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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next New Class: Mystic Warrior (Fighting/Arcane Hybrid)[PEACH]

2015-04-25, 04:28 PM
The Mystic Warrior:(v 0.2.0) Last Change: 5/19/2015
This class is intended to be a full Fighting/Arcane hybrid, with a focus on defensive abilities and a secondary anti-magic theme.

Areas that need attention or input:

3rd-Level Active Abilities granted by Archetypes. Especially "Cloak of the Stars"
All custom spells.
New wording on "Fast Magic" should lack loopholes that allow for multi-casts or using spells from other classes.

If you could provide feedback on these items especially, it would be helpful. Thanks!

Recent Chages:

Class now has cantrips.
Two-Hand style dropped, Archery added.
Fast magic reworked.

Mystic Warrior


Surrounded by a half dozen Orcs, an old halfing with a sun-baked face looks for an opening. Overeager, one of his assailants charges alone and is cut down down by one his swords. Reacting quickly springs the position now on his left and catches another with his second blade. He spins to face his remaining attacks and with single sword and a sweep of his hand evokes a burst of flame that incinerates the remaining attackers.

Silently, a young human in simple peasant's garb studies a wall. He walks with a measured pace as he runs his hand along the its surface. Stepping back he concentrates and the lines of magic that brought the barrier into being slowly taking on a faint glow. He pulls an ornately carved dagger from his belt and begins to sweep it in complex patterns with dizzying speed. With a final shout he cuts the air in front of the wall, and it crumbles to dust.

Mystics are powerful warriors and refined students of how magic interacts with the natural world. They look to the heavens not for the aid of gods or patrons but for insight into the workings of the universe. They apply this insight to their movements and the use of their weapons and with practice this allows them a fundamental understanding of where the magical meets the physical, how the arcane interacts with the mundane. This allows them to produce their own magical effects or sever those of others.

Proficiency Bonus

Unarmored Defense, Light Touch, Aura Sense, Æther Shock

Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Arcane Ward


Magic Resistance, Study of Magic

Ability Score Improvement

Extra Attack

Fast Magic

Study Feature

Ability Score Improvement



Spell Disruption

Study Feature

Ability Score Improvement




Null Magic

Study Feature

Ability Score Improvement



Improved Spell Disruption

Ability Score Improvement
3New Class: Mystic

Study Feature

Class Features
As a mystic you gain the following class features.New Class:

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10
Hit Points at 1st Level 10 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per mystic level after 1st.

Armor: Shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Carpenter's tools or Smith's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Arcana, Perception, Religion and Stealth.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment gained by your background.

(a) two martial weapons or (b) one martial weapon and a shield
(a) an adventurer's pack or (b) a scholar's packNew Class: Mystic
(a) a set of Carpenter's tools or (b) a set of Smith's tools
Any simple ranged weapon.

Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 1st level, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Light Touch
Beginning at 1st level, you may use your dexterity modifier in place of strength on attack and damage rolls with any weapon that does not have the heavy property.

Aura Sense
Beginning at 1st level, you have become attuned to the latent magical energy that permeates the wolrd. You are always aware if there are one or more ongoing spell effects within 5ft you. You don't know the location, number or source of these spell effects. If you touch a creature or object you always know if they are subject to one or more ongoing spell effects or if the item is magic.

This ability can't penetrate any barriers and only works if you have line of sight to the object or creature in question. Any spell, ablity or effect that interferes with Detect Magic or similar divination spells also affects this ability.

Æther Shock
Beginning at 1st level, you know the Æther Shock cantrip. Intelligence is your casting ability for this cantrip. When you gain 2nd level you engrave this cantrip on your Spell Weapon and from then on treat it as one of your mystic warrior cantrips.

Fighting Style
Beginning at 2nd level you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

This functions just as the fighter fighting style of the same name. Please see page 72 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details, replace any text referring to "fighter" with "mystic".

This functions just as the fighter fighting style of the same name. Please see page 72 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details, replace any text referring to "fighter" with "mystic".

This functions just as the fighter fighting style of the same name. Please see page 72 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details, replace any text referring to "fighter" with "mystic".

Two-Weapon Fighting
This functions just as the fighter fighting style of the same name. Please see page 72 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details, replace any text referring to "fighter" with "mystic".

By 2nd level, you have learned how to channel arcane power through your weapons to cast spells as a wizard does. The mystic spell list is found at the end of this post. Please note this spellcasting ability does not include the wizards ritual casting ability or any other features not explicitly called out in this section.

Spell Weapon
At 2nd level, you may engrave a single weapon with two cantrips and three 1st-level mystic spells of your choice. A spell weapon functions just as a wizard's spell book does. You also prepare in cast spells in the same manner as a wizard. See page 114 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details. Replace any text referring to "spell book" with "spell weapon" and any text referring to "wizard" with "mystic", this includes the sidebar "Your Spellbook". You may only cast spells while touching the spell weapon on which they are engraved.

You must have the appropriate artisan's tools and skill proficiency to engrave the surface of the weapon: Carpenter's tools for wood and Smith's tools for metal.

Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your mystic spells, since your learn your spells through practice and memorization. This functions identically to the wizard's spellcasting ability. See page 114 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details. Replace any text referring to "spell book" with "spell weapon" and any text referring to "wizard" with "mystic".

Spellcasting Focus
You may use your spell weapon as a spellcasting focus for your mystic spells.

Weapon Gestures
You may use your spell weapon to perform the somatic components of your mystic spells.

Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher
Each time you gain a mystic level, you may engrave one mystic spell of your choice on your spell weapon. This otherwise functions exactly as wizards learning spells. See page 114 of "D&D Player's Handbook" for details. Replace any text referring to "spell book" with "spell weapon" and any text referring to "wizard" with "mystic".

Arcane Ward
Beginning at 2nd level, when you would suffer 1 or more points of damage for any reason, you may expend one mystic spell slot to gain temporary hit points. You gain 12 hit points, plus 6 hit points for each spell level higher than 1st. If the source of damage is an attack, you do not suffer any additional effects of the attack (such as poison, or other conditions) if you have any temporary hit points remaining after the damage is dealt.

These temporary hit points are lost at the end of your next turn.

Magic Resistance
Beginning at 3rd level, you have resistance to damage from spells.

Study of Magic
When you reach 3rd level, you choose a refined methodology that defines how your understand the complexity of the world's magic. You choose a specific aspect of the world and use it as a lens through which to view the intricacies of arcane power.

Study Spells
Each study has a list of associated spells. You add those spells to your mystic class spell list, the list indicates which spells are added for each spell level.

Study of the Stars

The study of the stars is the study of subtlety and stability. The light of the stars is gentle, their movement is slow, deliberate and coordinated. Their meaning being as much about the space between the stars as it is the stars themselves.

The study of the stars grants access to spells an abilities that enhance misdirection and avoiding conflict.

When you take up the study of the stars you gain proficiency in stealth. If you are already proficient in stealth you may choose another proficiency from amongt those mystics may choose at 1st level.

Study Spells:

1st Level Disguise Self, Sleep
2nd Level: Invisibility, Pass Without Trace
3rd Level: Meld into Stone, Non Detection
4th Level: Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain
5th Level: Mislead, Passwall

Cloak of the Stars
Beginning at 3rd level when a hostile creature makes an attack roll against an ally (not including yourself), within 30ft of yourself, you may grant that ally a +2 bonus to AC against that attack roll as a reaction. This bonus to AC increases by 1 for every 3 mystic levels you posses beyond the 3rd.

If you have the protection fighting style, you may also use it as a part of the same reaction so long as the attack roll you are reacting to would meet all the normal conditions for using the protection fighting style.

Once you use this feature you may use it again any number of times for the next minute. Afterwards you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Whisper Casting
Beginning at 7th level you may perform the verbal components of your spells in an inaudible whisper. Since you mouth the words in silence it is impossible for other creatures to detect your spell casting via hearing. This doesn't allow you to cast spells while gagged, in the area of a silence spell or otherwise unable to speak.

Hidden Strike
Beginning at 11th level, if you start your turn unseen by an opponent the first weapon attack you make against them that turn deals an additional 1d8 damage.

Spell Constellation
Beginning at 15th level, if you cast a spell on your self you may also cast that spell on a single willing creature within 60ft of you, sharing the effects with them so long as they remain within 60ft of you. When you cast a spell in this fashion the duration is halved.

Into Nothing
Beginning at 20th level, when you hit a hostile creature with a weapon attack they must make a charisma save against your spell DC or be banished to the void.

If they fail their save they are shunted to a micro-plane containing nothing but them that is the exact same size and shape of their body. Their existence there is magically sustained but no senses function and no movement or action is possible. Though they remain conscious even purely mental actions are impossible. For all external purposes (such as divination or teleportation spells), neither they nor the plane exist.

After 5 hours they may repeat their save and return to the world in some place safe and familiar to them if they succeed. If they fail that save, they may repeat it again in 1 day. If they fail that save they may repeat it again in 5 days. If the fail that save they may repeat it again in 25 days, and so on being able to repeat the save at each point 5 times as much time has passed as had passed in total at the point of the last attempt. The subject experiences the full time between saves, but only ages 1 day between save attempts.

If they succeed on their initial save they are stunned for 1 round.

Once you have used this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Study of the Planets

The study of the planets is the study of movement and adaptability. The light of the planets varies in color and intensity, their movement is fast and independent. Their meaning is derived from their own qualities looking only to others for context or comparison.

The study of the planets grants access to spells and ability that enhance mobility and lets your adjust to changing circumstances.

When you take up the study of the stars you gain proficiency in athletics. If you already proficient in athletics you may choose another skill proficiency from among those mystics may choose at 1st level.

