View Full Version : [IC GROUP 2] Dark Secrets of Havengul

2015-04-24, 05:09 AM
Important information

Important Links
Lore of Innistrad (https://www.scribd.com/doc/262850579/Innistrad-Lore)
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?411484-OOC-GROUP-2-Dark-Secrets-of-Havengul&p=19158496#post19158496)
Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?411148-D-amp-D-4-0-with-a-hint-of-Dark-Heresy-in-an-Gothic-Horror-Setting-(Innistrad-MtG)&p=19148806#post19148806)




Thomas Utterson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html?_=1429653493#id=177063)
A reserved, tactical warlord and veteran cathar, fighting evil with forbidden lore of his departed father in search for redemption for errors of his past.

Timaeus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html?_=1429653493#id=176602)
A large feral warrior, faithfull and dutyfull, but naive and sometimes overconfident of his talents in being a holy weapon against the darkness.

Boris Burkham (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html?_=1429653493#id=178063)
This honorable man of nobleblood left his famaily home to fight evil in the mercenary band known as Lorholt's Fist. When they fell into a trap and had to fight to the death, he was the only one to survive and now is more resiliant then ever

Stanley von Croft (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html?_=1429653493#id=176472)
This feral ranger has a dark secret that almost got him killed in search for a solution. Almost vain he now hides this secret serving the church as a hunter of evil.

In Game Information

Languages spoken in Innistrad:
Common (the common language everyone understands)
High Gothic (nobleman, clergy and vampires (since they regard themselves most of the time as noble bloodlines. You could regard this as latin in the medieval times, only educated people would be able to read, speak and write this, although the language is the same in all provinces)
Stensian (dialect spoken by sheep herders and local commoners in the province of Stensia)
Gavonian (dialect spoken by farmers and townsfolk or smaller villages in Gavony)
Kessig (dialect spoken by the forest people of Kessig and wherwolves)
Nephalian (dialect spoken by citizen of the cities of Nephalia, merchants and underground figures)
Spirits will communicate in the language they knew when they were alive. zombies are most of the time unintelligent and can't speak.

As someone from another province you might recognize some words and you may be able to understand about 20-40% of what someone is saying in their dialect. You however are not able to speak in the dialect and when comversations get more complex the percentage quickly drops and you are pretty much clueless what they are brabbling about.

There is one currency in Innistrad, the Thaler.
These correspond with the GP from the 4.0 system. There are no silver and copper coins. I don't like the idea of people having unlimited money since the normal income of a farmer is like 7 sp a day and you start of with about 700 times that amount which is a fortune, that is like a two year salary in your pouch. To balance it I will adjust the currency system a littlebit, you will still be filthy rich, most likely, but this will put a bit higher tax on your luxurous lives, you bunch of snobs :smallamused:

Meal, common 2 thaler
Meal, feast 10 thaler
Ale, pitcher 1 Thaler
Wine, bottle 5 Thaler
Inn stay (per day)
Typical room 3 Thaler
Luxury room 12 Thaler

The rest is pretty much according to the normal GP price, or I will make something up.

2015-04-24, 05:10 AM
Dark Secrets of Havengul

You have been called to the holy city of Thraben, the throne of Avacyn’s church and the capital of Innistrad. Normally yuo get orders down the ranks, but this time you have been summoned to the city itself. You thank Avacyn for this honour, being recognized for the loyal soldier of the faith you are.

Since Avacyn disappeared the nights have grown longer and darker and it is known that there are being held more expeditions against the undead and werewolves. You think you may be summoned to join one of those expedition, which would be a good chance to …….. (whatever your ambition is). When you approach the majestic city you are struck by its great wall, its marvelous gothic architecture and most of all the cathedral which towers high above all other buildings in the city.

The Cathedral of Thraben

Once you enter the city gate you emerge into the crowd. You see merchants selling their wares like cabbages, handmade baskets and other goods. Other, more mystical looking figures, hold out charmlike items with the symbol of avacyn (http://archive.wizards.com/mtg/images/daily/arcana/919_avacynscollar.jpg) which should have protective powers. The city under the influence of the church maintains a high standard of cleanness and order and you walk through the streets amazed by the greatness the city radiates.

You find your way to the military quarters. Solders pass you by saluting you as their superiors. Cathars are not uncommon, but still respected as they form the elite force of the church and the army, not that Innistrad has a standing army as would have medieval kingdoms in our world (I am a historian, you will get a lot of historical references thrown at you, my apologies), but you get the picture.

You walk towards the barracks of the senior officers and you enter the building. Inside you see a few others sitting on nicely decorated wooden chairs. In front of them stands an elderly man. He wears light armor covered in holy symbols. His face is scarred and you can’t help to notice several bite-marks on his neck, this man surely must have seen quite some action. You salute the elderly cathar and take a seat among the other cathars. Then the man speaks in a stronger voice than you would expect from such a venerable man.

The lunarch has summoned you to the capital for an important quest. The Bishop of Nephalia is struggling to keep his people under control, the light of Avacyn is fading and in the city of Havengul are increasingly more zombie attacks. Of course we know that this port is a stronghold of unholy practices, but now it is worse than ever.

We have knowledge of a cult in the underground of the city. They call themselves ''the Skaabherren' or lords of the undead in common tongue. Using forbidden alchemy they stitch corpes together and creat fearsome monsters that terrorize the faithfull people. We have to purge these heretics and bring the light to the outskirts of this lands ourselves, now Avacyn no longer guides us.

The man pauses for a second, closes his eyes and brings his hand to his heart, with his other hand leaning on his walking stick.

I feel a great darkness coming from the west. The sea brings nothing but evil and it is spreading land inwards. The faul beasts of the moon are closing in from the north, vampires from the east.

He turn around and looks deep in your eyes.

Those damned bloodsucking animals, beware of them for they are also hiding in the darkness of Havengul.

I send you, warriors of the church, to Havegul to uncover this cartel of corpsetraders and devilish alchemists by any means necessary. Be wary though, the townsfolk are not too happy when the church interferes in their affairs and may have been corrupted by their folklore and superstitions. Trust no one, even the mightest of cathars have fallen and have been turned to that which they hunted so passionatly.

You will ride tomorrow, I have personally sought out a fine establishment where you can spend the night, get to know eachother and pray. Tomorrow there will be a market where you can get any wares you might still need.

The man sighs and leans heavily on his walkingstick. He hands you a carefully sealed letter with the symbol you know so well and shows you the door.

With the group you walk through the city as the sun sets. Like every evening it gets cold and a sinister shadow creeps over the rooftops of the houses. However you have seen some horrors in your life, a shiver goes down your spine and you quicken your step to get to the inn as fast as you can. It is a nice establishment, not worthy of a nobleman but from the windows shines a warm light, the scent of roasted beef meets you when you approach the inn-door.


2015-04-26, 02:06 PM
Thomas shivers as he nears the inn, placing his hand on the handaxe by his side as he stares into the shadows, almost daring the darkness to come on and fight him, before knocking twice on the door to the inn. Before anyone has a chance to reply, he has forced open the door and stepped inside, finding the nearest unoccupied table and gesturing to his companions to take the available seats.

"Well gentlemen, what do you suggest we do now? I think we should have an early night, and get some rest before we enter that den of thieves tomorrow. Though, of course, I'm open to suggestions."

His speech is firm and commanding, but friendly as well.

2015-04-26, 02:09 PM
Timaeus had been taught how to respond in these situations. He was to defer to the elder Cathars, it was his place to be a weapon, and a weapon would always have a wielder.

"If you think rest will do us well, then let's go inside. I could do with some food."

2015-04-26, 03:08 PM
When you open the door, you see a corridor of about six feet (2 meters) broad. It is about 18 feet long (5 meters) and leads to a small room. The corridor is not very high and if you are a tall person you have to watch out not to hit your head against the heavy wooden beams and a small lantern that does not radiate much light.

At the right side of the hallway you see a few barrels against the wall and once you step inside you hear ‘eeep eeeep’. Two small mice run from under the barrels to a hole in the other wall and disappear from sight.
About four steps in there is a door to your left. It is an old wooden door, but nothing special. It could be the door to a living room or a bedroom. You don’t however hear any noises coming from behind the door. You do however hear voices from further away in the corridor supposedly from behind the wall in the room at the end of the corridor.

You can see In the dim light a stove against the wall in the room. There is no one in what seems to be a kitchen. Sometimes the vouces become louder and you hear laughter from behind the kitchen. You look at eachother questioning what to do...

2015-04-26, 05:12 PM
The bitter cold did not bother Boris that much, he had felt 10 times worse in the past. As he and the other Cathars approach the in Boris inspects it from the outside.
"Not the kind of place I would usally be staying at, but I am sure I will be comfortable" he thinks to himself before entering the door.

After hearing the voices and laughter the grizzled veteran continues do the hallway trying to find the common room.
"It must be this way, boys" he says to the rest of the party as he walks.

2015-04-26, 07:53 PM
"Sigh...I was hoping for this be more independent work..." Stanley follows the others in. "I wish Dietrich was here, he's strange, but he understands." He continues his thoughts as he follows the other in.

"I think rest before an engaging day would do us well, though the food and drink sound good and well first."

2015-04-26, 08:26 PM
Timaeus had been taught the value of silence. He knew that he was not supposed to speak unless it was necessary. A weapon must be silent, as well as deadly. He followed the others down the corridor, but kept his senses sharp in case of trouble.

Active Perception Roll: [roll0]

2015-04-27, 12:48 AM
Thomas is unnerved slightly by the mice, and heads towards the back of the kitchen, trying to find a member of staff.
"If there's trouble, meet back in this corridor."

2015-04-27, 03:27 AM
Then you walk to the kitchen, suddenly there appears a woman. She is dressed in a typical femamine white dress with brown jacket and a dirty appron. She is in her early thirties and has darkbrown hair in a bun on her head. She lets out a high scream when she sees the four men in the corridor of her kitchen.
For a second you are struck by confudion, then you notice you must have taken the backdoor and you are in the kitchen of the inn.

The woman takes up a rolling pin and takes a few steps back. Then a man appears holding a large knife, but once he sees you he drops it on the ground and bows with one hand grabbing his wafe and pulls her near him and makes her bow as wel.

Gentlemen, please forgive me and my wife. We were affraid it were robbers or worse...the skaab. I apologize for this ill welcome not worthy if your status. If yuo wish a place for the night, please follow me. We have a warm fire, music and wine on the house for you gentlemen.

He pokes his wife with his elbow. She drops the rolling pin and stammers

Ye.. yes, a thousand apologies good sirs

The man takess you through the door of the kitchen to where the voices came.

The inn has about 10 tables in 15 by 30 square feet (5 by 10 meter) living room. The floor is wood and kept rather clean. There is a warm fire burning at the left side of the living room and on the walls you see some paintings of local artists. Most of them are landscapes of Gavony and you also see some paintings of Avacyn herself (You could compare it with a painting of jezus making a sign of blessing in the western world). A lone lute player sits near the fite place. he sings songs in a geavonian dialect.


Seen from the entrance (relativly at the east, you came from the south), in the far left corner sits an old man in tattered clothes. He holds an magnefying glass in front of his eyes and he is bended over some old documents.

There are six farmers sitting at the table right at the entrance. they all salute you when you walk in. one of them, a younger farmboy stands up, looking a little frightened at you and makes the sign of avacyn before he sits down, looks at you when you pass by, but quickly looks away when you look back at him. (putting your fists together and sticking up your thumbs while making a short bow. Most people just stick up their thumb and hold it against their chest while nodding. The first one is more official).

The innkeeper seats you at the other large table and his wife walks behind him holding a platter with a beautiful flask with wine She also puts down mastercrafted dishes on the table for you. You know they don't serve that kind of dinnerset to normal guests.

She puts down the flask on your table together with four even fine looking glasses.

The rooms are upstairs, we have rooms with three beds each. I did not expect any other guests so if you like to have your own room, I won't charge extra for it. It is a pleasure to have gast of such status in my humble establishment

They both stand at your table a bit nervous, seemingly waiting for you to dismiss them.

2015-04-27, 04:00 AM
Boris takes his seat and looks up at the serving woman. "Thank you my fair lady, might I know the price for a some of your fine wine?". Boris looks around the room to see how many people recognize him. He tries his best to be charitable and friendly to the lower class but there are always a select few that resent him for his fame. Being the cautios fellow that he is, Boris tries to look for any unsavoury looks.
Boris is scanning peoples faces to find any resentful looks.

2015-04-27, 07:45 AM
"A refreshing meal sounds exactly what should be in order."

Stanley looks around trying to gauge any suspicious intent.


2015-04-27, 08:06 AM
The woman looks at you wondering for a second then she shakes her head. No m'lord this one is on the house for our ill welcome. Please forgive us, we are not used to such high placed men of the church in our humble establishment.

She pours you four glasses of wine and goes back to the kitchen with her husband to prepare something to eat for you.

In the room sit sex farmers at the other large table close to the main entrance of the room. They have a oncversation about crops and their nagging wifes. One of them is still a boy of about 13 years old. You guess his father took him with him to the city. They don't look familiar to you and they also do not recognize you. Looking at their clothes and their accent they most likely are from a village nearby. Most villages may on the rolling landscape sometimes walled off with wood and the farm lands around it. It would not be uncommon for farmers to travel to the capital to sell their wares and stay for a few days untill they sold everything and bought other products to take home again.

