View Full Version : Pathfinder Publishing 3rd party content for Pathfinder

Qc Storm
2015-04-23, 08:20 PM
Let's say I want to write an adventure path to be used and distributed for Pathfinder. Are there guidelines and rules I must follow? For example, is it legal to use non-core classes (such as cavalier and witch) for NPCs? Are similar feats and content fair game?

2015-04-23, 09:00 PM
I'm not sure we can do much but point you to the Licensing page Pathfinder has, here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility), as there's a strict "no legal advice" rule on the forums for good reason. Legal questions should be directed to a lawyer.

2015-04-24, 01:49 AM
As a potentially cheaper precursor to getting legal representation, you can reach out to other folks who have published 3PP for Pathfinder directly and ask them the process they followed, since they've been through it. But as lsfreak stated, you probably can't ask them here.

2015-04-24, 04:52 AM
From a practical standpoint - not a legal one, but a logistical one - you're probably better off finding a publisher to work with, because they'll handle stuff like distribution, layout, editing, etc. Now, if you have the skills and resources to do all of that yourself, by all means - carry on. But if there's some step in the write -> critique -> revise -> re-critique -> repeat-as-needed -> format -> publish -> profit chain that you're not confident about? Partnering with a publisher really, really, really helps.