View Full Version : Pathfinder "The Demon Hunter" Please help me build a character around this concept.

2015-04-19, 11:51 PM
Thank you in advance for your help.

The background for this character is that while still in the womb his mother's was tainted by a demon. This taint slowly killing his mother. Her will to see her first and only child born kept her alive long enough to give birth, dying shortly after. His father blamed him for his mothers death and began drinking excessively and the towns folk did not take kindly to him either. The children would not play with him and picked on him at every turn. The adults avoided having any contact for the most part, he would often hear them saying that he was not right, not natural. As a result he spent most of his time alone except for his fathers nightly beatings. His birthday every year was an annual reminder to his father that his wife was dead and this boy was the reason, as a result that nights beating would leave the boy bedridden for days after. The night of his 10th birthday, his father had been drinking even more than usual. As the boy lay there curled in a ball as his father pummeled him he truly thought that this was going to be the end, his father was going to kill him this time. As his beating continued he thought, good, this is how it should be, everyone will be happier if I were dead. And he began think of his daily beatings, the cruelty of the other children and the look of the disgust in the eyes of the towns people. His heart began to beat harder and faster, each beat felt as if it were going to rip open his chest, each beat was deafening. His Heart felt as if on fire burning hotter and hotter with each beat until his whole body felt as if it was on fire. That is when everything went black, he no longer felt his fathers fists or even the cold floor on which he was curled. He could no longer here his fathers heaves or grunt as he tired himself. He thought to himself I am dead.

This was not to be the case. He was awakened by the sun shining on his face. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light. At first the boy did not know where he was or what it was that he was looking at, but soon he realize that it was the rubble what was once his home. As the morning breeze picked up it bought a smell that turned his stomach, as he took in his surrounding the source of the smell became apparent. His fathers body had been torn to pieces and scattered through out the rubble. Before he could gather his thoughts he heard the commotion of a large group of people running to the rubble. As he stood he could see a large group of armed men running towards him, it was the town guard and several men from the village. Overcome by fear he ran into the woods, he ran for hours unable to think just reacting. As night fell the boy collapsed and quickly feel to sleep. It was weeks before he finally awoke.

Sorry I got carried away there...lol

At this point the choice of Class will effect where he wakes up, for this will be the point at which he begins his training. During his training he will find that he is able to speak and understand Abyssal and see the evil in all souls.

I am not sure about any other abilities he may have do to the taint.

On his 16 birthday he is told that it is time that he leave out on his own to learn more about himself and possible how he might remove this taint. As the people that trained and cared for him are telling him what he must do, a dark voice starts whispering to him distorting and twisting what is being said to him and a tear rolls down his cheek. Suddenly he feels his heart start to race and it starts beating harder and harder. Not again he scream in his head! He fights to keep control long enough to tell everyone to run before he blacks out again.

This time he recovers much more quickly to find that he had torn apart the very people who had took him in trained him and came to love him. He carefully gathered their remain and gave them a proper burial swearing over their graves that he would commit his life to hunting down and destroying all demons so that they may never again darken this land again.

Sorry I know I have gotten carried away I just could not help myself...lol

I am not sure what would be a good choice of class to complement this character.

What are your thought?

Thank you again for your help.

2015-04-20, 01:56 AM
I can think of a few classes that seem up your alley. In most cases though you will want to "refluff" the class to match your background.

Alchemist: The potion aspect doesn't sound like it will fit but the mutagen sounds like it would be cool to use as a sort of you lose control feature. There is even a prestige class that focuses on mutagens and eventually has two personalities. One is your non mutagen form and the other is when you consume it. You could always alter the fluff for the potions and roleplay them as powers or something that utilize your blood or something to function.

Barbarian: Rage fits the lose control and smash things aspect. It doesn't bring too much to the table besides that though.

Inquisitor: This doesn't really fit at all by itself (the seeing evil in souls does since you get detect alignments) but I think maybe if you went a few level of barbarian then went into inquisitor that might be cool. Rage for losing control + inquisitor abilities for both when you are raging and when you are not. The only thing I can't remember is if there is any reasonable method for you to be able to use your spells while raging (I'm pretty sure Rage Mage is garbage and should not be used). You would also gain abilities and the skill points to grab knowledge skills and such.

2015-04-20, 02:21 AM
Demonslayer Ranger (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/demonslayer-ranger-archetype) WOuld seem to be quiet appropriate, as would any given Paladin, but the Oath against Fiends would be specifically appropriate.

2015-04-20, 03:40 AM
Okay. I have a few thoughts for this concept.

1. Ranger is probably a pretty obvious choice.

2. Synthesis summoner could be super cool. You could never leave the suit and flavor that as your whole "tainted" aspect.

3. If you're allowed 3rd party the Abherrant aegis is also a pretty cool idea for the same reason as the summoner.

4. The 3rd party Harbinger that will be out soon (but is up on these forums) would also be very thematic and very different than the other options.

