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2015-04-20, 04:20 AM
This is a moderately high powered campaign setting/homebrew system for D&D 5th edition. It introduces an idea I had concerning subclasses and introducing new elements to the game. Rather than new classes or archetypes, these sub-classes are open to every character that meets the prerequisites, which aren't hard to meet. They'll make it so classes can gain a few benefits while retaining their core purpose. Each sub-class is only three levels. The ones presented here are intended for a higher-level campaign and should be used as such. I will most likely create more in the next few weeks, but this is it for right now.

In the world of Ventmir, there were two warring forces. The civilizations of man in the southeast and the civilizations of the wild in the northeast, each led by a different pantheon. Their war shattered the world and broke apart the great landmass they all lived on. In the following centuries both side nearly forgot about each other, with the only contact being ships sailing the Edge. Now each one is embroiled in their own civil wars, unknowing of the great evil left behind. I'll get more into the world later, but here are the sub-classes that the story will no doubt resolve around.

Techniques- One of the biggest advantages Blade Knights have over common warriors are their special techniques. These are similar to magic spells, which is especially dangerous in a world of incredibly limited magic. You have a number of technique uses equal to the number you know plus your proficiency modifier. You can use a single technique that number of times or a mix of all of them. That number is recharged after a short or long rests.

Blade Knights of Southknell
Scour Knives, The Nomadic Desert Raiders
While the vast majority of Southknell are ruled by the wealthiest citizens and Tellers, one clan broke away rather than being subjected to Teller laws. Since then they've wandered far and wide, the desert stripping away their humanity. Now each raiding party fends for itself in their personal efforts to reduce every merchant in Southkneel to a life of poverty. Always led by a Scour Knife, they brutally attack anyone with coin, but will also leave supplies and clues to those simply trying to survive.
Scour Knife Subclass
Requirements- Each Scour Knife technique is performed with a Simple Melee Piercing weapon, such as a dagger or spear. You must be proficient with such weapons and have a proficiency bonus of +3 or greater.
1st, Strip the Flesh- Scour Knife style is designed to shear away skin like a sandstorm. Any successful melee attack you use with such a weapon has a 1 in 4 chance of inflicting a bleeding wound that deals 1d4 damage for 3 turns or until the afflicted heals their hit points in any way. Select a single Scour Knife Technique.
2nd, Strip the Bone- Any man that stands unprotected in the desert will soon find themselves nothing more than a skeleton. When you inflict fire damage with a Scour Knife technique it leaves a scalding burn that deals the same bleed damage of Strip the Flesh. Select a single Scour Knife Technique.
3rd, Strip the Soul- Integrate all of the deserts suffering into your fighting style. Increase the bleeding damage done by Strip the Flesh to 1d6 and select a single Scour Knife Technique.
Scour Knife Techniques
Blazing Wind- Blow a gust of wind so hot it can burn flesh. Target a single character with a melee attack that has a range of 20 ft. and deals 3d6 fire damage. The target can make their choice to either use a Dexterity or Constitution save to halve the damage, but cannot ignore the damage completely, regardless of class features.
Searing Stab- Envelop your weapon in a bright red flame and send it straight through an opponent's armor. Make a melee attack that deals +1d8 fire damage and ignores any AC granted by equipment, including those of the magical variety.
Dust Cloud- Shoot spectral sand from your the empty spots of your clothes that envelops a large area, as a bonus action. This cloud lasts for 6 rounds and is a 30 ft sphere centered around yourself. Any character that does not know this technique is Blinded while in the area of effect and for 1 round after they leave the area or it dissipates. In addition, any character looking into the area cannot see inside.
Focus the Sun- While extreme heat may cause most to wilter, you gain power from it. By mediating in the open sun for 1 minute, regain 2d10+10 hit points and gain a +4 bonus to your strength of dexterity for 1 hour.
Flaming Sand- Your weapon is coated in burning hot sand that stays in wounds, keeping them open. As a bonus action, cover your weapon in sand. This adds your proficiency modifier in fire damage while wielding it and any hitpoints caused by it cannot be healed for at least 24 hours. This stays active for 4 rounds.

