View Full Version : DM Help Help me design an encounter with a custom monster

2015-04-22, 03:47 PM
situation: a stone golem has been used to pick a cursed stone, but the stone afflicted the golem and it has gone out of control. An order of priests has sent troops to destroy the golem and retrieve the cursed stone, the PCs wanna go too (without a clear reason, my PCs are like "hey, a mutated golem, it will be fun", i agree totally)
I would place the creature in a wood, the stone could have corrupted the surrounding flora and eventually fauna, merging an haunted tree to the golem.
I could have the priests waiting for an high priest coming in a few days, to give the party the initiative.

LEP of the party 12
CR of the encounter 14-15 if they go on their own, 16-17 if supported by the clergy (i prefer it won't happen)

The creature
I could either merge a golem-behemoth and a Gallows Tree with the "amalgam creature" template, or i could give the Gallows Tree the "augmented creature" template.

Have you any idea/suggestion for the creature or for the environment? I think it would be fun giving the Gallows Tree SLA like Hallucinatory Terrain, Mind Fog, cloack of dreams to kick some weirdness in the encounter.