View Full Version : DM Help Requesting advice on balancing a custom poison I am making

2015-04-23, 04:04 PM

I have a fun idea that I am looking to implement in my Campaign and wanted to get some advice on how to properly balance it so that it is fun/exciting but not overboard. Before I go into details, I know that my players are techy/nerdy types like myself that frequent forums, so to the readers, if your DM is a left-handed diabetic with a beard, you might want to reconsidering reading this post. :)

I am trying to design a poison or poison-like substance that will be made up of two parts:

1.) Devil's Tooth: Consumed via the water supply. The poison is purposefully added slowly so that people don't die off from the ill effects. Purpose of this poison is to weaken the bodies of the townsfolk so that the second poison can more powefully take effect.

2.) Devil's Claw: Consumed via inhalation. White powdery substance that is bound to a magical device (using the bad guy's pendant, in this case). If the poison is consumed and saves failed, the victim loses control of their mind for a certain amount of time.

How I see this playing out: Bad guy poisons the city and weakens them. Then, bad guy spreads the Devil's Claw poison and people begin turning into mindless "slaves" that obey bad guy. Party notices this (they're in town now, and some are already poisoned with Devil's Tooth) and has to deal with it, if not become affected themselves.

Where I am struggling: I need to have a series of saves or something set up so that managing the consequences of the poison is...doable. This is just an idea - I welcome alterations to it - but I think that if done correctly, it could make for a really fun environmental issue that the players have to overcome (imagine 1 or 2 party members losing control and the others chasing them down trying to stop it, etc.).

Important Note: the players are ALL level ONE, so this can't be something too terribly powerful. If done right, though, I can stretch it out across a few levels and it will make for some exciting dialogue and player choices, etc.