View Full Version : D20 Modern: Traps and building defenses.

2015-04-19, 04:39 PM
Am I blind or are there no traps/defenses that you can buy in the game? Specifically I'm in a cyberpunk d20 modern campaign where we have a hideout and some downtime. I want to set up some traps and defenses for the place, but I can't seem to find any. Does anyone know of anything like that, I don't care if it is homebrew or not.


2015-04-19, 06:14 PM
It doesn't have much on traps, but when creating a hideout you might want to look at d20 Modern Fortress, a freebie homebrew available via the the following link:


T.G. Oskar
2015-04-19, 06:58 PM
IIRC, the Craft (mechanical) skill has rules for making mechanical traps. The d20 Modern Core Rulebook Web Enchantment also has Claymore mines, and I'm not sure if the Demolitions skill allows you to set explosives with remote or proximity triggers, which could be used as traps.

d20 Future has rules for robots, and being a cyberpunk game, pays to mind checking if you can have drones working like sentries for your hideout. Certainly, there are cameras and surveillance equipment straight in the Core Rulebook and in d20 Future (the latter allowing modification via gadgets), so that can also help.

2015-04-19, 10:15 PM
Thanks! Those are a really good starting point.