View Full Version : Player Help Paranormal Investigator Class?

Eldritch Slayer
2015-04-19, 04:31 PM
I would like some help in creating a character. I am quite new to D&D, and I usually play 3.5 but I am open to any format that would make creating my character easier. I am an avid fan of H.P Lovecraft and Cthulhu-esc horrors, and I was wondering if it would at all be possible to play as a Paranormal Investigator in D&D? I was thinking that the character would be a Rogue Wizard hybrid of some kind. The wizard side of the class would specialize in researching ancient and forgotten magical objects and knowing how to dispel curses and magical traps, while the rogue side would specialize in charismatic diplomacy, streetwise, and thievery, going into a town unnoticed and inquiring on the goings on in a town or province. I also think that the character in question would probably be a Tiefling or a Human. Since Tieflings are social outcasts it would be perfect for a Tiefling to blend into a lovecraftian cult without real questioning from the other followers. Role play wise he could be either neutral evil, chaotic neutral or chaotic good. The Neutral Evil version of this character would use any means necessary to retrieve an occult object and sell it to the highest bidder, uncaring of the consequences as long as it doesn't harm him. The chaotic neutral version of this character would have a little more moral restraint then the neutral evil would. Finally the chaotic good version would make it an effort to stop occultists and bring all occult artifacts to clergymen to purify and destroy.
What are some tips and info I should know before creating this character?
What are your thoughts and inquiry on this subject?

Hiro Quester
2015-04-19, 05:06 PM
You might consider being a cleric rather than wizard, and the taking Church Inquisitor (CD) as a PrC. That PrC has lots of benefits to piercing illusions and disguises, discerning the truth about things, forcing creatures to resume their natural form, immunity to possession, etc.

For dispelling curses (and other protections n artifacts) you get +4 on dispel checks. I'd get a dispelling cord and a few other buffs to your ability to dispel magical effects, too.

2015-04-19, 05:15 PM
What you've described is pretty much the archivist class from Heroes of Horror. For teh roguish side, you could consider levels in any of rogue, bard, or spellthief.

2015-04-19, 05:19 PM
It's also worth noting that the Archivist class (from Heroes of Horror) is sort of like a divine wizard that learns magic by researching tomes of information about the gods, demons, devils, and other horrors. Archivist is basically Giles, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But... with magic.

The rogue's a good option. Also, a Ranger with Undead (or whatever) as a favored enemy could get some good bonuses to searching for, tracking, and discovering what various creatures are up to.

It might be a good idea to look into a few prestige classes. Vigilante and Master Inquisitive both feel like they could be refluffed a bit to be paranormal investigators (heck, the Arcane Trickster class from the DMG might be refluffed in that way if you go rogue/wizard). Also there was... some class about a Cerulean Sign or something? Lords of Madness has some good information on hunting aberrations, and there are some good undead-hunter classes, too. Do you see the character being combat heavy, or definitely research heavy? ("Both" is a valid answer, of course, but still.)

2015-04-19, 06:48 PM
It may be an out of the box suggestion, but when I think of lovecraft and beings from outside of reality, I think the Binder from Tome of Magic. You could easilly play one as a paranormal investigator who has dabbled in the darker side of things.

Eldritch Slayer
2015-04-19, 07:02 PM
It's also worth noting that the Archivist class (from Heroes of Horror) is sort of like a divine wizard that learns magic by researching tomes of information about the gods, demons, devils, and other horrors. Archivist is basically Giles, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But... with magic.

The rogue's a good option. Also, a Ranger with Undead (or whatever) as a favored enemy could get some good bonuses to searching for, tracking, and discovering what various creatures are up to.

It might be a good idea to look into a few prestige classes. Vigilante and Master Inquisitive both feel like they could be refluffed a bit to be paranormal investigators (heck, the Arcane Trickster class from the DMG might be refluffed in that way if you go rogue/wizard). Also there was... some class about a Cerulean Sign or something? Lords of Madness has some good information on hunting aberrations, and there are some good undead-hunter classes, too. Do you see the character being combat heavy, or definitely research heavy? ("Both" is a valid answer, of course, but still.)

I was thinking the character would definitely be more research based/ charisma based. he would be the scout of the party that would gather research on a quest or mission. The few times I've played D&D I've always played the stealthier no talk rogue who slit throats, and I've never played with other characters who delve into research or lore about a town or happenings in a local area. Do you think the race choice is good, or do you think there are better options to be had?

Eldritch Slayer
2015-04-19, 07:06 PM
It may be an out of the box suggestion, but when I think of lovecraft and beings from outside of reality, I think the Binder from Tome of Magic. You could easilly play one as a paranormal investigator who has dabbled in the darker side of things.
There was a campaign that I WAS going to take part in where binder was an option, and the class greatly interested me. Alienist was another class that perked up my ears too but the DM basically said there was no reason for an alienist to be involved in the quest for the campaign she wanted to run....

2015-04-19, 09:57 PM
I am shocked no one has suggested Spirit Shaman yet.

2015-04-19, 10:33 PM
Rogue/Wizard is a pretty decent hybrid. Prestige classes like Unseen Seer, Daggerspell Mage and Arcane Trickster all make it easy to stack casting and rogue abilities. You'll probably also want the Knowledge Devotion feat, which is the single best option for a "using my smarts in combat" character. (Basically, it lets you make a Knowledge check for a bonus to attack and damage against a creature type)

Looking a little farther abroad, the Factotum is a good rogue-with-a-touch-of-magic right out of the can.

2015-04-19, 10:34 PM
Have you read the Investigator class from Pathfinder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/investigator)? It's 99% compatible with 3.5, and has a ton of really cool abilities to play a skill focused character. They're a lot less flashy than a standard spellcaster, but have great versatility with their talents and extracts.

2015-04-20, 01:31 AM
You might also find something of use in the Masque of the Red Death, a 3.5e Ravenloft sub-setting book by Swords & Sorcery.