View Full Version : Rise of the Warforged (Scientists) IC

2015-04-22, 11:38 PM
Rise of the Warforged

It's been a normal day. Experiments are being conducted, data gathered, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in months. Most of the test subjects are content with their lives - none of them are mistreated, and they're given time and space for themselves. The five of you are in one of the break rooms, the one on the third sublevel, when it happens.


The walls shake and dust falls from the ceiling. Then, another explosion, followed by another, another....all told, a dozen explosions rock the facility. Already, screams are echoing throughout the hallways.

2015-04-23, 07:00 PM
Tome reaches a hand down to his revolver, unfastening the strap that secured it.
Okay, was anyone here working with explosives, or do we have a crisis on our hands?
It hadn't been a fun day so far. He hadn't progressed anywhere on a new scanning device that connected to his unusual dream state. He was on the verge of giving up that line of research, again, and that always made him angry. Now some idiots started blowing things up.

weary atlas
2015-04-24, 12:51 AM
""That's...not a good sound..."

Victoria stares with wide eyes at the ceiling.

God knows what's going on above. In times of crises, they always target the intellectuals first. Better make myself scarce.

She glances around at the others.

"I doubt that's just construction. Does anyone know a place we can hide, or a way of getting out of this base?"

Morbis Meh
2015-04-24, 02:44 AM
Bloody lab techs, if anyone dare disturb my experiments I will end them, their dogs and their families... unless they have attractive sisters/cousins but nonetheless THEY WILL PAY FOR RUINING MY WORK! The second set of explosions sound and Cornelius grumbles "Explosives are merely crude implements designed by cretins, if one's work is concerning such lowly pursuits then I pity them however, I think it would be more logical to conclude that this wretch of a facility is under attack by some foreign assailant. Probably trying to steal my genius works or person no doubt considering I am the most valuable resource in this godforsaken nation."

2015-04-24, 07:02 AM
Doctor Appleton stays leaned back in his chair, reading studying the recent test results. "You all act as if you have never been bombed before. I suppose it is exciting the first few times. I suggest we move to a more secure and defensible position and wait for the authorities to sort the matter." He stands, tucking the clipboard under his arm. "I hear the sub-basement is lovely this time of year."

weary atlas
2015-04-24, 07:54 AM
"Sub-basement? That sounds perfect. I'd much rather find someplace a bit less obvious if someone were to come looking. A break room is the hostage equivalent of a silver platter."

Victoria winces at the thought.

"Yeah. Lead on?"

2015-04-25, 01:33 PM
Kosye's eyes snap open from his nap, quickly hopping down from his chair and picking up his bag from underneath it.
"No, no. Explosions bad indeed. No tests on explosive weaponry were scheduled for today. Accident causing so many is very unlikely. Attack probable.

Securing selves to lower level seems reasonable. Not in a good position to defend, no no, but...uh...
Won't heading farther down make it much harder to escape if help never arrives?" rattles off the kobold, looking up tentatively at the (much taller) people in the room.

2015-04-25, 09:36 PM
"If help never arrives than our location when it doesn't come will likely be entirely irrelevant." Besides, some of us can survive indefinitely trapped in the rubble of a sub-basement.

Morbis Meh
2015-04-25, 11:48 PM
"Yes let us all go and hide in some dark, dank cellar and pray that everything blows over and we don't get trapped down there so we are forced to cannibalism... I say the lizard goes first since they say they taste like chicken." Cornelius pouts at the inconvenience of the assumed attack and takes his bad mood out on the tiniest among them.

2015-04-26, 07:28 AM
I doubt we'll need to eat anyone. At least, that I will.
Tome draws the revolver and stands..
Alright, let's get moving people. The longer we sit here, the less safe we are.

weary atlas
2015-04-26, 12:59 PM
"Right. Come on, then. Let's try to keep a low profile...gods only know what they're after."

Victoria stands, crosses to the nearest door and peers outside through the barest crack.



2015-05-03, 12:26 PM
Sublevel 3

The hallway stretch out in both directions; you're dead in the middle. A stairwell lies at each end, going up and down. Two other hallways branch off at the hallway at both ends, forming a giant H. This part of the facility is entirely storage rooms, used for general equipment, food, and, in one fo them, alchemical supplies.

There's no sign of anyone about, which is unusual - someone in the facility always needs something, and this is where to get it.

The main hallway is north/south, so use that when describing what your character does (if it's relevant).

2015-05-03, 07:45 PM
Appleton turns to the South, heading for the downward stairs.

Morbis Meh
2015-05-04, 05:15 PM
Cornelius draws his pistol and stays behind the good Doctor, better that the old medic get hit first than himself, he was far too important to be injured. He keeps his eyes peeled for any sign of danger and grows more unsteady at the unexpected emptiness of the facility. What fresh new hell is this? Where are all the workers? Was there some emergency evac that noone told us about?


2015-05-05, 06:07 PM
Kosye narrows his eyes at Cornelius, but simply turns away, giving a small mutter of "Pothoc."

He looks carefully down the hall, but scurries after the others as they make their choice so quickly. How vexing. No time to talk either. Would love to yes, but now is certainly not the time for such things. For now, at least, he allows the others to take the lead. He'll focus on watching their backs for danger, if it's going to be that way.
Perception: [roll0]

2015-05-06, 02:52 PM
Sublevel 3

Up above, the faint sounds of battle can be hear. Unearthly shrieks fill the air as guns fire, and, even in the brief few seconds you pause, the sounds grow a little louder.


Another explosion, this time closer. The sounds of combat cease momentarily before resuming.

Morbis Meh
2015-05-06, 03:09 PM
"Oh bother, I was right, AS USUAL. They better have spent money on quality provisions in their safe zones or I swear that I will not stop until the person in charge is not only fired but publicly shamed for forcing me to endure such horrors!" With a huff Cornelius flings his cape over his shoulder dramatically and stalks onward towards the stairs.

2015-05-07, 06:19 AM
Tome brings up the rear, his revolver still drawn and at the ready to fire. He keeps silent, focusing on his role as a rear guard.

2015-05-07, 01:02 PM
Kosye narrows his eyes at Cornelius, drawing the crossbow from his bag and unfolding it into its full, combat-ready state. With a satisfying click a bolt is locked into place.
"Be quiet, sthyr [man]. This is life-or-death. If this place is being attacked, it's either for a very specific thing that's here, or for people like us. So when trying to get to a safe place unhindered, the last thing we need is a fool making noise like a drake in mating season. Stealth will be our advantage." he spits.

Whether he means a male duck or the winged reptile is anyone's guess.

2015-05-28, 02:53 PM
Subelevel 3

Down the stairs you go, heading towards the fourth sublevel. It's made of almost entirely machining facilities, producing tools needed elsewhere in the laboratory. The entire facility is built to be self sufficient.

2015-05-29, 08:04 PM
Appleton eyes the room, looking for a corner that looks sturdy enough to shelter in should the building collapse.

2015-06-01, 10:28 PM
"What are you doing?" hisses the kobold. "We need to keep going, not stick around here." he says as he sees Appleton pause to look around the room.