Study Spells:

1st Level: Expeditious Retreat, Jump
2nd Level: Spider Climb, Misty Step
3rd Level: Fly, Haste
4th Level: Dimenson Door, Freedom of Movement
5th Level: Teleportation Circle, Tree Stride

Gravitational Push
Beginning at 3rd level when a hostile creature makes an attack roll against an ally (not including yourself), within 30ft of yourself, you may move that ally up to 10ft as a reaction. The ally moved does not provoke opportunity attacks during this movement, ignores difficult terrain and may move through enemies without penalty. This movement must otherwise obey all normal constraints for a movement type that ally already has. The distance you may move the ally increases by 5ft for every 3 mystic levels you posses beyond the 3rd.

If you have the protection fighting style, you may also use it as a part of the same reaction so long as the attack roll you are reacting to would meet all the normal conditions for using the protection fighting style.
Once you use this feature you may use it again any number of times for the next minute. Afterwards you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Far Casting
Starting at 7th level, the range of your mystic spells is increased by 50%.

Orbital Charge
Beginning at 11th level, if you move at least 15ft from your starting position the next weapon attack you make deals an additional 1d8 damage. If you move at least 15ft again, you may repeat this for your next attack.

This ability only triggers if you are at least 15ft away from your previous position, backtracking has no effect.

Secondary Transposition
Beginning at 15th level, when you hit a creature with a spell or they fail a saving throw against one of your spells you may teleport anywhere adjacent to that creature.

Quickened Revolution
Beginning at 20th level, as a bonus action or in place of an attack you can greatly enhance the speed of you and your allies. You and any number of willing creatures within 100ft you double your movement and gain an additional bonus action each round. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence bonus.

Once you us this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Study of the Sun

The study of the sun is the study of boldness and intensity. The light of the sun is overwhelming and direct, its movement is unwavering and constant. Its meaning is derived from the clear and robust presence it has, illuminating the whole world.

The study of the sun grants access to spells and ability that enhance your ability to affect opponents directly, pierce illusion and notice the unseen.

When you take up the study of the stars you gain proficiency in perception. If you already proficient in perception you may choose another skill proficiency from among those mystics may choose at 1st level.

Study Spells:

1st Level:Burning Hands, Identify
2nd Level:Flaming Sphere, See Invisibility
3rd Level:Fireball, Protection from Energy
4th Level: Locate Creature, Wall of Fire
5th Level: Legend Lore, Wall of Force

Solar Flare
Beginning at 3rd level when a hostile creature makes an attack roll against an ally (not including yourself), within 30ft of yourself, you may cause an arc of solar energy to strike at the attacker as a reaction. The arc deals 1d10 radiant damage and you must succeed on a spell attack roll to hit the attacker. For every 3 mystic levels you have beyond the third, you cause an additional arc to strike at the target.

If you have the protection fighting style, you may also use it as a part of the same reaction so long as the attack roll you are reacting to would meet all the normal conditions for using the protection fighting style.

Once you use this feature you may use it again any number of times for the next minute. Afterwards you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Direct Casting
Starting at 7th level, your spells ignore cover less than total cover.

Flash Attack
Starting at 11th level, when you hit with a weapon attack that attack deals an extra 1d8 damage if you have already affected that creature with one of your spells this round.

Forceful magic
Beginning at 15th level, when you cast a spell from a higher level slot than it normally uses the spell slot counts as 1 level higher. This has no affect on spells being cast with spell slots of their minimum level.

Radiating Burst
Beginning at 20th level, you may bolster a spell to radiate out affect everything it comes into contact with. When you cast a spell with a single target, it instead targets a number of creatures equal to your intelligence modifier. If it has range less than 100ft, it gains a range of 100ft. Resolve the spell against each target normally. The spell is always treated from having been cast by a 5th level spell slot, regardless of what kind of slot was actually used.

Once you use this ability you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Ability Score Improvement
As the standard gain for all other classes. Please see the "D&D Players Handbook" for details.

Extra Attack
As the paladin ability of the same name. Please see the "D&D Player's Handbook" for details.

Fast Magic
Beginning at 6th level, in place of a single attack when you make the attack action you may cast mystic spell with a casting time of 1 action. This spell must be at least one level lower than highest level mystic spell you can cast.

You may only use Fast Magic once per round. You cannot use Fast Magic in the same turn as you cast any other spell.

You may only use Fast Magic to mystic spells you have engraved on your spell weapon, and cantrips that appear on the mystic class spell list.

If you use Fast Magic to cast a non-cantrip spell, you can't use it to cast a non-cantrip spell again until you either sacrifice a spell slot of equal or higher level to the one used to cast that spell, or you finish a long or short rest.

Spell Disruption
Beginning at 10th level as a reaction, when a hostile creature makes one or more attack rolls against you as a part of a single spell you may choose to impose disadvantage on those attack rolls. When you must make one or more saving throws against a single spell, you may choose to gain advantage on those saving throws.

Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you take a long or short rest.

Null Magic
Beginning at 14th level as a reaction, when you successfully make a saving throw against a spell or an attack roll from a spell misses you, you may choose to make the entire spell have no effect. If the spell has effects that would happen in the case you a successful save or missed attack roll, those do not take place. If the spell has an area of affect or multiple targets any other creatures that would be affected by the spell are unaffected.

Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you take a long or short rest.

Improved Spell Disruption
Beginning at 18th level, when you use your Spell Protection feature you may choose to automatically pass the saving throws and have the attack rolls automatically miss you.

A spell with * indicates a new spell.
Mystic Spell List


Æther Shock*
Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Fire Bolt
Minor Illusion
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp
True Strike

1st Level

Chromatic Orb
Color Spray
Detect Magic
Feather Fall
Illusory Script
Magic Missile
Shocking Grasp
Silent Image
Sword of the Elements*
Æther Ray*

2nd Level

Detect Thoughts
Magic Weapon
Mirror Image
Scorching Ray
Warding Bond
Spell Magnet*

3rd Level

Dispel Magic
Hypnotic Pattern
Magic Circle
Major Image
Wind Wall
Sword of Body & Mind

4th Level


5th Level

Bigby's Hand
Sword of Light & Dark*

New Spells

Æther Shock[
Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous

You concentrate on the latent magical energy permeating the target and cause it to erupt from them violently. Make a spell attack roll to hit the target. On a hit the target takes 1d4+1 untyped damage and can't be affected by friendly spells for a 1 round (this has no effect on spells already in place).
The spells damage increases by 1d4+1 when you reach 5th level (2d4+2), 11th level (3d4+3) and 17th level (4d4+4).

Any effect that would block a magic missile spell or block your aura sense on the target causes this spell to fail without effect.

Æther Ray
1st-level evocation
Casting Time 1 action
Range: 60ft
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous

You draw in the latent energy permeating the immediate area and form into beam composed intertwining threads of pure magic and direct it to strike a single target. You must make an attack roll to hit the target with the beam, which deals 3d4+3 untyped damage.

If the attack misses the beam returns to you restoring the energy used to cast it. You regain the spell slot spent to cast the spell.

Any effect that would block a magic missile spell or block your aura sense on the target causes this spell to fail without effect and the spell slot spend to cast it does not return.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell it causes 1d4+1 more damage for each spell level beyond the first.

1st-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Each creature within 30ft of you concentrating on a spell or other effect must make a constitution saving throw against your spell dc or lose their concentration.

Sword of the Elements
1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: See Text

Choose a damage type (Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity) all damage dealt by your spell weapon is of the chosen type until the end of this turn. Then, make a single attack with your spell blade as a part of casting this spell, if the attack hits, that attack deals an additional 1d6 damage.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell with a slot of 3rd level or higher the extra damage dealt by the attack increases by 1d6 for every 2 levels beyond 1st. To a maximum of 3d6 with a 5th levels slot.

Spell Magnet
2rd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You projection an aura in a 15ft-radius bubble around that distorts magic. Whenever a hostile creature casts a spell that targets one of your allies within 15ft of you, target(s) of that attack are changed to you.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell with a slot of 3rd level the radius of the bubble increases by 10ft for each spell level above 2nd.

Sword of Body & Mind
3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: See text

Choose a damage type (Poison, Psychic) all damage dealt by your spell weapon is of the chosen type until the end of this turn. Then, make a single attack with your spell weapon as a part of casting this spell, if the attack hits that attack deals an additional 2d6 damage. Then, choose one:

The target hit by the attack made as a part of casting this spell must make a constitution saving throw with advantage or be poisoned for 1d4 rounds. They may make another saving throw (without advantage) at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.
The target hit by the attack made as a part of casting this spell must make a wisdom saving throw with advantage or be stunned for 1 round.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell with a slot of 5th level or higher the target no longer gets advantage on their saving throws and the extra damage dealt by the attack increases by 1d6 for every 2 levels beyond 3rd. To a maximum of 3d6 with a 5th level slot.

Sword of Light & Shadow
5th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: See text

Choose a damage type (Radiant, Necrotic) all damage dealt by your spell weapon is of the chosen type until the end of this turn. Then, make a single attack with your spell blade as a part of casting this spell, if the attack hits it deals an additional 3d6 damage. Then, choose one:

The target hit by the attack made as a part of casting this spell must make a charisma saving throw with advantage or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. They may make another saving throw (without advantage) at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.
The target hit by the attack made as a part of casting this spell must make a charisma saving throw with advantage saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 round


How does Fast Magic interact with multi-classing?

You may only use Fast Magic with your mystic spells. That is spells from the mystic spell list that are engraved on your spell weapon. You can't use Fast Magic with spells higher than 4th level, as 5th level is the highest level of mystic spells. As such the spell level "1 lower" than the highest level mystic spells you can cast will be at most 4th level.

2015-04-25, 04:40 PM
It looks good at a quick glance, but there aren't any new non-archetype features past 6th level, which is disappointing.

