View Full Version : Xeno series

2015-04-25, 11:57 AM
Any of my fellow playgrounders fans of the Xeno series?

I started back with Xenogears in like... 1998 or so, probably. I was ~11 at the time. My brother bought it, played it a bit, wasn't really into it, I played it a lot, he sold it, later I bought it and replayed it, going from start to finish in a school week.

I was pumped about Xenosaga. Episode I was alright, II I didn't like at all, III was the best of the 3. Overall, enjoyable.

I freakin' love Xenoblade. I let my buddy borrow it and haven't gotten it back yet. I'm most of the way through my 2nd playthrough.

One of the only reasons I got a Wii U is for the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X (the other being Smash 4). And man it looks amazing.

2015-04-25, 02:29 PM
I've played the Xenosaga trilogy. I liked it. Not my favorite RPGs ever by any means, but not bad. Difficult to follow the story at times, though. I recall liking he sub-plot focused on Junior more than most of the rest, but at this point, I don't really recall any details of any of the plotlines, since it's been a fair few years since I played the games.

I still haven't gotten around to playing more than the first hour or so of Xenoblade, even though I picked it up when it released. I don't know, I guess I just wasn't in the mood for the style of gameplay it has when it came out, and I have yet to go back to it.

Haven't played Xenogears, and I probably won't get Xenoblade Chronicles X until/unless I go back and finish Xenoblade.

2015-04-25, 05:27 PM
Interesting, interesting. I totally feel ya on the Xenosaga.

Xenoblade is indeed way different. For me, it was highly reminiscent of WoW, which (again for me) is good. Truth be told, I don't know why I liked it so much. Graphics weren't the best, but beautiful scenery. Lots of mini-quests to build up reputation. Build a city. The protagonist wasn't very likable, but the supporting crew made up for it.

For Xenoblade Chronicles X, it's only a spiritual successor, and it looks like it'll be a far better game. I don't think you'd need to play Xenoblade first.

And ahh, Xenogears. I have a soft spot there. Probably shouldn't praise it too much.

2015-04-25, 05:29 PM
I was too young to ever play any of the games besides Xenoblade, and that game just didn't grab me. Later my brother started playing the game, got way further in it, and it looked pretty interesting. Other games always seemed to come up though, and before I knew it the Wii was loaned out to my Grandma.

Xenoblade Chronicles X (god, that needs an acronym) looks pretty cool though, and I fully intend to pick it up once I get a WiiU.

2015-04-25, 05:38 PM
I was too young to ever play any of the games besides Xenoblade, and that game just didn't grab me. Later my brother started playing the game, got way further in it, and it looked pretty interesting. Other games always seemed to come up though, and before I knew it the Wii was loaned out to my Grandma.

Xenoblade Chronicles X (god, that needs an acronym) looks pretty cool though, and I fully intend to pick it up once I get a WiiU.
People were just calling it X.

For any Xenogears fanboys/fangirls, check into Project NOAH (it's Spanish, so Proyecto NOAH) if you haven't heard of it.