, the mist rushes into your lungs, and you feel a power pulse through you. You hear Valr's voice echo in your mind - What power will you require of me today?

Please describe for Valr the skills you wish to treat as untrained for the day. As I recall, the rest of your powers are constant?

Askr, later in the day: Albert pulls a scroll case from a pocket on the inside of his coat, with his hand barely passing the lining. Taking a rolled parchment from the case.

I will direct you to where you need to go after observing the necessary formalities, nomatter their tedious nature. First, who are you, Captain?

After Askr identifies himself, Albert follows with Ah, the Overlord's champion, the Ratatoskr, finds himself in a leadership position. And so we know how to identify the rest of you, please say something as I list your name... Baldr? Wilhelm? Alva? Garth? And the mage Rognvald?

2015-06-15, 09:20 PM
Earlier that day: "Hmm... the ability to heal would not be remiss as it would keep me close to the healer, and knowledge of weather to keep me aware of unnatural storms." Rognvald says in response to the spirit's question. As he said the words, knowledge of anatomy, herbal remedies, bandaging techniques flooded his mind, as well as knowledge of the wind, rain, and how to get along in the wild. He can only catch bits and pieces as they flood through his mind, but they would be enough to attempt such tasks as they arose.

Later as they disembark: Rognvald keeps silent for most of the day, perhaps nervous about the coming combat, or pensive on other matters completely beyond the scope of his non-mage companions. He returns the borrowed key to the captain after obliterating all traces of the summoning circle with a cantrip.

As they move to the rowboats, Rognvald makes sure to be seated by the healer. However, he does not waste his precious spells aiding the rowers, nor does he lift his hands to row himself. If anything his uncoordinated and weak strokes would merely make the men work harder to fix their course.

When asked to identify himself, Rognvald merely says, "Present." Though it is of note that unlike yesterday, his voice lacks the deep throaty growl that you all had heard from him. In fact, his voice now sounded crisp and precise. As though he had taken lessons in proper diction. Which of course he had since proper spell pronunciation was the difference between a spell to levitate a feather and to blowing oneself up.

2015-06-15, 09:39 PM
When it is his turn, Sig's response is a simple, "Aye." He knows there will be opportunity for creativity later, but for right now it is best to not raise any eyebrows.

Bluff [roll0]

2015-06-15, 11:17 PM
"Something." Baldr says with a wry smile, his arms crossed.

2015-06-17, 12:00 AM
The Master of Ceremonies barely lifts his eyes from the list of names in front of him as he goes through the names. Good that you are all here, then. We had word that a terrible storm hit the southern side of Norvostane, and feared it would impede your ability to compete. He then turns to Torben - You, however, are not on my list. Where is Overlord Olav Raudskegg?

The Warchief could not make it, for reasons related to the storm, and I am here to take his place. This is my attendant, Ollie. Torben gestures to the kid at his side. I would be happy to discuss the matter further with your brother. You were saying something about needing to be somewhere else?

Albert eyes Torben suspiciously, but barely looks at Ollie - Yes, I do. Torben will follow me. You six... he points to you... go around the Vaettfang westward. There is a cellar-style door in the south-west section off the arena that will take you to the armory, and another door will take you to the hypogeum where the other Lio are awaiting the start of the tournament. He takes a moment to quickly scribe a note on his list. Give this to the quartermaster when you arrive. Albert then turns to walk off, with Torben following behind them.

Before you lies the path around the Vaettfang, a road made entirely of stone worn smooth. The path may be eight carts wide, but it is congested by crowds of people preparing to enter the stadium. Askr holds the list given by Albert.

2015-06-17, 05:50 PM
Askr glances at the list. In a quiet voice, he says

Did anyone else get the impression that he wasn't best pleased that we arrived?

His eyes flick onwards.

We'd best move, if events have gone as far as he said. Anyone need to do anything before we get there? And is it worth Garth calling the shots, making him seem like he's in charge, as he suggested earlier?

2015-06-17, 05:54 PM
"Intrigue, as you may have guessed, is not my strength." Baldr says. "I'm more than ready for some battle."

2015-06-17, 06:22 PM
"Nah, you did fine Captain." Sig says with a wink. "If you ever can't think of something to say, you just scratch your nose, and I'll pitch in. I'm ready to head in if you all are."

2015-06-18, 01:52 AM
Alva diesmbarked from the ship much later from the others, as she spent her time after a quick breakfast at making her daily rites to the Aesir, a ritual that took quite some time. WHile normally the usual offerings was the ritual burning of sacrificed meat or a part of the harvest, it was obvious that would be quite dangerous in a ship. So, while they were on a vessel, Asguardian priests burnt incense on their quarters, meditating and praying for a good travel. This time however Alva prayed for two things : The wellbeing of her new wards she joined with, and for peace with the Green Isles.
Last night the village girl was overtaken with quite vivid nightmares of war, of an enormous naval battle with dozen of longships. The ocean was red from the blood shed, and the screams of the dying made the scene all too horrifying.

She got off the ship, with her white cowl raised as to hide her strangely alluring beauty, that had caused her quite some trouble in the past when walking among strangers

"Apologies for my retardation" She said softly to the rest "I have prepared all the spells that would be needed to the challenge. Though i do hope that this challenge will not be to the death"

2015-06-20, 01:19 PM
walking around the Vaettfang takes longer than you'd like it to, but the crowd is so big that it can be hard to maneuver between people. You find the cellar-style door as it was described without much trouble, and Baldr pulls the door open to reveal a nicely-stocked armory. Many of these weapons look finely crafted, and have tags around them with a purchase price, rental price, description and stock number. Above each case of weapons or bin of ammunition is a small, orange-glowing orb. The door in the back of the armory leads you to a cavernous stone chamber with benches, straw dummies, and of course the several members of the other six Lios. The floor is completely covered with saw dust to absorb the smell of sweat and the pools of blood that are sure to come over the next three rounds.