2015-04-25, 07:44 PM
The theme of this class is quite good and it has a lot going for it but it also has some horrendously broken abilities and combos that make it far from playable in its current state.
The worst aspect of it is by far the Study of Planets. A level 15 Aarakaroa with that study is virtually immune to all harm. Simply fly above a battlefield, cast wall of wind below you and plink away at enemies with magic to your hearts content while laughing maniacly at your immunity to melee and ranged weapons and magic. As a general rule of thumb, if you make a homebrew that is capable of effortlessly soloing an army of enemies regardless of how powerful they are, you have probably got a little carried away.
The level 15 abilities of the other two studies are almost certainly too powerful themselves but after reading the Study of Planets, they almost seem tame by comparison. Heep in mind that this class is a high AC, high HP class. Making them immune to magic leaves very little means of harming them. You might think a lack of offense balances that out so much but even if you only inflict 1 HP per round, you will win any battle if you can harm your enemy but they can't harm you and that is doubly true with this class considering you have set it up in a way so that enemies can only attack you (Your allies can't be reasonably attacked at all) and you are immortal. That effectively extends that immortality to your entire team.
Into Nothing is too powerful as it currently stands. There are a few balancing factors in there which almost evened it out but it needs a clause that states "If the undetectable ally harms the affected creature, the effect immediately ends". Otherwise it is stupidly OP - just chuck that ability on an ally and bugger off while certain that your untouchable ally can defeat the enemy regardless of their relative strengths.
Brilliant Mantle has the same issue of too much power but it doesn't have any balancing mechanics at all. If it was limited in use once per rest like the other abilities it would be okay but as a spammable it is insane. High reflective damage + ranged weapon resistance + auto-permanent-disarming + reflective blindness is crazy, crazy stuff. There are way too many layers to that defense that once again you are getting into the realm of being immune to harm, although in this case it is even worse because not only are you immune to harm but your enemies do more to themselves than you whenever they attack.
Solar Wind is another that would be okay if it had a little more restraint. Add a duration and a limit of once per long rest and it is fine. Otherwise it is a spammable (Or permanently on) ability that basically equates to turning to your enemies and simply saying "I win" and having it be true.

2015-04-25, 08:02 PM
I like the style and the way this works but there are a few things I would worry about. Treating non heavy weapons as finesse is very dangerous. If nothing else a rogue would love to take a dip for sneak attack - imagine polearm mastery giving opportunity attacks with sneak damage on a lot of turns - let alone it being a better way to get an extra attack than two weapon fighting.

I also think that expending a spell slot for temporary hitpoints is a bit strong. In terms of damage done/saved in a close fight it seems to be equivalent to the Paladin but if the Paladin rolled max for every smite attack.

Dance of the heavens seems pretty useful, although it is a high level ability. Whilst the damage caused by flying and switching places is pretty low it does make you difficult to imprison.

I think Solar wind may be missing a duration/number of uses per day?

Overall I like this but it is difficult to judge its actual power outside of play.

2015-04-25, 08:05 PM
The worst aspect of it is by far the Study of Planets. A level 15 Aarakaroa with that study is virtually immune to all harm. Simply fly above a battlefield, cast wall of wind below you and plink away at enemies with magic to your hearts content while laughing maniacly at your immunity to melee and ranged weapons and magic.

In general I'm super concerned with supplement-specific interactions, these are just too hard to keep track of as the game expands. Particularly a "By GM Request only" option like the birdmen. That said the interaction with flying stands, as there are several items in the game that can allow for flying at the core level without needing concentration.

This will likely be changed to some kind of bonus to spells based on range, rather than a flat immunity. A class of abilties I'm don't tend to like by default, by have a tendency to fall back on when I'm getting lazy with design. I agree this has to change.

Into Nothing is too powerful as it currently stands. There are a few balancing factors in there which almost evened it out but it needs a clause that states "If the undetectable ally harms the affected creature, the effect immediately ends". Otherwise it is stupidly OP - just chuck that ability on an ally and bugger off while certain that your untouchable ally can defeat the enemy regardless of their relative strengths.

This I'm less sure of. This allows a saving throw, and only targets one enemy. There are a lot of combos & abilties in the game already that will shut down a 1-enemy encounter in much more direct ways than simply making 1 ally immune to 1 enemy. In particular strong solo enemies will tend to have legendary actions or other abilities that don't happen during their turn, which Into Nothing will have no effect on. Even barring that they have a whole other party full targets to go after and nothing in Study of the Stars particular punishes them for going after them.

Had you considered these points when you made this analysis.

Brilliant Mantle has the same issue of too much power but it doesn't have any balancing mechanics at all. If it was limited in use once per rest like the other abilities it would be okay but as a spammable it is insane. High reflective damage + ranged weapon resistance + auto-permanent-disarming + reflective blindness is crazy, crazy stuff. There are way too many layers to that defense that once again you are getting into the realm of being immune to harm, although in this case it is even worse because not only are you immune to harm but your enemies do more to themselves than you whenever they attack.

This comes online at 11th level. The assumption when writing this is that most enemies will be monsters with natural attacks (not disarmed)). The disarming portion really only affects humanoid enemies using mundane weapons and the odd monsters with no natural weapons in the attack blocks, which I don't think are many.

The repeatable blind is likely a bit much and should probably (and will) read "blinded for one round" and possibly "Once they succeed on a saving throw against blinding mantle, they can't be affected by it again".

There is always option of not attacking the subject of brilliant mantle as well. It's a protective layer on a single member.

Solar Wind is another that would be okay if it had a little more restraint. Add a duration and a limit of once per long rest and it is fine. Otherwise it is a spammable (Or permanently on) ability that basically equates to turning to your enemies and simply saying "I win" and having it be true.

This is an editing error. It's supposed to be a long rest ability, I merely omitted that sentence in error.

I like the style and the way this works but there are a few things I would worry about. Treating non heavy weapons as finesse is very dangerous. If nothing else a rogue would love to take a dip for sneak attack - imagine polearm mastery giving opportunity attacks with sneak damage on a lot of turns - let alone it being a better way to get an extra attack than two weapon fighting.

This is going to up the dipping rogue for 1d8 (Rapier) to a verstile 2h weapon (1d10) or about 1 damage. They would seem to get more output by keeping sneak attack progression. Most proper polearms (halberd etc..), are heavy iirc.

I also think that expending a spell slot for temporary hitpoints is a bit strong. In terms of damage done/saved in a close fight it seems to be equivalent to the Paladin but if the Paladin rolled max for every smite attack.

This is about where I tuned it. Offense is more powerful than defense, and a paladin can always apply their smites when they want to and get a ton of value out of going. At the end of the day a monster can trigger Arcane Ward and just decide not to continue to waste damage or they can just never attack you in the first place.

When you want to smite, you smite and you can dump all that damage into a relevant target. I'm certainly open to tweaking the numbers, 14 + 7/level might work. However I feel like aiming for hp-parity with the paladin would leave you with a strictly inferior choice.

Dance of the heavens seems pretty useful, although it is a high level ability. Whilst the damage caused by flying and switching places is pretty low it does make you difficult to imprison.

I think Solar wind may be missing a duration/number of uses per day?

Correct. 1 use per long rest. Int mod rounds, 1 per long rest.

2015-04-25, 08:41 PM
I think the class, overall, is really useful and interesting, but Improved Glorious Protection is hilariously overpowered. I don't even often play spellcasters, so it's not about being "unfair," that ability is just brokenly powerful, as in, it's WAY, WAY moar powerful than either of the other two paths' Improved "Spell Hate" abilities, mostly because it eclipses both of them.

2015-04-27, 12:40 PM
I think the class, overall, is really useful and interesting, but Improved Glorious Protection is hilariously overpowered. I don't even often play spellcasters, so it's not about being "unfair," that ability is just brokenly powerful, as in, it's WAY, WAY moar powerful than either of the other two paths' Improved "Spell Hate" abilities, mostly because it eclipses both of them.

I've now down a pretty big-rework of the "Spell Hate" structure, and it's been pull out of archetypes. This means rebuilding the archetypes again, Sun is mostly done at this point.

I think this is a step in the right direction though.

2015-04-27, 02:06 PM
I've now down a pretty big-rework of the "Spell Hate" structure, and it's been pull out of archetypes. This means rebuilding the archetypes again, Sun is mostly done at this point.

I think this is a step in the right direction though.

I think pulling those abilities from the archetypes was the right move, though I would cause Disruption and Null Magic to use your reaction for the round. Also, regarding Planet's level 7 ability, I'm not sure, but I think you can already move while you cast a spell. Unless you're saying that they get a free Dash action anytime they cast a spell (which sounds pretty powerful).

2015-04-29, 08:55 AM
I think pulling those abilities from the archetypes was the right move, though I would cause Disruption and Null Magic to use your reaction for the round. Also, regarding Planet's level 7 ability, I'm not sure, but I think you can already move while you cast a spell. Unless you're saying that they get a free Dash action anytime they cast a spell (which sounds pretty powerful).

Thanks, those suggestions were useful. It's been far to easy for me to forget adding the action type qualifiers, so this feedback has been very helpful.

The ability (Magic in Motion) was meant as a free dash yes, but balance issues aside I found that boring and scrapped it.

The class has been updated, and now each path is complete including capstones. They also follow a common structure now:

3rd Level: Actively used "Tanking" enabler.
7th Level: Passive boost to spell casting.
11h Level: Passive boost to melee in the form of "If condition is met - +1d8 damage"
15th Level: Passive boost to spell casting
20th Level: Capstone, flashy long-rest ability.

Of the current capstones I'm happiest with Stars, and unhappiest with Planets. Stars feel a lot more flavorful the other paths, while still being powerful and useful. (This is kind of true with planets in general, it's the path I'm least happy with in general. The movement theme is hard to soldify given the 5e focus on theater of the mind combat)

I think this version is starting to approach something resembling an early beta at this point. Thanks again to everyone who gave feedback so far as it's been very useful.

