View Full Version : what is longest possible string of metamagics attached to a single spell?

With a box
2015-04-25, 05:11 PM
like quicken silent still widen fell drain explosive invisible empowerd maxsimized extanded persisted ocular delayed blast fireball.
but we can make something longer then that, aren't we?
is there a rule for how to sort metamagics in a single spell?

20th build.
you have a artifact that allow you to access any metamagic feats. (buy with normal cost)

2015-04-25, 05:14 PM
It really depends. What's your maximum level? If there's no maximum level, one could say "I'm level fifty thousand, I put every single metamagic feat there is on my most powerful Epic Spellcasting Spell".

2015-04-25, 05:15 PM
they stack the way you apply them.

also, extended fireball is not a thing.

energy sub(cold) energy sub(fire) alternating gajillion times on a single spell should work.

With a box
2015-04-25, 05:18 PM
they stack the way you apply them.

also, extended fireball is not a thing.

energy sub(cold) energy sub(fire) alternating gajillion times on a single spell should work.

SRD: You can’t apply the same metamagic feat more than once to a single spell.
and delayed blast fireball (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/delayedBlastFireball.htm) is a thing. and it can be extand, I think.

The Glyphstone
2015-04-25, 05:49 PM
Let's see...

Starting with a Wizard 9/Cleric 1/Incantatrix 10. Have the feats Arcane Thesis (Ray of Flame), Snowcasting, and an infinite supply of metamagic feats from your choice of TO bonus feat sources.

+0 metas, for arcane thesis.
Alternative Source (+0), Lord of the Uttercold (+0), Born of Three Thunders (+0), Energy Substitution (Sonic), City Spell (+0), Ghost Touch Spell (+0), Invisible Spell (+0), Sanctum Spell (+0)

+1 metas, reduced to 0 by arcane thesis.
Bend Spell, Blistering Spell, Clawed Spell, Coercive Spell, Corrupt Spell, Deafening Spell, Deceptive Spell, Energize Spell, Enlarge Spell, Fell Weaken Spell, Fiery Spell, Flash Frost Spell, Forceful Spell, Searing Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Transdimensional Spell.

+2 reduced to +1, further reduced by Arcane thesis to a null +0.
Empower Spell, Entangling Spell, Fell Drain, Fell Frighten, Split Ray.

+3 metas reduced to +2, reduced by thesis to +1.

Chain Spell, Fel Animate Spell, Guided Spell, Maximize Spell, Repeat Spell.

+4 metas, reduced to +3 by Incantatrix, reduced by thesis to +2:
Energy Admixture (Fire), Energy Admixture (Sonic), Quicken Spell, Twin Spell

Fortify Spell, Heighten Spell,

So assuming you can somehow get access to all those metamagics, a Wizard 5+/Cleric 1/Incantatrix 10 can cast a (deep breath)....

Alternative Source Bent Blistering Born of Three Thunders Chained Clawed City Coercive Corrupt Deceptive Deafening Empowered Energy Admixtured (Fire) Energy Admixtured (Sonic) Energy Substituted (Fire) Energy Substituted (Sonic) Energized Enlarged Entangling Fel Animating Fel Draining Fel Frightening Fel Weakening Fiery Flash Frost Forceful Fortified (+1) Ghost Touch Guided Heightened (+1) Invisible Lord of the Uttercold Maximized Quickened Repeated Sanctum Searing Silent Split Still Transdimensional Twinned Ray of Flame as a 3rd-level spell.

I'm sure someone can squeeze in a few more with other prestige classes or feats or whatever. But this is the best I can do.

With a box
2015-04-25, 06:13 PM
So assuming you can somehow get access to all those metamagics, a Wizard 5+/Cleric 1/Incantatrix 10 can cast a (deep breath)....

Alternative Source Bent Blistering Born of Three Thunders Chained Clawed City Coercive Corrupt Deceptive Deafening Empowered Energy Admixtured (Fire) Energy Admixtured (Sonic) Energy Substituted (Fire) Energy Substituted (Sonic) Energized Enlarged Entangling Fel Animating Fel Draining Fel Frightening Fel Weakening Fiery Flash Frost Forceful Fortified (+1) Ghost Touch Guided Heightened (+1) Invisible Lord of the Uttercold Maximized Quickened Repeated Sanctum Searing Silent Split Still Transdimensional Twinned Ray of Flame as a 3rd-level spell.