In the middle are two kiosk-looking constructions; one contains a pool of water and a small statue in the middle, and the other has a man in the middle with a number of papers in front of him. He has thick arms and an ale-belly, and wears a small pair of reading glasses and the apron of a blacksmith. He appears to be listening to two of the competitors talk until he notices your group walk in. And who do you think you are to just stroll down here? Get out, the Lion's Den is for champions only!

Feel free to peruse the weaponry, they are all priced as listed in the SRD, and rent for one twentieth of the cost. Ammunition is for purchase only, and can be sold back for half price.

Appraise or search of 15 reveals that: there is also a +1 greatsword, +1 greataxe, +1 greatclub, +1 rapier, +1 longsword, and +1 shortsword, all sized for a medium character.


2015-06-20, 10:55 PM
"Come now! I know you boyos were hoping Norvostane wouldn't turn up, so you'd have a chance at winning. But, trying to get us kicked out, that's just cowardly. Askr here," Sig claps the Ratoskr on the shoulder, "He's our captain. We just checked in with Albert Weiss, and he told us to come on down here."

2015-06-23, 04:29 PM
Askr looks a little startled, but only for a moment.

We are champions. He bears his teeth From all the doom and panic the Master of Ceremonies put us through, I thought you lot would be wondering where we'd got to. You the quartermaster? We have a paper for the quartermaster.

He looks around, as if expecting quartermaster to spring out suddenly from every quarter.

Nice place you have here...

2015-06-23, 08:02 PM
The quartermaster moves from behind the counter to approach your Lio, and asks to see the paper. After reviewing it, he nods, folds the paper up, and puts it in the front pocket of his apron. He hurries along as if any delay would put you behind schedule. Thank you, we try to keep it clean. You arrived with little time to spare. The opening entertainment should start soon, no doubt why Master Weiss was in short temper, and after that you will all need to be in place. The first round is a maze, and the rest of the Lios have been made aware of a couple facts.

Through the door leading up those stairs leads to a large stone outer-ring, about four men abreast. When it is time to start the first round, each Lio must be in front of one of the four entrances to the arena, which will be barred shut. When the drumming begins, you must march, and stay marching, until the drumming stops, at which time the gates will open and you can pour into the maze. There is no fighting permitted in the outer ring, and the gates will shut again after one minute. If you are one of the lucky four teams to remain, you will be back in here for a short wait before the celebrations continue.

While you wait, feel free to warm up on some of the dummys, make an offering at the shrine, and buy or rent equipment. I have a few potions, wands and scrolls behind my booth here as well.

2015-06-24, 11:14 AM
Baldr gathers the group together for some quick strategy and tactics discussion. "Might be worth buying a potion or scroll of Spider Climb, or Fly. If it's me, once I got in the maze I'd want to set ambushes, get invisible, surprise attacks around corners and things like that--so we ought to be prepared for that. There's no fighting in the outer ring, but that doesn't mean a wizard can't drop a magic trap or an explosive rune. I've got some oils in case your weapon isn't magic already--we can apply those as we march, just before the doors open.

Once we get into the maze--stick together. I'll take point. Someone decent at combat take the rear. Spellcasters in the middle. Any spells you have that will help us fight, cast them when the doors open. If we see anyone, it's all-out combat. Unless someone is threatening you, focus all your attacks on one enemy at a time."

2015-06-24, 11:38 AM
Wilhelm listens quietly to the quartermaster describe the first round of the Vigrief. After listening to Baldr's strategy for the upcoming combat Wilhelm offers what he sees as his role.
Well I am decent with my rapier I much rather get myself in a flanking position. The best spots for me would be either right behind Baldr in the front or in the back with another handy melee fighter. Other than that there may be times we do not want to stick together. I would say that as we come up to blind corners it might be good for a single party member to poke their head around the corner with the rest of the party back 20 feet or so. There is no need for us all to get caught in a single fireball or other spell.

Wilhelm returns to the quartermaster with some questions.
Opening entertainment? What are we in store for before the first round? Also I am confused in this first round will all the teams compete at once or only four Lios at a time with the winner advancing to the next round?

2015-06-24, 11:45 AM
Baldr nods at Wilhelm's suggestion. "Agreed--around corners, only one of us need to go, to make sure no one is lying in wait. I can predict a sorcerer might fire off a burning hands spell or something similar at one of us. If anyone is especially nimble and has good reflexes, now is the time to speak up. Otherwise, I'll be the look-out as well."

Baldr has a reflex save of +6.

2015-06-24, 07:55 PM
The quartermaster responds to Wilhelm; Opening games are things like chariot and foot races, animal fights, to get the crowd warmed up and give the crowds a few more things to gamble on. The first round will have all seven teams in the maze at once, there are merely four entrances to the arena. Once three teams are eliminated, the maze portion will be over and the remaining Lios will return here.

2015-06-25, 06:11 PM
Askr stirs.

I have a spell, an old trick I learned, from a friend in the far north. I gave him a cask of mead and he taught me how to sense the unseen. It works around corners too. But it doesn't last very long. Use it in the maze, or save it? Or buy some magic trinket here, and do both?

As for fighting, I'm a knife fighter. I can use a bow too, but a thrown knife is better... and I don't think the maze will give us the long straight runs a bow would need. Where do you want me?

2015-06-25, 10:09 PM
"Why don't you take the middle then; you can cover both the front and the rear from there. I'll cover our back side with my bow in case someone ends up behind us." Sig replies to Askr. "You should know that sometimes during a battle, I, well," Sig hesitates, "I recite poetry. Tales of valor, and such. It doesn't distract me, and some have even said it gave them courage."

2015-06-30, 10:00 AM
As the time for the Vigrief gets closer Wilhelm begins to shift nervously on his feet. This was his chance to prove his worth to his family back home. He was not going to disappoint them or his chieftain. If only it started now the waiting was the hard part he thought as he strove to calm his nerves.

2015-07-01, 06:20 PM
The opening entertainment is already under way as your Lio lines up to enter the outer walkway of the arena. Those of you tall enough to see over those in front of you can see the wheels of chariots rolling by, but the ceiling of your hallway blocks your ability to see anything higher than the wheels. The crowd is roaring, though, as gamblers and spectators shout at the competitors. It is over not much after you line up, however, and you are pushed into the outer chamber.

