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View Full Version : Anime Weapon's[Anime Project]

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 04:04 PM
Exotic Weapons
{table]Name|Cost|DMG(s)|DMG(m)|Critical|Range Increment|Weight|Type
Battle Yo-Yo|50 gp|1d4|1d6|X2|30 Feet|5 lb|Bludgeoning
Chain Linked Sword(1handed)|500 gp|-|-|-|10 feet|5 lb|-
Chain Linked Sword(2handed)|1500 gp|-|-|-|15 feet|8 lb|-
Bayonet|700 gp|1d6/1d4|1d8/1d6|18-20/X2|15 feet|10 lb|Slashing/Piercing
Leaf Shuriken|60 gp|1d4|1d6|18-20/X2|60 feet|2 lb| Slashing
Battle Boomerang|200 gp|1d8|1d10|X2|50 feet|10 lb|Bludgeoning
Meteor Hammer|40 gp|1d6|1d8|X3|20 feet|15 lb| Bludgeoning/Piercing
Umbrella|30 gp|1d4|1d6|X2|0|2 lb|Bludgeoning
Playing Cards|5 gp|1d2|1d2|18-20/X2|30 feet|.5 pounds|Slashing
Key|60 gp|1d8|1d10|X2|0|10 lb|Bludgeoning
Bladed Hula-hoop|30 gp|1d6|1d8|18-20/X2|0|2 lb|Slashing
Sake Gourd|5 gp|1d4|1d6|X2|0|1 lb|Bludgeoning[/table]

Battle Yo-Yo
This strange circular metal disk is broken into two pieces linked with a small cylinder with a long thin wire wrapped in between. With a small flick of the wrist any proficient with the use of a yo-yo can make a single attack against a single foe between five and twenty feet away, after which the wieldier must spend a move action to pull the yo-yo back to his hand, this move action does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Due to the unwieldy nature of this weapon, a wielder is allowed only a single attack. This weapon counts as a light weapon for two weapon fighting and weapon finesse.

Chain Linked Sword
Not a true weapon in its own right, the chain linked sword is any sword that has been augmented by placing links of chain between pieces of the sword, effectively make the sword into a whip when a small switch is flipped. Depending on the size of the sword will depend on the reach of the chain linked sword and the cost to upgrade. All chain linked swords are master work versions of the sword being used, and the links and sword must be bought separately. A wielder may chose when to change between sword form and whip form, which requires a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When in whip form the wielder receives a -2 penalty while attacking a foe who is only 5 feet away. One handed swords range increment changes from zero to 10 feet, while two handed swords change to 15 feet.

Appearing deceptively as a long sword, this weapon is in fact two weapons in one. Upon further inspection, a long hollow tube runs atop the blade section of the weapon and the hilt of the sword is curved with a small trigger built into it. The small hollow tube is a small combustion chamber using a small bit of gun powder and a small lead ball to attack at short range while the blade section acts as a long sword. This weapon counts as a double weapon. Loading the combustion chamber is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Leaf Shuriken
Leaf Shuriken are larger versions of shuriken, and come in sets of two with a large leather glove. A wielder may throw up to two leaf shuriken at a time, and may choose to spend a full round action to throw a single shuriken in such a way that it returns to the throwers hand, so long as he stays in the same square until the shuriken returns the next turn., this does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Battle Boomerang
Normal boomerangs are small wooden affairs used to knock out prey without causing severe damage to the prey. The battle boomerang is roughly the size of a great sword with a single joint in the middle allowing it to break down easily, making it far more convenient to carry around despite its appearance. A wielder may take a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to throw the boomerang so that it returns to the square the wielder was in the next turn. Due to its size and style of throwing, a wielder can only make a single attack with a battle boomerang.

Meteor Hammer
The hammer is a large steel ball covered in spikes connected to a large chain. The wielder mist take a standard action to start the ball swinging before he may attack with the weapon. The hammer has a reach of 30 feet. Due to its strength and inertia, the hammer ignores the first 5 points of hardness for an object, grants the wielder a +5 on sunder attempts, and deals x2 damage when used in a power attack. This weapon may also cleave although it is a ranged weapon.