5. Oracle would go very nicely with the tie in of "souls" and also show unwilling corruption becoming power.

6. Magus fits theme pretty strongly.

2015-04-20, 07:55 AM
I can't contribute more than what was already said, but out of curiosity (after reading the fluff), what race is he? Any templates?

2015-04-20, 08:48 AM
Pretty grimdark. Suddenly losing control and having extraordinary things happen is also a sorcerer trait as much as a barbarian thing. Mix em together-a tiefling or human bloodrager with the abyssal bloodline.

2015-04-20, 09:09 AM
I can think of a few classes that seem up your alley. In most cases though you will want to "refluff" the class to match your background.

Alchemist: The potion aspect doesn't sound like it will fit but the mutagen sounds like it would be cool to use as a sort of you lose control feature. There is even a prestige class that focuses on mutagens and eventually has two personalities. One is your non mutagen form and the other is when you consume it. You could always alter the fluff for the potions and roleplay them as powers or something that utilize your blood or something to function.

Barbarian: Rage fits the lose control and smash things aspect. It doesn't bring too much to the table besides that though.

Inquisitor: This doesn't really fit at all by itself (the seeing evil in souls does since you get detect alignments) but I think maybe if you went a few level of barbarian then went into inquisitor that might be cool. Rage for losing control + inquisitor abilities for both when you are raging and when you are not. The only thing I can't remember is if there is any reasonable method for you to be able to use your spells while raging (I'm pretty sure Rage Mage is garbage and should not be used). You would also gain abilities and the skill points to grab knowledge skills and such.

Chronikoce, thank you for your advice.

At the moment, I should have mentioned this in the post, the DM has asked use to stick with the core classes. He has also told me that he would be ok with my adding a few abilities do to the taint as long as it does not unbalance the game.

Thank you again

Demonslayer Ranger (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/demonslayer-ranger-archetype) WOuld seem to be quiet appropriate, as would any given Paladin, but the Oath against Fiends would be specifically appropriate.

Sayt, thank you for your advice.

The ranger with demon as his favored enemy might work.
I am not sure about Paladin, I will need to look more into the deities. Thou do to the taint his CHA will be low. (This is just something about him that is off putting, people just can not put there finger on it).

Thank you again

Okay. I have a few thoughts for this concept.

1. Ranger is probably a pretty obvious choice.

2. Synthesis summoner could be super cool. You could never leave the suit and flavor that as your whole "tainted" aspect.

3. If you're allowed 3rd party the Abherrant aegis is also a pretty cool idea for the same reason as the summoner.

4. The 3rd party Harbinger that will be out soon (but is up on these forums) would also be very thematic and very different than the other options.

5. Oracle would go very nicely with the tie in of "souls" and also show unwilling corruption becoming power.

6. Magus fits theme pretty strongly.

MyrPsychologist, thank you for your advice.

At the moment, I should have mentioned this in the post, the DM has asked use to stick with the core classes. He has also told me that he would be ok with my adding a few abilities do to the taint as long as it does not unbalance the game.

Thank you again

I can't contribute more than what was already said, but out of curiosity (after reading the fluff), what race is he? Any templates?

danzibr, thank you for your response.

He will be human. As for templates, I have not had any experience with them, but from a quick search probably Inherited/Half-Fiend maybe, not really sure.

Thank you again

2015-04-20, 09:24 AM
Pretty grimdark. Suddenly losing control and having extraordinary things happen is also a sorcerer trait as much as a barbarian thing. Mix em together-a tiefling or human bloodrager with the abyssal bloodline.

Geddy, thank you for your advice.

bloodrager is very a intriguing class. I will definitely look more into this. If I can not use this game will use for another.

Thank you again

2015-04-20, 09:39 AM
If you're going to go Tiefling, they have a few appropriate options. Blood of Fiends has the Demon-blooded, which is PERFECT for Bloodragers even if your GM doesn't allow that Fiendish Sorcery affects bloodrager bloodlines. Tieflings can also, by trading in their SLA and Fiendish Heritage, get Soulseer, which grants them always-on Deathwatch. Might not fit with the concept entirely, but the whole 'seeing souls' thing is there.

2015-04-20, 10:00 AM
Core only? Okay then.

If you want to be a caster I'd probably go cleric or sorcerer. You can pull up some very thematic domains or bloodlines that would fit this perfectly.

If you want to focus less on spells I'd probably pick a barbarian, ranger, or paladin (okay. paladin is a bit of a stretch. but it would be cool to be a corrupted individual on a quest for redemption).

2015-04-20, 01:23 PM
Ah, didn't see the Core only. My apologies. It can be hard to have mechanical support for stuff when limiting oneself to stuff like this. I would recommend Ranger, though. Its pretty much the closest thing to a 'hunter' you can get.