By some luck, your Lio happens to start in front of a gate by yourselves, whereas the other three gates have a pair of Lios in front of them. The gate has a wooden door behind it to prevent you from seeing the inside, but if you look up you can see members of the crowd leaning over and trying to get a better look. Among them is someone you recognize... Ollie left the side of Torben and is holding a thin piece of wood over the side. When you look up, he drops it down at you, and as it falls you catch a glimpse of color on one side of it. Upon picking it up, you see a hastily drawn map outlining some hazards in different colors of chalk. By the time you look back up, he was no longer leaning over the side as far as you could see.

And then you hear a magnified voice, that of the Master of Ceremonies announcing your beginning. And now, citizens, We shall begin the first stage of the great tournament we call the Vigrief! At the sound of my mark, they will begin to march around the arena in whatever direction they so wish, and when the drumming stops, they shall enter until only four teams remain! But first, we must erect a few walls, so that the fight is not so easy!

The crowd cheers between each of his sentences, but when he stops talking, the crowd goes almost silent. You see no one new, but each of you hear a strange chanting for the next five minutes. It is rhythmic, and almost causes you to lose your entire focus. But all too soon the chanting stops, and you can hear the crowd cheering immediately after.

And then the drumming starts, and you must march.

Everyone make a will save, DC 18.

Please forgive the hastily drawn map (though to be fair, you are receiving it from a ten year old page), I lost my computer cord during my move, and had to draw this on MS Paint at work. I also apologize for the wait. Losing my computer cord and starting a new job has gotten in the way of a few things. I have the maze map drawn up on graph paper, though, so once I get a replacement cord it will be no issue to keep things moving.

2015-07-07, 07:50 PM
"There's no wall, here," Baldr whispers, pushing his hand through the facade to demonstrate. "Follow my lead." He goes through the wall, then runs immediately to the right, his sword drawn in one hand and a throwing axe in the other. When he reaches the bend, or dead end, whatever the case may be, he surveys his surroundings before continuing on the path.

2015-07-08, 10:40 AM
Grimacing sharply Wilhelm takes a few steps back and then runs putting his shoulder into ... nothing absolutely nothing. If it wasn't for his quick reflexes he would have pitched over onto the ground. That would have been a great way to start the Vigrief. When he recovered his footing he sprinted to catch up with Baldr at the apparent dead end.
We should wait here for the others. I could have sworn that wall was real. How did you know?
Wilhelm looks around to see the layout of the local area of the maze.

2015-07-08, 12:39 PM
Askr is surpised when Baldr pushes through the wall, and follows, more gingerly. He pauses, half in, half out of the door, looking down at where they stood. Kneeling down, he repeatedly sweeps the heavy cloth of his cloak over the sandy, obiterating their footprints, and leaving little, if any, trace that anyone had stood there.

Survival to remove tracks [roll0]

Straightening up, he follows the rest of them into the maze.

Seems a shame to lose the chance to ambush a team through the door as they come past. It's probably better to push on though.

He draws a knife in each hand, spins them around, reversing his grip, and then moves on, following Baldr's lead.

2015-07-08, 01:16 PM
Sig wonders at the halfling barbarian, then grins as the others follow. He pushes through the wall, himself, expecting at least slight resistance. Finding none, his grin widens. He nods at Askr's attempt to obscure their traces. He holds back slightly while the others get ready to head deeper into the maze, keeping the tail as promised.

2015-07-08, 08:59 PM
Alva almost fell her knees give out at the sight of the stadium. So many people....watching her. She stood shaken there for awhile, trying to regain her composure. Finally, after some breathing techniques the fae taught her to calm her emotions, she strode off with the others.

2015-07-13, 04:00 PM
As the rest of the party gathers up Wilhelm begins to check the immediate area for traps. Cursing under his breath for not doing so earlier and rushing down a strange corridor with magical illusions all around. Great way to get yourself eliminated. There are bound to be traps in this maze challenge.

2015-07-18, 12:23 AM
Walking into the maze, you can still hear the drumming, though it is less apparent now that you are outside the stone outer-ring. The sound of the crowd is much more prevalent, as they seem to be excited to see your Lio enter the maze.

Having walked down to what originally looked like a dead end, you now can see that it runs directly into another path. Looking to the left, the path is long and wide enough to have two men walking abreast, and you can see where several other paths you could choose to go down (three on the left in thirty foot intervals, one on the right after about fifty feet). You do not see any new paths to go down if you turn to the right, though it also has a sharp curve after ten feet.

Turning behind you, Askr has brushed the tracks clean, though a keen eye might find traces of the activity. No traps have been triggered since you have entered the arena.

2015-07-18, 10:14 PM
Sig blinks up at the crowd, then squints at the map. He knows what the others are thinking, set up an ambush here, or try to get a head start on the center. It was a tough call. While the others decide that, he tries to make sense of Ollie's scribblings.

Survival (DC 20): [1d20+1
Spot (DC 10): [roll0]

Survival (DC 5+X): [roll1]
Know(local, DC 10): [roll2]
Know(arch, DC 10): [roll3]

Survival (DC 5+X): [roll4]
Know(geo, DC 10): [roll5]

2015-07-20, 04:36 PM
After getting up from checking the intersection for any traps, Wilhelm sees Sig looking over the map and the rest of the party just standing around at this point. The way I see it there are two choices right now. One we can plan an ambush right here for whoever walks through that door. Or we try to navigate these maze to get to the center. Either way I say we vote and majority wins. I vote we set up an ambush if we can eliminate a team that gets us 25% of the way to advancing. I think that going to the center could bring us into contact with multiple groups at the same time. Wilhelm look the rest of the Lio in the eyes one at a time.

2015-07-20, 04:38 PM
Ask looks around carefully, listening to the sounds around him, trying to filter out everything except the most important, trying to build a map in his mind.

Survival (DC 20) [roll0]
Spot (DC 10)[roll1]

Survival (DC 5+X):
Know(local, DC 10) [roll2] (max 10 for untrained)
Know(arch, DC 10) [roll3] (max 10 for untrained)

Survival (DC 5+X) [roll4]
Know(geo, DC 10) [roll5]

2015-07-20, 06:14 PM
"I vote we press on," Baldr says ruthlessly, seeking battle and glory.