The old man in the corner keeps a few small cages on his table as wel, you hear the twittering of small insects. He is bald and wears a prestigious looking blue robe. He scribles on old documents while mumbling to himself. 'Mh..Nei, dat werks nocht' He shakes his head and scrathes a line of texts and continues working, sometimes looking fixated to one of the insects on his table. The man does not look familiar and won't look at you, too occupied with his work, unless you explicitly would draw his attention. The man seems not to do anything dangerous unless one of the insects would be a dangerous spieces. Although it is surely weird to keep them in little cages, but well, you have seem stranger things in your life, everyone their own hobby.

After a while the woman comes back in with 4 fancy looking plates. She serves you and asks the farmers for another round, but further let you eat and talk in peace.

I will try to use different langauges for the dialects. My intention is that you, without a translation, should be able to understand about 20-30% as a native english speaker (as a common speaker IC, but if I make this true OOC as wel, the effect is better) IN this case I will mix, English, German and Dutch.

In this case the man says in Nephalian: 'Mh, no that doesn't work'

Next time only read the spoiler if you can indeed speak the language that is spoken, you are however free to translate it as best as you can with your own knowledge of languages and roleplay according to what you think is said. or ask anyone in the party who does speak the language.

2015-04-27, 08:07 AM
Timaeus had been taught to leave the thinking to better Cathars than himself. If food and drink were what was recommended, he should partake as well. A weapon must be kept sharp.

"I would like some food as well." He says to the woman.

2015-04-27, 08:31 AM
Boris looks at the men at the table.
"It occurs to me that I haven't formaly introduced myself". Boris stands up out of his seat. He has great posture and his hands are folded behind his back.
"The name is Sir Boris Burkham of Thraben at your service, of course if you know your local Thraben history you would have already known that". Boris bows politely to his comrades and returns to his seat. Boris smiles at the party, he appears very warm and friendly. "As you can see I am quite older than all of you but I can assure you that I can still pull my own weight. I will not be a liablilty to our cause".
He smiles warmly and strokes his short, grey beard. He then takes a modest sip of his wine. So howbout we get to know each other? I don't know about you but I sure like to know who will be shedding blood with me". He smiles warmly again and takes another sip of wine.

2015-04-27, 10:48 AM
"Yeah sure, I hunt and track evil, preferably in caves and in the forest. Any thing else you care about?" Stanley replies gruffly. This a dangerous job like all the others, trust is important to build, but it opens the door to revealing things best left unknown.

"You want to tell us about yourself, that's fine, I can listen as I eat." Hungry from the feral instinct inside, Stanley glad to have a bite to eat. As he has practiced though, he keeps his etiquette noticeable well for a man of the woods.

2015-04-27, 11:01 AM
"I am Timaeus. I was raised and trained here by the Avacynian Church to be a Cathar. It is good to work with such experienced monster hunters." Timaeus had been taught to be careful about revealing too much about himself. It would not do to raise suspicion.

2015-04-27, 01:14 PM
"The name's Thomas Utterson, son of the late John Utterson. You may have heard of my father, he was a hero in the small village I called home, a great tactical genius. He died in battle ten years ago, and I've dedicated my remaining time to studying his tactical journals. As a result, I know more about tactics than any of you combined, though of course," here he nods towards Boris, "I defer to age."

Thomas takes a sip of the wine, nods to himself, and makes a note in his journal which he removes from his coat, before returning it to the concealed pocket.

2015-04-28, 12:29 AM
Boris dislikes Thomas's remark about knowing more about tactics than the other three combined but he lets it pass as he probably wouldn't lie about something like that."You fellas every hear of Lorholt's Fist? You are all probably too young to remember. We put down more undead than I care to remember". Boris pauses breifly and seems to be reminiscing. "Ah those were the days. It all changed when we went after some vampires in a cave in rural Gavony. Bastard collapsed the floor beneath us". Boris leans in and his voice sound cery somber. "Two days we fought endless waves of undead in some sort of subterrain arena. In tge end I was the only survivor. My captor however was impressed by this feat and spared my life". Boris pauses for a moment. "I wish that smug vampire had killed me then and there if it meant not having to live with the fact that the one responsible for my teams death would go unpunished. One day I will find Calvoris and I swear I will strap him to the wall and watch him burn at sunrise"

2015-04-28, 04:41 AM
The farmers near you chat freandly with eachother. The fire burns, yellow flames licking the wood piled up in the fireplace. With the darkness outside, the warm light on the wood creates a very cozy atmosphere.

Once you mention your name Utterson, a few faces turn your way. Once you make eye contact the farmers nod with respect, now they know who you are.

The old man in the corner also hears you speak and once he hears to story about Calvoris he gets up and comes at your table.

Burkham, are you not? Lorholt's Fist, I do remember the tales. if you look closely you see several insects crawling over the fabric of his robe. Lorholt's Fist... Yes, yes brave souls, I wondered where you went all the sudden when the stories stopt. but Here you are alive and wel Sir Burkham, it is an honour.

The man bows and pushes a cricket that crawls on his neck back into his robe.

Where are you fine gentlemen heading if I may ask? I have seen many cathars in my life, but they always have a certain mission. I am just curious and hope you can share a interresting story.

2015-04-28, 09:30 AM
"Greetings friend, it is nice to be in such fine company this evening. We are all Cathars here. We will be heading out of Gavony tomorrow morning, but I am afraid the details of our mission are classified. Personally I would love to tell everyone of our duty but I am afraid that would be frowned upon by the head honchos". Boris smiles at the man. "I will shout you a drink good sir. A drink for this man on me!" he calls out to the serving girl.

2015-04-28, 10:02 AM
The mans eyes dwell to one of the two empty chairs at your table. May I? he sits down and thankfully takes a glass from the serving girl. He raises his glass to you.

To our cathars, that you may purge evil from this lands and live long enough to see a better future.

I understand completely, friend, that you cannot tell the details of your mission. Sure there is something you can tell a local enthousiast?

He seems really impressed by your prestigious occupation and looks at you with almost worshipping eyes.

You suspect the man has something to hide, he seems very friendly but it is a little too overdone for your taste. He could of course be just a very enthousiastic man, but there might be more behind this than just curiousity. Besides his appearance and the fact that he keeps bugs and insects in his clothes mildly disturbs you.
If you are not DragonBones and you could not help to look at the spoiler, let me know. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but then I will send PMs and not tempt you with putting more spoilers in the IC :smallwink:.

2015-04-28, 11:39 AM
Thomas rises and pats the old man on the back in a friendly manner, "I see you have an interest in insects, I spent a good year or two studying the intricate ways of the creatures myself. I found crickets most fascinating. Their chirping was unlike anything I had heard before. But, I digress. Perhaps I can be of assistance in your studies, whatever they may be?"

Thomas has not studied insects for any number of years, and while his father's journals covered pretty much everything they did not go into detail on insects much. As a result he is making a Bluff check.
Bluff check: [roll0]

2015-04-28, 01:49 PM
Stanley watches the conversation with passing interest, he feels a small urge to break free and run through the woods, its hard to tell if it's from his upbringing or the curse. Maybe if he joins in he wont notice it.

"Your company is welcomed, but you need not give us such praise. Everyone serves an equal part right? I'm honestly nothing more than a trapper or hunter, it just happens to be for werewolves and vampires. I concur with Thomas let hear more about a common man like yourself."

2015-04-28, 02:20 PM
Timaeus kept quiet and focused on eating his food. He had been taught it was not his place to interact with the citizens without permission.

2015-04-28, 03:51 PM
The man looks at Thomas happily surprized.

"Oh how wonderful, a fellow scholar. ohh yes these little creatures are fascinating." He takes a cricket on his hand and let it walk over his fingers. "Aren't they beautiful, I studied them for many years." He sighs "Don't you sometimes just want to spead your wings and fly off, no one cares who you are, just a little insect inthe grass living a happy, short, but mostly happy life."

"Oh a common man, I not just common, hah, I am an intellectual, not like... you know..." he points his head in the direction of the farmers. "I mean someone needs to work the fields, but the people who matters are we, we bring change to this world with the book and the sword right?"

"You can at least tell me to where you will go? that wouldn't be to much to ask?" The man takes a pose like he is expecting a good story."It's not like you will see me again, what's the hurt?"

2015-04-28, 03:56 PM
This man was suspicious. Timaeus had been taught that men who asked too many questions, or the same question many times, were not to be trusted.

"If you will never see us again, why do you need to know where we will go?" He asked with a mouth full of food.

2015-04-28, 05:05 PM
"With all due respect the humble farmer is the bedrock of our civilisation. We both rely on each other. The farmers grow the food, the Cathars eat said food, the farmers are prey for undead, the Cathars kill the undead. Like I said before I am technically a low ranking Cathar. I can not risk my own job for your curiosity. There are eyes and ears everywhere, if I give you information then I am putting you at risk of people against our most noble of causes who would threaten you and your loved ones. Please respect my wishes as it is for your own safety".

2015-04-29, 03:20 AM
The odd man makes an 'ooohh' face (sorry I have no idea how to describe this in English :smallbiggrin: ) Yes, yes of course my savety, and your of course, noble cathars

I study the creatures to see if, and you should not speak of this to others, for your own savety, he winks I can see a link between humans and insects, maybe it tells us more about why humans can become vampires, why the moon turns them into savages beast, like a larva turns into a cocoon and into an insect. he is ignoring your statement about peasants being the bedrock of society.

The innkeeper comes into the living room. Last round people, we're closing down, it is dark ourside He comes up to your table If you gentlemen need to stay up longer and discuss your holy duties I have a backroom you can use. I could provide some wine for you there, but I will go to bed with my family. The farmers thank the innkeeper, put some thaler on the table and leave the inn.

2015-04-29, 07:05 AM
As the old man talks of humans turning into beasts, Stanley becomes curious about what knowledge he may know, "Could he help me remove the curse?" is he leading thought. Quickly followed "Can I trust him?"

"I'd like to hear more of your research, though as my associate said, we cannot tell you anything of our work. Should we adjourn to the backroom?"

2015-04-29, 07:46 AM
"I think I will head off to bed, we have a big day of travelling tomorrow and I would like to be well rested and alert in the morning". He looks at the bug man. "I thank you for your company but we must part ways. I hope to see you sometime in the future, it was nice to meet you".

Boris stands up and excuses himself. He heads to his room and climbs into bed. He falls asleep quickly and peacefully.

2015-04-29, 10:12 AM
@DragonBonesThe inkeeper shows you a room upstairs and wishes you goodnight. It is a relativly large room with three beds and a window looking out on the streets (See the image in #10).

@RAFET (in the same immage you can see the backroom)
The innkeeper takes you there and the odd bald man goes with you as wel, he seems eager to tell you about his reasearch.
Unless you want to do something in between he will tell you the following:

I studied wildlife in Nehalia for a long time, I must say I wasn't exactly the most law abiding citizen. I hope you cathars won't arrest me for it, haha. I can assure you I do nothing against the church's creed. For many years I have researched the human body, those of werewolfs. Unfortunatly no vampires because they mostly decay so quickly you cannot perform autopsy on them. I know it is against the will of the Lunarch, but I see you are not so rigid and value good researchers and scholars. I want to see if I can see what it is that makes some people turn when the moon shines, and how vampires multiply. Maybe it is because it is the will of nature, like other creatures also go through stadiums in life, some of us go throgh the same metamorphosis.

The bottom line is that the man is a very wise and learned man. He has a passion for the human transition and has found some similarities between humans and beasts.

Rest can either choose to follow Boris or Stanley to the backroom.

2015-04-29, 11:31 AM
This man openly stated that he acted contrary to the will of the church! Timaeus fought back the urge to smite him then and there. The other Cathars seemed unconcerned by his statements, and Timaeus had been taught to defer to their judgement. He was a weapon to be wielded. A sword did not draw itself.

Instead, he finished his stew and asked the innkeep to show him to his room.

2015-04-29, 12:35 PM
As the innkeeper leaves, Thomas' paranoia and tactical thinking kicks in. He spends a few minutes assessing the room, and then locks the door and bolts and shutters the window. He moves one of the beds to block the door, and uses his backpack and the items inside to stuff it as though there was someone sleeping there. He does the same with the bed nearest the window, using the duvet and pillows from the other remaining bed to stuff it. Finally, he unfolds his bedroll, and with his handaxe by his side, he goes to sleep beneath the bed blocking the door. It may not be comfortable, but Thomas always found that the best comfort was found when you were safe from danger, and in these pressing times, danger was everywhere.

2015-04-29, 01:14 PM
"I'm not here to judge your actions, you can assuredly speak frank with me. I only draw these weapons when standing in front of such evil creatures you describe. What purpose do you have with your study though? Are you hoping to turn these creatures back into people, or to push humanity "out of the cocoon"?"

Diplomacy [roll0]
I'm hoping he will reveal more than he might otherwise want.

Active Insight [roll1]
Checking to see if there's anything out of place, i.e. signs of lying

2015-04-29, 04:04 PM
Timaeus followed the innkeeper to his room and set his things down beside the bed. He thought about sleeping, but ultimately decided that his concerns about the blasphemer were too important. He went and knocked on Thomas's door. This was not how he had been taught to act, but sometimes they don't teach you everything you need to know.

I'm operating under the assumption that Timaeus and Thomas are in separate rooms. If that's incorrect I can edit my post later.

2015-04-29, 04:24 PM
My goal is to free humans of their chains, and make them free again! How I mean this, in any way possible... TO go into detail would make it very complicated, I mean no offense, but it is quite a complicated study. It is getting very late, I shoudl head back home.