Bladed Hula-Hoop
This large circular weapon is made of a single piece of hard wood with a blade running on the outside of its edge. Two hand holds lie inside the circle, where the wielder grips. Though the weapon is large it is made of simple and light materials, and counts as a light weapon for the weapon finesse feat.

Playing Cards
While many adventurers prefer to carry their weapon where ever they go, sometimes it is not possible or prudent to do so. Other’s hide their weapons in common every day items. These playing cards are made of a strong paper with sharp edges. When thrown the edges cut through skin and leather with equal ease. These weapons are light enough to throw three at a time and count as a light weapon for the purpose of the weapon finesse feat. Playing cards deal no damage to opponents wearing metal armor or with a natural armor bonus of +3 or more.

Sake Gourd
With many weapons in the world, few would think that a common drink container could cause much damage. But when all you have is a drink and the cloths on your back it’s the difference between life and death on the cold streets. With this in mind, the reinforced dried up gourd is as hard as a mace and more readily accessible while keeping its original purpose as a wonderful drink container.

As the name implies the key is a large, metal key used much like a club or axe. While unwieldy and awkward the key is a powerful weapon in its own right. Due to the weight of the weapon it deals x2 damage when power attacking

An umbrella is a versatile object in the world of adventuring, keeping one dry and thus warm on cold rainy nights, and being a symbol of beauty while in the city. These umbrella’s are made of a metal pole and lacquered metal top, and thus make excellent, deadly, and beautiful weapon. When the top is open the wielder may take a standard action to gain complete cover so long as he forgoes any other action.

2007-04-16, 04:08 PM
I Think the Chain linked sword should get the battle yo-yos current 1d4 and 1d6 and the yo-yo be nerfed because all of the attacks of opportunity (think 1d2 and 1d4 AT MOST)

Can I finesse a Yo-Yo?

2007-04-16, 04:08 PM
What no ZanBato?

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 04:27 PM
there are more weapons to come and descriptions, had to go eat dinner and had to leave it half done, sorry! Also some feats to come as well, there is a reason for everything.

2007-04-16, 04:32 PM
Sorry, I should have assumed that there was more to come.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 04:43 PM
and if you want to add to it please feel free, the feats for them are in the works, as is the class that started this discussion, the Anime Hero and its counterpart the Villian PrC

2007-04-16, 04:54 PM
One reason i hate anime weapons, it is hard to describe. Pics please?
OH and the hammer should be called a metor hammer

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 05:15 PM
thanks EE, the weapons look as they sound, the swords are like Ivy from Soul Calibur, the yo-yo is a good ol fashioned steel yo-yo with sharp edges, A meteor hammer is a simple ball and chain, the boomerang is just a huge metal great sword sized boomerang, the shuriken are the same as Yuffie's, the bayonet is a gun blade only more sensible(taken from .hack/ROOTS)

2007-04-16, 05:38 PM
The yo-yo, kind of sucks? Only one attack?

2007-04-16, 06:06 PM
Can the yo-yo have Returning added to it to increase its number of attacks?

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 06:15 PM
their are feats comming for the yo-yo, boomerang and the bayonet. They suck as written becuase of their damage and...well physics. Thanks for the reviews.

2007-04-16, 06:30 PM
Zanbato: Exotic Weapon 3d6 damage 19-20 critical. Special: Requires 20 strength to wield. Does 1d4 non-lethal damage for every round of use.

Its a big sword from Kenshin

2007-04-16, 06:35 PM
Love the chainlink swords. Might use one one day, but while we are talking about Soul Caliber weapons, why not make Tira's hula hoop thing? That thing is really cool

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 06:41 PM
thanks for the suggestion, i will make it eventually. Please people give me suggestions, anything would be graet....

2007-04-16, 07:04 PM
Zanbato: Exotic Weapon 3d6 damage 19-20 critical. Special: Requires 20 strength to wield. Does 1d4 non-lethal damage for every round of use.

