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View Full Version : [3.PF] Optimizing Psionics

2015-04-20, 06:51 AM
I want to make a psion that's optimized for blasting. I don't want only blasting powers, but that should be the general goal of the build. It will go from level 5-15. It must be an intellIgence based Psionic class. Any humanoid race will do, but human or elan is preferred. Specific powers and feats will be appreciated. The ability to use HP/stats to go nova would be amazing as well.

I have access to all of 3.5 and all of the PF/DSP srd material.

2015-04-20, 07:52 AM
Honestly Psions are perhaps the best class to do blasting due to how the psionics system works, so you are heading in the right direction. For the best possible blasting you can do i would recomend finding a way to generate PP between combat. There are several ways to do this depending on what level you plan to play at, google it find them all, and i would also recommend reading this Psion handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=5343) for general tips and tricks.

Ah, found a good site for the Psionic Tricks (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1187).

2015-04-20, 08:37 AM
If you're using PF Psionics you will want Kineticist since they are now the only ones that can truly swap elements on the fly anymore. Everyone else must first change their active energy type to do so, except for Wilders.

Beyond that, most of the techniques in the Psion Handbook still apply. Target all saves, target no save, get a no-PR power of some kind etc.

2015-04-20, 12:50 PM
Definitely take Linked Power. It's so crazy broken you'd be a fool not to.

2015-04-20, 01:08 PM
If you're using PF Psionics you will want Kineticist since they are now the only ones that can truly swap elements on the fly anymore. Everyone else must first change their active energy type to do so, except for Wilders.

What are you referring to?

2015-04-20, 01:18 PM
What are you referring to?

Pathfinder Psionics (by which I mean the Psionics port created by DSP) added a new rule that was not present in 3.5, called "Active Energy Type." It makes it so that non-kineticist psions have to spend additional actions to change the energy type of a power that allows for multiple choices, e.g. Energy Ray. For the record I don't consider this a bad change, as before there was little reason to be a kineticist even if you wanted to primarily be a blaster - you could reap the benefits of another discipline instead while selecting the individual blasting powers you wanted from the general list or ad-hoc.

Anyway, the rule goes as follows:

Energy Powers: Many psionic powers deal damage of a certain type of energy, with cold, electricity, fire, and sonic being the most common. For powers that have the choice of cold, electricity, fire, and sonic, the manifester must choose after he regains his psionic power points for the day which of these four energy types is his active energy. The manifester may choose to change which energy is his active energy by gaining psionic focus. If he is currently maintaining psionic focus, he may expend it as a free action and then gain psionic focus normally to choose a new energy type. The manifester need not maintain psionic focus to have an active energy type. Wilders may change their active energy type when performing a wild surge. Kineticists are exempt from this restriction and may freely choose the energy type at the time the power is manifest, so long as it is within the choices allowed by the power. He could not, for example, choose fire as his energy type when manifesting concussion blast, as the power does not allow a choice in energy types.

Source (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers)

2015-04-20, 02:05 PM
Ah, I missed that it was pathfinder. Thanks for the clarification.

2015-04-20, 11:49 PM
IMHO, in comparison to 3.0/5 psionics, DSP did a pretty decent job at making all of the separate disciplines interesting, inventing a few new psionic core classes, and weeding out the infinite power combo's that EPH and Complete Psionics introduced.

But as far as a blaster type is concerned for PF, kineticist discipline, torc of power preservation, psionic meditation, crystal shard, and any energy type powers you care to have. Oh, and a Map of the Mind (1/wk Psychic reformation) if you decide you don't like your feats and/or skills/powers.

2015-04-22, 12:02 AM
This stuff is all great. Thanks.

Is there any way to use hit points or ability score points in place of power points or to supplement a power? I remember seeing ability burn somewhere, but I don't recall where it is or what it does. I need it for flavor.

2015-04-22, 12:30 AM
For that you would want the feat Body Fuel(psi)which allows you to gain 2 pp(as if from rest) by taking 1 point of ability burn to each of your physical attribute scores, so 1dmg to dex, str, and con, and since it's burn, you can only heal it with natural rest, no spells or powers can help you circumvent it.

Ability Burn
This is a special form of ability damage that cannot be magically or psionically healed. It is caused by the use of certain psionic feats and powers. It returns only through natural healing.

IIRC there isn't any way to sacrifice HP for PP, and your maximum augment for any power is your manifester level (class level of your psionic manifesting class). You can boost your ML with the overchannel feat, which will deal you damage when you do so, and you can take the talented feat after getting overchannel to negate the damage to low lvl powers.

Overchannel: While manifesting a power, you can increase
your effective manifester level by one, but in so doing
you take 1d8 points of damage.

Talented:To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When manifesting a power of 3rd level or lower,you do not take damage from overchanneling.