2015-07-21, 03:44 PM
Sig nods. "I'm with Baldr."

2015-07-21, 05:12 PM
After hearing two dissenting votes Wilhelm is confused.
Can someone explain what tactical advantage we gain by pressing on? Is the strategy to avoid combat and let the other teams eliminate each other? Or is there more to it? I thought we were told that winning the crowd was important. How will running from any chance of combat do that? Wilhelm shakes his head in disbelief. Any other votes? If not we press on away from a point of advantage.

2015-07-21, 05:51 PM
"If we get to the center first... we get there first. When the others eventually find their way there, we have the field advantage."

2015-07-21, 07:18 PM
Sig shrugs, "I won't shy away from a fight, but getting to the center first singles us out. It makes us different. That could win the crowd. Hiding in an ambush isn't likely to sway the crowd our way, either."

2015-07-23, 04:05 PM
Ok then let's go to the center of the maze. Any idea which way that may be? Wilhelm expressed in frustration. Or should we just pick a direction. I thought we said that Baldr and I would be in the front. So lead us on Baldr.

2015-07-23, 05:40 PM
Baldr continues down the path they are currently on, until he finds a route that leads in the direction of the center of the maze, which he will then take.

2015-07-26, 09:00 PM
You turn to the right, and as you follow the sharp curve, the drums counting the time stop. The roar of the crowd is tempered as they all lean forward in their seats. A moment later and you can hear the obvious crash of metal on metal.

Going around the bend, you do not see any new pathways. You can only go forward, and down the hedges are topped by a grassy ceiling, creating a tunnel that you cannot see through.

2015-07-26, 09:03 PM
"Onward!" Baldr says, charging forth into the tunnel.

2015-07-30, 10:50 PM
Balder: You are the first into the tunnel, and you can see a thin-looking mist float about two inches above the grass. The tunnel looks about 50 feet long, and you can see the daylight on the other side... a sandy floor and no visible walls. About halfway through, you feel the floor shift underneath your feet.

Everyone else is right behind you, marching onward with weapons drawn. You can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Reflex save for Balder. A 20 avoids, 15 you catch the side of a pit trap

2015-07-31, 09:10 AM
Reflex: [roll0]

"Urggh!" Baldr says, leaping forward as the ground gives way beneath him, and catching himself by his elbows on the other side of the pit trap. "Watch out!" he calls back as he struggles to keep from falling, then manages to pull himself the rest of the way, though not gracefully. Panting and out of breath, he sits on the side of the pit trap and says, "Pit trap."

2015-08-01, 11:42 AM
Sig, used to a shifting shipdeck doesn't think much of this trap door. He lightly hops to the other side and reaches down to offer Baldr a hand up.

Take 10 on Jump check should get him to the other side without a running leap.

2015-08-03, 12:19 PM
Wilhelm takes a second to peer down the chasm at the sound of rushing water to gauge the distance and current speed of the water before jumping across the 5ft gap.

any of the above to determine depth to water and water speed.

2015-08-06, 06:47 PM
Sig helps pull Baldr up while Wilhelm inspects the trap. The water is about eight feet down, so a tall man holding onto the edge of teh pit would still wet his feet. It is too dark to tell the actual depth of the water, but you can hear that it is certainly moving swiftly.

The rest of the walk through the tunnel is unevenful, and you find yourself in a large area with a sandy floor. There is nobody else in this area at present, but a red beam shoots through the hedge on your right, about eighty feet in front of you. Apparently it missed it's target.

This area is 140 feet long, and you can see that the entrance on that side is also an earthy tunnel. It is also 70 feet across, and their entrances are uncovered. There is a five-foot high stone platform in the middle of the area, upon which a few small, wooden objects are placed.

2015-08-07, 08:33 AM
Woah what was that? Wilhelm says gesturing towards the ray of red shooting through the hedgework around them. Guess there's fighting going on somewhere he thinks to himself before tying his rope around his waist and making his way cautiously towards the stone platform in the middle of the sandy clearing. He half expects this sand to start sucking him in at any point.


2015-08-07, 09:22 AM
Nearly falling into the trap has tempered Baldr's eagerness somewhat--he waits to see what happens to Wilhelm before venturing forth across the sand toward the platform himself.

2015-08-09, 10:37 AM
The path you take to the dais seems to not be trapped, and as you approach you can see that the objects upon it are seven small chests, and in the middle is a bronze plate bearing the inscription "Select a gift for your island. Four are boon and three are bane."

The crowd recognizes your progress to the middle, and you can hear the murmurs of the individuals talking among themselves in anticipation as a rising din surrounding you.

2015-08-12, 08:30 AM
Wilhelm cautiously approaches the dais. Searching for traps on his approach he calls out I feel good about the last one any objections? Wilhelm steps gingerly over to the last chest looking the chest over on all sides before touching it.

2015-08-14, 07:29 PM
You count off the chests and pick your favorite - lucky number 7.


The chest you open is bound with gold, and when you open it, you find a pair of handaxes, a pair of gauntlets, a cloak and a pair of boots. They all look finely crafted, and underneath them all is a note - Go forth with good fortune, warriors.

2015-08-17, 08:11 AM
I knew number 7 was not going to let us down. There's weapons and armor in here all of gold. Wilhelm starts lifting the items from the chest and passing them out to the members of his Lio. Take these quick. We can decide how to divide this now or later. My preference would be for the boots. Can any cast detect magic to see if these are magical or just ornate?

2015-08-17, 08:17 AM
"And you said it wasn't worth rushing to the middle," Baldr says chidingly. "Now we have the high ground, and we can let the others come to us." He looks around for possible ambush positions at the various entrances.

2015-08-17, 08:22 AM
Aye, I thought it better to stay and guard an entrance and get us closer to winning this round but it appears running to the center had its unforeseen benefits. Now what to do with the other chests? Do we stand guard here and prevent anyone from getting their clan's chest? Do we open and loot any further chests? There is nothing explicit against doing that.