During the conversation, if you choose to like this man and the conversation goes well and you maybe let something slip about going to nephalia: (Please pick one and don't read the others, I know it is tempting, No matter what you choose it will have a positive outcome on the storyline, no pressure)

Oh Nephalia, I need to go back there myself. Maybe I can travel with you? | Talking about protection I could use some strong warriors on my travels back to my home province. I could ofcourse share some of my knowledge with you on the way there

If you choose to have a friendly conversation but won't share anything about your mission.

I hope you enjoyed my company, I really need to get home and get back to my studies, Yes most insects are very active during the night, like werewolves.I really wish to talk more and exchange knowledge. What about that we meet tomorrow morning here for breakfast? I wish to show you something.

If you more keep your distance to this odd man in blue robes with his crazy obsession of bugs:

I hope you enjoyed my company, I really need to get home and get back to my studies, Yes most insects are very active during the night, like werewolves. Thank you for your company and I wish you the best of luck on your travels wherever they might bring you, I have the feeling we will see eachother again.

OOC: Afther this conversation the man will leave. You can go to bed, share a room, talk with eachother or whatever you like

2015-04-29, 07:33 PM
"I understand, we all need our rest. I would be interested in seeing more. Freeing humans from their chains sounds like very worthy cause indeed! Enjoy your evening, I'll see you in the morning."

As the odd man leaves Stanley sits for a moment longer, "Finally a lead for an answer to my struggle." he thinks as he lets out a long sigh. He then turns to his room quietly assuming everyone is asleep.

2015-04-30, 02:01 AM
The moment Thomas heard the knocking, he rolled out from under his bed and shouted, "Who's there?"

Upon learning that it was Timaeus, he shifted his bed out of the way and opened the door. "What's the matter?" he asked.

Assuming Timaeus tells him about his concerns about the old man, Thomas replies "I suppose you're right. We could probably shadow him home if we go immediately. Once we're there we can break in, arrest him, and search his house for evidence. What do you think?"

Thomas puts on his cloak, and with hide armour still on, he grabs his weaponry and gear from beside him and prepares to leave the inn.

2015-04-30, 07:04 AM
As he nears his room, Stanley overhears Thomas and Timaeus plans to follow. Worried that he might lose out on his lead, Stanley jumps to join in. "I don't trust him, he speaks of "freeing humans from their chains." He planning on returning tomorrow to show me something. We could wait till then, otherwise, I would like to join you on the hunt."

2015-04-30, 12:29 PM
"True, we could wait until tomorrow, but perhaps we would be better off trailing him now, we do need to leave early after all. We might not have time to find his house by then. I say we go now. If he's no longer chatting to you, we may need to hurry."
Barely waiting for the others, Thomas heads outside to find the old man, trying not to be spotted.

Stealth: [roll0]

2015-04-30, 12:32 PM
Stanley nods, and follows.

Stealth [roll0]

2015-04-30, 12:33 PM
"It is good that you do not believe my suspicions unfounded. That man is dangerous." Timaeus said. He followed along with Stanley and Thomas, and did his best to stay hidden.

Stealth: [roll0]

2015-04-30, 12:47 PM
When you go outside the man is out of sight. The inn's main door faces a small square (the house in the upper left corner), so the man could have gone pretty much any of the four ways. You do however detect some movement in the ally across the square (the street with the light shining out from the windowns)


2015-04-30, 12:54 PM
Thomas heads in the direction of the movement, one hand on his greataxe, ready to draw it.

2015-04-30, 12:59 PM
Following Thomas's lead, Timaeus readies his hammer and shield. He keeps alert for any sign of danger.

So in 3.5 and Pathfinder (what I'm most familiar with) you can take 10 on a large number of skills, essentially treating your normal skill roll as a 10 on a D20. I know that 4e has passive perception, but what I'd like to know is if I can choose to just use my passive perception score "actively" without having to roll. In case I can't, here's a roll:

Perception Roll: [roll0]
Passive Perception: 17

2015-04-30, 01:52 PM
When you walk into the street you notice the cold. The moon is like a big silver disk in the dark clear sky. You can see the stars like little ice crystals in the unreachable darkness. The streets are empty, not to your surprize. Your footsteps make hollow echoes with every step you take on the cobblestone street. When you walk further in the street you hear a weird sound from the ally to your left. When you listen closely it sounds like a scraping sound of something metal on stone. You can't very well look in the ally, because of the houses on both sides block the light of the moon. However the sounds slowly draws closer towards you. The movement you saw early is not to be seen anymore, or could as well be the thing you hear in the ally, you can't tell where the shadow went.

2015-04-30, 02:13 PM
Thomas draws his great axe and lunges for where the metal sound is.

2015-04-30, 02:26 PM
Stanley rushes along following the shadow and noises. Utilizing all of his skill from time in the wild, hoping it can help in the streets. Seeing the others draw their weapons, Stanley does the same.

Perception 1 [roll0]
Perception 2 [roll1]

2015-04-30, 02:35 PM
Timaeus had been taught that when weapons were drawn, it was time for him to fight. He followed immediately after, his sharp senses looking for any sign of danger or foul play.

Using Eyes of the Hawk Utility power (+10 bonus to next perception check)
Perception: [roll0]

2015-04-30, 02:49 PM
The sound comes closer and if you peer into the darkness you can see something with a metallic shimemring not bigger than a football coming your way. It almost rolls over the ground as far as you can tell and is slowly coming closer.

2015-04-30, 03:28 PM
Unsure what it may be, Stanley turns to the nearest alley out of the way of the rolling. Waiting for it to come to a stop or roll past.

2015-05-01, 05:23 AM
The thing rolls closer and when it comes out of the dark and into the light of the moon. It appears to be a bucket. After roles to your feet it falls over upside down and you hear a scratching sound inside it.

2015-05-01, 09:27 AM
Timaeus kicks the bucket over, to reveal what's underneath.

2015-05-01, 04:33 PM
You turn over the bucket you see a small kitten stuck in the bucket. It mews softly, happy to see a human.

You sigh from relieve, it could have been something extremely worse, you know from experience. The man however is too far away now to trace down. Luckily he will return tomorrow to the inn.


2015-05-01, 05:31 PM
Timaeus reaches down and picks up the kitten.

2015-05-01, 05:59 PM
"Well, I suppose we should get a good night's rest before anyone can see the fools we look like. Think we can keep it?"

2015-05-02, 01:28 AM
Thomas curses, and begins to head back. "I suppose we've lost him now."

2015-05-02, 04:34 AM
The kitten mews happy in your hands, it seems like you found a new friend. When you look around you, it is totally quiet and there os no one to be seen. You walk back the few meters to the Inn.

You all get to your room and go to sleep

You can still roleplay the evning if you have important things to say, me skipping thruogh the night doesn't mean it is too late for you to do anything in that time.

You wake up from a loud Cockedoodledooooo in the morning and the rough tongue of the kitting licking your right cheek. Someone knocks on your door and a young female voice say: Sir, we will be serving breakfast soon. You are welcome to come downstairs when you are ready.

When you come downstairs there is indeed a quite luxuous breakfast with bread, fresh boiled eggs and cheese. THe innkeeper welcomes you and bows when you enter the room. Goodmorning good sirs, good morning. I hope you slept well? Please sit down, some milk? he asks while bringing you to one of the big tables in the inn. There are already laying nice plates on the table and the same expensive looking glasses, a nice tablecloth. They must really appreciate your stay here.

After a while you wonder where Fronçaois is.. the morning progresses and he still hasn't showed himself. If you ask the Innkeeper where you can find him:

Yes François came by early in the morning, aaying he regretted that he could not be here today. He had something important and he left for his home in Nephalia. He told me however to give you this He shows you an old coin with a skull on it. No idea what it is, he told me you would figure it out and that you would meet again sometime, strange man, François.


2015-05-02, 10:11 AM
Boris seems to melt when he sees the kitten. A mighty Cathar, slayer of undead, torch in the darkness, bringer of salvation is reduced to a blubbering, cat loving softy.
"Oh you are so soft and cute! I'll call you Cat-Thar and you can call me daddy! This is followed by more unintelligible babble from Boris to Cat-Thar as he cuddles, pats and otherwise worships the kitten.
Eventually Cat-Thar falls asleep in his arms.
"I trust you all had a restful sleep. I would like to head out very soon as I am sure we are all eagar to begin our mission. I beleive there is a market on today so we can stock up on supplies if we need to before we leave".

2015-05-02, 10:14 AM
"That man from last night. His questioning still bothers me. I think we are likely being watched. We would do well to stay together." Timaeus said. He had been taught to be suspicious, it was a good lesson.

2015-05-02, 10:35 AM
Thomas eats slowly, pondering the coin, and examining it as he enjoys breakfast, largely ignoring the kitten. When he finishes, he pockets the coin and prepares to leave, assuming no one else wants the coin.

2015-05-02, 03:35 PM
When Stanley hears that he missed the Fronçaois he tried to show no care, but truly he felt dejected at a lost lead, still he was no further behind, than he already was. He gets his things ready to go, a bit jealous of Borris hogging his little friend. Still more important matters were on Stanley's heart. Possibly the coin would be a far-fetched connection, "May I examine the coin closer, Thomas?"

2015-05-02, 04:14 PM
Thomas tosses the coin over to Stanley and asks, "Have you any idea what it means? I was thinking it might be a message, or a warning, of some kind."

2015-05-02, 06:54 PM
When Boris sees the coin he thinks deeply. "I would advise that you don't throw that coin in a well or to a beggar. It seems too unique to throw away.

Boris thinks about the coin some more and tries to recall it or something similar in his knowledge of history

2015-05-02, 11:00 PM
"I'm hoping I might be able to recall something from the conversation that might give us some more insight, otherwise we might best be served heading out and getting on with our mission, he really could just be a loon." Stanley let's out a laugh. These times are clearly to dark, and this coin to be to menacing for such to be the case.

"Hmm, he talked about bugs alot..."

I know it's an odd check, but he liked bugs.

2015-05-03, 07:52 AM
Timaeus digs into the food with the enthusiasm of a winter starved bear, shoveling food and drink into his mouth without thought for swallowing first. He does pause briefly to pour out a saucer of milk for the kitten though.

2015-05-03, 08:34 AM
Cat-thar mews thankful when you give her some milk and with little licks drinks the milk.

You all observe the coin while eating breakfast.

The people who made a roll got a message, the ones who didn't also got a message if I rolled high enough for you. Otherwise you are draw a blank on this coin

2015-05-03, 09:58 AM
"I have a decent idea of what that coin is. Please entrust it to me for now as it is not something that should be shown openly. We are at great risk by even having it out now. I'll explain everything on the road but for now you will have to trust me, there are too many ears in the city".

Boris will slip the coin into his pocket after he says this unless anyone objects.

2015-05-03, 10:00 AM
Timaeus had been taught to defer to elder Cathars in matters he did not know. He nodded in agreement to Boris, wiped his face clean and stood up.

"We should likely depart this place." he said.

2015-05-03, 05:21 PM
"It's all yours, I have some thoughts on it to share as well. I'm all set when you are"

2015-05-04, 03:05 AM
Thomas' face turns grim at Boris' statement. "I suppose we had better get going then."

2015-05-04, 04:36 AM
Boris gets up from the table. He thanks the owner for the hospitality and leaves with the party and Cat-thar. Before they leave the city. Boris will purchase 10 days worth of rations from the market and puts them in his pack. He also picks up some preserved fish as well so Cat-Thar won't go hungry.

2015-05-04, 01:48 PM
You pack your things, the Innkeeper gives you a bottle of wine on the house. His wife also waves you goodbye, you seem to have made quite the impression.

Here fine gentleman, some good wine for the road. Warriors of the church and true followers of Avacyn awe always welcome in my tavern.

The sun is slowly crawl to highest point in the sky as you walk over the market to do your shoppings. There are a lot of people on the move and you are drawn with the stream of people towards a square. From quite far away you hear a voice speaking to the commoners.

“We are gathered today to witness the punishment of these two… Alchemists” the crowd brings out a unified “booo”
“They broke the law of our Holy Church and Avacyn herself by bringing back our brothers and sisters from the dead! Yes brothers and sisters” thecleric says who is doing the speech. He wears the typical robe and is already quite old. “They used forbidden magic and alchemy to infuse them with unholiness, made them turn against us humans and the poor souls unable to find the blessed sleep!”

The two male persons behind the cleric have tattered clothes and look like they haven’t been able to wash themselves for at least a week. They are cuffed in heavy chained and they look to you like normal men."For committing these crimes they will be chained to the outside of the wall and be the prey of that which they made by their own hand." The crowd bowls and yells. Some of them throw rotten fruit and vegetables at the men.

"Also the church looks for volunteers to purge the countryside of these unhallowed undead. Master Maverick will lead this mission. Please report to the barracks if you want to be of service to the church!”

An elder cathar steps foreward and bows with the sign of Avacyn.

When you look at this scene another man approaches you. It is also a Cathar but younger. He is wearing the initiate clothes which indicates he is still in training. He bows and speaks:

“Master Grimmarg sent me to give you extra supplies before you leave. Please follow me, sirs.”

The boy who is about 17 years old leads you through the streets. You may recognize yourself in the young boy from the time you did your training yourself. After a few minutes you come at a stables. A man waves when you come closer. He holds 2 horses with a small wagon, already made ready for use.

“With the compliments of the master, may your travels be save”

He gives you an envelope with the signal of Avacyn on it and then walks off.