2015-04-29, 01:55 PM
I like most of the class and archetype features, but I ended up with a list of comments and queries anyway:

The temporary HP doesn't seem too much to me, since False Life gives you 5-8 HP for a 1st level slot and +5 for each level higher, and that lasts for much longer.

Two points of clarification on the spell-casting: can you cast rituals from the sword like a Wizard does from their book? And does it cost gold to inscribe spells on the sword like it costs a wizard to write spells in their book?

I'm guessing you intend the class to have spell slots like a Paladin and a similar number of prepared spells too, but I can't find that in the class description. Also, I think learning 1 spell per level (more than the Ranger, more than the Sorcerer too if you count archetype spells) is too many, especially as they can find more as they adventure.

Another point of clarification: does Cloak of the Stars affect one person within 30 feet or everyone within 30 feet? The former would be fine, but the latter would probably trivialise a whole encounter every time it was used.

Rather than treating lots of weapons as if they had the finesse quality, it's better to just state that the class can use dexterity for attack rolls and damage with non-heavy weapons (or: with the spell blade, which can be any non-heavy melee weapon). It accomplishes the same thing, but doesn't cause trouble with Rogue multi-classes. This is pretty much how Monk weapons work.

Fast Magic makes me nervous because it's better than the similar abilities the Eldritch Knight gets and it circumvents a rule that's there to make sure everyone has the same influence in combat (casting a spell takes a full action unless the spell says otherwise), but it's probably OK since the class doesn't get cantrips and because it only has one extra attack, so it's not too different in practice from the Eldritch Knight's 'one spell, bonus attack' feature.

I don't see the point to making Mystic spells count as spells of higher levels for other classes.


While the mechanics are pretty well done, I can't help but feel I'm missing what the concept of the class is meant to be. The three main themes seem to be astronomy, countering magic users, and mixing wizard spells with swordplay, but I'm not sure why those three things should go together. And the name 'Mystic' doesn't really help because it sounds more like someone who doesn't fight much and who uses magic like a Cleric or Druid rather than a Wizard.

2015-04-29, 03:01 PM
I like most of the class and archetype features, but I ended up with a list of comments and queries anyway:

The temporary HP doesn't seem too much to me, since False Life gives you 5-8 HP for a 1st level slot and +5 for each level higher, and that lasts for much longer.

In my first design this ability actually just "Prevented" damage, but I turned into temp HP to stop you from wasting spillover. It's current form as hp until the start of your next turn is a reflection of that.

I'm not attached to the duration and would have no issue making them 1 minute or 1 hour, if that wouldn't seem like to much.

As for the amount it was originally 16 +8/Spell Level and that seemed like a bit much. This kind of thing is difficult to tune correctly. I settled on this number because it's "About 50% more than a smite", as the paladin ability is the most analogus and defense is worse then offense.

If folks want to chime in on what a "Good" amount of damage prevention would be I'd grateful.

Two points of clarification on the spell-casting: can you cast rituals from the sword like a Wizard does from their book? And does it cost gold to inscribe spells on the sword like it costs a wizard to write spells in their book?

No. You do not get free ritual casting. I can state this explicitly, it was meant to be implied by only pulling out specific headings in the wizard entry into this class.

You get 1 Spell/Level for free, the others you have to pay.

I'm guessing you intend the class to have spell slots like a Paladin and a similar number of prepared spells too, but I can't find that in the class description. Also, I think learning 1 spell per level (more than the Ranger, more than the Sorcerer too if you count archetype spells) is too many, especially as they can find more as they adventure.

The spell slots should be in the table(?), is this not showing up. In any case they have slot progression identical to paladin, and prepare in the same manner of wizards.

Their current "Spells Known" progression is basically modeled on "Half a wizard". Wizard gets 6 to start, and 2 per level. So I gave them 3 + 1 per level.

Their spell list is a bit narrow and they don't have any recovery mechanics or cantrips. So I'm not super worried about it at this point. If I get similar feedback from more people, I'll think on how change the progression.

Another point of clarification: does Cloak of the Stars affect one person within 30 feet or everyone within 30 feet? The former would be fine, but the latter would probably trivialise a whole encounter every time it was used.

It effects everyone but you in 30ft. The intention of each of the 3rd level abilities is a 1/Long Rest "You're better off just attacking me". I can see where problems would creep up. It might be better to make this

"The first time they are attacked, the cloak vanishes from them"
"~ penatly The first time they are attacked each round.

A lot of this classes features: Arcane Ward, the 3rd levels and the spell disruption are really reactive and puts the control of when they happen squarely under the opponents control. I've been afraid of under-tuning because of this. I might be aiming it a bit high.

In any case I'll revisit the Cloak and the other 3rds to see if I can accomplish the focus-fire incentive without lending them to abuse.

Rather than treating lots of weapons as if they had the finesse quality, it's better to just state that the class can use dexterity for attack rolls and damage with non-heavy weapons (or: with the spell blade, which can be any non-heavy melee weapon). It accomplishes the same thing, but doesn't cause trouble with Rogue multi-classes. This is pretty much how Monk weapons work.

I hadn't done it this way as I'd wanted to avoid introducing new rules and "Finesse" is a clean keyword that already exists. I think since this is the second time someone's raised this it's probably just better to go with the slightly less elegant wording.

I'll change it.

Fast Magic makes me nervous because it's better than the similar abilities the Eldritch Knight gets and it circumvents a rule that's there to make sure everyone has the same influence in combat (casting a spell takes a full action unless the spell says otherwise), but it's probably OK since the class doesn't get cantrips and because it only has one extra attack, so it's not too different in practice from the Eldritch Knight's 'one spell, bonus attack' feature.

Yeah. It's honestly supposed to be better and more flexible than other similar options so far, if only because I've found the similar options lacking. I also didn't want it walking all over dual wielding or multi-class options like Cunning Action. That is the primary reason it replaces an attack, rather than involving bonus actions of any sort.

Using it continuously also requires a rather large resource burn, as if you want to Fast Cast everything you effectively halve your spells per day.

(Side Note: In general you'll find a lot of "As a bonus action or in place of an attack" language in the class. This was specifically to stop them competing with other bonus actions that are generally in an incomparable space and won't compound by being the same round).

I don't see the point to making Mystic spells count as spells of higher levels for other classes.

This is to prevent bard-sniping as they do with other half-casters "Signature" spells. This is by far one of my biggest pet peeves with 5e! Especially if I add more spells tuned for 17th level+, I don't want bard being able to grab them early.

(Side Note: The actual wording actually needs to change it doesn't work.)

While the mechanics are pretty well done, I can't help but feel I'm missing what the concept of the class is meant to be. The three main themes seem to be astronomy, countering magic users, and mixing wizard spells with swordplay, but I'm not sure why those three things should go together.

The concept came before the Arcetypes were given fluff.

What came first was the idea to do an Arcane/Fighting class, that was the core.

However I wanted to do something a bit defensive in nature, as so much of the thrust of 5e player attention seems to be on DPR!. I've also always been something of a reactive/defensive player at heart.

When it came to defensive shticks I wanted to pick a secondary theme that went with the Arcane/Fighting thing. Anti-magic has always seemed like something of a common secondary theme with warrior-casters. From Celes (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Celes_Chere) from FF6, to the Spellbreakers (http://www.wowwiki.com/Spell_breaker)from Warcraft, or even the current bard's "Countercharm".

That might just be my own perception of things, but it's where it came from.

The Astronomy thing came later. Mostly because the stars & planets have always had near-magical significance for people, especially those living in the time periods roughly analogous to D&Ds. Since the celestial bodies are also actual physical objects, it seemed like a good place to start developing theme for a class that deals both in combing the magic with the physical, and severing the physical from the magical.

The fluff is certainly underdeveloped at this point and when I have the mechanics more locked-down I'll give it another few polish passes.

That said in terms of "Concept" without trying to put anyone in a box:
If the "Default" paladin is the knight in shining armor, and the "Default" barbarian is a macho tribal warrior, I imagine the "default" mystic as something of the wandering Warrior-Poet or Philosopher. The class can see the fabric of the supernatural (Aura Sense), and shape it around them (Arcane Ward). They have great insight into the workings of the world which is both inspired by and informs their combat skills.

And the name 'Mystic' doesn't really help because it sounds more like someone who doesn't fight much and who uses magic like a Cleric or Druid rather than a Wizard.

The name is largely a result of me being crappy at naming things. I wanted to avoid names such as "Spellsword" and the like that have a history in D&D. They carry around too many connotations I didn't want to feel bound to.

Mystic Specifically came to mind because of Mystic Knight (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Mystic_Knight_(Final_Fantasy_V)), if only because of all the warrior-casters from I knew that is the one with the sort of "Robes & Swords" look that was sort of coming to mind for me.

I'm certainly not married to the name or anything. If you've got a better one, I'd be happy to have it.

2015-04-29, 04:24 PM
If folks want to chime in on what a "Good" amount of damage prevention would be I'd grateful.

I think it's pretty decent as it is, to be honest. It's useful to protect yourself from concentration checks and when you are close to 0 HP and expect a big hit. If I were playing the class I doubt I'd ever use spell slots higher than 1 for this unless a dragon was preparing to breathe on me, and that's no bad thing. It's occasionally very useful but doesn't make you invulnerable and doesn't get used every other turn. The only thing to watch out for is sorcerer multi-classes, because it would be worth their while to cast something like Dominate Person and then blow a few level 1 slots over the following rounds to avoid taking concentration checks.

I forgot to ask before: Arcane Ward takes your reaction, right? It really should, anyway.

No. You do not get free ritual casting. I can state this explicitly, it was meant to be implied by only pulling out specific headings in the wizard entry into this class.