2015-08-17, 08:26 AM
"I'm not a math guy, but it seems like if there are a fixed amount of 'good' chests, then each one we open will reduce our chance of the next one being 'good'. Right now, three are good and three are bad." Baldr says. "I like those odds. But there's also the matter of honor to consider. And hubris. I like what we've found. If we don't open them now, we can open them later. If we open them now, we can't unopen them later. If they are trapped, maybe in some magic or something, I'd want to open them after we've secured our place in the next round." Advocating caution seems unusual to him, and he spits to get the foul taste out of his mouth.

2015-08-17, 09:55 AM
Hubris? Honor? I think the inscription up here says "Select a gift for your island" so I suppose one could interpret that as a single chest but one could also have the hubris, I like that word, to take it to mean that our gift would be as many chests as we dare to open. The only advantage from opening them prior to advancing is that we have whatever boons are inside to aid in advancing. But for now which of the first chest items would you prefer. Personally I request the boots. Any objections?

2015-08-17, 05:29 PM
I'd appreciate the gloves...

He glances around, frowning.

If we're going to fight them as they come here, I'd like to set up an ambush. Ideally, let them open the chest and then have at them. But there isn't much cover here...


He glances around some of the lighter members of the party, eyes narrowed

What we really need is a ramp or stairs. Failing that... maybe two of us could hoist someone light up, to see what they can? Or can we climb on that tunnel we passed earlier?

If nothing else, I'd like to make sure this really is the centre...

2015-08-17, 07:10 PM
"The handaxes seem well-suited for me," Baldr says. "Hubris calls out for Nemesis, pride demands opposition. We should not be too proud so as to tempt fate."

At the suggestion of hoisting a comrade, Baldr volunteers to be hoisted. "I weigh the least."

2015-08-21, 03:03 PM
I am not sure that you on just one of our shoulders would be able to see anything. I got a crazy idea but hear it out. Wilhelm pauses and takes a breath before continuing. Sig and Askr, you guys stand here shoulder to shoulder. Pointing to a spot in the middle of the dais. I'll jump up to stand on both of your shoulders and reach down to grab a jumping Baldr and place him on my shoulders. That should give Baldr enough height to see people in the maze. And allow us a quick estimate of how much time we have to prepare something for whoever is left. Not to mention give the crowd a bit of a show. What are your thoughts?

2015-08-21, 08:59 PM
Baldr nods. When everyone is in position, he jumps up.

Jump: [roll0]

2015-08-22, 10:58 AM
The crowd watches intently as the human/halfling pyramid gets set up. Baldr lines up his jump, and with a running start he easily jumps over Askr and Sig. Wilhelm catches him, allowing Baldr to climb atop and get a good view of the area. When Wilhelm catches Baldr, the crowd reacts with clapping and a few cheers.

before getting to see anything, I will need balance checks from Wilhelm and Baldr, and a climb check from Baldr. The balance checks are 15, minus 2 for every person assisting your balance check (Askr and Sig are helping Wilhelm, and Wilhelm is helping Baldr). Climb check is 20, representing uneven footholds. You get +2 for Wilhelm helping you climb.

All checks in this maneuver get an additional +1, because the crowd is behind you.

Upon each check's success, you'll get a pretty decent view of the area around you

2015-08-22, 11:45 AM
Baldr climbs up atop the pyramid, surveying the scene to the crowd's applause.

2015-08-24, 08:16 AM
As the halfling jumps into the air Wilhelm is astounded at how high he actually gets before grasping his arms and pulling him up to the shoulders of Sig and Askr. Wilhelm then crouches provide footholds on his and hands to allow Baldr to climb on top of his shoulders. Wilhelm straightens out standing straight as Baldr climbs to the top.

2015-08-24, 06:41 PM
Baldr has an okay view over some of the walls around him. You look in the direction where the previous red beam had blasted through the wall - three humans pop from around the corner of another hallway to shoot a bow, then disappear around the other corner. The wall in front of you hides the intended targets of their arrows. You can see the same distance over the opposite wall, but you see nobody walking from that direction. It has a similar layout as the first wall you looked over.

The way you came and its opposing side are both too far away from you to see any significant area.

2015-08-28, 07:35 PM
Baldr relays what he sees to the group.


2015-08-31, 09:36 AM
Decision time. Do we lay a trap by the passage that had those people Baldr just saw? Set up an ambush from on top one of the tunnels? Or run away from this center room and survive until the other parties eliminate each other?
Wilhelm says between deep breaths as he is still keeping his balance on Askr and Sig while holding up Baldr.

2015-08-31, 08:11 PM
"Only cowards run, and I am no coward. I say we lay in ambush. If you have skills at traps, I am for that as well."

2015-09-03, 05:03 PM
Askr looks around

Ok, so where's the best place to set up an ambush?

2015-09-04, 10:13 AM
As you deliberate over what to do next, fireworks shoot from the area where Baldr had seen teams fighting. They explode with pops and whistles, showering the area with blue and white light.

The crowd cheers in response to the fireworks.

is Baldr still on top of your miniature humanoid pyramid?

2015-09-04, 02:03 PM
No Baldr I do not have the skills nor material to set up a physical trap. I just meant us lay in wait inside those doors for the winners of that combat. Whoever they are they're likely to be wounded and weakened from their prior combat. Regardless as the other teams are getting closer it would be prudent to get down from this stance and into a more defensible position.
I vote we head towards the passage where those fireworks just went off. He Baldr you want to do some kind of jumping tuck and roll into the sand below and get the crowd back. Once you're off my shoulders I'll do the same.

[roll0] Showy dismount onto the sand floor below

2015-09-04, 06:16 PM
"Agreed," Baldr says, vaulting off the pyramid and tumbling down gracefully. Once on the ground, he heads to the entrance nearest the fireworks to set up the ambush.