Tellers, Noble Justicars of Gold
With the fall of religion in Southknell came a worship of profit. However, unlike they've been painted by northern merchants, this is not blind greed. Money makes the world go around. The more money merchants make, the more the government can take in taxes. The more taxes, the better the social programs and national defense. If everyone is profiting, no one is suffering. To protect this noble ideal are the Tellers, a clan devoted towards routing out cheating businessmen and thieves, those who would upset the grand circle of profit.
Teller Sub-Class
Requirements- Tellers fight with a shield in one hand and a melee weapon or crossbow in the other. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, No Profit In Death- If a Teller would fall to 0 hit points they may sacrifice any number of Technique uses to automatically gain that number of hitpoints x10. Gain a single Teller technique.
2nd, Reparations- After blocking an attack with a Teller technique, you may make a single attack of opportunity against the target. Gain a single Teller technique.
3rd, No Wasted Funds- When you gain this level, choose a single Teller technique with an offensive and defense version. When you block an attack with the defensive version, use the offensive version as an immediate action if possible. This only counts as a single Technique use. Gain a single Teller technique.
Teller Techniques
Turn the Blade, Smash the Face- As an immediate action you may make a single melee attack using your shield. If used on your turn and successfully exceeds the enemy's AC, it deals 1d8+your strength modifier in damage. If used on your opponents turn during their melee attack, it stops the attack if it exceeds their attack roll.
Balanced Scales- Choose a single enemy that harmed you on their previous turn. Your next melee or ranged attack against them deals however much damage they dealt to in bonus damage, up to a maximum of +20.
Anticipated Reaction- Your an incredibly quick shot with the crossbow. You may use this Technique to either extend your own Attack of Opportunity range to the crossbows range or to make an Attack of Opportunity against an opponent attempting the same thing. If the attack deals 3 or more damage, it stops the enemy's own Attack of Opportunity.
Diversify- Turns your muscles as hard as steel. This boost lasts for 4 rounds and you may activate it twice during those 4 rounds to either gain +2 AC when targeted by an attack or increase your strength by +2 during a single round.
Windfall- This Technique is actually used to reinforce all the others. Whenever you would make a single roll while using a Technique you may expend this Technique to either gain a +4 bonus on that roll if offensive or a gain advantage if defensive. It still requires you expend the Technique.

Blade Knights of Largesse
Amongst the wild plains of Largesse, power is king. It has to be when your neighbors are manticores and gorgons. As the last of their fallen society, Largesse mainly consists battling warlords, exiled noble houses, and the rare group obsessed with bring magic to a modern age.
Scarlet Fangs, Fallen Nobles Turned Beast Slayers
In what used to be the magical capital, the Mithral Fangs were bodyguards to master mages, respected Arch agents, and the second most powerful social class. Their destroyed society not only brought them low in stature, but devolved their very martial form into a brutal dance of blood. Now lone Fangs wander forgotten ruins, single handily defeating powerful monsters to prove their worth to Ventmir at large. One day they hope to prevent a more terrible disaster than the one they failed to initially and re-enter Largesse to the global stage.
Scarlet Fang Sub-Class
Requirements- Scarlet Fangs must have a constitution modifier greater than +2 and proficiency with at least 1 martial weapon. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Sanguine Sword- Rather than rely on mithral weapons in the past, most Fangs instead form a blade from their own blood. Creating this weapon is an action and it acts as a martial weapon with two forms, chosen when you create it. Both deal slashing damage. The first is a heavy two handed weapon that deals 1d12 damage. The second is a 1 handed finesse weapon that deals 1d6 damage. Forming either version deals 6 points of damage to you that cannot be healed until the weapon is destroyed or dissipates. Both weapons gain a +1 magical modifier when you reach 3rd level in this class. Select a single Scarlet Fang Technique.
2nd, Bloody Assault- By expending even more blood, you can increase the effectiveness of your Sanguine Sword. As an immediate action you can spend 4 more hitpoints to grant the following effects to each weapon for one round. Increase the first forms reach to 15 ft, though it does not count as a Reach weapon. Increase the number of attacks made as part of your attack action by 1 when wielding the second form. Select a single Scarlet Fang Technique.
3rd, Shredding Stance- If you successfully harm an enemy with your Sanguine Sword with a melee attack not granted by a Technique, you may use the damage dealt by that attack to pay for your class features and Techniques for 1 round. Select a single Scarlet Fang Technique.
Scarlet Fang Techniques
Snapping Jaws, Form 2 Technique Only- You may create a second Sanguine Sword that functions the same as the first. If you attack the same enemy with both blades, deal an additional +1d6 slashing damage.
Bloody Blast- You fling your Sanguine Sword to attack at a distance. By firing your Sanguine Sword you may make a melee attack up to 60 ft away. You may even create and fire two additional swords as part of this technique.
Beast Slayer, Form 1 Technique Only- Increase the length of your Sanguine Sword by more than 6 ft, making it an even greater threat to larger creatures. Expend 4 hitpoints and make a single melee attack against a Large or bigger enemy that deals +3d6 slashing damage and has advantage.
Jugular- Your attacks naturally target areas where the bloodflow is greatest. This ability lasts for 1 minute and increases your critical range to 19-20 for that time.
Reinforced Blood- After being attacked, you can reinforce your blood to protect against such attacks in the future. When a damage type harms you, immediately gain Resistance to that damage type. This lasts for 1 minute or until you use this ability again.