You take the wagon with the two horses and ride them through the closest citygate on your way to the mysterious province of Nephalia.

You can ask anything or act whenever you want during this time-lapsed story. I will answer anything or will react appropriate to your actions until we again are at the moment that you started your travel just outside the city walls

2015-05-04, 03:12 PM
Once they get out on the open road, Stanley looks to Boris. "You have some idea about the coin the strange man gave us?"

2015-05-04, 06:01 PM
"Aye that I do. When I first saw this coin it struck me as odd but then it hit me. This coin is part of a set. The general consensus is that it is set of 14 but there may be more. Long ago when early settlers came to Nephalia times were tough. The earth would constantly cause crop failure thus making many families starve. The peasants rebelled and set upon the merchant families which brought them here. Manors were burnt to cinders, families were massacred, innocents were lost. The survivors of the rebellion the were the Stromkirk, Voldaren, Markov and Falkenrath. They were angry with the common folk so they made a pact with dark forces. They were turned into blood drinking monsters. This is the origin of vampires today.
This coin is from one of the founding families. I cannot stress the amount of secrecy we should take whilst holding it. Vampires view this as a status symbol. To be a vampire and have such a coin is indeed one of the highest honors a vampire could hope for. This is why I wanted to be alone to tell you this. If word gets around that we have such a coin every single vampire in Innistrad will try to take it from us. I am not going to lie but I have my own reasons for wanting to keep it.

2015-05-04, 06:05 PM
Timaeus had been taught to use any tool available in his fight against the darkness that plagued Innistrad.

"That coin sounds like good bait to me." he said.

2015-05-04, 06:13 PM
"I don't think you understand the urgency of this. There are at the least 100 vampires at any time looking for this. The vampire who lost this is part of one of the founding fanilies and he or she will be using all manner of resources to get it back including members of their own family. And don't get me started on all the low status vampires. They will relish the opportunity to take this to join a founding family. We are talking hundreds...no possibly thousands of vampires all trying to tear us all to peices to find this coin".

2015-05-04, 06:21 PM
Timaeus had been taught all about the dangers of hunting vampires, but he had also been taught that they were prone to political maneuverings and backstabbing. A fractious, flighty flock of families full of folly and fancy with too few fears and too many finks.

"And they will all gladly kill each other to reach that coin. I would not be careless with it, but such a prize for a vampire is a tool that the church can, and should, utilize."

Please excuse the alliteration, I just couldn't help myself.

2015-05-04, 06:43 PM
"I agree. They will turn on each other, it is in their nature. But they will likely only do so after they have the coin. They can't backstab an ally because for all they know there is a chance we don't have the coin or know the location of one thus sparking conflict over nothing".
Boris exhales loudly.
I suppose it doesn't matter if we have it or hide it. They will come for us either way to get it or to learn the location of it. Either way be expecting a fight and like the old cathar said "trust no one".

2015-05-05, 07:24 AM
"Interesting, would be of any help to know that it came from the sea? Not its natural origin of course, it's made of a medal like silver after all. But this coin has something of the sea about it. Either way, we should pocket it for now."

2015-05-05, 10:56 AM
You ride with the wagon over rolling grasslands untill you approach the kessig woods. The main road goes alongside the edge of the woods southwards.

Cat-thar sits with you in the wagon, playfully jumping on your lap to the floor and back on your lap. sometimes he falls asleep sloftly purring. He seems to be very happy with his new owners.

The wagon is pretty comfortable and it has windows at both sides so you can look outside at the passing landscape. You can either take turns or let someone drive the wagon. It is pretty good weather so it is not a punishment to manage the horses and feel the sun on your face while you ride over the road to the southwest. Trees and hills pass you by and you see fields with farmers on it. If they are close enough to the road and recognize your profession they will bow with the sign of Avacyn before they continue working the ground.


You ride from the part called Thraben where the road is interrupted to a marked spot on the map in the little area called Township. It is considered the most safe and fast way to Nephalia.

It takes about 6 hours untill you see a big house at the horizon. It appears to be close to the road and it is already getting a little dark. It has a few corn fields around it and a strong fance around the house to protect it from the dangers outside. You don't really have a clue how far the next village is and it will be dark in about half an hour you think. The moment you are halfway the road leading to the manor, you see a young woman, you estimate her ago to be about 24, walking on the road towards the gate of the manor. She looks up once she hears you approaching. She wears typical clothing for a unmarried woman of middleclass status and long hair, black as a raven.

Good evening travelers. She stands still and lowers the sack she is carrying on her shoulder. Then she notices you are cathar and her eyes widen a bit. you see her lips murmer something Oh avacyn, cathars? what business do they have here? She gets herself together and speaks to you again. You come from the capital? It is getting dark, you should get inside before darkness falls, especially here on the countryside you never know what foul creatures stalk the night. She walks with you towards the gate of the big house. You can stay here for the night if you have no-where to go. I will inform my father we have guests. Men of the church are always welcome ofc course. You see you do not have alot of choice since there is no other place where you could safely spend the night. A warm bed and the company of this fair girl would be unwise to refuse.

She takes out an old rusty key and opens the gate to let you all in. Please enter She says when Thomas walks past her.The gate is looking very beautifull with ornaments, decorated with symbols of Avacyn. It however also looks a bit forbidding with spikes and razor-shap edges. You know it is to keep things out, but still it almost feels like you are enterering a defence fort.

My name is Liliana Vess, but you can call me Lily. She smiles warmly at Thomas I should warn you about my father though, he is a strict and conservative man. He prefers 'Lord Vess' since he is technically of noble birth She actually makes the " the two fingers of her free hand and she sighs. She gestures two younger boys that are playing outside. They have the same black her as your hostess. Gideon, Gillian come here. Please tend to the horses of these gentlemen. The boys of about sixteen years old look identical except a birthmark on the cheek of the one the two. They hurry to the horses and take them to the stables.

Lily takes you inside the house and you enter the foyer (waiting hall). Please wait here, I shall inform father.Lily glaces at you before she walks through the door on the right, leaving you four alone in the foyer.


This immage is a little more grim than it really is, but the typical gothic German architecture is about right.

1. If you decide to do something else. please jsut step in on the moment you would like to make a different turn in the story! I know I am going a little fast and I want to leave the option open for you to do whatever you like to do. This is your game so there is no obligation to follow the story as it presents itself. You are free to do what you want, although your actions will also have consequences according to the morals and standards of the world.

2. Again, you can react at anything in the whole timeline presented here. For ecample if you want to have a long chat with the girl still on the road, please be my guest and I will RP accordingly, untill we are at the end of the timeline of this post.. or another point if you choose to take a different path as I mentioned in point 1.

3. Also I hope you like the mtg references. I am playing a bit with the timeline here and drew my inspiration from the Liliana card from mtg Origins, maybe you are familiar with it. enjoy!

2015-05-05, 01:19 PM
"She seems nice," Thomas commented, "and the place seems fairly secure as well. I think we'll probably be safe here, though keep an eye out as always."

2015-05-05, 05:08 PM
"Greetings madam" Boris bows politly. "Your hospitality is most welcome".

Only a short post as I am getting ready for work.

2015-05-06, 02:48 PM
Timaeus had little to add to the conversation. He had not been taught to handle interactions with the common folk. He nodded thanks and went into the manor.

2015-05-07, 09:45 AM
After a few minutes Liliana comes out of the door with an older man and another woman, she is a little older than Liliana but wears maids clothes. He has long white hair, combed to the back and curled in his neck. A short white beard and mustache cover his face. He wears expensive clothes and he looks altogether like a real nobleman. You would estimate him to be in his late fourties, but he seems older than that, like a man who has seen much in his life. He carries a chain around his neck with the symbol of the Cathar. He must have been a cathar or been of great importance to the church.

This is my father, Sir Vess. Liliana introduces him to you.

The man nods to everyone of you and then speaks with a low voice.

Cathars, welcome to house Vess. My daughter did good to invite you, men of the church are always welcome in my house. Please, let Gisela take your armour and weapons to a room upstairs and make you some hot water to wash yourself a little before we have dinner.

The maid bows and comes a little closer waiting for you to hand her your things.

Liliana told me my youngest sons took care of the horses. They are fine boys, fine boys. You ntoice a sad look in his eyes once he mentions his two sons.

uhh, Let me show these gentleman the rooms upstairs, right papa? Liliana says quickly.

Yes. yes, you do that Lily.

Papa, we should let the cook know we have guests.

Yes, yes i will inform him. Only the best for these protectors of the people.

Liliana walks with you and Gisela tot he stair room and up the stairs

Forgive my father, ever since my mom died... well you sw. he hasn't been himself

2015-05-07, 03:05 PM
You take my armor, but I would prefer to keep my weapons with me if you don't mind, but I would like to keep my weapons with me. A Cather can never be to careful.

Insight[roll0] on his "sad look in his eyes"

2015-05-07, 03:09 PM
"Your father should take joy in the knowledge his wife lies in the blessed sleep. He will be rejoined with her soon." It was what Timaeus had been taught to say to the grieving families, though it had been intended for those who's loved ones he'd put down. "I will look after my own things. My armor and weapons stay with me."

2015-05-07, 03:59 PM
"My condolences on your loss." Thomas said, handing over his greataxe (he still has his handaxe and sling concealed beneath his cloak), and keeping his armour on. "Thank you for you hospitality. I'll have a quick wash as you suggested, and then i'll be ready for dinner."

History: 1d20+10

2015-05-07, 05:06 PM
"You can never be too careful madam. Darkness rears its head in every corner these days and I would like to be ready to defend you if the worst should happen". Boris walks inside and removes his muddy boots and puts on some fine shoes from out of his pack. He didn't want to track mud in the house. He begins removing his plate armor but keps his greatsword on him.

2015-05-08, 07:50 AM
You notice just sadness in his eyes. It is obvious it has something to do with his sons and his wife. What you don't know and it feels uncomfortable and intruding to ask at this moment.

The maid takes the belongings of those of you who are willing to give them and goes up the stairs. Behind her follows Liliana and you follow her. The stairs are round and made of dark wood as is most of the inside of the house. Everything is kept well and clean, although the house looks old and not as beautiful it once was.

Thank you, Thomas and Timaeus. Is it okay if I call you Thomas and Timaeus? She blushes a bit, which looks quite pretty with her dark black hair and fair skin.

Sir Burkham She smiles warmly Yes ofcourse I know who you are! It is an honor to meet you. She giggles, not too girly, but flattered. Thank you kind sir, although I don't think I would need protection in this secure house. Never has any foul creature even managed to come through the gate of this estate.

Once upstairs she points you to the rooms.

We have two guest rooms ready, but if you prefer a room for yourself, I can let Gisela make two more ready? I will leave you alone to freshen up. I will be downstairs, I think dinner will be ready in half an hour. Please take your time, you must be tired from your journey.

She walked out of the room but stops at the door and looks back at you.

The diningroom is downstairs and then back to the foyer, at your right... Oh, prepare some stories for my father. I bet he would want to know all about your heroic deeds! She smiles with a sparkle in her eye And so do I... Then she closes the door and you hear her going downstairs

You have two rooms at your disposal. they are quite big and there are wo beds in each, a writing desk, four comfortable chairs in each and a table. There is also a closet where Gisela put your things. You can take them whenever you like, but it is more or less courtesy to not be armed when you are in a home. Weapons are always within reach though. You may have seen a sword above the front door and also on the walls there are some nicely decorated axes with the symbols of the cathar and the church. They function mostly as decoration, but yor knowledge about weapons tells you they would come in handy if need be.

As said it is not uncommon to have weapons in the house, because people fear werewolves getting in the house and steal your children. Especially in kessig (you are at the border of the two provinces) this fear is very real.

The vess family is an old family and have a history of producing many famous cathars back in the day. Most of them are dead now though and the last 30 years the family became less rich and powerful. (they weren't that powerful in the first place, but some of their relatives had high places in the clergy and the cathar ranks).

Lord Vess is technically a nobleman and that would make Liliana a noblewoman. But when it comes to it, the Vess family is now just a wealthy family living in their homes, living their days in peace. This estate and some farmlands are all that is left of their wealth.

They have a good reputation, but they are mostly known by local people and ofcourse by the people who would come in contact with people from high places. You may have heard the name now and then during your training, or read about it in the books.

OOC: there is no doubt they are human. Yes alot of noble families are vampire families, but the Vess family is certainly not one of them.

Nowdays they just live their lives. Liliana takes care of the family estate. There is not much known about their private life, but you know they are warm people, so you might find out yourself if yo uare interrested

2015-05-08, 08:18 AM
Boris puts his greatsword next to his bed and his handaxes with his armor. He is confident that should anything break in he will be able to return to them quickly. He puts on some of his fine nobleman clothes, they weren't as comfortable as his casual clothes he wore under his armor but they were appropriate for such fine company. He turns to the party. "This sure beats staying out in the wilderness. Boris looks at the two "wilder" party members. "The Vess family is one of high stature, it goes without saying that they expect proper etiquette and manners while we stay here". He does his best not to sound too condescending but with a statement like that it is hard not to. After realising how bad that came out he stops for a moment. "That came out poorly, lets just forget it".

2015-05-08, 01:45 PM
Timaeus finds Liliana's behavior disconcerting, but makes no mention of it. He shrugs whenever she asks how to address him. Timaeus had been taught that his name was unimportant, it would be forgotten. His deeds, he was taught, were what mattered.