Jump: [roll0] to avoid falling damage just in case.
Tumble: [roll1]

2015-09-05, 09:32 PM
You dismount the pyramid in acrobatic fashion and head to the entrance to the right of where you had entered the center of the maze. nearly half a minute goes by until Each of you roll only one Listen Check, the modifier for crowd noise and distance are accounted for in the other Lio's rolls:

the other Lio rolls
(1) Move Silently [roll0]
(2) Move Silently [roll1]
(3) Move Silently [roll2]

I also need to know how you are situated around the entrance, and how you are hiding.

2015-09-14, 06:07 PM
Bracing against the wall by an entrance to the grand chamber Wilhelm breathes softer so as not to tip off their potential victims. The silk rope is completely covered by the sand of the central room. Aksr and him have one side of the rope well the halfing barbarian is holding on to the opposite end. Wilhelm holds on with one hand as his right holds his rapier at the ready.
Time seems to go by slowly until ... there feet coming into view. Wilhelm gives a signal and the silk rope pulls tight.
The middle of a party of three trips over the rope. That was the moment Wilhelm was waiting for and he leaps to take advantage of the situation.

2015-09-14, 11:28 PM
You see the middle of three men falling over to the ground, and with a stab of your rapier you get a solid jab through his chainmail. The crowd gasps as your trap has given you an advantage. The man on the ground grunts from the fall and shouts from the pain.

You bastids yells the man on the left (Op 1.). He is the shortest of the three and wielding a length of chain. The man on the right (Op. 3) holds a mace, and the man on the ground has a greatsword on one hand from attempting to brace for the fall. all three are wearing chainmail.

2015-09-15, 08:17 AM
Baldr attacks the closest one to him, the chain-wielder, flying into a rage and swinging Gramr at him with great force. He lets out a guttural yell as he strikes.

Bastard Sword: [roll0], [roll1]

2015-09-15, 07:24 PM
With a great THWACK, your sword cuts into the chain-wielder's side. The solid strike is met with cheers from most of the crowd, and a couple of boos from what you can only guess are the supporters of that island.

opponent 2 fell forward, so he is occupying a 5 foot square just outside the entrance. The other two are still in the tunnel. Therefor, Baldr and Wilhelm are flanking 2, who is laying on the ground.

----- |-------|
____|-3 - 1-|______
A---W - 2 - B

2015-09-16, 08:40 AM
Askr ducks quickly around the corner, a knife springing easily into his hand.

He strikes at the soldier with the chain, trying to take advantage of his surprised state.

Move to a point next to the chain and the downed opponent, getting a flank with Baldr if I can, drawing a knife as I do so.

Stab the chain soldier
[roll0] (add two if flanking)
damage [roll1]

2015-09-16, 08:42 AM
Confirming critical

[roll0] to confirm

2015-09-16, 10:01 AM
As Askr whizs by to meet the chain-wielder with a cruel thrust of his dagger the crowd noise is a remote buzz in Wilhelm's ear. He lets out a primitive yell as he makes another stab with his rapier towards the combatant on his hands and knees. Knowing that the two handed sword marks this target as a deadly warrior Wilhelm is hoping to remove him before he even gets set.

After making his attack Wilhelm will 5 ft step away from 3. Dodge is on 2 if he is alive or 3 if number 2 is taken out.

After making his stab Wilhelm spins to his right moving away from the man with the mace.

2015-09-16, 10:03 PM
The man on the ground takes another hole to his back, and the one with the spiked chain takes two major swipes to his torso.

The man with the mace looks right at Baldr, identifying him as his target. He steps back ten feet (drawing an attack of opportunity from Askr), says an incantation, points his finger at Baldr and shoots a ball of fire at him. [roll0] against your touch AC, for [roll1] fire damage.

Seeing that the caster chose Baldr as his target, the spike-chained human steps back five feet and attempts to rake Baldr across his face. [roll2] for [roll3].

The man on the ground, woozy from the hits, attempts to stand up while holding his sword in one hand, and head in the other. He incurs an attack of opportunity from Baldr and Askr.

2015-09-17, 04:47 PM
Askr, not one to question an opportunity when it arises, slashes with his knife at the macemen as he steps back

[roll0] for [roll1] damage

Unfortunately, this means he is too distracted to attack the swordman as he stands.

2015-09-17, 05:24 PM
____|-3 A 1-|______
--------- 2 - B

[roll0] (Nattural 1 not sure if you do anything on those)
[roll2] + [roll3]
Since I rolled a natural one I'll let you describe how Wilhelm fails miserably.

2015-09-17, 06:52 PM
Neither the caster nor the chain-wielder affect the enraged Baldr, who steps forward five feet, closing the distance between himself and the chain-wielder as he strikes again.

[roll0]; [roll1]

2015-09-18, 02:23 AM
Askr, whirls, startled at suddenly being surrounded, and then steps over to the wall, Baldr and Askr neatly bracketing the chain weilder between them.

5ft step to the wall, to flank 1 with Baldr.
[roll0] to hit (two higher if flanking) for [roll1] damage

As he does so, he slips another knife out, holding one in each hand.

2015-09-19, 04:28 PM
Your knife rakes into his gut, and as you feel his flesh start to resist your blade something strange happens. Your knife can go no further, as his body is tightly wrapped in a yellow, semitransparent cocoon. He slowly falls to the ground and lays there still.

The crowd goes wild, and you take note that this corridor, unlike the entrance you took to the middle, does not have a ceiling.

I dont think we have anyone left who has spellcraft or knowledge (arcana), but this is the protective forcefield that prevents people from dying in the tournament in most circumstances.

Wilhelm is up, there is the mace wielder deeper in the corridor, and the greatsword guy nearer to you

2015-09-21, 08:37 AM
Reversing his spin Wilhelm turns back the other way and slashes out with his rapier while the opposing swordsman is looking in horror at the loss of his teammate.


2015-09-21, 11:35 AM
Catching the swordsman squarely in the chest, he too becomes shrouded in a semitransparent field as he slowly falls to the ground. A look of shock and horror play on the caster's face as he sees both of his remaining comrades fall, leaving him alone.

He drops his mace to the floor and draws a longspear from his haversack by his side, before unleashing his arcane power before you. With a gesture and a few words of power, Askr and Baldr are bathed in fire, while Wilhelm witnesses the explosive power from the center of the maze.