Its a big sword from Kenshin

also can count as a reach weapon but can attack critters within 5 feat :smallwink:

Mr. Moon
2007-04-16, 07:17 PM
Hmm... Have you got one of those Zabuza swords yet? I'm thinking something like a Gargantuan Greatsword, without the size penelty, and a moddifeid damage roll.

2007-04-16, 07:21 PM
Wouldn't a Zanbato just be a large sized great-sword?

Just about everyone in anime has monkey grip anyway. :P

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 07:32 PM
ya, a Zanbato is just a large great sword, if you go check out the anime hero he has an ability to use weapons one size catagory larger then he normally is

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 08:20 PM
Around the World
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +4, Exotic Weapon Proficieny(Battle Yo-Yo)
Benefit: You have trained long and hard to pull your back your yo-yo and attack with it again. It is now a free action to pull your yo-yo back, allowing you to make multiple attacks
Normal: You may only attack once a turn with your battle yo-yo

Throw on the Run
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, Exotic Weapon Proficnency(Battle Boomerang) or (Leaf shuriken)
Benefits: Through training you have learned to throw your boomerang or leaf shuriken as you move, and making the training to make a returning throw a swift action. The boomerang or leaf will return to your current position the following turn.
Normal: Reading a returning throw is a full round action for a battle boomerang and leaf shuriken, and you must stay in the square you threw the weapon from.

Protected Switch
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3, Exotic weapon proficiency (Chain linked sword)
Benefits: After many painful lessons you have learned how to switch between sword and chain form without provoking an attack of opportunity
Normal: Changing between whip and sword form provokes an attack of opportunity.

Dance of Chained Blades
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +7, Exotic weapon proficiency (Chain linked sword), Protected Switch
Benefits: After long training with your chosen weapon you have learned to switch between your weapons sword form and chain form as easily as you blink or breath. Changing the weapon into either forms is a free action, allowing you to use both form in the same turn.

2007-04-16, 09:15 PM
... your missing the interdimentional hammer that can only be used to attack annoying/perverted party members

2007-04-16, 09:27 PM
Well I once had stats up for a zanbatou and some other weapons… I'd post the linky, but it looks like it got eaten in the forum move. Since i never miss a chance to promote my own work, I’ll just repost them anyway.

Weapon type: sword
Proficiency: exotic weapon proficiency (Zanbatou)
Damage: 3d8-slashing/ bludgeoning
Range: 10ft (reach only)
Critical range: 20
Critical damage: x2
Requirements: +5 strength bonus
Availability: rare
Weight: a lot
Cost: 700 gold
Encumbering weapon
Due to the shear weight of the Zanbatou the wielder is forced to take a –2 penalty to his defense. Also this weapon is so large that it must be held when carried. It also imparts a –2 penalty to balance, hide, tumble, jump and swim checks. Also it cannot be used in confined spaces.
Powerful blow
The zanbatou is such a huge and heavy weapon that when the user attempts to bull rush (see bull rush page 154 PHB) an opponent; he gains a +4 strength bonus to the attack roll. Also the user gains a +4 bonus when attempting to sunder an enemy’s weapon (this stacks with the bonus for using a 2 -handed weapon).
Sweeping strikes
The zanbatou is so big that it allows the user to strike more than one enemy at a time. Any enemies adjacent to the defending enemy provoke an attack of opportunity against the attacker. (See attacks of opportunity page 137 PHB).
The zanbatou is treated as a reach weapon. You can attack someone up to 10 feet away. You may also strike adjacent enemies with it.

The legendary zanbatou is an oversized sword measuring about 10 feet long. While about a 3rd of this length is taken up by the handle; the sword is extremely heavy and unwieldy. This weapon was designed to level the “playing field” and is excellent when used as an anti Calvary weapon.

Reverse blade sword
Weapon type: sword (katana)
Weapon proficiency: exotic weapon (katana or bastard sword)
Damage: 1d10+1 bludgeoning/ slashing
Range: --
Critical: 19-20
Critical damage: x2
Requirements: none
Availability: rare
Cost: 335 gold
Turn the blade
The blade of this sword can be “flipped” this switches the weapon from a bludgeoning weapon to a slashing one. However this sword is not designed to slash so a –2 penalty to attacks is applied while it is switched. Also the reverse blade sword is not designed for use in an Inajisu duel. Therefore using this weapon imparts a –2 penalty to the Inajisu skill check. Flipping the blade of this sword counts as a free action. It can also be used to deal non-lethal damage. This ability is non-magical in nature and anyone with the exotic weapon proficiency (katana or bastard sword) can activate the ability.