You get 1 Spell/Level for free, the others you have to pay.

OK, fair enough. Probably the right choices.

The spell slots should be in the table(?), is this not showing up.

Sorry, they were cut off by my screen. Mea culpa on that one.

Their current "Spells Known" progression is basically modeled on "Half a wizard". Wizard gets 6 to start, and 2 per level. So I gave them 3 + 1 per level.

Their spell list is a bit narrow and they don't have any recovery mechanics or cantrips. So I'm not super worried about it at this point. If I get similar feedback from more people, I'll think on how change the progression.

You know what, since there's another limit on spells prepared, those are actually sounding like good numbers now. Comparing them to the Ranger was wrong on my part because the Ranger simply learns spells rather than preparing from a list.

It effects everyone but you in 30ft. The intention of each of the 3rd level abilities is a 1/Long Rest "You're better off just attacking me". I can see where problems would creep up. It might be better to make this

"The first time they are attacked, the cloak vanishes from them"

I like this suggestion better. It will give you a good first round or two, but no more. The existing version is basically an enormous boost to AC for as much as 5 rounds, so few encounters will last long enough for the effect to end.

A lot of this classes features: Arcane Ward, the 3rd levels and the spell disruption are really reactive and puts the control of when they happen squarely under the opponents control.

I can see where you're coming from, but in combat you can basically expect people to attack you (including with spells, not just the Attack action) every round. The Mystic will be facing many more opportunities for using their defensive abilities than they have uses for those abilities, so it seems to me they still have a lot of control over when their abilities activate: they always have the pick the right attack out of the many they are faced with to defend against.

I hadn't done it this way as I'd wanted to avoid introducing new rules and "Finesse" is a clean keyword that already exists. I think since this is the second time someone's raised this it's probably just better to go with the slightly less elegant wording.

It's not that bad, it's just another sentence. I never felt the class was too wordy (though I'm hardly the best judge).

Yeah. It's honestly supposed to be better and more flexible than other similar options so far, if only because I've found the similar options lacking. I also didn't want it walking all over dual wielding or multi-class options like Cunning Action. That is the primary reason it replaces an attack, rather than involving bonus actions of any sort.

OK, that makes a lot of sense.

This is to prevent bard-sniping as they do with other half-casters "Signature" spells. This is by far one of my biggest pet peeves with 5e! Especially if I add more spells tuned for 17th level+, I don't want bard being able to grab them early.

Ha! Yes, I think that's one of the side effects of turning class features into spells. Another way to avoid the same thing would be to replace them with actual class features (like "casting" Bladebeam as a per-short-rest ability), but that would lead to clutter. You could alternatively put the words 'using your spell blade' into the spell description, so a Bard could still take them but not be able to cast them without enough Mystic levels to get a spell blade.

If the "Default" paladin is the knight in shining armor, and the "Default" barbarian is a macho tribal warrior, I imagine the "default" mystic as something of the wandering Warrior-Poet or Philosopher. The class can see the fabric of the supernatural (Aura Sense), and shape it around them (Arcane Ward). They have great insight into the workings of the world which is both inspired by and informs their combat skills.

Thanks for the explanation. I can see better where you're coming from (kind of like Plato or Pythagoras or Avicenna, but with a sword?), though I'm just as stuck for names as you are. I think 'Mystic Knight' is definitely better than 'Mystic' since it immediately sounds more martial. Others I considered are 'Sage Knight' and 'Gymnosophist'.

2015-05-02, 01:52 PM
I think it's pretty decent as it is, to be honest. It's useful to protect yourself from concentration checks and when you are close to 0 HP and expect a big hit. If I were playing the class I doubt I'd ever use spell slots higher than 1 for this unless a dragon was preparing to breathe on me, and that's no bad thing. It's occasionally very useful but doesn't make you invulnerable and doesn't get used every other turn. The only thing to watch out for is sorcerer multi-classes, because it would be worth their while to cast something like Dominate Person and then blow a few level 1 slots over the following rounds to avoid taking concentration checks.

I forgot to ask before: Arcane Ward takes your reaction, right? It really should, anyway.

No, it doesn't and this is by design. As means to shunt spells into combat effects it is something I feel is most comparable to smite, and if Paladins get damage out of their spell slots without touching their action economy surely a defensive bonus deserves the same a consideration?

I mean if the thought is that this barely registers as being worth a 1st level spell slot, I'm not compelled to make it contest resources that could be used for the Protection style as well. Particularly when a better, more flexible ability (smite) is non-action you can use proactively. Certainly if I get more feedback along these lines I'd reconsider but probably more in the form of redesigning Arcane Ward or removing entirely than making it compete for the reaction slot.

Thanks for the explanation. I can see better where you're coming from (kind of like Plato or Pythagoras or Avicenna, but with a sword?), though I'm just as stuck for names as you are. I think 'Mystic Knight' is definitely better than 'Mystic' since it immediately sounds more martial. Others I considered are 'Sage Knight' and 'Gymnosophist'.

Yeah. Obviously not everyone fits into that "Default" box, but that's about the gist of it. The issue I'd like to keep the name a single word like "Cleric" or "Warlocks" 2-word names seem to be in the realm of archetypes to me.


Unfortunately I think a 2-word name is probably better to prevent confusion than keeping things elegant. I'm going with "Mystic Warrior for now".

I've updated all the third levels abilities and they now all follow a single template. They also take a reaction to use, but allow you to use protection as part of the same reaction. I think this might be a good compromise to avoid the class from stepping all over it's own feet when using the abilities but not making them non-actions that might interact oddly when multiclassed. Besides I kind of want to keep the non-action thing unique to Arcane Ward in this design.

2015-05-14, 05:36 PM
I thought I'd try building one a Mystic Warrior from first to twentieth level, just to try it out. First of all though, I love the flavor. Your emphasis on magic through the study of astronomy is one of my all time favorite approaches to arcane caster design. There's this sense early renaissance mysticism to the whole class that I absolutely adore. I'll build the character out level by level, leaving my reflections on the process at 1st, 3rd, 10th, 15th and 20th levels.

So here we find Ohmi G. Burnsomuch. A High Elf Mystic Warrior with the Sage background. I'm going to try to subvert the class design a little by taking him as far as I can as a straight blasting/support caster. I want to see how extensive the options are. It's a pretty weird thing to do with a half caster that has no cantrip support, and I might have to scrap it halfway through, but we'll see what happens.

With a 27 point buy his starting stats are Str: 10 Dex: 16 Con: 13 Int: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 10. Not a bad spread really, giving him a starting AC of 16 or 18 with a shield. His skill proficiencies are Arcana, History, Perception, Acrobatics and Religion. His three bonus languages are Infernal, Celestial and Primordial since they seemed the most on theme. Firebolt is his racial cantrip. Starting weapons are a shield and a morningstar.

Finally, he picks up Light Touch and Aura Sense and he's off and running as a first level character who's something like what you'd get if you were allowed to be an eldritch knight at first level. Good AC with Firebolt for range, morningstar and shield for when things get up close and personal.

Reflections: The first level for a class can be hard to comment on because it's often sort of a tutorial on the class's basic premise that doesn't actually give out many of the main features. I find this is especially true of the half casters, where you tend to get the bashing half of the class along with your thematic abilities. Mystic Warrior is pretty spot on with this trend, and I expect to have more to say about the class itself in the 3rd level reflections when I've picked an archetype.

As for the abilities themselves I cannot overemphasize how completely I approve of Light Touch. It doesn't really make the class any stronger, but it does eliminate the need to pick rapier all the time every time just because it's the only d8 finesse weapon. Access to the Lance as a dex based weapon also lets you build a perfectly functional mounted Mystic Warrior, which is an option that should definitely be left open. I very nearly built a Halfling Mystic Warrior on a riding dog. Changing it to call out dex as the modifier rather than applying the finesse quality was definitely the right move.

I love Aura Sense thematically, and I'd say it's somewhere between a ribbon and a genuinely powerful ability. Always on detect magic is nothing to sneeze at, even in a ten foot radius.

Though Unarmored Defense makes this a powerful dip for a wizard I'm actually not worried about it. It's no more powerful than a monk dip for a druid, which the 5e designers clearly had no problem with.
My weapon choice at first level has pretty much locked me into the Dueling fighting style. That's fine since it's my favorite option anyway.

Arcane Ward is a lovely ability, but is probably better for other builds.

Woo! Time for spell selection. Spells of choice are going to be Chromatic Orb, Color Spray and Aether Ray.

Is there any particular reason Aether Ray deals untyped damage rather than force damage? It sort of boils down to the same thing from a fluff perspective and it's already a powerful enough option without totally ignoring the resistance system. On the whole it's an ingeniously balanced spell. I was going to comment that it's too powerful for Lore Bards until I realized that it's almost exactly Magic Missile with a chance to waste your action and the multiple target option taken away.

I'm also sort of confused by how many spells Ohmi can prepare in a day. Is it modifier+mystic warrior level or modifier+1/2 mystic warrior level? My gut instinct would be that it's probably the latter?
It was probably obvious from the start but Ohmi's archetype is going to be Study of the Sun. It's clearly intended as the closest to a classic blasting/support caster and I wanted to experiment with adding a cantrip. The skill proficiency goes to Athletics since I've already got Perception from being an elf. Personally I'm not that fond of Perception, but there are going to be a lot of people who are really psyched about this. The Study Spells are both excellent at this level. The only reason I didn't inscribe identify earlier was that I knew I'd be getting it for free at 3rd level. Solar Flare is amazing. It's an extra d10 radiant with solid scaling once most rounds for a minute, which in practical terms means you can use the ability for one entire combat once a day. Great ability, flavorful, probably not unbalanced. Magic resistance is also amazing. This is a great level all around. New normal progression spell at this level is Silent Image.