I'm sure someone can squeeze in a few more with other prestige classes or feats or whatever. But this is the best I can do.

so... what that spell does?:smalltongue:

The Glyphstone
2015-04-25, 07:14 PM
You cast it as a swift action that requires no verbal or somatic components. It hits four initial targets on the Prime Material, Ethereal, or Shadow Planes, or inside an extradimensional space, within Close*1.5 range with a ranged touch attack, each of which can chain to CL/2 targets within 30ft. of the primary for half initial damage. It deals 15+5d6/2 electricity damage and 15+5d6/2 sonic damage plus 30+5d6+7 fire damage plus 1 cold damage plus 1 negative energy damage plus 1d6/5 caster levels force damage, all of which is multiplied by 50% against undead targets, half of which is divine damage, and half of the total becomes 'city' damage in an urban area. The fire damage ignores fire resistance and deals half of its total to fire immune targets. It is invisible, can be made to emerge from any point within your line of sight, ignores cover bonuses to AC and 9/10 of concealment, counts as a 2nd level spell, and gains a +2 bonus to beat Spell Resistance. It automatically deafens and entangles any target struck for one round, deals a non-cumulative -4 Strength penalty, makes the target Shaken for 1 minute, gives the target one negative level, and inflicts a -2 penalty to Will saves for 3 rounds. Anyone struck by the spell must roll a Fortitude Save vs. deafness, a Reflex save vs. being knocked prone, a Reflex save vs. being stunned and knocked prone, and if they are killed by the damage they reanimate as a zombie you control the next turn. In your sanctum, it is cast at +1CL, and at -1CL outside of your sanctum.

All of the above repeats itself once at the start of your next turn, and both iterations of the spell continue to damage/debuff their targets for 1/3 CL rounds after the initial hit.

It's also a 4th level spell, because I removed Ghost Touch. And you need 41 feat slots, so you're spending a hell of a lot of time inside an Otyugh Hole or something.

2015-04-25, 09:45 PM
Incantatrix. All of the metamagic.

2015-04-25, 09:57 PM
You cast it as a swift action that requires no verbal or somatic components. It hits four initial targets on the Prime Material, Ethereal, or Shadow Planes, or inside an extradimensional space, within Close*1.5 range with a ranged touch attack, each of which can chain to CL/2 targets within 30ft. of the primary for half initial damage. It deals 15+5d6/2 electricity damage and 15+5d6/2 sonic damage plus 30+5d6+7 fire damage plus 1 cold damage plus 1 negative energy damage plus 1d6/5 caster levels force damage, all of which is multiplied by 50% against undead targets, half of which is divine damage, and half of the total becomes 'city' damage in an urban area. The fire damage ignores fire resistance and deals half of its total to fire immune targets. It is invisible, can be made to emerge from any point within your line of sight, ignores cover bonuses to AC and 9/10 of concealment, counts as a 2nd level spell, and gains a +2 bonus to beat Spell Resistance. It automatically deafens and entangles any target struck for one round, deals a non-cumulative -4 Strength penalty, makes the target Shaken for 1 minute, gives the target one negative level, and inflicts a -2 penalty to Will saves for 3 rounds. Anyone struck by the spell must roll a Fortitude Save vs. deafness, a Reflex save vs. being knocked prone, a Reflex save vs. being stunned and knocked prone, and if they are killed by the damage they reanimate as a zombie you control the next turn. In your sanctum, it is cast at +1CL, and at -1CL outside of your sanctum.

All of the above repeats itself once at the start of your next turn, and both iterations of the spell continue to damage/debuff their targets for 1/3 CL rounds after the initial hit.

Goddamn. So Epic, but broken to hell in back. Not because its strong, but it would take forever at a table to resolve.

The Glyphstone
2015-04-25, 10:06 PM
Incantatrix. All of the metamagic.

Eh, applying more metamagics after the fact with Incantatrix defeats the purpose. Also, making that Spellcraft check to apply them with Metamagic Effect is going to get really hard really fast.

2015-04-25, 11:05 PM
Eh, applying more metamagics after the fact with Incantatrix defeats the purpose. Also, making that Spellcraft check to apply them with Metamagic Effect is going to get really hard really fast.

Sadism, Apocalypse from the Sky. Problem?

2015-04-26, 01:22 AM
With the right base class, prestige classes (2 or 3, depending on base class), and feat, all valid/applicable metamagics to any arcane spell you cast. Add two more feats to make you literally capable of casting any arcane spell.

2015-04-26, 07:52 AM
You cast it as a swift action that requires no verbal or somatic components. It hits four initial targets on the Prime Material, Ethereal, or Shadow Planes, or inside an extradimensional space, within Close*1.5 range with a ranged touch attack, each of which can chain to CL/2 targets within 30ft. of the primary for half initial damage. It deals 15+5d6/2 electricity damage and 15+5d6/2 sonic damage plus 30+5d6+7 fire damage plus 1 cold damage plus 1 negative energy damage plus 1d6/5 caster levels force damage, all of which is multiplied by 50% against undead targets, half of which is divine damage, and half of the total becomes 'city' damage in an urban area. The fire damage ignores fire resistance and deals half of its total to fire immune targets. It is invisible, can be made to emerge from any point within your line of sight, ignores cover bonuses to AC and 9/10 of concealment, counts as a 2nd level spell, and gains a +2 bonus to beat Spell Resistance. It automatically deafens and entangles any target struck for one round, deals a non-cumulative -4 Strength penalty, makes the target Shaken for 1 minute, gives the target one negative level, and inflicts a -2 penalty to Will saves for 3 rounds. Anyone struck by the spell must roll a Fortitude Save vs. deafness, a Reflex save vs. being knocked prone, a Reflex save vs. being stunned and knocked prone, and if they are killed by the damage they reanimate as a zombie you control the next turn. In your sanctum, it is cast at +1CL, and at -1CL outside of your sanctum.