Reflex saves for half from Askr and Baldr, DC 14.

[roll0] fire damage, or half if you make the save

Wilhelm needs to roll a listen and spot check as well.

2015-09-22, 07:41 PM
Baldr laughs as the flames wash over him, avoiding most of their damage with a nimble duck. He roars as he charges the caster.

Charge +2, Power Attack -2 (+4 damage): [roll0], [roll1]

2015-09-23, 08:29 AM
Askr dances to one side, spining around around, and then lets fly with both knives, one from each hand.

Rapid shot, +1 to hit and damage from point blank shot, +1 to hit and damage from morale from the crowd. Precise shot means I ignore combat, but if I can't get the right angle with a 5ft step, then a further -4 to hit should be applied, due to cover from Baldr.
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2015-09-23, 08:34 AM
Confirming threat for first knife

[roll0] for a further [roll1]

2015-09-23, 05:30 PM
Rushing towards the magic user Wilhelm maneuvers around or through the caster to take a final position behind him. Once in position Wilhelm strikes with lateral slash of his rapier across the magic users back.

Moving to get into position behind the magic user if possible. If this movement is greater than 15' then I would provoke attacks of opportunity. Dodge is assigned on Magic Using Maceman and Wilhelm has Mobility so his AC on AoO would be 23.
If movement is 15' or less then Wilhelm will attempt to Tumble his way around any AoO or even over the magic user in a somersault if that's possible.
Regardless once in range Wilhelm will attack with Rapier
[roll3] + if Wilhelm got behind either through normal movement or tumbling over/around M.U.M. [roll4]

2015-09-24, 08:01 AM
Nearly surrounding the M.U.M., you all take jabs at him, hoping to end this confrontation swiftly. The MUM had raised his longspear in the hopes of striking the charging halfling first, but misses terribly. Baldr's sword strikes the MUM's torso, all the while Askr's thrown dagger meats its mark, both wounds visibly harming the caster. Wilhelm dances behind the caster, but his attempt to finish the conflict just misses.

The caster taunts you - You think I will be taken down so easily? He attempts to dodge your strikes and place himself into the open middle of the maze.

So he needs to hit a 15 tumble against each of you to prevent attacks of opportunity.

Against Wilhelm - [roll0]
Against Baldr - [roll1]
Against Askr - [roll2]

This is the map prior to his move
http://s14.postimg.org/goi9r2onx/this_combat_is_pretty_much_decided.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/goi9r2onx/)

He will attempt to move 15 feet, putting him to the left of 2's fallen, protected body. If all these rolls succeed, I'll post his attack. Anyone who he does not his a 15 against, please roll to try and finish this guy.

2015-09-24, 08:27 AM
Frustrated at his near miss Wilhelm takes advantage of an opening as the last member of the opposing Lio attempts to move to a better position.

2015-09-25, 12:12 AM
Wilhelm snags a stab in on the warmage as he attempts to dodge his way to the center, and his body is covered in the same field as his comrades. Ten fireworks of red and blue, the colors of the flag of Norvostane, shoot into the air above you in rapid succession, emanating from the spot the mage fell, and the crowd goes wild. You revel in the glory, and for a brief moment you seed a tangle of red hair jumping up and down in the owners box.

But in the next moment, you cant help but recall - one more Lio must be eliminated before you can leave the maze.

you get to keep the morale bonus unless and until the crowd changes focus.

2015-09-26, 08:39 AM
"Alright," Baldr says, his rage ending (unless more contestants show up in the next 30 seconds), "One more to ambush."

2015-09-26, 11:55 AM
Baldr we don't have to be the Lio to cause the final elimination. Wilhelm explains as he wipes blood off his rapier. We could simply disappear further into the maze retracing this Lio's steps. Casting a glance at Askr he continues You and I are unhurt but Askr took a wound. Askr what say you should we head back into the center to ambush and eliminate the last Lio or push forward in this maze and let the other Lios eliminate each other?

2015-09-29, 06:26 PM
Askr nods.

Back to the centre, I think... It's more dramatic if we don't just hide in the maze, and we're none of us badly hurt. I think it will help to have the crowd with us.

He glances up at the cheering crowd.

Besides, we're here for political support. Making a good showing is, in some ways, more important than winning. We need more than just a technical victory, if we can. We need supporting us to be easy and popular... and we'll need fame particularly considering what else we've been told about. This is our chance to become, not untouchable, but at least awkward to dispove of. Hiding won't do that.

He motions the others closer to them.

Can we... use the crowd? Use them to work out when the other team is getting close to our ambush? When the other team get close, the crowd should get... tense, and a little quieter. Reckon we can tell, and use that as our warning?

2015-09-30, 12:06 AM
Excellent points Askr. I think the crowd may be difficult to always judge. Their interested response may apply to some other section of the maze where two different Lios may be fighting. On the other hand it might be a clue.
Wilhelm begins to make his way back to the center Sandy section of the arena. Paying attention to the crowd as suggested by Askr and keeping a sharp eye for any signs of approaching Lios.

2015-09-30, 07:10 PM
Wilhelm has trouble discerning any sort of information from the crowd, though you can see that most of the eyes are still on you.

As you walk towards the middle of the clearing, and the rest of the party follows you, you do get a strange feeling that something isnt right. It takes until you get to the dais in the middle that it hits you.

Two of the chests are currently open and emptied. The one lined with gold that you had opened, and one lined with silver that had been shut before.

feel free to attempt any roll you feel would apply. Everyone else can make spot checks to search the crowd for clues as well

2015-10-04, 05:22 PM
Askr glances around, and then goes down on one knee to examine the area around the chest

Spot to see anyone lurking
Listen because... well... you never know
Spot to see if the crowd is reacting
Search to find tracks (Track feat)
Survival to identify/follow tracks

2015-10-04, 09:06 PM
Askr notices that some of the sand near the far side, to the left of where you had entered, has been swept, as if to cover tracks, though after about a dozen feet, the sweepings get shallow and hard to trace.

You neither see nor hear anything that would be out of place.

