View Full Version : What's going to happen to Greysky?

2015-04-22, 04:03 PM
Hank did say that there would be a power vacuum (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0619.html)

2015-04-22, 04:10 PM
There will be a power vacuum.

2015-04-22, 04:19 PM
They (the OOTS) should strong-arm Grubwiggler into making a more polite version of the Crystal Golem with Bozzok's corpse and send him back to rule the Thieves Guild. Imagine him like Herman Munster in charge of all the thieves. :wink:

brian 333
2015-04-22, 04:47 PM
See, this is the kind of question best left to sequels. I mean, G. Lucas can do it, why not The Giant?

Of course, different media will be involved. OotS is a comic, so in the tradition of comics everywhere it must first be made into a children's cartoon which will be badly misunderstood by the adult audience. Then it must be made into a live action movie with CGI enhancements. Then it can be novelized and spawn hundreds of spinoff novels, a series of which can be devoted to this very question.

Of course, it would be the perfect material for G.R.R. Martin. Seven books at a minimum, and none of the main characters would survive for more than four of them.

Mike Havran
2015-04-22, 05:25 PM
Hank did say that there would be a power vacuum (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0619.html) With all we know about Bozzok, a power vacuum might actually be an improvement over previous state.

2015-04-22, 06:56 PM
Hank seems like a pretty savvy operator. It's not much of a stretch to imagine that he has a pretty well-developed plan for when the issue of succession came up in the TG. On the other hand, he might be savvy enough to know that TG leadership is a sucker's job and might just take the money and run. Apologies to those with the main plot fetish, but I'd love to see it play out (followed, maybe, by a little visit to Nale in Hell).

Jaxzan Proditor
2015-04-22, 11:15 PM
I imagine that Hank might have exaggerated some of the results of killing Bozzok; it was in his interests to negotiate a peace as soon as possible. I imagine the takeover after news of Bozzok's death spreads will be a little calmer.

2015-04-23, 03:10 AM
I say we should all chip in and write a large co-operative piece of fanfiction about it.

brian 333
2015-04-23, 05:32 AM
Consider: the majority of Bozz's loyal supporters died in the attack on Brainy Pete's house, and the rest of them were Crystal. His faction no longer exists to exploit his death, leaving who? Ian and Hank?

2015-04-23, 06:19 AM
Hank will spin it as a coup by Ian, backed by his daughter's high-level adventuring team. Ian was very popular (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0609.html) in the guild, so there'll be plenty of people willing to back him as the new leader. When Ian eventually gets back to Greysky, Hank will be there to congratulate his new boss.

2015-04-23, 01:20 PM
Consider: the majority of Bozz's loyal supporters died in the attack on Brainy Pete's house, and the rest of them were Crystal. His faction no longer exists to exploit his death, leaving who? Ian and Hank?
Consider that the majority of Bozzok's dead loyal supporters were subsequently raised by Temple of Loki, though the sides involved are likely going to a bit testy when they find out Haley's is in fact NOT going to pay for that.

2015-04-23, 01:56 PM
Consider that the majority of Bozzok's dead loyal supporters were subsequently raised by Temple of Loki....Were they (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0974.html), though?

2015-04-23, 02:04 PM
Were they (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0974.html), though?

Although as low level recruits, they may not have had much say in the line of succession anyways.

Reddish Mage
2015-04-23, 02:32 PM
Greysky will be controlled by the MOB (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0619.html). It'll be a train-wreck if you know what I'm saying.

2015-04-23, 04:54 PM
Were they (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0974.html), though?

Had forgotten about that one. When it was brought up in the past it sounded like it was done already.

Gift Jeraff
2015-04-23, 06:26 PM
The MOBs will MPK everyone and Grubwiggler will turn everyone into golems.

2015-04-23, 08:55 PM
My bet is that Bozzok picked a temporary ruler (probably Hank) to keep things running while he was gone hunting for Haley, and with news of his death, the temporary leader will become permanent and keep things in check. I think Yendor's theory is also very likely, though.

2015-04-24, 12:19 PM
The MOBs will MPK everyone and Grubwiggler will turn everyone into golems.

I'm glad to see someone took my suggestion of Greysky-fanfiction serious! It needs more shipping, though.

2015-04-24, 12:33 PM
With all we know about Bozzok, a power vacuum might actually be an improvement over previous state.
Only if we think we know better than Haley and Hank (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0619.html), although you could argue Haley was more compelled by the opportunity to get Roy's body back than considerations for the people of Greysky.