Ruin Sword, Cursed Avatars of Magic
When the inhabitants of Largesse tried to take all magical power for themselves, the blowback was astronomical. Not only did it create horrendously powerful beasts and almost destroyed Ventmir in its entirety, a few poor souls were left with glowing brands on their left arm in the shape of the Arch's symbol. This marked them for violence, as all assumed such people were descendants of those terrible magi. While it is true that the all are capable of casting spells, none can do so to any extraordinary extent.
Ruin Sword Sub-Class
Requirements- Must be able to cast arcane spells. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3 or higher.
1st, Elemental Atonement- Gain resistance to two of the following and vulnerability to the other two; acid, cold, fire, or lightning. Select a single Ruin Sword Technique.
2nd, Magical and Martial Might- Rather than expending a Technique use, you may instead sacrifice a spell slot of the highest you can cast. Select a single Ruin Sword Technique.
3rd, Energy Blade- When wielding a melee weapon you may change its damage type to a type you are resistant to.
Ruin Sword Techniques
Spirit of the Sword- Summon a ghostly afterimage of your weapon as a bonus action that lasts for 1 minute. While active, it grants a +1 magical modifier, a +1 bonus to AC, and advantage on attacks against incorporeal opponents.
Elemental Surge- Produce a wave of arcane energy. In a 15 ft radius centered on you, deal 2d10 fire, acid, lightning, or cold damage to every character in the area of effect, with a Dexterity save halving the damage. That save is equal to 10+your proficiency bonus+your levels in this class.
Magical Enhancement- Extend the effects of a single arcane spell cast on yourself by yourself to x1.5 as an immediate action.
Drain Energy- Whenever a spell is cast on you and it fails, you may expend this Technique to regain a number of Technique uses equal to the spells level.
Rune Barrier- If you need to make a Wisdom or Dexterity save, expend this technique to gain advantage with that save.

