View Full Version : World Within the World [IC]

2015-04-20, 11:45 AM
A small caravan of four vehicles travels across a wind-swept savannah along a rough, bumpy path.

The first is a personal coach, occupied by the caravan master, the director, and the latter's scribe.

The second is a cargo cart, carrying only a few supplies.

The fourth is another stagecoach filled with armed guards. To some, it seems like an excessive number of guards for such a small convoy, but the director nervously insisted that this is dangerous territory.

But the third vehicle, a large stagecoach, is the strangest. It contains a group of mismatched persons, including a pirate, a former solider, a wizard, a noble, a few hermits, and several rats.

After a few days of travel, some are starting to feel stir-crazy in the confined space, but are comforted by the knowledge that they will reach their destination in a few hours. Until then, there's more sitting.

2015-04-20, 02:19 PM
Lorkhan hummed to himself as he poured out his waterskin and used Shape Water to form a small bowl shape before freezing the outside of the water to create a small, round bucket of water.

"Anyone else bored?"

2015-04-20, 02:49 PM
Delmirev Nelsix, who preferred to go by the nickname 'Crimsonblood' or simply 'Crimson', sat restlessly in the tight conditions. His claustrophobia was kicking in and it was angering the dragonborn, causing him to growl in a very deep tone occasionally. Otherwise, the warrior remained silent.

Crimson closed his eyes in order to more easily listen to conversation around him and to help keep his claustrophobic feelings in check.

2015-04-20, 03:00 PM
Atch sits quietly in the back of the coach, otherwise ignoring the other passengers. Between his fingers, small orbs of light dance back and forth. When he tires of that, he switches to mirages of tiny scale battles, and odd looking monstrosities. He smiles to himself as the images fade away. "Bored? No, no, no. Bored is what happens when you have nothing to do. There is always something to do!" he chortles quietly under his breath. "Though I suppose I am quite ready to arrive. My stomach is growling almost as loud as the swordswinger!" Atch points to the dragonborn. "I'm Atch, by the way. Just your friendly street magician."

2015-04-20, 03:15 PM
Kerrigan mulls against a window. Occasionally taking swigs of rum from a flask on her hip as she mindlessly rolls a gold piece between her fingers. Her eyes wander to each member in the caravan. She kept watching Crimson as the caravans confinement took its tole on his psyche "Oi, ain't got a taste fer traveling do ya boy-o?" she said with a smirk, her eyes fixating for a moment on the dragonborn before taking another sip of her rum.

2015-04-22, 07:55 PM
Vincent focuses on grooming and watching his rats; the tight confines aren't much of an issue, but he worries that some oaf will trod on a tail, or kick one of his pets. He'd run out of treats; hopefully they would stop soon so he could prepare more.

Thankfully, none of the other passengers had had the audacity to complain about the noise or smell of his rats, or to suggest he box them for the trip. A glower had sufficed for the loadmaster, but Vincent doubted it would work with the toughs riding with him.

2015-04-22, 10:50 PM
Any chance of further conversation or boredom is interrupted by the sound of an explosion. The entire wagon trembles, and even through the wood paneling, a wave of heat can be barely felt. The reverberations of the explosion is soon overtaken with the cries of injured men and frightened horses.

There are two doors to the coach you are in: one facing the directing from which the sounds seem to be originating, and one that faces away. Both have windows with drawn curtains.

2015-04-23, 08:05 AM
Atch's eyes grow wide in surprise as his illusions vanish and he falls to the floor. Scrambling, he climbs up to his feet. "What was that?" he exclaims with more than a little panic in his voice. He rips open the closest curtains, facing the direction of the explosion.

2015-04-23, 08:12 AM
Vincent quickly blows the "come, hide" commands into his whistle; better to keep the pack close and safe until he knows more about the situation. Rats mob towards him, climbing into the pockets sewn for them.

2015-04-23, 09:12 AM
Kerrigan's grin fades as the explosion hits the caravan. As the caravan shakes her feet plant themselves to the floor, accustomed to the rocking of a ship at sea. She retrieves her hand crossbow and rests her hand on her rapier. "Looks like we got ourselves some company mates" she says as she moves to the side of the door opposite of the explosion.

2015-04-23, 09:59 AM
If Crimson wasn't in a foul mood before, he definitely is now. Keeping control of his panic, the warrior grips his greatsword and moves to a position next to the door closest to the explosion, ready to either engage something entering through it or ready to charge out of it himself.

2015-04-23, 12:17 PM
Looking out the window, Atch sees several figures standing behind a ridge. All are armed and armored, three with bows and the fourth with an orb, with which he is preparing to cast another spell.

2015-04-23, 02:25 PM
Atch makes a soft, almost squawk-like sound and throws up his hands. Outside, an ear-piercing scream erupts from right next to the group of figures. Without watching to see if it stopped the caster, Atch scurries to the other side of the cabin and opens the other door. "We'd best make ways out of here," he looks back at the others. "Anyone? Come on. I'm not certain how long that sound will distract them, if it does at all. I'm not sticking around to find out." He grins wickedly and then hops out of the carriage on the other side. As he lands, he turns back to the one gripping his sword. "There's 4 of them, Swordswinger. And they have bows and magic. You won't reach them. Come on, it's better we move and get a better position."
Cast minor illusion, create illusory sound. DC15 Investigation to determine that the sound is an illusion, and it goes away.

2015-04-23, 02:47 PM
Crimsonblood snaps a growl at Atch. "First off, don't call me 'swordswinger', little one. Second, that little distraction you just caused could give us the edge we need. We can take them!"

Crimson is fully prepared to charge into the battle, but he isn't foolish enough to do so without the support everyone else. He holds off for now, waiting to see what will happen.

2015-04-23, 02:57 PM
Kerrigan chuckles at the word swordswinger, her face regaining its wry grin from before. "Aye, this is 'o course why we're here, I ain't giving up so easily!" Kerrigan moves to open the door away from the ambushers, hand crossbow at the ready as she departs from behind the caravan to find a comfortable vantage point.

2015-04-24, 03:23 PM
Atch shrugs at the swordswinger. "Suit yourself, but I'll be over here if you need me." And he runs around to the side of the carriage.

2015-04-25, 03:17 PM
Atch's illusion has indeed distracted the attackers. All of them are looking around, trying to find its source while keeping their bows at the ready.

The rear wagon has been turned into a pile of burning kindling. Bodies of the guards that were riding in it are scattered around it. The sound of a moan indicated that at least one of them is still alive, but the smoke obscures them.

The caster investigates the source of the sound.


Atch and Kerrigan are behind the coach (relative to the attackers). Everyone else is still inside. The attacking party are 60 feet from the front of the coach, but the ridge requires a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or an additional 15 feet to go around it.

2015-05-01, 06:25 AM
Vince shoulders his way out of the coach (threat side). Pointing at the mage, he blows the "Bite!" command. A small flood of rats sheds from his clothing, Dashing towards the attackers. He then moves to the corner of the coach for partial cover from the archers. With the economical movement of years of practice, he smoothly strings, nocks, draws, and fires an arrow at the mage.

Hoping having rats climbing all over them causes further discomfort and distraction the mage.

The Swarm Dashes towards the mage;
[roll0]; if successful, mobs over the mage, occupying it's space (Swarm can't attack this turn, IIRC). If not, the Swarm will scramble around the side of the ridge; imagine a stream flowing up against and around the cliff.
Command pet to move into clothing (no action required); Move; Dash Command (Action); Move; Extra Attack. This is my first 5e combat :smallbiggrin:!

Attack 1d20+Prof+DEX: [roll1]

If it hits:
Damage 1d8+DEX= [roll2]