2015-10-06, 08:43 AM
Wilhelm looks at the other chests seeing that the silver one is now open. He begins searching the nearby ground for any signs of the party that took the other chest's reward.

trying again first post had an error in the roll tag

2015-10-09, 09:57 AM
Askr pauses in his search, as he sees where the tracks are leading. He one hand flings out, then the other, his hands hooked into claws. A cloud of silver-light motes start to coallesce out of the air around him, hanging in the air like daytime fireflies. They drift inwards, as more and then more appear, rushing now, buzzing inwards. He flings back his head as they pour in, into his nose, his mouth, his ears, his eyes. A small flash blazes around his head, and for a moment his eyes are two silver orbs, mirror bright, and blind to the sun.

Then he brings his head back. Of the silver lights, only pale flecks in each eye remain. He turns his head carefully, first one way, then the other, seeking, sensing, searching...

Cast embrace the wild. If I'm not allowed the races of the wild version, use the spell compendium version instead.

While he's at it, use his wand to cast lesser vigour, starting to heal the damage from the last fight.

Wand charges 10->9.
hp 20->21 and one per round thereafter

If I sense anyone hiding, quietly warn the others

2015-10-13, 01:25 AM
Another round goes by as Askr casts his spell. While the crowd does not know that you improved your perception, you can see that the main focus is on the center of the maze generally, and staring towards the entrance across from where you just battled, and to the left of where you entered this part of the maze.

If you chose Scent: the trail definitely smells fresh, though there are no footprints. the scent leads towards the entrance across from the one you were just fighting in.

If you chose blindsense you do not sense anything around you

2015-10-17, 06:48 AM
Askr points towards the exit opposite, and motions people to follow. Drawing two knives, one his knife of meteroic iron, he stalks cautiously forward

move silently [roll0]

2015-10-17, 06:52 AM
Baldr draws his sword with a smile and crouches down, following.

2015-10-17, 08:18 PM
Wilhelm follows Askr's lead but steps lightly into a position on the opposite side of Askr as Baldr. He readies his rapier for a quick thrust as he stalks closer towards the opening.

[roll2] for crowd reaction

2015-10-19, 07:14 PM
The scent is strong, and grows stronger as you near the entrance to the maze. Twenty feet away from the passageway, you notice something that doesnt feel right - the same scent is coming two places: the entrance, and in the arena to your right.

Listen checks for everyone but Wilhelm, who already rolled his.
1 - [roll0]
2 - [roll1]
3 - [roll2]
4 - [roll3]
You start to hear the clinking of armor coming from the passage in front of you. The tempo of the clinking suggests at least one person walking at a cautious pace. For each roll that you beat, add to one person you hear

2015-10-19, 07:34 PM
Wilhelm stops moving forward abruptly. He quickly makes three scratches in the sand of the arena followed by an arrow towards the tunnel. Not sure if the other members of the Lio saw his gesture or not he stands his ground in his current position readying his rapier.

2015-10-19, 08:19 PM
Baldr has his longsword in hand already, and smiles as the battle draws near.

2015-10-20, 07:24 AM
Askr bares his teeth, in what the unobservant might call a smile. Looking down at the scratches, Askr shakes his head, and holds up four fingers.

Then he watches the tunnel entrance, a knife in each hand, ready to throw.

2015-10-23, 08:19 PM
Half a minute goes by until you see shadows creep along the the wall.

You guys are all entitled to a spot check

Askr: your magically augmented senses start to change your perception of your surroundings. The scent you had picked up earlier is not as strong in the corridor as it is to the right, inside the clearing in the middle of the arena. The scent causes you to look to your right, where it seems to be stronger. You sense something strange; almost out of the corner of your eye, you see a slight shimmer about 30ft away.

with a 20 on askr's spot check, he can tell that there is at least one invisible person where the scent is coming from

2015-10-25, 06:47 PM
Askr's eyes narrow, looking left and right. A heavily tanned arm whips out, the knife flying from his fingers, speeding towards nothing. A suspicion? Or something more? A flickering where there should be stillness, a disruption on the breeze. At some point he might stop to think about it, but at that moment there is only instinct, and the blade on the wind.

If I can't attack at range, move towards the distrubed area in my surprise round until I can scent them properly (range 5ft).

If I can, throwing a knife as described

[roll0] to hit, for [roll1] damage.

Miss chance (50 or below is a miss) [roll2]

2015-10-28, 08:38 AM
Out of the corner of his right eye Wilhelm sees Askr turn and whirl a dagger through the air at nothing, at the thin air itself. It took Wilhelm longer than he would like to admit to finally puzzle it out. Either Askr had gone mad or their next opponents were here and they were invisible.

2015-10-28, 01:23 PM
Askr's dagger flies through the air and hits... nothing, and it slides along the ground as it partially buries itself in the sand.

However, while the dagger struck no opponent, in response to the throw you see two new footprints appear 25 feet away from you, near where you had thrown your dagger. You also hear armor clang as if an invisible person had jumped after you threw the knife.

The first of the opponents you had heard in the maze now appears at the end of the corridor, and as he looks at you, he signals something down the hallway he had appeared from.

the initiative order is Baldr, Askr, Invisible people, Wilhelm. Those in the hallway have not entered combat, and have not rolled initiative yet

You are each entitled to listen and spot checks for the invis people, but I included the information up top because it is impossible to fail. a nat20 will still earn you xp, however.

2015-10-28, 08:41 PM
Baldr chooses to face the enemy he can see, and charges down the hallway at the man and swings his sword.

Charge +2 [roll0], [roll1]

I'm assuming the map would show something like: invisible guys -- us -- visible guys.

2015-10-29, 05:25 PM
With his lips curling back in a savage snarl, Askr stalks towards his prey, treading carefully, scenting the air as he moves in a half crouch, a knife in each hand.

Move to where the footprints and noise came from, searching around until I can scent the invisible person (range 5' to 'pinpoint', ie locate the correct square).

Point to where he is as a free action.

Then ready an action to follow him, if he moves, again pointing to where he ends up.

2015-11-11, 04:29 PM
Really hopeful that this game isn't over. We were just getting into the end of round 1.