View Full Version : Best Shadowcaster paths

Bad Wolf
2015-04-24, 06:24 PM
What would you say are the top two paths of each level? Working out a Shadowcaster build, definitely nabbing Night's Long Fingers, not sure about the other.

2015-04-24, 07:48 PM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?268661-3-5-Pulvis-Et-Umbra-Sumus-The-Shadowcaster-Handbook) is a thing you might want to take a look at.


For my money...

Apprentice: Ebon Whispers (by a mile), then Eye of Darkness. Honorable mention to Night's Long Fingers. I'd recommend taking all three Ebon Whispers, the first two of Eye of Darkness, and just Quicker than the Eye from Night's Long Fingers, rather than fully maxing out two.

Initiate: Dark Reflections (again no contest), then Body and Soul. Getting your hands on the Shadow Evocation line is just way too huge a bump in versatility to skip. Shadow Investiture sucks, though, so again, you might want to take something from another path rather than maxing Body and Soul; I recommend Warp Spell from Black Magic.

Master: Dark Metamorphosis and Eyes of the Night Sky. The only less-than-amazing mystery from either of these two paths is Umbral Body. The capstones are amazing enough that I'd always max out both paths.


The above list is heavy on the utility and doing cool stuff that's unique to Shadowcasters. It's pretty light on spells that actually win you fights. Thus, it's better for a Noctumancer than a single-class Shadowcaster. If you're relying on mysteries alone to contribute in combat, you may have to swap some of the above paths out for things that give you summons, damage, or a wider array of save-or-lose options.

2015-04-24, 08:59 PM
I like Ebon Roads. Teleportation is, like, the best ability ever. It's game-changingly powerful, with the ability to alter the course of an entire campaign, and it's useful in just about any situation, too. You get dimension door, a slightly weaker plane shift, and a much stronger shadow walk, all of which are great.

2015-04-24, 09:01 PM
Flicker is so good it would justify the entire path of you couldn't get an item of it.

2015-04-24, 10:01 PM
Some things to consider are if you're planning to multiclass (especially for Noctumancer/Mystic Theurge), whether or not you're dumping Cha, and what spells/effects would cause overlap with other party members.

Apprentice: Ebon Whipsers is worth it just for Flicker. Dark Terrain is okay battlefield control. Umbral Touch from Touch of Twilight can be nasty with the right build. Night's Long Fingers turns you into Arcane Trickster light. Eyes of Darkness has Bend Perspective which is great for scouting, Piercing Sight if you can't get See Invisibility from somewhere else, and Killing Shadows for when you just need to damage some mooks.

Initiate: I really like Black Magic (and to a lesser extent Unbinding Shade), especially on a Noctumancer. Dark Reflections is awesome. Ebon Roads is great for the transportation uses.

Master: Dark Metamorphosis...wow, this is great. I like Shadow Calling. Shadowscape's Black Labyrinth is just insane, the other two in the path not so much. Eyes of the Night Sky provides some benefits but to me seems to lack some punch.

Bad Wolf
2015-04-24, 11:05 PM
Okay, so it seems like the general consensus is that Ebon Whispers is the way to go. I'm taking that and Night's Long Fingers. Add Quicker Than the Eye, creepy shadow spider familiar that grants +3 to Sleight of Hand, and Sight Obscured, and I can steal anything.

2015-04-24, 11:42 PM
Oh I just have to throw my opinion in on this one. Keep in mind.. the best isn't necessarily what is the strongest but what you would most enjoy using.

These are not what are best necessarily, but to my personal tastes. Im throwing in a third for each, not necessarily because they are best on their own but for flavor I think they are useful. These are all of the ToM, so excluding any home-brew or web enhancements, which I do adore.


Dark Terrain: Shadowcasters aren't direct dealers at this point, so some crowd control would be useful. One dealing actual damage, they have some use.

Eyes of Darkness: You can perceive things better which can become more useful in some campaigns than others, also a ranged attack that actually deals damage.

Touch of Twilight:Really it is something for a gestalt campaign, Monk//Shadowcaster can destroy with use of this path. Umbral Touch + Flurry of Blows.


Black Magic: Steal spell energy, which you need. Cast spells cast by others, broadening your options and meaning if there is a regular spellcaster or you are a noctumancer, you have more to work with. Also a way to enhance/weaken casting in an area.

Dark Reflections: You get access to a lot of evocation spells this way. Sure, they aren't all real, but it is versatile.

Elemental Shadows: Not necessarily the most powerful but from the standpoint of flavor. This with dark reflections can make for a flavorful shadow elementalist.


Dark Metamorphosis: You can cast from a place you are not standing, incorporeality, and you get time stop. What isn't to like?

Shadow Calling: You can summon shadow elementals. I would think this be useful.

Breath of Twilight/Ebon Walls: Both cap at a save or die. The former is an AoE SoD, the other turns what dies into your minion temporarily. The former is best for dealing with groups, the latter is better on single targets. Also, Consuming your own Essence can be a last ditch effort if you know you are going to die anyways, just to make sure the thing you are up against dies too or your allies can make it out and bring you back later, a viable option at these levels.