Blade Knights of Exar
Exar is the most powerful and bountiful nation in Ventmir, with no small thanks to its Blade Knights. Over a century of prosperity has given the nation a strong focus on entertainment and art, rather than more practical pursuits. Every citizen is at the very least, fed and schooled daily, though there are of course still the poor and criminals. The exact nature of their Blade Knights has given them an odd perspective on gender relations. While both can pursue any career they choose and neither has any greater rights, girls are expected to pursue boys romantically and noble sons are given to cement ties rather than daughters. In addition, they are always ruled by a queen and 90% of military officers are women.
Solstice Guardsmen, Protectors of Justice
Guardsman style focuses on supporting allies and preventing lethal damage in its entirety. Their order has a strict code against killing and they're great believers in due process. That said, there are few things more frightening than a Guardsman for it's never just a Guardsman. It's actually three Guardsmen and two Eclipse Hammers or a Guardsman and a dozen soldiers. They're careful, meticulous, and always prepared for the worse. While others may lead Exar, it is the Guardsmen that hold the nation on their indomitable shoulders.
Solstice Guardsman Sub-Class
Requirements- Must be male and proficient in Heavy armor. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3r.
1st, Strength In Numbers- While you're within 5ft of an ally, you can subtly shift them out of the way to avoid dangerous attacks. This shift grants advantage on all Dexterity saves and can only be used on a single ally per turn. Select a single Guardsman Technique.
2nd, Magical Positioning- As a bonus action you can switch places with a single ally within 20 ft before using a Guardsman Technique. Select a single Guardsman Technique.
3rd, Unbreakable- So long as you still have at least 1 Technique use left, add your levels in this class as a bonus to all saves. This does not stack with your proficiency bonus. Select a single Guardsman Technique.
Guardsman Techniques
Revitalize- Automatically recover from the Stunned, Paralyzed, Frightened, Deafened, or Blinded condition for 1d6 rounds as a bonus action. Afterwards, the condition returns until it is fixed properly. You may also use this Technique on an ally, though that requires an action.
Winter Solstice- Freeze enemies with a low sweep of ice. Make a melee attack with +1d6 cold damage and if successful the target must make a Reflex save equal to your attack roll or be restrained for 1d4 rounds. If this attack reduces the target to 0 hitpoints, they are instead paralyzed and are not dying.
Summer Solstice- Blind enemies with a high strike of light. Make a melee attack with +1d6 fire damage and if successful the target must make a Constitution save equal to your attack roll or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Shield of Force- Create a shimmering barrier of pure energy that hardens to stop enemy attacks. The shield is a 15 ft line centered directly in front of you and lasts for 1 minute. Any attack or spell that tries to bypass the shield must have a higher roll than 10+your proficiency bonus+your levels in this class.
Sacrifice Power- You can expend one Technique use to restore a single ally's use. This can only be used once on a willing target between long rests.

Eclipse Hammers, Unstoppable Juggernauts of Power
An Eclipse Hammer can just as easily smash through an opponents armor as through their bone. Not as savage as their detractors claim, most Hammers are well rounded people, often with day jobs that have nothing to do with breaking faces. But when called to action, there are few fighting forces that can go toe to toe with a platoon just led by a Hammer, rather than a whole platoon of them. Most Exar nobility train their daughters young how to fight with a mace, flail, or war hammer in the hopes it will trigger the change. As it stands, the decorated rods hanging from the belts of Exar noblewoman that most take to be simple fashion accessories, are constructed for battle.
Eclipse Hammer Sub-Class
Requirements- Must be female and wield a melee Bludgeoning weapon. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Jarring Blow- The powerful vibrations from your weapon leave opponents disoriented. If your attack roll is 5 higher than the enemy's AC, they must pass a strength save equal to your roll or drop their weapon. If it is 2nd, 10 higher they are instead Stunned for 1 round. Gain a Eclipse Hammer Technique.
3rd, mash, Smash, Smash!- If you make multiple attacks in the same round against a single enemy they progressively deal +2 damage if the previous attack was successful. Gain a Eclipse Hammer Technique.
No Weak Attacks- Once between long rests you may use the same number of Techniques in a round as attacks you can make, such as from Extra Attack or Haste. Gain a Eclipse Hammer Technique.
Eclipse Hammer Techniques
Waterfall- Make two melee attacks against the same target. If the first one connects the second one gains a +4 bonus on the attack roll.
Awesome Blow- Your successful melee attack knocks a Large or smaller enemy 15 ft away in any direction. If they connect with a solid surface, such as the wall or ground, they take 1d8 damage for distance remaining and fall prone.
Unstoppable Fury- As a bonus action, ignore damage from Attacks of Opportunity for a single round.
Rebound Strike- If you miss any one melee attack against an enemy, make another attack as an Immediate Action.
Hammer Wave- Knock your weapon on the ground, sending a shockwave around yourself. Make a single attack roll against the ACs of every Large or smaller character within 15 ft. If successful, the are knocked prone. If used on a target that is already Prone, it deals 2d6+strength modifier in damage.