In the room, Timaeus places his hammer and his shield on the bed, along with some of his armor. It feels strange to him to do without the armor, he'd worn it so long it was a second skin. The feeling of vulnerability did not sit well with him.

2015-05-08, 03:47 PM
"Call me whatever you want." Thomas replied, "I think i'll take a room with Timeaus, if that's okay with everyone?"
When he enters his room, he lays his greataxe by his bed and takes off his hide armour. He leaves his handaxe there as well, but has his sling slipped into one of his pockets as well as a stone or two. He spends the rest of the time chatting with his roommate, or skim-reading a leather-bound tome, annotating it furiously.

2015-05-09, 10:49 AM
After about twenty minutes Gisela comes upstars. She bows and tells you the table is ready. If you aren't clothes decent enough (you can decide for youself what you prefer) she will offer you some fresh clothes.

You go downstairs to the foyer and to the right. There is a nicely decorated diningroom. The table is set with plates, glasses and napins. Thick purple curtains hang in front of the windows. A small fire burns in a stone fireplace in corner.

At the head of the table sit Sir Vess, Liliana at his right side and on his left his two sons. There are two places next to Liliana, one next to one of the boys and one at the other end of the table.

When you enter the room Sir Vess stands up and gesture you to sit down. He seems down to earth again.

Ah, My guests His voice sounds like thunder in the high sky. It seems to do him well to have people over. Please, please sit down. It is so good to be among fellow cathars again. He makes a small bow to Boris Sir Burkham, what an honor to meet you again, how long has it been? Too long, yes too long. I see you have a fine group with you, all brave man!

Ah there is dinner The door opens and two servants come in with platters with food. It is roasted pork, fruit, bread and a bottle of fine wine.

2015-05-09, 12:02 PM
Timaeus reluctantly takes the fresh set of clothing and changes into it. The new cloth feels strange to him, and he struggles with the unusual fit.

Downstairs, Timaeus takes the seat furthest from the Vess family. He doesn't wish to engage in conversation. Timaeus was never taught how to act in polite company. The whole thing was setting him on edge, to be honest.

2015-05-09, 03:54 PM
Refusing the offer of fresh clothes, Thomas tidies himself up and heads downstairs to the dining room. As he reaches the table, he moves to one of the seats next to Liliana, "May I?" he asks, before sitting down (assuming Liliana answers in the affirmative). He eats the food politely, taking the occasional sip of wine, as he engages in whatever the topic of the table is, always making a learned comment in response to whatever Sir Vess or the others say.

2015-05-09, 06:46 PM
Boris takes his seat next to the two boys.
"Ah Lord Vess it certainly has been a long time". Boris ponders for a moment. Yes almost 10 years if I am not mistaken".
Boris stops talking when the feast comes out. He admires it for a few moments before his plate is served.

"How do you fare these days Lord Vess?"

2015-05-10, 12:35 AM
Stanley changes to the new clothes, he spends his missions outdoors alone in the woods, all of his finer clothes are kept back home. While changing to the given clothes, Stanley checks himself in his pocket mirror. Everything looks fine of course, he even takes a moment to admire himself, "Yes this will be an enjoyable evening."

He heads to the dining "Ahh a fine meal, thank you good sir." Stanley takes a seat next at the other end of the table. He keeps his manners up marvelously well, he looks for openings in the conversations nearest him.

2015-05-10, 10:46 AM
Lord Vess, suited up quite nice for this event. He surely hasn't been in company like this for a while. Seeing Sir Boris again filled him with joy. The man replies to Boris:

The years have not been so good for me. But I see they have been to you. And you have gathered a fine group. Where are yuo heading if I may ask? I must say I look back at those years with pride and you coming here brought back some of the good old life to my memory. I wish I could join you wherever you are going and feel the weight of my sword in my hands and the light of Avacyn in my heart!

Liliana blushes when Thomas takes his seat next to her. She eats extremely polite and you can see she knows her etiquettes. A bit too often she looks to the side and glances at Thomas. She is still the proud young woman she is known for, but she is clearly on edge. You can see she tried to look her best. She wears a purple dress. Not too fancy but more than decent for dinner. Also her hair is pinned up nicely with a red rose in it.

So, master Utterson, uh Thomas, you are a cathar. Yes of course you ars a cathar she laughs a bit uncomfortable I mean, where are you going? Do you have a mission from the Lunarch? Or maybe you can't tell me because it is a secret mission. That is kind of heroic, saving us all without us even knowing about it. Such a noble man. She quickly puts a bit of pork in her mouth and waits for your answer.

The two boys are raised well, they are young but as every child of noble birth has had a proper education. Although taught not to speak if not spoken to and look at you with admiration, they can't resist starting the conversation with Timaeus and Stanley.

Gillian says:
You look amazing, I mean papa is a Cathar, I mean was..
Gideon continues, with exactly the same voice, where his brother left off.
We never have seen an actual cathar, papa does not want us to leave the house...
Gillian continues
Because it is too dangerous. So have you killed actual..
They finish the sentence in unison:
They look at you with two pairs of big eyes hungry for your stories of heroic deeds and
dreadful battles against the horrors from the outside world.

2015-05-11, 12:03 AM
Boris speaks in a different language directed at Lord Vess. It seems fluent and refined.

"Lord Vess, my fellow Cathars are heading to Havengul to learn of apparent corruption. As a veteran yourself you may understand the confidentiality of Cathar assignments. To be truly blunt with you Lord Vess we know little about our own assignment other than the fact that darkness grows in Havengul and we are a response to the threat. Perhaps you have some contacts in Havengul to give us more information of recent events in the city, if it is no trouble to you of course?"

2015-05-11, 07:14 AM
Timaeus looked at the two young boys.

"Yes." He replied. Then he went back to eating his food in stony silence.

2015-05-11, 08:25 AM
"Sure, i've got a mission. Technically, I can't tell you if it's from the Lunarch, or where I am going, but i'll let you know that it's just a routine operation. Nothing for you to be worried about, we'll be perfectly fine. We're just going to stop a few cults, maybe kill a few vampires, perhaps exorcise some spirits, and if we're lucky we might even discover an ancient secret mankind was never meant to know."
Thomas laughs, but while he tries to make his reply sound casual and jokey, he takes special care to make himself sound important and brave.

When he hears Boris' conversation with Lord Vess, he raises an eyebrow in his direction, and then turns back to his conversation with Liliana.

2015-05-11, 11:36 AM
Vampires! Why would you young boys care to hear tales of such devilish creatures? Well, I suppose one tale couldn't hurt. I'm a lone ranger sort, and I was out hunting in the forest picking off dark creatures as I found them. As I came across a cave one evening, I was going to pitch a tent for the night. But inside I found 3 of them, practicing dark rituals. They were so entranced, I took the first one down before the other two even noticed! Then the lesser of two came on to me, as the other tried to finish his ritual. So I prepared myself and slashed his across the chest, his guts spilled on the floor! I next needed to make sure their leader couldn't finish the ritual, so I took Razdiru here, and swiped him across their makeshift alter disrupting his ritual. He was so angry, so enraged he pounced on me and took a bite of my neck! I through him off, and took my stance. My neck dripping with my blood, I told him, 'This is where thy evil ends!' He charged me and I stepped aside so quickly he never saw my movement. He fell to the floor and I handily cut of his head, and then his heart!"

"Would you like to see my scar?"

2015-05-11, 03:56 PM
The food tastes very good, you wonder if the cook always cooks like this or that he did extra effort to make a meal like this especially for you.

Havengul you say a dangerous place for those who are familiar with it. I have been there some times, I hear it is even more grim in the present day now the light of Avacyn no longer protects the poor citizens of the port.

I have heard some tails about the corruption in the port. My daughter does most of the work since her mother is gone. I am an old man now and people need to see a young, healthy, good looking face that represents this house and our bloodline. She brings back disturbing tales from the opper ranks. Of course I know as little as you about your mission, but I might have an idea what it is about.

I also have some people I know who could be useful to you.

The lord continues in common tongue:

We should talk about it after dinner. I'll let Liliana get a good old wine from the cellar and we will retire to the studyroom. I have some books and diaries of my relatives that describe a disturbance in Havengul already present more than twenty years ago. We will discuss everything then.

The two boys look at you in awe:
Gideon:Woow real cultist??
Gillian: That is soo brutal!
Gideon: And you sliced him like this? He makes a move like he is holding a sword.
Gillian: and blgblglbg all his guts spill out!
Gideon: Brutal!
Gillian: Bruuutal!

Lord Vess looks at his two sons: Come now, boys. Let the men eat in peace.
The boys answer in unison Yes, papa but they keep staring at you in admiration sometimes if their father is not looking playing with their knifes as if they were swords.

My sons would love to become cathar, it would be their heritage, but these days cathars no longer are protected by the angelic light like we once were. They are much safer at home with me and their sister.

Liliana seems not really to hear the other conversations. She is focussed on her food and on Thomas.
I see, just routine. Of course I am not worried, you are a cathar and a strong one too. She smiles at you It should be yuor enemies I should be worried about. She takes the bottle of wine. can I refill your glass, Thomas?
After your host finishes talking Liliana turns to Thomas
Will you accompany me to the cellar? It is dark outside and you never know what lurks there, I better have a strong man at my side when I go outside. She jokes, but you also hear she is a flirting with you.
Her father glances at her, but lets her be.
When you are finished with the main course the two butlers come and clean the table.

I have a special desert for you.The cook comes in with a big plate in his hands. He puts it on the table and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He must have worked hard to make this in time. It is a large pudding in the shape of an angle holding a spear. It is nicely decorated with fruit and sweets. Lord Vess stands up and raises his glass. To our cathars, the good days of old and to the men who will once again let the song of angels be heard!

To the demon slayers!
Bane of cultists!
Vampire Hunters
Werewolf slaughterers!!!

That's enough, boys! The boys grin broadly at eachother but listen to their older sister.

Please, feast! Lord Vess speaks. He sits down and let the cook cut a good portion for everyone.

2015-05-11, 06:55 PM
"I am so sorry if I riled your boys up to much."

Stanley turns to the boys, "Gideon and Gillian correct? Remember while we Cathers are fierce warriors in battle, we are gentlemen at dinner. Sometimes even stoic at even the most elegant of events to never drop our vigil, like Timaeus here. Maybe we should finish our dessert in his fashion, and if you see anything suspicious you let one of us know, okay?"

2015-05-11, 09:43 PM
That would be most helpful Lord Vess. I have only been to Havengul a few times back in my youth with Lorholt's Fist. The inn I stayed at was without a doubt the worst I have ever stayed at. Someone broke in and tried to rob us. I guess he didn't know the Fist was in town so he got a nasty surprise. We of course handed him over to the proper authorities but not before Stumpy threw him through a wall".
Boris laughs at his own story. He then eats all of his dessert and finishes his wine.

2015-05-12, 03:46 PM
Thomas finishes his glass, and lets Liliana refill it, nodding in thanks. He tucks into the desert and gives the cook his heartiest congratulations, before getting up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lady I must accompany to the cellar. I'll try not to steal any of your fine wine." Thomas acts courteous, but as he walks with Liliana to the cellar his nerves take hold of him and he starts fiddling with the stone in his pocket distractedly.

2015-05-12, 04:29 PM
The lord laughs: Not to worry, master Croft. My boys should learn to behave like proper, well-mannered young man. He says with a wink to the boys.

Gideon and Gillian nod at you and make a stoic face and start eating so refined it could make you laugh. Those buys seem like really the kind of people that will never bore you when around, althuogh you imagine they would make you very tired.

Then your desert is finished, Lord Vess takes out an old pocket watch Oh look at the time. He takes a bell from the table and rings it. Gisela comes in and bows. Bed time boys, come give your father ans sister a kiss and say goodnight to our guests
We will see you tomorrow again, right?
Maybe you can show us your weapons tomorrow!
aah can we papa?

We will see boys, now upstairs, to bed with you! Father laughs and kisses his boys good night. Liliana also hugs them both before they go with Gisela upstairs.

The rest of you gentlemen please follow me to the study. I will light a warm fire and Liliana should come back with gome quality wine. We can discuss more in there, I am glad I can do something for collegues like you, I haven't felt this alive in a long time!

Liliana stands up and walks with thomas to the foyer and closes the door behind her.

Liliana walks with you to the front door and takes out her key.
I am very happy that you are here, I haven't seen my father in such a good mood for years. Thank you! She hesitates for a moment, looks at you and then faces the door again and turns the key around.

The cellar is not so far, it is just outside around the corner underground so the wine will remain cold.

You stpe outside into the darkness Liliana takes the lead and walks around the right side of the house

So, just a routine mission, are you sure? It seems like it is of quite some importance. I heard father talk with Sir Burkham. You are heading to Havengul, that is not just a city you know? I have just been there once to attend a ball there. Bad people are living there and those who remain faithfull either suffer for it or turn bad anyway.

Father wanted to marry me to the son of nobleman there when I was younger. Of course that was canceled when mom died. I know it is bad, but I am happy that I am not living there.. so uh is there a misses Thomas waiting for you in Thraben? She smiles hopefully at you and you approach a small shed that would be the entrance to the cellar.

2015-05-13, 02:44 AM
"I suppose the mission might not be that routine. To be honest, we don't have much to go on. We're hunting down some skaabherren, necromancers of the worst sort. And, no... There is no..."
At the talk of a wife, his mind turned to darker times. For a brief moment he was back in the skaabherren lair, falling... Failing. He saw a face again, a face of one he loved, the only one he had ever loved. She has been so beautiful, much like this Liliana, but she had been with the cultists on that fateful night. And Thomas had told her all the day before, not knowing the truth in his trusting ignorance. He had killed them all through his love: Peter, Gabriel, John, Paul, James, His Father. All dead because of him. No, he would not trust a woman again.