Reflections: Having actually started to build one a Solar Mystic Warrior functions as way more of a midrange character than I was expecting. My idea going into it was that the ranged casting would either work out and Ohmi would stand well at the back or it would peter out and he'd have to pitch himself into the melee to make any meaningful difference. Instead I find that the abilities gently encourage him to stand just behind the front lines. Solar Flare, access to Burning Hands, and Color Spray all work at their best if he's close enough to engage in the battle opportunistically, and he can use Firebolt to plug away at enemies without being bogged down in the melee. Spell Resistance combined with Arcane Ward mean that he can provide a sort of counter-battery fire against hostile magic users. He wants to provoke them into targeting him, which is unusual in a range focused caster. I definitely think it's tending towards the powerful end of the balance spectrum at this point, but only in very clearly defined specialist scenarios. Out of combat utility is solid. Everyone loves a character with good knowledge checks and at will detect magic.

Ruling question: Can Ohmi cast Firebolt with his spell blade?
ASI is unquestionably a +2 to int for better to hit with Firebolt, better spell save DC and an AC of 19. New spell is Disruption to expand his mid-range anti-caster options.
You just can't go wrong with extra attack. Firebolt also goes up to 2d10, but that's not really a class feature. Second level spells turn up just in time, as I had run out of first level spells I really liked for this character. The Study spells are again a strong mix of evocation and divination, which seems to be a consistent theme for this archetype. The new normal progression spell is Spell Magnet, which means Ohmi's function in combat is more than ever to stand as close to the rest of the party as humanly possible without actually getting involved in their business.
Fast Magic is potentially spectacular for this build because the wording is just vague enough that you could try to argue that it lets Ohmi cast a Firebolt and a spell in the same turn. If it doesn't work that way (and I'd be surprised if it did) it at least encourages Ohmi to occasionally use his morningstar as something other than a poorly balanced wand. Considered from the perspective of a character advancing through this archetype without weird racial exploits I think it's probably fine since it's a single use per rest option.

Solar Flare has also scaled up for the first time.
This is one of the best levels for this build. Being able to ignore all but full cover on Firebolt has given Ohmi the best part of the spell sniper feat through racials and archetype abilities. It might be argued that this archetype works well with a warlock dip, but people will argue that anything combos well with a warlock dip. Getting the effect of part of a feat from seven levels of multiclass it's not a big deal. The new spell is Scorching Ray to make this the best level in the whole progression for Ohmi's midrange damage.
The second ASI goes straight to Int to bump the score up to 20 for the obvious reasons. New spell is Detect Thoughts to expand the divination repertoire. (Also I just really like Detect Thoughts)
Apart from a second improvement to Solar Flare this level is exclusively 3rd level spells. The Study Spells give Ohmi the ever effective Fireball and the ever useful Protection from Energy. Picking up Dispel Magic for additional anti-caster options. Counterspell could be situationally useful, but a half caster doesn't want to sit around trading 3rd level spell slots on a one for one basis.
I really like Spell Disruption. It's utilitarian but useful, though I'm a little unsure how all the spell resistance stuff works with the class fluff. What about being a warrior/philosophical astronomer makes a character less susceptible to earthly magics?

The new spell this level is Hypnotic Pattern for the first real crowd control effect since Color Spray.

Reflections: While progressing through the last couple levels it occurred to me that you could almost think of this build as a sort of Light Cleric that traded in full casting for larger hit dice, better AC and a certain amount of proficiency in melee. A Light Cleric with its optimal range moved about 30 feet closer to the general scrum. Anyway, these seven levels have worked to make Ohmi's real strength his flexibility in combat. His single target ranged damage is reasonable, at need he can stand in the melee and take a few hits, between Fireball and the much improved solar flare his AoE options are solid. He's even picked up a fair amount of divination magic. Between Spell Magnet, Spell Disruption, Spell Resistance, Dispel Magic and Arcane Ward he has an absolute mountain of options for dealing with hostile casters. He really excels just on the edge of a combat where he can fill whatever role the party needs at any given moment.
Firebolt scales up to 3d10. Flash Attack works to mitigate the damage lost when using Fast Casting. Since it's still only 1/short rest it's probably balanced just fine. The new spell is Wind Wall.
The ASI was used for Elemental Affinity: Fire. Firebolt is Ohmi's big trick and it needs to work as often as possible (not to mention that a lot of his damaging spells are fire based). The new spell is Blink which grants him the movement flexibility to exploit his wide array of options still more effectively. Solar Flare improves.
Fourth level spells! Locate Creature and Wall of Fire for the Study Spells. Whether I took Banishment or Stoneskin first would depend a lot on the campaign, but I imagine Stoneskin is going to be the more useful spell in the average campaign.
Null Magic is a sort of one off evasion just for spells that you can only use once a short rest. Again, solid progression in the anti-caster department. The new spell this level is Banishment as the only fourth level spell that remains. The list of fourth level spells should probably be expanded.
A lack of fourth level spells makes little difference to Ohmi however, since his lower level spells cast through 4th level slots just got substantially better. Forceful magic works to make most of his damage spells (almost all of which are 3rd level or lower) pack a pretty substantial punch. The new spell for this level is Major Image since Ohmi will actually be able to properly upcast it once he gets 5th level slots. Solar Flare improves.

Reflections: Not a lot has changed since 10th level, though his spells have grown substantially more powerful than they have in any of the previous blocks. The fact that he upcasts better than he casts spells at the correct level means that his low level spells are staying in the mix far more often than would be common for a normal half caster. Scorching Ray is capable of respectable damage, especially considering it ignores half and three-quarters cover. I suspect he isn't burning his second or third level slots for Arcane Wards nearly as frequently as the other archetypes would be.
I was tempted to plug the second to last ASI into dex but it occured to me that what Ohmi really needed was expanded out of combat utility options. The last ten levels have been exceptionally kind of Ohmi, but what he really needs is ritual spellcasting. I spent the 16th level ASI on Ritual Caster: Wizard. Ohmi now has many of the best utility spells from the wizard list, he has a familiar, and he has a huge number of additional (non combat) spells per day. That's vastly more valuable than a single point of AC or another +1 for his little used morning-star. The new spell is Silence, to make life still more of a living hell for hostile magic users.
Another great level for spells. Firebolt scales up for the last time and Ohmi gets his 5th level spells. Legend Lore and Wall of Force make solid additions from the Study list and the new spell from the standard progression is Bigby's Hand for the last real increase to single target damage (as well as a fair amount of utility).
Improved Spell Disruption gives Ohmi the last of his incremental improvements against casters. The spell at this level is Telekinesis. Solar Flare improves for the last time.
The last ASI is used as a +2 to dex for 21 AC and some minor improvements to the morningstar. The spell at this level is Illusory Script.
Radiating Burst is incredible. If I understand it correctly, he could use it to cast Scorching Ray through a 2nd level slot with all the rays targeted at a single creature, it would count as though cast through a 5th level slot which would interact with Forceful magic to count as a 6th level slot, and he could direct up to five such blasts at different enemies in range? I really don't know if there are any spells I want for Ohmi anymore. Feather fall?

Final Reflections:The Study of Sun Mystic Warrior is the first proper half-caster character I've ever encountered which can be made to function almost entirely as a standard caster. His options promote a generalistic combat style that can be supported with feats and racial abilities to create a supporting caster with utterly unique options when faced with hostile magic users. Most of his early game features are about providing a wide range of flexibility in combat while his later features are tailored to the improvement of low levels spells that would likely be overlooked by other late game casters. His spell list perfectly compliments the design concepts in his archetype summary. It's a thoroughly unique kind of character and I think I would tremendously enjoy playing one.

I do think it's important that you consider cantrips in the class design however. Many players are going to wind up with cantrip options even if the characters aren't built around them simply because High Elf provides one of the two best stat spreads for a Mystic Warrior. Between them and Variant Humans with either Spell Sniper or Magic Initiate it's not unreasonable to expect a sizable proportion of Mystic Warriors to start with access to some kind of damaging cantrip.

Edit: I just realized you already answered most of my questions about how cantrips interacted with fast casting in your clarification tab. Totally didn't see that until now. Feel free to ignore those sections. Also holy crap there were so many typos in my original post. Those are now (probably only mostly) fixed.

2015-05-14, 07:01 PM
I thought I'd try building one a Mystic Warrior from first to twentieth level, just to try it out. First of all though, I love the flavor. Your emphasis on magic through the study of astronomy is one of my all time favorite approaches to arcane caster design. There's this sense early renaissance mysticism to the whole class that I absolutely adore. I'll build the character out level by level, leaving my reflections on the process at 1st, 3rd, 10th, 15th and 20th levels.

So here we find Ohmi G. Burnsomuch. A High Elf Mystic Warrior with the Sage background. I'm going to try to subvert the class design a little by taking him as far as I can as a straight blasting/support caster. I want to see how extensive the options are. It's a pretty weird thing to do with a half caster that has no cantrip support, and I might have to scrap it halfway through, but we'll see what happens.

With a 27 point buy his starting stats are Str: 10 Dex: 16 Con: 13 Int: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 10. Not a bad spread really, giving him a starting AC of 16 or 18 with a shield. His skill proficiencies are Arcana, History, Perception, Acrobatics and Religion. His three bonus languages are Infernal, Celestial and Primordial since they seemed the most on theme. Firebolt is his racial cantrip. Starting weapons are a shield and a morningstar.

Finally, he picks up Light Touch and Aura Sense and he's off and running as a first level character who's something like what you'd get if you were allowed to be an eldritch knight at first level. Good AC with Firebolt for range, morningstar and shield for when things get up close and personal.