Nationless Blade Knights
While Exar, Largesse, and Southknell all have established Blade Knight traditions, there are just as many without loyalty to any one country. However, not all are Ronin. Several are in the employ of Southknell Merchants who've earned the Tellers ire, searching for the lost magical blades of Largesse, or indebted to the noble houses of Exar. Regardless, if any of the nations were to come to blows, the number of nationless Blade Knights they could muster would most definitely be a tipping point.
Kensai, True Masters of the Sword
If there are any Blade Knights that exemplify the wandering hero, it is the Kensai. They use their bodies natural energy to power their Techniques, cutting through even stone with ease. Bound to honor any oath or fair challenge, their most sacred duties involve searching out a master worthy of serving and pupil worth teaching.
Kensai Sub-Class
Requirements- Techniques are performed with shortswords, longswords, or greatswords. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Ki Body- Gain a number of Ki Points equal to your level in this class+your proficiency bonus. These are used to power your Techniques and stack with any gained from other sources. So long as you still have half your ki points left (rounded down) gain fast healing 1. Gain a single Kensai Technique.
2nd, Iajutsu- The speed at which you can bring a weapon to bear is second to none. For you, drawing a sword is part of an attack action and if done as your first attack against a single enemy, gain advantage with that attack. Gain a single Kensai Technique.
3rd, Empowered Blade- So long as you still have 1 ki point left, your weapon's edge is charged by it to become impossibly sharp. It deals an additional 10 damage to all objects, including weapons and armor. Gain a single Kensai Technique.
Kensai Techniques
Bladestorm- By moving at impossibly fast speeds you can cut at every target that you can see. Make a single melee attack against every enemy you choose within 5 ft. Spend 1 or more ki points to extend the range by an additional 5 ft, for a maximum of 30 ft.
Invisible Strike- With a hand on your sword, you suddenly appear behind an enemy as their headless body drops to the ground. Move up to 40 ft away, choosing a single enemy in that distance. Make a single attack against that enemy, but with advantage and an increased critical range of 18-20.
Flow Like Water- You move before attacks can even reach you. When targeted by an attack or spell/ability that requires a Dexterity save, you may make an initiative roll. If successful, gain a bonus to your AC or dexterity save equal to the distance between the two rolls. Spend up to 5 ki points to gain a +2 bonus on the initiative roll per point spent.
Ki Shout- Roaring with a ki empowered voice boosts ally morale while lowering enemies. Every character within 60 ft who hears the shout either gains a +1 or -1 modifier to their rolls for a single round. If the consider themselves allies they gain the bonus, if enemies they gain the penalty. Spending up to 4 ki points when the shout is used increases the number of rounds by each point.
Purify Self- Boost your immune system with ki. Whenever you would make a Constitution save, as an immediate action add double your proficiency modifier to the save.

Hydra Lancers, Bold Sailors Who Fight the Depths
As the legend goes, a monstrous Kraken, left behind by the forgotten enemy, threatened every ship that sailed the Edge till no more even attempted such a thing. For a while, it seemed the greatest parts of the sea were cut off from humanity. A boy, despite the warnings from old sailors, went out on a small boat to fish for his starving family. The Kraken claim to devour even such a paltry snack, but was unprepared for the child to climb it's tentacles and cut through one of it's eyes. Now known only as the Mariner, he taught others the Hydra Lancer style and charged his students with insuring the safety of sea travel.
Hydra Lancer Sub-Class
Requirements- Techniques are performed with spears, lances, glaives, and tridents. Must have Sailing as a trained skill and a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Crashing Waves- You can leap and strike with ease, which is important while fighting gigantic monstrosities. Your attacks are not penalized if you are currently climbing something, holding on to something, or swimming. Gain a single Hydra Lancer Technique.
2nd, Pierce the Eye- When attacking a Huge or bigger creature, your critical modifier is considered to be 18-20. Gain a single Hydra Lancer Technique.
3rd, Aquatic Evolution- Your no longer impeded by water in any way. Gain a swim speed of 40 ft and advantage on all checks to hold your breath. Gain a single Hydra Lancer Technique.
Hydra Lancer Techniques
Hydra Defense- When this technique is used, mark 3 5x5 spots within 10 ft of you. Any creature that attacks you while within those spots have disadvantage on the attack as your weapon thrusts forward in a quick feint. These spots last for 3 rounds.
Hydra Offense- When this technique is used, mark 3 5x5 spots within 10 ft of you. Gain +2 to the attack roll and deal +1d8 cold damage when attacking enemies in those spots. These spots last for 3 rounds.
Water Dragon Spear- Your weapon is sheathed in a bright blue liquid colder than ice and faster than a waterfall. As a bonus action increase the reach of your weapon by 5 ft and it deals +2 cold damage. In addition, while Water Dragon Spear is active, the areas set up by Hydra Defense and Hydra Offense can be set up 20 ft away. It lasts for 5 rounds.
Water Cloak- Draw a sheet of water around yourself that doesn't stop attacks, but reduces their speed. Gain resistance to bludgeoning and slashing damage and immunity to fire and cold damage. If struck by fire or cold damage, Water Cloak is immediately destroyed. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Hydra Strike- Immediately attack any enemy currently occupying the areas set up by Hydra Defense or Hydra Offense.