All of the above repeats itself once at the start of your next turn, and both iterations of the spell continue to damage/debuff their targets for 1/3 CL rounds after the initial hit.

It's also a 4th level spell, because I removed Ghost Touch. And you need 41 feat slots, so you're spending a hell of a lot of time inside an Otyugh Hole or something.

Is it wrong that I got a little turned on by all that? :P

2015-04-26, 08:57 AM
Incantatrix. All of the metamagic.

that... (granted your dm allows insane spellcraft values)
spelldancers can do interresting things too...

basically the only limit is every metamagic feat being only applicable ONCE per spell cast.
i.e. you cant stack empower multiple times.

The Glyphstone
2015-04-26, 10:32 AM
Is it wrong that I got a little turned on by all that? :P

A little, yes.

And the total cap on metamagics for an ongoing spell is practically infinite - but as far as an instantaneous spell, I think my little monstrosity there is (almost) the best one can accomplish for metamagics applied in a single lump sum. There's stuff I didn't include, like Easy Metamagic/Practical Metamagic, Metamagic Rods, a few extremely obscure feats like Relicguard Spell...

2015-04-26, 05:50 PM
The only limit is finding a spell to which all of the metamagics can apply (possibly involving some metamagics opening up qualification for others), and the number of metamagic feats in existence. Once you've got your list of metamagics, all you need to do is cast Genesis to create a plane with the Enhanced Magic trait for every single one of them. Then, go to that plane, and add all of them without increasing the level. You don't even need to have the feats themselves, nor any prestige classes or other tricks to fit them in.

2015-04-26, 06:41 PM
The only limit is finding a spell to which all of the metamagics can apply (possibly involving some metamagics opening up qualification for others), and the number of metamagic feats in existence. Once you've got your list of metamagics, all you need to do is cast Genesis to create a plane with the Enhanced Magic trait for every single one of them. Then, go to that plane, and add all of them without increasing the level. You don't even need to have the feats themselves, nor any prestige classes or other tricks to fit them in.

Isn't genesis either an Epic spell or a 9th level power?

With a box
2015-04-26, 06:54 PM
Isn't genesis either an Epic spell or a 9th level power?
Nope, http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/genesis.htm
It's wiz 9th spell

2015-04-26, 07:05 PM
Nope, http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/genesis.htm
It's wiz 9th spell

I see. The week-long casting time without the help of (Shadow) magic is a turn-off, though.

2015-04-26, 07:21 PM
Eh, you only need to cast it once, and then you have your custom super-plane forever. A week spent casting is a small price to pay for that.

2015-04-26, 07:23 PM
I see. The week-long casting time without the help of (Shadow) magic is a turn-off, though.

Meh. It's still incredibly powerful, even moreso with the proper interpretation.

With a box
2015-05-03, 06:01 AM
for a week(8hour per day) of casting time, should I have to prepare it every day? or just have to prepare it first day?

2015-05-03, 02:09 PM
You prepare it the first day. Assuming it uses the same rules as Legend Lore for long-period casting times (I'm not aware if there's any general rules for such spells), until it's done casting you're forbidden from doing anything that's not "routine," with the examples of eating and sleeping. That may mean you're actually disallowed from preparing spells for that week, rather than having to prepare it every day.

2015-05-03, 09:34 PM
I don't think you're allowed to cast other spells during that time, either, so there would be very little benefit to preparing spells, anyway.

2015-05-30, 12:28 AM
Is rapid casting applicable to genesis? The highest increment is "multiple hours" and if soley RAW a day, (or in this case week) is technically a multitude of hours.

2015-05-30, 12:34 AM
Is rapid casting applicable to genesis? The highest increment is "multiple hours" and if soley RAW a day, (or in this case week) is technically a multitude of hours.

cast it as a SLA and you can do it as a standard.

2015-05-30, 12:59 AM
cast it as a SLA and you can do it as a standard.

...!? There's a genesis SLA!? WHY!?

2015-05-30, 01:08 AM
...!? There's a genesis SLA!? WHY!?

More like how.

2015-05-30, 01:18 AM
Fair enough, but I would still like to know why a spell like that was deemed "spell like" in week enough terms to put it up for grabs like that. Along with how it was made into the ability

2015-05-30, 01:19 AM
More like how.
Oh, that's straightforward. Wizard-5/Red Wizard-5/Full advancement PrC combo #389762-10
Use Circle Magic to Heighten a spell to 18th level (or higher).
Take the Extra Slot feat, to give a 17th level spell slot.
Take the Innate Spell feat to make that into an at-will.

Note that there's multiple versions of the Innate Spell feat, one of which just burns up the feat and one slot of the exact same level as the spell (in which case, no specific build or tricks are needed).

It's also doable via the DMG Archmage for the cost of a 9th and 5th level slot, plus requirements and a 1-level dip.