He stabilised himself. His face was grim. "I am not married, and I never will be. Let's just get what you need from the cellar, and then rejoin the others. And forget what I said about Skaabherren; I was lying." He remains solemn and silent, his mind reviewing the corpses of those he had killed through love.

2015-05-13, 04:46 AM
Liliana opens up the sheddoor and you see a stairway going underground and leads to a quite big undeground room. There are three shelves filled with bottles.

Liliana notices your change in mood
I am sorry, I didn't mean to intrude in your personal life.. I.. I just... Yes let's forget it.

She walks to the other side of the room.

Here, these are some very good ones, at least 20 years old, father took them from smugglers in Stensia. He thought they were smuggling human blood... haha. She takes out a bottle and lokes at the date. Mhh Ava 699, a good year, lat's take this one. Do you see anything you would like?

You see she is a bit let down and she tries to keep the conversation positive.

2015-05-13, 05:37 AM
"No, I don't see anything else I would fancy. Your choice seems like a good enough vintage."
Thomas' face is blank, not particularly grim or upset, but not happy either. Only cold, hard reason shows.

2015-05-13, 08:19 AM
Timaeus finishes his dinner and follows the others to the study. He does not partake of the desert, he had been taught that excess lead to complacency. Complacency was death for a Cathar.

2015-05-14, 12:30 PM
Liliana takes two of the bottels and with a clearly disapointed face she walks in front of you up the stairs. She waits for you to step out the shed before locking the door behind you. She doesn't say anything and walks with you back to the house. She opens the door en let you in.

To the right.

She says short pointing at the door of the study, waiting outside for you to go in. It is clear she won't follow.

Lord vess takes you to the studyroom and thomas enters as well (unless you won't then please tell what you will do)

It is a small library actually. Huge bookshelves cover almost all the walls of the relativly large room (see the plan of the house for details on the size). There are a few desks, all with books on them and magnefying glasses, some instruments, globes, and candles. In the far side of the room burns a small fire, carefully capped in stone and glass to prevent even the smalles spart from getting out and cause a fire in this treasury of knowledge.

Lord Vess walks up to one of the desks and opens up a book that looks like it has been used often.

This book is partially memoires of my father and uncle and I myself also contributed to it as well. Let me see, where was it again.. Ah here Havengul. Mh yes skaaberen and corsetrade... nasty business.

[OOC: To refresh your memory: skaaberen are alchemists who make skaabs, zombies stiched together from corpses and brought to life, (most of the time made into large monstrosities) with alchemy (think Frankenstein)]

it says here "we found a cult of skaberen in a tavern called 'Misthollow Tavern' We cleared out the place and things gor violent. We killed most of the cultists and found the leader. The woman performed some sort of ritual and disapeared into the shadows"

He looks at you. This was on a mission I was on, I cannot tell for sure, since I haven't been actually on duty last few years, but I imagine it will be something similar. If I am not too forward, what do you know about the mission?

2015-05-14, 05:38 PM
"Yes, the scaaberen and vampires our our targets. Truth be told I think the Lunarch was foolish for sending us. We are all established Cathars but we have never worked with each other before. We don't know the extent of each others abilities and disipline. He mentioned that the mightiest Cathars had fallen to become what they once hunted, so why would he send a brand new team. It strikes me as a knee-jerk reaction just so it looks like the Lunarch is doing something. This is about politics not the safety of the people."
Boris seems visibly annoyed. He honestly beleives what he is saying.
"However, orders are orders and we all must follow them. I think checking out this tavern is a good lead. Perhaps they set up shop there again or someone knows there knows where their new base is. However before we do that we should visit the bishop. Whatever information we can get about the troubles of the city and the missing Cathars will be more reliable than the Lunarchs simply because it is firsthand information".
Boris looks at his companions.
Priority one is meeting this Bishop".

2015-05-15, 07:46 AM

Turning back to Lord Vess, "Could you tell more of your adventures? Particularly while dealing with this cult?"

2015-05-15, 09:50 AM
Lord Vess looks at Boris.

Sir Burkham, it is not our place to question the Lunarch in his decisions. He must have a very good reason to send you to this place. He does not say it in a judgemental way, more like something that is true. THe lunarch is wise and knows very well what you can handle.

When you mention politics and the bisshop. Ah yes the bisshop, a particular man. Flilthy rich and avacyn knows how he got his station, with hard thaler... Some clergy, I agree with you, are just there for the wealth and power, but not the Lunarch, he follows the true path. I cannot recommand looking for the Bisshop of Havengul. He is not someone to be trusted, i know from experience. Yes even the church is not always one when it comes to politics and faith...

Ah he speaks! Sir Vess turns to Stanley. We were sent to havengul, just like you. it was my last mission before.. well, before. We did not have many to go on like yourselfs. We started by questioning local townsfolk, not getting much help from them. You know those people are very different than here in Gavony, superstitious as can be and fearing the their vampire rulers more than they fear the church.

We managed to get a trace of some corpsetraders and logn story short we managed to get the location of this tavern. We killed most of them, but the leader escaped. I am not sure what he did, but he managed to get away by turning into shadows. In the days after three of my companions died from a strange desease.. there was nothing we could do so we had to abandon the mission and I reported back to HQ. Right after that I retired here and I don't know what happened to Havengul and the cult there. I asume we managed to get them, but aparently there is more to it.

I still know some people there, although they might have forgotten me, most of them at least. Not Mellanie She would never forget me. he laughs Haha, no she wouldn't. She could definatly help you, although she is hard to find when she does not want to be found, which is most of the time the case. If you manage to find her though, send her my regards. She will certainly help you if she knows that you know me.

2015-05-15, 10:20 PM
Boris nods in agreement to Lord Vess.
" You are right, it is not my place to question the Lunarch's orders, but in my experience blind obediance is dangerous. So Lord Vess, would you please tell me more about this "Mellanie" character?"
Boris is clearly trying to drop the subject of the Lunarch.

2015-05-16, 04:10 AM
Lord Vess looks questioning for a moment then continues in High gothic

Mellanie Stromkirk is a very.. well special person. I speak to you like this, because I do not know how fanatical and still unexperienced your younger companions are. Mellanie is not exactly a human. She is not like the others, she is of an older generation so in a way she is on "our" side. We as older Cathars know we should work with what we have and if that means to get the help of a vampire to achieve our goals, we gladly take it. I don't want one of your fellow cathars drive a stake through her heart and unleash a war. You won't notice she is any different unless she wants you to know, so there is no need of telling them if you think this is unwise

2015-05-16, 04:33 AM
"Thank you." Thomas says to Liliana expressionless, as he enters the study.

"Did the cultists have their foul creations with them? When I fought them, we tried to take out their leaders first, and then the monstrosities would have had no orders. Once you cut off the head of the snake, the body falls with it."

2015-05-16, 07:22 AM
"I understand the necessity but to be honest I would rather avoid any diplomacy with vampires on this mission. If it is imperative to the mission I will seek her out but at the moment I am afraid that it is not an option". If Lord Vess has a good insight he can see Boris is uneasy. Boris clearly doesn't want to converse with vampire with the coin in his pocket.

2015-05-18, 01:35 PM
As Stanley starts to get frustrated when the dialect changes to something he cannot understand, "I have to say, I find it rather rude that you two are speaking such that we cannot understand you. If this were a mere conversation like we had at dinner, of course it would be of no bother, but we are trying to learn more about the mission at hand and I think we all should have the same information, if we want to be an effective team."

"I would like to know more about your local lead, if the Bishop has a no lead for us, I really think we should seek her out."

2015-05-18, 03:02 PM
The man looks a bit agitated at Stanley when he talks about his manners, but quickly brings his face back to the friendly state it was before.

Yes you should definatly look for her, she helped me a great deal back in the day. Also ask for Lowald Eikhart. He is keeping law and order in Havengul, at least for as far as that is possible and if he is still alive.

He opens one of the bottles Thomas and Liliana brought.

Ah 699 a good year. He takes out a few crystal glasses and poors you a generous glass full. Please drink, it will strengthen you and you will sleep well afterwards!

He raises his glass and wait for you to take one as well and do the same.

2015-05-18, 03:45 PM
Thomas eyes the bottle of wine almost suspiciously, and hesitates for a moment, before getting up and pouring himself a small glass, and drinking it slowly over the course of the conversation.

2015-05-18, 07:14 PM
"My apologies Stanley, I tend to speak to noble-tongue more often than the common-tongue. It is kind of a habit that always plagues me when talking to other nobles".
Boris sits up in the chair a bit. Is this law man to be trusted with this sensitive information, Lord Vess?

2015-05-19, 02:17 AM
Vess takes a delicate sip from his wine. certainly he can. A former cathar who worked up his way in politics in Havengul, which is a hard thing on its own if you ask me. He leads the local police force. You should know that the police force is more a institution to solve minor crimes and offenses. They are not trained cathars like us and are as affraid of the real heretics as the ordinary townsfolk. That is why they sent me back in the day and why they now send you. He takes another sip. A good and noble man, Lowald, I wonder how he is doing. A lovely wife as well and a good son, yes a very good man he is. Vess seems to dream of a bit in thought with the wine in his hand warmed by the fire.

Imagine a certain balance in the city. There is crime on daily basis, but there is a clear difference in what the police force can handle and will handle and what not. I had some sort of gangster suburbs in mind, not really of course, but like the police won't go in there because it is too dangerous and there excists some sort of unspoken rule between the police and the criminals to repsect eachothers territory and not interfere with eachothers business unless there is a clear reason to, or someone really crosses a line.

2015-05-19, 07:34 AM
Timaeus had little to add to the conversation, but he listened to what he could understand and ignored what he could not. He hadn't been taught High Gothic, so he saw no point in trying to understand it. He also refrained from partaking of the wine.

I'm choosing not to have Timaeus participate in this part of the roleplay, even though he is present. Don't worry, it's part of his character arc. He will speak if addressed directly though.

2015-05-20, 07:12 AM
"Thank you for the leads Lord Vess." Stanley nods and lifts his glass and calmly toasts, "To tomorrow's adventure." And takes a drink.

Feeling a bit crowded, not having been alone since he met with the group Stanley gets up from his chair and adds politely, If you will excuse me, I'm going to step outside, maybe check on the horses before heading to bed.

2015-05-21, 02:39 PM
Yes it is late and you have had a long trip. Please let my daughter show you your rooms!

Lord Vess opens the door and calls Liliana. She comes downstairs and waits for you to follow her.

Good night, we will talk more tomorrow. It was a pleasure and an honor sir Burkhart and other collegues!

You must be tired. I know you know where the rooms are, but still, let me accompany you. She takes the lead upstairs and btakes you to the two rooms. I understood you prefer to share both rooms? Once you know your destination she stands in the door opening of Thomas and Stanley's room, hesitating like she wants to say something, but instead waits for youto say anything. (It is up to you if you went outside or also upstairs, Liliana will do this whether Thomas is alone or not).

2015-05-21, 02:58 PM
"Thank you." Thomas says briefly to Liliana as he enters his room, and prepares to go to sleep, keeping his battleaxe and handaxe under his bed, and his sling under his pillow. When his roommate enters, he will say something to them.

"You should probably know, Burkham told Lord Vess about our mission during their conversations in High Gothic. Vess also said that 'Mellanie' was a vampire. Apparently, she's a good one from an old breed, but keep an eye out anyway. By the way, it goes without saying that we don't tell Burkham about this conversation, I just wanted you to not be caught unprepared."

2015-05-22, 01:34 AM
"Many thanks ma'am". Boris walks into his room and climbs into bed. He is relaxed and sleeps well.

2015-05-22, 07:41 AM
Stanley pauses for a moment before he leaves the study room, "I appreciate the gesture, but I find that I sleep better once I've had a moment to myself outside. Thank you"

Stanley takes a walk outside and looks for the wagon and horses, possibly see if he can find where Cat-thar might have scampered off too.

2015-05-22, 09:46 AM
Lord Vess walks outside, but comes too close near you since you prefer some time with yourself. He lights a pipe and smokes it enjoying the cool evening breeze.

Cat-thar comes running from outside a haystack, proudlyholding a big mouse in his tiny mouth. The tiny creature squeels and manages to break free from his teethprison and runs away with Car-thar on its heels.

Upstairs Liliana presses her lips together in disapointment and walks away to her own room, leaving you on your own in the rooms. It is dark outside and the only lightsource is a few candles that let the room bath in a yellow light. The windows are closed and the beds look very comfortable.

OOC: take your time to RP both outside, if you wish, and upstairs untill you like to go to sleep.

2015-05-22, 11:16 AM
Stanley moves a few steps away, just to comfortable distance where talking isn't expected but leaves it room. He watches Cat-thar enjoy his hunt with the mice, and wishes he could be doing the same. "Nice night, reminds me of my parent's farm, though no where near as an impressive piece of land."

2015-05-23, 10:31 AM
Timaeus returns to the room he shares with Thomas. Upon hearing that the Lord Vess is in neutral contact with a vampire, he growls and grabs his hammer.

"Betrayer! Liar! Falsifier! He should be cleansed of his sins and that beast put into the earth. Thomas, aid me in protecting the Vess family from their father's weakness." He dons his armor and goes to the door unless someone stops him.