Death Dealers, Gamblers Living on the Very Edge
In sleazy dens found across all of Ventmir, the tale is the same. A tall stranger dressed all in black and with a face shrouded in darkness, takes up an empty chair. He loses every hand and you win them. Just as you were about to take the winnings, he insists on one last hand. If you win, he drops a single gold edged playing card as forfeit. If you lose, he leaves without taking any money and you die the next day. A missed cut with a razor, choked on chicken bone, slipped in a puddle and broke your neck on a passing wagon. It doesn't matter. Those that have won call themselves Death Dealers and charge outrageous amounts for their services. Though you can always take a gamble for a discount...
Death Dealer Sub-Class
Requirements- Must be proficient with Playing Cards and Techniques are performed with playing cards. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Hand You're Dealt- In your hands even playing cards can become dangerous weapons. You may deal 1d6 damage with Finesse Throwing weapons of which playing cards are now considered. They deal slashing damage. At the 2nd level of this class upgrade the damage by 1d8 and then 1d10 at 3rd. Select a single Death Dealer Technique.
2nd, Nothing Up My Sleeve- You gain a +5 bonus on all Dexterity Sleight of Hand checks to hide up to 5 playing cards on your person. Select a single Death Dealer Technique.
3rd, Aces High- Gain the Lucky feat. Select a single Death Dealer Technique.
Death Dealer Techniques
52 Pick Up- Launch a huge number of cards in a wild storm. In a 30 ft cone, make two ranged card attacks targeting every character in that cone. Lose three cards for character in that cone.
Luck of the Draw- *This Technique is special and can either be done with a deck of cards or 1d4 and 1d20-6. The first d4 decides what suite it is either a 1club, 2spade, 3diamond, or 4heart. The d20 decides if it is a 1-10numbered card, 11-13face card, or 14ace.* Draw four cards from a deck. A numbered Heart card heals you 1d10, a face Heart card heals you 2d10, and an ace Heart card grants you 30 hit points if you fall to 0 in the next 2 minutes. A numbered Diamond card deals a single enemy 2 necrotic damage, a face Diamond card deals a single enemy 6 necrotic damage, and an ace Diamond card deals an enemy 1d20 necrotic damage. There is no save against this damage and if you draw more than one Diamond you may split them up. A numbered Club card grants you resistance to one type of chosen damage, a face Club card grants you resistance to two types of chosen damage, and an ace Club card grants you immunity to fire, acid, cold, and lightning damage. This lasts for 1 minute. A numbered Spade card grants you a -1 penalty to all saves, a face Spade card grants you a -1 penalty to all rolls, and a ace Spade card immediately brings you to 1 hitpoint. The penalty lasts for 2 minutes and you restored to the same number of hitpoints you had in 10 minutes, so long as you do not gain or lose hitpoints in the interim.
Pick a Card- Throw up to 4 cards in the air and when they come down they enlarge, forming thin shields in a 5 ft space each one up to 30 ft away. They immediately fall apart when they suffer more than 1 point of damage. However, when first used you may teleport behind anyone that you choose, gaining a free Stealth roll to remain hidden behind it. As they provide total cover, you gain advantage on that stealth roll.
Magic Hands- When the enemy reaches down to draw their weapon, they find only a card and you holding that weapon. On your first turn of combat, select a single enemy within 30 ft who is lower on the initiative order than you. Choose a single sheathed item they possess and magically switch it with a card in your possession. That item must weigh less than 2 lbs.
Smoke, Smoke, FIRE!- Choose a single enemy that you have hit with a card in the last round. As a bonus action, blow that card up, dealing 2d12 force damage, constitution save with a DC equal to 10+your proficiency modifier+the number of cards you have hit them with in the last 2 minutes.