The reverse blade sword is an oddity. It is a sword that has the edge on the backside of the curving blade. This creates a weapon that’s functionally just like a normal katana only it does bludgeoning damage instead of the normal slashing damage. Many swordsmen laugh at someone wielding it but they do not see the advantages of using such a weapon. It provides a samurai with another option when considering weapons that deal something other than slashing damage.
Masterwork: since reverse blade swords are treated as katanas they are also masterwork weapons.

Weapon type: sword
Proficiency: exotic weapon proficiency (kodachi)
Damage: 1d6-1
Range: --
Critical range: 20
Critical damage: x2
Requirements: none
Availability: uncommon
Cost: 310 gold
Light weapon:
The kodachi is a light weapon.
The kodachi stresses defense above attack therefore it imparts a +2 to defense it also grants a –2 to attack rolls with this weapon.

The kodachi is a sword that lies somewhere between a short sword and a katana. It is primarily used to block attacks and doesn’t lend well to attacking. Warriors who wield the kodachi often times use it in their off hand with a larger weapon in their main hand. While some use it while using unarmed attacks.

Weapon type: exotic weapon (sarong)
Proficiency: exotic weapon proficiency (sarong)
Damage: 1d4 non-lethal
Range: --
Critical range: --
Critical damage: --
Requirements: none
Availability: common
Weight: 2 lbs
Cost: 5 silver
The sarong is a weapon is used primarily as a grappling weapon. This item imparts a +2 bonus to all grapple checks made to bind, pin or otherwise grapple an opponent.
Disarm and trip:
The sarong is also used to disarm armed enemies; it imparts a +2 bonus to disarm attempts made while wielding it, also you may use it to deal damage to your opponent while in a grapple. It can also be used to trip opponents, it imparts a +2 bonus to trip attempts made while wielding one.
Because the Sarong is often worn as an article of clothing the wearer can pass it off as simply a piece of clothing. Someone attempting to search for weapons automatically gains a –4 penalty to the check for noticing the sarong as a weapon. This bonus does not apply to other weapons or items worn on the person being searched.
Two-handed weapon: The sarong requires two hands to use.

The Sarong is one of the most universally popular items of dress on the planet. Widely worn in both hemispheres, it’s best known in the east, where it is common everyday attire.

A sarong is made out of cotton or some other light; strong cloth. It is strongly sewn into a long wide tube. This tube can then be wrapped or folded around the body in a wide variety of fashions to suit the needs of both sexes. Sarongs aren’t just ordinary items of clothing though; they’re also formidable self-defense tools as well.

Fighting cane
Weapon type: simple weapon
Proficiency: simple weapon proficiency
Damage: 1d6 bludgeoning
Range: --
Critical range: 19-20
Critical damage: x2
Requirements: none
Availability: common
Weight: 3lbs
Cost: 5 silver
trip and disarm
A fighting cane can be used to trip and disarm an opponent. Using a fighting cane in this manner grants the wielder +2 bonuses to trip attempts and disarm attempts.
double wield
A fighting cane can be used in one hand or both hands, depending on the situation.

The fighting cane is possibly the most widely used weapon in the world. Originally designed to be a mere walking cane, it wasn’t long till martial arts masters began to use it as a weapon. Over the centuries it has become a strong yet relatively obscure weapon. Most beings do not realized the potential of the fighting cane until it is too late. It is usually employed in dangerous regions where a common traveler might need some protection from bandits and other unsavory beings.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 09:36 PM
Sorry Kultrum...hammer space is in the Anime hero thread...and i love your avatar

2007-04-16, 10:09 PM
What about a
zanza sword?

Innis Cabal
2007-04-16, 10:17 PM
thats just a zanbato