View Full Version : with AD&D version of specialist banned school, where would you specialized at?

With a box
2015-04-25, 05:11 AM
for who don't know:
Abjurer: Transmutation and Illusion banned
Conjurer: divination spells above 5th and evocation banned
Diviner: conjuration banned
Enchanter: evocation and necromancy banned
Illusionist: necromancy, abjaration, evocation (three school banned?:smallfrown:)
Evoker: enchantment and conjuration
Transmuter : abjuration and necromancy
Necromancer : illusion and enchantment

I think Conjurer are obvious winner, but who is the second?
we only use banned school for this. use 3.5 specialist rule for everything else.

2015-04-25, 06:28 AM
Of the three schools i'm most happy to give up (enchantment, illusion and necromancy, personal opinions there) the only school that gives up 2 of those happens to be a third (Necromancy in exchange for illusion and enchantment). So I would probably just not specialise

Doctor Awkward
2015-04-25, 06:35 AM
I was told that back in AD&D, Necromancer was usually the choice, as illusions weren't nearly as powerful then as they are in 3.5.

I'd say with that list in 3.5, Illusionist is still the second best choice even with 3 schools banned. you can replication any Evocation spells you might want with Shadow Conjuration, and the loss of Abjuration can be worked around.

2015-04-25, 08:42 AM
If we're using spells from this edition, I might still specialize in conjuration (normally leaning towards transmuter when I consider making a wizard). That or necromancy seems good.

2015-04-25, 09:22 AM
Conjuration keeps many of the important divinations except for True Seeing, and only drops Evocation? Sign me up.

2015-04-25, 04:31 PM
Conjuration keeps many of the important divinations except for True Seeing, and only drops Evocation? Sign me up.

If you need True Seeing, Transmutation can give it to you in the form of creatures that have it constantly, and you Polymorphing (or Shapechange, or PaO) into them.

For my own 2 cents: Conjuration is the obvious winner, of course. My second place not-obvious would be Transmutation.Losing some of Abjuration's buffs would be painful, but nothing I can't do without. Likewise for the debuffs from Necromancery.

2015-04-25, 05:07 PM
It's a tough one. I'd probably go for conjurer though.

2015-04-25, 05:14 PM
I'd say Transmuter comes second; abjur and necro can mostly be handled by the cleric, so banning them isn't a big deal.