View Full Version : Warlock + rogue?

2015-04-25, 08:40 PM
I wanted to do a sneaky charecter but deviate from the normal a bit. So i decided to do warlock as he has nifty at wills and also the delicious use of taking ten on UMD at fourth level. The problem i am coming with is what feats do you use for this? I am not going to invest in eldrich blast much so the handbooks on that side do not do much and also not investing to heavily on combat styles for rogue. Any tips you guys have?

2015-04-25, 09:26 PM
Ask your DM if you can use Warlock invocations to qualify for Unseen Seer and/or Arcane Trickster. If that's off the table, a straight Warlock/Rogue multiclass is not likely to be viable. You could do a Warlock with a single level of Rogue (probably at 1st level) with Able Learner, to help you out with skills. Or you could do a Rogue with one or two levels of Warlock to get a couple least invocations for some nice extra utility. But a more balanced build would be difficult, because after the first couple levels of Warlock, it's just not worth it to leave the class, because you start missing out on lesser and greater invocations and that's just so miserable.

If you're just in it for the skill points and you don't need the sneak attack, you could go Warlock into Urban Savant, which works pretty well.

2015-04-25, 11:40 PM
The Darkstalker Feat + Darkness/Devilsight invocations + Blend Into Shadows Feat = low level hide in plain sight. Becomes mostly worthless at higher levels, but below 10 it works great. Do note that this can screw with your own team so make sure to work out a plan before fights.

As for the build, i have seen recommended Rogue 1/Warlock 4/Assassin 1/Unseen Seer 10(Keyed to Warlock)/Anything that advances caster level and possibly SA dice. You end up 2 levels behind for Eb and Invocations, but you have reasonable damage on your primary attack choice and lots of sneak options.

2015-04-26, 10:23 AM
As the other posters mentioned, there are ways to mix Rogue and Warlock.

That said, I'm not sure you need to. If you just want a sneaky, skilled Warlock, there are ways to do that without touching Rogue. Remember, Rogue doesn't really have many skill-focused abilities, and basically no unique ones: it's primarily a class about Sneak Attack. If you're not interested in Sneak Attack, you probably don't need Rogue in your build.

If you're not interested in Eldritch Blast or Sneak Attack, though, then you might want to put some thought into what you're going to do in combat. Combat takes up a lot of time in-session, even if it's pretty quick in-world. You'll want to have some useful combat tricks to avoid getting bored. Even if you don't want to deal lots of damage with Eldritch Blast, you can still focus on debuffing with it, that might be more up your alley.

2015-04-26, 10:47 AM
Warlock scout is also a thing. Using eldritch chain invocation in conjuction with skirmish damage makes for super man.

2015-04-26, 11:10 AM
Instead of taking level in rogue or Darkstalker feat, take 2 levels of Chameleon - Stealth Focus will make you a very competent non-sneak Attack rogue. And that floating feat is incredible on Warlock.

2015-04-26, 12:15 PM
Obtain Familiar is a must, because familiar for rogue is awesome (http://www.cayzle.com/screeds/book010.html)

Empower Spell-Like Ability, Quicken Spell-Like Ability

Darkness invocation allow you to take:
Intensify Darkness - instead normal darkness, you will make Deeper Darkness
Instinctive Darkness - use Darkness as immediate action
Fade Into Darkness - +5 competence bonus on Hide (10 min./CL)

If you will use The Dead Walk invocation, then think about the Corpsecrafter line, and Graveborn Expert/Graveborn Warrior (Dr#312)