2015-05-23, 03:11 PM
"Patience, my friend, patience. We face him now and we lose everything. All our leads will be gone, and we might never find this vampire. No, we should keep an eye on him. An 'anonymous tipoff' would place no blame on us, and the higher-ups would be able to find out everything from him. Give me 15 or 20 minutes, and I can get a message to base, without anyone knowing. We can arrest the heretic, and not even Burkham will have to know. Just leave this to me."

After saying this, assuming Timeaus agrees with this idea, he heads downstairs to find Liliana. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier, I've had problems with women in the past, and... Could you do something for me? Does the family keep any birds around, or other animals? I need one for a little something I'm planning."

2015-05-23, 05:44 PM
Liliana opens her door wearing her pyjamas. When she sees Thomas standing in front of her she blushes. Her hair is lose and she removed any makeup she was wearing.

Oh uh.. I.. I didn't expect you. I am not really decent. What can I help you with?

When Thomas asks her about the animals she looks a little disapointed but also reliefed that he tells her what he was thinking earlier.

Yes we have a few doves, not really carrier pigeons, but they look rather beautiful. I feed them every morning when I get up. What.. What is your plan? It is nothing dangerous right? I really like my birds.

She looks at Thomas wondering. You need them... now?

2015-05-24, 02:25 AM
"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I really need an animal of some kind. I've just remembered that I forgot to send my regular message back to HQ, and I need to do so as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if it's not a carrier pigeon, I'm really good with animals, and it will be back within a few days, I promise."

2015-05-24, 10:00 AM
Yes, I.. I understand Liliana still seems a bit confused about your request, especially at this hour. Let me, get dressed, I will show you where I keep them. She closes the door and a minute later she opens it again. She wears a warm cloth over her pyjama's and put on some slippers.

She walks with you downstairs and takes out the key from the front door and opens the door.

The rest you can hear the voices and sounds in the hallway, even if you are inside a room with the door closed. It's up to you if you want to open the door and check what is going on. You cannot hear the exact conversation but you might recognize the voices.

2015-05-25, 03:09 AM
"You know, your father really does have some great stories about his years as a cathar, he told us all about them," Thomas says as they walk, "Did he ever tell you about a woman named Mellanie Stromkirk?"

2015-05-25, 04:14 AM
Liliana tries to unlock the door, but notices the door is already unlocked. Is someone outside? She says to herself more than to you. Melanie, no I have not heard of the name.. but Stromkirk yes. A wealthy family in Nephalia, what about it? Then she opens the door en outside about a few meters from the front door stands Lord Vess. He is emptying his pipe and seems to just get ready to go inside.

Dear Lily, and.. master Utterson. I thought you went upstairs or do you also like to take some fresh air like master von Croft. He looks at you a lilltle suspicious taking his daughter outside in her nightdress I hope there is nothing moe to it than that,Thomas he puts the emphasis on your first name so make sure you get the message.

Papa please, Thomas needs to send word to the capital, so I'll show him the docecote. She takes your hand (if you let her) and pulls you along, away from lord Vess while mumbling a bit angry what is he thinking... not his business...if he would actually do something for a once.. grmbl

Lord Vess walks to the stables where Stanley is. If he finds you he talks to you, not coming too close noticing you are here to be on your own. Master von Croft. Are you doing alright? I was about to go inside and close the door, can I accompany you to your room? I think sir Burkham is already in bed. If you don't wish to disturb him I can also get yuo a seperate room. You have the feeling he is more asking about your personal needs than those of Boris, which is actually quite nice of your host.

When Thomas and liliana walk into the dark, after about a minute you come to a small wooden tower. It is not really big, but big enough to have a staircase in it to a small 'house' about 3 meters (9ft) above the ground). A small door without a lock gives you entrence to the odd building. Liliana opens the door and invites you to take the lead inside.

attempt for a picture of the dovecote. It's about right anthrough I imagined it comepletely from wood.

2015-05-25, 05:59 AM
"Oh, it's nothing, your father was merely telling us of the time when she was providing the cathars with a lead on the skaabherren, and she got so drunk that she stumbled into a secret passageway leading into their lair. They were tremendously lucky to find it."

After they meet Lord Vess, Thomas says, "I'm sure he means well, he's just leaping to assumptions."

As he enters the dovecote, Thomas picks out a bird of reasonable quality, not disabled, but not the finest specimen. "Thank you ever so much, you don't know how much this means to me. You've saved me from a tremendous embarrassment. I'm just going to stay outside for a little while to write a note, and then I'll show myself to my room. Thank you again."

When Liliana leaves, Thomas moves to a private area, and checks for anyone nearby. He then takes the dove, and writes a note attached to its leg. "All is well, return dove to Lord Vess." He then expends his ritual components and casts the ritual Animal Messenger. The message is: "Lord Vess knows a vampire called Mellanie Stromkirk, she is apparently good, but no evidence. He confided in Burkham. Investigate in five days. Ignore family."

Insight Check to see if Liliana is telling the truth: [roll0]
Bluff Check: [roll1]
Arcana check for ritual: [roll2]

2015-05-25, 08:44 PM
Stanley was just in a mid stretch, as Lord Vess found him. With his eyes closed, Stanley stretches his arms out wide, and bringing them in front of him. With his palms facing away from him, he fingers spread apart, he squeezes twice feelings the claws that aren't truly there, but feel like it.

He turns to Lord Vess, "I'm doing fine, thank you for asking, I simply miss my family, and a cool night breeze with these animals returns me to a much...simpler time. After a night like this, I was always find myself more eager to get a job done."

Lord Vess likely saw Stanley stretch, this was one a few rare times Stanley lets his guard drop. He has found acting irrational when caught in the moment is more likely to bring questions.

2015-05-26, 07:15 AM
Lord Vess nods, not really looking at you, but enjoying the evening with you.

You're right, lad. It is a fine evening and somehow I feel the urge to get into my harnass again as well and go back to those times where adventure was calling and the future was unsure but bright.

He taps his pipe and sees Liliana coming back from the dovecote.

I will leave the key in the door so you can lock it when you go inside, wait for master Utterson, we don;t want to lock him outside.

Lord vess nods friendly at you and walks in with liliana talking with her fatherly about what she was doing outside and why she isn;t dressed propperly and that she should go to bed, family stuff that probably doesn't interrest you.

At the dove cote the bird glows a little when you finish the ritual and then spreads its wings and flies towards the capital.

2015-05-27, 06:30 AM
The next morning you wake up from Gisela's voice on the other side of the door. She speaks softly not to abruptly wake you but loud enough to make sure you are awake. You clearly hear an gavonian accent the way she talks

Melords, Breakfast is served. Lord Vess and Lady Liliana are downstairs waiting for you. They want you to know to take your time and ask you if there is something in particular you like to have. There is milk, cheese, bread, salad, meat, eggs and cake.

You have the time to wash yourself and get properly dressed and get down. In the dining room is the table again perfectly set with all kinds of delicious food. The two boys grin when you come in but are more quiet than yesterday. You expect their father having told them to behave. Liliana is aso present and wears a beautiful fress and a white lilly in her black hair. She looks quite beautiful. Lord Vess also did his best to look good. He wears an old uniform, not too formal, but clearly you being in his house brought up some sentiment. The clothing looks old and barely fits the man who apparently gain some pounds since the last time he wore it.

Breakfast is pleasant. Nothing out of the ordinary happens, you make some smalltalk and the boys talk more over the course of the dinner asking you where you are going and things like that. If you say anything, and you don't have to be detailed, they are satisfied and look at eachother enjoying the thrill.

Liliana looks as Thomas Lady hasn't returned yet. But she is a good bird, she will fly untill she reaches her destination, I am sure. She tries to talk about things that have your interrest but for the rest stays a bit on the background.

After breakfast Lord Vess mentions your departure.

Although I would be delighted to have you here for a longer time, I understand you have your duties and should depart as soon as possible to make it to your destination. It is still about two days travel. If you leave within the hour you should reach a small tavern by sunset. The road is dangerous in Kessig. I made sure the stablemaster packed some torches for you, just in case.

Also your wagon is ready, the horses are well fed and cared for this morning.

2015-05-27, 07:31 AM
After breakfast Boris dons his mighty black iron armor with the help of Gisela. "Thank you, Lord Vess. I hope to see you and your family again someday, perhaps we may stop by upon our return to Tharbren if you would have us of course. Boris is fully armed and prepared for whatever the road throws at him.

2015-05-27, 07:49 AM
Timaeus is eager to hit the road, and dons his armor over his normal clothes. He stows his hammer and shield in the wagon before going inside to eat quickly.

2015-05-27, 02:41 PM
Stanley wakes up well refreshed, though he was up later than maybe he should of been.
Good morning, is that a Gavonian accent I hear?
"I would love some fresh ham or bacon this morning, as we say, 'A hardy start brings strength for the day.'"

As Stanley is finishing he notices Lord Vess in his uniform and remembers something he said the night before.

"Lord Vess, you mentioned to me last night about wishing for the "old days," and you seem as if your ready to go as it is this morning, if no one in the groups object maybe you could join us, certainly your knowledge of local area would be of great use?"

2015-05-28, 02:26 AM
Lord Vess looks surprized.

Me, going out there? His attitude suddenly gets less confident. It has been too long ago, I'm an old man now, I have my family to take care of. I wouldn't want to burden you with taking this old man along. I would be more of a burden than of actual help. Besides, my name might not get us a warm welcome, rather than puts a even larger bullseye on your backs. No, it would be unwise both for you and me to take me with you. But... Wait He goes inside and after a minute comes back out with a small book in his hand. Here take this diary of my father and me. I am sure all the wisdom I could provide is in here as well.

Liliana and the boys also stand outside and the stablemaster comes around the house with your cart with the two horses. They indeed look very well taken care off. They mains are combed and their coat (fur?) shines like they are the trophy horses of the Lunarch himself.

Althought you may have many more questions, the time is there to say goodbye.

Liliana steps to Thomas, a bit uncertain. Yuo clearly she is sad about you leaving, but you also see the hesitation in her eyes, knowing you will probably forget her the minute you hit the road. For a moment she waits then hugs you and softly says so only yuo can hear it: Please don't forget me, and come back safe?

The boys give you all a manly handshake and a small bow. Lord Vess does the same and Liliana just bows for the others.

The weather is quite okay, birds are singing, the wind blows softly like everything is alright, but you know two days ride throught the forest lies Havengul where your adventure and the real dangers will start.

It was an honor Sir Burkhart, you are always welcome in my home and I wish yuo all the luck in the world with this mission.

Mister Stanley, You're a brave young man, Never let your spirit waver and trust your instincts. I have the feeling you will get far.

Thomas, just get back here in one piece, it will bring my daughter much joy, and so myself as wel His voice sounds commanding, but you hear a slight tone of amusement in it.

Timaeus, We haven't spoken much, but silence can be good thing, I am sure your discression will serve you will, all the best to you too.

((OOC: I'm moving a bit through this, of course yuo have time to respond to the things happening here.))

2015-05-28, 02:56 AM
With all the goodbyes over Boris climbs into the cart and places his possessions onto the floor. Once the manor is behind them he speaks up.

"I suspect some off you may dislike it that I divulged sensitive information about the mission with Lord Vess. I did what I thought was right and because of this we have two leads on the Skaarberen and the other horrors in our way. We have the lawman Lowald Eikhart and Mellanie Stromkirk who I guess I would refer to as the wildcard. That said we can go after either one first but there is also the Bishop, who despite what Lord Vess believes could hold some information. Personally I would prefer to go speak with the Bishop first as we were instructed by the Lunarch and then try the other two leads".

2015-05-28, 07:09 AM
"Let's see what the bishop has to say, but I believe that the Mellanie would be well worth it to start, she has Lord Vess's recommendation and he was quite a host."

2015-05-28, 11:29 AM
Thomas acts friendly and kind, thanking his hosts and promising to return if he has the time, but a spot of guilt is always there, showing on his face when he thinks no one is watching.

After he hears what Boris said, Thomas replies angrily, "You may think we can trust Lord Vess, but what if he turns? What if the reason he didn't catch those skaabherren was because he was one of them? We should have kept quiet, fed him nothing but falsehoods, and perhaps found some small information that way. Oh yes, and there's the small matter of him being associated with vampires, like Mellanie Stromkirk, who I'm sure will be especially friendly when she finds out about the coin in our possession. We speak to the Bishop first, see what he is like, and if that corroborates with Vess' story, then maybe we should visit one of the others." Thomas is frustrated, and his guilt merges with that to only make him more furious. He almost shouts the words as he paces around the cart.

2015-05-28, 12:00 PM
"Wait, she's a vampire? When did we hear about that? Even if she is, who's to say that every creature with a bit of darkness must be evil? Don't you know the legends? The son of the very first vampire created the Angel that we serve in the name of."

2015-05-28, 02:51 PM
"So because not everything that's an abomination to the eyes of the church is evil, we should go around chatting to them whenever we see fit? Or perhaps we should even go so far as to bare our necks for their fangs? I suppose since one vampire was fine, they must all be!" Thomas is angrily sarcastic, distracted by guilt, and irritated by the way the discussion is going.

2015-05-28, 03:11 PM
"I think we should visit this Stormkirk woman. Whether Lord Vess intended to or not, he has delivered a beast of the night to us. It is our duty as Cathars to destroy her." Timaeus said. He had been taught that it was only the weak of heart who avoided dispelling the darkness.