Reflections: The first level for a class can be hard to comment on because it's often sort of a tutorial on the class's basic premise that doesn't actually give out many of the main features. I find this is especially true of the half casters, where you tend to get the bashing half of the class along with your thematic abilities. Mystic Warrior is pretty spot on with this trend, and I expect to have more to say about the class itself in the 3rd level reflections when I've picked an archetype.

As for the abilities themselves I cannot overemphasize how completely I approve of Light Touch. It doesn't really make the class any stronger, but it does eliminate the need to pick rapier all the time every time just because it's the only d8 finesse weapon. Access to the Lance as a dex based weapon also lets you build a perfectly functional mounted Mystic Warrior, which is an option that should definitely be left open. I very nearly built a Halfling Mystic Warrior on a riding dog. Changing it to call out dex as the modifier rather than applying the finesse quality was definitely the right move.

I love Aura Sense thematically, and I'd say it's somewhere between a ribbon and a genuinely powerful ability. Always on detect magic is nothing to sneeze at, even in a ten foot radius.

Though Unarmored Defense makes this a powerful dip for a wizard I'm actually not worried about it. It's no more powerful than a monk dip for a druid, which the 5e designers clearly had no problem with.
My weapon choice at first level has pretty much locked me into the Dueling fighting style. That's fine since it's my favorite option anyway.

Arcane Ward is a lovely ability, but is probably better for other builds.

Woo! Time for spell selection. Spells of choice are going to be Chromatic Orb, Color Spray and Aether Ray.

Is there any particular reason Aether Ray deals untyped damage rather than force damage? It sort of boils down to the same thing from a fluff perspective and it's already a powerful enough option without totally ignoring the resistance system. On the whole it's an ingeniously balanced spell. I was going to comment that it's too powerful for Lore Bards until I realized that it's almost exactly Magic Missile with a chance to waste your action and the multiple target option taken away.

I'm also sort of confused by how many spells Ohmi can prepare in a day. Is it modifier+mystic warrior level or modifier+1/2 mystic warrior level? My gut instinct would be that it's probably the latter?
It was probably obvious from the start but Ohmi's archetype is going to be Study of the Sun. It's clearly intended as the closest to a classic blasting/support caster and I wanted to experiment with adding a cantrip. The skill proficiency goes to Athletics since I've already got Perception from being an elf. Personally I'm not that fond of Perception, but there are going to be a lot of people who are really psyched about this. The Study Spells are both excellent at this level. The only reason I didn't inscribe identify earlier was that I knew I'd be getting it for free at 3rd level. Solar Flare is amazing. It's an extra d10 radiant with solid scaling once most rounds for a minute, which in practical terms means you can use the ability for one entire combat once a day. Great ability, flavorful, probably not unbalanced. Magic resistance is also amazing. This is a great level all around. New normal progression spell at this level is Silent Image.

Reflections: Having actually started to build one a Solar Mystic Warrior functions as way more of a midrange character than I was expecting. My idea going into it was that the ranged casting would either work out and Ohmi would stand well at the back or it would peter out and he'd have to pitch himself into the melee to make any meaningful difference. Instead I find that the abilities gently encourage him to stand just behind the front lines. Solar Flare, access to Burning Hands, and Color Spray all work at their best if he's close enough to engage in the battle opportunistically, and he can use Firebolt to plug away at enemies without being bogged down in the melee. Spell Resistance combined with Arcane Ward mean that he can provide a sort of counter-battery fire against hostile magic users. He wants to provoke them into targeting him, which is unusual in a range focused caster. I definitely think it's tending towards the powerful end of the balance spectrum at this point, but only in very clearly defined specialist scenarios. Out of combat utility is solid. Everyone loves a character with good knowledge checks and at will detect magic.

Ruling question: Can Ohmi cast Firebolt with his spell blade?
ASI is unquestionably a +2 to int for better to hit with Firebolt, better spell save DC and an AC of 19. New spell is Disruption to expand his mid-range anti-caster options.
You just can't go wrong with extra attack. Firebolt also goes up to 2d10, but that's not really a class feature. Second level spells turn up just in time, as I had run out of first level spells I really liked for this character. The Study spells are again a strong mix of evocation and divination, which seems to be a consistent theme for this archetype. The new normal progression spell is Spell Magnet, which means Ohmi's function in combat is more than ever to stand as close to the rest of the party as humanly possible without actually getting involved in their business.
Fast Magic is potentially spectacular for this build because the wording is just vague enough that you could try to argue that it lets Ohmi cast a Firebolt and a spell in the same turn. If it doesn't work that way (and I'd be surprised if it did) it at least encourages Ohmi to occasionally use his morningstar as something other than a poorly balanced wand. Considered from the perspective of a character advancing through this archetype without weird racial exploits I think it's probably fine since it's a single use per rest option.

Solar Flare has also scaled up for the first time.
This is one of the best levels for this build. Being able to ignore all but full cover on Firebolt has given Ohmi the best part of the spell sniper feat through racials and archetype abilities. It might be argued that this archetype works well with a warlock dip, but people will argue that anything combos well with a warlock dip. Getting the effect of part of a feat from seven levels of multiclass it's not a big deal. The new spell is Scorching Ray to make this the best level in the whole progression for Ohmi's midrange damage.
The second ASI goes straight to Int to bump the score up to 20 for the obvious reasons. New spell is Detect Thoughts to expand the divination repertoire. (Also I just really like Detect Thoughts)
Apart from a second improvement to Solar Flare this level is exclusively 3rd level spells. The Study Spells give Ohmi the ever effective Fireball and the ever useful Protection from Energy. Picking up Dispel Magic for additional anti-caster options. Counterspell could be situationally useful, but a half caster doesn't want to sit around trading 3rd level spell slots on a one for one basis.
I really like Spell Disruption. It's utilitarian but useful, though I'm a little unsure how all the spell resistance stuff works with the class fluff. What about being a warrior/philosophical astronomer makes a character less susceptible to earthly magics?

The new spell this level is Hypnotic Pattern for the first real crowd control effect since Color Spray.

Reflections: While progressing through the last couple levels it occurred to me that you could almost think of this build as a sort of Light Cleric that traded in full casting for larger hit dice, better AC and a certain amount of proficiency in melee. A Light Cleric with its optimal range moved about 30 feet closer to the general scrum. Anyway, these seven levels have worked to make Ohmi's real strength his flexibility in combat. His single target ranged damage is reasonable, at need he can stand in the melee and take a few hits, between Fireball and the much improved solar flare his AoE options are solid. He's even picked up a fair amount of divination magic. Between Spell Magnet, Spell Disruption, Spell Resistance, Dispel Magic and Arcane Ward he has an absolute mountain of options for dealing with hostile casters. He really excels just on the edge of a combat where he can fill whatever role the party needs at any given moment.
Firebolt scales up to 3d10. Flash Attack works to mitigate the damage lost when using Fast Casting. Since it's still only 1/short rest it's probably balanced just fine. The new spell is Wind Wall.
The ASI was used for Elemental Affinity: Fire. Firebolt is Ohmi's big trick and it needs to work as often as possible (not to mention that a lot of his damaging spells are fire based). The new spell is Blink which grants him the movement flexibility to exploit his wide array of options still more effectively. Solar Flare improves.
Fourth level spells! Locate Creature and Wall of Fire for the Study Spells. Whether I took Banishment or Stoneskin first would depend a lot on the campaign, but I imagine Stoneskin is going to be the more useful spell in the average campaign.
Null Magic is a sort of one off evasion just for spells that you can only use once a short rest. Again, solid progression in the anti-caster department. The new spell this level is Banishment as the only fourth level spell that remains. The list of fourth level spells should probably be expanded.
A lack of fourth level spells makes little difference to Ohmi however, since his lower level spells cast through 4th level slots just got substantially better. Forceful magic works to make most of his damage spells (almost all of which are 3rd level or lower) pack a pretty substantial punch. The new spell for this level is Major Image since Ohmi will actually be able to properly upcast it once he gets 5th level slots. Solar Flare improves.

Reflections: Not a lot has changed since 10th level, though his spells have grown substantially more powerful than they have in any of the previous blocks. The fact that he upcasts better than he casts spells at the correct level means that his low level spells are staying in the mix far more often than would be common for a normal half caster. Scorching Ray is capable of respectable damage, especially considering it ignores half and three-quarters cover. I suspect he isn't burning his second or third level slots for Arcane Wards nearly as frequently as the other archetypes would be.
I was tempted to plug the second to last ASI into dex but it occured to me that what Ohmi really needed was expanded out of combat utility options. The last ten levels have been exceptionally kind of Ohmi, but what he really needs is ritual spellcasting. I spent the 16th level ASI on Ritual Caster: Wizard. Ohmi now has many of the best utility spells from the wizard list, he has a familiar, and he has a huge number of additional (non combat) spells per day. That's vastly more valuable than a single point of AC or another +1 for his little used morning-star. The new spell is Silence, to make life still more of a living hell for hostile magic users.
Another great level for spells. Firebolt scales up for the last time and Ohmi gets his 5th level spells. Legend Lore and Wall of Force make solid additions from the Study list and the new spell from the standard progression is Bigby's Hand for the last real increase to single target damage (as well as a fair amount of utility).
Improved Spell Disruption gives Ohmi the last of his incremental improvements against casters. The spell at this level is Telekinesis. Solar Flare improves for the last time.
The last ASI is used as a +2 to dex for 21 AC and some minor improvements to the morningstar. The spell at this level is Illusory Script.
Radiating Burst is incredible. If I understand it correctly, he could use it to cast Scorching Ray through a 2nd level slot with all the rays targeted at a single creature, it would count as though cast through a 5th level slot which would interact with Forceful magic to count as a 6th level slot, and he could direct up to five such blasts at different enemies in range? I really don't know if there are any spells I want for Ohmi anymore. Feather fall?