Knights of Sin
While most Blade Knights are dangerous combatants, most are bound by laws and strict rules of honor. Even Death Dealers, who often toe the line between good and evil, will always keep their end of a bet and stay loyal to paying clients. However, there are practitioners of forbidden styles who fight only for themselves. Being called a Sin Knight is a grave insult and most simply believe they're simply evil Blade Knights, but true Sin Knights are those that practice the following styles. Hydra Lancers who turn Pirate or Tellers that skim money don't actually count.
Blackened Rose, Bored and Vicious Duelists
This is the newest style to come to Ventmir, though it is still centuries old. Originating in Exar amongst male nobles who felt that females weren't strong enough to lead on a battlefield, it has since spread amongst all nobility with a bone to grind. They often meet in secret to carve each other up, though some unfortunate souls have found themselves abducted by entire groups and forced to fight for show. Though Blackened Rose is the original name, most groups adopt their own as a point of rebellion.
Blackened Rose Sub-Class
Requirements- Techniques are always performed with a one-handed rapier and nothing else, though this can change depending on what weapons nobles traditionally wield in the specific region. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Exquisite Suffering- You are empowered by the sight of blood, yours or preferably someone else. Your melee attacks can deal +2d6 necrotic damage to enemies and 1d6 necrotic damage to yourself. Turning this on and off is an immediate action. Gain a Blackened Rose Technique.
2nd, Playful Predator- Whenever you deal 30 or more total damage to a single enemy, gain 1d12+6 hit points. This can be done with spells, attacks, Techniques, etc. Gain a Blackened Rose Technique.
3rd, Savage Duelists Soul- The only worthy opponent is another Blade Knight. Whenever you would deal 20 or more damage with a single Technique to another Blade Knight, steal a single Technique use from them. This can only be done once between short rests. Gain a Blackened Rose Technique.
Blackened Rose Techniques
Abandoned Noble Pretense- Let go of all illusions of humanity and just cut someone to pieces. Make 5 different melee attacks against a single target, each one with disadvantage.
Vampire's Blade- Stick your sword in and drain the target of life. As a bonus action after making a successful melee attack, leave your sword in the body and deal 1d10 necrotic damage, healing the same amount. If the target is incapable of moving, this can be maintained as an action until they die.
Duelist Focus- Quickly study a single enemy and analyze their weak points. Make a single melee attack and it is considered to be a critical hit.
Master's Parry- As an immediate action or bonus, replace your AC with a Dexterity or Strength save. If used as a bonus action, gain advantage on the save.
Unquenched Fury- If you drop an enemy to 0 or less hit points, you may move up to 5 ft in any direction and make a single melee attack as an immediate action.

