View Full Version : No enchantment subschools in Book of Vile Darkness

2015-04-25, 05:54 PM
It seems that all enchantment spells in BoVD are described without subschools.

I wonder if they have no subschools indeed, or if the compulson/charm subschools were not yet created at the time of release ? If the latter is correct, do we have to guess or do we leave everything as it is?

2015-04-25, 05:59 PM
I know at least some of the BoVD spells were updated in spell compendium, so maybe check in there to see what changes were made?

2015-04-25, 06:14 PM
The 3.0 PH lists the Bless spell as Enchantment (Compulsion). So, yes enchantment spells definitely had compulsion as a subschool. It also lists Command Plants as an Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting].