View Full Version : DM Help Need help naming campaign!

2015-04-23, 11:50 AM
I am working on putting together a D&D 3.5 rule set game set in Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel universe but space themed and oriented) I know there are other systems available than 3.5 that would work better but most of my players have a total of 2 d&d games and 2 VtM games under there belt and they are running into issues separating the two so i don't want to use another system yet.

What i am looking for at the moment is some assistance on naming the game, i currently have dubbed it Guardians D&D but i don't want to focus on the Marvel universe more just use it for support to the story. Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

The basis for the story is that the PC's will be working for the collector (if you don't know who that is google it) as an artifact recovery team (starting with applying for jobs and getting sent on a trial mission) They will have a rival team that will be working against them and causing what would be normal dungeon crawls to be more complicated. They will work towards taking down the group that the other team works for. (The group is purposely targeting the collector) and eventually putting a stop to that group.

Kol Korran
2015-04-24, 01:51 PM
I know very little of the universe, but as I understand it it's themed as goofy space D&D?

I suggest NOT to name it yet, but wait until a few games develop, nd then see what themes are most prominent in the game.

But in case you re insistent, here are some general ideas:
"The treasure hunt!"/ "The Treasure Hunters!"
"The fateful race"
"High stakes, high pay!"
"So... Plan B?"
"One more roll of the die!" (Good for anything with high degree of chance"
"Living on the edge!"
"Life of ________"
" The _______ team"
"After burners! AFTER BURNERS!"
"(Name of their ship)'s second/ last chance"

Hope these work for you!

2015-04-24, 01:57 PM
I feel that decide to name it after one or two sessions, players will come up with something you will never expect. That's how in a spelljammer game I've played in named their ship the "Princess Cthulhu"

2015-04-25, 12:59 AM
Kol, yes "goofy space d&d" actually describes it well. :smallbiggrin: and thank you for the name suggestions.

Thank you both for the recommendation of waiting until a few sessions pass to name it. I actually really like that idea, (they will have a spaceship i'll probably have them name it as well).

2015-04-25, 03:34 AM
If you need extra resources to make your space game more modern-tech, look into other d20 systems, which use the same ruleset as 3.5. d20 modern has Future, Future Tech, and Cyberscape books, and there's a d20 star wars game, too (as far as I can tell, it should work pretty seamlessly with 3.5 -- iirc, lightsabers only dealt 1d6-3d6 damage or so).

2015-04-25, 11:58 AM
The first thing that comes to mind, and is I think in keeping with the tone of (the movie version at least of) GotG, is:
"Space Losers"

2015-04-29, 06:46 PM
Giles Thanks for the recommendation i have borrowed a bit from d20 Modern and the future tech stuff. I haven't looked at the d20 star wars. Ill look into it. Thanks!