View Full Version : Life-Shaping

2015-04-26, 04:36 PM
Oh how broken this skill is, not quite Lucid Dreaming but still. A meager DC 25 to create life cheaper and more customizable than constructs, have to be level 12(or otherwise get 15 ranks in two skills), but still.

Anyway, first a question then a solution to a problem no one else had. I see Pith mentioned as a material which can be used for life shaping but no mention of it outside the craft snippet apart from a loot entry in the back of the book. What is it? How can you make it? Where does it come from?

A while back I had a dream about an arcane engine (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?372123-Arcane-Engine-A-Weird-Dream) made of trees twisted about crystals gathering energy in the core and pulsing it outward to empower people. Loe and behold Lifeshaping! Where the creatures are considered items and unlike the suggested constructs, would actually be living things that I can customize.

So, we start with 6 trees let's make them medium for ease of calculation and focus on only one at a time since they will be the same.
DC 15: Body: Medium: 1d8 HD: 120g
DC 20: Locomotion: None: 0g
DC 25: Manipulators: Two Special-Use Grippler(Branches Spellblade:Mental Pinnacle and Hidden Talent): 2322g
DC 15: Natural Armor: Tough Hide +4 AC, +25% weight: 29g
DC 25: Sensory: Basic Audio, Visual, Tactile: 12g
DC 25x7: Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 15: 7350g
Accessories: Self Healing Unit 1d8 given 1hr, Fortified Skeleton DR 3/-: 1049g
Set Bonuses: 2/6: Crystals grow from the tree shedding light 5ft radius shadowy, 4/6: Eldritch Blast Device 1d6 at will, 6/6: Wondrous Architecture 5ft sq Rune Circle Device Battery and Bio Alternator(11 charges regen 1/1d4 rounds)
Total: 10882g
Tree Set Bonuses: 2/6: WARCD of Use Activated Healing Bomb: 10mi radius 2d4, 4/6: WARCD Use Activated Hidden Talent(2 days), 6/6: WARCD Use Activated Mental Pinnacle(2 days)

2015-04-27, 05:37 AM
Dark sun for 3.5 skill you are referring to?

There are some gems hidden around obscure but legal sources(may be debated)

2015-04-27, 11:28 AM
Yes, the Craft(Life-Shaped) skill from Dark Sun 3.5. If you get 15 ranks in it and Knowledge(Life-Shaped) you can take a feat to create life that costs a small amount of ceramic pieces(gold equivalent).