2015-05-28, 11:32 PM
"You all don't see the big picture here. Why kill Stormkirk when she has obviously being leading Cathars like ourselves to the locations of other vampires for years? She is the only vampire I have ever heard of that has being assisting Cathars. Just think of all the savages that have been brought down because of her information. Obviously the Lunarch knows of her existence and wants her alive otherwise she would have been killed off years ago. I am all for killing her if she becomes a liability but for now we should stay our blades".

2015-05-29, 07:06 AM
"Don't take me as some naïve fool, I recognize the danger she represents. But if a tool exists, we should use it. As Boris says, her information outweighs her danger. Though I'm unsure if the Lunarch is aware of her, and I don't think we need to involve them unless she's clearly more of a threat then Lord Vess recognizes."

"I swear some Cathers just think everything is black or white, human or monster. If Cat-thar all of a sudden grew giant fangs would you just kill her? Would you even watch to see how she used them?"
This why he prefers to work alone and not with other Cathers, self- righteous and hard lined most never understand that some things are mixed.

2015-05-29, 11:35 AM
"There is no evidence that Stromkirk has been aiding us at all, just the word of one man who is in contact with the enemy. Besides, Vess himself said that she can only be found when she wants to be, the Lunarch wouldn't be able to find her let alone kill her, assuming he even knows of her existence.

I'm not saying everything is black or white, just that even the grey is out to get you. At the very least, we should go in there expecting to kill an enemy, rather than find a friend, and we should talk to the other contacts first. Besides, we haven't been tasked to hunt vampires, we've been tasked to hunt Skaabherren. Don't get too carried away in vampire killing or aiding."

2015-05-29, 08:19 PM
"Agreed, we should seek out the other contacts before Stormkirk. However if she is as professional as what we have been told by Lord Vess she would probably know what is going on the moment we enter that damned city".

2015-06-01, 05:40 PM
I'll be joining this game soon, so this is just a post so I can subscribe to the thread.

2015-06-03, 08:21 AM
"It's not the fangs that make the monster. It's how they're used. A cat hunts birds and mice and bugs, that is good. But a vampire is a cursed beast that hunts men. It preys upon blood and souls, and denies the innocent the restful sleep of death. It is not a complicated issue. With vampires it is black and white." Timaeus had been taught that vampires were evil, and he had seen first hand the danger they posed. That any cathar would think otherwise was foolish.

2015-06-03, 08:40 AM
When you ride away from the Vess family, they wave you farwell. The boys run with you untill they cannot keep up anymore. They all disapear slowly in the distance, yuo might see them again, or will Thomas' scemes have his desired inpact and will the future hold whole other things than they expect?

Right after you leave the Vess manor you enter the feared forests of Kessig, A dark vast landscape with only trees, standing close together, not letting much light through. Werewolves pack roam in these forests, people live by the day, not knowing if they will be alove the next day to work on their fiends hoping to reap enough to last thruogh the dark winter. The friendly rolling hills are traded for tall coniferous trees. They stand very tall, not letting much light through. Even the paved road that stretches like a snake through the thick forest is covered in shadows, except in the middle afternoon when the sun ias on her highest point in the sky.

You have enough food with you to have a decent lunch in the afternoon. The horses are strong and seem to have more strength than yesterday. Their stay at the Vess stables have done them good. The constant shadows make them a little wary though, as makes you extra on your guard. Not without reason, the forst is full of sounds, either cheerfull birds or the growling of unknown animals in the brushwood.

The sun crawls over the sky although you cannot see much of it , only the shadows getting longer and the sky slowly getting less bright. It isn’t dark yet, but later in the afternoon it is getting pretty dark because of the trees blocking most of the light of the setting sun

The forest is a bit like the wagon chasing scene in Van Helsing when the Vampire brides chace them through the forest.


After a few hours, around 4-5 o’ clock in the afternoon, you reach an open square in the forest. Finally you can see a little more of the sky and you can estimate the time now as well. On the edge of the square is the leftover of a tavern. The building is almost entirely destroyed and it looks like it was done recently because there is still smoke coming from the pile of rubble, although the remains of the building are covered in spidersilk. The house is mostly made of wood, but also some stone. It is not hard to bring a building like this down, although it requires quite some strength a normal human does not poses. You also see an exceptional amount of insects flying around, even the ground where you are (about 70 feet away from the building) is crawling with bugs. The spidersilk is odd, normally it would take years for a ruin to be so infested with spiders, but it must have been not more than a day since the building was destroyed…

Before you can come closer and have a good look, you hear a female voice coming from inside the remains. The door is open and it is possible to go inside, although you fear it would be quite dangerous with the risk of the roof collapsing on top of you.

"Silvia, Silvia, come over here. I found one, he is… not alive, blast! Why must he always make such a mess!"

From behind the rubble comes a woman with black hair and a bow in her hand, at first she seems not to see you, but then she stands still. She slowly takes her bow and in the same cautious slow motion she grabs an arrow from her back. You notice the insigna of the Cathar on her clothes. These are not regular thieves who destroyed the tavern and killed the inhabitans. There is something else going on here.


"Ana, it seems we got company." Before this Ana can come out, she slowly walks up to you until she is in 30 feet range, still pointing her arrow on you, ready to let go the moment you make an unexpected move.

Cat-Thar mews and before you can grab him he jumps out of the wagon and runs up to Silvia. From behind silvia’s leg comes another kitten. Cat-That sniffs the other kitten and then how tense the situation is, they mew friendly at eachother and playfully push eachother on the ground, rolling over and purring.

Silvia cannot help to glance over there in wonder, but then quickly refocuses on you.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?”

Then you hear the sound of someone pushing something big aside and something falling down. A small part of the roof falls down, not so much more like a few wooden planks. Another woman comes out of the building, covered in spidersilk. She first takes the time to dust herself off. The first thing you notice is her reddish blonde hair and the enormous sword on her back. She has a less serious look on her face and looks less threatening than Silvia. She glances over at you while walking to Silvia. She ignores the kittens and takes out the sword from her back while standing beside Silvia.


2015-06-03, 09:49 AM
Boris doesn't draw his battleaxe but it does remain clearly seen, he knows that in highly tense situations one wrong move can set of a wave of pandemonium "Your weapons don't intimidate me ladies, drop them on the ground and we can talk like civilized people". He removes his helmet to reveal is face. His voice is stern and commanding, he doesn't want mistakes to be made, he also hopes to discern which one of the duo will react more hostile. Last time I copped an arrow I didn't even realize until after the battle, I would advise you put that away".

2015-06-03, 10:56 AM
Silvia laughs and says, "Uh-huh. Sure. Maybe you can explain what you're doing here? Normal folks tend to avoid destroyed villages."

2015-06-03, 02:51 PM
"We are passing through. You are the ones poking around in the ruins. I think it more likely you're the ones who need to answer questions." Timaeus replied. He had been taught to suspect anyone regarding him with suspicion.

2015-06-03, 02:58 PM
Ana Moreau
"We are Cathars in pursuit of a dangerous heretic." Ana states, gripping her sword a bit tighter. "Forgive us if we find it a bit odd that immediately after we come across his work that a few travelers just happen to be coming along the path."

2015-06-03, 05:39 PM
Boris runs his hand along his face he is clearly disappointed that they didn't lower their weapons. "If you were a real cathar you would know there is a time to converse and a time to fight this being a time to converse, lower the dam weapons!"
Boris doesn't like being threatened by people who claim to be on his side.

2015-06-03, 05:42 PM
Ana Moreau

"You haven't exactly given us a reason to lower them." Ana points out tersely. "I've already told you what we're doing here, perhaps you could extend us the same courtesy?"

2015-06-03, 05:44 PM
Timaeus reaches underneath his armor and pulls his Avacynian collar out to show the women. "Your turn."

2015-06-03, 05:50 PM
Ana Moreau

Ana lets the tip of her sword rest on the ground in a small gesture of peace, as she raises a hand, displaying the symbol of Avacyn on a chain wrapped around her hand. "I'd still like to hear why you're here," she says, her tone a bit more relaxed.

2015-06-03, 06:09 PM
Silvia nods and lowers her bow, relaxing the string, though the arrow is still nocked as she says, "Mmhm. We're Cathars, we know you're all Cathars...But still, what are you doing out here?"

2015-06-03, 10:39 PM
Boris is relieved that they lowered their weapons. "We are on a mission to Havengul, I would rather not delve into details at this time but we are on this route and happened to come across this inn and you two".

2015-06-04, 02:50 AM
When the dust settles down and you recognize eachother to be on the same side, the two kittens roll farther away playing with eachother. The moment you look at them, they are near the edge of the open space about 50 ft away. To your all surprize there sits a small boy near the kittens, dressed in tatters. He kneels down and softly pats the kittens, not seeming to have noticed you. The boy has short blonde hair and is not older than six years. He must be either a survivor of this disaster site or be a local townsboy, although as far as you have knowledge about this place, there is no village directly nearby. Plus a child would never be alowed to wonder off so far in the woods all by himself.

When you talk to eachother the boy looks up and scares. He jumps up and runs 5 ft to the hearest tree and hides behind it. The boy is simply too young to understand that hiding behind the tree does not make him invisable once you've seen him. The kittens simply play on like nothing happened.

2015-06-04, 07:50 AM
Silvia sighs as the boy flees and calls out as she walks towards the tree, "Don't worry! We're Cathars! We're not going to hurt you! Why don't you come out where we can see you?"

2015-06-04, 11:53 AM
The boy waits a moment with responding, and than with a little voice answers

"I am sorry, lady miss. I may not talk to strangers, says mommy."

Your situation becomes a bit awkward now, standing on opposite sites in the middle of an open quare. A destroyed taven behind the two women and a lost boy behind a tree. If your father would tell about his adventures and describe this situation, you might have laughed because it would sound so rediculous.

2015-06-04, 12:13 PM
Silvia tilts her head and says, "But we're not strangers. I saw you looking at my kitten earlier, would you like to play with him? His name is Wilkmyśliwym."

2015-06-04, 12:40 PM

An uncertain giggle sounds from behind the tree. Than he talks in a heavy kessig dialect:

"Wilkmyśliwym ys mwe frolyk nyme."

Slowly the boy comes from behind the tree looking at you with a small smile, happy he heard soemthing that sounded familiar to him. He still seems a little scared of Boris sitting on the cart. Taking slowly step after step, looking at you like he is needs your permission or like he is affraid he will do something naughty. After he walked a few steps and noticed you won't stop him, he kneels and calls the kittens with his hand streched out.

Wilkmyśliwym is a sweet name.

No this is no excisting language. I make it sound a bit like the dialect in the north fo the Netherlands, or maybe a bit scandinavic.. hehe, you have to be creative right?

2015-06-04, 01:35 PM
Silvia smiles and says in Kessig, <"See, he's sweet. What's your name?">

2015-06-04, 01:52 PM
"Tyemmeryn, ma mii maimy numme mii Timmy

Little timmy pats the kitten softly.

In poor common he asks

"Mommy tell I can come back now? The whole house is broken so I wait in the forest as mommy tell me."

You realize he could very well be the son of the family who lived in the tavern, which makes him not only an orphan, but also may have valuable information on the heretic you are hunting down.

Tyemmeryn but my mother calls me Timmy.

2015-06-04, 02:28 PM
Silvia's eyes begin to water and her face takes on an agonized expression as she realizes what must have happened to the boy's family and says in Kessig, <"Um...I'm afraid...Tyemmeryn...I-I think your mom saved you, but...But...Sh-She isn't...She isn't..."> Silvia trails off as she looks for the words to tell the boy that his family is dead.

2015-06-09, 07:36 AM
"We should take the child to the nearest church. It isn't safe for him here." Timaeus says. He had been taught to be practical, but it wouldn't do to teach him to be heartless.

2015-06-09, 04:06 PM
Ana Moreau

Ana nods in grim agreement. "I swear by Avacyn, when I lay hands on that monster, Francois, I'll stick a blade through his chest." She says quietly, staring at the smouldering ruins of the house.

2015-06-11, 08:11 AM
The sun slowly crawls further behind the trees caster larger and larger shadows on the open square. In the distance you hear the soft howling of wolves. Even for a veteran cathar it will bring a chill down his spine to hear the call of the hunt so early in the evening.

Tymmeryn stands up and quikly runs at Silvia hiding his face in her robes. "I am scared... and Hungry!"

Now it is pretty late and there is not a decent shelter you probably should make camp here, or risk traveling at night throught the Kessig forests. The ruins can be used as shelter, although not very warm, let alone comfortable to be in. Ana already discovered that it is crawling with insects and covered in spidersilk, not to mention that the sight will frighten the boy if you would go in. But sometimes you do what you have to do.

A howl echoes through the forest again, this time from another place. Aparently a howlpack is gathering. They are still far away and you might be relativly safe since the wolves probably don't know the protective wards frmo the tavern are not working anymore.

2015-06-11, 08:29 AM
The howls give Boris goosebumps (not that it is noticeable through his armor. He snaps to attention. "Everyone get into the ruins! Put the kid and anyone who prefers to fight at range in the center! We need a defensive perimeter around this inn! And someone move the cart so we can use that as cover if need be!"

2015-06-11, 06:08 PM
Silvia frowns and scowls angrily as she realizes a howlpack is forming up, muttering to herself in several choice Kessig words about Francois, words that Tymmeryn probably shouldn't hear, before she unshoulders her bow and says, "They don't realize the wards are down, but they will soon. Tymmeryn..." She sighs and closes her eyes, but shakes her head and says, "Ana, keep him safe. I'm going to kill these damn wolves."