View Full Version : Recommend me some games about hacking?

2015-04-24, 05:22 AM
So, a project I'd like to do at some point in the future is write or adapt a system for a campaign where all the PCs are AIs in a cyberpunk (or postcyberpunk) setting. Sort of like Shadowrun, except without the physical side and the magic. I figure the basic unit of the game - the equivalent of story or dungeon crawl - is likely to be hacking into a secure system and doing something with the data inside. Unlike physical entry and combat, which is a well-established element of RPGs, I don't have much of a basis for how to handle this. Does anyone have any suggestions for games, whether tabletop or computer, which include that as a significant element? For obvious reasons, I'm particularly interested in games where it's done in a team, rather than solo, as well as in questions of 'spatial' relationships between system elements and possible types of opposition, whether active or passive. I figure computer games or board games are as good a source as RPGs, so I've posted this thread in both forums; here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?411468-Recommend-me-some-games-about-hacking) is the version in the Roleplaying Games forum, which is the suitable place for discussing RPGs (obviously) as well as particular mechanics that you think could be directly adapted.

Cristo Meyers
2015-04-24, 07:30 AM
First two that come to mind are Uplink and Hacker Evolution. You can get both on Steam (Hacker goes on sale for 75%-90% off on a fairly regular basis).

I haven't tried the latter one yet, though I've had it for so long. But Uplink is all about connecting to the target system, getting in, and deleting/rewriting/doing naughty things to the data inside. Not sure how accurate the representations are, though.

I do know that part of the problem you're likely to run into is that the easiest way to gain access to a system is through the humans running it. So removing the physical side of the task is removing the easiest means of ingress.

2015-04-24, 07:51 AM
Uplink's a fairly good one.

From what I read of it, the hacking rules in Shadowrun 4e seemed plausible. The Eclipse Phase corebook also covered the subject pretty well.

If you have questions, I'm sure the Mad Science and Grumpy Technology subforum would be glad to help.

Edit: It seems to me that you might want to just follow Shadowrun's lead on this (pick any edition). If you try to go for verisimilitude and use "realistic" hacking as the basic element of gameplay, your game is liable to become quite boring.

In fact, there's a freeware game by the name of Decker which may want to copy.