Darth Paul
2015-04-25, 10:04 PM
For my 2cp; the reduction in the ranks of the Thieves' Guild and subsequent rearrangement within might lead to some other group entirely coming to prominence in the city. The Church of Loki seems like they might challenge the Guild for leadership. Grubwiggler might be able to command a fairly powerful force of his own. And there are no doubt commoners and merchants who are tired of paying protection after all these years, who might decide now is the time to band together and make a move.

And who, exactly, other than Grubwiggler, Crystal, and Haley, knows that Bozzok is dead, anyway? Grubby might take advantage of his exclusive knowledge to create a few quick golems and lead a blitzkrieg raid on the Guild premises, as payback for what they did to him.

So many possibilities.....

2015-04-25, 10:19 PM
For my 2cp; the reduction in the ranks of the Thieves' Guild and subsequent rearrangement within might lead to some other group entirely coming to prominence in the city. The Church of Loki seems like they might challenge the Guild for leadership. Grubwiggler might be able to command a fairly powerful force of his own. And there are no doubt commoners and merchants who are tired of paying protection after all these years, who might decide now is the time to band together and make a move.

And who, exactly, other than Grubwiggler, Crystal, and Haley, knows that Bozzok is dead, anyway? Grubby might take advantage of his exclusive knowledge to create a few quick golems and lead a blitzkrieg raid on the Guild premises, as payback for what they did to him.

So many possibilities.....

"I'm sick of your banal little guild's petty intrigues interfering with my magical research. All I want is to be left alone, and I suspect your eventual successor will be more willing to accommodate that desire."

I somewhat doubt Grubwiggler will want to play any role in Greysky's coming turmoil.

Darth Paul
2015-04-26, 08:26 AM
"I'm sick of your banal little guild's petty intrigues interfering with my magical research. All I want is to be left alone, and I suspect your eventual successor will be more willing to accommodate that desire."

I somewhat doubt Grubwiggler will want to play any role in Greysky's coming turmoil.

Yes, point well made. And he seems to take for granted that the Guild will still be in charge, no matter what.

2015-04-27, 01:00 AM
Or simply that Bozzok will have a successor as most powerful individual in Greysky. Maybe he means he thinks the spaghetti-eating blue dragon will be reasonable.

2015-04-27, 06:31 AM
The MOBs might take over, but if they do, they will just get farmed for their purple drops by level-appropriate adventurers, and won't have time to do too much oppressing. :smallcool:

brian 333
2015-04-27, 07:37 AM
The MOBs might take over, but if they do, they will just get farmed for their purple drops by level-appropriate adventurers, and won't have time to do too much oppressing. :smallcool:

Yeah. Look what they did to poor old Two-Life Tony.

Darth Paul
2015-04-27, 06:34 PM
The MOBs might take over, but if they do, they will just get farmed for their purple drops by level-appropriate adventurers, and won't have time to do too much oppressing. :smallcool:

Ooo!! Legendary engram reference!!

2015-04-27, 06:41 PM
I hope Crystal messed up Bozzie's corpse pretty bad. Because Hank strikes me as the kind of lickspittle that would go get him even after all his managerial failures.

Ooo!! Legendary engram reference!!

"Purples" being a euphemism for epic items debuted in WoW (and also showed up in Borderlands for that matter) long before Destiny was conceived :smalltongue:

2015-04-28, 07:59 PM
Hank seems like the type who plays kingmaker instead of being the king himself.

Darth Paul
2015-04-28, 09:03 PM
"Purples" being a euphemism for epic items debuted in WoW (and also showed up in Borderlands for that matter) long before Destiny was conceived :smalltongue:

I'll take your word for it, I'm strictly a console gamer.

I doubt Bozzok's coming back in any form, now that we know there is a municipal disposal facility/ volcano available. The DGS is likely going to pour what's left of Bozzie down the same chute as Crystal. So Hank may well arrange for someone else to be promoted from within, who is easier to manage from the shadows, if he does indeed favor the kingmaker route (as Dbear says). It is a lot safer than being in charge.

2015-04-28, 09:28 PM
Hank seems like the type who plays kingmaker instead of being the king himself.

That's true, but he also seems the highest-placed character in the guild by a considerable margin right now, so if he could preserve stability and prevent a protracted fight for power by taking the seat himself, he might do so.

Also, I really like Hank, so my headcanon has already anointed him as New Guild Leader. :smalltongue: So there.