Final Reflections:The Study of Sun Mystic Warrior is the first proper half-caster character I've ever encountered which can be made to function almost entirely as a standard caster. His options promote a generalistic combat style that can be supported with feats and racial abilities to create a supporting caster with utterly unique options when faced with hostile magic users. Most of his early game features are about providing a wide range of flexibility in combat while his later features are tailored to the improvement of low levels spells that would likely be overlooked by other late game casters. His spell list perfectly compliments the design concepts in his archetype summary. It's a thoroughly unique kind of character and I think I would tremendously enjoy playing one.

I do think it's important that you consider cantrips in the class design however. Many players are going to wind up with cantrip options even if the characters aren't built around them simply because High Elf provides one of the two best stat spreads for a Mystic Warrior. Between them and Variant Humans with either Spell Sniper or Magic Initiate it's not unreasonable to expect a sizable proportion of Mystic Warriors to start with access to some kind of damaging cantrip.

Edit: I just realized you already answered most of my questions about how cantrips interacted with fast casting in your clarification tab. Totally didn't see that until now. Feel free to ignore those sections. Also holy crap there were so many typos in my original post. Those are now (probably only mostly) fixed.

Oh wow. Thank you so much. First and foremost your point about cantrips is well taken. This something I'd completely overlooked and will require me give everything a second pass (even the idea of them not having cantrips). Currently the class designed assuming they don't have them and since keeping them out of the class progression doesn't keep them away from a class, I've got a lot to reconsider. I cannot believe I missed something this basic, even if it doesn't wind up turning out the be a huge deal.

Considering your reflections:

1st Level: I see what you mean about Aura Sense. I really want to keep the fluff of it, so I'll likely trim the range to 5ft. Which more/less means the magic is already on top of you, and hopefully the number of situations it gives you more info is somewhat limited.

2nd Level: You can prepare a number of spells as you have spells per day on the chart, much like other casters. I'll clarify this. Aether ray deals untyped damage strictly for fluff reasons. I figured it was close to functionally identical to force because like, does anything resist force damage?

3rd Level: This is good to note: You don't get study spells for free, they're simply added to your class list. You can pick them with your normal progression, but you don't get a free engrave. I'll clarify this text.

6th Level: Fast magic is intended to let you cast a single spell in place of one of your attacks - and only one spell, and then get a use of the feature again by spending an extra spell slot. Basically you can use it 1/short rest without giving up more resources or burn through your spells at 2x the normal rate to use it constantly. This all needs clarification in light of the fact cantrips are going to be "a thing" for mystics no matter what.

10th Level: The fluff does need clarification:

I really like Spell Disruption. It's utilitarian but useful, though I'm a little unsure how all the spell resistance stuff works with the class fluff. What about being a warrior/philosophical astronomer makes a character less susceptible to earthly magics?

This ties in with Aura Sense, Aether Ray and the idea that the studies of the celestial objects are used to study where the magic meets the mundane. You're less suspectiple to magic (and able to tear them apart) because you can see where the bind to earthly objects - including you.

15th: I'm glad you like the up-casting feature. This came about because damage spells demand new slots to be relevant and those are so hard to come by as a half-caster. It was meant as a patch for that and it's good to see impression are positive.

20th: Radiating burst. Ahh the mighty "Single Target" and "Scorching Ray" clause. This is a per-gm table sort of thing. If your GM lets you twin Scorching Rays you can radiant burst them. If they don't, you can't. I generally tend to be somewhat in the camp that says "No" on Scorching Ray being single target, but I wouldn't bake that preference into the class.

In any case if ruled that way, yes it would provide a 6th level scorching ray on up to 5 targets. It's powerful for sure but, like it's 20th level not like it's wish or anything.

2015-05-14, 09:56 PM
Oh wow. Thank you so much. First and foremost your point about cantrips is well taken. This something I'd completely overlooked and will require me give everything a second pass (even the idea of them not having cantrips). Currently the class designed assuming they don't have them and since keeping them out of the class progression doesn't keep them away from a class, I've got a lot to reconsider. I cannot believe I missed something this basic, even if it doesn't wind up turning out the be a huge deal.

It's astonishingly easy to get sucked into that kind of assumption when you're doing class design. Honestly the reason I decided to do the high elf Sun Scholar rather than a mounted halfling Star Scholar was that when I did a search for the word cantrip on the thread the only references I could find were certain cantrips weren't options. It's why doing builds is so powerfully helpful at this kind of late stage. Otherwise you almost automatically start considering the class in a vacuum.

As I see it the problem with cantrips and Mystic Warrior as written isn't that they do much to break the class. The high elf Sun Scholar sort of subverts the class's design intent by largely avoiding melee but it isn't particularly broken. The problem is that High Elf is far and away the best racial choice for a Mystic Warrior, which doesn't seem to have been the original intention. It has the perfect stats AND the perfect racial ability.

1st Level: I see what you mean about Aura Sense. I really want to keep the fluff of it, so I'll likely trim the range to 5ft. Which more/less means the magic is already on top of you, and hopefully the number of situations it gives you more info is somewhat limited.

I love it as an ability, but it was maybe a little too powerful at a ten foot radius. The reduction should solve what little problem there was.

2nd Level: You can prepare a number of spells as you have spells per day on the chart, much like other casters. I'll clarify this. Aether ray deals untyped damage strictly for fluff reasons. I figured it was close to functionally identical to force because like, does anything resist force damage?

I don't think so? I dunno, it just seemed simpler to call it force damage. If you prefer untyped by all means keep it. It was pretty much just a quibble.

3rd Level: This is good to note: You don't get study spells for free, they're simply added to your class list. You can pick them with your normal progression, but you don't get a free engrave. I'll clarify this text.

That explains SO much! It seemed like I had an awful lot of spells at certain points. That makes way more sense than what I was doing. Honestly it probably wouldn't even have changed the build that much because there were definitely levels where I was just grabbing any spell that looked halfway useful because I couldn't think what else to take. I do still think the generic list of fourth level spells could use an extra option or two though.

This ties in with Aura Sense, Aether Ray and the idea that the studies of the celestial objects are used to study where the magic meets the mundane. You're less suspectiple to magic (and able to tear them apart) because you can see where the bind to earthly objects - including you.

I really like this fluff.

15th: I'm glad you like the up-casting feature. This came about because damage spells demand new slots to be relevant and those are so hard to come by as a half-caster. It was meant as a patch for that and it's good to see impression are positive.

I really like the way it gives this weird little blasty half-caster an utterly unique advantage. You can't cast the big sweeping high level spells of a full caster but your little array of low level spells hits harder than anything they have in the same category.

20th: Radiating burst. Ahh the mighty "Single Target" and "Scorching Ray" clause. This is a per-gm table sort of thing. If your GM lets you twin Scorching Rays you can radiant burst them. If they don't, you can't. I generally tend to be somewhat in the camp that says "No" on Scorching Ray being single target, but I wouldn't bake that preference into the class.

In any case if ruled that way, yes it would provide a 6th level scorching ray on up to 5 targets. It's powerful for sure but, like it's 20th level not like it's wish or anything.

The scorching ray case was really just an attempt to find the most powerful option I could conceivably think of on Ohmi's list. It's a nice capstone and I think you should keep it as is. I wouldn't be surprised if after testing it turned out to be a just a little on the weak side with the long rest recharge. It's not like I've ever played a 20th level character though, so what do I know.

2015-05-19, 08:48 AM
It's astonishingly easy to get sucked into that kind of assumption when you're doing class design. Honestly the reason I decided to do the high elf Sun Scholar rather than a mounted halfling Star Scholar was that when I did a search for the word cantrip on the thread the only references I could find were certain cantrips weren't options. It's why doing builds is so powerfully helpful at this kind of late stage. Otherwise you almost automatically start considering the class in a vacuum.

As I see it the problem with cantrips and Mystic Warrior as written isn't that they do much to break the class. The high elf Sun Scholar sort of subverts the class's design intent by largely avoiding melee but it isn't particularly broken. The problem is that High Elf is far and away the best racial choice for a Mystic Warrior, which doesn't seem to have been the original intention. It has the perfect stats AND the perfect racial ability.

Well, after looking at it a bit I don't think there is anything wrong with the idea of a "Ranged" mystic, in fact I rather like it. I was so fixated on swords & spells I kind of ignored a valid archetype. I actually dropped Two-Handed Weapon style from the class in favor of archery.

At any rate since cantrips are in, I don't see any reason to not enable them every round from a broad design standpoint. The only fear is is that Attack + Scaling cantrip could compete too much with other classes for damage given how fast magic doesn't consume the bonus action. However that's a knob I can turn by trimming the classes cantrip selection as Fast Magic now includes language that only allows it to be used with Cantrips from the class list. If the strongest cantrips are too much I can move them off the list. Worst case scenario is just giving the class a list of custom, low-powered cantrips.

I also introduced a Cantrip at 1st level. It's a bit of departure from some of the rest of the general 5e designs but It's not a huge overall power difference and gives you that magic from the get-go, which is something I liked about your build.

EDIT: I also agree the 4th-level list neeeds to be expanded, so that and clarifying study spells are up next.

2015-05-19, 01:43 PM
I think Æther Shock is thoroughly suitable. I particularly support the choice to set the range at 30 feet because it reinforces the mid-range caster dynamic that I liked so much in that build. Have you considered doing a touch version? If you want to broaden options for ranged Mystic Warriors perhaps you might give them a choice between Æther Shock and a melee equivalent (Æther Flash or something)? Range touch, same damage progression, pushes the target back five feet on a hit? It lets an archer Mystic Warrior have the same thematic focus on a single weapon without being entirely screwed in a melee.

As far as additional 4th level spells go, Hallucinatory Terrain seems thoroughly in keeping with the spell list for other levels. Illusions are a regular feature and there's something about Hallucinatory Terrain in particular that strikes me as very in keeping with the fluff.