Shade Singers, Musicians With a Dark Past and Bloody Future
The name is a bit misleading. Shade Singers can be any sort of entertainer, from court jester to professional actor. Their skills at infiltration and murder are second to none, bringing down everyone from powerful dukes to famous Blade Knights. Theirs is a minor organization, but it's more of a guild or loose clan rather than controlling body. Shade Singers have no real set rules or methods beyond kill people for money, which is what makes them so dangerous.
Shade Singer Sub-Class
Requirements- Must be proficient in any one instrument and the Stealth skill. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Dark Requiem- Gain an extra 1d6 sneak attack damage, as per the Rogue class feature. This stacks with all other sources of Sneak Attack damage. Gain a Shade Singer Technique.
2nd, Devil's Whisper- Select a single target within 30 ft as a bonus action. You may perform Shade Singer Techniques against that target and they make no noise whatsoever, allowing you stay in Stealth. Gain a Shade Singer Technique.
3rd, Bladed Dirge- Whenever you would deal Sonic damage with a Technique, you may deal Slashing or Force instead. Gain a Shade Singer Technique.
Shade Singer Techniques
Shadow Scream- Let loose a shriek imbued with dark energy and a gratingly mournful sound. Fire a 40 line dealing 3d6 sonic damage, dexterity save halves that damage. In addition, if they fail the save, their field of vision is reduced to 20 ft.
Blades of Night- Throw multiple slivers of pure shadowstuff that snuff out both lives and sound. These slivers deal 1d8 necrotic damage, have a range of 60 ft, require a ranged attack roll, and you launch a number equal to the number of Technique uses you have left. Any target struck by them can make no sound for 1d4 round, including spellcasting with verbal requirements.
Dark Transfer- Teleport to the shadow of a single creature 50 ft away or less and automatically make a single melee attack with advantage.
Sonic Burst- Move with incredible speed attacking everyone with a darkness enhanced blade. Move in a straight 40 ft line, attacking all enemies within range. If you roll maximum damage with any of those attacks, they must make a Constitution save equal to 10+your class level+your proficiency bonus or be Blinded for 1 round.
Vibrations in the Dark- As a bonus action, gain 10 ft of blind sight for 1 minute. If you are currently in a darkened area, increase that sight to 30 ft.

Abyssal Masks, Cursed Dispensers of Justice
Vessan the Life Razor, a powerful horned devil banished to the material plane, was initially the one who taught the Abyssal Mask Style. Wishing to keep souls out of his rivals hands, Vessan taught vengeful warriors to bring brutal justice to the wicked. Fearing such powerful killers, the devil hoped mortals would become too afraid to commit the sins that would damn them. Sometime in the last five hundred years Vessan disappeared completely, but his lessons remained.
Abyssal Mask Sub-Class
Requirements- Must have a strength and constitution score of 13 or higher. Must have a proficiency bonus of +3.
1st, Hidden Ravager- At 1st level as a bonus action you can cause your features to twist, becoming uglier. Your brow deepens, your eyes shin malevolently, and your canines protrude. This can be turned on and off with ease, making for a convincing disguise. You gain your class level+3 on all Disguise checks to assume this alter ego. Gain a single Abyssal Mask technique.
2nd, Dark Retribution- At 2nd level you strike down those foolish enough to get in your way. If a single creature harms you with 20 or more damage, you may use an Abyssal Mask technique against them as an immediate action. Gain a single Abyssal Mask technique.
3rd, Deny Hell- At 3rd level you deal the greatest of punishments. Any evil creature reduced to 0 hit points by your Abyssal Mask technique has their souls torn apart. They cannot be revived outside of Wish or divine intervention. Any outsider is destroyed completely. Gain a single Abyssal Mask technique.
Abyssal Mask Techniques
Wreath of Chains- By slamming your weapon into the ground, you summon a series of spiked chains. These either explode in a radius around you, creating dangerous terrain for 3 rounds. Any creature within that terrain takes 1d6 slashing damage every turn they start inside of it and it reduces ground movement by 20 ft. You may also use them to target a single creature. They must make a dexterity save equal to 10+your class level+your proficiency modifier or be restrained for 3 rounds, taking 1d6 slashing damage every round they're restrained.
Hellfire Blast- Summon a globe of hellfire in your hand as an action. If wielding a weapon two-handed it deals +2d6 fire damage. You may also use it to make 30 ft ranged touch attacks that deal 3d6 fire damage. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Demon Skin- As a bonus action your skin turns dark red and rough to touch. Gain 30 temporary hitpoints that must be depleted before you take damage. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Blood Cleaving Blade- Attack every enemy within 10 ft with a melee attack that deals +2d6 necrotic damage. On the following round, all attacks against have advantage.
Personal Judgement Day- Nothing can stop you from your mission. Mark a single enemy within sight. All negative effects temporarily end and you regain 5 hit points per turn, but you may only target that one creature with any attack or effect. Your hit points remain healed, but any negative conditions automatically resume. This lasts for 10 minutes or until the target is dead.

2015-05-12, 10:18 AM
The formatting is a bit messy. Could you add in some tables and paragraph breaks so it's easier to understand?