2015-04-28, 11:24 PM
That's true, but he also seems the highest-placed character in the guild by a considerable margin right now, so if he could preserve stability and prevent a protracted fight for power by taking the seat himself, he might do so.

Also, I really like Hank, so my headcanon has already anointed him as New Guild Leader. :smalltongue: So there.Hank could turn out to be a "run the show behind the scenes" type of adviser, rather than the "official" Guild Leader.

2015-04-29, 06:48 AM
We know very little of Greysky City and its inhabitants: Jenny, Hank, Grubwiggler and Blue Dragon Mob Boss... most others are dead.

I hope that Someplace Else invades the city and spreads democracy.
All in favor?

2015-04-29, 07:17 AM
Hank could turn out to be a "run the show behind the scenes" type of adviser, rather than the "official" Guild Leader.

That's what I think too. Hank seems way savvier than Bozzok, and still playing a "rogue within the rogues" role, as in he acts in the shadows. No doubt he would find some "advisable" replacement.

2015-04-29, 12:54 PM
The trouble with Hank is that he seems pretty sure Bozzok's death will leave a power vacuum for other groups. If he was comfortable with running the show himself he wouldn't have said that. And that was BEFORE we found out that Bozzok basically blew the guild's resurrection fund on creating his own murderer - so now they're short on funds (drastically short, since he basically spent money he didn't have; Haley's not paying up) and short on manpower too with half the guild dead. If there is truly a rival group out there and it wasn't just a throwaway gag, the GCTG is finished.

I'll take your word for it, I'm strictly a console gamer.

I doubt Bozzok's coming back in any form, now that we know there is a municipal disposal facility/ volcano available. The DGS is likely going to pour what's left of Bozzie down the same chute as Crystal. So Hank may well arrange for someone else to be promoted from within, who is easier to manage from the shadows, if he does indeed favor the kingmaker route (as Dbear says). It is a lot safer than being in charge.

For the record I definitely don't want Bozzok coming back either. But this is not like Tsukiko where you can clearly hear her being eaten, or "Brainy Pete", or the two "Disintegrate + Wind" deaths, or any of the other corpse destructions we've seen on camera. Without a more... liquid sound effect, Crystal's "whumping" could still leave enough corpse for a simple raise dead, or even golemification if Grubby were to swing back for some reason. Without seeing the trauma or hearing a splatter - something that clues me into a loss of bodily integrity - I dislike leaving things up to chance, and so too should our genre-savvy heroes.

2015-04-29, 02:54 PM
Hmm what will happen to Greysky?
Quite honestly there might be a power struggle, most of the thieves guild is dead, the remnants of the guild might be killed though some useful members (hank) might be able to talk their way into the winning side, or just be dumb enough to just get absorbed into it (Yor). And yeah some innocent bystanders* might get killed in the conflict but quite frankly in will probably be a pretty short period and then i expect it will be "heres the new boss same as the old boss" and then life will go on.

*though if they do manage to find an innocent bystander they might hit, they should go get him for the sheer novelty or it. RIP Pterry

2015-05-04, 08:30 PM
I get the feeling that there won't actually be much in the way of news to start a power struggle. The only people who know of Bozzok's and Crystal's deaths that have ties to Greysky are Haley and Grubwiggler, the former of which is probably too pre-occupied with the whole Snarl situation to think of having someone send word to anyone in the guild, and the latter of which seems to have absolutely no interest in politics so long as it doesn't affect him personally.

I think the most realistic endgame for Greysky is if Ian (and maybe Haley/Elan post-OoTS) take over the guild, but that's likely quite some time off. The question is more "what's going to happen between now and then", methinks.

And I think the answer lies in Hank, honestly. Bozzok probably put him in charge until he got back. There's no need for anyone in Greysky to know that he's coming home in a tomato tin, and by the time that news breaks I suspect that Hank will have built up enough power as to be a real contender in whatever power struggle comes out of that, especially if Ian makes it home before then considering how respected he was in his day. Hank could step out of the limelight and go back to doing what he's used to, the guild has a respectable leader to lead them and probably a line to the rest of the Order in case they need a little extra muscle to keep things under control.

tl;dr: I don't expect there to be much of a power vaccum-- whoever Bozzok set as interim leader back home before heading out to his death should be able to keep up appearances until the respected Ian Starshine comes home from dealing with Tarquin and co, or even Haley (post-OotS) if Ian doesn't make it out of that alive.